Annual Report
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SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT \ O F TH E AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS PRESENTED AT THE MEETING HELD AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, O C T O B E R 1, 1 8 7 8 . BOSTON: PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, CAMBRIDGE. 1878. ANNUAL MEETING. T h e A m e r i c a n B o a r d o f C ommissioners f o r F o r e i g n M i s s i o n s held its Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in Immanuel Presbyterian Church, commencing on Tuesday, Octo b e r 1, at three o’clock, p. m ., and closing Friday, October 4, at about eleven o’clock, a . m . CORPORATE MEMBERS PRESENT. Samuel G. Buckingham, n. d ., Springfield. Maine. Arthur W. Tufts, Esq., Boston William W. Thomas,Esq., Portland. Highlands. Charles C. Burr, Esq., Auburndale. New Hampshire. Rhode Island. Samuel C. Bartlett, D. D., Hanover. Hon. Amos C. Barstow, Providence. Vermont. Rowland Hazard, Esq., Peacedale. Thomas Laurie, D. D., Providence. George B. Saff'ord, D. D., Burlington. George L. W alker, D. D., Brattle- Connecticut. borough. John N. Stickney, Esq., Rockville. William C. Crump, Esq., New Lon Massachusetts. don. Mark Hopkins, D. d ., l l . d ., W il- Rev. Joseph W . Backus, Thomaston. liamstown. Jonathan N. Harris, Esq., New Lon Henry B. Hooker, d . d ., Boston. don. Augustus C. Thompson, d . d ., Bos New York. ton. Hon. William E. Dodge, N. T. City. Nathaniel George Clark, d . d ., Bos Zebulon S. Ely, Esq., “ “ ton. Henry M . Storrs, D. D., “ “ Langdon S. Ward, Esq., Boston. Charles P. Bush, D. D., “ “ John O. Means, D. d ., “ Samuel M. Lane, Esq., Southbridge. District o f Columbia. Edmund K. Alden, d . d ., Boston. Rev. Eliphalet Whittlesey, Wash Joseph S. Ropes, Esq., West Rox- ington. bury. Ohio. J. Russell Bradford, Esq., Boston. Samuel Wolcott, d . d ., Cleveland. Rev. Isaac R. Worcester, Auburn- Israel W . Andrews, D. D., Marietta. dale. William J. Breed, Esq., Cincinnati. Peter Smith, Esq., Andover. Hon. Heman Ely, Elyria. iv ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. Indiana. HONORARY MEMBERS PRESENT. Nathaniel A. Hyde, d. d ., Indianap olis. Maine. Illinois. Rev. William R. Stocking, Wiscag- William S. Curtis, D. D., Galesburg. set. Gen. S. Lockwood Brown, Chicago. New Hampshire. George N. Boardman, D. I>., “ Dea. C. W. Harvey, Concord. Edward P. Goodwin, D. D., “ Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Esq., Chi Vermont. cago. Rev. John C. Houghton, Benson. Rev. Simon J. Humphrey, Chicago. “ L. O. Brastow, Burlington. Howard Z. Culver, Esq., “ Dea Augustus Kimball, Burlington. Hon. William J. Phelps, Elmwood. J. H. Goulding, Rutland. Rev. E. N. Packard, Evanston. James W. Scovill, Esq., Oak Park. Massachusetts. Charles H. Case, Esq., Chicago. W. C. Plunkett, Adams. Martin K . Whittlesey, D. D., Jack Rev. Henry A. Hazen, Billerica. sonville. Charles Hutchins, Boston. Michigan. C. A. Richardson, Chelsea. Edward P. Burgess, Dedham. Philo Parsons, Esq., Detroit. R. L.- Day, South Framingham. Wisconsin. Joseph Lyman Partridge, Lawrence. Rev. John Willard, Marlborough. Aaron L. Chapin, D. D., Beloit. Eleazar Boynton, Medford. Rev. Enos J. Montague, Fort Atkin J. E. Porter, North Brookfield. son. ' Rev. Wilbur Johnson, lioyalston. William E. Merriman, D. d ., Ripon. “ E. E. Strong, Waltham. E. H. Merrell, d . d . “ Hon. Samuel D. Hastings, Madison. Connecticut. Minnesota. Rev. Joel S. Ives, East Hampton. Rev. Henry L. Cobb, Minneapolis. Fred. C. Jones, Farmington. Malcolm MoG. Dana, d . d ., St. Paul. Lewis A. Ilyde, Norwich. Rev. Henry A. Stimson, Minneap George R. Hyde, “ olis. Dea. John Waldo, West Killingly. Iowa. Rev. Ira Pettibone, Winchester. Alden B. Robbins, D. D., Muscatine. New York. Hon. John G. Foote, Burlington. George F. Magoun, D. D., Grinnell. Rev. Samuel Johnson, Sidney Rev. Henry S. DeForest, Waterloo. Plains. Ohio. Missouri. Rev. C. T. Collins, Cleveland. Truman M. Post, d . d ., St. Louis. G. H. Palmer, Defiance. Constans L. Goodell, d . d ., St. Rev. E. E. Williams, Elyria. Louis. “ Frank Russell, Mansfield. Dakota. Henry Cowles, D. D., Oberlin. Rev. Joseph Ward, Yankton. Judson Smith, D. D., “ MEMBERS PRESENT. V Indiana. Rev. N. L. Otis, Crystal. “ A. H. Fletcher, Farwell. Rev. T. Lincoln Brown, Elkhart. “ J. Q. Hall, Michigan City. “ Thomas Wright, Fentonville. “ Evarts Kent, “ •“ “ G. A. Pollard, Grand Rapids. “ E. R. Stiles, Hancock, L. S. Illinois. “ George M. Tuthill, Kalamazoo. Rev. William E. Holyoke, Byron. “ Leroy Warren, Lansing. “ H. G. Pendleton, Chenoa. Wisconsin. Dr. William Converse, Chicago. Rev. Hiram Day, “ Rev. S. F. Gale, Appleton. “ Joshua Emery, “ “ H. H. Benson, Beloit. “ H. P. Higley, “ Franklin W. Fisk, D . D ., “ Rev. Simeon Gilbert, “ Prof. William Porter, “ . H. B. Humphrey,' “ Rev. C. B. Curtis, Burlington. Rev. Arthur Little, “ P. B. Richmond, Columbus. “ Norman A. Millard, “ Thomas Crane, Fort Atkinson. “ James Powell, “ Rev. D. C. Curtis, Fort Howard. E. Rathbun, “ “ William Crawford, Green Bay. Rev. G. S. F. Savage, “ “ F. J. Douglass, Geneva Junc “ Jotham Sewall, “ tion. “ James Tompkins, “ H. H. Curtis, Geneva Lake. “ Edward F. Williams, “ E. R. Gardner, “ “ 11 John Bradshaw, DeKalb. Rev. James Cruickshanks, Kenosha. “ C. E. Dickinson, Elgin. “ E. Y. Garrette, La Crosse. Timothy Dwiglit, South Evanston. “ S. W. Eaton, Lancaster. Rev. John B. Fairbank, Farmington. “ Charles II. Richards, Madison. H. A. Williamson, Franklin Grove. Dr. J. E. MacNeill, Marston. Rev. Osmer W. Fay, Geneseo. Rev. S. V . S. Fisher, Menasha. “ Flavel Bascom, Hinsdale. “ William B. Williams, Mon “ J. W. Hartshorn, “ do vi. Eli Corwin, d . d ., Jacksonville. “ A. L. P. Loomis, Milton. D. W. Fairbank, “ “ W. Walker, “ D. R. Holt, Esq., Lake Forest. Major Joseph C. Bridgman, Meno Rev. W. A. Nichols, “ “ monee, Indian Reservation. “ S. R. Dole, Libertyville. Rev. E. R. Lewis, Milwaukee. “ J. C. Webster, Lisbon. L. C. Porter, Neenah. “ George Huntington, Oak Park. Rev. A. A. Young, New Lisbon. “ Henry M. Tupper, Ontario. I. Bartlett, New Richmond. “ A. Harper, Port Byron. Rev. A. E. Tracy, Oconomowoc. “ W. A. Lloyd, Ravenswood. “ E. Smith Barnes, Poynette. “ William S. Curtis, Rockford. “ G. W. Wainwriglit, Raymond. “ Hiram Foote, “ “ John P. Williams, Racine. “ S. B. Goodenow, Roseville. “ Daniel E. Bierce, “ “ Thomas G. Grassie, Sycamore. “ James Kilbourn, “ “ Lathrop Taylor, Wheaton. “ F. B. Doe, Ripon. “ S. M. Newman, Ripon. Michigan. “ James A. Towle, “ Rev. E. W . Miller, Big Rapids. “ George S. Biseoe, Shullsburg. vi ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. H. H. Smith, Two Rivers. Henry L. Chase, Green Mountain. Rev. Luther Clapp, Wauwatosa. A. Whitcomb, Grinnell. “ S. F. Gale, “ Rev. Charles Little, Lewis. “ G. W. Nelson, “ “ Sidney Crawford, Lyons. Dea. Joseph A. Warren, Wauwa “ Charles C. Cragin, McGregor. tosa. “ La Roy S. Hand, Ogden. J. T. Fuller, Watertown. “ William Henry Atkinson, Or Rev. Charles W . Camp, Waukesha. chard. “ George Darling, Waupun. “ E. Adams, Waterloo. “ Anson Clark, West Salem. “ B. D. Conkling, Whitewater. Missouri. “ George Smith, “ Rev. Elihu Loomis, Memphis. “ George W. Sargent, Wilmot. Kansas. Prof. William Porter, Wisconsin. Richard Cordley, d . d ., Emporia. Minnesota. Rev. James G. Dougherty, Ottawa. Rev. John 11. Chalmers, Albert Lea. Missionaries o f the Board. “ A. Morse, Austin. “ C. E. W right, “ S. R. Riggs, d. d., 1 1 . d., Dakota “ F. L. Fuller, Hamilton. Mission. R. J. Baldwin, Minneapolis. Rev. Thomas L. Riggs, Dakota Mis Rev. John H. Morley, Winona. sion. Isaac C. Stearns, Zumbrota. Rev. A. L. Riggs, Dakota Mission. “ C. Hartwell, Foochow Mission. Iowa. “ J. K. Kilbourn, North Mexico. Rev. William L. Bray, Clinton. “ G. F. Herrick, Western Tur J. G. Merrill, Davenport. , key Mission. “ A. L. Frisbie, Des Moines. “ L. Bartlett, Western Turkey “ D. D. Frost, Fairfax. Mission. TUESDAY AFTERNOON — ORGANIZATION — REPORTS. The President, Dr. Mark Hopkins, called the meeting to order, and the Board united in prayer — led by Dr. George W. Boardman — and in sing ing. Rev. Edward N. Packard, of Evanston, Illinois, was chosen Assistant Recording Secretary, and the President appointed the following standing com mittees: — Committee o f Arrangements. Rev. George T. Ladd, Rev. II. T. Rose, Z. S. Ely, Esq., Dr. M. McG.- Dana, and Rev. S. J. Humphrey. Business Committee. E. W. Blatchford, Esq., Hon. Heman Ely, Hon. A. C. Barstow, Rev. Isaac R. Worcester, and J. N. Harris, Esq. Committee o f Nominations. Drs. G. S. F. Savage, E. J. Montague, and C. P. Bush. The material portions of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read by the Recording Secretary, after which Dr. A. C. Thompson led in prayer. Secretary Alden read most of the Report of the Prudential Commit tee on the Home Department; after which the assembly united in prayer, led by Dr. Thomas Laurie, of Providence, R. I., and in singing. _ A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. TU The Treasurer, Langdon S. Ward, Esq., presented his annual report, with the certificate of the auditors, and Secretary Clark read his General Survey of the missions. .TUESDAY EVENING. It was announced in the afternoon that Dr. J. M. Manning, of Bos ton, who, on default of arrangements made last year, was designated by the Prudential Committee to preach the annual sermon, had been disabled by illness, while on his way to the meeting, and could not perform the ser vice. By special request, therefore, Dr. Henry H. Jessup, of the Syria mission (now of the Presbyterian Board), made an address on the mis sionary work in Syria and Western Asia. The devotional services of the occasion were conducted by Drs. H. M. Storrs, of New York, and C. L. Goodell, of St. Louis. ■WEDNESDAY MORNING. The session was opened with singing, and prayer by Dr. F. Bascom. Secretary Alden, in behalf of the Prudential Committee, read the follow ing paper:— THE PROCLAMATION OF CHRIST AMONG ALL NATIONS, A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Every individual who receives the gospel, receives it in trust to be by him communicated to all mankind. He -who said to his disciples, “ If ye love me, keep my commandments,” has relieved no disciple from account ability in some measure for the fulfillment of the last command.