-J fcy)^ /$k ^ats JO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHARTIST No. CO-OPERATIVE LAJ*D SOCIETY. 2, at No. 3, Charles-street, at eight o'clock. Old Kent Road, Surrey, at the Eagle Brewery, Neat street, Coburg Road, at eight t'cloek. ' Mt Deas "Frieuds, j. , IHURBDA Y EVENING. that MOioredi teh On Thnrsaav|ast, I went to see an estate : at the Railway Eng ine Coffee House , , near at Marsh Gibbon ¦ ¦ -• was advertised to be sold „ , '- " • SATURDAY EVE NING. the capability ; Bicester in BucHnguarashire, and as Mr* Gadf 'ey's. SP^^-cll Street, St. by per- Ebbfativen. Of the SOU has been a matter much disputed and as SH more about it than idiots, ft?offi.?n "-«w.-T he weekly meeting of sons who know no 0 erative of all others yon shon d in futnrp n? £ .°P Land Society be held it is a subject npon which 'day eveB»E» seven o clock fact is worth AND NATIONAL TEADES' thpS?S , - , . a* ' , at be iiorongblj informed, and as one J0UMAL. vague as- quested to pay their levies for a thousand arguments and ten thousand TOL. directors and local ex- recount some facts which I saw and IX. NO. 470. LONDON, SATURDAY, 0CTOBEB 24-I84ST~ m^ sertions, I shall • ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Fire -> ¦**¦—«. to " "* ShiHJHga ami™^ Sixpence per Quarter . auasssr" "' **• some that I learned in my drive from Aylesbury BiUDFOttD. - On Sunday, the members of the yon will plained the land plan, and how each cottage was on an usurper, and may be familiar with the leading turesquely situated on the Chartist Co-operative Land Society and Bicester a distance of seventeen miles, and Bandon river, in the midst REC EIPTS OF THE CHART IST CO-OPEUATIVE Chartist , the land of Association^ will meet in their ro oms, at Butte rwortb - fabricated , and tb.ele.asefor ever, and the bonus given features of their reign, and such characters as the green and beautifully undulating hills LAND SOCIETY , understand that mine are facts, nnlike the , once, as I biiiidings, at two o'clock in the afternoon. between to commence. O, said he, if I could only get that cynic or panegyrist may think proper to paint was informed, the seat of the Adderleys, •onversations of the League, manufactured but now the North BniKRXY. —A pu blic meeting will be held chance I'de jump for joy, WHY l'DE BE A GEN- them in; he may be acquainted with the battles property of a Jew, who became PER MR. O'CONNOR . in the large room of the Faint Revived Inn, passengers and free traders, and not one possessed of the whole SECTION North steam-boat TLEMAN. fought in their family estate No. 1. Brierly, near Horton Bank Top, on Sunday, (to-mor- the vulgar time, the names of the Generals, by feeding its late indolent, but yet SH ARE S. of whichever really occurred. I have £ g. d. row,) at five o'clock in the evening. Mr. Thomas I had gone so far with my letter, when Mr. disposition of their armies, and their victories and worthy proprietor, until the proper timo for , per W, Thorn „ „ „ 0 18 C habit of picking up Information from any source, fore- Cheltenham , per W, Leach „ „ „ Mann, the proprietor, has kindly offered the use of defeats ; he may be familiar with the manners and closing the mortgage 1 m 3 f went in a gig and f aaad my driver to he a Wheeler arrived at Herringsgate, at eight o'clock at and becoming the purchaser. Sunderland , per H. Haines ...... 0 10 0 tho lodge room , on Sunday evenings, to the Chartist and as customs of the court From Innishannon Leicester , per Z. Astill.. Star informa- night , with the advertisement of a farm of one , and the fashions and cabals of to Bandon , the road for three .. „ .. 2 0 . (* and Land Associatiens. The Northern , O'Con- verv shrewd fellow, 1 will recount the miles, the Georgia Mills, per W. Media n .. .. 2 0 0 nor 's Work on Smal l Farms, will be read every Sun- the age ; but, surely, lam not so muoh more igno- whole distance, is one unbroken level, with Kidderminster that I gathered from him and through him. hundred and eighty-eight acres that was to be sold , per G. Holloway .. .. 5 0ft day evening. Mr. Smith and others will attend the tion rant than others that what I have seen should be the Bandon river Oldham , por W. Hamer .. .. „ 117 6 in Oxfordshire and to , running on one side, and an im- meeting. Lectures on various subjects will be de- jj is name is Henry Turnham, he is boots and on the following day but one, pending wood Alva, per J. Robertson .. „ .. 1 3 t» a startling novelty to ME, and so familiar to OUR of oaks upon tho other. At nine pre- Asuton-uiidei -.Lyne livered during the winter. torn" at the White Hart Hotel, Aylesbury. inspect which I am obliged to start at an early hour , per E. Hobs on .. .. 0 11 6 •• second RULERS AND AUTHORS, and the majority of cisely we reached Bandon, and stopped to breakfast , per J. .Murray ...... la lc 0 Caurihoton Co operative Land Societt.—The to-morrow morning. , per J. Arnold 0 4 ' I m There is chapter and verse for the curious. I asked well informed men as to make repetition superfluous, at the Devonshire Arms . embers of the above branch are requested to at- , where, as I purposed re- tend, at the New Ocf ober what the usual rate of wages was in the coun- I remain, maining for the day Inn, on Saturday next, iim and surprise a just charge of ignorance. to attend the Court of Quarter £28 18 3 24th , at eight o'clock, on business of the utmost im- district; lie told me it was 8s. a-week, and was Your faithful friend and bailiff, Sessions, I took, up .my ¦*—=" portance. V)o ty abode. After breakfast , 1 SECTION No. 2. meet every Saturday night, at eight 'Coj .xoh. by, I ob- asked the o clock , for tho low in consequenceof the introdnction of agricul- Feargus 0 My fellow-passengers and the passers waiter if there were Buch a thing as a news- SHABES. pur pose of enrollin g members. BRADFqnn .—The members fcral machinery-, such as threshing- and winnowing P.S.—I should tell you that I did not purchase served, took no heed of what to them appeared to be paper to be had, when, to my great delight Maidstone , per W. Cogger .. ,. „ 0 11 8 of the National Char- , he intro- Clackmannan , per G. 1' „ ter Association are requested and that the trials for the land at Marsh Gibbon for several reasons— an eve-yday occurrence, and when we had got off duced me to a attcrson .. 1 4 7 to meet, in the Jarge machines, machine-breaking smart and spacious reading-room, Stock port , per T. Potter 115 8 room of the VFoolcombers' Arms, IJope-street, on iad been dreadful. At that time there were so firstly, it was for the" most part common though the stones, and when the coachman had a moment furnished with all the London , gSblin , and provin- Birmingham , per W. Thorn .. .. „ 1 15 0 Sunday next, at fire o' clock , on business of great Cheltenham, per W. Leach „ „ „ 217.0 importance. The in prison, that they were obli secondly, the best half of it was flooded to spare from attention to the various turns and ob- cial papers ; and , as natural in my present character Sunderland , per H. H aines „ ' members of the Land Society gaixy labourers ged to good land ; , ., .. 406 will meet in the structions, I said, "Pray is what I have seen in the the first information Korwich , per A. Bagshaw ., ;. - .. 19 9 same place, at the same time, aa send to the gaols in the morning to pick out those in winter by the overflowing of a brook which could that I looked for was the Eng- above. streets a usual occurrence ?" What's that Paisley, per J. Lithgow ...... 200 mere was least against to " sulk the cows." I' m not be lowered to a considerable distance ; third ly, " , your lish version of the Irish famine, and when I found l>undee , per a. Kidd .. 2 18 0 Bristol.—Messrs. M'Grath' and Clark will lee- honour ?" he replied. reter sborough , per E. A. Scolejr .. 2 4 G rare m the Mechanic s and them to milk them them- there was no sand to be had within three miles ; " Why, the multitude of the Times disengaged, I took: it up, and, to my •• Scientific Institute ujrrvtbev did not allow Alva, per Robertson .422 Broad mead, on Tuesday, starving creatures that I saw in the streets." surprize and mortification the 27th instant, on -"fne hut you see they can't do even so much without and, fourthly, it was very swampy and unhealthy, , I. found its columns Ashton-undcr-Lyne, per E. Hobson .. .. 14 0 Land." Chair to be taken at eight o clock. A selves- "Ogh," he answered, " you saw nothing ; if you Manchester, per J. Murray „ .. .. 8 15 0 ' 's What I say, not 'what the driver said. a thing that I am particularly anxious to guard replets with the most ridiculouseditorial comments J public meeting will be held on Wednesday, the 28th them . That were out about an hour sooner, you'de see tbem in Droylsden, per So... ., .. ..113 inst., advertisement, as well as approva l ofthe eonduct of the government Liverpool , per J. Arn old .. „ „ 4 15 3 for the purpose of adopting tbe National Peti- A first cousin of his, "William Turnham, I think was against, and, beyond a fascina ting tion ; Messrs. M 'Grath and Clarke will attend earnest ; but by the time the coach passes, the poor being regulated by the strict rules of political eco- . one of three who were transported, they were made you will see the necessity of minute inspection and £il 1 8J Robert Norris, Esq.. has consented to take the craythers that's naked are flit, and its only them that nomy with regard to the price of provisions and Chair. aa example of because they carried guns. He -was enquiry before working men are located for life. , has some rags on them, that you see." " What ," I further , that in compliance with its harsh and mys- PER GENERAL SECRETARY. Macclesfield. — The Chartists of this locality a capital workman, remarkably quiet and -ray much Now I will .briefly point out the requisites for a SEeTION No. 1. have taken Mr. asked in amazement, " and do you mean to say, terious principles, that the price of provisions had O'Connor's advice by opening thoir liked by his employers, he got fourteen years, and Chartist colony. Firstly. The land must be good that there are others more miserable and destitute SHAKES. room in Stanley-street, as a news room. The North- been raised by government in deference to the law £ s. d. £ a. d. ern Star Douglas Jerro jetnrned from the thieves' colony six weeks ago and digable, and the situation healthy. Secondly. Carrington - - 0 16 3 Boulogne - - 3 17 0 , '.d's neuspeper. Manchester than those we passed." " Ogh. then, I'll engage but by which speculation is regulated. The Morning Examiner, and all the d<-moci-atio periodicals of the -inth eight hundred pounds, (I wonder how long he It must be within reach of good markets for the if you were coming down with me when I comes Sowerby Helm - 5 0 0 Westminster - - 0 7 0 Chronicle having a character for more liberality, Mr. J. Smith - - 0 1 0 Persbore - - 2 5 10 day are taken for the use of the members. MuI-upI would be making that among the honest gentlemen sale of produce and for labour, if those with two to the stables about five, that you'd think LnneEn d - -066 Broros grove - -100 instruction classes meet every Wednesday, Thursday Ihoped to reap some consolation from that source, Glas gow 0 11 G Leaming ton 0.10 0 2t home! !) and was now about taking one of acres have families so large that they would feel nothing of what you see, as there's scores of ' - - - - and Friday evening. It is in contemplation to esta- em but was still more mortified to find it advocating Sudbury - - - 2 0 0 Newton Abbott - 8 9 2 blish a debating class. Mr. West has promised lo the farms of two hundred acres where the machines disposed, at seasons of the year, to work for hire. scampering home, with hardly a tather to cover 'em, Camberwell - - 0 14 0 Leeds - - - 4 0 0 Malthusian principles, which, if realized, would Itnchael Itowall .016 superintend it. There is also a well selected library lime and sand, must be ted been destroved. Ton see how money makes Thirdly. Bricks or stone, before they'd be shamed be the people going to work. endanger the live6 of many, and jeopardize the peace belonging to the Association. Mr. W. Benton was , and how its influence covers the law s con- within a convenient distance. Fourthly. "Water " And where," said I, " is their home ?" " Wisha," £24 19 9 appointed librarian last Sunday evening, with in- ihe man ofthe country in deference to tho laws of political struction to prepare the books for circulation as of " thers can find demnation, as well as a multitude of sins. When is a great object to save the sinking said he, wherever tbe poor cray economy. I had now in tiiree days seen and heard SECTION No. 2. speedily as possible. The Chartist Council meet we gottoa-viflage called Wadsdrjii about sis. miles wells. Fifthly. The, roads should be good, a bit of shelter ; but I often wonder, myself, what be- enough of Ireland, and the evil genius by which Lambeth . .16 0 Thos. Lee - . 010 0 every Sunday evening to enrol members, at eight . - 4 8 6 . -19 0 o'clock. The committee of the and if near a railway station, so much the comes of them." " But," I asked, " have you no poor Teignmouth - Chartist Co-operative from Aylesbury, I saw a vast number of men work- her destinies are swayed, to induce me to write a - 2 17 4 Westminster - - 0 13 2 Land Society meet every Monday evening, at the better; and last, bnt not least in importance, laws to provide for the destitute ? " " Ogh, we has faithful Silverthowe - - 0 2 C Kenilworth , W an- ing as if for their very lives, in a very large field history of that unhappy but gifted country Carri ngton - - 1 2 4 derton - - 2 1 2 4 same time and place, to enrol membsrs, and receive and in their shirt sleeves. I said, " That's a proper immediate possession mnst be had, I have, poor laws to be sure, but all of them that you see has and people. 1 had seen enough of Irish middlemen, Mr. Harney - - 0 i 0 J. Mann - -10 0 subscriptions. childer, and the poorest of ' cm would rather 6tarve Mr. Goddard - - Oil) 0 Fershore - .018 Glasgow .—Forthcoming Conference.—A public farmer ; he digs his land and employs plenty of recently had expensive trips to visit Hand that barristers, and solicitors, and of the feeling of En- It. Harris and Son- 010 0 Perth - - - 1 0 (J nor give 'em up." " Well but," I asked, " are they meeting of the inhabitants of Glasgow , will be held men." He smiled, and replied, " Sir, those are all I would not accept as a* gift for [our purpose ; for glish officers and the English, press to convince me J. Pntter ton - - 0 10 0 Sidney Row - -0 5 6' Mold - in Murdoch's school-room, No. 27, St. Andrew 's- prostitutes, and have they no fathere ? " " What's - - 0 9 C Leamington - - 2 3 G square for she fanning for themselves; that's a large piece instance, I never got within two miles of the that those powerful agencies, respectively and col- Lane End . - 0 0 0 Newton Abbott . 4 1» 10 , purpose of nomin ating delegates to that ? " he asked. " Why," said I, " are they bad represent them at the forthcoming Land Conference. estate in Devonshire that I travelled eight miles be- lectively, had been misused and [misdirected, ami Cai!

**** ' KEIGHLEY. mother and sister he would have carried his threat the time my eyesight was nearly gone to put me in a TUBS-OUT OF LABOURBRS. " • • - •• •' t\, Fergus , the residence of Mr. Hugh Palliscr Hickman, de- dition , aud to signify the ur gent iitcesait* there is for THE TURN-OUT AT m* and son-m.law immediate empl oyment ; yet after the into execution. After abusing the man with nearly to get my living .' I 'On Saturday all the labourers employed on the putv lieutenan *, late high sheri ff of Clare, sessiors sitting s Mr. Bell then goes on to relate certain Having first placed senti- for two days , but little has been done—delay is th e orde r TO THE TRADES OF BRITAIN. every term and title to be found in tho Billingsgate transactions new Munpet-road, in Limerick, struck for an ad- of the Lord Bishop of Meath. vocabulary, he at laBt lamented that their good and which took place at a meeting for the " Ten Hours Bill, nels on the domestics of tho house, they entered the of the day, and the people die for want of the means to " vance of wages. The sum paid was 10d., but the commenced a be still trusty old dog, that had bitten and torn so many at Hey wood, and says tha t my excuse for not meeting him dining room , and calling for fire-arms , procure food. 1 twouldbe naturally suppos ed that there Fellow-Workmen,—As many of you may workmen estimated their services at nearly double was not present, would was that I bad thrown the matter Into tbe hands of th« most furious attac k upon Mr. Hickman , who stoutly re- had been fiufficient time since the first meetin g to make unacquainted with the cause of our present struggle or otherwise he swore that he value, or Is. Cd. The latter is paid in several dis- South Lancashire delegates , and deliberatel y states th at fused to deliver up his arms , until complet ely overpowered all the necessary preparations ; yet another adjourn- with our employers, we, the woolcombers of Keigh- have worried him to death on the premises. The tric ts where men are put at task work. The Cork have never been asked to be & "*~** : blows on his head , when Mrs. Hickman, fear , ment has been made till Mond ay, and ' tis feared still most respectfully beg to call your attention to conduct ot this ruffian proves amongst other things, " to this arrangement I Constitution says :— r " - • 73- by several ley, cor respondence will show how ful of the result, pointed out where the fire-arms w*re, farther obs 'acles wiU fee thrown in the way of expediting the following brief statement of our grievances. that it requires a Keighley manufacturer and a bull- party ," The following Thursday morninj j tiie ringleaders of the labourers who that Mr. Bell was aware of with which therun ians decamped , but not before they re- the works. Our business, which employs many thousands of men dog to worry a weolcomber. A correspondence be- far this is true , and also show had turned out at Youghal for incre ased again deputation to me at that time wa^es, newed t eir brut n attac k on Mr . Hickman, inflicting two in this part of -Yorkshire in the manufacture of wor- tween the United Trades and the combers has com- the fact , when ho sent the . mustered , aud refused to work for the IMPLOIMEXr OS DRAINA GE. 10th inst pres cribed wages, very deep' wound s on bis head, and breaking one of his has been gradually growing worse for this menced, and it is hoped tbat the whole body will In the letter which appeared in the Star of the * lOd. per day. They marched thr ough sted goods, Chartist the town with fingers. It.is to be feared that this outrage upon the per- It is stated that the government are endeavouring; number of years ; partl y owing to the unpro tected very soon be united with^that association. Mr. Bell says " I have also prevailed npon the their spaaes and shovels, oat to the country, and halted son of a country gentleman , in the midst of his own to obtain the valuable assistance of Mr. Smith, of nature of the business, but more especially to the Council to write to address the same request. " By this it near Gur tro a. Their object was to induce the labourer * family circle, is but the first of a series in the coming Deanston, in superintending the vast projects for late adopted by the manufacturers of would app aar that Mr. Bell had put his case into tha from that parish to accomp any method of tbem into the town for winter , and which the general avidity to possess fire-arms drainage now in preparation in all parts of the , requiring additional skill and labour hands of the Heywood Council to make the necessary the purpose of intimidation finding they could not suc- mixing wool , will embolden thos e parties to follow up. " "* "'"' country. proportionate wages. These causes arrangements for the final settlement of this matter. Ia ceed they slunk back into small parties. Oa Friday without giving Corres -pmrt iettce* MEE TING is TRRHOY. combined have injured our trade so far as to reduce consequence of which they sent the following :— morning* , Mr. Curtin , the overseer of the Hoard of Works The Limerick Chronicle, from which the above is Heywo od, August 10th , 1846. also following :— The Cork Examiner says:— our earnings to about one-half of what they were met a large number of them on the North Commons , taken, contains the AU IRISH REPE ALER'S DEFENCE OP TUB you tbat the asser - " We are happ y to announce tbat a most import ant ago, and it now takes a good workman Dear Sir,—We are sorry to infor m nud sbowd that it was impossible for him to depar t from " A troop of the 8th nussars from this garri son pro- , twenty years CHARTER , and we feel convinced , valuable meeting will be working extremely tions that you and others made at the Middleton meeting - the ord ers laid down to him by the Board ; bnt that lie ceeded hence on Thursday morning to attend a large , held in to earn ten shillings per week by on Thursday next, at which Mr. g have caused much uneasiness amongst the members o£ «ro"iId employ tliem by contract , to which they agreed meeting ef the peasan try, which was held at Latoon , a Permoy, O'C onnell lon hours. ad- [We have much pleasure] in giving insertion to the the Chartist Association of this locality. We are told mast willingly, and immediately got to work, and Horn short distance from the residence of Sir Lucius O'Brien , will attend ; the object of which will be to consider the Our employers tlumselves hare frequently best means ,'of advancing public works body of workmen under following eicollcnt lette r, from an Irishman , which wai that what you said as regards the Birming ham Confe *- the rate at which they were getting' on, 110 doubt they Dromoland . A stron g poliee force , under Captain Leyne , in that dis- mitted that they knew of no tha t " essentially IrisU" Janus -faced trict, and par ticularly tbat most desirable an d paid as the wool- refused insertion in »nce being paid by the Tories is false. Mr. Bell is much will earn over Is. per day by task work. The otlur S.M., from Ennis , also at tended. About 5,000 persons long- the canopy of heaven so badly itated work tbe navigation of the journal , ths Nation ,] dissatisfied, and is d etermined either to make you prov e also consented to work , and the docks h Palliser Hick- ag , Blackwater. This, combers, but have always told us that nothing could labourers have assembled at 3 o'clock, when Mr. Hug 19 THE KDITO B OP THE NORTHEBN STAB. your assertions or re tract thorn , or he will placard th e ad- so far as we can glean from some privat e letters now be done for our relief till the passing of the Corn will be cleared in a proper mann er, as over 108 men will man . D.L., Captain Leyne, and other magistrates , down as a public liar. before us, is to be the principal object of th e meet- Law and Free Trade measures. Sir,—The following is a copy ofa letter which I sent town of Heywood setting you be placed there , with suitable wages and gangways. AU dressed the multitude , exhorting them to peace and for- behalf of the Committee ing, besides appointing a deputation to proceed to On the settlement of these mighty and all-impor- to Duffey, of the Nation, bu t that worthy who profess es Signed on , now promises to be'quiet and orde rly, if more work be bearanc e, and assuring them that in a very few days they Dublin to lay befo re the authorities the opinions and tant questions, we waited upon our employers, re- stickler for " free discussion " would no t conde- Jambs Butte bworth , Secretar y.. pro vided, as severa l are still unemployed. would be all r mployed under the Board of Works. Ever- to be a resolutions of the meeting. While the object of the minding them of their promise, and most respect- scend to give it insertion , nor even to acknowled ge its James Milne, Treasurer. thing passed off quietl y, but the murmurs of the destitute let us kno w if you will meet Mr , ' Tipperarv- —At a presentment sessions held for meeting may be thus defined , it is not to be supposed fully requesting tbem to advance our miserable receipt, Please to find a place for it in the column s oS P.S, Please to Bell labourers , as they reluctan tly dispersed , evinced much the barony of ClanwiHiam, Mr. Hunt, the stipen- but tbat tbe subjec ts entertained during the day will wages to a halfpenny per pound upon some kinds of the only organ that has strictly advocated tlie pure in this town and make good your assertions or retra ct dissatisfaction at the delay of relief measures. A horse dary magistrate, stated that he had to inform the embrace the present dep lorable condition of the coun- wool, and to three farthings upon others. They all, pr inciples of democracy, since the Northern Star the them. was shot at Blackwater this morning. Last night two , magistrates that two ofthe stew ards, who had been try, and the nature of the remedies provided to meet as usual, pitied our condition, but lamented that we Press, and tlie Union Star were put down in Irela nd , On the receipt of this 1 acted as I have always done in 6hecp, the property of Mr . Stand isb O'Gra dy, of Land - placed iu the chargeof public works in this barony, it," were rather too soon, the Free Trade measure not previous to the insurrection of 1708, by the infernal all natu re consulted with the Char - scape , were killed in the field , and the carcas es taken again waited upon questions of a public , d lately been attacked. One was fired at openly; having got into full operation. We government of that day. It is nonsense for the work- statements were made away. The hor se of a corn buyer , named Hogan , was FARM LABOUR—TH E POTATO CROP. tist body, who though t that as the the other where he lodged, at Donehill; there them in a few weeksafter , when three of them very ing people to expect justice from either the old or young shot at BallyvaHy, near Killa loe, for having brough t corn before the assembled Chartists of South Lancashire , and were four shots tired into the room where he was The same paper states : " As the time of early readily complied, partially, with our request, by grant Ireland part y *, in a word they are " rogues , all," both , to market. Saturday, a horse belong ing to Mr , Robert not befor e any particular locality, that Injustice to sleeping. sewing approaches, the cottier and tenant farmers in ing a farthing instead of a halfpenny, and promising, Yours res pectfully, parties the South Lancashire delegates should be called Fros t was fired at and woun ded. this part of the country appear to have aroused THE VATIOSAL TKinniE. that if the others would fallow their example they Mic hael Segeave. togeth er therefore , wrote to the from their late inactivity. Within the last few days The other manufacturers ns soon as possible, I, The Cork Constitutionasks , "Is it true that Mr. ULSTER. would give us the remainder. TO THE EDIT OIt OF THE NATION, Hey wood Council to tha t effect. digging and cleansing out the potato O'Connell will not this year sanction the customary Distress is increasing in the Northern province, the process of refusing to imitate the example so honourably set by fields, to prepare for the next year, has become ge- three of the most respectable of their own body, Sir,—I rejoice to learn that you have succeeded so far On the [26th of August the post brought me a letter eoUection l And adds:— which,in ordinary seasmra of scarcity; had been com- in bearding the despotism of the Loyal Aristocratic Re- from Mr. Bell and one from the Council. This disin terested determination is adopted because of neral." compelled us reluctantly to adopt the only course left;; paratively free from suffering. Empiotment tor the People.—Tbe circ ular road peal-Association. As you are on tbe side of free discus- This is a copy of Mr. Bell's:— tVe popular inability to pay, aa i as the collection would namely, tbat of withholding our labour till they com- C0UNTT OF DUBLIN. , presented by the magistrates nnd sion, I hope you will give insertion to this letUr , in Mills Latle, Heywood , consequen tly involve the odium , withou t the advantage , round tho park plied with our request. Our usual method of doing Iuuixet.—*A correspondent writes as follows:— cesspayers at the late Presentment sessions for the this kind of business is to take one firm by ballot ; reply to some editorial remarks that appear in the August 24th , 1846V ofthe extortion , he magnanimously resolves to relinquish columns of your journal , and by means thereof grant me Sir,—-I am exceedingly ' surp rised that you should so a number of men, ap pa- city, has been approved of by the Board of Works, and the lot having fallen upon that of Mr. Robert it. The division among the Repealers , too, is said to On this (Fridaj ) mor ning, long delay re turning an answer to the appeared at and that £1,000 have been granted for its completion. Olough , of Groves Mill, his combers were withdrawn, the privilege to express my sentiments through the me- appli cation mtd« bave had some share in forcing on bim this act of reluc- rentl y total strangers in the neighbourhoo d, dium ef the .Nation newspaper. Ireland has , for a to you by tlie Ch sixtist committee of this town. Tou r>ade carry ing spades on This road will be all spade work, and its execution and placed under our protection. So determined , tant self-denial; for, as one party regards itself as sold, the gate of Mr. Smith , of Killincy, lengthened period , waded through an ocean of political certain charges against me at the Middleton me.ting- demand ing work or money. Mr. will afford vast employment to our labouring poor, however, were the manufacturers to prevent us from , it is not likely to contribute with much liberality, and their shoulders , and inconsistencies, unparralelled in the world' s history , th ey have re quested you to eotne horo and rov P thom . it th e most prudent course , gave them who are to be daily seen parading the streets, begging improving our wretched condition , that they entered P the old gentleman fears that the falling off in the tribute Smitb. thinking owing to tha spurious teaching of O'Connell and the Why do you not come, they will pay your expenses ? If when they took their depart ure . A party for food, but more earnestly for that by which a suffi- into a combination against us, and turned us every might be appealed to as proof of waning popularity, and some money, ciency of it could be fairly and honestly procured. liberal presses of that country, so much so, tha t men you have proof it is your duty to give it. If you have no of laboure rs carry ing spades , appeared before some of the man from our employment, throwing twelve or fif- next to money, he loves the popularity through which scarcely maintain an opinion for one week toge ther , con- such proof, you had no right to make the charges. My houses in the same neighbourhood; bu t the owners , hav- The long protracted arrangements in reference to teen hundred of us without the means of supporting money is procured. Bnt will there be no collection ! the drainage of the " Park" have been almost corn- tinuall y chang ing like weather-cocks , and , I am sorr y to opinion is, that you told a wilful lie, and that there wer e " when teachin g ing been app rised of what occurred at Mr. Smith' s, had ourselves, or those we had taken under our pro- We doubt it. In days gone by, bis fol- pleated, and the work will be put in progress as - say, th ;it it is rear to find any genuine patriotism in that parties with you ryho knew that you were telling a lie. lowers how laws were to be evaded, he was wont to boast taken the precaution of locking their gates. tection. „ „ If you speedily as possible. Both of these works are ola You will see from this brief statement, fellow- land that gave birth to so many of natures noblest have the proof , I challenge you to come here and that he was as * cunning as a fox.' The old charac teristic Donux, Oct. 19.—The Imsn Poor-Law Wobk- remunerative character ; the last especially, as it at ordinary circumstances in heroes. But althoug h my countrymen are so far behind give it. still clings to bim, and perhaps he calculates that this in relation to the workmen. ^Ri under houses.—It is a remarkable fact, will be the means of converting a large and now use- e always supported our- in the march of political knowledge, yet, I hope, the day I am, Sir, your 's trul y, show of self-denial will operate in bis favour—that in prevailing in all parts matters of wages, we hav unprecedented destitution now less extent of slab into a place of recreation for our driven to tbe necessity of ap- is not far distant when men will have to be sincere as Wm. Bu t; communities like Cork , for instance , tbe wealthy will say of the country, that only a fractional proportion of selves, and have been citizens, and of riving our city another claim to the present occasion through beitig well as determined. Ta that letter I replied , I knew of no he shall not suffer, and they will voluntarily originate a the workhouses have the full complement of inmates pealing to you on tbe corresponden ce title " Beautiful." turned from our employment. It is now seven weeks The following appeared in the Nation of August loth, with the Heywood Council th at I had not answered . subscription. Once begun , ihe lists will fill ; there Is no which they are capable of accommodating. The 1840 :— and Kastdrk U.niox, Oct. 15.—The board met this since our Free Trade em ployers deprived us of work , This is the letter from the option—the ' moral power ' will force contributions , total number of unions for Ireland is one hundred day ; number in the house, C20 ; received this day, " We have received a printed address from the Char , Hey wood Council :—¦ without incurring the since which time we have suffered almost every- Heywood , August 25th , 1816. Sir. O'Connell will rea p the reward and thirty ; but the number of worhhouses open is 200. The house was intended for 800 ; there are inflict. Not satisfied wii h tists of England to the , with a request that indignation . is there any thing uncharitable in this sur - thing which poverty could Sir,—I received and laid your letter before the Hey. one hundred and forty-eight. Only four of those have used wc should insert It in the Nation, we desire no fraterntsa. have to deal with, and now 20 over the compliment. This is our situation refusin g to employ us th emselves, they wool committee. The following is mise f .Remember the man wc bave their full complement of inmates, and those here ; hundreds famishing that cannot gain admit- tion between the Irish people and the Cliartisti , not on the resolution :— tell us if it is not likely that this very * speculation ' has every dispicable means they could invent to induce " That we agree to the South Lancash ire exceed the number ; hut generally the workhouses account of the bu gbear ' physical force ,' bu t simply be. Delegate Meet- tance, still, although we had a presentment sessions, others to do the?sa*ie. Instead of meeting us like ing be called been passing through his brain. fall so far short of the allotted amount, that they the liberty to tax ourselves no work is appearing. cause some eftheirfi ve points are to us an abomination , together as soon as possible to settle upon to many , — men, to argue the question in dispute, they treat us the time and place for the discussion , and would recom- PKESESTME Jtr SESS10SS " EXTEAORDISARr. " are [ca pable of affordin g accommoda tion Cork Examiner. of Northern autocrats or and the whole spirit and tone of their proceedings, thousand persons. Meantime I may mention that the with the insolent contempt mend tho said delegate meeting to be held at Oldham ," The Cork papers furnis h the ''deliberations " ofthe The Clare Journal referring to the meeting a and breathe nothing but their de- though well enough for England , are so essentially - workhouse of Abbeyleix hat twenty-three more than Eastern desposts, Your's, on behalf of the Heywood Council , assembled in Macroom for the purpose of Dromoland, says :— b e p union or starve English , that their adoption in Ireland would neither be fentlemen its number ; Scariff and Watcrford each slightly to be to no termination to either r ak u our James Butter worth , Secretar y. olding an extrao rdinary presentment sessions for We are glad however ^ able state that dis- This mean attempt to crush probable nor at all desirable, between us and them there , us out of existence. I also received from Mr. Bell the baron y of West Mcskerry, which , as well as being exceed their number ; and the workhouse of Cork of starvation has roused us is a gulf fixed, we desire not to bridge it over but to following, notwith - the contains 1,161 inmates over the stipulated accommo turbance took place throug hout the day. Indeed we men already at the point the latest, are certainly the most amusing that have believe tbat the elements were much more efficacious to a spirit of resistance which nothing but the most make it wider and deeper.'! standing his statement that he was " no party to tho pation. This fact, especially when you consider the arrangement." yet attained fame throug h the columns of a news- agents than the militar y, in dispersing the multitude ; desperate privation can overcome. You behold in Sir, as you are a professed advocate of freedom , I repugnance to workhouse relief amongst the Irish Heywood, August 31st. paper. Two-thirds of the day having been con- destitution. for the clouds began to pour forth rain in such torrents , our case, fellow workmen, a body of overwrought should like to know what is your definition of the sacred contested battles about the disposal poor, is a striking evidence of terrible word, or wha t kind of liberty yon are prepared to demand Sir ,—It appears from your letter to the Heywood sumed in fiercely But with tbe exception of the four I have named, that the poor creatures , all drenched with wet, deemed it and half-starved Englishmen , with families depend- trivi al items as £3 , ,000, and £S , for the people of Ireland ? If your views are wound up Council that you are desirous that the County Council of such .000 £5 ,000, all the rest of the workhouses , one hundr ed and most ad visable to make the best of their way to their ing upon them, strugg ling with a number of York- one of the collective wisdom of West Muskerry , with in a repsal of a single Act of Parliament, and that you should have something to do with the difference betwixt twenty-four in number, are capable of affording ad- respective abodes. Nor did the troops present seem shire Jews, who declare before high heaven and what a laudable view of putting an end to the word y war- much inclined to relish the imperative invita tions which age, that their workmen speak the national mind, then I blush for my degenerate us. I am willing to meet you at Oldham on Sunday nex t ditional accommodation to a considerable extent. is called an enlightened and there make fare that raged without intermission througho ut the they were daily receiving to visit different parts of the privilege of the animal creation, country, long has the toiling millions been duped by every arr angements for you to prove the fou» The Ballina (Mayo) workhouse, which the guardians shall not enjoy the assertions you made at the Middlet on pro ceedings, thus interposed :— country —invitations to which it was necessary for them namely, that of uniting together for self-preserva- species of humbug agitation , each having for its object meeting . 1 threaten to shut Hp from want of resources, is capa- Your 's Mr. J . B. -Warren. —Hear me—hear me for a moment. to attend as well in the storm as in the sunshine. They then fellow workmen, we appeal as the elevation ofthe middle classes in the scale of soeiety, respectfully, ble of accommodating 1,200. The number of its , tion. To you, , I shall now bring this scene to a close—there is but one cer tainl y expressed their disapprobation of such journies to our natural allies in the hour of danger. If after bu t not one solitary measure has heen broug ht forward , Wh, Bell. inmates, according to the last return, is 1 0S7. In < P.S.—You state to the Heywood course we can now adopt , aud that I propose ; that tbe . 111 no very measured terms And it is. withou t doubt , this appeal we are allowed to fall the victims of calcalated to ameliorate the condition of the suffering Council that you will Castlebar (Mavo), where great distress prevails, . , pay me for deliverin g the tsvo presen tments be passed en masse. (Great cheering. } most deplorable to find the country in such a state, that averice, we shall submit to our fate by consoling poor. They h ave the consolation to witness tbe Cath olic lectures for your fund , and there are only 174 inmates, although the workhouse , re quest them to send you word what Tbe d—1 a thing else can be doue. a few notices posted up in differen t places by some law- ourselves with the reflection that we have performed oppressor occupy tho place of the Protestant tyrant and they pay me for two is fitted to accommodate 700. tba t constitutes their share of the " bloodless vistories " lectures. If they have aot done so Mr. Coultlmrst. —I second that ; it is the only course less and seditious characters , will bare the effect of con- our duty, however, believe that an appea l to the , , allow me to say that State of the Country —-Although the reports We, 1 should have ch ar ged five shillings for left us. (Great uproar. ) gregating together such crowds of people, that it is intelligent workmen of England in a case like ours accomplished by their " Libera tor " and " Patriarch al that business , and exhibit still increased destitution, there are some one shilling I Mr. J . B. "Warren. —Hear me—do hear me for a mo deemed necessary, to tbe great harassing of the troops , cannot be made in vain, and that you will assist us Patriot of half a century. " The working classes must be gave to the subscri ption make s six, which I gratifying features in the accounts. The public hope you will remit me ment—(great yelling.) See what a scene you have here thus to drive them by quick and unexpected marches to in teaching the few presumptuous mortals who have the veriest fools in existence if they lend their assistan t on the first opportunit y.—W. B. works are commencing in almost all quarters, and to any agitation for the future that has not for its This to-day; lock around yon, is it not utterly impossible that the system ot volunta'y relief, so well commenced one locality after another. dared to insult the chara cter of Englishmen , that .correspondence I laid before the Observation -we can go through these app lications dispassiona tely— they are only exposing their ignorance and folly in specific object, the accomplishment of pure unsu llied Committee, who immediately agreed that the delegates we will be permitted to consider them calmly or in Kerry, is now adopted pretty generally. In that The Clare Journal contains the following import- liber ty which is a domestic legislature independant of that county an arrangement has been adopted, by which tant announcement :— trying to carry out their scheme. Several ot the should meet at Oldha m on Sunday, [October 11th , as it quietly * For God's sake, then, pass my resolution , the British Minister and based on the principles contained was not possible that Her Majesty 's Government intend to place seed rye , towns in Lancashire have kindly promised to assist they could meet before , and gave gran ting them all, whatev er they may he, and leave them the local merchants undertake the duty which it has in the Peoples ' Charter . Anything short of this is not notice in the Star accordingly. I been attem pted to force upon the government. and barl ey or bere , at the disposal of tbe commit: ar '.at us, and trusting that the trades and towns through- , therefor e, leave th e -to our guardian angels , the Board of Works —(great a hand in checking qualified to protect labour from the avericious grasp if vuader s of th e Star to jud ge ot the truth ot Mr , ' The Tralce Chronicle, received on Monday, contains in Ireland, and the different reli ef committees will be out the kingdom will lend us Bell s shouting.) I move tbat tbe applications pass en masse; ignorance, presumption and avarice, believe us to capital , and consequen tly is but "a mockery, a delusion ; letter. < the follow ing :— supplied with the seed at first cost. does any one second me I— (shouts , we do.') remain, fellow working men, and a snare. " When the deputation called upon me in the room , SrrPLY of Food in Tbai.ee. Mr. M'C. O'leary. —I second you with all my heart— —The principal mer- Yours most truly, I now wish to draw your attention to an ar ticle that when the meeting was over of whiehhe speaks , I replied , (tremendous shouting.) chants engaged in the corn-trade of this town assembled On behalf ef tbe woolcombers of Keighley, appeared in the Nation of the 2Gth of September , headed "No , it is not right that I shoul d do so, inasmuch as with on Thursday, by invitation of Mr. J. B. 'War ren. —If you carr y that , you may go in the grand jury room , IRISH FAMINE , REPEAL, AND THE TRIBUTE , Thomas Walton, Chairman, " United Irishmen. " In commenting on the immortal the consent of the council , and all parties , the case is borne to your dinners; if you reject it, prepare to stop the relief committee , to confer upon the best measures to TO THE ESITOB OF THB NOBTHEBN STAB . John Fahrar Pickles, Secretary. patriot , Thomas Russell, you say :— now in the hands of the County Coun cil, who are called be resorted to at the present crisis. After a lengthened here for a week—(ytlls.) P.S.—-All communications must be addressed to It was in the interim of his return and appointment , together throu gh the Star. At my lodglncs, the deputation Chairman. —Who 's for passing them all ?— (tremen- discussion, which was carried on in a most satisfactory Sir,—That the Repeal agitation is fast ebbing there John Pickles, Low Bridge, Keighley, Yorkshire. that we have seen him in Tone's box of a house. Tone said that I had promised to meet Mr. Bell in Heyweod. dous shouts of' All.*} manner , the merchants present agreed to sign a paper remains not a shadow ef doubt , and the utter reckless- and he were inseparables , in that summer of 1790, with So Mr , Bell says in his letter of the Star of last Saturday . pledging themselves to make such regulations as should ness of the association in squandering away the funds at The Keighley Cattle-Show. *— Heartless Con- Mr. J. B. Warren. —Mr. Secretary, bundle tbem all up, the rippling wares of the high tide whispering at their But he ough t to have given the whole of the statement . secure to the town a constant supply of gra in, and en- the present time, deserves the severest condemnation , duct op the Liberal Lord Morpeth.—The Keigh- then and and cut; away as fast as you can— (great uproar.) feet, these two great souls looked at each other , In reply to this statement of the deputation , I said, Mr. J. E. M-Car tby.—I object, I object , I object— gage to retain a supply of 200 tons each for home con- and is at the same time most infamous. The subscri p- ley Agricultural Cattle Show was as usual a high there were matured the princi ples of pa triotis m and na- "Yes. a c , and far- " Mr . Bell challen ged me to discuss the merit s or (hisses.) I move that we go to the consideration of the sump tion. tions from London to " Domination Hall , in Dublin, has day amongst the gentry, m nufa turers tionali ty for which they died." demerits of a certain document draw n up by the parties not averaged for the last six months £2 per week ; and mers. There were a great many extremely fat and applications in alphabetical order , (nproai) ; some of us The FisnERT. —Wc are happy to be able to state What a mighty chan ge has come over your dreams ; attending the Birmingham Conference , and to prove that , that the paid committee in Dublin is overfed pigs, cows, and horses, but a miserable dis- did not come here for mere humbug— (groaning, hissing, that , during the present week , the herrin g fishery will it be believed those "po ints " that to you were an " abomination " on it was not in accordan ce with the principles of the Peo- supposed to be at the play of lean and starved combers. We find no fault and shouting.) has been most productive , and that the poor class of paying an individual , in London, the 15th of August , as if by magic, becomes " the prin ple's Charter. In answer , I said "No, Bell, I am not Mr. J. B. Warren. —Some of us did not come here to head of the Repeal movement £i a week for doing noth- with the exhibition of fat and fine looking cattle, but ciples of patriotism and nationality " on the 26th 0* men who are engaged in it have met with more suc- w a fool enough to take upon me to discuss the merits or de- make speeches; my proposition is carried , at all events cess than has hitherto attended their labours during ing *, and that at a time too when gaunt famine bestrides we think, if some few of our manufacturers ho re September. I have before me a history of Ireland merits of a document , I have never seen But I will like a Colossus the soil of Ireland. That Repeal , in very fond of raising pigs and poultry, would turn —{tremendous shoutin g) the season. The supply was so abundant , in the written by Alston , in which he states the principles of tin tell you What I will do, I will meet you before your own London has dwindled do wn to a mere nothing, thank their attention to prizes, for those who could exhi- Mr. J. E.M'Carthy. —I'll not give way—(with cries of early part of the week, that the price rated at only , society of United Irishmen , that Russell was mainly in- townsmen , a nd prove to their satisfacti on, that the par - ' poll, poll,* and ' no, no.') God, is most true . The great Whig Repealer , who is bit the fattest, best clothed, and best educated strumen tal in forming, to be as follows :— " In the plan 6s. per thousand, and we are also glad to observe a coming a great deal nearer ties who paid you for drawing it up will not pay you for Chairman .—Shall I poll Mr. Warren 's motion ? (Yes, large quantity of other fish in the market. This is now enjoyin g himself in the fastnesses of Derrajne , workmen, they would be which they submi tted to the country, the y proposed that advocatin g the princi ples of the People' Christianity. Amongst the many s Charter. And yes,' and deafening shouts of * no, no.') a most timely relief to the poor people of the town (where he is quietl y shut out from the cries of his famish- the standard of the Parliament should be annual ; that tbe whole king- if that is what he wants , I will stop until to-morrow ing countrymen), must now be fully aware that tbe Irish- visitors who attended to honour the occasion , was Mr. J. E. il'Cartli j .—I'll never consent to sign myself and neighbourhood—Galway Mcrcuru. dom should be divided into three hundred electorates , night. " I remained in Heywood until the following men in London will not be sold to the merciful Whigs , Lord Morpeth who being member lor West Riding, down a fool. , all as equal in population as possible ; that n either the morning, and if that was what he wanted he could have couxrr of loxgford. like so many sheep. They are now, much to their credit was looked upon by the woolcombers as the very in- Mr. J , B. Warren .—Tou need never do that. elector nor the representative should be disqualified by had it. This fact should not be lost sight of; the docu- Loxgf the wants of their diyidual to act as arbitrator between them and their Br. Bald win.—Such a proceeding would be stultifying ord, Oct. 17 —There are in the town at be it said, holding meetin gs to relieve want of proper ly, but that every man twenty- on e years ment he wanted me to discuss was not printed until And they are quite wide- employers. They accordingly waited upon the great ouisslves-— (yells ) present upwards of two hundred heads of families in distressed brethren at home. of age, and possessed of his] reasoning faculties , shoul d three weeks after the Middleton meeting took place. need of employment, numbering nine hundred in- 's move of an Irish Landlord Parli ament, man at the DevonshireArms , and conveyed to him Father Kearne y.—Is it legal to pass them in this awake to Dan be entitled to rote, provided he had been resident in the Let me ask if Mr. Bell is abl e to prove that I made way ? dividuals. The Leinster relief committee has been they would rather that Ireland be legislated for after the an address, describing their situation, and wishing place d uring the last six months previous to the election , false statements at the Middleton meetin g. Wh y did he of the utmost benefit to the poor of this parish and fa shion ofthe last forty-six years ; for God save her from him to address the working class in the market- Cap tain Gordon., —You may do so i( you please ; ' tis and tbat to be qualified for a representative , it was only not do it ? Simply because, as he told one of his friends as good as any other way here. Ballyraacormick, having, within the last three such a Parliament as the Great Whig Repeal Fra nken- place. Iiis lordship sent a very polite reply, excus- necessary to be resident within tbe kin gdom to hold no ing himself by saying that be bad only attended tbe , in Heywood , "t hat he did not know -where the money Father Kearney. —Then away with them—(vociferous weeks, disposed of j£200 worth of wheat meal , Indian stein would create for her. place nor pension under government , and to be of the full came from until the Sunday that Mr. O'Connor opened l oatmeal and biscuit, at cost price, and from Nothing less than a Parliament based upon the prm- agricultural meeting by special invitation, and could jelling.) mea , , age of twent y-five years , and that each representative the New {Hall at Manchester. " When I suppose the 6d. to lOd. per stone under rel ieving from four to , in- not think of interfering with the combers and their Secretary. —If you pass the presentm ents in this way, , ciples of the Charter , can serve Ireland ; and then should be allowed a reasonabl y salary for his attendance paymas ter told him that it was not Protectionist money. six hundred weekly. Viscountess Forbes has not stead of those who hold the land governing the parlia- employers. Three of the combers attended the din- none ofthe draina ge presentments can be carried out. in Parliament. " In fac t, we met before the South Lancashire delegates on been unmindfu l of the wants ofthe poor about New- the parliament of the united Irish people would ner in the evening, and caused much alarm to some Mr. J. E. M-Cart hy.—It is a miserable subterfu ge to ment, These, sir, are the princi ples of the brave patriots of Sunday last , and were prepared to enter into arrange - town, having remitted £25 to the relief committee govern the land. And it is not to be denied , looking at of that party, who apprehended that they had come defeat the objects of the poor ; to avoid feedin g the people 179S, and these are the principles adopted by two hun- ments for the final settling of this matter upon equal ¦—(awful contusion and of Clonguish parish. The public works presented the present position of affairs in Ireland , that Irishmen to insult them by exposing their conduct, and mak- shouting.) dred and seventy delegates of the Irish Volunteers that terms, And there , too, he said, " he did not kno w where Mr, for in the baronies of Rathcline and Longf ord , in , everyday becoming more convinced of the necessity ing Chartist speeches. We are sorry that we cannot J. B. Warren .—I have no application for a pre - are met at Dungarvan , in the month of September , 1780, and the money came from , all he knew was, that he was tol d sentment for a job this county, have been set agoing during the past of such a parliament. give a verbatim report of the speech of the Vice- , bnt others may. (Shouting.) By my those are the glorious " points " of the Charter , which it did not come from the Protecti onists." I, therefore week. In Rathcl inethree hundred and fifty men And now a few words about the RENT . November is chairman who introduced his lordship, by all ac- , plan I willgive all a fair chance. It is evilent we are , are to you an " abomination. " I can easil y understand leave the matter with the intelligent readers of the Star mere puppets are at work , and in Lon gford upwards ofa hundred , a great month in Ireland for commencing the collection counts it resembled a speech that had been blown but I here —we .hare no control —the storm is O'Connell's motive for calumniatiug the Chartist , to judge for themselves whether a man would go to a overpowtrful for as. (Shouting.) and if the weather continues favourable the number of the O'Conn ell Tribute—well , it is not to be collected into the air by a bomb-shell, and had iallen down am at a loss to guess what reason you hare to find fault You are much mista- conference , at a distance of n ear 100 miles, and not taken if will be increased next week.—Longford Journal. this year ; and the reason assigned for its non-collection in disjointed words, sentences, and syllables. The irit and tone of their proceedings. It cannot you think you can reject any presentment , and was made by one of with the sp know where the money came from ! He, however , would it will in any COOXI T OF WATERFOan . is, " the great distress tbat exists throug hout the coun- principal speech of the evening be for oustin g the base , brutal and bloody Whigs at the way come to the same end. All we have to not enter into the question before the delegates , nor try. " Who is there so insane as to believe it ? The old the honourable manufacturers now giving the ad- do is to place onr dependence on the controllin g power of Food Outra ge.—The Waterford Chronicle says :— last general election , and thus preventing the Irish trai- allow them to adjudic ate upon it; in fact , nothing would the Board of Works blood-sucker knows well it would be what is vulgarl y vance who adverted to tbe situation ofthe workmen in tors continuing the sale of their unfortunate country for , who will bave useful works pressed Asa man , in the employment of Mr. Walsh , Glens- do for him but I must meet him in Heywood. I prof - upon them by termed " no go," to get it. If he thought , for a moment , veryhuraane terms, and he hoped that theothermanu- government patronage ? Is it for sendin g a petition to the relief committees. (Shouting.) town, in this connt .v, was reluming from the mill with a fered to meet him in Oldham , which was neither Hey- it could be collected, not all the Irish distress would pre- factnrcrs would cultivate a better feeling with their the House of Commons with three millions and a half of Mr. J. e. M'Carth y —We must cbeck jobs—we must horse and car, containing a few bags of oatmeal , on , wood not- Manchester , and near an equal vent him screwing the last farthing from the starving workpeople. . " His lordship" took leave of the distance from upset jobs. Tuesday night last, he was met on the road b signatures , in favour of a Repeal of the Union , and both towns , were there y a few to the party at about eight a'clock, and was escorted to his was a hall that could accommo- Mr. J. B. Warren .—This observa tion seems to be aimed men who seized on one of the sacks , and after handing Irish people. He knows well it is his treachery another numerousl y signed against the damnable Coer- date the public . that compels him to coun- carriage by a number of his admirers. Just before at me ; now I don' t car e a fig for it—I can afford a laugh the man a one pound note , which they desired him Irish people, and his coun try, i cion Bill ? Is it for meeting the Government threats I paid him to ht that driving off, a manufacturer , far from being admire d six shillings in order that I might not be tbat , for SO far as jobs are concerned this day, I think I give his master , they decamped with the termand it. The person who for a moment thoug against Ireland with a complete negative , and telling the sack. One of or respected by the combers , proposed three cheers again insulte d with his palaver about my obligations to am ithe most inn c nt man in c urt. (Shouting. ) the reasons assigned for this outrage is on account he would have the barefaced impudence to have issued _ iron Duke "trumpet tongued" that if he dare draw the him of the for his lordship , which was immediately responded . And now as there are no financial matters betwixt C hairman .—I cannot stand this any longer , I must scarcity of meal his mandate for its collection , after having bound over exterminating sword on the Irish repealers , away went , in consequence of the difficulty and de- to by the cro wd giving thre e hearty and tremendou s us, we ar e on equal term s, and still stand by every asser- leave the c'lair.(Yells.) lay in getting the corn of the country the Repeal question , hand and foot to the " Bloody and the Chartist scabbard ? Is it for breaking ground. is the general rent through the tien I made at the Middl eton meetin g. This letter has rather Lee.—If you ask for quietness, 1 shall get it Brutal Whigs ," and havin g also stifled the freedom of groans. The 7th of November accurse d national and religious prejudi ces of centuries , Etrecourt , Oct, 19.—The works on the new line, ghley, and many of the ma- necessaril y run to a great length , hut injus tice to myself for you. (Here tremendous uproar ensued. discussion at" Domination Hall ," would be set down for for the inhabitants of Kei destroy ing the evil effects of Orangei sm in England , under Mr. Egan, were resumed on Monda y last. to that dreadful pe- and the cause, I have been compelled to give a full his- Mr. J. B. Warren. —Well have it any way you like. a madman. The truth is this, the Irish people are nufacturers are looking forward and creatin g a friendly feeling between the Saxon nati ve Thirty men have been employed every day since they , thinking its near approach must frighten tbe tory of the thing. The truth of this letter is well known For peace sake I withdraw my motion , but in doing so I thoroughly disgusted with his conduct. The exultation riod and the Celtic exiles ? Or is it for nobl sympathisin g were recommenced . The labourers were at first dis- The combers, however, de- y in Lancashire , and had it not been that state ment s apart must say tha t I am as anxious for tlie poor as any man , of Little Johnny Russell, at having crushed the Repeal men to their terms. with , the opp ressed of every country in the world 1 Those satisfied because tbe work could only ba given by or no rent, as they have ventured bo from truth had been made in the Star, I would not hav*. aud perhaps more so than those who make a parad e of agitation, will know no bounds. Oh that the spirit of clared that rent, proceedin gs instead of meriting your censur s task ; and were under the impression that , however h y l g , though they should take are highly troubled you on the subject. hu manity- (Cheering. ) Honest Jack Lawless could arise from its cold tomb, and far t e wi l fi ht it out worthy of imitation and I ean assure you that I hard their labour might be, their allowance of pay , , as an I am, Sir, your 's respectfull y, Br. Baldwin. —I'm convinced there 's no more humane east one look upon heart-broken Ireland—and to find up their shelter in a workhouse during winter. individual would be uniform ; when , however , the principle of , look with sovereign contem pt on the profess- Wj man than Mr. John Wan en. (Shoutin g.) her SOLD, SOLD, SOLD, TO DAMNABLE WHIG- eigiilet ber 20.—Ten weeks have now i. Dixon. task-work was explained to them they cheer fully un- K , Octo ing patriot who cannot extend his views beyond the mere Manchester , Oct. 13th , 1846. Secretary .—What sum will you assess ? GERY *. Oh rise, spirit of an Emmett , and rescue your nearly elapsed since the manufacturers of Keighley limits of his own country. I will admit that self-preser- dertook the labour , and are earning about 13d . a [* Mr. Dixon's let ter was received last week but exclu- Mr . Cronin.—Let us fix an amount in al/Jbo. unfor tunate and bleeding country from the fangs of do- , day. The labouring poor of this locality are in the turned off their combers for the attempt to procure vation is the first law of nature , but yet the real philan - ded throu gh wautof room. —Ed. N. S.l Mr. J. B. XTarren. —You may, or in nubibus it will all mestic traitors ! But a spirit is moving upon tbe waters the small advance at dou gh' s factor y, and still no , same wretched condition as in every other quarter of thropist will rejoice , and , if practicable , lend his assist- come to the same. (Great uproar.) which says, she shall be free ; Ireland but sleepeth the land. Those persons whose staple sustenance in advance has been made towards a settlement. Some ance, to tho growing spirit of liberty, no matter what the Mr. J. E. M 'Cart hy.—1 propose that £50,000 be awhile ; she will awake like a giant refreshed from his only daylight every other season consisted of the potato ofthe factories are running , while all colour of the people, the creed they profess , or the coun. granted. , are totally slumbers , when the voice of her peop le * # be heard at their wits As UNr-AKALLELEDHorse. deprive d of the necessaries of life by the failure of the manufacturersare ' end to procure try they belong to. Ah , sir, were the leaders of the # -—The following descrip- Mr . J. B. Warren. —Tou may as well make it £ 500,000 ; demanding the ri ghts and privili ges of freemen —not to business " , tion ofa horse for sale, by a new that article of support , and many poor creatures ar e tops to carry on with. We understand Irish people sincere in their profession of patriotism and auctioneer , named " what signifies a nought * be refused , but to be grant ed. And then , and not till of the three manufacturers who have country Jacobs, hi1 Demerara, almost often days without tasting food of any description. that two had the regenera tion of their oppress ed at heart , out-rivals the liveliest Amidst the most terrific tu mult , the applications were then, will that veil of prejudice which it has been tbe advance, have given notice to dis- mind the noble virtues sallies of George Robins Yet their patience under privation is wondro us aud hitherto given the did they possess the. expans ive , :-A strong, staunch, steadvv ta ken up seriati m, and all read were passed. interest of a dominant few to hold up between Ireland sound praiseworthy. —BaUiansloe Star. continue it, and to fall to the level of the remainder. and genuin e pa triotism of the heroes of '98 , they would , stout, safe, snug, serviceable, strapping Father O'Driscoll app lied to build a chapel at Bris- and England be removed , and the people of both coun- supple 1UAM, Oct . 17.—The accounts from all Should this prove correct, it will also prove that it brid ge over a thousand of your gulfs if necessar y, to , swift, smart, sightly, sprightly, spirited parts of the tr ies be united in the holy bonds of freedom . Then , to , £ 500. country are somewhat cheerin g, is impossible to advance the character of the Keigh- shake hands with .the democracy of any country that sturdy, shining surefooted , sleek, smooth object, (hissing.) as far as tran quilit y oppress the Irishman will be to oppress the Englishman , spunky, Dr. Baldwin.—I is concerned ; yet the poverty and distress ; ley manufacturers, by inducing them to perform offered their assistance in bursting the accursed fet- welhskinned, sized, and shaped, leather-colour Horse, Father 0'DriscolL—You ihould be the last to oppose , amongst and both shall be united together for each others 'a good, « the poor people is great in the extreme. We are actions of honour and humanity, They always finish ters that has bound down their native land for so of superlative symmetry, called Sir Tatton," with it. to live upo n the land , and to be protected by tho living off like tbeswine , by returning to their filth and many centuries. small star and swift, gratified to find that peace and order have been re- spirit ef the Charter. square-bodied, slender-shoul- Br. Baldwin.—You should not divert the money from wallowitg in the mire. The combers, on the other In conclusion , I wish to observe , that I entirely concur dered, sharp sighted, stored in districts where heretofore much alarm pre- 1 am , Sir , Respectfull and steps stately, free from the poor. y Your 's, hand , continue, if anything, longer and firmer, and in the feeling expressed by thousands of Irishmen on this strain sprain , spasms (Bah). I care not for vailed.—Tuam Herald. AN EX-L0KD0H 8EP£AL , spavin, strin ghalt, staggers, Mr. M. H. Warren. —Poll it. WABMN. have made up their minds to stand all consequences. side of the channel , not to support any agitation that has strangles, seeling, sellander, , oath. (Hisses.) I'm here The Incest at Skibbreen.—After hearing evi" Brid ge Street , Westminster , surfeit seams, strumous- your hissing—I' m here on my They appear to have _ no fear whatever of defeating not for its object the accomplishment of those glorious swellings, serrances, no part of my duty dence in Oct. 21st, 1846. scratchts, splint, squint, scarf, swor n to do my duty. Kow it is the case ofa poor man named Ilegarty, who their employers, providing they can kept their own principles for which Tone , Russell , and thousands of sores, scattering, (Great hissing.) shuffling, shambling gait. otsvm- to tax the community to build chapels. died of want at Skibereen, the jury found the follow- party from going in, and very few cases of that kind bra va heroe B shed their hearts ' blood , and which is to be toms of sickness of any Father O'Driscoll.—Raise no discussion here in the ing verdict :—" We find that the deceased, Jeremiah sort. He is neither stiff- Irish Famine versus Repeal.—The good sense have yet occurred. Last week a comber living at found set forth in the documen t entitle d " The People 's mouthed, shabby coated face of the people. (Hissing.) Ilegarty, has met his death in consequence of want of the , sinew shrunked , spurgahVd, Irish people in this metropolis (London) is at Silsdcn, about four miles from Keighley, ventured Char ter ." saddle-backed, shell-toothed Mr. M. H. Warren. —BU do my duty, though you hiss ef sufficien t sustenance for many days previous to his last begin- , slim-gutted, surbatcd , ning to show itself. Wha t money they ta take a quantity of wool from dough's, but what I am, Sir, an Irish exile and a Chartist , skin scabbed me to ray house. (Great confusion.) descease, and that the want of sustenance was occa- have to spare they , short-winded, splav-footed, or shoulder- . will subscribe to a good purpose ; they are no longer to some people would call a just judgment befel him Barn sley. Michael Skgeave . slipped ; and is sound in Cha irman. —It's passed. (Shouting.) sioned by his not having been paid his wages on the almost immediately afterwards for a terrrible hurri- the sword point and stifle be cajoled by O'Connell' s trickery and delusion . As the , joint. Has neither aiek-spleen Father Lee applied for £ 1000 to repair Macro om public works, where he was employed for eight days some say accompanied with hailstones , sleeping evil, setfast, following will show. The meetings of the Irish and their cane arose, ^ snaggle teeth, sand crack chap el. previous to the timeof hisdeath. " and showers of timber, which passed through his , subcutaneous sores, or Look English friends , to relieve the famine , are daily increas- MESSRS . DIXON AND BELL. shattered hoofs ; nor is sour, sulky, stubborn surly, Chairman. —Well grant it. (Gre at shouting. ) The Clare Journal reports as follows, from that house and carried away nearly every pane of glass, , the bundle of appli cations still before me. ing, On Sunday evening last a meeting was convened or sullen in temper ; neither shy or skittish, slow, at county :— by the following circular— The man lived in the neighbourhood of a number of Dr. Baldw in.—Aud all the magistrates and cesspay ers "Irishmen ! Famine is dig- sluggish, nor stupid: he never slips, strips, strays, " E.vsis, Oct. 15. —We understand that a number ging a premature grave for your friends and relatives in nailmakers, and it is supposed that the fumes of the TO TUE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR . bave deserted you. stalks, starts, stops, shakes, snivels, snuffles, snorts, of labourers refused to work this week at the village fires snd hot iron produced the effect. Another Sir,—I am extremel y sorry to have to tr ouble Chairman. —What am I to do. Ireland —meet at the Guy Earl of Warwick , Gray ' s-inn you with stumbles, and seldom sweats : has a showy, stylish, of Clare, and in other parts of the country, as they similar character, of the Black Sheep species, had this letter, but the epistle of Mr. Bell of last Secretary. —ReaUy the thing is too ridiculous to be Lane ; Mr. D. Murph y, chai rman. Now or never—save week leaves switchtail, and a safe set of shoes on ; can feed on considered the low rate of wages given under the them or they parish—four millions want food—a penny carried some wool to the same neighbourhood , and me no alterna tive. Inasmuch as that letter does not tell stubs , straw , seage, corn , or Scotch grass ; can carry continued any longer. Board of Works insufficient to sup ply tbeir families on going to wash tbe filthy article next day, disco- the trut h which i will now lay Chairman. Then 111 rejec t the rest. (Cries of ' Jf o.') may save a life." The meeting was full y attended , in , before tnepublic as briefly ten stone, with great speed aud long strokes. Upset at the present high price of provisions. fact tbe entire house was crowded; the money collected vered to his surprise, that either an earthquake or as possible, which having done , this The Chairman , Secretary, County Surveyor , and Cap- of shall be the last time price low. COUNir OF DONEGAL. amoun ted to a considerable sum . Mr. Denis Lane an some other mysterious occurrence had levelled the I will occupy ^the columns the .Star with the tain Gordon , it being hal f-past four o'clock, here escaped , subject , old advocate of Irish Freedom , suggested to the meetin g warshhouse and carried away the rings. To give the contentin g myself with the honourabl * Public Records.—DuriDg the last week a very from the Court amids t much upr oar. The Evening Post contains the following :— proposal which I that means should be adopted , by the Central Committee public an idea of the conduct and disposition of the made to Mr. Bell to meet him before the lar ge collection of the Admiralty records have been The valuation of the barony for comity cess is Uabo st of Ra phoe.—In consequenc e of "an adjourn - public in the to obtain a day's wages from every Irishman , in support lords ofthe long chimneys in this neighbourhood , WC Working Man' removed from the stores of Deptford Dockyard, whero 554,297 Ids, lid, The amou nt granted , char geable on ment sine die of the first presentment sessions for this s Hall at Oldham, at any time, to make of the Relief Fund. The propsition was loudl y cheered shall just relate one instance which happened Jast good my every char ge. they have long been deposited, to the White Tower in the baron y, was £59,5SG 15s. For drainag e, £4,300. barony, on the 14th ult., for the want of the necessar y , and will be ac ted upon ; many were tho remarks made week. A very respectable and intelligent wool-com- Mr. Bell iR his letter the Tower of London , and so numerous are they, that preparations , this second meeting was held , pursuant to , of the 6th inst., endeavours to to advance loans to during the evening, some of which were anything ber, who has taken an active part they fill not only the great coiiiitil cnamoer, but that The government have refused the proclamation of bis Excellency, under the act but in the struggle, make the public believe that I had been unwillin g to meet 10th complimentary to the Irish TliracianR obber. was under the necessity of paying interestin g specimen of antiquity, the Norman or railway companies. Victoria , on Wednesday last, at Lifford , on which occa- a visit to a manu- him. He fciiotos it is false. I have never refused to meet 1 facturer, lib lordship ' one of the finest remains of railitary STATE Or IHE PB.OVI5CE3. not being at home, his son him on fair aud honorable terms. He snys Char s Oliapel , sion the court-bouse was densely thr onged with magis- , .*' he has in the kingdom. Tiiey ex- decided nnfa- presented himself, and on finding that the obnoxious written to me repeatedly. " I certainly received a letter ecclesiastical structures The intelligence from the south is trates , the clergy, the cesspayers , and a large number of unbroken series from the time of Tourable. Disturbancesofa serious nature have taken individ ual had dared to pay I'liem a visit on the from Mr. Bell, which was so r eplete with the classic lan- tend in nearly an the agricultural labourers , many of the latter in extreme TnE Baths and WAsnnousER at Mascuestes are business ot his employers Henry III., and those relating to the preparations place in Clare and Limerick. waut and suffering, which is already stron gly marked in , he instantly ordered him guage of Billingsgate that I would have considered it a the invasiou of the Spanish Ar- increasing in popularity amongst the poor in that town off the premises , or other wise he would kick him off. disg race to h ave answered it. In that made for repelling On Thursday evening, immediatel y after dinner , a nu- th eir features. It would appear , that having no em- On the loth instant there was the letter he design- largest number of The comber would have reasoned with him upon the ated me a " public liar ," " denounce r ," Jkc, &. Ai.d arniada very numerous. merous band of. armed ruffians , with blackened faces, ployment since the cessation of the harvest work , th ey women washing than has been known since the esta- rudeness and vulgarity of hi8 cond uct, but that only amon gst other things , upbraided me with having del « The IIaydon- Fu.vd subsc ription has now reached burglariously entered Fenloe-house, Newmarketou- came there to give living evidence of their destitute con- blishment opened. exasperated him, and had it not lk'.en for his own vered two lectures for a fund which my friends got up at , £2,200. ,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THE NORTH ERN STAR. ^^ 24, 1| | ll Mlt |t |t |tl,ll lir,,,,,,,,,> ll>> >> fc ''' ',II IIIIIII ' M |_j J 1S46. ------^ ^ ^^^ ¦•^ ¦•'----• ^- ¦•^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ' ' ' ',,,,,,,,,,,,,' October ^^^- -¦ ^ ^^^ g^^^ M----- ¦ ''' '*' -- ' * ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^m - ¦ ¦ ' - ^ ¦^ ¦*~- - -, - - l m^^ ^K^^^^^ KmiW^mtmmmmmmmmK^^^^»^^^ , . — —"*-' . ' ' "-""— -- * ¦— 1M l_»--- ^--—- — - . . .-•' ^ people be despoiled long Will thC of tbat plenty and resigning the command of tho regiments. Some the ide.?.of having another affair of arms moreover that allmen are which should be the reward .???? *"£ " equal,"--and seeing no lea- jTumgn JHobement & happiness of their toil.and objections were made and removed, the decrees were witn the Europeans. It is said that Kowitti declines son why one set of men should be — ¦-¦— required to do J orctp „ ~* in accoru.ance with nature's laws, h acting at the jmswllanp* which, t ey should signed, and the Duke of Palmella and the Count present in conjunction with Heki, and is same duty, serve in the same campaign, and fi enjoy- prisoners m the palace that night, coquetting ght the words, Bomfim remained with Nene (the allay ofthe British) and same battles for 7 dols. per month , for which other s " And I will war, at least in ) Citizens of Gent*™ , Men of Switzerland, Breth- liberated at noon the fo lowing day, J>BA1n of Coumi Plate r.—The Constitutional an- {Ana—shouiamy chance s» happen—deeds, and wero only wMwwess toiofa him. There had been received W dols., proposed to increase also the pay ot 1 ren of the Human Riwtf; to you, and through you to and all communic ations with them , while thus con- l\a f™^reatZlls batt*i le between two nounces the death of Count Luis Plater, one ofthe With all who war with Thougnt!" land tribes , about thirty miles privates in the regular army. And te this the Whigs, most disttofgu/slied of the Polish emi all the people of Switzer , we express our earnest fined, was prohibited, except in the case of the Count ° in Which about s5xty natives were grants (which who probably did not see that any votes could be got has just takftn J»lace at Poscn in the nosinys hopes, that you may triumphantly progress in per- Bomfim, whoso own son was delegated by the con- kMled from the regular , o a a y rate, .) 72nd year of I ftMcluearalitaeTro-a, w ,,„ ._ fecting your political and social institutions to the commanders of the dif- armyi would not r t n did not ms age. Couni 1-1'ater. who served under Kosciusko, befte .tronger. - BTSON. , until a spirators to convey HURUICAHE AT NEWFOUNDLAND, assent. So that it was the Democrats who wished to do lias since Tiepeoplebyand by will state of veritable equality shall guarantee you a real e s e orders signed by his father. filled geye.'-al important offices in tho king- ferent regim nt th Gee at Destruction justice to the heroes of the 8th and 9th of May, an d not 1 Poland - and lasting liberty. Lastly, if conspiring despots At about one o'clock in the morning, on the 7th of Life ano Trovem*.—One "I? " ,°{ , amongst others those of Councillor REVOLUTION IN GENEVA. of tlie most terrific nnd destructive storms of wind and the Whigs, whose proposition only embraced volunteers, oi Mate, and Director-General of Forest?, THE should dare te interfere with the Swiss people in inst., the " altas personagems" of the conspiracy, ram by who, it is well g DunV their efforts to reform which Newfoundla nd has ever been visited oc- known , did not participate in these lo- the insurrection of im lit* P-as accredit, d by ' and perfect their institutions, accompanied, it is stated in the Patriota, by his curred on Saturda y, rious actions. Tolutionary tho re we earnes tl and the dismissed colonels September 19th. We lament havin g " Gov e«mcatMdi *Vmati ca Bcntto l'aris y hope that the nations will prove their Majesty Don Ferdinand, , to record, wherei hccontmucd cial organ most perfect brotherhood by refusing to follow the banners in waiting for them at the door of the as the effect of this visitation (so far as al- rims it ap pear s that the difference between the to reside tfftAhwfamilr. I'oS the offi ^.f^that.fthe tne m p calm of their who were ready ascertained), a great loss wings and V.cc-Pres.denc of its number ofthe 14th tyrants, and will; on the contrary, give their frater- Gardens and the residence of the General of life and property, and Democrats [how Jong shall these names tbe Folish Literary Society , ,n (? Palace much fear that wo shall yet hear of numerous other dis- be prostituted ?] was merely the difference between one of the most active nfeihberg rf tho nal aid to the propaganda of regenerated Switzer- Santa Maria, close to the latter, sallied forth, and asters Society for g^ff^ most of land. Regiment. . Many vessels have been totally wrecked or dis- tweedledum and tweedledee. Neither proposed that iher JMncation oi Polish C-^lre,. ^-eycars the ^'Alively*" assurances*^ of nroceeded to the barracks of the 1st masted ; boats in immense number s have the soldiers he cAtemed since ^Softer cantons up , been swamped , who were to fi-h t for the country should perniMion irojat* tho Prtssian Govern- numberof tilled and wounded m, Signed by the Secretaries. Colonel Miranda, on being summoned to give tlie or driven from their moorings, and dashed to p have the smallest ment to join his brother at P j Shy. The G. but on the King lecei piece ofthe coumiry they were re- oach. of thelate government in the affair of the Julian Harney, native of Great Britain. command of his regiment, refused, against the rocks. A vast number of fishing stages quired to fight for ; Sde Carl Schappek, native of Germany. and calling on him in the Queen's neiUier proposed that the fight- . BRKtoWBWGK is the Romas !MiEs _-B'y a letter stated in this journal to have been eighty, of coming forward and flakes in various harbours on the eastern coast and ers should be taken by lot from •Tib is were killed ; J. A. MicnEtoT, native of France. namejie obeyed her orders, and the dismissed Ca- rich and psor with- dated Koine,- the 7th inst., pubitfJed in the Gazeete 4is number, however, only nine or ten in Conception Bay, with, in some instances, the fruits out any chance of backing out or WWout < it appea rs tiiat tfie' side ofthe le there were only two tilled J- Schabeutz, native of Switzerland. bralist, Colenel Marcelli, was placed in command. of the , nei- des Tribn/imttss, number of high- ^i flie peop with the con spirators owners' toils durin g the fishing season , entirel y ther proposed that the pay of the ofneers and men way robbers and burglars confiuetl 'iii the prisons PETRB HOLM, native of Scandinavia. Hl3 Majesty then proceeded to swept away, »&euid of shd nine wonnded. of tbe Lancers, where mailers were nouses liave been blown frem their foun. be «ft&, wliatmf Ihe amount mMt be; the Roma natat cs amounts to Oi W, which form be anxioas to learn the proposals of the Louia Oborsri, native of Poland. the quarters dations, and torn in fragments—in neither asserted those two Vve "hall N. - Hungary. , and fin ally his Majes ty, " seeing two lamentable in- that a soldier's wife and clli?- per cent ow tlie en tire popupnliitieff ^r states. government for the amendment of the Nkmeth. native of similarly arranged stances crashing beneath the ruins some of their dren required as T*nvisional 1S46. affairs settled," and a sufficient number of troops unfor- much for sustenance and-educa*. To relieve tUfe (Soveinment from 5i}c expense of Svnstituaon . and their view3 as to the instructions London, October 19th, tunate tenants. Trees, in almost every direction , have- tion as a congressman's ¦ » , represent ative of Geneva at the poured into the thoroughfare leading to the city to been upToot ed neither proposed even that their maintenance; it has been defcentflfleu' lo'libera'&e nbe «nven to tbe In tbe above address it wil1 be observed that war is from their beds, or broken in pieces, by the soldiers should choose their own officers 1 * * We are the more anxious effect a counter-revolutien, returned to the palace. !- Tu all who are noS- condemned to more tfgt'ri five years wdfc meetm" of the Diet. invoked, not against the burgher-aristocrats, but the fury of the gale. Many bridges, fences, and other my opinion, both Whigs and Democrats of the last already affect At four o'clock in the morning these troops entered erections j imprisonment, ami to conclmle the acgfiaitiong- t^mseilieEnglish Whig papers to against the principle of aristocracy. There can be have also been carried away, or much in- Congress ought for ever hereafter- to be excused hbm ! , sword in hand, and were joined there by ju red b /alread y conimeneed with France , to t ci-miY (li e the provisional Government as one oi moue- no doubt who directed cannon Lisbon y the grea t and ra pid rise of the rivers , which, in serving the people in a legislative •retrard that the conspirators about 200 ofthe Naval Battalion, 300 of the Grena- capacity ; and if 1 ; remainder of the conTicts to settle in Nigeria'as «te" principles; and the Morning Chronicle an- ple, richly deserved some instanc es, rose fully ten feet above their ordinary had the power I would make them swallow their satisfaction that " Muixer shot to be poured upon the peo dier Guards, and the 10th and 16th regiments. This levels, cownists. Bonn ces with no little , banjrin g, and if tbey had gottheir deserts would bave delugin g Hie low lands near their courses , and own medicine : they should serVe,. every devil of force not exceeding originally 1,600 men, took up strewing their Eij ellisg in FnsSSiw\—The Gazette des Triinavaitx who was the first to raise the cry of ' Liberty or sot the sallows for "their reward. Still, from an ab- , mar gins with immense quantities of chem. in the ranks, for 7 dols. a month, till the end their position in tbe principal square, and remained wreched materia ls. enlis tho attenti o o ' stn te of death'is not a member of the provisional govern- horence of bloodshed, we -would rather that the rascals of the villainous war which they have taxed upon n P iss readers to the the (eu * lc a er sa there under arms all that day. Colonel Cabrera, A mong the la* with respect to'duelimg in Prussia, by which ment.'* In L* V "u FcnP > a P P 'cl to re- escaped with whole skins, provided the people take most distres sing results of the gale, we the people, and 1 feel sure that if the people could ' nltra-section of the revolutionists it is one of the patriot commanders, made a show of a may particular ise the total take a oHmI!?*) in the array are frltiKreil in a sisgular di leSinra. Bresentthe . the necessarymeasures to render their enemies when first destruction of that spacious vote on the sulject they Wonld sav, so mote - L that the enemies of the people, viz., tbe refusal to give up the castle of St' George but unfinished build ing:, the Native s' Ba ll, which , since libe l ' The penal code punishss toem with imprisonment jtK-ested powerless for the future. If they do not, the knaves gentleman , after in a fortress if they 'orernnient, shonld bein made pecuniarily respon- will , summoned ; but this patriotic the late fire, bas afforded shelter to several families. At accspt ai diallen<:e, and the CJnrt Inte - done the late , when once theyhaverecovered from theirfright to a large body ot the REFORM IN MISSISSIPPI. ol HflKMi r deprives thcm-oP ribte^or the damage collision, the conspire again to promote the restoration of the old having refused admittance about five pjn., it fell with an awful crash, and by its ttair commission if tlie* awarded to each being estimated by people, who came to the assistance of the castle fall , melancholy to relate, The cause of reform lias an able and irfluential refuse. An example lately occurred when a Jieu- amount to be order of things ; when thepeople may have cause to re- a brother and sister, of the te «f ; declaration of the party injured, and that they sovcrnor. was prevailed upon to give up at an ear y name of Duggan, ofthe respective ages of about five and advoca . J. J. McCaughan , M. L., of Mississippi . tenanf artillery was ectideimiied, by 27 votes to -3, 1be gret their moderation. Again,-we say.there isno safety it is said , has been duly and the Stin garee to lose kfo be tried and pnnisbed with exile, by a revolu- hour in tbe morning , and . twenty years , were killed , and their mother ao suverely publi shes -various evMfcjsces of the commission f«wlia-vi»i* refused to acccpS a Should for the people, but in placing the actual power of the The only commander f avour with winch his doctrines arc challenge. tionarytr ibunal established for tbat purpose ; that state in the , and securing to recompensed f.»r his obedience. injured that hoses are scarcely entertained of her reco- received in that ' hands ofthe proletarians who peremptorily refused to obey the orders of the State, together with the following remarkfi - ;'-— Storms Academy shonld be dissolved and remodelled ; the workers the full fruits of their labour. very. Several others were more or less hurt. Naples.—A letter from Naples, f in ted' UiB triumphant conspirators, was Colonel Passos, of the The ar ticles which we that the Protestant clergy should be subjected The new church of St. Thomas appears to hate been copy into our paper OS to-day, the 7th instant, says -.—" VYe h*vvs this morning had' and On the question of the "inter ference of the great Artillery; he resisted all solicitations, offers, and rela ting !»our fellow citizen a most h-ijyhtl ul to re-elect ion by tbe people in tbeir respecti ve cures. lifted from its foundation by the force of the gale, as it , Hon . J. J. MeC acgta, and t*torm, aeeompnied by a water- powers," the Na tional has the following excellent menaces, until an order, signed by the Count oi has botn removed several inches from its former posi- the great measur es of reform, of which he is tile pr omi- spout. TU-vgreaiesfc tears These demands appear to ns to be moderate enough, are crolertaiiied for the artiele:— Bomfim , was brought to him to take his corps to the tion . A great portion of tbe fine new brick bouss in nent advoca te, ere a few of many indications ttet th e provinces. Many houses are-destroyed we are given to understand that they are notre- 1 at Portico. T«t "We never doubted of the Hi-will of the monarchies square, where the troops were assembled, and obey public mind is becoming aroused , * I he numbers! victims at rarded with any " great favour by the new Govern- course of erec tion for E. M. Archibald , Esq., and ra- and determined to ftavo present Iwiown aie fifteen . Morning Chronicle against the victorious insurrection of Geneva : we are the orders of his superior officers there. pidly approching comple tion externally, was blows light upou ths subject s of those ghrin g and costly evils A violent sto?>n has al.-o ravaged'Meshina and hag ment. This being the case, the Lisbon had the signiffcantlv remarks—" There is an intelligible rea- aware that they mill do all they ean to prevent the - In the morning, at eisht o'clock, down. About twenty other buildings , mostly unfinished , —those relics of olden-time barbarism —our sarngK!* Shy- caused the greatest distress--.'•acvon villages have according to suddenly invested by a military lock-lilte securit y and coercive debt.collecting - been swept awii-y by the water. son why the Conservatives and higher classses in Helvetic federation from constituting itself appearance ofa city have been levelled to the ground , ami many others in- legal provisional the wishes of tbe sovereign people. 'What they bave force. In the square of the Terreiro do Pago, a tur- jured. Every brid ge crossing the river , from Quidi Vidi to systems. Ind epende nt-minded men , it seems, in Tarib os Nkw S.moci5.wd Petticoat .?o'r- mra "Virgi ' Genevashould for a time support the for their n" government, without however approving the prin- already attempted is a sufficient notice of what they may bulent soldiery was collected, shouting Long Pond, has been either swept away by the flood oi [parts of the land, unde terr ed by tbe sneers of seSf-con- —We read in Ae Conslitutioml -.S-' k' is said that pressing , and the Generals Sa'- Dtituted and interes ted oracles ciples upon which it was formel, or condemning the again endeavour to accomplish. At present a newly restored commanders much damaged. The arch of that fine stone erection , , are for heari n -; Saul the Virg in of Aiocen , on the day' of the marriage, heEuglish demonstration on tbe part of Austria is announced, who danha and Terceira ; Dom Carlos Mascarhenhas was the Xing's-brid ge, is entirel y gone. The Hirer-head before they pronoanc e him " mad" —albeit "h e secmetH' ! was covered witli-a magnificent cheiwisettp , a present atts ofthelr|predece--soF-." We trust that t ; the Mar- Tfinig press does net truly represent the new Go- withes tbat a note should be prepared collectively by aaain at the head of the municipal guards bridges have also suffered , although not to the samu a netter forth of strange gods," and although " certain ! «f rercli nand V' rf., on his retai l to 1S14, and a France, Prussia, and the Cabinet of Venna, expressing quis of Fronteira, and all the most violent of th e extent. of She Epicureans and of the stoics" are in fear, a;iti (petticoat , iidmirn Dly ,, vernment of Geneva ; any way, we trust tbat the government, m uni- embroiderer? by- Dsn Antonio , Genevese people will be on the alert, and not (suffer the opposition of those three Powers, and menacing, if militarv partisans of the Cabral F rom ports to the southward the news is very dis. trembling for their '• turni ps," and murmur together; |ihe uncle of Ferdinand." necessa-y, an armed intervention. It will be enrious to a large numberof civil em- Ye- know that by themselvesto be cheated out of tbe fruits of their form ; around this staff Iressing. At Pett y Harbo -ar, where , as before stated , the " this traft we bivre our wealth: '. The Austuiass *s» Italy. ' see M. Guizot throwing off the mask, and openly uniting ployes, embracing their heroic allies with formidable More&ver, ye see that not alone at Ephesus, but almost —Letter *from Vi-ron a of bard won victory. The changes indicated in the Hartford Was lost, considerable damage was done to the ;tl}e l2tli inst. mention that th e grand" mai oouvres given below, with two absolute monarchies against a nation mistress moustaches* and martial aspecte, and affording touch- fi shing boats, stages, -do of PRA2?CE. ' nought but enjoy Richard Temple, jun., was brought befure Jlr. Har~dwick "Win. Rohson (Manager ofthe Workmen's Own Shop, Tha danger is there, and not elsewhere. And what trayed by a member of the government, and *ome leasmre and luxury, another p-.wtf dWidges to do all and Drurv-lane). _ pretext can be made for exciting an insurrection ? -It the military authorities entrusted with the defence of The price of bread in Paris had undergone no charged'wlSi having committed a violent assault*on Mr. m , . enjUy neither, and of failing to establioh laws and systems Francis* Sam well, The Chairmas read an important and interesting is at present pretended tbat the Radicals wish to destroy tbecitv. tt is needless to conceal tbe fact tbat the change for the second fortni ght of Oct ober. The by which one part of mankind a medical gentleman , residin g: at 52, the whether would be prevented from Margaret'Street, Cavendish Satire. Mr. Sam-veil said articlefrom Young America, describing " Pro- the federal pact in order to accuse Switzerland ofa vio- Dukenf Palmella and the Count of Bomfim, prospects, however, had not unproved , and there was mono polizing the SOIL, the L'23S u"RE , and the gressof Refom and Reformers," from the days of lation of treaties and a want of faith. Bin, we repeat, wrongfully or with reason, were, and still aTe, looked even every reason to fear that it would increase dur- lie was-walitins in Portland Sft-eet, about half hn houc LUXEltlES of the ear tli, to tbe deprivation ofth e other ¦ago, wheh"h« was suddenly struck in tlie face by some Jean Jacques Rousseau to the present time. The the Radicals never entertained tbe intention of substitut- upon by a large portion ofthe supporters of the Me ing the winter, although five or six hundred? vessels par t. Having, , many of us, arrived ' at a knowled ge of ipne whom'ho*did not immediately recognise. Th'e- blow articleelicited much applause. ing- a military for a federative republic. They loudly governmenta3 being privy to the measurestaken for laden with corn were now on their way from America these naed facts, we are for progressin g to the remed y, iwas*follows* up by other blows, and he at last took Hkskt Ross read from the Northern Star an declared at Bern , at Vand , at Zurich, and in tbe Council the downfall ofthe government. and Southern Russia for the French shores. A por- which instead of being " impracticable ' ^ were publisned dis- ," is more natural refuge in-a'tobacconi st.'sshov, an 3 then pave his' assailant account of the recent revolution in Geneva. of State of Zurich itself, that it wished to draw closer On the tth instant the decrees tion of that supply will be required for Algeria , where and easy, than continuing to puffer, " Revolutions ahxby read and moved the adoption of an and strengthen the bonds of union between the members missing the late ministers, and appointing the Mar- the heat, which in some places rose to 55o centigrade, .into custody- Mr. Hnrd ivick—Was nothing snid'to you Jurus H never go backwards."' The working, classes of this by tlie-defe'iraamt ? to the People of Geneva. The Address ofthe federation, by giving the necessary power to the quis of Saldanha President of the Council of Min- had completely burn t up the crops. The quantity of Complainant—Nothing. Defe'iidant* Address cou ntry are not going to endure much longer the load ol ;—Speak- the truth. Complainant—I did not Iwar- a ny was received with much applause. j government by which it is represented. It is not by us isters and Minister of War ; Viscount de Oliveira foreign wheat necessary to provide for the deficiency , TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOIiGARS annually, Jobs Abxott seconded, and Hexkt Ross sup- ! only that this opinion bas been anm unced. It has been Minister «-f ihe Interior : Viscount da Carreira, which on no former occasion had- exceeded 22 days' words. Defendant —Did I not say to you, " Sow;.you and the missery, strife, discord , poverty , and human villain ,- I havu irot you, and I will pdy you out for "sedu- ported, the Address, which was unanimously adopted iatnonsand times repeated, and with the greatest preci- Minister for Foreign Affairs, now Portuguese Min • consumption, will this year probably amount to' up- suffering, in every way, which are nowhnposed upon Northem Staj for pub- Court of France ; Dom Manoel de Por- wards of 40. cing my wife ?" Complainant —I did not hear those and ordered to be sent to the I ion, during the agitation wbich proceeded the reform of ister at the thera, occasioned by the two evil systems-Mr. MeCaughtiu's - ' ' | the constitution of Bern. It was developed two years tugal e. Castro Minister of Marine ; Senhor J. J. Va- The Paris Opposition papers begin to complain of words, and I deny the charge contained in them. -A gen- lication. ... reforms would free them froim The working classen ar..- tlem an named '3!itchell After the transaction of some minor business, the [ since at tbe Diet, and again this year, on the niscussion Itnte Farinho Minister of Justice. the expense to which France is already subjected by not always going to , , said he wa's wi th Mr. Samwell produce -AY the wealth, and allow when'' the defendant struck him. Tl-.e attack *'was so assembly adjourned. ! of the subject of the Jesuits aad of the league of the A decree was published on the 10th inst. annulling its new Spanish connection. Speaking of a new useless, prond and idle .drones to monopolize) all the , d h the deputies sudden , that he was reall y at a loss how to aot' afihe O RATERNAL DEMO 1 seven Cantons. Abont a year since, M. Eazy, who the new law of elections un er whic credit demanded by M. Guizot for the expenso of leizure and all the luxuries, - and all but' a miserable ADDRESS F THE F new Cortes (that were to couriers the Nationel says:— moment. MK-Ilard ivick asked the defendant what ho CRATS (ASSEMBLING IN LONDON) TO ' is now President of the Provisional Government of were to be elected for the , moiety of the necessaries oflife. The produeing classes Geneva, published in the National three remarkable be), on the 11th inst. had to allege in eapla nation of his conduct. Defendant—• THE PEOPLE OF GENEVA. i The .Voniteur published yesterday, in its official pars , are not always going to allow unjust and' acquisitive I had good cauie for what I did. I have'good proof that j articles, in which be explained in what m:mner the TIIE ano ther royal ordinance members of " All Men are Bre thren. " REPORTED INSURRECTION AGAINST , bearing the date of Oct. 10, and Congress to rob - the national! treasury of since February last that man has had illicit connexion I Radicals regarded the question , and how they proposed ABSOLUTE QUEEN. opening to the Minister of Forei gn Affairs- a supp lemen- EIGHT DOEBARS per day , and fob off 'those who figh t with my: wife. YlCTORIOTJSGeSEVESB , therefore, are I'-bave Rot my wife's letters; ncUiiowleijinjj to resolve it. The hostile Governments, express letters from Lisbon ofthe 12th , tary credi t of 200,000f. for expens es of couriers and tra- the battles of the country with less than negro wages per what that villain- gratulate you on your gallant victory over ' fully aware of the bearing of the present movement ; tcey By special month has done. As soon as I learned vrhat We con 1 have come to hand, which state that the new govern- velling. This is the fourth ordinance of the same kind ! The produeing classes are not JIUCIULONGER had occurred, I'ditermined to give hiai a good drubbing. the enemies of freedom and progress. know tbat it is legal, that it does not exceed the limits which lins been issued during the last few weeks. It is to he deprived of their birthright; as much ofth e COM- and workers in the cause of ment has received telegraphic information from I wept to his house, and gave him sandry blows t'ntre. As lovers of liberty which every society possesses of modifying its condition ; respecting the calcula ted that the proceedings to which the matrimo- MON SOIL, as will furnish every- man, who- desires it, a universal equality, we naturally regard with intense tbey know that it in no manner violates the treaties of Oporto ofa very unpleasant nature, I did not meet with him again until this morning.- When Queen's Lieutenant of the Northern provinces to the nial conventions of Madrid have given rise, canno t cost FARM sufficient for his support, from which most of I difr-see him,-I lwe«t up to him to retaliate upon him the interest every political movement occurring within wbich the revolution of July destroyed the greater part. the budget less for travelling expenses than 590,000f. them are now ci»t off by governmental usurpation and " The Duke of Terceira has been injury he had inflicted upon me. Ths*rs -he* 'staird; ;-and the bounds of Switzerland—the birth-place of Eu- i It woa'd, therefore , be a declaration of war against the following effect:— new ministry does not possess the It has been already stated tbat among the Spanish tolerated monopolies of the public lands^ Those who he cannot deny what I have said. Mr rorean liberty. The fatally retrogressiveand liberti- ' revolution of July, and against our frontiers at the arrested. The . Temple^ sen., " officers transferred to the citadel of Blayc, in conse- think tho working men of this Union are going; to eon- who was in Court , begged ta be allowed to say a few ridal policy "of Lucerne, which policy, has, unhap- j gates of Lyons, and within a few leagues of Paris. It confidence of the nation. ation, no less disagreeable, but which quence of the flight of Count de Montemolino is the tinue to suffer outrageous INJUSTICE; after tbey have words. The person at tlie bar is my son, - > The pilv been supported by some of the minor cantons, j would then be our duty to demand of the people of July Other inform , com- . altogether depended on, had been re- Marquis de Valdespina. The Guyenne states that ascertained the imposition, will findiout their- mistako by plainant is Dr. Sanawell a medical tnan caused us the utmost alarm, but for the [ whether they would support in silence Prussia, Austria, could not be and b , .' who ha3 at- would have Antas, who had the Marchioness, who was residing at her scat at ye. ten ded my family for years , and who is well-known patriotic acts of the people of the liberal cantons, ! or their auxiliaries placing a lance to their heart and a ceived, y that the Count of , aBd namel , troops in the Northern pro- Marquina, on hearing of the incarceration of her AMERI CAN SLAVERY '. bears a high character in Mar ylebone ia which particularlythose of Berne and the Canton de Vaud, kni was ascertained tbat a man named cannot be pre- ncipal square thronged with troops Andersonhad -been the occupan t of the room in which and under present circumstances, pri , all the tho- (From the SoutJt African Commercial Advertiser of of Gentleman ofthe Chamber, to Isturiz. Aye, let U9 examine forwhat crime. vented by the veritable freemen of the great and roughfares leading into it commanded by* artillery, the discovery of his- nefarious practices -was raacie ; August 19.) Golden Fleece, to the Duke of Rianzares. She was tbe servant a man.of liberalcantons , but a proper revisal of the federal the streets scoured by cavalry patroles, and a mili- Title of Castile, Count de Mon , to the Minis- , or called the $>»:o#8>-ty.of moulds , ifcc, were-ta1 *en from the pres vises,-aud evory ef. majo- The latest intelligence from head-quarters is dated refinement —a gen tlemen. He paid his- address es- to-he-r for t was made to seewe tliedelinquet , who, upon csJC .im- constitutionwonld place in the hands of the tary reign of terror in full sway in Lisbon. , ter of Finance. Gold Key, to Pidal, Minister of the end to On the 24th ult. a conspiracy against the late tbe 7th of August. The forces estimated at three —seduced her—his wife, of course , acted like all wives— ing information of the scent" which the • polica. had rity of the Swiss people the power to put an two thousand horse interior. Title of Castile Count oi Mino, to Sanz, " and blasphemy against government was detected and defeated hy the mea- thousand infantry and , were there was betwean tbem those feelings ef hate" and gamed ; speedil y decamped, and for a Jong , time eluded this treason against liberty, moving in three columns on that district of rugged Minister at War. Grand Cross of Charles III., to jealousy which seems natural under such circumstances. the free Swiss name. sures of Viscount Sa da Eandeira. minister of war. Caneja , Minister of Grace and Justice. Rank of pursui t; On Monday- , Inspector "Penny *-and- Sergeant have com- lot was concocted by Terceira Mascarhenas, country at the sources of the Buffalo where the main It would further seem that the paramour of the girli en- Brennan brough t aoi -'WilHam Anderson , the man alluded We are gratified to observe that yon That p , Kaffirs is supposed to be con- Grandee of Spain, to the Marquis of Palacios. manded examineand Fronteira, and Castilha. On its failure, it was then strength of the Gaika couraged ber to resist tbe authority of his wife—in-what to, and a- female , wlio gave her name Eliziv^ Wri ght**.- both your provisional government to centrated. A few days more will settle this point. Crosses of Charles 111., to the whole of the French report npon your present political constitution, determined to revolutionize the country by means of in the shape of honours shape we don't see by the documents- beforo us. The of ihcm charged witn -.beinj; concerned in coining. In- In the meantime, it is reported that a body of Kaffirs Embassy. Recompense, Courts became apprised ofthe circumstances—(hey seize with a view to its thorough reform. We trust that the capitalists of Lisbon, instead of the military. and deorations, paid, for value received, by the spector Eenny said;.ou Saturday last, in. coiucquoaee of prevent the neces- The bank directors and those of the other insolvent are attempting to interpose themselves between the upon the female servant, (or slave,} < Aey find hen-guilty information wbieh ^received , I and**Serjeant JJusunan reform will be so effectual as to troopsand the colony, with the view ef intercepting French Government, viz :— Grand Cordon of the sity in future of such violentremedies as that yon companieswere induced to enter into the views of of " crueltytober mistress"—and tbat,.too, at tbe '- insti- went to tho Wlveatsliwaf, Edgware-road, where we found convoys, and acting by small parties on various parts Legion of Honour to the Duke of Rianzares. Ditto, gation of her master. For this she is sentensed to bo have just passed through. That the 'popular sove- the conspirators of the ."court and barracks, and a to lsturiz. Grand Officer ofthe Legion ot Honour, " Anderson and an,o.thei-.man in the front.of.thebaty,-1 told rei two safeguards, it ap- determination to thwart the government by all the of the frontier. In this last they have been unhap- —" to be hung fo rf«alfc«»0B the gallows."' Anderson he mustcoasiderhiuiselfhigustody for-uoiiung, gnty may not be illusory, pily successful ; for though their parties generally Donoso Cortes. Ditto, General Pezuela, Ditto, pear tons, are essential :— means in the power of the former was come to. Marquis of Acapulco. Ditto, Luis Jose Sartorious, God ! Do we believe in a christianland ? Are we mon when he saittj " Ohy.that b» 1 svon't movs.an inch suffer great loss in killed and wounded, tbey have I and ,.Brennan.too!;,him out First, the sovereign power of law-making, and the This determination made known to the government, editor of the Heraldo. Ditto, Political Chief _ ot of sober intellect ? Has one grain»of Humanity, or Jus- till I hare had soma gin." appointment , political, carried off great numbers of cattle nnd sheep, and the tice place in the formation of our minds ? That poor by for ce, and putting.-liim into a cab,.conveyed.hbu to the of all the officers of the state it was expected would lead to the resignation of loss of life on the side of the colonists bave been un- Madrid. (This last for preventing the circulation mil and retained in the hands of ministers, and that step the opponents of govern- slave—she had a muster , a seducer , to whom she looked Paddington- station- house. On the way thither he re- military, must be usually severe—five brave young men of the Stellen- of those jourpals that gave a true account of the the people. Deliberative assemblies, to mould and ment knew was not foreign to the wishes of the Duke manner the French Princes were received in Madrid. up with a reverence , like that due to a superior being, sisted very much. H» had on him genuine coin to the perfect those projec- of Palmella. It did not take place, however ; the bosch levy having fallen in one skirmish. ne encoura ged her to be unkind to.her mistress. U*ider amount of 1S 8d. in-ailver and copper, and aj atch key. projected law3, are useful ; but At the above date, the General was encamped on Officer ofthe Legion of Honour, Ventura dela Vega , tedlaws shonld never become the actual laws of the object to effect a counter revolution was too evident Clerk in the Foreign-office. Ditto, Gonzalo Vilehes, all the circumstances , who could cxpict from her any- He was lacked up,, und I and Brennan wcntto.Sft Devon- ' of the the Buffalo mountains. On the 5th, Colonel Somer- thi ng else ! She is brought before the courts of Louis, strott) bisson-grovc; when, 1, undid Sho street door oommonwealth nntil sanctioned by a majority to tbe majority of the ministers. set left head-quarters to co-operate with Colonel deputy. Knights of the same order, to a multitude shire . People, in their " primary assemblies." To delegate The Cabralists then found themselves baffled in of inferior persons. A magnificent diamond snuff- iana. Republican Justice with her evtn scales, over with the latch .key in. question. I 6poke. to ,th«i landlady, the abody ot representatives, all their attempts, and new efforts were made to get Hare in a movement on the Kaffirs in the Amatola. leaning to mercy, weighs hoi* failings, and hero's the re- to whom I doscribed the man,., and ,slie ioU mo that a power of law-makingto Very little seems to have been done by the troops. box, to Senor Mon. Ditto, to Senor Arana. A dia, nis even thoui-h those representatives may be elected Saldanha to come forward as the ostensible leader of mond pin to tbe lady of Arana. The value of the sult : person answering^l description lodged, with, a female (From the Frontier Times of Aug. 11.) his wife, iu.a hac by universal suffrage , is, in reality, to delegate the the party that was to upset the government. A new box received by Isturiz from the French Ambassador " Shortly before twelve o'clock the Sheriff-waited ujpon whom she understood to be .- k room on exercise of the popular sovereignty tea few indivi- character was to be given to the conspiracy, new Mosdat.—Yesterday, during the morning service, is estimated at 12,000 dollars. M. Bresson has re- the unfortunate culprit who had been in company, with the staoud tloort I went up> andfindiaj*ithe,iliM)r lteked, uuals—afatal great truth wasfirst pro- objects were to be avowed , and instead of a mere the mournful tidings were received from Niemand's Isturiz. that all was in forced- it- open , and in a bos found a •ggj.-rani;*, battery, by mistake. This ceived one of the same value from priest Louis in her cell, and announced Q claimedby thatgreat citizen of yourcommonwealth , military bouleversementofa popular government, kraal, that five of the Stellenboseli's burghers had M. de Bresson lias already been rewardedto some readiness. She was then dressed in a Jong- white robe, means.of whichthey give tlsc-silvery appuj ira-ii- t>i coin; JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU, thegloryof -whose the counter-revolution was to be effected by the fallen on that morning in an encounter with the extent lor his diplomatic cleverness. His son and her arms bound with a blaak cord, tbe white cap.^bicea on a. Uble wns. a jug contajiung splrU», .Mid '.» a dish was immortal name pales into utter darkness the names Court. On the night ofthe Gth instant the chiefs of enemy in the neighbourhood of the favourite Kaffir heir (ten months old ,) has been created a grandee of upon her head, and walked- accompanied by the*priest, a quantity of plaster of Faris.mixed up„in ,moulds, sur- ot proudestkings , and mightiest conquerors. Yo'; the conspiracy assembled in the palace at Belem, haunt, " Hell Poort." Spain, by the title of Duke of Santa Isabel. On this sheriff, keeper of tlie prison nnd other officers of the rounded by binders , a;*»d which ore usad when the have now an opportunity of reducing to practice the Saldanba, Terceira, and Fronteira ; and in the gar- Tuesoat.—Received information from Fort Beau- the Clamor Publico says :—" In former times the Criminal Court to the gallows, whish vras erootud upon plaster-is wei. I aud the sergeant alia found a quantity colonels , plements -sublimetheory he enunciated. Its realisation was dens of the palace their active agents, the fort, thai fourteen hundred sheep, belonging to Mr. rant of Grandee was won by heroic aetsofv&kmt'fllld a platform between the two pr!sons ,,fYliy pieces She armed, hut also that the armed force ofthe republic was received with offensive hauteur, and was imme- sheep were on the way from ihe Tarka to tbe con- at the addition they have received to their ranks." form . The gates mere then. open ,, and- a loud muria ur twenty-khree eo' ^ should be under the direct controul of theentire body diately told that a change of ministry had been tractor at Fort Beaufort, in the charge of six Hot- "al tho ^ighkaf the wretched iwas violent, and cric.i out ' \Murd.er!" seri-rul times. POLAND. ran throug h the-populace to thu sl was was in the tacleofthe militia turning their arms against their toobey the Royal command; but said the presence a volley among3t them without effect. The Kaffirs the Cth instant from Lemberg, in Gallicia, which tio female ^itisoner Itabit of goin-< upon al- and also of the afterwards surrounded them, and states that chose who wish to propagate a belief that pulled over th<*,culprit' s ey.es,. and ths- gallows was, slid most every occasion prcx to. her leavin* , Brethre n, -would not have been -witnessed. The power of his colleagues was necessary, , rushing on them a, few foe t.infc> the stree t In a ion*. ii^-liuuse "which State, to draw up the decrees. with their assegais, killed four and wounded two. all is tranquil in Gallieia are entirely contradicted by out so that it. projec ted I he fouiuV tonceitVul fi-(j>>*i view a bag contriving two invested a few burgher aristocrats with the Under-Secretary of the drop plaifori si fell — tbe sre fcayful strug gles, of tlie presented to him for signature. Another party was sent out in pursuit of tbe ma- tensive powers, had returned to Gallicia armed with was painfull . : terials requisite fop earr ing on the prai -tire ot coining, "berties, but for the heroism of the patriots of St. were Immediately ing woman, for it was several minutes before nil -was . ^etvaise. This lesson you will profit b it was stated that " for just rauders on Sunday. Fort Beaufort is represented as full authority, and had declared the province under dy were produoed by Mr. Penny and other oSjcers , and the y- The first, wherein over broken by thu fall, and she by the Duke ol martial law, and had likewise published a stringent , as her nock was not prisoner s were remanded until Fiiilnj, o» which day Retainingthe above-namedsafeguards of your liber- reasons represented to Her Majesty being in a delcncless state, A muid of meal lately strangulation. At 4he expiranoiii of about ministers had been tho, market. At a late hour proclamation against strangers. died fs«m evidence will ba forthco ming against Anderson as Jo tha ties, there is no measure of social reform demanded Palmella." the resignation of fetched £5 4s. 6d. in minutes, she was taken in, end prsnouneed dead by d the bodies of the five Stellen boscli twenty coining in Westminster. The Miat so$ci;tor will i^en bo justice which you 3 may not accomplish. accepted, the duke refused to sign. He sai the last night, UNITED STATES. by tb» physician,. As she was taken is> and the gates were not true. Very burghers who were killed on Sunday, were brought in attendance. ' "Tiilewe admire your humanity not less than your statements set forth in it , the following articles from. Young were closed a sort of ill-suppressed shout arc-sefrom a neroism_wj 1jje to the was then held to into town by Lieut. Skead. Wc extract , WORSHIP.STREJiT-. we approve of your clemency decided and angry language America of September 5th -.— portion ofthe crowd, and gradually the whole assemblage «hen aristocrats, we would urge upon -you to hence- tho duke, but he still persisted in his refusal , and SCiUTII AUSTRALIA. EXTBAOBDINABl - ClIAnOE Ol- DRAW.V ISO. A. Wl?B.—Oil f pniC E OF 1ACKLANDERS. ifloke up and wont away."— [N, O. Pk, orth pnt it toont of the power of any class Itof the ultimately stated, if compelled to sign it, he would TUB Monday, Alfred Wilton , a sulle-ft-looking fellow abou t; over the masses. the dismissal of Files of the Adelaide Observer and of the South " It wiU be recollected that Tauline wns convicted of ^>-nununity domineer bas immediately state the real facts of AustralianRegister to the 13th of June, have reached The Democratic Standard, of Hollidaysburgb, Pa., nineteen years of age, was broug ht he{bre- tho Magii. been a revo- informed he , ill-using her mistress at the instigation of her master, by drowrt- just reproach levelled against all past the ministry. The duke was then us. The resources of the colony continue to be de- thus alludes to the action of the late Congress in trate, on suspicion of having been concer noil in lutions benefitted The royal whom she became a mother, and tho execution was de- himself, and to , that such changes have hitherto should remain that night at the palace. veloped in a highly satisfactory manner. Manufac- relation to the pay of the soldiers : mg his wife, a girl rath er younger than w»ly a power decree was g ations," layed until after the of the child."— [N. Y, Com- ' weeks.—Edward few politicaladventurers—transferring altered, and instead of "resi n industry and commercial activity seem to be Congress had offered an increasocf the regular army, blv* whom he had been niari ied only three fr om tyrants who, in their turn, have the exoneration in it, turing " morcial. t one o'clock on to schemers, " " of ministers appeared more prevalent than ever ; whilst the agricultural ds well as the enrolment of volunteers. The pay of the Allen, a stonemaso n, deposed , that abou ?ko become experiencing merely countersigned b then called on passing throug h Pr.eh ard mow, tyrants, the peonle y the duke. He was and pastoral interests are ably sustained in all res- privates iu the regular arwy was 1 dols, per month, of THE RIVER PLATE. Sunday mornin g, while a change Hitherto, social injustice has to write a letter to the general in command of the man and woman quar relling, of masters. pects. the volunteers Somo W hig bad sought to make a on he hea rd tho voices ofa ¦rendered "where recognised—a garrison of Lisbon, the Count requiring his & aols. Mercantile letters was received at Liverpool Cat and Muttonluliou Bridgexmugv, he11V foundIUUUU political cqualit"*— Bomfim, NEW ZEALAND. little political raising tbe pay of the Dolunfeers 2fj . These and , on arrivin g at the -uierename. So as a dlass, or classes of men, immediate presence at the palace on matters of capital by Wednesday, darted Monte Yfcleo, Au g. whose voices he heaheardrd jMiwWiWi•gn_ proprietorship object j but be in vain to expect completely in the dark illg path Of Inputted for themselves the profitable arrival, he was required to sign orders already May, having sailed from Auckland on the 10th Aptil. knowing that it w«>uld but that the merchants were , and KeaKeard/rd/fl%^^$matomato' '":«"c«rH,, :' to heap up , - any addition the pay was T arrived at. Matters re- continued. He listened ""its of industry tinder the name of capital," written, to the different commanders of the regi- There was nothing positively new respecting the to the regulai army, while as to what result had been n with tho wordsc>rd» yypu/^uKSV^yo^o^beer.eer- ocr fli I" " dols, th«r and believing lexing stato. ', Sooner than put up * *&*£ tha t capital to traffi c in and oppress labour , so ments of the garrison, to obey the Queen's erdew in northern islands, but j t was wlleyed Heki had not e aud for voluntas!!, lft dels*, mained in a most perp ^-j^ mih ^ ' , ¦ ' ¦ ' TWM- ¦ ¦ w ^¦ v- ¦ - - '. V-.-i .?=-- :• -; * * ::: ¦ ' " ; — V ; .: , om^ ^.mn. , . . - ¦: ;¦- . - . . . the N0RTHE S R ^ to you last week CHARTISM AMONGST THE MIDDLE challenge I address ed , has fnll y a^j, dro wn myself." Th e r/itness looking LAVINGT0N. gured my German friends of your rascality. ine me I would tive of the National Charter Association, on Trades CLASSES. For y0Ur "A. th «n saw the female van tu the water tttitts ' j *ttabeinent& Unions and the social condition of last Tuesday evening own sake 1 advise you to henceforth shun their r tiie tridg**, the working A meeting was held here sign ofthe times" has arisen r the shop- oom, the pris oner then, turned and was classes generally. The above Another " you do not, you) will be kicked into the , an d jamp in, and meeting took place in the National Petition was adopted, length thought as, if gutter jf witn ess ran. round an d laid hold Mr. Roue' on Friday keeping or distributing class, have[at charges against my public «alk1ne iiwnv, when the -NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNITED s chapel , the 16th instant, the AND READING People s Char- you have any character, - Why, you ain't going away yon va- 1 CHARTIST ASSEMBLY fit to discuss the six points of the « Mm, «clai aiinS, TRADES. place was well tilled, and great attention was paid to how i» it you only now bring tbem forward ? For the woma n , , DEAN-STREET. ter ! are jou , without tfattni g to «tl the lecturer. ROOM 83 years I have been before the puW-c, and for years you gWbon a, , Glasgow, Monday Evening.—Mr. Jacobs delivered by the October 22nd , Mr. J. made no reply, -an** tlie witness went Mr. D. Sherring * room was densely crowded On Thursday evening, your charges int' " The witnes s an addrc&s to the Upholsterers' Society, ton was called to the chair, and, This elegant at No. 379, have had the means of preferring , if you but the tem-.de had sunk. The at White's S unday evening, October Swaine, a master tailor, residing met me at to the "-ide of the canal, Coffee-house, Ironjrate-street after a few brief remarks on the value of having friends ofthe Charter on Tavern, had any to prefer. Recently you have several **m 2s. -to£et her ont, and said, , which gave general Mr. Philip M Grath on Oxford-street, brought forward, at the Globe *j* ri-*oner then -cSere d l* satisfaction. Another meeting such men as Mr. Doyle to instruct them in regard to 18th, to hear a lecture from Chartist meetings, why were you silent at those meet* " The witnes s was agreed OH to en. " Mr. W. loung Great Tichfield-street, Marylebone, the following «You know we, Hive in George--street. their social and political rights, introduced the lec- " Government, its uses and abuses. supper of the Fraternal Dsmo. tertam the question of joining. questions for the consideration of his brethren of the ings ! You was at the be did not know him, and. shouted for the turer to the meetins. Sowter was unanimously called to the chair. ( why did you not told him tb-t Wednesday Evening.—A meeting of Dandy-loom , crats on the 21st of September last, bis -assistance, au-i laid bola proceeded to review the tnrce middle classes. police. Two men came to weavers was held in the Dressers' Mr. Doyle on rising was loudly cheered. He said Tub LECiunEtt then speak out ? At several of those meetings you " to get away. lie said Hall, Charlotte, " King, Lords, and Commons of -.he prison er, who was tr ^ig lane, to bear an svidrcss from that he had come forward at thesolicitations of their estates of the realm, " That , it is the opinion of this meeting, that every forced your conversation upon me, speaking the Jan. to!d Mm t»a. Mr. Jacobs, on the ad* denying the truth or ne he had not shoved her in , uns. the witness vantaEC of national association. oomnuttce to offer a few remarks on the necessity of and took the position of man , who Is of mature age, oi sound mind , and un- gua-jo of friendship. Only two nights before you t to prevent ne . The lecture was those famous political writers, lie baa not, l> it that ne old not attem p warmly responded to union ; but while he did so, thoy were to understand axiom kid down by stained by crime, has a right to a voice in the election abused me behind my bick at the German So- cre ature at toe . and a vote passed that it was Godwin, " that Govern- Ther e was no -.vpn-vauec of the paor the bi-st means that in adveeating union, he was not to be considered and William of members of Parliament, to the establishment of equal y' , you was at the St. Panc ras meeting ed, aui that had yet ben proposed to redeem contending that ciet s Room then but drag s wer e pro a. as fully approving of the present system of unions as ment is a necessary evil," stoutly electoral districts ; of annual parliaments ; of the pay- snrfcee of the water , the weavers from their degradation and poverty ; and an evil, ne and there spoke to me, apparently in all friendship. out after about ten minutes adopted by the generality of trades. He was in good government must be good, and not ment of members for their services ; and the abolition not a Janus-faced scound rel! You are •Shewas taken ' " ^ that a meeting of all the hands about Glasgow be branches of our legis- Are you not gevmt o a pab*ic-u „« ^.—*£ «^ favour of isolated unions, so far ri they tended to said the fallacy of making two of the prope rty qualification ." disqualified to accuse any man. Within the but they could ««te d convened in some central room , to hear a second morally police-station , nea rl a check the inroads of capitrl on the wages of working was rendered obvious, as neither taken to the Haekn *- lecture on the subject. A committee lature hereditary Mr. Swaine, very ably supported his proposition , last few days I have, for the first time, ascertained The witn ess sani , « wasms was then men ; he was convinced , however , that unless a more judges nor bishops were hereditary, and surely it the •tant,. .., and„* was^,= UieutliPH-ceai.cn-id x elected to carrv nut , the rflsnliitinn - universal suffrage was acknowled why youj arej so much disliked by the Chartist body ; I . -lin tiie female was lied in shewed that ged by -pssoncr, tvho to.-dlli mm extended system of union was entered into by the hereditary principle was good, it would be app opiuion tha t the „,, , rhursday.—Mr. Jacobs attended the second moet- the Act, passed in the 35th year of Edward the thought that dislike arose from your meddling, busy- her if he ..ad 1 ked bu t trades of this country, they could never hope to per- the latter cases. As regards the so-called " Com- bU wifo, c*ald h«r« saved ine of the ironmouldcrs in Nclson-strect Chapel, and Confessor, that it existed until the time of the dis- bodying manner, but 1 find there are other reasons, talked in a contrary way -x l.e manently better their condition, aud, as a proof of mons," it was not a Ilouse of Commons at all, see- She ran to the witter, he delivered a lecture on "The grievances ofthe trades, t ranchising statue of Henry the Sixth. That the which a backward glance at your past life will remind -be wanted the prisoner to assist tnem m this assertion, he had only to point to the results : ing that the majority ofthe common people were de- eon s^ S-Sl the philosophy of strikes ;" and clearly showed that first sovereign who had the power of poroguing or j *ou of. Your own character rende rs any defence ' wife Imt he would no do so, . had tbey 1 :en the means of preventing reductions electing i embers, and Sen - efforu ro r esiore his . nied the right of a Yoico in ts m pulled hini the National Association would be able to put an end dissolving parliament, was William, who reigned against your calumnies a most unnecessary under- i.of.ce of hor. The witn ess tailing place in the wages of those so united ? ad- its members were composed of the sons ol Peers, S ta ko Se^ ;r S to them for ever, and create vast wealth for the with Mary, that annual or sessional) parliaments taking. As to public meetings, I shall, in"all proba- but could not in.lucc him to touch mitting they had been the means of retarding the their nominees, Baronets, Knights, Officers in the Sward , he aeceased, working class under the employment system. At prevailed for a period of 300 years. He quoted bility, be at many public meetings in tbe course of he st r ^ led to get away. On downward progress of labour, nevertheless that down- army, navy, &c, die. We talked of Constitutions, ler On tL contrary, , Pryne Coke upon Littleton, and several others in the ensuing winter , when you will know where to since ascertain ed that ihe had the close several questions were asked and answered ward course had continued. He then dwelt upon but his opinion was that England wanted a Constitu- , inauirv fa- witnes s had satisfactorily : first—had Mr. J. any credentials to support of his'proposition, and Dr. Johnson, he re- find mc if you dare to meet me, My public life is three weeks, and it was alleged that the combination of employers to reap as great profits tion. He thought tho laws should be based on the been married only show he was duly appointed ? The lecturer replied, marked Baid , at this happy period, ono goal wa- before the public, and my public "character cannot be mated deceased vary cruelly, and that as possible, and the social power tiiey possessed over God, aa the laws of God and of nature par- , thepri fonCT lwd "- Here is our scrip book, from which I shall be most laws of more than sufficient to hold all thecriminals ir^Eng- injured by such a thing as you ; therefore, lie, rave, intro ducing himself to anot her female as a the employed. He then declared that if the masters took largely of the essence of equality. He knew be had been happy to give any gentlemen present receipts for land. He concluded his able argument by desiring and howl as you plea se, until your " whitened sepul - pri soner , in answer to tlie charge , said were united, that the men ought to he more so, from their were some who would not take any but an indif- single man .—-The shares, if they feel "disposed to purchase." The book the votes of his crowded auditory in favour of his chra" of a face is as black as your ebony-coloured mother wanted ber stop in doors, but but she the fact that the masters' unions were unions for the ferent part in advocating the suffrage for man. who Lis vale's was then examined, and all parties declared them- proposition, and sat down loudly applauded, lie heart. Further notice would but degrade myself. ' ll follow him wherever lie goes -" which purpose of cheapening labour. He went over the were yet active in advocating the rights of suffrage refuse d, "No, I selves satisfied with tbe manner in which the society was followed by a gentleman, who contended that G. J. IIaknet. did When they got to the bri d ge, the improvements that had taken place in the spring for women. He could not perceive the necessity oi she accordingly . conducted its business. A committee was then ap- universal suffrage did not exist during the Saxon that I'll do something to mules -in'such a manner, that many were asking the giving woman the suffrage. He thought when their deceased said, "Ton shall see pointed to go through the rules, and see the neces- . Era, but had no objection to it under existing cir- she ran to the canal hank. He laid hold question—" Had Mr. Doyle been a spinner ?" He Charter enfranchised men, that their brothers and myself! " and sary business for joining and report next meeting cumstances. THEATRE ROYAL MARYLEBONE. of her clothes and held her , and then wanted her to go gave an instance of what had taken place in one husbands would protect their rights. Tbe abuse ol PKOFMETOl l, MB. LOVER IDGE. night. A youth then rose, and wished to draw a distinc- LESSEE MB: JOHN DOUGLASS would not, and all at once she ran to the factory in Manchester, where there had been eight govermont was shewn in the adoption of Poor-laws, # , . Some, bnt she Friday Evening.—Mr. Jacobs addressed the saw- tion between Radicalism and Chartism and de- MONDAY, and during the week, a drama entitled, He did not jump in after her, be- men employed, earning £2 per week vMzeek*"^*-" , and this certainly Pern, Mrs. Camp * the sawyers could command their trade ; that the suffrage and annual parliaments monstrated the blessings consequent upon tlie im- advantages to the working classes, and strongly ap- at the present time. To be followed by the burlesque of " Youn g Hamlet. 1*" SOUTHWARK. iron man was rapidly encroaching on. Join, then, provement of machinery. He asked, What was to pealed for support in its behalf. He also mentioned He was for education, and then progression. Hamlet, Mr. T. Lee ; Oph elia, Miss Martin. of tbe Swell MobCa ptoseb.—James Gat - , become masters of the iron man, and A Member said he and become of the sur plus thus created ? Unless mea- with approbation the Central Ltegistratton and Elec- Mr. Stallwood followed in support of the propo- To conclude on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, with attired y-ung man , wearing a blue of happiness sition. '* The Outcas t Moth er ;" on Wednesday, with " Sarah , sil, a fashiona bly your life will become a holiday . At sures were taken for employing those thrown out of tion Committee, and hoped tbe men of Westminster with velvet collar, and lined with silk , was *th e close a vote of thanks was passed, and the com- -" the Jewess ; on Thursday, with the Old Man's Bride ;" cloth cloak, , work by giving them labour upon the land , or in would not fall to elect a local committee to act in A gentleman, from the City House of Com- " brought befor e Mr. Seeker , charged wiih having stolen a mittee instructed to see the necessary matters on mons," rose and said, he did not like Chartist po- and on Friday with " The Mirror of Death." manufactures, whereby they would have the benefit concert with it, as with united exertion the people Boxes 2s.; Pit Is. (id. pocke t book containing various docum ents of value, joining, and to bear their sharo, with other trades licy of the old Radicals. ; Gallery < , , of reaping the fruits ot their own labour, he could see would easily perform their state task of returning Doors open at half-past Six—Commence at Seven. person of a gentlemen , named C. f . Turner . meeting in the City Hall. The time for adjournment having arrived the from the of an aggregate no hope for them. These measures would, however, twelve members to represent their interest , and aid , Acting manager , Mr. T. Lee. lainant stated that between two and three question was adjourned Tie comp be adopted either by co-operation—by joining the Thomas Slingsby Duncombe in procuring until Thursday evening next, day as he was passing through the Borou-jli TO TIIE MANCHESTER DISTRICT COM- and assist at uine o' clock. o'clock that , AND THE DELEGATES TO THE Chartist Co-operative Land Society, or as trades na- such a constitution and government as should reform Marketlie fcHatug at his ccat pocket, and missing his MITTEE The Alleged Poisonings at Clavkrixg. — Wit- tionally. But the grand means of remedy were to all " ," and be of " use" to the whole com- NORTH LONDON DISTRICT OF THE CHAR- -pocket-bookfrom an inside pocket he immediately turned LATE CONFERENCE OF UNITED TRADES abuses fcl MimDEn.—On Friday, the adjourned in vestiga- be found in the obtainment of political power, by the munity. Mr. M'Grath was repeatedly cheered TIST CO-OPERATIVE LAND SOCIETY. and observing no person near bim but the pri- HELD AT THE HALL OF SCIENCE, MAN- tion concerninc the deaths of Joseph and James round, CI1ESTER. enactment of the Peop le' s Charter. Mr. Doy le then durin g tbe delivery of his eloquent address. The first niceting of this soner , -who was enveloped in a cloak , lie at once charged district was held fit the Chcsliani, the children of Sarali Chcsham, , g one ofthe most instructive At the conclusion. Mr. Stallwood rose, and gaid now in hhn with having nicked his pocket . The prisoner , how- Gentlemen.—A printed circular Las been sent to after deliverin Finsbury Literary and Mechanics' Institution, Fre- Chelmsford Gaol, on a charge of administering poi. satand downheart-stirring lectures it has been our lot to hear the Lecturer had taken a startling position , to deny derick-p a ever, assuming to be amazed at the nature cf the accusa- me (as one of the delegates to the late Conference,) l ce, Goswell-road, on Tuesday evening, son to S. Taylor, the illegitimate offspring of Lydia for a long time. He was much applauded through- the old Radical axiom that " Government was a ne- , when , denied it and walked away at a quick pace, but he from Manchester signed by Gavin Thomson , and October 20th twenty-five shares were taken Taylor and Mr. Thomas Newport, farmer, of Cla- tion wonld take a much stronger argu- £,1 the complainant who seized him by the James Gouldin animadventing^ very stron glv on the out. cessary evil." It up, and 13s. Sd. paid thereon ; many more were vcring, was resumed for the fourth time , and after -was followed bv . Mr. Samuel TTill moved a vote of thanks to the ment than any the lecturer had adduced to convince rep ealing the charge, expresse d his intention actions of the Central Committee of United Trades' required , but the secretary unfortunately was out ef hearing some additional evidence, the jury returned collar, and , three times three. him that government was not an evil. Then as re- custod At tha t moment the com- a g y p o w b c lecturer. Carried with cards, although North London is rather late in the a verdict of " Wilful Murder" against Sarah. Ches- to give him into y. nd solicitin m o ini n in riting on the su je t non-extension ot the', franchise to woman, ground at the Mr. Doyle replied, and moved a vote of thanks to garded the field . it bids to be one of the largest metropolitan ham. plainant saw his pocket-book fall on the in question. A copy has also been sent to my col- with that. He mixed much with ^ to disengage him- the Chairman. The meeting then separated. he could not agree districts. We understand that, meetings for the pur- feet of the pris oner , who then tried league, (Mr. Buckby*,) and I s resume from that, the female portio n of the community and he found efitfcting tins in t*he strugg le he lcfi his cloak that every other delegate as also received a copy of BOILER-BUILDERS pose of enrolling members, and transacting other self, and in IRON STEAM-SHIP AND great intelligence amongst them. History both STATE OF TRADE. in the hands of complainant, and ran away. The com- the same. OF LONDON. business in connexion with the Society, is held at sacred and profane, gave them many instances ol the Finsbury Institution plainant, however, pursued him from the market into How my brotherdelegates in the Midland Counties, , every Tuesday evening valiant and daring conduct on the part of women— at eight o'clock. •file Southwark Brid ge-toad , wliei e he came up to bim , may advise is not for ine to determine ; but what- TO THE EDITOn OF THE NOUTHEHN STAR. rare examples to men. Even in Leeds.—The same dull 6tate of trade continues in our actions which set Cloth Hall s as has been the case of late and seizing him again , a desperate strugg le teak place, ever they advise, let it be publicly known, for secrecy Sir,—There appeared in your paper last week a bad some most brilliant examp les. WHITECHAPEL. ; the foreign. our own time we scarcely in the marke t at all during which they both fell down , by which time a police- is tbe bane of all societies. letter, headed " Iron Steam-ship and Steam-bailer houses are , and the home Had there not been Mary Wolstoncrafts ? Was At a general meeting ofthe Brcss Founder's Arms buyers purchase with the greatest aauti on and only man came to the spot , stewed the pri soner, and took I am not one who desires to* foment hatred and building, injurious effects cf piece-work," &c. _ As a for > there not Margaret Reynolds (Mrs. Chapplesmith). locality, Whitcchapel Road, the following per.*ons prese nt need ; prices are however prett y steady , but the him to the station hou se. The prisoner 's fashionable discord among any elas*. but when secret circulars Boiler-makers Society, 1 feel indig- member ofthe Mrs. Martin, and last, not least, Mary Howitt ? were elected for the Local Committee, to assist the manufactur ers complain heavily of the want of profit. the complainants ' pocket book , were pro- e g s libels contained in this let- cloak, and also are being distribut d throu h the a sociation, on nant at tbe calumnious Would tbeir lecturer venture to tell him, that highly Central Election Committee :—Messrs . Ha ll, Eed- Mancheste r , Friday evening. — The great excite- duced in Court . Wlien the complainant made his state - ex parte evidence , I think the act is -likely to eatrap on the operatives of that body. The gross false- ter, intelligent, virtuous women like tkese,should be de- f' , Docksey, g and Charles. ment in the Lircrpo tl market has only caused people to toner , addressing the magistrate, said- some into wrong and hasty conclusions. "ned in the said letter are too apparent to or Locassan e, ment, the pri hoods corta nied the right ofthe franchise, whilst it was given to look to short time in earnest, as wc can scarcel y get a this charge , for nhich there are no just The questions submitted by the Manchester friends author of the letter after CITY OF LONDON. faction advanc e on goods, and in yarn Tour wori -hip , need much comment. The , the most stupid of men ? Again, would the lec- but little. Al- groun ds, has come npoa we like a Uiundce clap. I ther e- for our opinions, are (I admit), of great magnitudes, having been nurtured in the bosom of the society, The City of London Registration and Election though there is as yet no organised plan for the adoption to turer tell him that the brothers and husbands of the of short time, it is more or less spreadin g, fore wish that I may have an opportu nity of having the therefore, wc ou^ht be very cautious, how we act, instigated, if not originated, a strike at Mr. Penn's, Committee, in connettion with the Central Com- and we think , aristocracy had taken care of tbe interests of their before the middle of next month many assistance of a professional advishrb tfore I enter oh my before we judge in the matter. at Deptford an employer than whom there is not a , , of the large con- , female relatives ? Was it not notorious that they mittee held their first meeting on Tuesday evening cerns will have commenced. defenc e. Mr. Seeker said the complainant had given a With these views, I have.no objections to state my better in the three kingdoms, and after accomplish- last, at the Crown and Anchor, Farringdon Street had gambled and wantone'd away their patrimony. , Bradford , Thursday. —Thercis comparativelyalimited miaute account of the trau sacti-m, and probably honest conviction of the affair, and deliver my ing that started to Liverpool, leaving his deluded ver y , Mr. T. M. Wiieeleu ably followed on the same Mr. Nobbs in the chair. W. Salmon was elected demand for wool, but prices are firmly maintained , as lain wh ran away, and Mr. Wilson the prisontr would jus t exp y he if he opinion Jn the paper in question, and in doin^ so, I dupes in the lurch. The origin of what he terms a side—and said as regarded the question whether secretary, trea surer. Mr , Allnuit tbe stap lers conceive that they cannot replace their stock man leaving Ms cloak in the hands of will divide the questions into sections the men had agreed The yarn trade is steady, was an innocen t , , and deliver strike, arose as follows : Some of " Government, was a necessary evil," himself and moved W. Salmon seconded—" That we hold a public at less price s. and prices the the gentl eman who rcace the charge again st lam ? The my opinion upon them seriatim. notto work piece-work. According to the general laws challenged Mr. M'Grath, or meeting in favour of the object on Monday, Nov. 8;" same. Tlie export houses arc still lar ge buyers. Figured Mr. Samuel Kydd had pieces are now out of request, and plain prisoner said th at the attack upon him was so instauta- First ,— The Central Commit tee are charged with no man is allowed to take job-work which being agreed to, Messrs. Wilson, Allnutt and Orleans , iVa- of the society, any other person , to a discussion in that or any other , mattas, &c., in(i uired for. neons, when he was charg ed with stealing the pocket violating a resolution of Conference , relating to the sup- without acquainting his shopmates, and stating the at any time they might please to name. For Salmon were appointed to seek for a suitable buildin g place, Hudder sfifld, Tuesday. — There has been book , that he ra n away in order to get a policirraa to port of the builders and others in Manchester , Liverpool , price he is to have for such work, so that the men ruling as it to hold the same in. Alter making the necessary ar- but little his part, he contended that government " animation in the market to-day, and , with the exception assaila nt into custody. Policema n 154 II stated &c. who bad (justl y) abstained from labour throug h working under price, and rangements for providing collecting books take his will know that he is not did Ly majorities, must to all intents and purposes be , that she was annoyed by tho crew and persons YORKSHIRE. Basley, , it is not stated what questions were asked, or answers asserted ? What will the Messrs. Maudsley, Field, BRIERLEY , than £20 for four acres , and £10 fcr two acres. " We William Morton , Cannon- ftree t-road , Commerctal-road , on board , that she ira s quite out of Ler mzud , and given. and Co., Messrs. Seaward and Co., Messrs. Miller Or. Sunday evening a public meeting was held at never before heard of the resoluti on. draper ,—Richard Gaunt , Kirk Heighten , rape dust mer- hardly knew what she did. Mr. Brode i ip asked the pri- Fourthly—The provincial members have not been con- and Ravenhill , Mr. Fairbairn, Mr. Penn, Messrs. the Faint Revived Inn, North Brierley, to take into J. L. T.—If fourteen months ago you were " blamed for a chant—John Kawlinson , Spalding. Lincolnshire, tailor- soner what she meant! The prisoner , tretHblui ':l yJ said sulted. Robinsons, and other Master Boiler Makers say, if consideration the propriety et forming a branch ot bastard child ," and run away from " a certain town , William Isaac Barker , Suuderland, auctioneer—John the men onboard were very insulting both in wor d and Mea t', Bristol, builder. Opinion—1 think they ought to be according to they hear of Corlett's falsehoods. While desirous of the Chartist Co-operative I and Society and Chartist in consequence , it is pretty strong proof you are con- deed, so much so tbat ehe could not rest anj where , and rule, ' * if necessary." improving our own conditions, wc desire to maintain Association. scious that you were ri ghtly blamed. You now want PARTNEKSHIPd mSSOLVrD. "her son Sheffield scissor and razor sue should be ashamed to steer fcusbssnd again. "Mr. Fifthl y—The question asked concernin g the foreman the reputation of our employers. Sir, I will not fur- to go back to the " certain town" and think that be- Barlow and , manufac - Brodtriii asked the second mate of tlie sttanu-r if there Mr. Fox was called to the chair, who, in a brief turers—C. Bru uton and F. Whiting , New-inn, Strand, and maker np, where the master desires his work to be ther trespass on your valuable columns. By insert- cause you have been absent more than 12 months, you was any truth in the w oman s statement ! Jones—N one manner explained the object of the meeting, and attorneys—IL Hammond, and G. J. Lut-cy, Tooley-stree t, done by the piece instead of day labour, is a question I ing this you will oblige the Friendly Boiler Makers are ssfc against being made to pay for the support of glass mercha nts—Hart and Coleman , City ot London and at all, Sir. This is ber second voyage. The prisoner called upon E. Hurley to move the first resolution, think which comes within the province of the local com- Society of the London District. the child. We hopa you will find out your mistake. Liverpool, stockbrokers—Moon , Brothers liverpool, mer- which was as follows :— *W* said, she had made one voyage before in the same vessel mittee , rather than the central or national one. Alexander Fle tcher. As we never had to ruo away for bastard children chan ts—J. Dwyer and . Broster , Tranmcre , Cheshire , to Cork and was then very much annoyed. The fe- ' and , iicason—Because the various local associations are P.S. We, the undersigned, having heard the above That, as the all-wise director of nature s laws destined we don't know the law of such a case, but we should joiners—S. G. Lan gsdale, Lenion , Nottinghams hire , man to be a free and independent being, this meeting hose trimmers—M. N. and S. Paget , male deck passengers on board the Irish steamers were all governed by various laws,—and each trade has, I read in general meeting assembled, approve of its be sorry to know that the law could not reach you. Breton-street , mil- liners—Tolleta aud Co., Liverpool , boot makers—I t m-ver safe from , outrage. Jones—She is deran ged, Sir ; presume sepa view? with indignation the inconsistent manne r in which T. Eveieigh Loughborough. —It is preposterous . aud , rate internal laws for the government contents, and hereby authorize Brother Alexander , to ex- P. Smith. Walbriuge , Gloucestershire ' it's all wrun g. The prisoner, wto exhibited no signs of ' the rulers of the earth destroy the fundament al princi- , woollen manufas oi tbeir members—which no general or national laws Fletcher, to forward the same to the Northern Sta r pect us to look through three or four months copies of hirers — A. and 11. S. Spong, Staplehurst , Kent , brick- insanity, muttered in a. low tone that she could not ex- ple that should couduct human society ; namel y, the can interfere with ; consequently, where such is the fsr insertion. the NortJiern Star to find an obscure para graph of makers—Seddon and Andr ew, Manchester , worsted dyers press herself more distinctl but she had suffered much making of the y, case, my opinion is, they should be supported from a William Archer, President. right of overy citizen to participate in the news respe cting a drunken soldier . We beg to assure —Barker , Beatson , aud ISeckitt , near Rotherha m, York- Br-deri after what he had h*ard on her voyage. Mr - p, , local fund (unless it is a case of an extraordinary Richard Russell, Past President. laws by which he is to be governed. our correspondent that wo don't know what " waite shire, iron founders , : as far as regards J. Beatsou-J . and E. Blundell should direc t the prisoner to be taken back to I lie work- nature), for I consider that no party can deal with John Mackamara, District Secretary. Mr. Hurley, in a clear and forcible manner, ex- time," or " 6pare time" meaus. , Lower Mitton , Worchester, millers— house, and a strict inquiry to be made into the truth of W. S. Colyer and R. Wind er, Dover , builder s—Adam , technicalities but those who understand them, and plained the principles of the People's Charter, and If Any One of the Star Headers would forward me Brothers , and Co., Glasgow and the serious allegations sue liad mu-3e. In his opinion , United Tailors Joint Stock Company.—An im- , Hogg, Adam , and Co., for whose especial bene fit these local restrictions are held this week in Man- the benefits to society by its adoption. a Northern Sta r of Saturday, the Oth of June, 1810, 1 Rio de Janeiro ; as far as regards J. W. Adam. the prisoner wa6 not ia a fit state ot mind to be suffered made ; but portant meeting has been , if a general reduction is attempted upon in support ofthe above society. We shall Mr. John Jennings seconded the resolution, and should feel greatly indebted to him, as I want it for to go at large at present . The prUoutr , who pers isted the weekly wages or piece chester, consti- declarat ion of dividends . , , of any body of men who give a full report of the proceedings in our next contrasted the state of society as at prcsent a very particular purpose ; I would return tho value W. Durtuall, in her statements , was then led back to the workhouse , are bona de Dover, ironmonger ; second div, of 2s. Gd f i members of the association, then it tuted, and what it would be under the principles of of the same in postage stamps, if required. Thomas Cooper , Bond-street , umbrella -manufaeturer ; and wiU be broug ht up again on a future day. number. becomes the duty of tbe genera l body to interfere and the Charter. Witbam . Chab &es Fish . first div. of 4s. Gd—J . Blacket , Stockesley, flax-spinner ; obviate the difficulty by their National Associations of United Trades. —Any united exertions. The motion was carried unanimously. Wigan —John Lenagan appeals to the warkine ; men of Second and final div. of SJd. (in addition to 5s. 2?d. in tbe Sixthly—Is a casual workman durin g a press of trade , local trade bodies within 12 miles of , de- Mr. Smyth moved the second resolution :— Wigan and its vicinity, to rouse again and ral ly for the pound previously declared.) Child Stoles nr its own Fatuek.—A novel and who may be thrown sirous of ascertaining the objects lans ofthe Na- out of a job , entitled to tbe support and p Charter. dividends. case was brought under the notice oi tional Associations of United iuion of this meeting tho only sure lather amusing ofthe association , who may be deprived of employment Trades for the Protec- That in the op A Suggestion.—Allow meth ro»gh Nov. 12, J. Turner, Ludgate-lnll. jeweller —Nov. 12 W. classes the medium of your , the magistrates of Glossop at ihe last petty sessions, through some act of oppression. tion of Industry and Emyloyment ot Labour, can and tan gible mode of relieving the working journal Thurnell , Leadenhall -stre ct, and Grea t Windmill-street invaluable , to make a suggestion ag to the , which presented several knotty point*, which rather Opinion—I believe the act of oppression should first have a deputation (free of expense) by applying to of this countr y from the fear of poverty and want , and upholsterer—Nov. Ii, It. Tebay, Winchester , plumber- fovmillg of Youths Soeiety in London for the purp puzzled the bench in their desire amicably to arrange the Nottingham District Secretary, Mr. Mark aid them to the restoration of his undoubted right to be -se Nov. 10, W, Brydon , Auchurch -ianc, wholesal e dru 'irist be laid before the Central committee, before any cir- of advocating the glorious principles of the tie matter between the partic*, who stood in tlie re- Wooley, No. ol, Calwick-strect, New Sneinton, Not- first partakers of the fruits of his own labour is by join- People's —Xov.lO, W. Griffin , Cornhill, jeweller—Nov. 10, A . Mat- cumstance could bz (justly) decided upon, because Charter. Youth s' Societies have thews, Salehut 'st, Sussex lative position of lather and mother to the object o! tingham. ing and becoming members of the Chartist Co-op erative been formed »nd , apo thecary — Nov. 10, W C there is many ways to oppress, and many to cause carried out with great ener gy in the teetotal Carter , Ashford , Kent , dru ggist - Nov. 10 , O. Stiiite. dispute. It niipcarcs that tbe jl'.ecitiii-atc cJsiM , tbe Land Society ; we, therefore , pledge ourselve s, indm. more- oppression. ment j and I see no reason why they n oud-street , Cheups ide, lace warehouseman —Not. 12 It should not be " ' * son of Uic parties, b..t who had not lx en affiliated . Sevenhtl y—1 think the answer given by the Central dually and collectively, to use our endeavours in carr y- and A. Knight , bud ge-row , wholesale stationers—N ov 10 formed in connexion with the Chartis t Association, ' Lad been living with his father and grandmother for Committee was a just one viz.—They ing out the objects of the society in this neighbourhood, W. Vickcrs , late. of Mour gatcstreet. bill broker— Nov VI, , must know the for all must admit, when the presea t generation two or three yeatv*pa-t , but that the niotaer had C&artfet Entdlic-centt* have It. Baxter , Sheffield, merchant — Nov. 11, J. Gill Liver- particular act of oppression , before they can give their Joseph Aldetson seconded the resolution, and ex- passed away, it will be highly necessar y latterly laid claim to the boy, and had removed liini that a vouth - pool, wiue merchant—Nov. 13, B. Fenwick , Ncwca«tle- opini on respecting it. plained the objects and benefits to be derived from ful generation should be ready upon-Tyne, lineudi-apcr-Jfov from the paternal care. The father, after endm ing to take their place* to . 18, W. f ordyce, Ncweast!*«- Bightly— If it is the intention of the Manchester Com- OLDHAM. the occupation of tha land in a political and social obtain , or ifobtaine 'l to defend upon-Tyne, booksell er—Sov. 13, J, Reid, Ncwca Stle-UPOU- ation for some time could no longer sustain , the libert y of their i the separ , mittce, to change the policy of the Central Commit tee, it point of view. Tyne, shipbroker. away, On Sunday last, Mr. Robert Wild delivered a very countr y. Tr usting that the Chart ists generall y will lis panss, so he stole tbe boy 'the anxious wiis- must be done by a change of officers ; and to chan ge the Cektificate s to be granted '" fetched law," as it is termed iu truth telling address, in the echool-room of the Mr. William Ross, senior, supported the motion, take this suggestion into their consideration , I re- unless cause be shown t« tbe thw forthwith. Ibh* officer s at a time like the present , would be utte r and your obedient ser vant cont rary on the day of meeting. tbe lather before the worshi Working Man ' s Hall ; the address was listened to followed by. Mr. John Dobson, to the great satisfac- muin , , N. Robin jon. Jocality, and brought p- ir retriev able ruin to the working classes, and to the asso- Sor. 10, P. B. kettle with great attention and general satisfaction. tion of the meeting. We receivud, on Wednesday evening, a post-office order , Brighton, horse deakr-Kov. lo, ful bench. The unlucky swain pleaded very patheti- ciation ; and to attempt to chan ge the line of policy J. Grant, lYoolwich, The resolution was carried unanimously. for the sum of Cs. from Hexham , but ive are at a loss printer-Nov. IS, E. W. PhiUu-s cally to have the b»y cuiisiyned to his charge, saying which has hitherto been acted upon with such great suc- Bisliopsgate-street, dealer in glass - Nov. ' ASHTON. to kno w from whom, or for what purpose it is to 10, W. Giles s h a. " couif-srt" to him ami his mother. cess, Several questions were put and answered be Bri ghton , boardin g housekeeper—N ov. 10 it was uc would be the height of folly, to the applied. , W. Van nelY offere d, in bis despair , to marry the mother The members of the Chartist Co-operative Land High-stieet romilart ivgrocer- He even The object of the association is not so much to en- satisfaction of the meeting. Officers wero then ap- .Vov. 10, W. M-Douall and "i' th' morn " if she wouid have Society expressing their full confidence in the pre- T homas Stretc h.—We have forwar ded your letter to. ¦ B , i r Gough-cquarc of the youngster , courngestrikes pointed , and half a score entered, and paid a portion in TT u ^ 'V ? T ' , pvinters- .\ov. ,asitistopreventtlienecessityforthem. the C:- . ¦tra l Committee of the United Trades. ar L , promising to keep l*t!i with pleasure, rather sent board of directors have unanimously nominated ?* » c -J [ i' *f-**id ge, Essex, victualler - Nov. 1« , bim Its aim is to raise the working classes graduallv from of money towards their shares. A vote of thanks t J Sui lad ; but the fair one wis cruel them lor re-election. Pkteh C. :r , Dumfiies.—Received ; shall beatten ded to tl' \ *3 bcarboro ugh , timber merchant —Nov. 12, W, than part with his , their present degrading position ; and Bhould was tendered to the chairman, and the meeting ad- W* Menzies, Gloucester , the as- . Felkin .—Received too late for inser tion this week . dra per- Nov. 13, C. Davis, Chepstow , alleging*, as the reason of her rcftiSA: to take liini for sociation diverge from its present coHrsc, what will LONGTON. journed to Sunday (to-morrow) at six o'clock in the Mouniou hslin-e, currie r-Nov. k-arcd T . Allsop, Esq., (Baslo.)—Received with thauks 1" , 0. D. Johnson , Liver- better or for worse, tbat she be would abuse be the result ? Shall we not be cast backwards evening. The greatest attention was paid to the . pool victual or - Nov. 12, E. Mmi-iy, , and At the last weekly meeting of the members of the J. W. Dufficid. —We can see no utility in Liver pool liouse her. Under the circumstances, after some deli- sink deeper speakers. Thus has Landism and Chartism found its publishing agent— -Noy. 1J , B. Peuwick , Xeweastle -upoii-Tvne , linen- in the gulph of miserr, than wo were Chartist Co-operative Land Association in this lo- jour leugthy communication , which beration and attempts to bring matters to amicable before ? way to a remote, thoueh populous district, of hard- fully proves tha t draper - Nov 12, B. 0. Southern , late of Easthani , Che- cality, the following resolutions were unanimously jou have acted unwisely , shire coal dealcr- Sov arrangement the magistrates decided that tlie parties working though ill-paid working men. and that the Committee have . \> , H. Kh-kpawick, M anchester , , Brothers , rather than send a firebrand throu sh the agreed to :— only lronfouml cr-N ov.11 must have the child alternatively lor a month, and acted in accordance with the rule s ofthe Asso. , M. Sh'«ekleto: i, Manchester, jmnt cr v 1 !"ta ' n country to destroy and mar the good feeling that That the members of the Longton branch of the Char- BILSTON. ciation. * ; * K. Biv.mwsh-.im, hook and eve maker provide it with sufficient food and eloihiu» ; oi —Aov.v J4». V exists in the society, wave your claims till the proper tist Co-operative land Society A Few last Wobds to a Fellow , J. Lead , Wellington, Shro pshire , innkee per— c urchin seemed to have suf- meet every StinJay The weekly meeting of the Chartis's of Bilston, named Wad dington . whi h, indeed, the little Nov. IS, J. Kussell, Kiddermin ster , coal uealer. time, and until the association is in trim to meet all afternoon , at Mr. Isaac Hammersley's, York-street at was held on Sunday evening, Oct. ISth. The follow- —According to announcem ent I att eudud fered no lack. They then retired io ei'juy lii-jin- at the Gerl Certifica tes to be granted by the Court of Review, unless demands. Sooner than destroy all, let us rebut local half-pas t two o'clock precisel y, to receive ing persons were appointed delegates to attend the man Society' s R**ora selves at the nearest public -Louse, apj -arenti r in the contrib utions , on Monda y evening last* on cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sov. 10. aggressions, by local force, and local assistance. and iesue rules and cards. Tuesday evenin g I at tended C. Airs Se ' most approved Darby and Joan fashion ; hut tve un- delegate meeting to bo held at Dudley, on Sunday, at tho Chartist Executive , wport , Isle of Wight, innkee per— F. C. Gray, I trust that the friends in Manchester, will re-read Tliat the members of this locality form themselves the 1st of November at ten o'clock in the morning. Office , and again the same 1-orest-row , Dalston dsrsraud they had afterwards a trifling dispute, liie , evening at the Ger man So- , boardUi jt.house keeper—T . Cuur r, the laws ami the preamble, when I feci convinced into a committee to collect subscriptions for h Linney, ciety ' Br ighton , bootmake r—W. Brad siiaw Gre ttoii Northamp - father claiming and insisting upon iiavii^ ibe boy the further- Thomas Davis, Josep and James Melther- s Room. You did not make your appear ance , , they will sce the difficulty of general legislation, ance of tlie cause of democracy by raising a fund althoug tonshire, cattle, salesman—R. Bone, Durham , goeer-B . the first month.—Manchester paper. ¦ to send shaw. The Dudley friends are requested to name the h you well knew of the announceme nt in the without abolishing all the trades bye laws. twelve good and sincere men to assist T, Brailsf ord, Brighton , musicsellcr-K. Fennell , Alder- S. Duncombe. place of meeting in the &«r of the 31st Of the pro- Star. On Thursda y you had the impud ence to send luaubur y l' ostern , yarn nieivhiiii:—P. Corless , Wi-ja", A Pouter xt the Imperial IIotei, Liverpool, Friends, let peace and concord be our aim, and Es q., in the Commons House of Pa rliament at the next sent month. me a nolo, in which you say, " At present I am grocer—T. I. Kiiyner Birstal Yorkshi re, apothecary— union our motto elect-on. very , , was fined £d, and costs for an as?ault upeu a res- : and let us he very careful that wc * much ocaupicd W Liver- The Chartists of the various localities in the dis- with business engagements : but in a F. 11. Church, Southam pton , surgeon— . Kirby, pectable married woman, who drove late at night to neither muddy the stream, nor poison tho waters, in Tha t the committee , through the medium of tlie 2Vor- pool, hotel keeper—W. Lonerga n , Liverpool , wine mer- trict aro requested to bestir themselves few days I shall send you an invitat ion to meet me i t that inn and applied for a bed-room. our over anxiety for each others welfare. -With these Oiern Star, request Messrs. Clark and M'GratU to pay a , and to show chant—T . 1' . Dcrhain , Bristol , lincnurjiper—T . 11. and &. by the attendance of their a Public Meetin g." Huw can you hare the remark--. visit to this delegates that there arc impudence Waller, Ipswich , grocers—J. Evans , Bristol , and Wuston- O'COSKELL AXB THE FaC TORT ClHiDBES. —-"When place on their return to the south ; a iid that to talk of business I l>eg leave to subscribe myself still those left who have a reaf desire to aid their arran gements ; you miserable cadger ! sup tr-Mare, Soiiiersetshiru , siik mercer— W. Wonuoeo it, Mr. O'Connell sold the Factory children to the Man- , the said gentlemen be desired to give the committee How was fellow-men by teaching them their ri it your " business arran gements " did not Bath, grocer— J. C Hill , Beading, grocer—J . Parso ns* ster manufacturers for £1000, I was connected your obedient servant, timely notice , by letter , addressed to Mr. Stephen Ami- ghts, aud how che to obain them. prevent you goiinr stealthil y to the Germ an ' Wolverhampton , edge-tool manufacturer. ¦with .Northern Liberator published at Newcastle- Thomas Winters, son, Furnauce-roud , Longton, Staffordshir e. Societ y s the Room, without giving me any warn ing, SCOTCH SEQCESTBATIONS, Tvue. 1 asked the honorable men who owned late delegate of the Manchester Conference. CENTRAL REGISTRATION AND ELECTION and in my ab- npon MANCHESTER. sence, like a cowa rdly assassin W. Prater, Edi nburgh, hotel-keeper—J. Ifacleod, Ia- would be denounced 73, Bedford Street, Leicester, October 17. 1840. COMMITTEE. , as you are, endeavour , that paper whether his conduct ingto uijuro thcron, Caithiu -ssshii't;, merchant—W, Bissct t and Son, I have carefully read the opinion of Mr. T. The usual weekly me in the estimati on of men , who knowing —adding that it would lose us 200 or 30O Jrfeh Winters, meeting was held in the People's The committee held its usual weekly Aberdeen , wholesale merchants—W. Melveii , Coatbri dge, and his statement in general, which I Institute meeting, at little of the histor y of Chartism , you thou ght you could subscribers. 1 was authorized to do what justice declare to be , on last Sunday evening, October IS, when tho Chartist Land Office , S3 Lanarkshire , cabinet maker—D. Dal glish, Glasgow, insu- the truth ; therefore I beg leave ' , Dean-st., on Tuesd ay impose on. As to your fudge invitation to a Public demanded. I did so, and my prediction was fulfilled. , to subscribe my thespacious hall was wall filled ; J. Sutton in thechair. evening, Oct. 20th, J. Slater rance-broker. name to the document. in the chair, when re- Meetin g, I of course estimate it at its customers withdrew from John O'Hea, an Irishman, read the letter of ports were worth *—no Seven-eighths of our Irish Fcar"us delivered from the Brass Founders' Anus more. I have been blamed on all [The Irish in England George Buckby, O'Connor, E*q., to Daniel O'Connell, Esq., sides for noticing ns in a body.—J. A. Devvr. ' M.P., Whittington and Cat, Oambenvell , Lambeth, and such an insignificant animal as through O'Connell, as Delegate to the Jate Conference. from the Northern Star ; after which Mr. you ave, but my excuse Printed by DOOGAL M'GOWAN. of 16, Great Winnmii ' are at last beginnitig to see Thomas other districts , in which local committees had been is, that, whereas I should have ever trod the earth.] 70, Lee Street, Leicester, October 17, 1S4C. Dickinson, the iManchester Packer thou ght any tiling you street , il ayniarket , in tlie- City of W estminsc-i' m tne one of the greatest vUlains that , delivered a lec- formed. Letters containing important information could say at a Chartist Pa rish , for the IV. -- ture on " Tlie Rights of Man, recorded were read Meeting unw.rthy of mj Office, in t he same Street and MEETING OF THE OPERATIVE COTTON a* in the h-om Sheffield and Carlisle. The Secre- notice, I yet fdt bound to give pvietor, PUAKGUS Q'COXXOK , Es'i-, *•>•** published People's Charter, and tlie delightful tho fullest replr to anv - Charles-street iirvin of Levis. Baptized on Sunday, tiie SPISSERS OF GLASGOW. truths of demo- tary W.19 instructed to communicate with those chargB that could be oy William lluwm-, Of .Xo- IS, , Bosneix Tile — cracy." The made against me before Nc-'i lecture was one of the best ever deli- towns, also to appeal to the wealthy men who have don-stree t, Walwor th , in the Pa rish of bt. Mar y, 27th of September, by the Iter. ilr. Thompson, Peter A general meeting of the operative cotton spin- friends of Kegis- not been mixed up with the Char- a: use f itiice No. !o vered in Manchester. A vote of than ks was unani- tration throughout ington, in the Cuimtv of Surr ey, . , Paul, O'Connorville, son of John, and Margaret Paul ; ners of Glasgow and neighbourhood has been the country, for pecuniary sup- tist movement, and with whom I have become Ilayniar ket in the Ci ty held to mously given to fcJie lecturer and Great Windmill-s treet , , both sterliogfriendBto the Charter ar.d the land. hear a lecture by Mr. C. Doyle chairman, and the port. The committee then adjourned until Tuesday but recentl y associated . Your tr each erous back- SVe- tiniiist er. , one of the Execu- meeting closed. ' - evening next, at eight o'clock. Stabbilig, followed by your cowardly skidkiog from the Salitrdny, October -Jt, Mfi. .