Annual Report
SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT \ O F TH E AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS PRESENTED AT THE MEETING HELD AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, O C T O B E R 1, 1 8 7 8 . BOSTON: PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, CAMBRIDGE. 1878. ANNUAL MEETING. T h e A m e r i c a n B o a r d o f C ommissioners f o r F o r e i g n M i s s i o n s held its Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in Immanuel Presbyterian Church, commencing on Tuesday, Octo b e r 1, at three o’clock, p. m ., and closing Friday, October 4, at about eleven o’clock, a . m . CORPORATE MEMBERS PRESENT. Samuel G. Buckingham, n. d ., Springfield. Maine. Arthur W. Tufts, Esq., Boston William W. Thomas,Esq., Portland. Highlands. Charles C. Burr, Esq., Auburndale. New Hampshire. Rhode Island. Samuel C. Bartlett, D. D., Hanover. Hon. Amos C. Barstow, Providence. Vermont. Rowland Hazard, Esq., Peacedale. Thomas Laurie, D. D., Providence. George B. Saff'ord, D. D., Burlington. George L. W alker, D. D., Brattle- Connecticut. borough. John N. Stickney, Esq., Rockville. William C. Crump, Esq., New Lon Massachusetts. don. Mark Hopkins, D. d ., l l . d ., W il- Rev. Joseph W . Backus, Thomaston. liamstown. Jonathan N. Harris, Esq., New Lon Henry B. Hooker, d . d ., Boston. don. Augustus C. Thompson, d . d ., Bos New York. ton. Hon. William E. Dodge, N. T. City. Nathaniel George Clark, d . d ., Bos Zebulon S. Ely, Esq., “ “ ton. Henry M . Storrs, D.
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