
■ ^ ATcrage Daily Net Preaa itun For tHo'Wc^ Ended I The Weather r- Febravjr 10, IMS ForeoMt of D. 8. Wautber Mnna« Fair, continued cold tonlflit. 13,545 U m 8 to 10. Partly eleody, tttUe Moniber *f the Audit tomperatnr* change Tueadajy. Iflgh Bummi of CSrenlutioa Manchester-—A City of Village Charni 27 to 32.

VOL. LXXXI, NO. 112 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12,' 1962 (Claesitled Adverttalna on Pace 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS T Reds Join Socialists State News Roundup iect Red Call $23,000 Damage As Fire Levels > For New Riots Norwich Diner For Heads of State By DAVID M. HA80N ^shoulder” and other leftjsr or­ NORWICH (AP) — Eire PARIS (AP)—Thirty thou­ ganizations bached thp^^emon- swept through the Norwich stratlon call. Diner on West Thames ■ St. sand police and riot forces The govemmeht.a{ernly recalled stood by in the Paris region that all streetdemonstratlons are ! shortly after midnight this' Federal Agents today as worried government banned undwrlhe state of uigency | morning, totally destroying it.! Urges Big*3 officials girded for possible in effect hrrrance since last April’s | Closed on Suntlays, the build-1 Make Largest street clashes and other vio­ abortiye Algiers uprising. Interior | ing was not wcupied. i MlpWter Roger Frey wanied'ln a ' Men and seven trucks from three' lence. ' tionwide radio-TV speech th a t; Bar Failure Security forces were cone unless the demonstration organiz-' volunteer companies fought to save j Gems Recovery trated to counter a iMinned era back down, the forces of order the building. The fire’s-head start onstration scheduled for af­ "will do their duty and prevent the ' in an added-on rear section of ' the FORT LAUDERDALE, At Geneva ternoon on the vast de la demonstration." structure and frozen hydrants foil­ Fla. (AP)—Federal agents Republlque In easterjKT’aris. The “It la certain that shock groups! French Socialist patty called for ed them. Yhe loss is estimated by announced the recovery today have the Intention of provoking the owner at $23,000. i WASHINGTON (AP) — a “peaceful but^nergetic” dem­ grave Incidents,” Frey said. of $1,750,000 in gems stolen The West appeared today to onstration agdinst the right-wing Premier Michel Debre made an A passerby noticed and reported-- from a Pompano Beach jewel­ Secret Army Organization and unusual visit to the Interior Min-| the flames shortly before 1:4B a.m. ry store and called it one of be preparing to turn do’wn So-, agalnsp^^llce repression of dem­ Istry today to confer with law en­ Firemen were on the scene minutes the largest gem theft recover­ viet Premier Khrushcjiev’s onstrationsIIIISJ last Thursday which forcement chiefs and to express later. East Great Plains Volunteer- proposal for an asseinibly of eight dead and hundreds In- the government’s confidence in Fire Co.’s deputy chief Frank ies in the history of the coun­ heatjs of government in / l u'jured. r e their ability to maintain order. Buckley said it was an hour and a try. The French . Communist party “A state does not exist at ail half before his men could coax Wesle.v. G. Grapp, chief of the Geneva next month. quickly summoned its militants to water from the frozen hydrants., FBI office In Miami, .said the re­ In another development in tha Join the Socialists “Shoulder to (Continued on Page Tivo) Norwich’s temperature at 7:30 a.m.| covery represented the bulk of the current high-level exchangM over was four degrees below zero, , gems stolen Saturday in a day­ disarmament, it was diacloeed The business is owned by A. A. : light holdup. Total loss in tlie rob­ that Prealdent Kenneiiy and Brit­ Nenna of New London and his bery was not established. ish Prime Minister Harold Mac­ uncle, Joseph Nenna of Norwich. | Grapp said the gems were found millan told Khruahehev last week The former said losses were cov-^ when agents searched a rental au­ that disarmament efforta "must Rockefeller Denies ered by Insurance I tomobile used by one of the rob- not be allow’ed to drift into fail­ ure." Authorities said a defective oil berr. burner was believed to have cau.sed Also found In the car. Grapp "Accordingly, ws propose that the fire. i said, wiye five loaded revolvers, we three accept a persona) nsspon- ’ three walkie-talkies, five sets of aiblllty for diluting the part to be ^Swinging to Right played by our representatives in handcuffs and ammunition for the t FW‘ Official Upset pistols. the forthcoming talks, and that HARTFORD (AP) — The Red­ Police held three men and two we agree beforwand that our rep- NBW YORK (API — -n,' identified as Paul Waller Panezko. ' The kennedy-Macmltlan propo­ progrash Sunday night if he was sons subscribing to private plans N.Y., attorney, said yesterday' 38, Chicago; Richard Willard Kay, sition was Included in a meaaaga becoming more conservative in his be given an option of receiving there is ’’something radically 38. Three Oaks. Mich.; and Edward of last Thursday suggesting that politics. cash for their Social Security pay­ wrong’’ with a board that would | H. Cook. 36. Oaklawn. 111. there be a foreign ministers meet­ “Not in the slightest,” he ments. permit the editorial in question to The women, held on $25,000 Tltis is the residence, .of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Milne in Monterey Park, CaUf., where mud Mnashetd down ing preliminary to and in connec­ snapped.. He said the President has done be written. ' j bond each, were booked as ac­ from a hillaide yesterday and- Into the bedroom of their 9-year-old son. Dennis, at center of picture. tion wrUh the 18-nation dlsarma- He appeared on AmericanDroad- .“virtually nothing’'* to implement He .was referring to an editorial | cessories. They were identified as I The boy was killed as he slept. Dennis w«u« one of two children killed in .similar tragedles-yester- rnent conference which Is to begin casting Oo. “Issues and Answers.” his campaign promise to strike by high school student V irginia; Betty Jean Moody, 31, RIverdale, day, the result of heavy rains which have been pounding Southern Callfomn. Monterey Park is a in Geneva March 14. The While Olsen in a school netvspaper. In it ! Md.; and Mar>- Blanton, 33, Miami! IjOS Angeles suburb. (AF’=’Photofaxi. . ' House made the text of the note Earlier, he had conceded that down discrimination in housing. Beach, Fla. * Vi------. he might have been passed over He said it is "too early" to Miss Olsen wrote, "To be a patri­ public today.' as the OOP’s 1960 presidential otic American in the latter half It was In response to this note speculate on who would bd" tire store Saturday! flashed revolvers nominee because he was “too lib­ 1964 Republican presidential can­ of the 20th Century is to be a [How Much Did He Tell Reds? that Khruahehev suggested In a blindly stupid human being." and pushed the manager. Joseph .______;______letter delivered Sunday morning eral." „ ” didate. Rockefeller said he agreed Taranove and an employe, Jessie Rain Continues Rockefeller said his criticism of with Arizona’! Sen. Barry . Gold- - The schcwl board went, along Edwards, into a back room. A | that there be a meeting of he<^s the Kennedy administration’s plan with the ' school administration of government rather than a for­ water on fonia things and dis­ fifth man apparently waited out- eign mlnlatera meeting. for a department of urban affairs agreed on othars. policy of letting the students have aide in a car. • For Sixth Day reflected unhappiness with the . The gnvemor said George Rom- a free rein to express their views. The robbers packed the loot In a ; Gary Powers Faces This brought an immediate round form of the proposal rather than of consultations among the West­ ney’a ab^unqemlent as a Repub- In his fAik to the midwinter suitcase. ern Allies. , with the ooooept. He said the pro­ llcau ‘fwii illlrtOlkl candldti«r:in conference of the Connecticut Witnesses said the men drove ■ In Los Angeles posal rejected by the House Rules Michigan w iu“ wonderfiil’* because VPW here, Lombardo said of Miss south, parked their .car, and jump-1 The direction of the thinking 0>mmittee bypassed the states Ol.sen that it upset him to see a ed Into two outboard boata. The ■ LOS ANGEf.E.S (AP) —SouOiern apparently was reflected In re­ it added a hew face In GOP af­ Detailed CIA Quiz marks by RrUlah Ambassador when it should have “worked fairs. young girl who could be so "blind | boat.s were 'oiind later. I California’s afxlh day of salura- through and with the states." .. . stupid. .. Ill-advised... and un­ Police Oiief James Boggs of, tlon stalled spectacularly today David Onnsby Gore to newsmen Noting that President Kennedy educated." Pompano Beach would not give' as cloudbursts opened up on porta | stter a forenoon conference with has announced plans to name Ne­ details of the arrest, or how the WASHINGTON (AP) Ameriran^WHR believed to he up a the I>os Angeles aren. creating Secretary of State Dean Rusk at gro Robert C. Weaver as first women were linked to the crime, j U2 spv pilot Krancia Oarv Powers board of Inquiry to-look fuily Into! I«>'<’1’ was seven feet deep. of the Cuban invasion, but made I Eisenhower, who is 71. was, the balance of brainpower may ! bridge Into American hand., Sntur- CuUed from AP Wires In Kiev on espionage: charges. i clear it was "the failure, not the represented as pressing party “tip dangerously against us” if this day In a Iwo-for-onc trade for , mont Ave. between B8th and I policy" that he opposed; He said | members to work for the nomlna- I country falls to place heavier em- Soviet spy Rudolf I. Abel, Ponovan said; "I nave What 1 90,,, .st* m I4.S Angeles. It j that had he b e ^ president h e ! tlon of young candidates for gov-: phaSis on the importanre of educa- Official sources are not saying believe to he assurance that If the ^^as fiver the rooftops of automo-1 BUTCHERS FOR STRIKE would have gone ahead with the ; ernor and Senate and House seats.' tlon. Powers Is in military or govern-'.- better relations contemplated hy biles at si^me other points. BOSTON • (AP)—Five local Invasion but would have given j Some confidantes quoted him a s ! News Tidbits Ribicoff ■ cited fresh figures ment custody, but ever since he this exchange should develop, the luiions Involved bi oontraot ne­ American air and naval support. ' saying he wanted no ’’gray-haired : which, he said, showed declines In crossed a white line where Ctom.-.; Soviet—Union would contemplate HolW* gotiations with Flnt National He warned against believing old men" running on the GOP from the AP Wires air_ii phases _ u ______of______engineering1_____ 1______educationI______...... I., munist TT.-l East Germany ends . and . - , 1 estenrilneextending rl.mrlemeney .nee leto MMakinen. .ljleee-’ , “U major BireeiS m me rioliy Store* and Stop ft Shop Super­ that an exchange of Soviet and wood area were awasli ticket if it could be helped. except that of graduate work. West Berlin begins, a carefully The secrecy that shrouded Pow­ More than 20 deaths had been markets have rejMted contract American prisoners such as the This serve-the-youth movement He said he had confidence in,the contrived secrecy has rlonked his ers’ return was in sharp contrast attributed to the storm -one of offers and voted In favor of au­ Abel for Power.s, and Pryor swap apparently led the former Presi- Representatives from 20 na­ strength of arms, industry, com­ movements. to the liomecomtng of Pryor, the the heaviest In the area's history' thorizing a strike. But Federal represented a thaw in the cold tions, meeting in Rome, began merce and labor in this country. All the W'hltc House would saj’ third principal In the trade. :— before today’s violent down­ Mediator John J. SatlH'aii, chair­ war. He aaid the Kremlin habitu- (Continued on Page Five) working-out practical details of a "But I am worried about neglect­ in a brief announcement Sunday Tile 28-year-old student arrived ^ pours. man of a mediation panel, re­ $100 millidn plan to feed some .of ing the most crucial source of wa.s that Powers was home again - I ports negotiations looking the world's hungr}' with siin>hn strength In our nation—the strength and that he had been' rcunitcfl \rtth (ContlnuMl on Page Three) 1 ((’ontlmird on Pogs Three) toward a settlement of dUfer- food.'. .Directors of American 'Mo­ of oUr education system.” Ribicoff members of his family. enecs wtit be resumed by mld- tors 0>rp. give George Romney said in a speech prepared for de­ In a far-flung game of hide-and- iveek between spokesmen for the leave of absence to seek nomina­ livery at Fairfield University. seek dogged newsmen tried to stores and representative of the Glenn’s Orbit Flight tion a.1 Republican candidate for He said America’s aUveisarics in find out for themselves where Amalgamated Meat Cutters and goy emor of Michigan and give his the struggle for power realize that Powers and his wife. Barbara, Butchers Union. Under the votee post sji chairman to Richard E. the, key to their power and strength I were holding their reunion, Vari- Bar Cheap Propaganda, taken hy union locals, no strike Cross and his Job as president to 11^ in the education and training oua leads pointed to 'Maryland’s date has been set. The union aor No Space Joy Ride Roy Abernathy. of their youth. . EasteijiShore, bgt the exact meet- Hons merely a^iproved sanction­ Blazing gunbattle in Winfield. "But we haveTiot realized it,” he Ing place ediild not be pinned down, ing of a strike should snch ac­ Tenn.. between five sheriff’s depu­ said, ’’and unless we do ao and em-1 The White House declined to sa.v Freed American Urges tion be deemed necessary. ^ ties and two hill country- farmers bark on a .massive effort to puli what family memViers Powers saw By HOWARD BENEDICT '‘•weight. He Is to report his im­ leave two deputies’ dead and an­ ourselves up by our olvn education bill presumably he met also with ROUGH 8EA OFF CANAVERAL CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) pressions by radio to the Mercury other wounded... Indo.-'esian .sol­ bootstraps, the balance of brafn- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. A.\N ARBOR, Mich (AP)—*cd W'llh now.-uiien: ’’Please no Powers, of Norton. Va. "There Is an opportimlt.v to make I morn than five minutes,' CAPE CANAVERAL, FU. —John H. Glenn J r ’s orbital flight control center at Cape Canaveral. diers serateh off antl-Aiiierican (AP)—The worst sea conditions will be no Joy ride. He will be a On the receiving end, and able to alogans in Jakarta before arrival ((,'oiitinued On Page Eleven), The Central InteHlgcnce Agency a lot of cheap propaganda slam­ He cxplainofl Frodertr hadn’t ming East Germany—don’t do it slept since hLs release and had ol the winter In the central At­ busy man as his spacecraft zips talk to Glenn, will be fellow astro­ of U.S. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kcn- lantic today caat doiibl on wheth­ around the globe at five milea a naut Shepard. _ * ned.v... Government’s excess hoard In mycase," said Frederic L. Pry­ sal up after his arrival in .New or. 28. Sunday on his return home er astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. second. Once in orbit at 17.500 mites of strategic m aterial will have to York early Sunday talking with will make his .scheduled orbital Tlie finely tuned pllqt will have an hour. Glenn will look at the be sold slowly—perhaps over 10 after his release«from a Soviet rclallve.s and frlend.-i. Great-Granddaughter Sounds prison. flight on B’ednesday. But Na­ a number of tasks to perform as earth 100 to 150 miles below years—to avoid a stunning stinrk I3ic Michigamlcr said he did not tional Aeronautics and Space he seeks an answer to the ques­ through a large window or to economy, senators say. "After tomorrow, forget me,” know of Uie Powers-Abel trade he .said. Administration offtrials made no tion: How well can man jierform in Hundreds In Uma. Peru, come until after his own release. i change In the date In hopes that space, especially during prolonged (Continued on Page Eleven) Off on Ancestor— AI>e Lincoln Hla graying mother, Mrs. Mil- Pryor W'as a graduate student I forward to make "decisions for larrl H. Pryor, beamed, "This ia the condMIcins might clear by weightlessness. Pof Glenn this will Christ" after Billy Graham at the Free University in We.st j launching time. be all but about 20 minutes of the what I have be»-n w;altlng for." She Berlin when he was detained by j preoebes .to 15,000 In bull rin g ... By ARTHUR RISTAU '^Robert Lincoln first visited This had been waiting "five’ and a half intended 4-hour, 50-mInute ride. Comedian Ernie Kovacs named the Communists. He had gone into | MANCHEISTER. Vt. (AP)—The southwestern Vermont town with ICast Bcrllh, he said, to listen to [ FLOODS IN 8 STATES Man's ability to function in a Glenn Gets Set posthumously aa best television di­ ml.stre.ss of “Hildene” planned his mother. Mary Todd Lincoln, , nearby Willow CHICAGO (AP) — Floods weightless state is one of the ma­ rector of 1061 for a show- w-hlch a .speech by Communist leader ■ “nothing Apeclal’' today as mil­ while he v,y>a a lf*rvard under- , Airport wlUi a New York- Waller Ulbncht. ravaged wide areas of Idaho, jor enigmas of space flight which had no .dialogue. grnduate. , , Detroit airliner a backdrop. 1 li’.vonitng and Utah today, rout­ Project Mercury launchings aim to For Trial Run lions of other Americans remem­ Prj'or had taken w iUi him a ; Secretary of Labor Arthur J. : bered life 153rd annlversarj' of the IJer coum.a, Lincoln Islfam. 68. , than 48 hours earlier Fred- copy of a doctoral thesis he was I ing hundreds from their homes, solve. Goldberg says 'stoekplling has be- | birth of her great-grandfatlier. hves in nearby Dorset where he released hy drnu'ning livestock and ripping When Soviet -cosmonaut Gher­ By HUGH A. MULUO.AX gun among steel users in anticipa­ works on h la collection of Lincoln- tfJa 1 writing oil East European (Torn- j highs ays. Gov, Robert E. Smylle man ‘ntov made 17 circuits of the Mary Linco^ Beckwith. 63, says German crfmmunlsls who had ' munist trade. It contiiincd facts CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) tion of a strike later this year... she is proud to be a member of been do- ' hini up as an espionage siis-, res gathered from many j of Idaho declared a state 'of globe In the spaceship Vostok II — Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. Sotheby's auction house of I»ndon emergency In six southern coun­ last August, he suffered vertigo the distinguished Lincoln family pect in Ea.st Beilin last .Aug. , 25. i " but Pryor Insisted none ' climbs into his space suit today will send repre.sentatlves to Spain but think.s its illogical to “plan ti

'• /.• ■ '5 ;' ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONI^« MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1992 PAGE TWO MANCHESmBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12r^962 PAGE THREE available afford only a slanting view of the performance. The same Bolton situation may hold true in many of Rain ;^iitinues Hotv Much Did He TeU Reds? the l]aIcony seats, and there are Sheinwold on State Netvs even seats where the view is ob­ School Board For Sixth Day structed by pillars. Check your NORMAN’S ‘ T H f i W y seat locations in this house, be^ Sooth — Roundup fore you. pay for them! INB'nNCnVE FLAY_ Gary Powers Faces On the lever with the boxes is Asks Parley l o s e s g a m e c o n t r a c t In Angeles 445 HARTFORD RD. I HEARD IT” By Alfred Sheinwold the piromenade where society and ((Joattaoed irm Ope) T tl. Ml 3-1524 cafe society are to be seen be- OnPBCRift Many birds InstlncUvely know $ K7 3 (Otmtinued from Page One) twee|i the acts. This level also has' how to build a nesti and the birds / - O A y 10 5 4 2 tenth of an inch or lees melted Detailed CIA Quiz „ by John Gruber the 6ar, and the restaurant. The who play bridge as your partner Nearly eight inches of rain had with light mow developing about restaurant Is unique, inasmuch as The board of education and'the instinctively lead the wrong Mrd We s t * ^ * U A S t fallen In Los Angeles since the Friday.- public building commission sre you cannot eat there without a to start a finesse. You can t- bea^ 4 Q 107432 (Bits ■torm atartel last Wednesday. (Conttnoed from Page One) ticket to the evening performance, scheduled to hold a joint meeting Mother Nature; / 5 0 J 10 t ^ 9 4 Two children ' died Sunday un­ PaeifiMtt to Wed to get you inside the doors. .A tonight at 8 at the school. Jcforc. * A K persona were presumed drowned. freely with reporters. He described scheme is red/And gold. From a portraits of opera stars of times the PBC, "to try to get a few AtBushnell South wins with ,tne king of ^ A 6 S-2 Earlier in the storm a boy legal picketing qf the White Houm himself as "just a bonus in the Quotatlona Furnished by the subject. To many people, the in order to see a dbetor. Met signifies the last word in gla­ practical vlp^^polnt there are five gone by. The food is expensive, things straightened out." Miss Taihmy Grimes plays "The apades and looks ^tentiy at the 0 9 3 drowned in a flood-control chan­ deal" and said he was "happy and robiirn Kllddlebrook, Inc. mor; many of you have been in­ balconles^4Sut they are so labeled and only good. And the last time L u t week the board of educa­ Unsinkable Molly Brown"- In the diamonds In dummy. Then he leads « A 7 « 3 2 nel and a woman was crushed to When the wais released Satur­ Bank Stocks tion voted unanimously to ask the Soofli WmI N ora iH t , grateful to be here.’’ side, many more have seen it that thS'^'fifth one is only design­ I ate. there, the wine list was very rollicking musical comedy that the nine of diamonds from his hand death by a tree that had been day, Mlaa Kanegson, 21, said she Bid Asked selectmen to call a town meeting opens tomorrow night at the Bush- 1 4 Pass 1 0 Past undermined by rsUn. Pryor had been seized in East from the outside, and still , more ated as the second. limited and downright poor. at the second trick. bad suffered a recurrence of an Berlin last August and held 5 Vi Conn. Bank and Trust Blanket to have the board name a building 1 ^ Pass 2 .0 Paat , look forward to attending a per­ , The first actual balcony is a Glolng up another flight brings nell Memorial In Hartford. The You suppress a shudder. Even Police blathed 15 traffic deaths Internal illness while she was in Co...... 62 V4 66 V4 committee for the proposed second­ show will be performed each night without looking Wt anybody'.s hand, 2 NT Pass 3 NT An FlM on the storm. months In pri.son in the city for formance thei% at some future- compute ring of boxes, circling you to what should be the second Jail and decided to pay the fine investigation of possible espionage Hartford National balcony, but masquerades under ary school. ' Board members ex­ at 8:30, with matinees Wednesday you can tell that the nine is prob­ Opeoing lead — 4 4 Doraa overflowed over the week­ in order to get treatment. Bank and Trust Co, 54 . 58 date. tlie entire theater, and starting on pressed dissatisfaction witb PBC end Bending water into some activities. So let's talk about the Met: The each side at the proscenium arch. the name of "dress circle." An­ at 3 o'clock and Saturday at 2:30. ably the wrong card for your part­ She and eight other "ban-the- Fire In.xurance Coniuahlni action In naming an architect be-, The 75-member company is one of pass for penaltlea, despite your homes and imprieonlng other res­ The ^hlte House statement on old building on Broadway is really This is the so-called "diamond other flight leads you to the "first ner to lead.. , bomb'' demonstrators had been Aetna Fire ...... >56 160 fore the board had aubmitted spe­ the largest to visit the Bushnell, And so it Is. West covers with length In spades. You cannot draw idents on isolated knolls. Scores Powers .said that "as previously in sad shhpe, and nothihg is likely horseshoe." It is horseshoe shaped, balcony." really the third. The put in jail for their demonstration stated, he will be interviewed by Htfd. Fire ...... 80 84 CLEARANCEI cifications for the proposed build­ trumps, and declarer will prob­ ot major intersections were clos^.' and the profusion of diamonds on fourth balcony is known as the requiring four baggage cars and the queen of diamonds, and de­ at the White House. National Fire .146 1.56 to be done about it. for a new ing. The board had previously been two passenger cars to move the ably make four or five spade Residents in Fontana, east of appropriate U.S. government of­ the dowagers who occupy the “ family circle," while the fifth clarer wins in dummy with the Miss Kanegson said she will be ficials." Phoenix F ir ^ /...... 124 134 opera house is planned for Lin­ told by selectmen that In older to cast and scenery. ace. But now East has two stop­ tricks at a spade contraict. A pen­ Los Angeles, reported a damag- coln Square. Scheduled to open boxes gave rise to the name. Boxes becomes the "second balcony" on married next Saturday to William The United States has said he IJfn and Indemnity Inn. Cos. your ticket stub. At this point yoii change the ordinance under which pers In diamonds, which gives him alty pass should be tased on more ■ing twister kicked up by winds In 1984, it IS well behind in financ­ are taken by the season, and if the pBC is given the responaibility accompanying the rain. Henry, 29, who recently enejed a was a Lockheed teal pilot working Aetna tlasualty ... .143 iss" PRICED are likely to suffer nosebleeds from time to develop the spades tor solid trumps. ing and contsruction. so that you get a seat in a box, it will oe 10-month jail sentence for a pac­ under a National Aeronautics and Aetna Life ...... the altitude, but it la untrue that for ail new ' buildings in town, it Only Optimists West. For Shelnwold's 36-page booklet. ■The weatherman said the storm .135'4 141 some people feel it will be 1970 be­ close to the stage, and look direct would require action of a town "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," send should lu'eak today—as he said It ifist demonstration against the Space Administration contract Conn. General (Wl) 139 ly across the auditorium. you need to bring an oxygen mask. South wins tvyo tricks in each when he was downed in a high'- fore the new building opens. meeting. suit, and the opponents score 50 60c to Bridge Book, Manchester was supposed to do both Satur- PolarlB submarine at New Ixuv Hfld. Steam Boiler 136 You will need at least 7-power Study Russian • day and Sunday. altitude photographic mission,4.240 However, it's the old one that The boxes facing the stage have binoculars here, and preferably Board of education tnembera points. Smile sweetly and go on Evening Herald, Box 3318, Grand don. Conn. Ins. City Life ...... 28 31 FOR A miles Inside the Soviet Un)on, It la people know and holds a place in long ago b^en sold, so the ones maintain they could speed up con­ to the next hand. Instinct has pre­ Central Sta., N.Y.. 17, N.Y. „ More than seven indies of rain Travpleni ...... 154 162 10x60 night glasses, but you'll see generally a.s.sumed that-the CIA the opera somehow, and hear it struction of the proposed school by NEW YORK (AP) — Imme­ served the human race for thou­ .(Copyright 1962 General Features had-fallen in Los Angeles. More BlCHABO JOHNSON Piibllo Utilities acting as the building committee in diately after the exchange of Corp.) than 20 Inches fell at Juncal Dam WEST HARTFORD. Feb. 12 directed the operation. Conn.'Light Power .. 28'i surprisingly well. You'll be about sands of years, so you can't com­ There la still much myaterv 8 stories above the street and half addition to their regular board Francis Gary Powers and Col. plain about one itty-bitty bridge in Sknta Barbara County and sev­ (AP) I— Funeral services will be Htfd. Electric Light 72 SELLOUT duties. Rudolf Abel on a bridge to THUG GRABS $12JIOO eral mountain areas reported 14 surrounding Powers' flight, and Hartford Gas-Co. ... 68 a block from the performers, but hand. held tomorrow for Richard John­ military diplomatic and intelli­ Only Beautiful Eyeglass* ZBA Oiaato Church Bid Eaet Germany, the Brooklyn If your partner made a reasoned STAM9X>RD (A P) — Police to­ Inches. Southern New England the acoustical qualities of Jihe au­ son, a prominent contractor. He gence officials are expected to The Zoning Board of Appeals lawyer and the Soviet Em­ instead of an instinctive play, he day sought a holdup man who fled Season rainfal) totals were run' Telephone ...... 49'4 ditorium are excellent. died yesterday at his home at the join in the questioning. Only when 54 granted the application, effective bassy official who negotiated Would lead the low diamond from with $12,500 in cash and checks nihg five .inches above normal In age of 92. A native of Vemland, HEARING AID The pit at the Met accommo­ last Saturday, of Bolton Ckmgrega- this (s completed, it is believed, .Mnniifacturing Companies Just 50 the swap shook hands. his hand at the second trick Instead from a supermarket (First Na­ the Los Angeles area, the first Sweden, he came to Hartford at dates slightly over 90 musicians, tional Church, for a variance on will Powers be able to fully pick Arrow,' Hart, H« 61 65 which is,almost enough. In some The lawyer, James Britt of the nine of diamonds tional) ghortly before the market's time they have been above nor- 19. He founded a conatruc^tion firm with all these 4 benefits side yard requirements for its pro- cloaing .Saturday night. Police mdl In several years. up the threads of his private life. Associated Spring .. 14 16 operas they have to cut down on Donovan, said Sunday night Either play works equally well if bearing his name in 1897. Thu firm Bristol Brass .... pMed religious education center. said the thug ordered the book­ Dennis Ray Milne, 9, apparently -. 9V4’ 11 the strihg section in order to get that the Soviet official, Ivan the diamonds break 3-2. The low built, among others, the 10-story Dunham Bush . . . in Stock! ZENITH ROYAL MEDALLION ' The iSBA unanimously decided to diamond works better if West has keeper, at gunpoint, to hand over died In his sleep when tumbling . . 5 6 in odd instruments that inay be everybody including the stars grant the appeal on the basis that Shiskin, "said, he thought I Burlingame Building at the. Insti­ Kni-Hart ...... i. 78V4 83 V4 1 HEAR MORE—higher NO OLD FASHIONED called for, and not customarily should take a greater part in the singleton king or queen of dia­ the day's receipts. When she hes­ hillside muck burst into his bed­ tute of Living in Hartford .and Fire Extingiiislieil fidelity design offers more CONNECTION NEC­ climb at least one 'flight. the lot was established before pres­ itated, he swept the money into a room in suburban Monterey Park. Fafnir ...... 47 employed. "Rhelngold", Incidental­ ent zoning regulations were enact­ governmental affairs and learn monds. Hail high School in West Hart­ Heublein ...... 26 29 sounds. ESSARY AT THE EAR. ly, is never- given at the Met with I imderstand Fritz Reiner re­ If South does lead the low dia­ manila envelope and fled. Laurence Bennett Freed, 2%, .« HEAR BETTER ON . Exclusive "Free­ belled, when he conducted there, ed; that, it would be an obvious Russian." ford; At Donut Shop N. B. Marhlne^'... .. 22 25 the requisite number of harps in­ hardship to build an educational "I told him," Donovan said, mond, he captures the singleton died when a section of a cliff gave North and Judd . THE TELEPHONE with dom Ring," available at and made them slap together a queen with dummy's ace and re­ .. 13'4 15 >4 dicated by Wagner, since they building on the lot in question "that in the United States to­ way and demolished the rear of JEWISH CENTER DB8TKOVEU Stanley Works .. Tel-Mike feature. extra cost, gives new com­ dressing room out of scenery turns a low diamond from dummy. Heralds Sale Eighth District firefighters ..20 22 >4 take too much space in the pit, within the limits of zoning regula­ day only optimists are study­ his family's house In the Sherman Vee4 62'4 to 67% longer battery life but it sounds pretty good, and tions; and that the proposal rep­ ing Russian — the peesimtsts Oaks district. Police advised near­ The'above quotations are not to MfBllI tMIM the only one who ever didn't climb the nine. by residents to evacuate. portrayed by George, Murdock of the fire-razed Norwalk Jewish Tirst Queen of Ski Club ment of the Mister Donut Shop on than in original model. tlmk9 Irwn y«vr •wti ty«|lm they're only needed at one point in resents the best use of the land. are studying (Jhlnese." EASTWOOD Center will decide this week W. Middle Tpke., ne.xt to Stop & be construed as actual markets. those miserable stairs. This Is no Soutli can get to dummy with a James Fowlle, 20, hasn't been East Hartford, .strolled up and The Rockville Alpine Ski Club's first Snow Queen, Mi.ss Laurel the work. A public hearing Thursday night whether to rebuild it. The center, Shop, about 1 a.m. yesterday Facilities for the performers are Joke for women in high heels, at the. Community Hall was at­ king to lead the jack of dlamor.iis, seen since he launched a rubber down Main St. today as part of Frederick of 157 Union St. was flanked by members of her court, Continuous Today from a former estate, was destroyed in morning. Tlie fire is lielieved to Seven Detroit Tigers besides ^ Q U IN N 'S execrable. Dessing rooms are trailing gowns, ballet slippers, etc. tended by members o f the church's thu-s setting up the rest of dum­ raft on a flood-control channel in Dobin's Department Store "Lincoln Norma Ludwig and Noreen Baker after the official crowning Sat­ But nothing has ever been done 1:30 PJW. a general alarm. Are Saturday urday. She was crowned b.v CJlub President Jerry R. Bouchard have been caused by a gas heat- Norm Oastv have won the Amer­ small, dirty, and badly illumina­ building committee and two mem- my's suit. He gets back to dummy WALT DISN*EY’S . the Highland Park district Sunday. Penny Sale" at 828 Main St. The PHARMACY. INC. about it. Male singers complain liers of the zoning commission. No Paris Bracing with the other king to cash the one-day event ends at 9 o'clock to­ night. at the club's second annual Sno-Ball at the State Armory attended or, a fire spokesman said John ican League batting title. The ted. Ballet and chorus have to He la presumed drowned. MacDonald, manager of the shop, MEAMlNfi 8TS Main St., Manchester dlimb innumerable iron stairs to about the breath required for these objections to the requeet were good diamonds. Declarer makes "BABES IN TOYLAND" night. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) Estimates of the loss ranged up by about 175 people. Five contestants vied for the honor ot others were Ty Cobb, 12 times; same stairs. An innertube rider, John Clem­ reported smoke damage, but said Harry Hellmann, 4, and Heinie get to and from their quarters, and voiced. eleven tricks instead of only eight. IN COLOR ents, was swept away in a creek to $250,000. Seven firemen were queen;, the other two were Sue Ann Wilson and Shirley Burns. For New Riots 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:05 lOach received a corsage. The committee of judges, Stuart Dan- all merchandise will have been re­ Maniuih, Charley G eh ringer, .So the dear old Met has the un­ On Honors List Dally Question near Ventura when the tube over­ injured in the blaze which origl- enviable reputation of being the In addition to the six Bolton Dealer, at your left, bids one PLUS nater in the attic. A group of teen­ forth, George E. Rl.sley, Mrs. Doris Thompson, Ellery Kington placed this altemoon and the store George Kell, A1 Kallne and Har- turned. John Reed disappeared will be open tonight. moat despised opera house in the pupils attending Bennet Junior (Continued from Page One) spade. Partner doubles, and the Police Prohe agers attending a dance at the cen­ and Norman B. Chase, selected the Queen Thursday at a special V-ey Kuenn. DISNEY SHORT TREAT when his boat failed to negotiate buffet dinner. (Herald photo by Pinto). world, among musicians and sing­ High School who were previously next player passes. You hold: 3:15-5:46-8:16 rapids of the Santa Clara River. ter were led to safety by their listed as being on the honor roll, if the first mission with which It ers, strictly from the lack of any Spades-Q 10 7 4 3 2; Hearts-Q J Mudslides pushed in the win­ chaperones. John Sebastiao a Grade 9 pupil at ig charged, that is public order. 10 8: Diamonds—!}; Clubs J 8. decent facilities. The stage floor is WT.D.: "The Oomancheros” dows of actress Tuesday ‘Weld's 10 Accidents uneven and splintery, and in con­ Bennet School also received hon­ Is not respected,'/- the premier What do you say? days held tn abeyance, was or­ elected chairman of the Yale Daily Also "CAN-CAN” home and splattered into her swim­ MARIANI WEIGHS RACE sequence dancers hate the place ors for the second quarter of the said in a s^ ech to the officials. Answer: Bid two hearts. Do not dered against Mrs. Ann Gl Ron- News, the college newspaper's ming pool. Actor Richard Boone with a venom that is hard to sur­ year. He .. charged ' them particularly On Weekend EAST LYME (APj—It might be dina. North Haven Package store. highest editorial post. Rose is a Ideal Valentine Gilt DOUBLES STAMPS pass. Sometimes they do get big- Supper Saturday to meet the threat from the secret fought the oozing brown mess to a 8-man' race for the Republican 161-A Washington Ave., North Ha­ junior. David R. Gcrgen, Durham, save his home! nomination for governor this year. ven, for selling to a minor. NjC., and T. Stephen Jones, Mil- hearted and put down a stage Reservations for the spaghetti army, "this new form of attack, Ten motor vtoicle accidents, "AND THIN THERE WERE EI8HT’ carpet of canvas, but this only supper to be served by the Pilgrim not only on public order but also A 20-by-40 foot fallout shelter State Sen, Peter F, Marian! of ton. Mass., both juniors, were nine occurring on Saturday and Groton indicated Saturday night • BY PAUL MALLOY hides the nicks and stray hardware Fellowship of Bolton Congrega­ on litierties and' the fundamental In suburban Mar Vista collapsed TALE DAILY ELECTS elected managing editor and busi­ one yesterday, were Investigated he would enter the lists "if it looks KRE t h i s a u t h o r QN THE EVERY WEDNESDAY that may still be encountered un­ tional Church Sa.turday at the interests of the notion." n 5 DAYS with a roar, ' its roof apparently NEW HAVEN (AP)—Jonathan ness manager respectively, it was by Mancheater Police who report­ like there is' no definite trend to­ JACK PAAR MROW FEB. 27 der its' surface. Community Hall should be made The day began with a half-hour USKNEL weakened by five.,(Jays. , ot.. rain. C. Rose, Cleveland, Ohio, has been announced Saturday. I U starting TOMORROW “ Now we have a fall-ln shelter,” ed three arresto and numerous ward one of the announced candi­ with P"atrlcia Clark of Hebron Rd. Performances vary from ex­ token strike called by Communist minor injuries to persons. dates.” The four men who have de­ early this week. Proceeds from the Tomorrow to Saturday Eves, at 8:80 ruefully commented Mrs. Alex "A PROLOGUE TO L O V r cellent to wretched. I've been at­ Socialist and Christian labor un­ Mueller. Kenneth R: Bleu, 39, of 451 clared their candidacies so far are Oris'inal Low supper will be used to replenish the ions. Early indicationg were that Wed. Matinee at 3— .Saf. Mat. at 2:30 Parker St, was charged with fail­ BY TAYLOR CAIJ>WFXI. . OPEN tending Met productions off and on Residents evacuated 20 homes in Newman M^railus of Trumbull, Ed­ for 45 years, or so, end they are at fellowship's treasury and to make the brief symbolic strike had little ure to pass to the right of oncom­ win H. May Jr. ot Wethersfield, 1 a donation toward the religious effect on transport and other pub­ Frazier Park, a community half­ ing traffic early Saturday morn­ WEDNESDAY their absolute lowest right now. In way between Los Angeles and John Alsop of Avon and State Sen BORROW DEWEY-RICHMAN Price-$1339 education building fund. lic services. TAMMY GRIMES,. ing at N. Main St„ near Union St., THURSDAY ond the past 10 years I have seen the Bakersfield, shortly before a dam John M. Lupton of Weston. 767 M A IN STRFJET worst “ Valkyrie” and the worst Cub Scout Notes The strike orders left union after his car collided heqd-on with Cub Scout Pack 73 displayed an members with considerable lati­ spillway gave way and sent water a car driven by Harold Ernst, 42, FRIDAY “ Manon" there that it has ever coursing Intp homes., . DRUM-BUGLE RESULTS been my misfortune to witness. On exhibit on scouting in the window tude and some decided to save “THE UNSINKABLE' of :East-Granby, Ernst, with chest LEWISTON. Maine (AP) — The NOW Till 9 P.M. at McKinney's Lumber Oo. at Bol­ their major strike effort for Tues­ > Water froni'another dam roared and back injuriesf was treated and the other hand, some performances five feet deep through Big Tujun- Musketeers of Peabody, Mass., ton Notch all during Boy Scout day. when the eight persong killed held under observation at Man- have taken the Class A title In the WITH CONFIDENCE 'f ip u J liV i are pretty good, though mediocre Week. In Thursday'g disturbanceg will ga Wash In tha San Fernando Val­ Chester Memorial Hospital _unUI judges by European standards. MOLLY BEOWN” ley. It blocked the only exit road drum and bugle corps competition Steve Freddo is currently lead­ be buried. yesterday afternoon when he was held by t)ie Crimson Lancers of Webruaryieth Tc VALaNTINa'a DAY S U P E R A I'll have to continue in next ing Pack 73 in sales of light bulb wilk HARVE PRESNELL for 25 hillside families. discharged. Bleu was treated for week's column. See you then. Lewiston-Auburn. Finishing In MARKETS J(% kits, having sold 26 so far. Close Teams at Daytona bruises of the knee tod forehead order behind them yesterday were behind him is Paul Santos with 23 .tipu.t, MEREDITH WILLSON and discharged from the hospital St. Mary’s Cavaliers Claremont, FROMHFC L Rockville-Vernon emergency room. Both cars were 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST sales to hJs credit. There are seven N.H., and the Bell City Royals of New York (Ah—(Jolumbus. Roch­ Prices (Incl. Tax) Tuesdaj-Thursday Eve­ towed away with extensive dam­ other Cubs who have each sold 12 ester and Toronto of the Interna­ Bristol, Conn. The Class B event IN MANCHESTER Tolland County nings, Orrh. or 1st Bal. $6.00, 6.60, 4..60. J 'S S t age. Bieu was ordered to appear in went to the New Haven, Conn., You feel mighty comfortable with just the right MFC lamp kits. tional League will train next 2nd Bal. $3A0. 3.00. 2.50. IViday-Saturday Skidding Accident Martin L^mch and Raymond Circuit Court 12, Manchester, Feb. Brigadiers, followed by the Windsor Itjan to meet your needs...the skillful HFC service — TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS ~ spring at Daytona Beach. The Evenings, Orch. or 1st Bal. $0.50. 6.00, 5.00. 2nd Bal. $4.00, 8JiO, 26, Get her a beautiful Superior Court Grezel were recently awarded den- five other teams in the league also Locks, C on n . Cavaliers and the that comes from 84 years' experience. . . and the way 3.00. (For Saturday Evening. Orch. $6.50. and 2nd Bal. $4.00 sold Demolishes Gar A four-car collision early Satur­ Wallingford, Conn., Raiders. ner's stripes for service to Pack 73. will set up Florida camps. They out). Wednesday Matinee, Orch. or 1st Bal. $4.00, 3.60, 3,00. 2nd MFC people handle School Menu day afternoon at W. Micidle Tpke., C m k are Atlanta at Homestead. Buf­ Bal. $2.00. Saturday Mat. Orch. or 1st Bal. $6.00, 4.60, 2iid Bal. IMONT^ IYPAYI9lIN T IC fllDULI U.S.D.A. CHOICE In Tolland County Superior Monday — frankfurts on roll, Snow-elickk pavement is said to just east of Oxford St., resulted in UCEN8E REVOKED every family money YowQwl falo at Dunedin, Jacksonville at $8.00, 2.50, 2.00. For Tel. Reservations call Hartford JA 6-Sl77. 20 18 11 6 l _ 0 R T ' Court Friday, .ludge Alva Lolselle potato chips, sauerkraut, have caused an accident on Box the arrest of Philip R. Dowd, 17, HARTFORD (AP)—The State problem with fairness P frym tt p s f m t t S e r m t i P m ym h Kissimmee, Richmond at Lake o f 227 Wells St. Police charged Liquor Control Commission has re­ and understanding. sentenced James J. Lowrey, 17, of sticks, apple crisp; Tuesday—hot Wales and Syracuse at Dade City. Mountain Dr. Friday which left a I109 S 6.72 $ 7.27 $10.05 $18.46 roast beef sandwich, cabbage him with reckless driving and or-^ voked the liquor license of the Fail That’s why over 2 mil- 13.07 Wllllmantic to concurrent inde­ station wagon a total loss but In­ dered him to appear in court on Mountain Inn, Allentown -Road, 2 H 14.18 19.74 36.55 salad, buttered wax beans, choco­ lion families borrow m 19.25 20.91 29.27 .54.48 Valentine Feb. 28. Bruce Lavery, a passenger terminate terms kt the Cheshire late cake; Wednesday — baked 'Phone M l S-18S2' jured the driver only slightly. Terryxdlle, for allegedly allowing 5M .30.a3 33.61 47.55 89.47 in the Dowd car, received a lip indecent entertainment on the from HFC with, confi­ LAMB SALE Reformatory on two counts of us­ hash, buttered spinach, pickled The station wagon, operated by 6 H .36.41 .39,74 56.48 106.80 STANLEY WARNER beets, cherry gelatin with fruit; George A. Negro, 84, of Rt. 85, Bol­ laceration, and several stitches premises. The commission also dence every year. ing a motor vehicle without the were required to close the wound. U beted on prompt wmntUy COMBINA­ ton, skidded off'the road about said Saturday tluit Mrs. - Margaret rfPmymenttmmdimftmfUtiOUi. tkerb* Heart owner's permission and two counts TTiursday — chov/ mein with rice, BUSINESSMEN'S 11 p.m., aceording to Vernon con- Two of the four cars were towed E. Wrlsley, temporary permittee, Life inturance at group *• mtemtk------on belentds pfof twtlOO o or or L.. Utt of breaking and entering with noodles, buttered green beans; •"dt 1%J% pw pm t month on iket pert of ikr bnUnte TIONS etables, 'tod plowed Into a utility from the accident scene with ex­ was charged with allowing a wom­ rate is available on all loans of 9100 ond net tn ««/«$$ o f $JOO. end CHOPS SHOULDER pears; Friday vegetable soup STATEEKl l i l l M C H •.h of t% pm month on Ihet pert ef Uu »«/«■<« criminal intent. pole. The pifte was cracked. tensive damage, police reported. an to consume liquor at the bar. in tM te n .e f t.lOO lo 9600. Lowrey was accused of taking with crackers, cottage cheese- 6 p.m. cont Shown at 6:30-9:10 Joseph H. L. Vallee, 40, o f 195 pineapple salad, cookie. Food, is our business . • » Negro was treated by bis own A 10-day suspension, with five a car in Andover, Oct. 17, and one doctor. There was nq arrest. N. Main St., was arrested shortly at CHOICE in Hebron, Nov. 25. He was ac­ OCW News and pleasing business after 5 p.m. Saturday and was cused of breaking into separate St. Maurice Council of Catholic On Saturday, Bernari) F. King of charged with failure to grant right lOUSEHOLD FINANCE CHOPS Women will meet In the church for men, our specialty. No­ Hartford was involved ih a crash summer cottages in Hebron. Uct. on Rt. 83 and charged with failure of way. Driving out of the Stop A 30 and Nov. 5. He took nothing in recitation of the Rosary before where will you find such Shop parking lot into Broad 8t., their meeting today at 8 p.m. in to grant right of way. The accident StppBadBreath MANCHItriR tHOPnilO FAMCAM the breaks, Reed eaid. occurred in front .of the Vernon' Vallee’s -Vehicle struck the front the church hall. . Panelists from savory, flavory, mouth- 6f a car driven By^ Robert B. t«NlMt MdMtoMl I TIM FMkr John Paul Talbot, 19, of Wllll- Service Oil (Jo. and Involved a car CtrtlM likwatwy tuU srm IILL-ANS Uk- 382 Middle Turnpike West raantic was sentenced to indeterm­ Sacred Heart Chnrch in Vernon walering dishes for noon­ Wright, 25, of Chambers St. No in­ will be the program feature, re­ driven by Marion 1. Aglns of New kU Mictralia J tiau *> jtkwli m to inate concurrent terms at Cheshire time appetites. Haven. There were no injuries. juries'and minor nlotor-vehicle is tm ■issit M IMiv MIh 4i|ittin UUtts. 2nd Hear—MHcheH 3-2738 for eight offenses committed in turning a favor by St. Maurice damage Was reported by police. M KLL-ANS MW Hr tki taitnt knm PILLSBURY DELUXE Council whose members presented King Is due In court Feb. 27. „ ralM. SM *t 4m||Mi. SM pmUI ti SELL- Rssn: 10 Is A Msa, Tstt., Thiin.—10 to I WtJ., FrL—9J9 to Nssn Sot. WELDON Vallpe was ioixlered to appear In Tolland. New London and Wind­ Herbert T. Skipner, 45, o f Tal- ASS, Sfmirksri, S. V. hr likkrki frm uafh- ham Counties. a panel discussion in Vernon earli­ court on Feb. 26. WITH 5 YEAR er this year. BANQUET ROOM cottxdlle Rd., Vernon, was arrest­ Icy road conditions Saturday (SAVE 28c) On charges of speeding and A Valentine social will be held AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES ed yesterday afternoon 4uid charg­ morning on Wyllls St'.,- just north DRUC COMPANY driving under license suspension, after the meeting with Mrs. Flor­ ed with making an illegal left turn o f Spring S t, was the ckuse of a GUARANTEE he was given suspended sentences. ence Dahlquist,*Mrs. Roland Masse, at the center traffic light In Rock­ two-car accident which sent Philip 901 MAIN ST.— Ml 3-5321 Other charges were uelng a motor ville. Police said Skinner's car Mrs. Courtney Tucker. Mrs. Harry nYie-imBE^ SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED Mannela, 58, of 17R Garden Dr., vehicle without the owner's per­ Fasanacht and Mrs. Holland struck the city's newest patrol car. , ^ d Joseph Day, 66, of 102 Carter He Is due In court Feb. 27. mission (two counts), breaking Meloche as hostesses. lERItY-THOMilS'CElESIEIfOlM )2 NOON TO 8 P.6I. St., to Manchester Memorial Hos­ FEBRUARY and entering (four counts), and About Town Duo the same day is Arnold B. Cornner, 25, of 11 Dailey Orcle, pital for treatment of minor cuts larcceny (two counts). The commission on education of and bruises of the top o f head and United Methodist (Jhurch will PLUS THIS HIT A T 7:10 “ FOOD FOR charged with breach of peace stem­ Ronaldo A. Bouchard, 19, of 188 ming from a domestic complaint. left hip,' respectively, and dis­ Nahum St., Hartford, was sen­ meet tonight at 8 at the church. AVEY’S EVERY MOOD” charged. No arrests were made. SPECIAL tenced to Cheshire for an indeterm­ , Girl Scout .Troon 605 will meet N. Y. Film Daily Critics Minor motor vehicle damage was -1 . at 7 tonight at United Methodiet reported by police. _ . • inate term on a charge of breaking awards—Best actor: Paul New­ and entering with criminal Intent Church. Lutz Sponsoring Numerous other minor kccl- He was arrested early in January man, "The Hustler,” best dehts, some caused by ^slippery CAIN’S by Vernon Constable Carl Fred­ Mancheater Evening Herald Bol­ screen play,, best director... Film on Nature road conditions, were investigated SCHULTZ SALON rickson and later admitted break­ ton eorrespoodent. Gram McDer­ by police. No arrests nor injuries mott, tele^one Mitchell 8-6566. and only minor motor vehicle dam­ ing into the fUyde Oarage on Rt. A ' nature film, sponsored by 83 after stealing a car in Hart­ age was reported. JAMES F. TIERNET Lutz Junior Museum, will be pre­ Extra Value ford. , ' sented In Bailey auditorium at Swirls tKe TORRINGTON (AP)—Jamea F, Reed said Boucha^ i^-as on Manchester High School, Satur- Schwall Signs Tierney, a former Connecticut Si @ f SAVt 18c^6ET STAMfS, TOO! parole from Cheshire at the time 5 8 -day, Feb. 17 from 1:30 to 3:45 p.m. of the arrest. A motor vehicle newspaperman, died In New York "The Great Adventure” , is a BOSTON (AP) — Pitcher Don theft charge is pending in Hart­ City Friday night. Tierney had M iS IlE R story of two small-boys who rescue Schwall, the American League's U. S. NO. 1 MAINE ford County, he said. worked in the Hartford Courant, an otter and shelter it during,a rookie of the year last season, has French curl .Pigeon said Bouchard's story is the Hartford Times, the New Brit­ harsh winter. Other animkls shown returned his signed 1662 contract, a "tragic one." He recommended ain Herald and the New York Jour- in their natural habitat include the Boston Red Sox announced to­ psychiatric help. nal-AmerIcan. He is survived by fox, lynx and owls. day. Oon|ptc1»:Mao were returned David E. Meyer, 36. of 112 hi* widow, Mrs. Leonora O'Meara "The Great Adventure” was sl^ed by aeebn^baaeman Chuck cut... Orchard St.. Ellington," was sen­ Tterney, formerly of Torrington, listed in Life magazine's year-end Schilling and rooltiea Pete Smith, tenced to three to five years in and a sister. Miss Mary Tierney cif WEO.s "Flower Drum Song” special edition as a nature film a pitcher, and Dalton Jonee, 18- 2.00 (to POTATOES Wethersfield State Prison on a Kensington. Funeral services will FEB. tl—"SPABTACUS” classic and one of the beet for year-old shortstop. Schwall won 15 WASHED and SIZED charge of breaking and entering be held Tuesday. school age children. games for the Red Sox after join­ DEUGHTFUL Museum members will be admit­ ing tile c l| ib in late May. Schilling With criminal Intent stemming Ttmpting Food and to hold jrour cut beautifully in from a theft of hunting equipment ATMOSPHERE ted free of charge. There will be Bjst an American League record for from the Sport O nter in Rock­ Ceurttously Served! a nominal fee for non-member errorless games by second base­ ville Sept. 13. Reed said $1,282.90 children and adults. Robert Mur- men. The l^d Sox now have signed place, choose one of our sale-priced worth of goods, mostly firearms, Dally Luncheon Specials! docirand Walter Schulthels are co- 17 players of their 38-pIayer ros­ Starts Ttmarraw! chairmen of the event. ter. cold wave permanents. was taken. Five of the guns have Fabulous Sandwiches! been returned he said. BoM lori' • Lone Tut Ml. t Meyer was also sentenced to Bustnesunen's Luncheons three to four year terms on six ^ D O N T LOOK Served Daily 12 noon-2 p.m. other breaking and entering counts and one count of larceny. All terms FOR LEASE are concurrent. , ANY RIRTHER, DINNERS SERVED Ronald A. Ryan. 21, o f WUlUnan- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 5 pju. te 8 pjn. CHICKENS tic, charged with bi^aklhg and en­ Sadrcy HiPPURN tering with criminal intent stem­ irS THE BOT ^ r-toR, > ' I - ■ ming from a break at Butler’s Dairy-in MansflMd Dec. 11, plead­ NATIVE TO FR Y or ed Ituiocent and elected a court SHOW IN TOWN! a t trlaL The trlel date will be eet later. Judge LMeelle aald. lOR and AUDRtY SPLIT BROIL Tile ease of JQeanor Bennett, IS. o f Old Oolebeeter Rd.,' Hebron, charged with anon, was oontihusd to tomorrow. .' ,1 I/'- ■ r

y I • >■ ■■•fvV ' , , , . ■ 1,' _ ■ ■ , £• . r ' .■■■) P A O K F O X m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,,. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, i932 ilA N CH ^TER'irVEN IN G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1962 PAGE FIVE ...... tf— " — ■ srtles Involved where necessary Ci^fvenJtry and make decialims thereafter, Exchange Group Prince Giarles notifying the taxpeorBr-tn writing ot Ike TeUs GOP its decision. ZONOLITE Seeks Hbst Family L o 8 ^ A p ^ n d i x la Publicity Group TV-Radio Tonight *Th« only ploeo uhero Ta^'Readies^ Mrs. Rleham G. Jodry of High He Won’t Help iHSULATiON the Baby Has The American Field Service LONDON (A P ) Qusta EUga- iueeot* comet before teork St. has been named to w - public­ town committee is soaking the beCk n bPpka a brief VAeatldii at l^ick e ]Park ity committee of the Towp’s quar> Old Men’ Race W. tl. lINGiAND names of townspeople who would Wiadeor Caatla todiw to g o to the i» in thi dietionory” ter miUenlal celebration,' Mrs. Kenneth S. Lyon, ebainnan of the LUMBER q o . like to house a foreijm exchange Television bedglde o f her aon n ln c e Charlea who Wag rtuhed to a hospital durv WE HAVE THEM— miblicity committee, arid Mrs. (Oontlmied from Page One) e Open All Day SatoM aj • student for the 1962-63 'school 6:00 Early Bbo* (la prearesa) 1 ___Spoite oaatera For Summer Jodry will , contact out-m-town and Been Nam ed ••• year.^ Bit I Theater (m progress) 7:10 (Ttieyenne 9. 10. 60. Ing ttae night for an amargtncy “ At the Green”—Ml Movie at 6 (In progreie) . ' Mumunt ivpandtctomy. AmsricBn Col|*9*i out-m-atate mediumg for publicis­ dent Into some difficulties In his Jay Stager, of the committee, Yogi Bear True Adveaturee Coventry Recreation Oommittee ing the July 8-14 celebration. asks that Interested families with Highway Patrol _ to Ten The rrtita A hospital bulletin said the 18- W sbsftr, N»w W orld, adopted state ot Pennaylvania. He a aon or daughter of high school Al Mann Newt 1:00 Pale BBd Gtadye year-old heir to the throne was reports a total at 240 yaida o f Therndikt Bornharl’ Bdanchester Evealag Hedsld Cov­ convinced Hugh Scott In a age notify Mrs. Charles House, ISO Syllabu'e NaUonal Velvet 23. |0 comfortabla aftar the operation waBbed Band have been delivered Oraaon, OathoriiM A bb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1:60 The Rifleman telephone conversation that Soott Westland St. 6:18 Social Security A 40 S and his condition was satlafactory.- entry oorreepandente, F.- PauUae Point of 'View CMiaOrt, 376 Lake St. She was bom Feb. 3 at Manchester Me- News Soorti a Weather Window oa Mala Street c 13 an4 spread over the bottom area o f Uttie, telephiDne PDgrim t-6331. ought ta make himself available About four families have already Expmlltlon Duckpin Eowlbig Charles went on the operating aiortai Hospital. Her paternal grandparents are.Mr. and Mrs. applied, said Stager, but the com­ 6:X Weather, Newi B Sports The Prira Is RMiAt (O 10, S3, m liideke Memorial Faric, purchased tor the party nomination f6r gov­ Joseph Oonnora, Unlonvllle, Conn. ' She has thr^ brothers, John, ^Jiay Themaa Show A U table at London’s Great Ormond mittee would like to choose the 6:30 For Your InfQrmatloa Street Hoepital writhln an hour Harrison’s froBi Matthew Moriarty for a ernor, PLANNING 12. Mark, 10, and Jamas, 3;' and three si.sters^Bcmadette, 15, Channel t News Surfalde Six 6. 4U. 63 host family from a large number 37Ui Precinct 10, 33. SO after a 68-mlle dash by ambulance town beach and park area. BUsabeth, 0, and Mary, 3. , Harbor Command 1:30 The Andv GrifflUi Show 3. 13 'STATIONERS Scott reported that Eiseidiower • * • • « of candidates. ExpedlUon from hia school at Chetm. Glenn Gets Set said he could support actively a TO RETIRE? 6:4D Men of Destiny • 10:00 Heimeeey - 3 249 MAIN .The rough bulldooing has been Thriller 10. 33r30 PoU ^ CATS escorted the Ambu- ccp^ la^ and bank gravel for (he ticket on which Scott was a mem­ Uhlmaa, Alaa Edward; son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbert Uhlman. 6:46.Uoug Edwards Million Dollar Morla 13 t t t Oak St, Manchester. He was bom Feb. 3 at Manchester Me- Eveaiag Report Ben Casey . g,. lA 60. 63 lAnce along the Berkshire nada, CALL MI 9-5841 pt^fung area, aa well aa additional For Trial Run ber but could not-campaign for "During his middle years, th «' mortai HOS^tal. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Ruth Rice, Weekend Deaths Huntlev-Brlnkley Report 10:30 I've Got A Secret 3 flagging traffic to the aide. aajid for the beach, wiU be delivered a ticket on which Judge Robert 10. 11:00 News Accompaniring ths young prince WE DELIVER E. Woodalde of the State Superior average investor concentrat«-OB Andover. His maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.. 7:00 After Dinner Meets News Sporta A Weather dining. Hie spring, the report said. Edward Rice, Newington. He has four brothers. Dale, 6, Scott, By THE ASSOCUTED PRESS News A Weather ■1:11 ,ltck Pear Show IC) in the ambulance were- the school Tne .S^te Highway Department (ConUnoed from Page Obo) Court would run for governor and Promoted buying and holding common 1?;30 Rep. James E. Van Zahdt would 8, and Gary and Glenn, 4-year-old twins. LONDON—Lord Blrkett of Ul- News, Sport! A Weather Suepeaae Theater physician, Dr. PhUlipe, sur­ haaagreed to change the coUrae of Raymond P. Ward Jr., 91 Alton • • * .. • « Wyatt Earp Feature 40 geon John Royce and a nurse. as they did on Jan. 27 just 20 op^ae Sen. Joseph' S. Clark, a stocks with gcxxl growth poten* verston, William Norman Blrkett, Ehtpeditlon 11:30 Cain's Hundred the.dralndg* ditch that now. rqna St., received his commission as a Oetrows Id Matthew Nicholas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. 78, a judge at the trial.s of Nazi Death Valiev J>eye 11:30 Jack Pear Show

■f- : / r


t n ^ «U it it p o m m to b rliif M and jtart every aentenee ndih wwiifritohiii out e< MtUnu* A Thooght for Today Hoi Boyle K i r , •Vjm kaomV ot “ Dy’ya Bissell-Pitney Butler-Crosby' . n •poaeered hjr the Maacheeler ffe ta w T ” A 10 Below Zei^ TUNE TEASERS l| » r a ^ u d ■OCTtor, iiMkt B ln e w « if (c r Md «vl] witboiit Mf OeoncU ef Ohorebee tnttaia tint Higlm. "A s agnlaad leadir laypar eenunanlty, Miss AU je Luorezla CrOeby be­ m a M « B i t to It, aad tkara, one* Poor Man’s Game In Litchfield yen have been etoaaaa adaneg n ee- came the bride of David Charles .fekUB, W M ilm lily . protnptin f u« ' Hends M t tom to r tMa nmianal enper- Butler at St. M ary’s Elpiscopal t# atm M d a.w«, would tw th » FT^in o'ver two thousand yeayears tnatty to-r" By m.iABBOClATBD FBUM Church Saturday afternoon.,^ ago, the Paalmlet asks a relvoiu whs talk abeot baaabalt |- ,;f. iHtouty iditfdac out o f that usly Of Psyclpatry F or the second day In a row, The bride is the daug'hter o f Mr. question and gives hto answer: da it tbiar knew seere L i m toed. tbermemetors recorded sub-ssro and Mrs. Elmest O osb y Sr.. 37 H "Who shall stand in hU holy tkanYM — and it Apel PI. The bridegroom is the place? H e that hath clean hands tenatataturee today in aome eSe- KBW YORK (AF)—Who an hard doge that growl. Great Dane tnma not tkdy da. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles But­ A W d to a e Geatnre and a pure heart." you? - doge that want la alt la yoor -laa, Faopld nt dddkua paittoa who, tfone o t OoonectlenL ler, 142 Wahrer St. Hands are important, for there T on can toll a parson* not only; aad hot dogs that aren’t aO bMC. after en|y tad martml, want to Oenaan and litchfleld pro •••aaoaaaaao* t-3Q 1 » this complain that the World is and write down a Itot o t th togi as "Mra. ftntth’’ o r “Xn. Brown” W€«kly JO Weather Bureau at Bradley Field. Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over m atter o f fact, thto to the only ex­ against them.. They become afraid you dtolika. , i .' instead o t ‘:my wife.” But enengk abdnt me. "Now ten and unhappy. me ahoot ymnoeiE’' What’s on Windsor and Locks and one degree satin, designed wltii lace bodice, planation for the release which It to a form of poor man’s poy- rasjSB^yriiB'piutim Then there are those who clench Underdone eggs, overdone etenk. ywr list o t favorite dtoHkee? warmer at Hartford. Waterbury scoop neckline outlUied with lace chlatry; It will help toll you what watererese, eptotodi. grits, gaiUe TM awoclrtw Prwo u czclutlvtir makea aenae. For wo do not yet their hands, or who double them was four above and Bridgeport, appliques, long tapered sleeves, •BtiUM tt the use Dt repuMIcstlon at kind o f a parson you really , oro. and cold pork gravy. credit the R'ussian dictatorship into lists, becluise o f suspicion, six abo've. It was eight above at bouffant nylon tulle skirt witli lace ■n bM s dtopMcbta ereOneO t« II or If the list to too long, nuybo M llltonairee who ten yon dto- ■M Mbwwlie oMIted In tMr paper with enough human tenderness to greed o r mistrust. They only open N ew Haven. panels and train. She wore a you'rs finicky. If It to too s h ^ amUngly, 'T m Junt o poco h i oM aad ana lha looai news punished hera their clenched hands to grab for crown of nylon braid with pearl All rUhts of rapubllcallnn nl sped^ care vary much about the person maybe you're wtoliy*waahy. country boy ttytag to get ahe«.” more things for themselves. BOSTON (AP) — New Eh«land trim and illusion veill and diaaatenea barein ore also reaareed. or -the future happiness of Colonel Hera to an off-hand catalog But there 'are also people who of Doctors who Invarto^ treat remained in the deep°freeM today carried a cascade of white minia­ things T ve found .distasteful in m y VUU sarplea ellani or N B.' a . 8erv Rudolf Abel, the Russian agent stretch out their hands in friend­ you with two-color eapentoo. f in y with early rooming tonipecatures ture carnations. first 00 years of Uving-things that to o plnk-eod-tprown any ! ! ! w S ! ^ . Repreaeniauva. ThiB who had ended his usefulness to ship .-^toward us. They are the The beard e f odueaUen witt weU below aero In northern por- Miss Virginia Chandler, Box rile ihejip, annoy me, or make me JWN6 So^al Aft«ncy — New people with open hands, reflected in more effecUve than n i^aia green tions and in southern areas not M't. Rd., Bolton. served as maid his country by getting caught and wish I were somewhere otos; or o plain wirito cnpenlor meat tdnorrow at .4 pjn. for a their love and service. much above zero. of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss “ A l i t o r convicted down In Brooklyn. Poiqila who argue .goUglao, or try budget wbrkihop that wia eon- FOR Usually people who have open 'Peoide who wonidn’t ^ Chill as the day was, it was Barbara Butler. ,='lster of the One can even cuspMt that it was to sell you their owa shortcut to' dime to feed a storvtiig bum hut tinue untu the uM-4$ school bridegroom, and Mias Christine im StfOM prlntlna CompanT inc.. hands towards others often fold God. b ta g s b ls Completed. somewhat warmer “han yesterday we who more or . less Insisted on them in prayer for each other and brag about bow much btodd tb «y BETTER Accarplo, 37 Griffin Rd., both of aaaaaMa no lUAnelsi reBponsniIlliT for The meeUag wlU be held in the when the tempe ature Apped to twereahlcal eirnrs ap^arlna In ad- Including Abel In the deal, and our world. Praying hands are a Bus driven who, when you give have given to the Red Cross. Manchester. rerawmeeta aad .other readlna mar board room at Bdnaet Jonior High >4 degrees below zero at Newport, symbol of oiir - right relationship them a dollar bill, band you bimk Woipen who automatlral^ iMait FABRICS^ The bride's attendants all wore IB Ihe Kanchaater Brentna R m id that we did so primarily because 20 nickels in change. talyMe. Vt., 18-below at Burlington and toward God. As we turn to God in any man who weera a beard to try­ Montpelier, Vt., lO-below at Wor­ at LOW MILL PBICB8 cocktail-length dresses of royal OWaiAy oareM we wanted to make it look like an Lamb, mutton, onisseto- sintnits, ing to cover up on inferiority com­ At fi pm , the board will have aorertnina cloiitiic bimra; sincerity and trust, we are more cester, Mess., and one-below at blue satin with matching shoes, 1■ Ipm Prtday even exchange rather than any uni­ venison and caviar. plex. d b u e r la thfi homemaWng aWte at VISIT Inr IWadap—1 pm Monday likely, to turn toward our fellow- Boston. long white gloves, white fur muffs Hostesses wtfb. Introduce you to Kindergarten chDdran w hb' can ths sehooL and deUberaUdhs on the and hats. They carried crescent 1 p.m Tueiday. lateral Russian act of mercy. man' with acceptance and love. budget win Menme a t 7 pm . Forecasts huficated Monday pm. Wednesday. another guest with the remark. recite or slag XT tetovtolan een - bouquets of royal blue miniature , - J-m Thursday In any case, Russia Is followin' Rev. Alex H. Elseaser temperatures 'would average 6 to PILGRIM^ You two should get along fa­ mwetoto bUndfdded—but can’t re­ oamatlons on their muffs. n>r aatarday—1 pm rridiui. usual practice and protoc Community Baptist Church BOOEB WnUDOTT 10 degrees higher then Sunddy's. C lash ed deadilns' in:m s.m. each mously—you have so much in com­ member the last two Hnea Ot " l i t - Barry Gaffney, Manchester, day at ndbltoatlnn aaeant Soturdaa— ~ through to the end. It never did ad­ mon.” tie Bo Peep." ORANST (AP)^taieral asrv- Boston's tenq>eratures dipped to a am F A I L S T O D E A T H leea ware acbedoled today tor for­ # early today. < MILLS served as best man. Ushers were mit Its spy was a spy, and could Shipboard costume parties at Lou Beauchamp and William Bak­ MIDDLEFTELD ’(AP) — State BMiiny neektlea. sktrmy slaeka, mer State Rep. Reger Weicott, fii, Some early morning readings: CHENBY RAIL, Monitay, Fehrji^ry 12 which fat todies show up as un­ er, both of Manchester. hardly do so now, just because he Police say a M-year-old Meriden end Junior eaecatives in Iv y who died in Hartford Hoaptuu Sat­ Oaribou, Maine, -7; Portland, . Hartford Boad W E G IV E man whose body was found on the derdressed Cleopatras with a giant lisague-type suits so tight they urday.. Re retired In'ltN after Mrs. Crosby wore a royal blue has been freed. That Is the normal Maine, Lebanon, NH., -IS: brocade sheath dress with match­ The Immortal t^rt ice of Black Rock Pond Satur­ rhinestone on their navel. look like skin divers. servtaig 8fi pears as a state Insur­ Concord, N.H., -16; Burlington, way the game is played. Middle-aged lovers with a pas­ OPEN O ing accessories. The bridegroom's First day apparently died as a result of People whose idea of how to be ance examiner. He held a seat In Vt., -18; Montpelier, Vt., -14: BTvery tdncoln’a Birthday,' wa As for our man Powers, even sion for necking In public. mother wore a royal blue jersey a fall down a 250-foot incline that a winning conversStimialist to to the 186? legislature, and was head Worcester, Mass., 2; Niuitueket, TONIGHT TILL 9 People who try to top your last, dress with matching accessories. National fael a touch o f diahonesty In ua. the pleasant news o f his release to adjoins the water. The victim ask you cosily, "Now tell me about of 0 real estote agency, Wolcott Maas., 11; Pto'vidence, R.I., 5; SATURDAY 1 0 1» 4 was John Platek, 164, Pattick Ave. funny ktory—and do. Both wore white rose corsages. The day never falls to stir ua, more being spoiled by lome characters yourself." i 'and Wolcott, at the time of his Hertford, Conn. 1; Bridgeport, His bo<^ was found by two fisher­ Chihuahua dogs, German Shep­ A reception for 150 guests was Stores than any oth'cir anniversary on the People who hold on to your to- death. Conn., 7, who blame him for the fact that men. Police said there were cuts held at City View Hall oh Keeney calendar. R m , w e la y to ourselves, the usual cloak and dagger proto­ and bruisas on his head and his St; For a wedding trip to New ■was the human beinjrvwho came col wasn't followed ‘ In hie case. nose was broken. York, Mrs. Butler wore a gray'and white tweed suit with matching, elooaat o f all human beinra to an They blame him first because he accessories. IdeaL Aad the Ideal which Lincoln was ever taken alive, and they (MInka photo.) Mr. and Mrs. Butler are both SPECIAL - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY approached la often Identified. It blam^ him second because he con­ MRS. RICHARD J. BISSELL graduates of Manchester High la said that he came elosMt, o f all, fessed',tost he was m a spying R tm sm btr wUH School. He is serving with the U.S. Air Force. Mrs. Butler is em­ to the aRsunpIe of Christ. But no miaslon.\ Miss Merilyn Pitney and Rich-'i^orchid. The bridegroom's mother (Photo by Salem Naaaiff) wore a peacock blue chiffon dress ploy^ by House A Hale's. MRS, DAVID CHARLES BUTLER matter how It is expressed, or A s fo r'th e second criticism, at ard James Bissell, both o f Man­ chester, exchanged wedding vows with matching h a t and beige vdiat oompariaon la used, what least, It ^ould be remembered cymbidium orchid. Saturday morning at the <3hurch Llnoola Inapires In us la something: tot H WM not Powers, but his A reception for 175 guests was of the Assumption. eloaa to adoration and worahlp. Knofla td Head commander in eMef. President n - The bride Is the daughter of Mr. held at the Rosemount Restau­ And In this something: close to senhower. who first admitted that CI^OCOlATES and Mrs. Harold Plntey, 30 Lucian rant in Bolton. For a motor trip to B3orlda, Mrs. Bissell wore a MCC Swim Group adoemtlon and worship, wa also the flight In question was a spying St. The bridegroom is the son of beige wool suit, brown accessories . feel a touch o f dishonaaty In our- mission. That waa when Rresident Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bissell, 65 Roy F. Knofla, 73 Plymouth / Hamlin SL - and orchid corsage. The couple selvas. W e have the dishonest ftal- Eisenhower was tollowlhg the un­ will live at 218 Spruce St. after Lane, was elected president of the Th.e Rev. Francis T. Butler of swimming association of the Man­ Ing that, In order to think and feel orthodox Une which might' have Feb. 26. the Church of the Assumption per­ chester Country C3ub at its annual Mrs. Bissell is a 1661 graduate ahont Lincoln In this way, we are closed the incident rather quietly. formed the double ring ceremony meeting yesterday. of Manchester High School and to axcatptln|r the record, m ^ ta in ln g It was only in the next phase when, and celebrated a nuptial Mass. Others elected were Joseph an Instinctive or even deliberate Paul Chetelat was organist. employed by London and LAnoa- Swensson, vice president and board after having admitted that the The bride, given in marriage by shlre Insurance Group, Hartford. blind spot toward some o f the evi­ member foy two years; William flight had been a q>ylng mission, her father, wore a floor-length Mr. Bissell Is a 1959 graduate of Wells, treasurer and board mem­ dence, and, In the end, not really he reiterated our right to keep on peau taffeta gown, designed with Howell Cheney Technical School ber for three years; Mrs. H. D. fitted bodice trimmed with re-em­ CHOPS facing Lincoln in the context in making such flighto, If we wished and is employed by Hamilton Stan­ Sweeney, secretary and board which he himielf lived and per­ broidered l€u:e, scalloped neckline, dard, division of United Aircraft member for two years; Warren to, that the Incident 'went beyond long tapered sleeves and boufftint LOIN formed, but enjoying ouraelvea, Corp., Windsor Locks. Thumauer, board member for one all chances o f Inrunedlete healing skirt terminating in a chapel train. year; Mrs. Edward Flack, board rather, with aoma mlaty Ideal and erupted, Instead, Into the big ^ VALINTINE’S Her fingertip veil of illusion was member for two years; and Louis 'vhtdi to beautiful and Inapiring diplomatic blow-up of IMO. held In place by a beaded' crown, F. Champeau, board member for enough In itaalf, but which lacka DAY and she carried a white missal iElks to Observe three years. W ell now the Ruaalana have at with white orchid marker and ccHiipIata r e a lty and honeaty. FEB. 14 tost slgniftod their wUUngnees to white satin streamers. WALKOUT ENDS TU a to why, ^ think, none o f ua Past Rulers Night LB eall the incident closed,; end they GIVE THE FAMOUS Mrs. Ralph Car.ieron, 28 Bunce NEW HAVEN (AP) - Full pro­ Dr., a sister of the bride, waa ma­ •v s r .rsally ae^dtode In picturing.^ have selected an act which ^aaa In' Past Ehcalted Rulers “Night wUl duction is expected to resume Wed­ Abraham lincoOi'aihong us today, tron of honor. She wore a floor- deed indicate that they want at be observed at Manchester Lodge nesday at the New Haven Board or functioning in the White House CHOCOIATES length go-wn of white peau de sole, and Carton Co. which has been least the appearance o f a. friendly desig:ned with bateau neckline, cap of Elks Wednesday, starting with In any time other than his own. In closed by a strike for 11 days. The gesture toward better relations VALENTINE HEARTS sleeves, fitted bodice and bouffant dinner at 6:30. Charles 'W. Lathrop 300 members of Local 467, Paper- our idealtoatlon o f ^Lincoln, we with the United States. Yfjt can .all skirt accented with ^ butterfly Sr., past exalted ruler, is chair­ makers and Paperworkers Union, * CHOP COMIINATION leave out the practical politics aiid accept the fact that the Ruaelsns bow and streamers for back inter­ man. approved a new one-year contract L o B n b Fores 29< the political promises it takes even WBAIFHER est. Her headpiece was a crimson A class of candidates will be unanimously yesterday. Details of want to create that impression, and crown trimmed with pearls and initiated by past exalted rulers of the new pact were not revealed but 2 3 c to get to the White House. We be pleased that an American has Lamb Pieces For Stew circular face veil, and she carried the lodge at a meeting at 8. Past union officials said all Important leave out the compromlaes, some of come home, and we can all^hope a red and white colonial boliquet. rulers participating will be El­ differences had been settled. The fllV I FINAST MINT JNJ.Y - MLICIOUS WITH LAMB Bridesmaids were Miss Carol which may require a man to aban­ that the Rusalans do not think bet­ more S. Anderson, George R. Ehig- dispute had centered on bonus pay Matchett, 97 Hamlin St., cousin of don even his own belief or go ter relations can be achieved by WORRIES'* lish, Chester Morgan, Charles' W. and seniority. the bridegroom: Mias Phyllis against his own conscience, which Lathrop Sr., Maurice EL Gaudet, what seems a rather persistent Keeney, 218 Oak St, Miss Made- are probably an Inevitable part o t James W. MoKeough and James JSsBi P ro d u ct B uyst Russian habit of loosening tension lyn Altken, 7 Tyler Circle, and McVeigh. any man's functioning from the In one area only to increase' It In Miss Beverly Hendrickson, 94 n-oRiDA-$irinoi«i> White House. W e think of Lincoln several others. Let them, some day, PINE PHARMACY an ELECTRIC DRYER ' North St. They wore crimson peau STATE JUNIOR MISS W e 'r e as B ean s 2 3Sc as kindly and forget the moments de sole gowns designed the same n e a r a t try doing two nice things In a row. as the matron of honor's. A ll NEW. HAVEN (AP) — Con­ when even he had to be cruel; we 664 CENTER STREET Bainach **' ^ 29c wore white crowns and carried necticut's Junior Miss titllst is 17- y o u r year-old. Janice Praha vie, 10 Rowe think o f him as the healer of Good Show W e Missed red and white colonial boiiqu-ets. Court, Blast Haven. The blonde telephone wounds and forget that he had to Ralph Cameron, 28 Bunce Dr., ^ro«ic|6S 4 lbs 45c W e’re sorry wo missed Richard beauty, a senior at Blast Haven deal them; we think of him as hu­ brother of the bridegroom, served Your order for drug needs end Nixon on television the other night. High School, will carry the state's Cookinv AppUs"*r.£»S'’"4 .?<; 39c manitarian and forget that he | \ as best man. Ushers were James banner at the national contest next cosmetics will be taken care ot From what was reported of his ap­ immediately. Meat A Preduee Prkes IffectWe Tuesday and Wodnesdoy Only fought the most savage and bloody Woods of Bolton, William Glode month in Mobile, Ala. pearance, he certainly made per- of Manchester, Norman Brown of Mironis Mark 50th Anniversary w ar In history; wo sift the record In the state final Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mlron,'*> ■onar, Md perhaps even political, ^ A N " Blast Hartford and Henry Jaz- night, she was awarded a |1,000 Eklgemere Rd., Coventry, were until wa have left -only what fits history. lowskl of Hartford. scholarship. Ih e runnersup were Connecticut for 40 years, the last FREE you show us. any better in­ Mrs. Pitney wore an emerald honored by 50 friends and reiatives 11 years In Coventry. Both are re­ the legend we like; we bear away W hat was this unusual formula? Maureen Buccos, 50 James St., at an open house yesterday In green satin eheath with matching Torrington, and Margaret Flana­ tired employes of the Electromo­ DELIVERY the Idealistic Image and build to it surance deal than this celebration of their 50th wedding Obviously, from reports of the hat, and a green cymbtdium gan, West Hartford. tive M fg. Co., Willlmantlc. tke moct beauUful memorial, In anniversary. way he flayed the President, found The couple has fiv e ' children, ■ , y / ; both atone and In the hearts of admirable qualities In the Attorney The couple's marriage was Bernard Miron of Danbury, Mrs. men. In all the world. General, and thus proved his fair- ittiSWN blessed at Mass yesterday at St. Robert E. Triggs of Etost Hart­ M ary’s Church, Coventry. ford, Mrs. Charles Blanchard of But In being this'much dishonest mindedness as between brothers, Mr. Miron, a na^ve of Montreal, Altadena. Calif., Mrs. Robert W. with ourselves, we are not adding even though both were Democrats,, (SMdemi Canada, and Mrs. Miron, o f Web­ Bean of Salisbury, Mass., and Mrs. 16 0 Z S a O O S A V B to the Lincoln record, but detract­ the former Vice President was, on *THB SUN ALWAYS SNINSS IN AN ||I.MeT|lldl D||YSfl ster, Mass., were married Feb. 12, John Goldsnider of Coventry, and PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY ing from It. He was precisely what A Year Buys A LL THIS PKGS I 12c this occasion, unhooking his gral- 1912 In St. Mary’ s Church, W or­ 16 grandchildren. 901 M A IN ST.— M l'8-5821 Sineef Peas 4 cester, Mass. They have lived In our imagery does not like to admit luses, leaning back, and having fun $19,000 On Your Home i (Herald photo by Satemis). SAVI — a very mortal man. often dealing / 100 saying exactly what he thought $ 7,600 On Your Contents I ire Imperfectly with problems bigger and felt about things and people. $ 7,$00 Theft Coverage OF MANCHESTER Orange Juice than he was, often tortured by nec- Similarly, when he measured $ 1,900 Extra Expense IIOULAR 10 0 SAVI essittes and inevitabilities he could Khrushchev, and his temper, luid $25,000 Liability Coverage CUT SBc not alter or conquer or evade, the use Khrushchev made o f It, $ 500 Medical Coverage French Fries often, one must believe If one seeks and also dgred see, publicly, the $ 250 Property Damage LISSIR QUANTITIU AT RIGULAI PRICES the full truth, turning sick Inside break the world has in having a $ 50 Glass Coverage at his own betrayal of himself or INTRODUCING Khrushchev where he Is instead of Plus Additional Coverages Those are just a few examp/es - Set our regular advertisement on Thursday his own beliefs. some Hitlerian fiend, Nixon again for many more outstanding frozen food values! But W’hen we do go Into the way seemed to be saying what he really Want To Know More? A NEW. SERVICE IJneoIn must have been, into what thought and felt as a result o f hla AT he must have experienced. Into own famous experiences In Russia CALL Ml 3 -1 1 2 6 what he had to do, we find our / —•and saying It pubHcly for the * • - - * -V original ideal o f him being at once first time. r Our 24 Hour Service .. .1 _ R stn ln o ? W h o m p b b I You^hEVB/no WBsthiir 1‘ n a rrw ed and deepened. He was. The amazing thing, when somer Number FALLOT STUDIO I after all,‘no wonder man, no great thing like this happens, and a pub­ worritB with an alBctrie dryer. Buy ah alBotrie dhang^ of history, no great orlgl lic figure really lets his hair down diyar, try it .for 30 days. If you don’t lova nator of policy. Hto greatness was and says what he thinks Instead of H sH fO P d Bli BOtrlo BUSTNIBIGBS your daalar will taka it back at no cost to you! DIRECT COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS not te deed, or In leadership, or In what he thinks he ought to say. In administration. I f he were in the his position, Is how quickly Uie And ba aura to aok your dealer about the epecial White House today, confronted genuineness of it all estobliahea it­ G1<^ naw-wiring allowance. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Willi the tangled problems o f our self. You can't mlsa It. world, he would probably seem to Yee, gone le the lifting and lugging of heavy The postscript to this has to be "Take ten" PORTRAITS FROM ______:W Ea»ie#'«iv ua a little helplfw and befuddled something that Is perhaps __not Uhakata of damp clothee. Gone ie the washday and Inadequate, and we would quite a happy reward for Mr. atniggla wHh ley clothes and line. A flick of tha . DIFFERENT POSES $ Q .70 probably have many moments Nixon, for his moments of relaxed with BarcaLounger when w e would not* be at all sure candor. What the postscript says •witch and your alectric dryer brings warm, [One In Attractive Frame] that, he wras the man -we should is that If there had been a little sunny waathar to your wash. Easily, conveniently, J%€oitey~Ssevinff Orotsery Spetstaim! have there. (NO GROUPS) more of this at earlier stagea of the your laundry comas out soft, dry, sweet-smelling, Take ten minutes in a BarcaLounger and see But every now and then, in the Nixon career, somebody would be midst o f hto apparent lack o f solu­ how it refreshes you. (Actually, you’ll find MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED President today. But then he e You’ll wonder how you ever managed without It CANS tion and succeas, or In the after­ wouldn’t be able to apeak hla own yourself spending iill evening in it!) For there’s Sweet Corn 2 c’£‘s3 5 c 17-OZ math of some tragic Inevitability mind freely any more, ao perhapa nothing else like BarcaLounger’s Relax Action. CANS nelUmr he nor anybody else seem- everything does balance out pleaa- Gives you firm but gentle support .in five vital Sweet Peas '2 'lZ 2 9 t ^ aU e to prevent, he might catch Come —■ See Our Display 14-OZ antly, at that. areas . . . head, shoulders, small o f the' back, DK MONTI ua aQ up with aomethlng he, almost Made from Vine-Ripened Tomaloat Bits alohj, had managed to save and thigs, calves. BarcaLounger does this without Catsup 2 SHEPHERD STEVENS L I V B B l 9-OZ prea^rva through and in spite of NEW HAVEN (AP)-ahepherd s u M c r m e ^ u v 176 knobs or cranks. Jost shift your body wdght PKGS avaiything that had been happen­ Stevens, 81, a retired jutifessor of East Center P ie Crust 2 architecture at Tale, died here Sat­ NiLseTRIC LIGHT to the desired position for cop^lete relaxatioB 22-OZ in g to aU o f us. I t would be aome­ Street CHIBRY BW PHimO urday. A graduate of Columbia . . . from upri^t aitting to fall redining. See CAN thlng that Would remind ua that University and the ficole dca CGMI»ANV 70 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER—MI 8-6808 Comstock 5c Off SAUI wa Were htunan beinga, that we Beaux Arts In Paris, he served Phone ' than at Watkins . . . priced as low as |119. ' had 'Certain redeeming gracee briefly on the Cornell University M I S-1126 aGARiniS. M l* fi TOIACCO n o o u c u BtlMPT nU5M STAMP OfflR aaumg ear Iiodgepodge of nttrl- lacu l^. then came to T ale In 1830. R e retired In 1M7. A .-a *. ■


Lange Jr., 105 W. ■hip at the church Thursday^ Worry O f Middle Tpke.; a son to Mr. and Mahoney to DUcuss Rt. 6 Barto Admit Columbia .j;*. W ■ - - : • -r- South Windsor Luncheon will be served at noon, West IMlay Reject Red Call About Town Mrs. Gordon Adams, 64A. Bolton follhWed by a business session. The Center Rd. FALSE TEETH ladies are requested to bring either Slipping or Irritating? Daughten 9 t Liberty, No. 125 iVith Planners inCoventry TwoinArea BmTHS.TODAY; A daughter to ZonerstoAct Sen. Mariani a salad or dessert for four people. For Heads of State Parley will meet tomorrow at I b^ . at Mr. and Mrs. John Brodeur Hart* Rolls and beverage will be fur­ Don't bs smbatTsaMd by loess fslss Mra. Ajurie E. I^lley <**>«*‘ter to Mr. and tssth sUpplni, drapptnt or wobbling Orange Hall. Mrs. Robert U ^ a p A Manchester man'and a Rock- nished by’the hostesses. when you rat, tslZ or tsugh. Just will be In diarge of the refresh- Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Lailsy. 88, Fmneiif Mahoney and Dlrectoni Ted Few- Mra. William Edwards, 102 Village Ittim Tm gt Om ) Democrmtle Direct ^dlle resident have passed the Con- St., Rockville On Drug Store Visit Slated During the morning the Middle- sprlnkfs s llttls PA8TKXTB on your mente conunlttee. o f Nonitood. Maaa., Slid formerly ell and William OoIUns met with toivn Volunttera will hold a plan­ plstu. This plsstant powder'gives a ------. Mahoney has been Invited to meet 'necUout State Bar examination. DISCHARGED SA’ItlRDAY: remerkeble eenea of edded eoipfort mMt at a later date has to !>• BE EXTRA of Talcottvllle, mother of Walter State IB$k«hy OommlsatoaeT How­ John Proven, eon o f Mr. and ning session. The sewing group ’Ik# laicy Spencer Group of Sec­ tonight with toe Oovoitry. Plan­ ard Ives Thnrsday to discuss Mrs. Nancy Gooht, 443 W. Middle A great deal of interest IX being end security by bolding plates mors L«Uey, 24 Harvard Rd., Manchee- >lrs. Daniel Proven o f 629 S . Mid­ On Feba 27 Will work on aprons, and the wel­ * « T a « . Itad called oaJRiuk ALERT IN ond Congregational Church will ning and Zoning Commission to dis­ progress on ttxe R t Areiocatioo. Tpite-: Prier JanisaewsM, 58 North shown in the prospect of a drug ter, died last night at a hoapltal in dle Tpke, and John B. Fisk, son St.; Arlene Cahn, 356 Oakland come cwnmittee will meet with on Snnday. ivhen Ruak alio meet Wedneeday at 2 p.m. In the cuss formation of a ciUzenF com­ Oommlssinner ivre told them the store being opened to town. Peter any not otherwise involved. A nur­ BAD WEATHER church parlors. Hostesses will be of Mrs. and the late Atty. Donald St.; Mra. Anna Rose, 6 Hany Dr., state Sen. Peter Mariani of eelred the amhoMadon ot Frante, Norwood after a short lllneia She mittee to push for the RL 8 relo- Midway department has {daced a C. Fisk o f BUtogton Ave., Rock- sery will be provided for pre-school Mrs. Harry Rylander and Mrs. ■was the widow of Benjamin Lailey. high priori^ on the reloeatlan of Vernon; Mrs. Ebba Glenney, 448 Becklsh, who owns, the Medical , Italy and Canada. cation. vUle, will be sworn into roember- Groton haa SMteepted the invitation children. RiMk, after thia mcrning’a Ralph Rockwell. She wae bom in Belfast, Ireland, it, but that construction of the road W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Wanda Pharmacy to WUUmantic, baa ap­ Mahoney said the invitation was ghlp as new attorneys to Con- Falkqwskl, 32, King' St., Rockville; of the Refiublican Town Commit­ meeUna wMh Ormiby Core, went daughter of the late James and depends on whether Uv> 1888 Mgis- plied for a permit to establish such Manchester Evening Herald ALL IN ONE STORE A. The American Legion Post will extended by Lawrence F. DeMaia, lature appropriates money for i t George Blythe. 9 Warren Ave., tee to' speak at the Pleasant Valley ,to th ew h ite House and conferred M Eliza Ferguson. She came to this a Republican, chairman o f. the a store in Satoeris Store at Colum­ South Windsor correspondefit, with Prealdent Kennedy. . meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at toe country in 1880 and lived in Tal­ The earliest date the road couM Vernon; Robert Peltier, 124 Maple bia Center. Tlie application will be School cafeteria Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. Legion Home. Refreshments will committee. Laura Katz, telephone Mitchell SHOP FOR ALL YOUR The Kennedy-MacmiUan note to cottvllle for 22 years. Mrs. Lalley be finished, aaid Ives, even H the St.; Ernest LeVoaseur, South taken up at the zoning and plan­ He la the first of several leading 4-17SS. be served. The mretlng will, start at 8 Windsor; Ridiard Street. Wlnde- Khrudtdiev, about 650 words, de­ was formerly employed by the Tkl- o'clock In the town office annex of legislature appropziatea the money, ning commlssionB meeting Tuesday Republicans in the state the town scribed dtearmament as "the most cott Mills. She sang alto in the is 1967. mere Ave.,JRockv4Ue: Gall Gordon, night. committee hopes to present in a MATERNITY NEEDS Clergy o f St. Mary's Ejplscopal Center School. urgent and the moat /ixgnplex is­ A choir of the TalcottvUle Congrega­ The dlreeton decided the beet Hublard K ., Vernon; Mrs. Flor­ According to Haxton Leiaenger, aeries of talks on the state politi­ • Stock Sold BLOUSES. SKmTS, SLACKS, lurch will discuss preparation 17118 Is the second meeting , in a ence Beer, 14 Talcott Ave., Rodk- sue’’ in the world today. tional Church. After her marriage, neighboring town to which Ma­ way to bring pressure on the leg- realtor handling the busiriess cal situation. BRAS. GIRDLES, r for Lent at a meeting of toe Wom­ Isuatore was to form a cttlaena' ..yllle; Mrs. Irene Klucewlcz. 358 transaction. Beckish intends to Sen. Mariani will answer ques­ WASHINGTON (API — The Mrs. Lalley moved to Norwood, The President and the prime en of St. Mary’s in NelU Hall af­ honey and the two other Manches­ SWEATERS and SWIMSUITS miidster told the Soviet premier Maaq. ter Democratic directors have been committee including persons from Hackmatack St.; Gary Zemehek. buy The Old Inn. Said to have been tions and discuss the issues person­ Washington Redskins announced ter the 7:30 worship service at the Hillside Ave.,' Vernon; A lei^ d er built about 1750, thia old landmark last night that Attorney Leo Deot- AT "a supreme effprt must be made church tonight. Survivors Include three sons, invited — the-Bolton Town Plan­ all the towns affected by the pro­ ally with townspeople in a coffee and the three'of ue must accept a and the Soviet Union agreed last Walter Lalley of Manchester, a ning Oommluion invited them to posed route, from Meriden th n ^ h Kosinskl, SulBeld; KatolOen Mor- qn-Colutobta Green was on the old hour after hia talk. sey has bought 13 per cent of the fell, 46 Pine St.; Richard Flana­ common measure o f obligation to fall calls for various stages of su­ The Ladies of St. JamM will typesetter in the composing room corns Wednesday night t/ar the Manchester, Bolton. Coventry and 'Stage route between Norwich and The senator is considered a pos­ stock 6f the National Football seek every avenue to restrain and gan. 17 O’Leary Dr.; John Oailas- Hartford and a stopping off place sible nominee for lieutenant gov­ League team from Red.skln.s presi­ Glazie/s pervised disarmament aimed to­ hold, a card party in St. James’ at The Herald; Harold Lalley of same purpose. WllUmantle. Corset and UfiUoim Shop reverse the mounting arms race." tally dismantling national military Dedham, Mass., and Hiomaa Lalley 80, 11 Strant St.; Mrs. JSUzabeth for passengers wanting refresh­ ernor on the GOP slate this fall. dent George Marshall. No an­ School hall tonight at 8. Refresh­ ment The bar at which many a 631 Main St.—Manchester Unless some start is made on forces and arsenals. ments will be served. of Norwood, Mass.; a daughter, McManus, 252 School St.; Mrs. South Windsor Republicans say. A nouncement was made of the price oonttoUing sums competition, they Mre. Margaret Sadler of West- Beverly O’Brien, 36 Union' Ct.; traveler was served Is still Intact Groton businessman, he Is presi­ paid for the 130 shares of stock. The United States at the time in the Inn. said, ’’events may take their own pointed up at toe United Nations Members of Spencer Circle, wood, Mass.; two grandohlldren, Charles Hildebrand, 37 Village St., dent of the New London Chamber course and erupt in a disaster Woman^ 82^ Burned Critically; Lessenger said Becklsh plans to of Commerce, a trustee of Law­ the-failure to agree on toe crRl- WSCS, of South Methodist Church and a brother, Andrew Ferguson Rockville: Curino Papa. 87 a ia r- which will ■ afflict all peoples, of Manchester. ter Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Carolyn tear doWn the old barns at the rear rence Memorial Hospital and ouUy important requirements of will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. in of the Inn and replace them with those o f the Soviet Uhion as well Susannah Wesley Hall. Mra. Ken­ Funeral ^ services will be held Wemett and daughter. 92 High Mitchell College, and director of as of the United Kingdom and the an international^ Inspcctiofia' sys­ Was Heating Salve with Match a parking area. He would remove banks in the area. tem. The liispemon problem. In neth Strum will be chairman of a Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the May St., Rockville: Mrs. Elizabeth A t­ TUNE TEASERS BOGANA United States." workshop. Hostesses will be Mrs. Funeral Home, 85 Nichols St., Nor­ kins and son. East Hartford; Mrs. the gasoline pumps now there and He haa served in the Slate Sen­ White avoiding any mention of toe western view, poses the major re-locate the milk machine. The ate since 1956 and la currently obstacle in the way of Uie forth­ Charles Crocker and Mrs. Charles wood, Mass., with burial In Nor­ An 82 - year - old ManchesterSformed______of the accident by Mrs. Elstelle Pelletier and son, Wapping a Big Three get together, they wood Cemetery. a store would be located in the ell chairman of the Groton GOP Town COATS coming Geneva negotiations. Banks. woman was severely burned this Phelps’ husband. The couple, mar­ DISCHARGED YESTERK Y: aaid: "The stature and progress, Mrs. Angeline Sartor, 30 Irving now used by the Squler'a and Mr. Committed. Khruehcfaev's letter to Kennedy morning at her home when her ried 61 years last month, has ns and Mrs. Beckish would make of the conference should. In addi-| Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ Dominick Oerlevaro phone. . Jota Provan St.; Barbara Bell, BUtogton; Mrs. Football Unit to Meef tlon; be the subject of more fre­ reportedly made no direct refer­ dress Ignited as she was heating their home in the Inn. WIN D ry Cleaned ters. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. Dominick Carlevaro, 76, of Sil- One of the neighbors, Mrs. Clif­ Mary Badorek, Glastonbury; Mrs. The South Windsor Midget Poot- quent communications among the ence to nuclear test ban negotia­ salve with a match. necUcut Bar ceremonies tomorrow Uons ‘Scout’ Meeting tions. in Odd Fellows Hall. Members are verton. Ore., former owner of the Mra. Frank L. Phelps, 51 Phelps ford Sault, 60 Phelps - Rd., said Augusta Pitney,^ 1003 Tolland The Lions Club will observe Boy baJI League Auxiliary will meet three o f us." reminded to bring dish towels to Dr. Caldwell Farm on Shoddy Mill Mrs. Phelps was trying to heat the morning a j New Haven. Tpke.; Lorry Ackerman, Tolland; tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home of Kennedy and Macmillan aaid all The Kennedy-Macmillan iiropos- Rd., is on toe critical list at Man­ Provan, a graduate of George- Scout Week at its dinner meeting 25c Lb. replenish the supply. Refreshments Rd., Bolton, died Saturday at hla chester Memorial Hospital with salve before applytog it to an In­ Mrs. Rita Anderson, 37 Eldgerton tonight at 7 at Liberty Hill Log Mrs. Evel,vn Zagorskl, 641 Sullivan three "must view the forthcoming al last week that the disarmament will be served. home. He lived in Bolton many tovni University Law School In Ave. Chief business of the ses­ first, second and third degree jured toe when the accident oc­ 1961, received hla bachelor of arts S t; Mrs. Carole Gilbert. 236 Hil­ Cabin. Scoutmasters Laicien Le­ When Included With dlaaimament meetings as an op­ negotiations begin with foreign yean before moving to the West curred. She said the woman appar­ sion will be election of officers. 8 Lba. Of Dry Cleaning portunity and a challenge which bums on the left side of her body. ■ degree from the College of l ib ­ liard St.; Bernard McKenna Jr., vesque and William Roberta will be ministers was announced simul­ Members of Anderson-Shea Aux­ Ooast euid was a member of the Mrs. Phelps was rushed to the ently managed to remove the 417 Summit St.; Mrs. Jane Ir­ All Interested women are invited For Just $8.00 time and history may not once taneously with word that Britain eral Arts at Tufts University in presented by George E. Peters, iliary, VFW, will meet tomorrow at Italian American Chib, in Manches­ hospital’s emergency room at 10:30 burned dresa before being taken to win, 289 E. Middle Tpke.; Miss representative from the Lions to to attend. again qUow us." had a g r ^ to let the UhMed States ter. June 1957. He is a Manchester DIAL In Only SO Mlnntea 7 :S0 p.m. at the Post Home to hon­ today, by nel^bora who were In- the hospital. Joan Cataldi, 33 McKinley St.; Ja­ the Boy Scouts. The Lions sponsor Wapping Oommiinity Church Notes At A factor inclining the West use Christmas Island in the Pa- or the pdst presidents of the or­ Survivors include a son, John L. High School graduate and has Wapping Church school teach­ been prominent in state Congrega­ net Krawaki, Wapping; Barbara Troop 162. 1230 against a summit meeting at the otfle for possible nuclear atmos­ ganization. Members are remind­ Carlevaro of Silverton, with whom Receive Eagle Scout Awards ers will meet Wednesday at 7:30 outset o f the negotiations is the tional, Church Fellowship work Hutton, 26 Benton St.; Haro la School Menu 4 A.M. to 10 A.M. pheric testing. ed to bring valentines. Mrs. Leo he made his home; two daughters include two brothers, Samuel S. day at 8:30 a-m., wMfa a oolernn David Griffith of 24 Overbrook Dr., and Wajme E. Flint Jr. of Wil­ p.m. downstairs In the church. A STOP *N CLEAN possSrility that the meeting of Khrushchev may have decided in California and several grand­ during his high school years. At Ernst, Granby; Mrs. Doris Blain, Tomorrow—shepherd’s pie, but­ Govln is committee chairman and FoU of New Haven and James V. high Maas o f requiem at St. Laike’s tered corn, carrot sticks and ap­ son Lane were proud recipients Saturday of the first Elagle Scout discussion will be held on the heads of state might bring a vast that the two Western leaders were children. Church at 9 am . Burial will be in .Tufts and Georgetown Universi­ 43 Clyde Rd.; Mra. Anita Shorts, awards in Vernon Troop 86 in more than a decade. T h e badges 411 MAIN STREET Mrs. John Vince, co-chairman. Foil of St. Petersburg, Fla.; two 580 Burnham St.; John Lerch, 37 plesauce; Wednesday — schoolboy evaluation of church school ma­ dlsaiqxdntment to'~a world expect­ engaging in a.diplomatlc man-euv- The funeral will be held Wednes­ sisters. Miss Teresa Foil of Willi- Rose Hill Memcn'lal Park, Roedey ties, he held high scholastic worn on their left shirt pockets, were pre.sented by Highland Dis­ MANCHESTER ing too much from it achievements and also played var­ Foxx Hill Dr., Rockville; Peter sandwich, tossed salad, pickles, terial. Open All Day, Every Day er partly to offset criticism of Martha Circle, Emanuel Luther­ day inonUng'at toe Callanan Mor­ mantlc and Mrs. Maria Noce of Hill. trict Commissioner Prescott L. Brovm. A Life Scout award was Women of the church are in­ The President often has ssdd tuary, Hollywood, Calif. Burial will sity football at the former school Lalashuas, 191 Union St.; Donna Valentine cake; Thursday—turkey WINF Lots Of Free Parking presented to Clarence E. Wilson of Wilshire Rd. by Troop Ad­ their agreement that if they do go an Church, will meet Thursday at Wethersfield; and several nieces Friends may call at the funeral vegetable pie with hot biscuit vited to the monthly luncheon there must be adequate advance be in Hollywood. where he was a member of Delta Moriarty, 15 Lancaster Rd.; Mrs. vancement Chairman Charles A. Warren. Other awards were into atmospheric testing the ac­ 10 a.m. to sew. Members are re­ and nephews. borne tonight from 7 to 9 and to­ crust, cranberry sauce, celery meeting of^the ^Women’s Fellowp preparations for a summit con- tion will be Justified by military Ed Elliott Dead at 99; The funeral will be held at the morrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9’ Tau Delta fraternity. He played Evelyn King, 43 Salem Rd.; Mrs. presented Troop Leader Roger G. Lord. The troop charter was minded to bring a sandwich- Cof­ football to high school. Evelyn Helm, 25 Spruce S t; John sticks and fruit; Friday—salmon terence. He told a recent news necessity. fee will be served at noon.'‘After Bichard J. Boyce W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225, p.m. Memorial donatiems may be renewed and presented to the Rev. Robert Flrby, pastor of th* conference he did not think , a Richard Jamee Boyce, 19, of 72 Fisk, a graduate of Phillips Fallon, 22 Bank St.; Mrs.. Gladys , mushroom sauce, car­ sponsoring Vernon Methodist Church, by Alphonse L. Wisnieski, In that case his response Sun­ a business meeting at 2 p.m., se­ Main S t, Wednesday at 8:15 made to the Hartford Cancer So­ rots and peas and cherry pudding. meeting with Khruahchev would day could have been designed pri­ cret pals will be revealed and re­ Oldest Salvationist Bayberry Rd., Glastonbury, son of a.m., followed by a solemn high ciety. Academy, Andover, Maas., Dart­ Vennart, 70 Weaver Rd.; Mrs. district advancement chairman. Ceremonies followed a supper be advhwble under present condi­ marily as a countemaneuver to freshments served. Mrs. Fted Ekiward G. and Laura West Boyce, Mass of requiem at St. Bidget’s mouth College, and the University Hazel Fahey, 709 Mato St.; Myron at the church. (Herald photo by Fhnto), tions. of Vlrg/lnia Law School, where he Mancheater Evening Herald Co­ put the Western Powers in the po­ Johnson will lead devotions and was klUed ait about 2 a.m. Sunday Church at 9. Burial will be in St. L«e, RFD 1; William P r 1 n d 1 e, when his car struck a utility pole received his law degree lost June, lumbia correspondent Mrs. Donald However, if the Gehevs dls- sition of rejecting such a dramatic Mrs. Ernest Kjellson and Mrs. Edward Charles Elliott, 99, o f 18.>at the Salvation Anny Citadel on Bridget’s Cemetery. • Bayberry Rd., Bolton; Linda armiunent group can maxa. prog, Orchard St., oldest member of the in East Hartford. fu n erals Is presently employed In Hart­ Briggs, 11 Welcome PI.; Giovanni R. Tattle, telephone AOademy VALENTINE S-P-E-C-l-A-L-S offer. George Okerfelt are committee the occasion of his 89th birthday Friends may call at the fimeral 8-3435..^ resa toward translating gmeral Manchester Salvation Army Corps In 1951. Last March he received The car skidded out of control home tonight from 7 to 9, and to­ ford. Balblano, RFD. 2; John Dahlqulst, However, other developments in chairmen. on Main St. near Willow, pinning principles of disarmament into both in age and years of service, a huge bouquet from the O ^ s morrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Joseph Staunona He indicated today that his fu­ Andover; Mrs. Shirley Morgan concrete programs of action^ reoHit weeks suggest that he may died yesterday at Manchester Me- and was honored by 100 Mends Boyce behind the wheel, according ture plans will be crystallized and daughter, 52 Doane St.; Mrs. Both Stores Both Stores there is reason to believe Ken­ other purposes In view, in- The annual Valentine Dance of to Boot Hartford police. Funeral aervlcea for Mra. Mary shortly. Fisk is currently serving the Manchester Country Club will mori^ Hospital after a short Ill­ and relatives at an open house at Lawrence J. Donahue Sr. Jane S. Simmons, 591 Vernon St., Charlotte Plante and son, Harriet Styles Show Set nedy might be willing to go to a g the Soviet-Red Chinese ness. his home on his 09th birthday. He Or. Donald Haaen of East Hart­ with the Connecticut National St., Vernon; Mrs. Dorothy Hajdu X split and the simmering Berlinbe held Saturday. Dancing will be Lawrence J. (Tim) Donahue will be, held at the Holmes Funeral Entire Stock. Boxed, summit meeting at a late atege M^ijor E. Walter Lamie, officer was a daily reader of the ^ble. ford, . medical eauuniner, pro- Sr., 66. of 45 Goodrich Dr., 'VVIeth- Guard. and son, 58 Wells St.; Mra, Lor­ of the negotiations. The .Geneva crisis. from 9 p.m. to 1 a m. to the music Home, 400 Mato St., tomorrow at By North WSCS Pure Milk, Valrnttne VALEHTINE PARTY NEEDS in charge of the Salvation Army, The nonagenarian, who wo^d nounSoed Boyce dead at the scene. eiwfleld, father o f Lawrence J. raine Carpenter and son, 21 Sea­ group la to report to the United A sumibit meeting on disarma­ of the ^phlatlcates. Refreshments He was bom in ManriMster, Feb. 11 a.m. Burial will be to East S i will be served at midnight. Mrs. said today "Mr. Elliott was not have been 100 next month, survived Donahue Jr., 96 Pine St., Manches­ man Circle: Mrs. Arline Barnard Nationa June 1. ment any ttine in the next few only the oldest but one' of the best 26, 1942, and moved to Glaston­ Cemetery. "Spring Fashions of 1962 " In a CHOCOLATE H. John Malone is general chair­ his four younger brothers, Bdwsird, ter, died yesterday at Hartford Friends may call at the funeral and daughter, 75 Fairfield St.i TABLE COVERS reo. sto Slo The new Soviet propoaition re­ months would to divert world soldiers from the standpoint of William, Alfred and Sidney Elliott. bury nine yeare ago. He attend­ Hospital Notes Valentine setting will be sponsored portedly was delivered when Mik­ man; Mrs. Burton Rice, refresh- ed Manchester and Glastonbury Hospital after a long illness. home tonight from 7 to 9. DISCHARGED TODAY; Mra. HEARTS attention from Berlin. It coilld mente; Roy Knofla, reservations loyalty and good Christian liv­ He also survived hig wife and five Mr. Donahue was bom in Ston- Cora McCloud', 37 Strat St.; Mrs. by the Woman’s Society of Chris­ hail N. Smlmovsky. ranking offi­ also be used by Khrushchev as an etementary schools, graduated from REG. 29tv TOX , NAPKINS, PIATES, and Mrs. Warren Thurnauer, dec­ ing.” of his seven children, Edward El­ ington, Marph 17, 1905, and had Elizabeth Vasques, 71 Whitney cial at the Soviet Embassy, met opportunity for improving his Mr. Elliott was born in Frome, Glastonbury Higdi School and Riv­ . NOTED CARTOONIST DIES Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m- for tian Service at North Methodist CUPS. Reg. 29c. orations Reservations will close liott Jr., who served as town build­ lived to the Hartford area for 26 all areas, except maternity, where Rd.; Mrs. Jeanette Barll, Phoenix Church, 300 Parker St., on Friday, Rog. 39V |tox . . a .• a a a 31c 1 23c Sunday morning vrith Secretary of ties with the West ahd, inside Somerset, England, March 7, 1862, ing Inspector for mtuay years, Al­ erside Military Academy, Gains- DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)— State Dean Rusk at the State De­ Thursday and may be made by and came to Manchester 81 years ford, Ga. He wee a crib attend­ years. He had been employed at J. N. Ding Darling, 85, two-time they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 to 8 St., Vernon. Feb. 23. at 8 p.m. at the church. Communist bloc politics, h's might calling the club. fred, Alice, Eva and Ldllian Elliott Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, di­ Burton's Inc., 841 Main St., wilU partment. Smlmovsky reportedly use it to justify his "peaceful co­ ago. He was employed by Che­ Cloi^h. ant at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Pulitzer winning cartoonist for p.m.; and private rooms where 975 MAIN STREET 105 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST gave Rusk a seven-page letter ney Bros, for many years qs a divlsioa of United Aircraft Corp., vision of United Aircraft Corp., the Dea Moines Register, died they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors provide models and latest fashions “ Turnpike Plaza” existence" policy which has been Survivors include two daughters, New Assignmentg in misses and half-sizes for wom­ from Khrushchev addressed to The library committee of Guild weaver and loom-fixer. He later East Hartford, and a atudent at Ehist Hartford, for 23 years. today. He had been In poor are requested not to smoke in pa­ Downtown Manchester (Nezt to Popular Market) Kennedy. under attack from old-time Stalin of Our Lady of St. Bartholomew's Mrs. William Hall and Mrs. Annie Survivors, besides his son, in­ en and girls’ wear for tots through ists. was custodian at the Municipal Clough of Manchester; five grand­ the University of Hartford. Boyce herith for some tUne. Darting, a tients rooms. No more than two Rusk immediately got In touch clude his wife, Mrs.’ Alice Santin visitors at one time per patient. H ^ T F cI r d (AP)—Two football teens. Wardrobes for Easter and Conversely, Khrushchev could ^ a h will meet tomorrow *t 8:15 Building and had retired 31 years children and seven great-grandchll was a member of John Mather nationally known conservation­ with the PresldMit, who was pjit, at the rectory, 741 E. Middle ago. Chapter o f DeMOlay and thg First Donahue of Wethersfield; two ist often called the *1iest friend coaches were named today by through spring will include suits, employ a eummit meeting on dle- dfen. Catholic high schools in the Hart­ coats, sportswear, casual and spending the weekend at Middle- Mr. Elliott was among the first Funeral services will ,be held Church of Christ Oongregi^ionai, other sons In Hartford and West ducks ever had" died of a heart ADMITTED SATURDAY: Anita burg, Va. Late in the ^tem oon armament to try to prees home Glastonbury. Hartford: two brothers in Palm ailment In Iowa Methodist Hoa­ Abolins, Hebron; Kenneth Bieu, ford area. Pat McCue, a star end dressy dresses with millinery. Jew­ his Berlin demands on Kennedy. .30 persons who enrolled as sol­ Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Salt Rusk called In the ambassadors The Army-Navy auxiliary will diers of the Salvation Army in Survivors, besides hia parents. Beach, F la, and Provldenc^e, R.I.; pltal. He won the Pulitzer Prize 431 Parker St.; John Golden Jr., at New Britain High and Boston el^, handbags and gloves from -4 (1 ThIa almost certainly would have vatlon Army Citadel. Major LamiO University, wa« chocen the first Burton's store. of Britain, SVance, Italy and sponsor a cawj party tonight at 8 Manchester. He became a mem­ wilb-.-officiate. Burial will be in Include a sister, Mrs. George Gey- two sisters in Wallingford and for his cartoons In 1924 and Wapping; • Michael Maloney, 360 Canada. ' the effect of increaalng tensions. at the club house, 1090 Main St. ber in 1888. He was also an orig­ sen Jr., Onset, Mass., and a Waterbury and seven grandchil­ again in 1942. He was named the Windsor St.; Mrs. Dorothy Prey, football roach at new South Catho­ Mrs. Richard D. Field Is general East Cemetery. lic High School In Hartford. Walter chairman, and Mrs. Murray Burns The Khrushchev letter is said inal member of the first Salvation Friends may call.at the Holmes nephetw. dren. n eon ’s beat cartoonist In 1984 42 Linnmore Dr.; Mrs. Helen An- to have been sent in reply to a The Guild o f Our Lady o f St. Army band In town in which he shineral services will be held at The funeral will be held at toe in a poll of the nation’s editors Stosuy, former Southern Connecti­ is In charge of tickets. The public Funeral Home, 400\Main St., to­ der.son, 17J Garden Dr.; Mrs. cut State college ace bock, was is Invited. Refreshments will be proposal which Kemiedy and Brit­ Rockville-Vernon Bartholomew’s j>ariah will sponsor played baritone horn. He was morrow from 3 to Wand 7 to 9 the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Ahern Funeral Home, 180 Farm­ by Editor A Publisher maga­ Joanne Carlson, 12 Diane Dr., Ver­ ish Prime Minister Harold Mac­ a military whist and setbadc party given a public testimonial and par­ Main St., tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. ington Ave., Hartford, Wednes­ zine. named football coach at Northwest served by Mrs. Russell Miner and millan made to him last Thurs­ p.m. Friends may contribute to the non; David Spencer, 116 Forest Catholic High in West Hartford. committee. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Buckley ty by friends and fellow workers Salvation Army Memorial Fund. The Rev. Allen S. Lehituui, pastor St.; William O’Connell, 27 Malden day. It called for the Geneva School Board Acts School auditorium. Refreshnients of toe First Church of Christ meeting to be opened by foreign Lane, Rockville. will be served. The public is Invlt- Congregational, Glastonbury, .will ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mi- ministers of the United States, On Budget Tonight ed. officiate. Burial 'will be in Bkist Britain and the Soviet Union. chael Guerra, 193 Adams St.; Bd- In effeoti lOmishchenr raised the Christian Church One Clue Leads.. Cemetery, Manchester. . rls Sheldon, Tolland; Mrs. Fran­ The Vernon Board of Education The Women’s Home League of Friends may call at the funeral ces MacDuff, 86 Milford Rd.; Jo­ bid by suggesting that the 18- the Salvation Army will meet to­ natian session be opened not by is eiq>ected to act tonight on a Held Only Hope ■When U oyd W. MacNedl of home tonight from 7 to 9. , seph Esoda Jr., Coventry; Laura record budg«[t proposal estimated morrow at 2 p m. in junior hall. Moriconl, 181 Mato St., Mra. Norma AT THE foreign ministers but by heads of Hostesses will be Mrs. Jennie Hoff 4 Clyde Rd. saw that the AfMJt MANeHSSTBK etNTKR government. -• ■" In the neighborhood of $1.7 mil­ David Paul DeOaril McBride, 16 N. School St.; James and Mrs. Jemima Dugan. To Unite World wheels were missing from his Ellington—David. Paul DeCarli, £A9r PARKINS ,, , The Soviet leader is reported to lion, nearly $200,000 greater than car parked in the driveway, Liebman, 600 Lydall St.; Brenda DOBIN'S; the budget for the current year. year old son of Louis and Adeline S A O'Keefe, East Hartford; Albert ‘I jIGGe t t pharmacists have told Kennedy that the issues The Ladies of St. James will "The Church of Christ Is the he naturally called toe police. OHE Adoption of the budget by the When police investigated, Loetsclier DeCarli of Sadds Mill Ford, 29 Overlook Dr.; Robert Involved In dlsar.nament were far board will complete the last of the meet tonight at 8:16 in St. James’ Rd. died Saturday night at Hart­ too serious to be left to "bureau­ only Institution capable of bring­ however, they found the four Shapiro, 29 Diane Dr.; Mrs. Esther are PRESCRIPTION preliminary budgets to be turned School hall. Members are remind­ ford Hospital. The infant was bom W i n ing mankind together,’’' said the wheels under the car which Cuneo, 122 School St.; Mrs. Mar­ crats"—by which he made clear over to the board of finance for ed to bring playing cards. in Manchester on Nov. 2. I960. DEPT. STOREJ - he meant the foreign ministers. Rev. Jos-eph Nezzo, pastor of the had been propped up. The po­ garet Gibson, Weri Wtlltngton; SPECIALISTS” study in anticipation of the an­ lice left and MacNeil set out Besides his parents, he is sur­ Mrs. Rita Marin, Worcester Rd., ManclieAteA. LUMBER" The set of disarmament princi­ nual meeting in March. St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Horace Bushnell Church, Hartford, vived by I'm brothers, Edward and ples on which- the United States of Isabella, will meet tomorrow at to put the wheels back on. Vernon; Ralph Lupacchino, 104 The board of education will meet at a supper meeting for officers Christian DeCarli, and his mater­ Olnton St.; Mrs. Kristina Ml- Our pharmacist compounds your in the superintendent's office in 8 p.m. at the K o f C Home. But he found the lugs gone. nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. and board members of Center Con­ He bought new lugs and re­ chalicka, Stafford Springs; Mrs- proscription with poinstakinq, coral the Old High School building at Jacob Loetscher ot Main St, Elaine Berk, Hebron; Mrs. Eliza­ remodel your basement 7:30 p.m. The Women’s Christian Temper­ gregational Church last night. mounted the wheels. Then he About 70 persons attended the Private funeral services will be beth Colby, Coventry; John Colby, Quontitias must ba pfacisaly maos- BIG AUCTION TOMORROW! A t the same hour, the Rockville ance Union o f Manchester will found- that all the tires were held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the meet at South Methodist Church supper In 'Woodruff Hall. bald and were o f different VALHNTINE SPECIAL Wapping; Mrs. Elizabeth Vasques, urad. . . Ingradiants.mus^ba frash, SEND THEM City CouncU will meet at City Hall Burke ETineral Home, 76 Prospect 71 Whitney Rd.; Catherine Lappen, for a regular busine« meetoig to tomorrow at 10:80 am. to work on The Rev. Mr. Nezzo mentioned sizes. pura, imiformly affactiva . . . tha for WORK or PLAY that the Christian way of life was St. The Rev. Maurice F. SulUvan 66 Baldwin R d.; Alex Tomkunaa, be interrupted at 8 p.m. for a pub­ scuffles for patients at the New­ MacNeil complained to the of St. Luke’s Church, Ellington, compound is chackad and doubla THE being put to a supreme test in - - -EXCLUSIVE WITH FLOWER FASHION ' 20 Joseph St.; Mrs. Blanche Con- lic hearing on proposed traffic ington Hospital. A noon potluck firm which sold him the Uree. will officiate. chackad for accuracy. . . Use Your Valuable anl, Storrs; Andrew Kelsey, 20 with NU-WOOD ceiling tile ordinances. The major proposal will be served. Hosteeses will be these days of world eruptions, That was when fie (found out Hilltop Ave., Vernon: Peter Phil­ Exactly What lha Doctor HOMETOWN is to make Prospect St. one way Mrs. Clarence Jaycox, Mrs. Wil­ changes, and technical and scienti­ that neither the witeels nor Mrs. Stanley Urbanlk liam McKinney and Mrs. ' Lucy lips, 158 Ludlow Rd.; Mrs. Agnes Ordar^l and wall paneling ^ east between Park St. and Moun­ fic Innovations. He suggested that the tires were his oWn, He Mrs. Delphtne Pott Urbanlk, 138 tain St. Reid. the Christian Church must unite had unwillingly swapped hia Simpson, 19 Morse Rd. NEWS Hawthorne St., wife of Stanley ADMITTED TODAY; LouU TO- The l»ard of education has ap­ and revise its principles to meet for another set. Urbanlk, died Saturday at Man Dobin’s Dividend Dollars proved a'ijiew teapher. salary sched­ St. James Mothers’ Circle will the challenge in the v/orld today. Police went back to the in­ polskl. West Hartford; Miii. Grace meet Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. at chaster Memorial Hospital after a Phelps. 51 Phelps Rd. ule for the coming year which will "Failure to raise its voice against vestigation. Short illness. ral.se the current $996,214 salary the home of Mrs. John J. Martin, the ojjprcssion o f the Jews during BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh­ 15 Cedar St. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Urbanlk was bom in Italy ter to Mr and Mra. David Blaney, TUESDAY NIGHT of DOBIN'S.. - . item to about $1,068,000. The in­ Hitler's regime laid the Christian po.sition with our many fine In­ and lived in WllUmnnllc for many crease does not include salaries for Mrs. Edward Socha and Mrs. Sam­ Church open to world criticism," Berkeley Dr.. Vernon; a son to Mr. uel Vinci. surance companlcy and this will years before moving here 11 years and Mra. Biaymond Hickey, 29 an anticipated 16 new teachers said the Rev. Mr. Nezzo. Adding benefit our LaL'jnne-Silverstetn ago. She employed in the needed next year. “ the Christian Church in South O'Leary D r.; a daughter to Mr. and Thee vocational education work clients with an even greater em­ group department, Aetna Insur­ America is In a sad situation and Mrs. Alfred J. Kargl, 165 Ferguson or tectechnical institutes, the need for phasis on service,’’ he said. ance Cb., Hartfl^rd, for 85 years, Rd.; a son to Mr. and Mra. Jotui AUCTION STARTS two-year colleges, and experience is not always looked upon as a The local insurance firm will an­ and was a member, of the Aetna I c y champion of human rights and Anderson, 149 School St.; a daugh­ Car Brushes Girl with community colleges in Con­ nounce new personnel changes In Girl's Club and CathMic Ladles of ter to Mr. and Mra. Walter Wadr necticut will ^ discussed at a dignity.. The Communists supply the near future. It was also report­ Columbus. hell, RFD 2; a son to Mr. and Mrs. meeting sponsored by the Service the natives with their daily bread ed. Survivors, besides her husband. John Rlsley, Coventry. TOMORROW NIGHT Crossing Street which appeases their hunger and "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" Bureau for Women’s Organizations b ir t h s -SESTTaRDAY: A aon to wins their support of communism." Regardless of where Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jamcg Perucclo, East A 12-yearK)Id girl received at Centlnel Hill Hall, Hartford. The Rev. Mr. Nezzo called upon Hartford; a daughter to Mr. and your service man or bruises on her left arm and thigh Luncheon reservation.s must be the offlceis and members present Mrs. Prank Roth, l^Hussell Dr., ONLY atthe ifijCVJuulsL A T 9 P.M. woman is stationed, about 8 a.m. today when she made before 5 p.m. tomorrow. The to ponder the responsibility that STARTING Vernon; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. the Manchester Eve­ stepped in front of a car at the discussions are open to all inter­ had been entnisted to Them, deep­ David Brennan, New Britain; a son WEST MIDDLE TURN'FIKE a OPEN-SUNDAY ALL DAY intersection of Princeton and Tan­ ested. en their Insights Into the needs of to Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien, 40 ning Herald can be for­ ner Sts. the church and broaden their In­ W EDNESDAY, FEB. 14 Christine D r ,r a son te Mr. and ■ J warded to be at “ Mail Phyllss M. Molava of 141 Tan­ terests in the church, community A Free Refreshments! Call” regularly with ner St. was on her way to school Four Area Girls and nation. % all th'e hometown news when, police said, she came to the RJehard S. Carpenter was mod­ WE WILL GIVE intersection, looked north on erator and Mrs. William Minnick people away from Princeton St. but failed to see a Gjet Nurse Caps Take the V/ieee/ out of laundry epeees AFunForAII! and her committee prepared the and add a recreation room at the tame , home are so anxious car, driven by Mrs- Ida B. G r^ b in New London supper. Boy Scouts and Girl to get, of 99 North St., coming from a Scouts ot Center Church served. lime. Forbidding baecfflcnit are trans- A Bring the Family and Friends! southerly direction when stepping formed quickly and inczpcniiycly into into this street to cross. Mrs. G nyb Four girls from Manchester and enjoyable work and play rooms when was slowing down at the time and vicinity received their caps from Hundreds of vcduoble gifts wHI be auctioned off (or Debin's SubscriptiotiM you remodel with Na-Wood. The applied her brakes and skidded the Joseph Lawrence School of Insurance Finn GREEN amazing Ne-Wood tiles and panels ga Dividend Dollars only! Be here . . . and {otn in the fun! Payable in Advance Into the child, police, aaid. No ar­ Nursing, New London, yesterday rest was made. afternoon. The ceremony was held Forms Subsidiary right up over joists and walls. Each 'HAH. RATES The child was reported resting in St.-Bernard’s High School au- STAMPS it besuiifully predecoraied , .. DON’T FORGET! DOUBLE DOBIN’S at home this afternoon, upon ad­ (Utoriutp. New London. Na-Wood not only dccorstct. . . it One T e a r ...... $22.00 vice from the family . physician, 'The girls are Miss Katherine George T. LaBonne Jr., presi­ W ON ALL PURCHASES adds esira intulaiion, Six Months ...... 11.00 and reportedly had only minor Olsaver, daughter of Mrs. John Ol- dent of the La Bonne-Silverstetn Associates, Inc., 153 Main St, helps to sound-proof, lOo! DIVIDEND DOLLARS EVERY TUESDAY Three Months...... 5.S0 bruises and was slightly shaken up. saver, 107 Cambridge St., and the (PHO'TOGRAPHED FROM STOCK) hot water f«y-*e-apply, One M onth ...... i.s5 late John Olsaver: Miss Karen today announced the formation of Come in Wednesday and make N>-Woed Met She did not require hospital treat­ All merduusdlM to b* metioned on diiptoy In Dobin’# window. W eekly...... ;4s ment, it was reported. McNamara, daughter of Mr. and a new subsidiary operation and your Valentine’s gift pur­ Beautiful Milk Glass Vase filled with A>C on Hot Wottr Hoofor Is COM be Mrs. Burton McNamara, 200 Wood­ the acquisition of an existing In­ fresh Sweetheart Roses, CantaUona and $ ^ . 4 9 chase and receive the famous • dipt, tteplst Star/ thit wttk te mah jmmr tsum m i ayere Telephone MI 3-2711 NINE BODIES FOUND land-St.; Miss Heverly Uebmon, surance agency. Sweet Reas, just as you see it in the 4 TbnM Fmfor oiid Costs Lost The new firm is th,e Dynamics wrtMkU »nd lipahh . . . ter Me m m aiint Circulation Dept. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Stephen HiyfC Green Stamps at. . . picture. It’s truly "Love In Bloom." SAIQON, South Viet' Nam L. Liebman, R t 44A. Bolton; and Insurance .Associates, which has Complete Solve your hot water problatoa quickly . . . aconomlcally. ■Tie Nu’ Wjml Orcere/er T ilt. OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 Today! (AP) — Seaohers today fomd Miss Jacqueline Huriey, daughter purchased the insurance agency An A-C Hot Water Heater will guarantee you more' hot the burned and scattered wreck­ SATURDAY TILL 5:30 P.M. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley, owned by Barrows and W ^loce, water (xmttouously and at lasa cost than any other aya> DOBIN'S age ot a, Vietnamese mlUtaiy foraieriy of Manchester and now Gireater Hartford real estate firm. C47 transport plane that ap­ of East Hartford. Dynamics will conduct buaineaa at ORDER YOURS NQW. tem. Call A-C today. Pay with your aaonthfy fuel oil bilL JIanclirBtrr parently carried 10 men--cight 1000 Farmington Ave., West Hart­ 5 years to pay—« o cariyiiig diaiges. Americans and two Vietnamese U.S. WHEAT FOR POEAND ford. John M Coughlin of Glax- Ample —to death on a leaflet dropping WARSAW, Potend (AF) —^ tonbury will manage- the firm. “ Y ou r MD MONEY DOWH IS MONTHLY Parking mtsslon Sunday..Bodies of nine The American Ship Sister Ka- "Dynamics Insurance Aasocl- Prescription in Area! lEurntns men were found wMi the wrech- ttego artlved nt the Poliak Bal- atea will work in aaaociatioa with Flowen Fashion age In a monatatnous area 80 tie port of Gdynia today with Barrows and Wallace In the fu­ S t o r i i ^ AMBWICAN COAL COMF>ANy "[ 28 MAIN STREET miles northeast of Saigon. Bes- PHARMACY 88,000 tons o f American whent ture an(| will provide professional one toama assomed tise 10th , ifVEST Bnnnui TREE. AT BBOAD BT. • ^ by MILIKOWSKI yifrralii ' for Palnod. Under an agrawnnt InaUrance earvlea /for that real ’ WEacrTO“ B lW a s«BIKMr __ 696 MAIN 8TREBT—MI 9-MW also perished, despite a report laat Dwiiidiw', Priand agreed aatate f i m ” L a B ou a aaid today, that paraefantos. had b e « seen te bny $44.8 million wnra a t tBenaring mir Toluraa im- oPBir oiAiLT m i. M rJA a suiniiAE x iu .tr Ji. HARTPOIIO Amerienn ftn a prednctei C5 t ill lS'D'I ailclQ j Ql'dl-Cal cStiJ •' •l.'t h" ^ 1 r"i i ^ J,-'., f-'ii'L '%•*.- *-''J^>' ' '- ' C' ' i j • \

MANGHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1962 PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M-ANCftESTER. CONN. MONbAl?, FEBRUARY 12, 1962 ------— BUGGS RUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOO^LB ' d a i l y CROSSWORD PUZ36LB P «$ T ! 0 0 AHEAP, eUMBRl VOUCN FC \Back Conservutisnif I'MSOWWYIWLASHEP Glenn’s Orbit Flight 'VOU 3WHEN WE PWOVE SOitRYt SHOOKOPTMB, Anawr » Pwrlww LOCAL'CKCL.MA3DR' U ^ T D S E A Weotherman Soys Lupton Tells GOP ,Tl6«TRbP& Acioas No Space Joy Ride YMLKERAND •BBaaatndIn' rvfceorm* *•' IWhiU.^ ORimataa There are too many Republican leaders who have a ‘‘yes, t«teT)TR/A weUboond but.. •” attitude wh«i ttey mold the party pn«ram. GOP (OoBtImied from Page -One) mMEBACK/ 10 Tardy of beef and vegetables from a tube • ^ w i a d gubiematoTiar Contender John Lupton of Weston told guests and sip water from two flat llFunnarly through a ivedal periaoope. Bach •WNiai 12W*7 lOCtreal ‘ *t a Lincoln dinner Saturday night at the Knights of Colum- squeeze bottles.' WE CARRY... ISSwMr 20Oraatatt lius Homo* . . glaaeo wUl afford a stunning pan­ The astronaut also plans periods iTHUte Ta- _ MWInjMhiyid 33Plataaat OOP leedor* ton him. ha ooid, oramic view stretching 1,800 of exercise, pulling on a device de­ UfTndi Mtsd waatbar convention who vrill say "yis,- aa^oops/j MlUiwnl rock they a^ree with him that tome> mUea. Or ho can narrow the per- scribed as a king-sii;e rubber band. S. S. PlEltOlE • 1«M Ay mrnt 33 Threw thioR abould ho done to lower tax- and . . .” to his proposals, rather T M. (M. AM. •*. ITBinbilttoolg 24 State than “ yes, but . . ." tecope .'View to 80 miles square. A After each exercise period he 'will \ UPutlNKk 25 Cube, at 34rMdomdaetar 43Canm«“ »» ea to reduce the atato debt, to 'To- take a blood pressure reading, then FAMOUS FOODS X M FNaA paiiita' potetoea 35Whlrtwind 44ltnat^ turn to the aell reliant atandarda" The four persons arho bars the camera mounted near his right rest two minutes and take another SLScottidirlm 30Be((ed 3TRepttttii(ath« , dliedleoo endorsement of the executive com­ hand \^'iU enable him to snap pic­ reading. BY V. T. HAMLIN SSDttttrt OSCHWtte ofpW- mittee 'of the town committee flkM.Y OOP aiajvnrct 37 Pint man (Bib.) However, they no aooner aay tures through the periscope. Ho Medical men, who will monitor WttHts Fqrm Woqen 23WMIN>lnter SSDapartad 408teln ooPottaa. ^ were present among the 103 guests OlTaaaa cily OTXlndotOfli thev agree, than they add, “Tea, will try to Identify earth land­ every second of his flight electroni­ JBFFERSONv ANDHELOOteS tSCOR^ 29 Work unite at the dinner. ‘ marks, such as ri'vers. deserts, irrTLE\ EH?ro and \UKCHEt> l»/. S O E i^ \ 31 Plant 43HtbcewnMaUi OOBmplay hut . . he aald cally, feel weightless periods of Country Storo '3 h SAY VDUNGiSK,] seoooo 31 Narrow ent instead of molding a ptxigtam Town Oialnnan John F. ShM mountains. several days or weeks might rob a THAT'S ToaA A id BAT/ 32 Battle i r r r 1 1 r I- 1 K I f that would titter the voter an al­ Jr., who la also the campaign man­ If a malfunction occurs in the spaceman of his muscle tone, make ROUTE 88—Ml 9-1669 NEAT' TENDER 33 Dry, at wine ager for candidate Edwin May Jr, Strortune teller II It ternative to the Democratic pro­ spacecraft, he will switch to a him flabby. They say exercises, like tubat/ r r cram of Bovemment aervicea at was one of (he four, in fact, was backup system. If the satellite Glenn’s, may be necessary on long TALCOTTVUXE, CONN. SSnaror toastmaster of the affair. The oth­ 36 Handled IB II It hi»h coaU to the taxpayer, he clock fails to signal firing of the space jaunts. HI iki 3Snechy fruHt gaid. GOP leaders pitch their er three delegates listening were spacecraft reverse rockets near 3BRamble IT 1 thinking to the mob. SUte RepreaenUUve A. Lawrence the end of flight, he will fire them 40 KnisM't title Hiker, Mrs. Harlan Ikylor and 41Baln----- “Some word like the maasee’ manually. !^l comes ouL ‘Will the maaeea go for Mrs. Truman Crandall. . A t times, Glenn wiU mpve the 44 Loud apeaker • Made Stand a ea r 4BArablaa (n il B" w ft ■ n jt?” ’ he aaW. •• attitude control stick to roil his 40 Sboebonean BOlUlT SO ItD BE tender. PartiMAlIka The production will be staged at GOP and Democratic programs for Soviet spy Rudolf Abel. of all undergraduates majoring in of 30,000 feet to see If Glenn can ENOUGH Manchester High School May 4 At Yale yesterday, Richard P. engineering, to 6 per* cent last spy them. . WMNG are so alike "that It takea a poUtt Sales Curb Trial cal science graduate student to tell and 5 under the sponsorship of the Powell, associate professor of eco­ fall from 6.5 per cent in 1960 and Glenn Is scheduled to eat twlcs lOHUS -fOEAT the difference,” he said. * Manchester Lions Club. nomics and director p t graduate 7.1 per cent in 1959. during the mission, as he approach­ Starts Tomorrow studies in economics, said Pry­ 4— A decline in bachelor de­ OUR PET Lupton aald he dltteroa from the Casting has been completed, but es the West Coast of the United or’s trip to Eaot'Berlin was "fully grees in engineering, to 35,900 in States on his first orbit and over RONNIE BY JOE CAMPKELL PARROT. other Republican gubernatorial con­ HARTFORD (AP)—The test anyone interested in joining the tenders Eklwln May Jr., John Alsiop, consistent wltb his research objec­ 1960-61 from 37,800 in 1958^0 Australia on the second. He will **§. U. S. Pit. oo« chorus may report for a 'brief try­ tives.” MON., TUES. IW ID . NOV4 IMMCRE P M«N*wIm iMiliili, IwD. snd Newman ManiUua. case to determine If authorities can out Thursday evening. Rehearsals and 38,100 in 1958-69, ^ squeexe a baby food-type mixture n BUYS Pryor is due to return to Yale THAT BRACE AND The other candidates f n e that prevent sale of the controversial are scheduled on Monday and B IT GO ? - the Way to ato]^ the exodug of In­ In June to receive his doctorate Henry Miller novel, "Tropic of Thursday evenings of each week. In economics. dustry from the etate la to Improve Cancer," In Connecticut la sched­ Miss Martha White Is director of state servicea, he said. PoweU said Pryor had prepared the group, and Miss Gall Creigh­ his doctoral thesis on the intrastate Ma n c h e s t e r .-6te. "They aSy we've got to get Indus, uled to start tomorrow In Superior ton, accompanist. FLETCHER CLASS CO. I try, and stimulate growth, but they Court. trade ot the Communist bloc, and Mitchell Taklhg the lead role as Princess was developing it for possible mag- H Shoulder don't aay'where. They aay better Defendant in the criminal trial Ida will be June Yeomans Park azlna publication. 188 WEST m id d l e ; TURNPIKE e-1819 . roads, better schools, will draw hi' will be Trumbull Huntington, own­ who portrayed Yum-Yum In last dustry "Ho waa a bright, good econo­ er of Huntington’s Book Stores In year’s produotlon of 'The Mikado.” mist," PoweU said. "I don't ques­ Bret Bagby, who played Nanki- CORNER DURANT HT. ' ^ FotWUMSAtUWCrBP/ “It can't be done. Industry Hartford, West Hartford and Mid­ tion the legitimacy of his research. doesn’t go to South Garolina for dletown. > Poo Ihst season, vrill appear as Hilagiop, the princess' suitor. It was thoroughly scholarly in better schools, better roads. They He is charged with violating Sec­ character." LARGER QUAIITERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! (0 to get a situation where they tion 53-243 of the General Statutes, Hal Harrison, veteran of many Timothy Rtce, an economics m- PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING " s t e a k can compete with induatriea to pertaining to obscene literature Gilbert and Sullivan productions, is structor who said he waa a good Puerto Rico, Oermany, Japan.” and pictures. Maximum pen^ty cast as King/^ildebrand, Hilarion's . c3sl«bc. Lupton said that he and his upon conviction is two years in friend of Pfyor, described Piyor AUTO GLASS INSTALLED »watWL>»Tjtnmi>n.aa.ea . Z-/Z father. John C. Beggs and Robert aa a "tremendous extrovert" who forces would "cut the coat o f gov­ stats prison and a 91,000 fine. Gordon Jr. will appear /as [LONDON BROIL] ernment." was too gregarious to be a good GLASS FURNITURE TOPS '‘We’ve been expeotine you to visit f6r a long time. The trial Is expected to be held Hilarion's friends In several esca­ spy. He said, '^ e are not going tc without a jury before Judge Frank pades. JUDD SAXON HY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD Aunt Gladys! All wedc Mom and me having been Tjalling C. Koopmans, professor look for- what we can do for the Covello. State's Atty. John D. La- MIRRORS (Firoploc* and Doer) polishing up giaetes and silver and my manners!" Richard Berggren, Walter Hill of economics, said Pryor was "an J ust as jupp scoops up UNCONSCIOUS people." Ba|le and A sst State's Atty. J. and A1 cross will appear as Arse, PICTURE FRAMING (oK typM) 6LENNA HI THE ROOF COLLAPSES He aald he and his forces would |R4^ Murphy Will prosecute and articulate boy whose grades were Heavy, Western Guron- and Scynthtus, soVis of very good." He aald he was dis­ look for what they could shave in Atty. Joseph F. Skellsy Jr. of Gama. Pat Scott 'will portray Lady government apeniUng, what serv­ Hartford will dOfond. mayed when he heard of the es­ WINDOW cvid PLATE GLASS LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Blanche, with Elizabeth Tyrol as pionage charges. Corn-Fed Steer Beef ices could be cut, including the .The case is tha latest o f several Lady Psyche and Wills Stanford “sentimental attitude toward wel­ . OONTBACroaS:. WB HAVE IN STOUR ; that cropped up In various parts as Melissa. 89 .A l m ^ ; m i (’ a ’ ^ fare.’’ of the United States after the kUI- Louise Withey la designing cos­ MEMCINE CAJHNETS and SHOWER DOORS "Everybody thinks education is ler novel appeared last fal) In a 95- tumes, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ribicoff Bares sacrosanct," he said. Since 1950 cent cover edition. Strum are in charge of stage sets. OPEN 8A T U R pA Y »—OPEN THURSDAY EVBNTNO there has been a jump ot 90 per An earlier gXM hard cover edi­ The production, which nos a BSITMATES OLAPLY GIVEN cent jn the Mate’s school popula­ tion attracted little attention from medieval setting, consists of three Data on Drop 7 tion, he aald, hut In the same In­ the authorities and remained on acta. BUI Park la acting as stage Canned Hum terim there haa beejv a jump of ISO the best seller lists for many manager, and 0 , E. Stanford, busi­ per cent In the administration of In Engineering Ce»r. ‘U »on1 Fee^.M Cerp. ness manager. FULLY COOKED DA-WeitdlU^lloaB. education. LASt Oct. 20, LaBelle disclos dren betog graduated from high deemed necessary it should be tak­ He said the broad cast of Ameri­ R ir MEANS, I BOY, e. DROWNED wt coaiD owhnt otiw iS2 w e n s Y / K n n i c»a iroyr. school to& y don’t believe In 'free en pn a statewide rather than ca’s educatkxial system still is far DERMATOLOGIST? CAP'N JOHN'S - FROZEN FRIED THE COMMIES' PEMOtlSt«iinON SEEMS 10 HAVE FRUEP, ATlEASrTMIOlPTHAT ^ A B ‘WOSBr M e n DcesTHATMfAN? e .e r f i r c t , OEHONinwnoii toAwmEvuMWE m tj ( avook otawiKnimwfi SAWYER. THEYVE SCRUBEED IT. PERHAPS '|DUR FII4HT enterprise, he eaid, and a large piecemeal basis. PLAINVUi® (Alp)—A 9-year- ahead of the Soviet Union. HEmlERinoOHIUlASAKI 6RABBIES! old boy drowned in the Pequabuck "But with our tremendous re- 10 oz ' wowtuwi HOdl.'^ TP RESCUE THE TWO JAPAHESE HAS HAP MORE FAR- HOR T IE COMMUNIST AND Kl&S THE b e c k e-R A B ?! percentage believe that only em­ A United front failto to devel­ i.REACMINa COHSEQUEHCES -niAH WE AHnClFHrlEPi , PROFESSOR, DR. MMKI, ployers benefit from the Installa­ op, however, and a few days later River yesterday while a family souroM and our fantastic know- A physician, who, after much additional study, PKGS o u r Of=^ THEM I TfIATs -WHAt I Fish Sticks TOOKHARnMIRVlNfi tion of new machinca in industry. LaiBelle made a public announce­ gathering waa taking place at his hew, we must ask ourselves in all specializes on the diagnosis and treatment of dis­ fairness why we have allowed our TO OR&ANIZETHE GOP leaders should remembm ment, alone, that he deemed the home a quarter of a mile away. eases of the skin, is a Dermatologist. STATION Police said Gordon Paradis, son educational effort In the crucial DCMCMSTRATION. that parents who are reluctant to book actionable, SPECIAL ALL WEEK! "T qiank Junior, who would rather ofj Mr. and Mrs. Alvo Paradis. 95 field of engineering to drift," he When your skin problem la unusually difficult ' He gave stores a deadline to re­ Forestville Ave., fell into the riv­ sold. have a teacher do their work for move the book from sale or face to cure, your own physician may recommend ^-REGULARLY 59c-SAVI 20e them, are not the rulers' ot the er when a makeshift raft carry­ Ribicoff said the' latest engineer­ that you need additional help. Should he do so, country, he said. prosecution. After -that police in ing him and a cousin overtym- ing survey by the Office of Educa­ follow his ..advice. There are few :^in troubles LARGE 8-INCH various .Hartford County commu- tion showed: which cannot bo relieved or cured.. Many are so 1 LB 8 OZ SIZE EA OT OOP Obb Win nltlss began checking the -stores. The Rmublioan party can win The couifln, Victor Paradis, 10, 1— Freshman engineering enroll­ complex they require a specialist. Huntington withdrew the book of 383 Middle St.. New BriUin, ments were just under 67i000 last JANE"PARKER - SAVE 4c in OonnecCleut if It has a governor from, sale at the tline of the dead­ •M Mae Vwt ME hue who does not aasume that the lead­ was pulled out-of the water by an­ fall—about the same aa 1960 and •fwfcateS fcua. a Piwe*_ line. Then, on Nov. 1, It was put other cousin, Gary Garlpi, 26, of 10<) fewer than 1959. ers of labor organisations, the on display again .In hts Hartford YOUR DOerroR CAN PHONE US when you teachers and welfare departments Milford. 2— A decHne In percentage of store.' His arrest on a bench war­ ' need a medicine. Pick up your prescription If Buttermilk Bread' loaf°^ 25*^ do not speak for all the m*»>her8 Police said the boys were tellng freMimen engineering enrollments, MUR'TY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVALLI rant followed. an