Te Paper 3 (1600 Words) Due April 27 by 10:45 am

One of the most important historical works to come down to us from the later Byzantine period is the Alexiad, a history of the emperor Alexius (Alexios) I by his daughter . Anna was born in 1083, the eldest child of Alexius. She was briefly next in line to the throne, and married Nicephoros Bryennios. Afer her father’s death she schemed against her brother John, who exiled her to a monastery. While living there, she composed an encomiastic history of her father in 15 books, the Alexiad.

For this paper you will read Anna’s account of the early years of her father’s reign, from Book III.9 to VI.7 (pg. 99-167 in your translation). Tis period was dominated above all else by Alexius’ wars with , a Norman ruler who had his eyes set on conquering . Your assignment is to analyze how Anna constructs Robert as a literary foil (a person that contrasts with and so emphasizes and enhances the qualities of another) for her father, and explain what this shows about her understanding of Alexius and what makes a Byzantine emperor.

Some topics you may wish to consider: • Does Anna ever specifically compare or contrast the two rulers? If so, what does she focus on, and what does this show about Alexius? • How do the personalities of Robert and Alexius contrast? • How do Alexius and Robert treat their armies and subordinates? What does this show about Alexius? • What elements of Robert’s and Alexius’ characters does Anna emphasize and why? • How does Anna treat her father and his disastrous defeat at Dyrrakhion (Dyrrachium)? How does this compare with Robert’s actions? • How does Anna show her father’s relationship with the Church? How does this compare with Robert? • What role does Byzantine (Roman) heritage have in Anna’s view of her father? • What ultimately makes a Byzantine Emperor?

You are to limit your analysis to the Alexiad itself — feel free to discuss other passages we read if relevant, but do not look at other sources. Doing so will result in an automatic F on this paper. Quote sparingly and when it will directly illuminate a point or argument. Otherwise, paraphrase. Cite the Alexiad parenthetically by book and chapter numbers (VI.7, etc.). Use 12 point Times New Roman or a similar font, 1” margins all around, double-spaced with no extra space between paragraphs. Include a page number at the bottom of each page and your name on the top of the first page. Your translation of the Alexiad uses a different form of Greek transliteration than I have used in class. If you have problems, please do not hesitate to ask me or see this page: http://comp.uark.edu/~cmuntz/teaching/transliteration/transliteration.html

Papers are due on April 27 by the start of class. Send your paper as an attachment (in Word, RTF, or PDF formats) to [email protected]. Late papers will not be accepted except in cases of documented emergencies.