Iect Red Call for Heads of State
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‘i ■ ^ ATcrage Daily Net Preaa itun For tHo'Wc^ Ended I The Weather r- Febravjr 10, IMS ForeoMt of D. 8. Wautber Mnna« Fair, continued cold tonlflit. 13,545 U m 8 to 10. Partly eleody, tttUe Moniber *f the Audit tomperatnr* change Tueadajy. Iflgh Bummi of CSrenlutioa Manchester-—A City of Village Charni 27 to 32. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 112 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12,' 1962 (Claesitled Adverttalna on Pace 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS T Reds Join Socialists State News Roundup iect Red Call $23,000 Damage As Fire Levels > For New Riots Norwich Diner For Heads of State By DAVID M. HA80N ^shoulder” and other leftjsr or NORWICH (AP) — Eire PARIS (AP)—Thirty thou ganizations bached thp^^emon- swept through the Norwich stratlon call. Diner on West Thames ■ St. sand police and riot forces The govemmeht.a{ernly recalled stood by in the Paris region that all streetdemonstratlons are ! shortly after midnight this' Federal Agents today as worried government banned undwrlhe state of uigency | morning, totally destroying it.! Urges Big*3 officials girded for possible in effect hrrrance since last April’s | Closed on Suntlays, the build-1 Make Largest street clashes and other vio abortiye Algiers uprising. Interior | ing was not wcupied. i MlpWter Roger Frey wanied'ln a ' Men and seven trucks from three' lence. ' tionwide radio-TV speech th a t; Bar Failure Security forces were cone unless the demonstration organiz-' volunteer companies fought to save j Gems Recovery trated to counter a iMinned era back down, the forces of order the building. The fire’s-head start onstration scheduled for af "will do their duty and prevent the ' in an added-on rear section of ' the FORT LAUDERDALE, At Geneva ternoon on the vast de la demonstration." structure and frozen hydrants foil Fla. (AP)—Federal agents Republlque In easterjKT’aris. The “It la certain that shock groups! French Socialist patty called for ed them. Yhe loss is estimated by announced the recovery today have the Intention of provoking the owner at $23,000. i WASHINGTON (AP) — a “peaceful but^nergetic” dem grave Incidents,” Frey said. of $1,750,000 in gems stolen The West appeared today to onstration agdinst the right-wing Premier Michel Debre made an A passerby noticed and reported-- from a Pompano Beach jewel Secret Army Organization and unusual visit to the Interior Min-| the flames shortly before 1:4B a.m. ry store and called it one of be preparing to turn do’wn So-, agalnsp^^llce repression of dem Istry today to confer with law en Firemen were on the scene minutes the largest gem theft recover viet Premier Khrushcjiev’s onstrationsIIIISJ last Thursday which forcement chiefs and to express later. East Great Plains Volunteer- proposal for an asseinibly of eight dead and hundreds In- the government’s confidence in Fire Co.’s deputy chief Frank ies in the history of the coun heatjs of government in / l u'jured. r e their ability to maintain order. Buckley said it was an hour and a try. The French . Communist party “A state does not exist at ail half before his men could coax Wesle.v. G. Grapp, chief of the Geneva next month. quickly summoned its militants to water from the frozen hydrants., FBI office In Miami, .said the re In another development in tha Join the Socialists “Shoulder to (Continued on Page Tivo) Norwich’s temperature at 7:30 a.m.| covery represented the bulk of the current high-level exchangM over was four degrees below zero, , gems stolen Saturday in a day disarmament, it was diacloeed The business is owned by A. A. : light holdup. Total loss in tlie rob that Prealdent Kenneiiy and Brit Nenna of New London and his bery was not established. ish Prime Minister Harold Mac uncle, Joseph Nenna of Norwich. | Grapp said the gems were found millan told Khruahehev last week The former said losses were cov-^ when agents searched a rental au that disarmament efforta "must Rockefeller Denies ered by Insurance I tomobile used by one of the rob- not be allow’ed to drift into fail ure." Authorities said a defective oil berr. burner was believed to have cau.sed Also found In the car. Grapp "Accordingly, ws propose that the fire. i said, wiye five loaded revolvers, we three accept a persona) nsspon- ’ three walkie-talkies, five sets of aiblllty for diluting the part to be ^Swinging to Right played by our representatives in handcuffs and ammunition for the t FW‘ Official Upset pistols. the forthcoming talks, and that HARTFORD (AP) — The Red Police held three men and two we agree beforwand that our rep- NBW YORK (API — <lov. Nel-A.illy pursues "a hard line, then a ding School Board has come under women on charges stemming from reaenlativea will remain a t the son A. Rockefeller says he is not soft fine", to confuse is.sues, fire of a national officer of the V'et- the robbery. Two other men were conference table until concrete re “swinging to the right.” The governor backed the Ken erans of Foreign Wars for tlie being .sought. sults have beerv achieved, how- • The potential Republican presi nedy administration's plan for , a board’s policy over a student edi Charged with robbery and held ever long thU may take," the two dential candidate in 1964 was medical-care program under torial berating palriotism. on $50,000 bond each were men aaid. asked on a nationwide television clal Security, but urged that per Joseph J. Lombardo, a Brookl>-n,' identified as Paul Waller Panezko. ' The kennedy-Macmltlan propo progrash Sunday night if he was sons subscribing to private plans N.Y., attorney, said yesterday' 38, Chicago; Richard Willard Kay, sition was Included in a meaaaga becoming more conservative in his be given an option of receiving there is ’’something radically 38. Three Oaks. Mich.; and Edward of last Thursday suggesting that politics. cash for their Social Security pay wrong’’ with a board that would | H. Cook. 36. Oaklawn. 111. there be a foreign ministers meet “Not in the slightest,” he ments. permit the editorial in question to The women, held on $25,000 Tltis is the residence, .of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Milne in Monterey Park, CaUf., where mud Mnashetd down ing preliminary to and in connec snapped.. He said the President has done be written. ' j bond each, were booked as ac from a hillaide yesterday and- Into the bedroom of their 9-year-old son. Dennis, at center of picture. tion wrUh the 18-nation dlsarma- He appeared on AmericanDroad- .“virtually nothing’'* to implement He .was referring to an editorial | cessories. They were identified as I The boy was killed as he slept. Dennis w«u« one of two children killed in .similar tragedles-yester- rnent conference which Is to begin casting Oo. “Issues and Answers.” his campaign promise to strike by high school student V irginia; Betty Jean Moody, 31, RIverdale, day, the result of heavy rains which have been pounding Southern Callfomn. Monterey Park is a in Geneva March 14. The While Olsen in a school netvspaper. In it ! Md.; and Mar>- Blanton, 33, Miami! IjOS Angeles suburb. (AF’=’Photofaxi. ' House made the text of the note Earlier, he had conceded that down discrimination in housing. Beach, Fla. * Vi------------------------------------------- ------- ----------- - . he might have been passed over He said it is "too early" to Miss Olsen wrote, "To be a patri public today.' as the OOP’s 1960 presidential otic American in the latter half It was In response to this note speculate on who would bd" tire store Saturday! flashed revolvers nominee because he was “too lib 1964 Republican presidential can of the 20th Century is to be a [How Much Did He Tell Reds? that Khruahehev suggested In a blindly stupid human being." and pushed the manager. Joseph .___________ ;______________________________________ letter delivered Sunday morning eral." „ ” didate. Rockefeller said he agreed Taranove and an employe, Jessie Rain Continues Rockefeller said his criticism of with Arizona’! Sen. Barry . Gold- - The schcwl board went, along Edwards, into a back room. A | that there be a meeting of he<^s the Kennedy administration’s plan with the ' school administration of government rather than a for water on fonia things and dis fifth man apparently waited out- eign mlnlatera meeting. for a department of urban affairs agreed on othars. policy of letting the students have aide in a car. • For Sixth Day reflected unhappiness with the . The gnvemor said George Rom- a free rein to express their views. The robbers packed the loot In a ; Gary Powers Faces This brought an immediate round form of the proposal rather than of consultations among the West ney’a ab^unqemlent as a Repub- In his fAik to the midwinter suitcase. ern Allies. , with the ooooept. He said the pro llcau ‘fwii illlrtOlkl candldti«r:in conference of the Connecticut Witnesses said the men drove ■ In Los Angeles posal rejected by the House Rules Michigan w iu“ wonderfiil’* because VPW here, Lombardo said of Miss south, parked their .car, and jump-1 The direction of the thinking 0>mmittee bypassed the states Ol.sen that it upset him to see a ed Into two outboard boata. The ■ LOS ANGEf.E.S (AP) —SouOiern apparently was reflected In re it added a hew face In GOP af Detailed CIA Quiz marks by RrUlah Ambassador when it should have “worked fairs. young girl who could be so "blind | boat.s were 'oiind later. I California’s afxlh day of salura- through and with the states." .. stupid.