Mount Holly, Circa 1786. Courtesy of Mrs.· George Wood, L\Loorestown
Tnll clock made by David Shocnrnkcr, :Mount Holly, Circa 1786. Courtesy of Mrs.· George Wood, l\loorestown. Photograph by Cnrlyle 11. Hill, Colwick, N. J. THE HISTORIC RANCOCAS Sketches of the Towns and Pioneer f-ettlers in Rancocas Valley By GEORGE DeCOU Former President of the DUULING'l'ON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCII~TY Author of MOUN'!' HOLLY nnd VICINITY MOORRSTOWN AND HER NEIGHBORS DURLING'l'ON: A PROVINCIAL CAPITAL COURT HOUSE BELL Courtesy of Dr. Rnymond S. Clnrkc. COPYRIGJI'r, 1040, BY GI~ORGE DcCOU PRIN'J'ED IN TI-IF. UNITED ST A'rES OF AMERICA By THE Nmws CHRONICLE, MOORESTOWN, N. J, 'ro my friend NELSON BURR GASKILL, OF' vVASHINGTON, D. C., a native of Mount Holly and descendant of the pioneer settlers, Eclwnrcl Gnskill and Henry Bttl'r, with apprecintion of his valuable help in the preparation of these sketches. ACKNOWT.F,DGMF.NTS I am ospecia11y indebted to Natlrnnicl R. Ewan, of l\foorostown, · formel' Prcsiclont of the Burlington County Historical Society and to Nelson Burr Gaskill, of vVash ington, D. C. for their valuable assistance in the prepara tion of these sketches. I would also like to thank A. Engle Conrow, of Rnncocas, John J. Buswell, of Lumbel'ton, D. Budd Jones, of Moorestown, Miss Amelia Rougeau, of Bridg·eboro, Mrs. "'ilfrecl B. Wolcott, of \Vestfielcl, and \Villium Grobler, of l\Ioorestown; the latter two being natives of Pemberton, for their helpfulness. I also desire to acknowledge the uniform courtesy of l\fiss Hazel C. Clark, County Librarian and her former assistant i\fiss Mabel E.
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