And National Teades' J0umal
-J fcy)^ /$k ^ats JO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHARTIST No. CO-OPERATIVE LAJ*D SOCIETY. 2, at No. 3, Charles-street, at eight o'clock. Old Kent Road, Surrey, at the Eagle Brewery, Neat street, Coburg Road, at eight t'cloek. ' Mt Deas "Frieuds, j. , IHURBDA Y EVENING. that MOioredi teh On Thnrsaav|ast, I went to see an estate : at the Railway Eng ine Coffee House , , near at Marsh Gibbon ¦ ¦ -• was advertised to be sold „ , '- " • SATURDAY EVE NING. the capability ; Bicester in BucHnguarashire, and as Mr* Gadf 'ey's. SP^^-cll Street, St. by per- Ebbfativen. Of the SOU has been a matter much disputed and as SH more about it than idiots, ft?offi.?n "-«w.-T he weekly meeting of sons who know no 0 erative of all others yon shon d in futnrp n? £ .°P Land Society will be held it is a subject npon which 'day eveB»E» seven o clock fact is worth AND NATIONAL TEADES' thpS?S , - , . a* ' , at be iiorongblj informed, and as one J0UMAL. vague as- quested to pay their levies for a thousand arguments and ten thousand TOL. directors and local ex- recount some facts which I saw and IX. NO. 470. LONDON, SATURDAY, 0CTOBEB 24-I84ST~ m^ sertions, I shall • ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Fire -> ¦**¦—«. to " "* ShiHJHga ami™^ Sixpence per Quarter . auasssr" "' **• some that I learned in my drive from Aylesbury BiUDFOttD. - On Sunday, the members of the yon will plained the land plan, and how each cottage was on an usurper, and may be familiar with the leading turesquely situated on the Chartist Co-operative Land Society and Bicester a distance of seventeen miles, and Bandon river, in the midst REC EIPTS OF THE CHART IST CO-OPEUATIVE Chartist , the land of Association^ will meet in their ro oms, at Butte rwortb - fabricated , and tb.ele.asefor ever, and the bonus given features of their reign, and such characters as the green and beautifully undulating hills LAND SOCIETY , understand that mine are facts, nnlike the , once, as I biiiidings, at two o'clock in the afternoon.
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