COMMUNITY Fullerton bsCeALErNDAvR Peage 1r 3-15 O EAR FULLERTON’S ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWS • Est.1978 (printed on 20% recycled paper) • Y 39 #19 • MID NOVEMBER 2017 Submissions:
[email protected] • Contact: (714) 525-6402 • Read Online at : Event at CSUF Costs Students and Taxpayers by Jesse La Tour On Halloween, the 50-member College Republicans club at CSUF hosted former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulous, whose inflammatory rhetoric against various social groups has prompted violent protests on campuses across the country. According to the campus newspaper The Daily Titan , Yiannopoulous was paid around $17,000 for his one-hour speech. But the real price tag of the evening event would have to include costs to the univer - sity and taxpayers for extra law enforce - ment deemed necessary due to riots which have broken out at his previous speeches on other college campuses. These incidents have ranged in cost from over $75,000 for 124 officers at his appearance at University of Washington in January to over $800,000 for his 15- minute walk through UC Berkeley in September. Many colleges have canceled his appearances citing the overwhelming security costs involved. Above: A peaceful Unity Block Party at CSUF took place with music, speeches, voter registration, and educational booths - just as continued on page 10 275 police officers were gathering on the opposite end of campus to provide security for the Yiannopoulous event . PHOTO JESSE LA TOUR OC Supervisors’ Action Aims to Break Up 7 . A 7 S D . 5 C 26-Year Public/Private Anti-Hate Group Partnership I D 1 U A E .