laiuatiait fecffc, mxmwmx rniLisnnD BOOK AND JOB Every "Wednesday Morning, PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. AT SIX DOLLARS PER AXA'ITM. Foreign to $10.00. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. THIS OFFICE IS NOW PREPARED Opfiob On Qiit-e-n Street, in tli'e old TO. EXEOUTE ALL ORDERS Custom House Building, Honolulu, IT. I. For Plain and fancy Pmting, I aa pohllebei by M. IUnxz, it the Govern-- OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. rris-etu- ? OtBce, to whom all baeine-- s communica. VL--jSt- WEDNESDAY, S VOL. 0. 30.1 HONOLULU, AUGUST 10, 1870. 186,00 PEE, TEAK. IF772Z-2TEATXES- A DISPATCH.

MERCHANDISE, &0. Paris Correspondence. vote. Involving the most momentous questions for Tltc Chinaman at the Easst. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. E011EIGN NOTICES. the Napoleonic Dynasty, nnd tbat It was somewhat singular that they should coincide with a popular Tnc Alia California discourses as follows upon the SCJIBnE ONE. manltestation of the people. Whatever may hare advent of some seventy Chinese at North Adams, ALEX. CAMPBELL, .1. S. DICKSOS,' mmlifv of AWipIocf PAitis, May 15, 1870. been the means employed to Insure the success of Massachusetts, at a time when tbo knights of SU t House, 'Ship and Sign Painter, Mr. Editob: When, after several years of a quiet on 3MLcarcl3.ctXi.-- Tailor, 6RAKDI&I0TIL, the JYcobcfftim, and whether the vote obtained Crispin were on a "strike" for tome eause or "other. et. 70 and happy life spent in the picturesque and sociable Bart Honolalo. oppof ito C E. Williams' Faniitnro Xn. Fort Strret. thcSth or May Is a trne expression of public opinion, It seems that the CelestisJs went cooly to work, tak- ljfi CalsonilnlngJ AT LOW PRICES, 1 Graining. Marbling, Gilding, San Oil a., Island of Oahu, resolved to pay a Tisit to my I am not sufficiently Informed tollcclde. But it Is those Ac, Ac, executed on the shortest notice, ing the place of who had undertaken to hare AND native country the paradise w hlcli good Celestials probable tbat the Emperor, with tbat keen and 0and on the most reasonable terms. 3V3in : : thair own way with their employers : AV.H. 1IIT7IPIIKKVS. Johnson & Co., Proprietors, are promised to enjoy after death, but which I political has given him such a sagacity which The apparition of seventy Chinamen at Norti IMPORTER AND "WHOLESALE DEALER thought it more prudent to sec once more during high reputation among the leading politicans of his BARTLETT SALOON, Laic of tlir Lick House Adams, Mass., has set the whole eastern country WIm, flpirHs, Ale, Porter, Ac, Ac, Mmlnrit Street, Jrtocusoxiftlolo Terms my life time I promised to send yon, from time to in a In BT age, was certain of the result of bis appeal to the IMyo Jt CO., who fur years have tbe ferment, working men In New York, it win be Hia.lale JOHNSO.V tie la, tlx ltn FOR SALE AT TOE STORE OF time, a fen lines expressive of my impressions In nation. prttrrirtura vt the Ltck lIotlse,,, with seen by tho despatches, hare already become alarm- 1VH.I.IA3I iiuiii:s, irifri-- thHr many fdeirds Uonolola ml the Ha- tho Old World. If I am enable to render them In a Tbe following arc tbe official figures, copied from THOS. C. THRUM, Corner or Hotel and Fort Mrceta. waiian Jplsnds. that they have left the "Lkk Iloone" and manner worthy of an experienced "quill," or of the ed. They aro preparing for a grand demomtration the firan(l whicli U the finest Ilutel utruo tbe Government organ : llutfl." C. and procession, which is thought will iris a terror SK-ticI- erected on Iacific const, and fs not eurpasoed fa HEUCK. iVcys. l IMnlc CiUIcr. Copji-- t nnil CHOICEST AND DEST OP ALES, WINES tare jet the THEOD. readers of the Gazette, yet I can vouch for their lim. niHE architectural Ireantj, eUsuice of furniture, and com fx t, by Vote of the S9 Departments 7,018,227 1,491,114 into the hearts of. that daring band of Orientals. C:ilisrr:ipliT, JL nod Spitits nlanys to be found at tbe liar. 221 vG arry unprejudiced sincerity. 213,432 40,151 Ilutel in Ainerica. Vote of tbe Army, (In France) There is talk too cf a banquet, which rroat Kaon over the Poet Oflice, llooohila, II. I. Our hl patrons and the trarelinj puhtfc, will find at the The first part of our travels was, unlike those of Vote of the Xavy 23.759 5,574 at tbe unhappy 'Grand Hotel all the old familiar fcer. and all guests A Citizens in Algeria 10,791 13,431 Mongol Is to be saw Hauii to attend to all order, hi Ma line, each m 3iIERICAX,EXGLISn&FREN()n any done for in a summary manner, at , lhtsi-H- 1V3I. to un, he received tJiu attention Gulliver, unattended by exciting or romantic In Naawe Plat-- a, (far asaraio clotbina-- bneVa, etc.) i:VC03I, will hh eanie XJL. Army Algeria 24,165 6,02 Lick " some point between the and Clartott rim" AaVertssiae: Hatas. DENTIST. andcourtefy which niade the llue" eo nj.ular wlten adventure, and we prosaically landed from our tem- nnull aa under our control. With tlutnki past ftrors, we Prints, new styles, colors and patterns. Another significant feature of this great political ISBl . , 4S manj f,r Hunt. Third regular toast "A Christian people UBrU, siijb. nana, nwi, ' Office, Cor. Fort 4 Hotel Streets. Pi6 reffectfuHj Bolicit a continuance of the same. porary but pleasant residence on board the Idaho, on event Is, tbat notwithstanding the overwhelming cannot tolerate in their midst a caw and made cot. the golden shores of California, (metaphorically horde of Pagans ate ar id, Acoat kept majority obtained by tbe Government, the large u. o. cnal i.avr.l a. ulcue. PA3IILY USE, speaking, for I never saw any golden pebbles there.) great orthodox excitement, powerful address from fa LEAKM0NTH, DICKINSON & Co., J'OR cities of France, Paris Included, have voted in such CIIAI.I.A3ir.I, A: CO., I had formerly passed a few months In San Fran working man's candidate, loud rattle of forks and ST. IV., Superior a way as to cause some anxiety In high quarters. I IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, SIDXEY, S. Sheetings, Cottons, Linens and Woolens. Cisco, but notwithstanding all I had heard or read spoons, and utter discomfitnre of Confucius to the copy from an official source : .V; COOKE, Spirits, Ales, Ac, "o. 8, Xnuann Street, opiKaite Merchant about its could realize the immense end of time. UlSTLi: General Commission Agents, wealth, I hardly jYavi. AND Street, Honolulu. i'tat. XICPOETEEE, OENEBAL KEECIIANTS, Will attend to the sale of Sandwich Produce, and AND UNBLEACHED progress accomplished by tbe Pacific Metropolis In I'aris. 111,363 156,377 Of course, ia tbe discussion which the daring incur GENERAL AGEKTS, arrange for alliances on same. JjLEACnED tbe space of a few years. I found the area of tho Lyon. . 22)4 3j,7G9 sion of tbe seventy Celestials in North Adams, Mass- a. s. ci,i:;itoi:, ft". L. GKEEX Honolulu Marseille 13,809 30,97& Street, opposite tbe Seamen's Ospel . Moleskins, Iilack and Blue 55 city considerably enlarged; and my amazement and achusetts, is destined to So. Kraf i.tna io.. jiacFAKLASI', BLAIK A Co... San Francisco Broadcloth, in. vide. llordeaux 10.333 18,369 excite, no other questions WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lille 8,495 8,793 Ij- - regret can be conceived, when I was told that a are to be considered but those which relate to religion Cosnpanv, Hawaii, GENERAL MERCHANDIS 12, Toulouse ... 8,950 12.740 Ttee Kahala Sorar piece of ground I had purchased in the vicinity cf St. Ktlenne...... 3,932 13,302 and morals. No opposition is to be offered, becams Baaar CompatiT, Maui, Fire-pro- cfc 7W Heika Store, corner of Queen and Kaahnmanu Streets. WOOL BLANKETS, large heavy, Brest SVra 8.W7 Tfce Mills. Maui. Co's the Mision Dolores, had reached a value twenty of any possible competition. is Haamdaa Ssurar Retail IMaUishnients, on unano Street, and on the corner Thc Australian Steam Xavigation Tonlon 4,3. S.3SS It Christianity, and Fngar Plantation, Oahu, and other Engar 14-- Tfc. Waialaa af Fart and Hotel Streets. 1 j 6 times greater than the price I sold It for, when I left Nimes 3,063 9,304 and the dangers to which Is to Plant--fa of WaioU aod Kanai, in white, bine, red, green, orange, etc. it likely be exposed by Plantation,Ki,Kami, & Sun Francisco. It was useless repining, and I phi' The Laaatfial Hire Patent Slip Engineering Works, On the -- 1st of May, the Emperor received, In the the coming of those tbat is to bo eon Br. Jayae'" Celebrated Family Medicines, SHCEJIaX PECK. S. A. P. CAETES losopblcally consoled myscll with the Idea that, at Wlwaier a Wibaa'l feainr Machine.. .V CO., SVDJEV, X. S. XV. Palace of the Louvre, the President and members sidercd. Who can tell but tbat these almoned-eye- d TW Olaat Powder Oaopany. ItlEIVI'.It "DLACK & COLORED COBURGS another time, I would try to be Vtiscr. Legislative Assembly, who strangers 'may convert us, and - All Engineering of the Bureau of the lead all over the land Dae Kara- Vntnal Life Tnanrance Co., SHIPPING AND clashes of Work, Iron JlJ However, wc bad a most pleasant time In San Steam yire-pro- Safe Co. ljO and cenrral shiiVs repairs. presented to His Majesty the official declaration of to the substitution of Joss bouses far the temples to JH" Tbe Aaatrloan g- Alpaccas, Merino, Barathea, execuleU cheaply and cxiditioijaly. XZ- Vessels of the Lasting, etc. Francisco, nnd were called upon by many lrlcnds COMMISSION MERCHANTS, the general census of the votes of the people con- tbe Most Hlgb ? Tbe despatch narrates also that tbe largest tonnage can Le xaEen up. from the Islands, some of whom came to meet us IIE.V JtlCIIAKI'SOrV. IIOAOL.U1.U, FRED. II. TROUTOX, Manager. cerning the HtbUcitum. I will send you, by next persons in New York who seek to control the working-- ii. I. on the pier, to have the latest news from Hawaii IMPORTER AND DEALER IK BOOTS, SHOES, ACJEXTS Or the llo-ilo- ami Honolulu White, Blue, Red, Green mail, the particulars, and a translation of the speech man's votes aro even now circulating the most Pncket JJUNTING From San Francisco to' New York, our route was Pta GMkhf, atealua rerranerr, Ac, corner I.I nr. delivered by the Emperor on the occasion. wonderful stories about the depravity of tba coolies. Fi nid, .1. Yellow by the Railway. Let mc once at Fen aaa Maarfcea MroeU. Huoululu. AttEVTS-F- or It. IOIESi:a, and Black. at Co. ilic JInkce, IVnlltiUu nml Ilnnn Yours, truly, Faiusi. It is easy to imagine what furco they can Impart to Aam, Aa--at fur the llawaUau ejap Order received, declare that this road is the most wonderful and aaat .isaaatlj I'lniitatlons. COMMISSION MESCHANT tbe fact that some Chinamen do perjure themselves-d- uwm wmo boldest achievement of any enterprise of the kind. rallaaaai alfonttoa paaia im zaroaimi ei AfJKXT.S For the Purclinscniul Sale or Islam! AND INSURANCE AGENT, occasionally SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS. The has been oltcn described, and especially, In Tltc I'rciicli Succewslori. make free with henroosts whieh do Produce. 41 and 42 Slercliant's Exchange, California Street, San JJEX'S trip the ablest in the Friend, by one the not belong to them, and do now and then commit 4ol lranclco. californta. rirfi and Drawers, in cotton, linen, wool and silk, large manner, of pi; Tho agitations which have shaken France for tbo A. C. KUFrfJIH. 3t. I of acts of violence. It is of courso a matter of fact !., C. T. EIlLEItS. A. JAEGER. a.sTrurrm variety. oneer travelers, the Kev. S. Q. Damon, whom it last few years, and that are now felt in rapidly occur- that POET PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON, Messrs. Brown Jt Co ..San FrancNco. among ns no crimes of any kind are ever committed. it. v. i:iii,i:ies Jc co.. Messrs. C Adolphe Low A Co...... San Francisco. wonld be presuming on my part to follow, in the ring changes or modification's of government, ate not eeat Eisiilmrr Ra Fort Street, Honolulu, first Messrs. Hulladay A lirenham San Francisco. We live In a atato of Arcadian simplieity and truth- eloquent description he has given of the natural assigned Emperor to per- eaaai the Catholic Chorrh. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL Jlessrs. II. llackfcld A Co Honolulu properly to the desire of the night, when not engaged. HANDKERCHIEFS, beauties of the vast continent of North America. fulness ; and our criminal Courts are inertly kept ia At oar and MERCHANDISE, JINEN petuate his power after bis own decease. His alterna- I allude to It, Is only to my mite of operation in deference to venerable custom. on Fort Street, abore Odd Fellows Hall. I7-l- y Kid Gloves for Ladies and Gentlemen. Also, Towels, If it contribute ting resort to personal and electiro Government ; his LEOX E. JAMC8 ELOCE, the seventy UEItES. X. Suspenders and 2Necktic$. admiration for such a noble and gigantic proof of eounccl with ths Reds closely after communion with Meanwlflle Asiatic Invaders who have .lOIIA II. I'ATV, all this the genius and perseverance of man. It is a very charcoal-burner- s; created excitement were busy fitting np tbeir Public and Commissioner of Deeds I A. SCIIAKI'IJIE, the sans culottes and his severity, Notary way 1 bunks in tbe house which had been A P.r.XT ror the IIUKMKX IIOAItl) or IMPOETEES & MANUFACTUEEES OF ITALIAN safe and comfoitable of traveling, which can followed by moderation that now gives way to more prepared for them, For the State of California. Office at tbe Dank of BMwp JL UNUKIIWIIITEIIS. a 1 0 AND AMERICAN MAEELES, SUPERIOR CLOTHING, recommend to all those who wish to arrive at their and spent their first day after tbeir arrival in bathing a Co, Kaahaaaana Street, Honolulu. ) Agent for the Dresden Hoard of Underwriters, . jEN'S stringent rule, all attest the truth of the report tbat Agent for tbe Vienna Board of Underwriters. Mantels, Grate, Monuments. Head Etone. Tombs, Wah- - destination promptly, and to avoid the incoc and resting after their journey. They are to be cm In cotton, half-line- linen, half-wo- and wool. his policy is to put the.empirc in such a condition co., 0 . Pr stand, Itureanand Counter Turn. Billiard lleds. Fire Itricks. vcnicnccs Inherent to a long and tedious ployed in a shoe factory at North Adams. mi.i.i;iiA3i a Piaster. Ac. Ac. 030 3Iarket Street, opposite Catholic amrch. that he can transmit it to tbe Prince Imperial, and bo The local AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, But those who happen to have delicate children may IMPORTERS Sun Francisco, Cat great chiefly desired, the founder of a Jenkins volunteers the information that "they appear - C. S. IIAIETOiV, what his uncle Cattery, Ore Cuds, FamU and Oils, and General Mer- TTOSIERY A Largo Assortment of well consider that, in case of illness on the way, to be greatly pleased with their first glimpse of New le, So. yd, Ring Mreei. mmoiuiu. royal line the Rodolph of his race. n. d. wiLLUsis, n. r. b. woeqaw. medical attendance Is very difficult to procure, and AUCTIONEER, bljlcuard, c i i. The history of Franco cannot be read by him with England scenery and manners," and we ara inelinetl Salesroom on Queen Street, one door from Kaahtlmann Men's and Women's Socks and Stockings. that a stay of even a few days in one of the stations H. r. ASAalf . R. 0. WILDEtt. Street. WILLIAMS, BLANCHAED & CO.. to accept his statement as correct, notwithstanding of tbe yet undeveloped localities on the road, is very pleasure or encouragement. No kingdom records SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, the well known propensity of tbat ubiquitlons jour- AiA3i wiu:k, I speak experience, moro or more extreme changes of Government, and t 4c No. onerous and expensive. lrom AND COMMISSION MEECHANTS, 31. fa. IEIiAItAi;3I .fe CO.. California Street, San Francisco. 3 nalist to gush upon tbo slightest provocation. Not AUCTIONEERS "PELT HATS different, qualities and as was on my few show as short careers to a single family. Since Street. Ilonnloln. II. I. flyi I obliged, account of illness lu family, Tt ttaeea IMPORTERS AND. WHOLESALE DEALERS was in 17S9, one of tho Chlnamenawas killed or maimed on hi en- n. w. SETEKASCX. C. K. CLARK to stop a whole week at Omaha. our own Constitution adopted France In Fashionable Oothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and new itylcs. trance into North dami. The Knights of St. Cris- From San Francisco to Elko, (where the White bad no less than fifteen, each of which held some rad- ii. ii.vciii'i:i.i co., erery ariety of Gentlemen's superior Fnrnishing Goods. SEVEHANCE, CLARK & CO., pin, who are to bo regarded as the especial guardians GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Store lu Makee's Block, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. Pine miners stop,) the scenery is such as to please ical peculiarity. Louis VI, who ascended tbe 10- - ri.o of Christianity in those parts, contented themselves i Oaten Street, Honolulu, ILI. 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS gHOES AND GAITERS, the most fastidious tourist. The rich fields of Call throne 1774 was executed. The Directory was bis AND on tho arrival of the party at the depot, "boot- SHIPPING AGENTS, fornia, ail carpeted witli the prolific and beautiful beir, and Bonaparte seized the reins from the Direc- with AI"OA. .V: ACIIDCK. Francisco, of very superior quality, for Gentlemen, Ladies and ing, throwing stones and threatening worse ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., 405 Front Street, corner of Clay, San flora peculiar to that favored climate, the apparent tory. His heir died in Austria, as he at St. Helena. violence." Importers) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in tnildren. is tbo Chinamen took IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, We will attend to the sale of SzptT and all kindiof Inland signs of prosperity in the farms on both 6lde9 of the Louis XVIII, who was placed on tbe throne in 1815, It added that it "very cooly." General Merchandise, JTodncr, to the parchnin? and forward of 3ier- to 4 Uonuloln, Oubn, II. I. ljO ao in? and ot was followed ob- Perhaps tbey aroused these demonstratire recep- And China Goods, in IheFire-proo- f Store cn Jfuuara Street, chandtae. Cash Adrances made on Consignments. 37 way, tbe contented robust looks the inhab by bis brother Charles X, and he was A hooting under Hie 1'ql.licllall. SADDLES, Hants, suggest the Idea that there is a place on liged to abdicate. Louis Philippe, who succeoded, tions. little interspersed with gUPERIOR was not to TiiKoiioui: c. in;i"t;ji, earth where people 6Ccm to be aware of tbe bless was his cousin. Bat with all of his popularity and at all calculated disturbtheir lereeity. IMP8ETER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. D. H. HITCHCOCK, JOnX ll'CRAEEJC, 3. C KEREIU. for Ladies and Gentlemen. Also, Bridles, Spurs and Nor was ings they enjoy, and to whom Hie lines with many ions, he was obliged to give placo to tbo excitement to be wondered at. These Moaolala. Paha. II. I. Py Portland. S. F. ii nips. H SOTAKY PUKJiIC, C. of the Latin poet can not be applied : Louis Napoleon, who now, regardless of all these an- uncouth foreigners worship wooden idols ; further, 16 IHIo, Hawaii fl?S H:CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., they can peg shoes with great dexterity and despatch-Coul- d A. SCIIAKI'KIt V; CO., "O fortunati nimium, sua si bona norint tecedents, bopes to consolidate the empire so that his I. FORWARDING AND AND BLUE any man and Knight of St. Crispin, bo expect- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . aV. A'OIEXOA, WHITE FLANNEL, Agricohe., son may receive the ceptre when it drops from his to look upon them for the SC lyO a to undulating, cultb ed first time withont going 'llonolaln, Oahn, II. I. COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, and White Cotton Flannel. As striking contrast tbe grasp. COOPER AND GAUGES, off in a holy fervor of Indeed, cir- . Oregon. vated plains of the Sacramento, the traveler per If these more modern instances aro attributed to At the New Stand on the Esplanade. Portland, cumstances which had occurred among themselves C. Um aatarajats. J. G. P1CKS0X. ttives, In the the lolty peaks of the exceptional causes, and it is argued tbat Napoleon a He Is jrepsired tend to all work tn his line at the Shop Havinpheenenjmced In onr present business fur upwards glerras, whose venerable beads faintly glimmer short timo ago, were calculated to exeite in no com imvi:ics A: IUCKSOS. oi iwei.e years, anu ueingiocaieu in a JjURLAPS, Wide, and of Strong under has restored the original order of kingly power in ixit ta the Custom IIou?et where ho can he found at all prepared Staples. mon degree, a religious IMPOETEBS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, working hourn. He lias on hand and for nale, 01 Ca'kfi eare to receire andJiriofesif Island the scintillating rays of tbe setting sun. No pen can France, so that he might hope to enthusiasm Tbey had been Sucar. rtice,Pulu. Coffee, etc., to ad copy fur bis dynasty And all kinds of Kailding Materials, Fort Street, Uonolnln. and llarrelff of different eices, new and old, which he will suchaa fTniir. rantace. quality, suitable for bags or bales for codec, wool and an idea sublime grandeur of the indulging in strikes from various causes. They Consignments esjiecially-iwlicite- for the Oregon give adequate of the is - ' lj5 pell at the rery Lowest Market Kates All work done in a Market, to rice. the earlier precedents, even here there but scanty thorough manner to pi which attention will he paid, and upon which cah scene, when the poncrlul locomotive, whistling and struck at Maibaro, because six men were employed and warranted re satisfaction. Ail maae wuen encouragement. The Carlovingian and Capetdin, klndf of Coopering Materials and Tools for nale. aiiranccs win ie reinirea. out of winds Its snowy way gradually up to in a shop who wero not members. They a s. 3icKi:v, 31. BEMREXCrs breath, like tbe Merovingian line, wero disorderly and bro- struck in join i., Diaries W Brooks San Francisco those summits in past ages the inaccessible abodes another shop in tbe same town some PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, RUBBER DOOR MATS, ken all sorts pow- because of tbeir J C Merrill a Co " JNDIA in upon by of disturbances. Royal Fta--t Office boors, of wild beasts and birds ol prey. The savage beauty n refuted to Oaaa la U. L. Chase's Building, Street. Fred Iken er can hardly bo said to have been consolidated be- pay. their dues to tba toFIre M. also mats for carriages of material. frees JBtght to Ten i M., and lrom Three r. WAGON AND CAREIAGE BUILDER, Itadger Lindenlterger...... ' tame of those mountains, where lofty pines with their Union. They struck in tbe largest shop in North 111 aa Chaplain Sraeet, between Nnuano and Fort James k Co fore tho time of Phillip, in 1214. But he was HHi 70 Ivln MrtTt, Ilonoliilii. Patrick leaves, half covered v. ith jjiowy beads Brookfield, Wm T Coleman a Co by his grandson, Louis IX, and tbo direct six hundred in a body, because three or neitairiuc done with care and neat bterens, Riker k Co " guttering In the light, are towering up proudly on four of their number bad withdrawn from their Order Aim. tmrtlrulri' attention sriren A out ; & ne. Allen Lewis Portland WRAPPING PAPER, play of light and line died precisely as tbe Merovingian power ALLEN CHILLINGWORTH. to Placke railhi Iforne-fho- t- tng. M 7 the untrodden sides of the hills, the They even went so far as to tie ani LaddftTilton passing through tho bands of tbe mayors of the pal- endeavor to coerce by 1CVAVAIIIAK, IIAAVA11, Orders trom the other Inland: promptly executed. 6 k flreen In trees in Leonard for Grocery and Hardware purposes. shade the distant groups of the ravines, violcnco tho few workmen who subsequently earn to wm aaaasvae las flea era! Merchandise and Sbip4Bg bostnesa the quiet character of sublimity and immobility ace, eventually came into the possession of Pepin and fee aheee nurt. abere tber are iiretiared to tiirnih tbe tho conclusion that matters of this kind, relating as Kaaajhae & thrown over the whole scene night, by the soft Charles Martel ; just as tho Carlovingean, on the JaeUy and such otber lie. J. NOTT CO., at they did to the Internal affairs of their own organiza- cralts as arc reaaired by abalesbips, at tbe aborteet notice beams of tbe moon, all these Inspire one v. ith death of Charles V, gave way to tho Capetain. The aast aa thenauet rusmaiable tenns. Fireaoud always on COMMISSION MERCHANT gUPERIOR CUTLERY, tions, were not sufficient to justify tbeta in breaking leelings awe reign of Charles V should have been followed by that haaat. n, of and admiration. off all relations & TIX S3HTIIS, make every Knnngnn Japan, fucb as Butcher and Sailor Knives, Pocket Knives of Charles VI, tbe rival bouses of Orleans and with their innocent employers. ilOrJ'KK th beet ficilitfea through Intimate Aftera due homage paid totheffislhctlcsldcof tbe bat ion of work Id their line, utel on Planta-tiou- tt Ilarinp an connection and Scissors, AI$o, These recusants were, in the eyes with the JapaneM! trade the eight years, U Patent Corkscrews, Needles Burgandy carried on a. war, in whieh tbe murder of of the great body .ioii;v M'A'ri:iEiioi;si:, he They also on hand jat rejmrrn 1 question, one can nut help paying a similar tribute t. or else t re. keep a full to transact any entrustedfr to his care, with Kus. to 10, Pish Hooks, Jcwsharps, etc. of St. Crispin, false to our holy religion sons IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL assortment of disatch. to the praclicM side of it, by which the genius of John, the fearless, was but ono incident. Charles Belial, 16 aud were unto them riaatAemii nqrunrifAa. Tbey had MERCHANDISE, Sheet Copper, hcet Tin, man has been led to overcome obstacles that bad, not succeeded by bis son, but by Henry V ; and Sheet Lead, Sheet Iron, brought religion from the Crispian point of view Into 2 Oaeea Street, llono'.ulu, II. I. Iy6 LANGLEY, CR0WELL & CO., AND OILS, for many years, been deemed insuperable, in order yet tbe disinherited son of Charles followed the fifth Iron Wire, Copper Wire, pAINTS danger and discredit. .Could, In such a conjuncture, A Drass Solder, Pail Ear?, to Insure, by means of speedy communication, anew Henry. Francis conveyed tbe royal power to his son Soft WHOLESALE superior human flesh and blood w. 1.. sei:i:.x, Prcsfod Jluckct Co.ers, DRUGGISTS, of very quality, such as White Lead, Zinv road lo the commercial world, and to facilitate good Henry II, and then came the stormy reigns of Char stand the awful apparition of COMMISSION AGENT AND -- BROKER, 32 Cor. Battery & Clay San Cm White, Liuteed Oil, etc. actual Pagans, in GENERAL Dlack and Tinned I.ircts, Sts, Francisco. relations between citizens of the same nation, wh'o les IX and Henry III. The power lost by the latter, the persons of the seventy China- Wee hi Firefaoee Hnlldlngs on Queen St., IIoroMii, II. Copper Kivcts, etc. men who bad so strangely turned were separated by these impassable mountains. when he was aisaainated, went to the Bourbons, un- up at North Adams l Also on hand, a few more of When dii the side of the Sierras, the scenery very calmly surveying the "situation," and ready to TIIO.SI3 SPLENDID COOKIAC STUVKS, INSURANCE NOTICES. LEAD & SHEET ZINC, other der Henry of Navarre. He was assassinated, and a re gHEET is dreary aud monotonous, and think one fully de- peg away at shoes or anything else fur a reasonabla ?IvCOI.:A" fc .lOIIASO", Iteceired by the "Syren," I gency followed. A regency also followed tho death different weights serves to become a "Saint" during his compensation ? MERCHANT TAILORS, "Cotton Plant" and Gray Jackets," together s.vx ru.vxcisco of and sizes. of Louis XIV. with a variety of Japanned AVarc, nnd many articles who has painfully trodden bis weary nay across the ' This long record Is not favorable to the plans and 1C Fort si , Honolulu, siiie T. C. Ilenck's. 16 BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. Death of Eaiil The name of Clar- useful in the Kitchen. T Work on Dtrildings, dreadful desert of Salt I must here candidly purposes of tho Emperor. If studied, it will serve to spouts, water-pipes- , Ship-wor- k sanctifica-tiou- endon was made conspicuous by Edward Hyde, tba such as gutters, lc. RESH GROCERIES, confess that I would hesitate to reach " " show c. 1:. wiia.iajis, 9 him that no skill or labor can secure a royal friend will meet with prompt attention at Xo. Kaahutnanu M. ptinted Agents for the an Fransii-o- Hoard of Under- at the price ol such a fatiguing, pedestrian ol Laud and Pym and Hampden, and then of MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND DEALER Street. 13 3m writers, comprising the line any certain continuanco in France. What Char- Sardines in quarter and half boxes. journey. Charles I. lie adhered firmly to tbe martyr in all his Ware-Itoo- I lemagne could not what Lonis tbe Great could ala Far Hare of everr descrliitlim. Knrnitnre on California Insurance Company, Half Barrels Cm the. Sugar, Dried Apples, do; troubles, and to Charles in bis adversity, and af- Work-aaaa-a From Omaha to New York, tbe scenery is of a II Fart etoaat, appoaiie Cneee's ltKtrra4vh Gallery. TAIUKIS Mrrrlinntb Jlntunl JInrliir Ins. Co., Swiss Cheese, Almonds, Scntils, not do what defied tbo Gallantry of Henry of Na- (he oM ataatl on Hotel Street, near Fort. ter the restoration became tbe leading man of tbe at Pacific Insurance Company, Pearl Barley, Sago, Chocolate, more genial nature; and tbe rich and well cultivated 41 Orders frees the'ither islands pruoiptlyatteoded to. ljC varre, tbe unscrupulusncss of Mary do Medici, tbo kingdom and obtained the earldom. was avari- COOPER AND GAUGER, California J.Ioyd'ii, ami r, Anchovies, fields, the beautiful villas and fine houses, impress lie Bologna Sausages, Ac. superitieiuus piety of Louis XI, the unequalled genius cious and unpopular, but honest in a rascally period, At the Old Stand, corner King and Bethel Streets. Home Ulntunl Insurance Compnny us with a gratcfurfccling at being onceTnore lu the of Napoleon, and the plausible cunning of Louis and pure at tbe Court of Charles II. He waa forced BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Beg leave to infurni Mailers of Yewclsand the public gene- midst of civilization. A Large Stork of Oil Sltooki and all kinds of Coopering rally, tliat all loees of Veest-l- and Cargocx, imrired by either Philippe, may well daunt the courage of Louis Na from office, and retired to France, where his great 41 King Street. Beat to the Bethel, Ilonololo. py6 Material ODBUntIj d hand. He hope by attention to New York is, undoubtedly, one of tbe most mag of the a bote Comjwinlee, against ierfl of the was and Deetjen & Schroder's Best poleon, and call out every device of bis mind, fertile history was composed. business to merit a continuance of tho patronage which he other risks, at or near the Sandwich Islands will hare to JjEER nificent cities of the world, and those who have has heretofore enjoyed, and for which he now returns his be verified by them. in expedients. This is, nererthelets, the unquestion- The earl whose death occurred in London on Sun- 31. tbaBks. lived, as I have, in some of the capitals of Enropc, t. o.m:i,l, H. HACK FELT) Jt CO. Hamburg Ale, In qnarts. cabinet maker and upholsterer can not help admiring its large and noble avenues, able object he has in view, and is an all sufficient key day, was a descendant or Edward Hyde, .the great Kaac Sareat, Heaolala, opraeiU Iwis' Couier Shop. Will .1. IK. Its crowded and gailydecorated streets, nnd Its beau- to his movements. He is now in his sixty-thir- d year Clarendon, on the female side. lie waa born on tbe 41 bay aa sell eecond-haii- d Furnltore. lyC CAMI'OIS.MA GENERAL rriiinstBLACKSMITH, INES Genuine German Rhine- - tiful Park, all of which eau favorably compare with and in tbe natural order, of events bis succession will twelfth day of tbe century, and attslned his first INSURANCE COMPANY. auy city of the Old World; and will go as far as hare to be decided before long. Should he succeed distinction as special minister to Spain, under Lord 1111:0. 11. Queen Street, Honolulu, 1 1 1: I iavii:s, rip UM1KIISIGM:U, JIUCXTS OP Till! in Grey, In 1833, while known as Mr. Vllliers. He suc Lars J&M05, Gaaas A Co. lias constantly on hand and for sale at tbe Lowest Market JL above Company, haie been authorized to insure risks Wincs, viz Gcisenheimer, Leibfraumilch, etc., in saying that, on the whole, the plan of New York is in transmitting tho ceptre such a way tbat bis son good on quarts. ceeded to the peerage In 1533, IMPORTER A"D COMMISSION MERCHANT, Prices, a assortment of the Best Refined Bar Iron, and Cnrgs, Krelfrlit and Treusure, from Honolulu pints and laid on a grander scale than any metropolis I have can retain it, be will hare aeeomplisbed a greater and took his .seat la tbe Beet Blacksmith's Coal. 3$.lj 6 to all iorta of the world, andrue versa. throne him- tbe Lords the following year. lie waa made Lord ain asEar roc 6 H. HACKFELD t CO. seen. achievement than tbat of retaining the UstytTs aad the Urerpool Cnderwrilers, p. :. On my arrival In France, the whole nation was self a greater than bis uncle was able to achieve. Privy Seal under Melbourne that year, and Chancel- a.i alssa sees Kareiga Marfae Company, and ii. si:.i:i.iii;., Superior Insarance gPIRlTS Port Wins, newspapers were commenting, He has succeeded in holding himself for nearly a lor of Lancaster tbe next. lie was oct of office un- Oiaupauy. 1 1 6 astir, and the fretly it Nortbern Aasarauce TIN, ZIKC AND COPPER SMITHS, AND til 1817, though sustaining liberal measures, and INSURANCE COMPANY. Btandy, Sherry, Superior Cognac in casks. according to their opinions, upon the bold step the quarter of a eentnry a term that few of his many SHEET IRON WORKERS, President of Board Trade for a un- rWWIE U.VDI!U$IG.VED, ACEXTS ot tile scotch, Irish and JJourbon hif key, Emperor had taken in Inviting tbe people lo express predecessors havequailed, and with less real difficul- the of short time IIV3I.VA I(IEO'I'IIi:iES. Nunanu Street, between JL above Comi.iiiy, have been Merchant and Queen. authorized to insure risks Holland U in , in casks and cases, In Impe- der Lord John Russcl. He was made Lord lieuten- Hare constantly on Cargo, and by by their votes tho confidence they felt the ty than most of them have been called to encounter. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS J" on hand. Stores. Pipe, Freight Treasure, Coasters, German and Dutch Hitters, ant of Ireland, and held ofDce from 1547 to Iron Hone Dibls.Stoi-coc- from Honolnlu to all ports cf the Hawaiian Group, and rice system, and that 1SU, Bk FasaaasaaUe CTotMng. lists. Caps, Hoots, Shoes, and fSgfek lipe, l'lain and India rial their approval of the liberal changes If he attains his attempt to place the Prince Im Rubber Hose beet S versa. California Wine Bitters, aMsetj Qeatkausa's 'urniliiDg Goods. Snow's KtST in lengths of and 60 made in the Constitution granted by Napoleon III, covering tbe famine and Smith O'Brien troubles. eiarr f feet, with ronplings an.lCMj complete. II. HACKFELD X CO. Malt Extract of Beer, perial in the succession, history will rate his adminis- laaallst Mirthsnl Street, llonolalu. 6 Uaash He endeavored to bold his course between ex- TrTt7taudahaTery large stock of Tinware of every Horn Brandewein. on tbe 2nd of December, 1SS1, after his Coup d'tat tration higher than that of almost any French mon- the DirCRIAL FIUK IXSURAXCE (0. substituting the Imperial for the Republican Gov- treme factions, and consequently offended both. Ia larticnlnr attention given lo Order! from the arch : since, in addition to the difficulties tbat others S. WAUtEaU 8. C. ALLE.L 1Sj3 be followed Lord John Russcl as Foreign Min- J. other IslamU will be carefully attended ta Of London. Established A. D. 1803. ernment. have been forced to encounter, be has to meet a higher IVAI.ICI'.IE Thankful to tbe Citizens of Honolulu and the Islands HOCK and Campagne, bold step, and ister In 's administration, and cocdncted ai.i.i:, gene rally far thtlr liberal patronage in thepast, CASH CAIITAL.,.S8, 000,000 in COLD. gPARKLING It was, indeed, a one which might intelligence, and the influence of a more penetrating AND COMMISSION webepe by his so acceptably SHIPPING MERCHANTS, strict attention to business to merit the same for th. future. have beeo the cause of great disasters, as It was the department that be retained It un- UNDERSIGNED HAVING agents of very superior quality, in pints and quarts, worthy foreign opinion. UJ in la Street, llooolola, II. I. lye JL His been appointed a morbid der I'almerston and managed tbe diplomacy daring THE the above Company for tbe Hawaiian Islands, are oi being especially recommended. cause of uneasiness, and'ot state of com , prepared to insure against I ire on Brick, Stone and Wooden mercial and financial transactions, while the'definlte That was a profound philosopher, who compared and subsequent to tbe Crimean war. Including the IE. ItYCIEOI-T- Buildings, and on on I.. I.. XOIEICUIE'r. MercliandUe, tbe mot favorable terms. advertising to a growing crop. He said: "The far- alliance with fiance In 1854, and tbe treaties of the HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER, For particulars, apply at tbe olice of result was unknown. A vote contrary to the expec DEALER IN LUMBER AND EVERY KIND OF 53-l- WALKER ALLEN. FINE SALT. tations of the Emperor, would have.ertalnly led, to mer plants bis seed and while ho is sleeping the corn next year with tbat empire. lie was premier at the BUILDING MATERIAL. King Street, next to the Seamen's Bethel. DAIRY JEST either to a reaction toward absolute military rnle, is growing. So with advertising. While you are time when Sir Philip Crampton was sent borne from U Or I all Caraer tlueen and Fort streets. Iy6 lias on band, Bath-Tub- Mi:iEciiAavrs 31VWXI. Alto, r Soip, Balis of Wash Blue, Washington for procuring enlistments, meddling FWre and Lift Tumi. Lead and Galvanized Iron Pipes, or to the triumph ol demsgogism and "socialism." sleeping or eating, your advertisement is being read ia Candles, 5 6 lbs s! and l'luinber. Being the only PlnmberUi the MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY in 4, and packages, But, no tbe hand, was calculated to by thousands of persons who never saw or heard of Central America and other deeds, lie co., city, be Macassar Oil, Envelopes, other it nell iioi.i.i:s .t will execute all orders eotruited to Ittni iu a l'laying Cards, was succeeded by the Eari of Malmesbury 1&8, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS manner. Of San Francisco. Copying Presses, Books, etc. rally around tbe vacillating prestige of tbe present your business, nor ever would, had it not been for la lm when Earl Derby returned to power, tea Mu Street. Hoaotala. I'artwniar attention aid to tbe U.YDKKSIGIYKD having teen form of government all those who, having acquired your advertising." and in 1554 ' aaa aae ot Hawaiiaa lYodoce. TIIK Agents for the abOTe Company, are prepared took: oflice under I'almerston. The nextyear he was VOLCANO HOUSE, lr-lglit- property during an uninterruptecd succession of TO to iMue rolkies on Cargoes. i and Btflta II rcaMMMrai Treat & difficult Foreign Secretary, and excepting two years aflcr . WALKEit L ALL1N, PAPER. BORDERING, eighteen years of prosperity, were afraid ol a revo At one time Daniel Webster had a case to CLUchardsaCo, ' ill IlacLfeid a Co, OF lire, WALL CRATER KILAUEA, HAWAII. Agents, U'MioluIn. a June, 1S66, he held tbat position to his death. 17s C Hrewer a Co, lOastle a Cooke. P-l- lutionary movement in which their fortunes might plead, and verdict was relMered against his client. Baa, I Guilt Cornering, etc., a superior assortment just was a man of high birth and a IC Kilaan iiiUiiiti;ic..ii-icici:3i- i:' be jeopardized. One of tbe witnesses came to him and said: "Mr. prudent ambition; g THIS BSTABL.ISIIMKXT IS SOW openeu, anu lur eaie cneap. judicious ola for the reception of visitors to the Volcano A circumstance which tool; plice a few days pre Webster, if I had thought we should have lost the rather than daring; experienced in both 1 ciii'ag noonr. loose, who nay rely cn findiorcouifVUMe rooms, a good FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY. , foreign domestic and vious to the popular vol--- .rvatly Increased the ease, might bare testified a great deal more than and pollticis, without mora Commission Merchant and General Agent, taWe, and prompt aUeodance. Experienced guides for the I I Crater always on hand. WATER COOLERS than tbe average British love for this country. laaasrtar taT Teaa anal other Chtoan and Foreign Goods. U.MJKllSIG.NED liarlng been number of adherents to thu established order of did." " It is of no conteqnenee," replied tbe law- TUB Agenta of the above Company, are Lord Clarendon lately yielded doctri- - In- M'hatniale Dealer ia IlawaBaa I'nslaca, and Agent far the STEAM AND SULPHUR ! prepared tbe of BATHS to insure risks against Fire, on St and things. A plot against the life of the Sovereign was yer. " The Jury did not believe a word you laid." Faataa aad Aaaaaala Sugar llaatatieaa. Firprof our Brlclc Build of strong and porous material. alienable allegiance, In a treaty negotiated with 31r. Stare ea Naaaaa Street, below king. 21.y6 Horses Grained and Stabled if Desired. lllfra, and on Merchandise stored therein, uo the discovered by tbe police, and tbe fear and indigna moet favorable terms. For particular, apply at the office of Motley, a doctrine that England has always tion which were created in France, to a certain de As exchange says: "Yon might aa well attempt icld, CIIAItGKS niJASOXAUI.E. F. X. SCIIAEFElt t CC. and that caused one war wjth this country. He waa QJLT FRAME MIRRORS, gree, Inficenced tbe vote those timorous to shampoo tbe bead of an elephant with a thimble gi:oie(.i: "ivii.ij.A3is, rart! visiting tbe Volcano Tia II Ho, can procure animals of minds. one tbe most distinguished ' warranted ful of soapsuds as to. attempt to do business and of statesmen of his age, tomake the journey, by D. II. IIitchoocc, Ban. Insurance Notice. different sizes which otherwise, would have abstained from ex- LICENSED SHIPPING AGENT, and pattern of frame. ignore printer's Ink." That man's bead Is and was In more than one particular an example to 2J . 1J6J pressing tbeir opinion. must say that tbe opposi- level. Office on James Robinson & Co's Wharf, AGI3XT FOR THE BRITISH I be copied. THE Marine Insurance Company, re- (Limited), has Purchasers find tion papers did not fail (with a semblance of truth,) TnitEE little Wisconsin children were fishing OeBtfcteee tbe Imslneu on bis old plan of settling with For Sale! ceived instructions to reduce the rates cl Insurance will it to their interest to eal tbe Sears aad seamen Immediately on their shipping at his between Honolulu and Torts in the racffic, and is now pre. " to remark tbat those dreadful schemes, threatening other day two boys and a girl. The elder boy Ilartag iSrvct indirect cm. out- - at the store or Leipjic, June 27. Alvah Lake, of Memphis, Ten- n. section with anr WALLS END STEAM COAL, pared to issue Folicie at the Latent JiaUt, with a special the peace and of Europe, were at Ways, ettsag aataMiekment. and allowing no debts to be collected HOUSE reduction on per tranquility called to the girl, " Ob, Johnny's got a bite!" Tbe nessee, has been sentenced to one BF.ST a lot of second Fire Freight Steamers. . . THEOD. C. HEUCK year's Imprison- ie bis oftka, he hopes togile as good satisfaction in the fu- band Bricks. Apply to TUEO. 1L DAVIFS, by a strange concurrence of circumstances, disclosed girl responded : "Ob, my sakeaj and such a little April 15-- tf ment, for committing an assaqlt on the .Atserlcaa ture aa be baa in the past. 26th, 1870 AV. L. GREEN. Jgent Brit. For. Mar. Int. Oa. (Limited) Honolulu, Feb. 22, 1S70. 34 to the nation on tbe eve of an importan t political boy only reads In tbe primer." consul. LEGAL NOTICES. facts alleged The legality of the assignment, and the effect of ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSORTED MERCHANDISE. quested one month's advance to be given The petitioner admitted the XEW plea, and, at the re- Metcalf 's death, are not, however, before thi3 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE them, although admitting that they had no in the respondents' quest of respondents' counsel, filed the con- Court. It would require evidence to show the SALE CPUE.ME CO CRT, In Bankruptcy .la tht claim to it, saying they wished to send it to JUST RECEIVED & FOR matter the JUnkniptCT er WILLIAM BABCOCK, referred to and also the following facts, ti3 much as any other Tacts tending to show immedi- tract The Undersigned Voluntary Banltropt, their relatives in China, and some day comes illegality in the contract BY THE Notice w hfrfby jrfen to the creditor of this TUt wbe M. HAPLEE, plea, viz : " And now at this cUIm ami &r entitled roe, tbm this money with hTt proved their to that ately proceeded to deposit GipAh Chan, alios John Carpenter, alias Ah Sun, Mr. Jones, in reply. To give the magistrate Victoria, V. I., election fbr Aljrnee in lUnliroptcy will be held fa the DIRECTOR OF THE GOVERNMENT PRESS. OiSters &tl& Byzantium, from Clerk office of the Soweme dmrt, at T2 o'clock, Xoon, oa the interpreter who had come in the ship, by his attorneys VS'. C. Jones and Henry Thomp- jurisdiction, there must be a contract such as the For THUKSIUT, .Ujrnrt 11th, 15T0. ..AND THE BT order of the Conrt. - their confi- re- and who appeared- to possess son, and for reply to the return and amended law requires. This alleged contract no more I MeCDIXT, Or. HONOLULU: dence entirely, to send to their friends. One turn herein, respectfully states. That he admits affects the prisoner, or gave the magistrate juris- City of Melbourne, from Sydney. Honolulu, Jaly 30th, 1570i l2t incident occurred which was very credita- that the subject matter of the litigation before diction to imprison him, than if it were a piece COURT, Hawaiian Island, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1870. -- SUPREME Police Court at Hilo. was the alleged deser-tion- of or blank paper. Ths; Constitution of this CASKS JIARTELL'S BRANDT, ble to the party ; one of the boys had taken the QUARTER Notice U here by gtTcn to members of the lUr ami to all his petitioner from service under what pur- Kingdom, granted in 18G4, expressly repeals peron haTing boIne before a Justice of the Supreme Court the advance for (as he supposed) Qnarlcr Casks Hcnncssy's Brandy, Bitting nt Chambers, that the said Justices Cham- ItV file in Art. 78, all laws repugnant thereto, and wilUit at AUTHORITY. with the money. ports to be a contract like nnto the copy on bers In the Conrt room of the aH Conrt. at lOoVlork In the fore- friend, and went below Quarter Casks Sojrcrac Brandy, noon, Mr. Justice nartwell, ertry Monday, WcdneMbty herein ; he further admits that the said supposed in Art. 11 prohibits involuntary servitude, and His friendjdiowever, was standing behind Casks United Vineynrd Brandy; Friday, and Mr. Jostice Widcmann, erery Tuesday, Thnrtday contract, which was brought before the said Po except for crime. This law, passed in 1859, is Qr. and Saturday, for the henrincof all matter that may be pre- him and claimed his advance, not knowing Qr. Casks Robin Brandy, sented to thtm. By Onfer of the Court. lice Justice at Hilo. had what purports to be an thus expressly repealed. There is no pretense Jules Honolntn July 25th, 1S70. 2Sdf L. HcCTJXLT, Clerk. the it that it had been paid to other, got endorsement such as is set forth in the said that the prisoner has committed u crime, (citin Cnscs Highland Whiskey, and proceeded below, when the first boy amended return ; nnTJ he further admits that the Parsons vs. Trask, 7 Gray, 47C.) Tho mittimus for Letters of Administration ALE, PKTITIOX Supreme Conrt of the Hawaiian fUndwIn finding that his friend had his own money, Police will shew must specify the offense, or it is void ; it should Casks BOTTLED Probata. the matter the Kstateof EDWAHP records of the said Courts, that (Worthington's.) In rf BCRUFSi, show that the prisoner was held to service by deceased. Bcfrre 5Ir. Justice Ilartwell. at Oiiraber. AtrSMXTKIIST brought back that which he had obtained R. Husbands, who made the complaint against On readiaeantl fillnc the petition of X)i. C PIRKE Mar- BT TOE B.OJ.RD OP EnrCiTIOX. II. Y AITKEN'S. on table. All the for alleged desertion under said Theo. Metcalf, or hia representatives. It sets CASKS BOTTLED ALE, shal of the Hawaiian IIandi netting forth, that Edward Bar IL Hilcheek, Esqr., has been Appointed Inspector for him and put it the the petitioner eft died Intestate at Honolnla aSeaid. biec at the time of General f Sehools, pursuant to Section II of an Act men came on shore as soon as they had supposed contract, was the agent of the repre- forth no person as plaintiff, nor a suit by any his death a naturalised citizen of the Hawaiian IabunU, bat : an Englishman by birth, and leaving enlate within the jaris-dictl- entitled Act to repeal 10 Civil person, nor that the prisoner was tried at all. Per Bark "Courier" Expected. Court; "An Chapter of the effected their engagements, and have con- sentatives ofTheo. Mctcalf and manager of the Sliortly of said That the only heirs ofthvnaiil Ed- Cade and to regulate the Bureau of Public Instruc- HOGSHEADS JAMAICA RUM, ward Bnrcess deceased as aforesaid known to the petitioner ducted themselves, generally, with great Metcalf Plantation. Mr. Harris, contra. The cose of Parsons vs. are a mother, and a married sister, whose name Is noknewn tion," pawed January 10th A. I). 1805. QUARTER CASKS SHERRY. to the petitioner, In England, and three brother " the petitioner avere that tho Trask, if authority in Massachusetts, has been Oiarle George and Herbert, reidiojt in 5aq franciseo, By t, going And thereupon, Stata order of the Board of Education. order, propriety and Ijiily Expected. AUSTRALIAN' WINE, Etfi,Etc, of California; and farther stating, that th petitioner said suppoed contract was nevpr cxecnted by followed by no other Courts, so far as known. harnt W. Jas. Smith. in little parties, to see the town due notice to satd Hi others, and prajlng 6r lettm efJLimia-Istratk- about, in sound, does ad Interim to 1 Iso5ed to the petitioner and also 1870. him ; that he never cxecnted any contract, but The deicsion that case, if not undersigned having made arrange- thii llesoiata. Aug. let Secretary. and returning to the houses temporarily N. B. The he may be appointed Administrator of the said estate upon that under glowing promises of high wages and apply in this. This contract specifies the place FROM , ments with Importers of the Best Brand of Liquors, dne notice having been given to all person to appear, and claim- Francisco, Victoria, B. and Sydney, N. S. show cane why the Mid petition should cot be granted. prepared for them, in proper time; wealth foreign of its fulfillment, the nature of the business, the in San C, a prospect of speedy in a country, THE FOLLOWING W., will keep a supply of such in the Custom House It Is ordered that Wednesday the loth day of Angmt A. TX lYapolcon IS TO, 10 x. ? , my a&re-sa- ing and having for themselves one day in terms of service, and the compensation therefor, is prepared to order from either the at o'clock at chambers in Honolnla id to him indefinite, he wn3 induced to go on board stores, and also the said petition will be hwirdupon theappointtoent above ports or England, by which a considerable ofao Monday next, (the 15th inst.,) being Honolulu, before proceeding to work. the Prussian ship Matador' then lying in the and is a contract the enforcement of which is Choice Assortment of Merchandise, AdmlnUtrator ad Interim as prated for. Notice thereof hav- saving may be effected. Full information given as ing been given by publication f this order three sncrev-Iv- e the anniversary of the Fete of His Impe- As this day fell on Saturday, they of Port of Macao, in the Empire of China, about expressly provided for by the laws of thi3 court to prices in the different markets. week In the UorernnMnt Qurm, a new9papVrpnbKhed try. There is nothing similar to chattel slavery W. L. GREEN. In the City of Honolulu aforesaid. And that a farther hear- rial Majesty, the Emperor of the French, course got two, and we met several on the bpgining of tho month of June A. D 1SH5 ; Exprohlj anil Carefully ing upon the appointment ofa permanent Administrator, wtU ZS be had bef re me at my Chambers and that some dayR after he had been on board in the prisoner's condition. This is not involun- July 26th, 1ST0. lOt aforesaid en Monday the a solemn To Dcum will be sung in the Monday morning, mustering in different ZftlUdaycf September, A. P. l7fl. at 10 o'clock: a. ,w. At destina- the said ship, the paper purporting to be a con tary servitude, for it was voluntarily incurred by SELECTED FOR THIS MARKET! the said hearings all persons iotereoted may appmr and shew Roman Cutholic Church of this City. . parties to proceed to their several cause if ay they hare why stid petition should not be mat- , tract now on file in thi3 court was thrust into his the prisoner's own act, and maybe avoided when EUROPEAN MANUFACTURES ed, due notice thereof having been given to said heirs. SjKXiial tions, as happ-- cheerful and healthy men C0URPISI3G ALrUKDS. Seats will be reserved near the hands, without his knowing the nature of its con ever he will consent-t- execute his contract. He HAltTWELL, as one could desire to see. ! Justice of Sopreme Court. Altar for II. II. Jl'a., Ministers and other and any signing or of has agreed to do certain things. This is Tree, 1ST ! Vntl Otlxei Goods: Attest: WALTER IUSK.IL, Deputy Clerk! tents without executing Honolnla July 23th. 1SI0. 2S-- A had O O T T O S officers of Ilis Govenimcnt, and ibigthc same by him, that in company with many voluntary action. slave no right to wife, the MADE Supreme Court. of the most dashing and recherche UNDERSIGNED HAVING COCRIV-Petltl- Diplomatic and Consular Corps. of his countrymen he was carried by the child, or to anything on earth, nor did any luw or VjtFRINTS IW IK on Tar D I Torre. others styles. Mottles and Stripes, in orange, lilac, with SUPU the Hon. II. A. Wldemann, In chambers. Wo requested !Mons. said Prussian ship Matador to these Islands, agreement, except his master's orders, govern green, pink, yellow and violet, patterns On rending and filing the petftkn of KArnVAHIXE ALO, nre to say that Uefore 5Ip-- Justice IIai:tweli at Ciiambeks,- - Sydney firms is prepared to execute Orders a him. As to the defects' alleged in the mittimus, of which will be shown on arriral. prating for divorce from her hndmnd, ALO. a Chinaman, Uallien, His Imj)erial Majesty's Consul and where the said ship arrived about the 21st day on the ground of wilful and continued desertion fer mere I.N THE MATTER OF UlF Au ClIAX, ALIAS All WHITE SI1IRTINUS. FOR three succeeive years, I). 1SC5 he iu the common law is not the law here ; in this re than and it appearing that Ibe saJU Commissioner, will be happy to receive of July A. ; that company with fine and medium qualities, Alo is not a reldent of this Kingdom, Sun, Joiix Caiu-rnte- AucustSiIi 1870. rule practice of of this SHIRTINGS, OF KINDS Is ordered by said Justice alias forty-nin- e ofhis countrymen, was landed without spect, no or any Court GREY MERCHANDISE ALL It ths that the said petit ten come his countrymen friends and others, at his medium quality and wide, on to be heard on THURSDAY, the first day ef Sepfmtber for n of Corpus, was Kingdom requires a mittimus to set forth any- On advantageous terms. In The petition writ Habeas' his consent, and without knowing his destination ; DRILLINGS. next, at chambers the Court House atIIenoluln, Oabtt, in GREY notice thereof being given by prevfons residence Nuuanu Avenue, between the filed i!nii, by Jones, at- thing not contained this. Only such defects and medium, Sydney being one of tho Urgent and Cheapest publication in the July WC. the prisoner's that he was sent to the Metcalf plantation on the in heavy Gazette, for at least three months prevfcm to Mid WHITE DRILLINGS, in the Pacific offers unusual advantages to hours of 12 jl, and 2 r. at., of that day. torney, and states that the prisoner is ilbgally re- will be considered as make the mittimus clearly Markets hearing. Island of Hawaii, without his consent and with- hcavv and medium, purchasers of Goods for this Market, the duties there Dated Honolulu, 3Iay 24th, 1S70. Madame Uallieu will also be happy to 1)13 for no criminal by void. Smith's Lead. Cases, 819. must bo II. A. WIDEMAJCX, strained of liberty matter, out any knowledge of his destination ; that he It white Damask. being low and drawbacks allowed, so that almost any assrd patterns. European manufacture, can be had in Associate Justice Supreme Conrt. receive at the same time, those ladies who J. II. Coney, Sheriff of lluwaii, by virtue of a a clearly unconstitutional law which would lead article of Attest L. McCuilT, Clerk. has there been forced to work and labor without quantities to suit, within Sixty Bays from the date of lZm oc- process issued by D. II. Hitchcock, Police Jus- one justice of this Court to declare it to be so, may be pleased to call on her on the his consent on said plantation, up to the time forwarding the order. A D.11IXISTKATOIV.S XOTICK In thematttr tice of Ililo, at the of ono It. Y. Husbands, contrary to the reiterated view of the Legislature. 28 lOt W. L. ORE EX. ia. of the ettate of JOHN II, deceased. The undersigned casion of this anniversary. mil that he left the same about the 20th of June, A. LINENS! having appointed temporary Administrator ef the above a rule was- made, to show cause why the writ I). 1870, and period he Mctcalf 'a death is not in evidence, but admit- llcaclicl anil Striped Drilling, estatt-- , with the Will annexed, all persons having claims that since that has been against said estate are hereby should issue. we have a to of superior and medium, For Sale ! notified to present their eUtms not held to service and labor without his consent, by ting it, still right the judgement duly authenticated, at the office of the nmlerslgneil, until The Xorth German ship Solo arrived the lower courts on the effect of our contract, Diagonal Drills, further notice, within six months from the day ef the publi- Tho Attorney General argued that the the representatives of said estate, until the time Itrown LAND OF AUAUKEA, NORTH KONA, cation of this notice, otherwise, they will be forever barred. op THE u puseMlon here the 3rd inst., from Hong Kong, petition failed to slrow a case, aforesaid. and of all the circumstances relating to it. It i3 light and heavy, near to Kail a. Also the largo Sugar All persons In of property belonging to the said es- prima facie he left as Hawaii. Also tate are notified to account for the same without dvlay. on to serve another, and such other as Land of llakalau Hilo an extensive liaring board 108 Chinese emmigrants, that it should set forth the precise cause of And thereupon the petitioner alleges. a contract Uleaelicil Sheeting, Cattle Hauch on Hawaii i. For particulars apply to S. a DOLE, Temporary AdiainUtrator. might indicate, and Rogers is not dead. 66 inches very fine. 2Cth, 1870 15-- tf W. L. seeking labor in this country, besides sev- detention if known, and that the writ should Rogers April GREEN. Dated Honolulu, July 13th, 1S70. t 1. That said supposed contract is not a legal HANDKERCHIEFS, be denied, unless process un- The Court will consider only, 1. whether the mag- CAMBRIC eral Chinese passengers. These people it appeared that the document made under any law of this kingdom. finest qualities, in pieces and hemmed, istrate acted nnder a visibly valid law, 2. whether For Sale! NOTICK. In the matter of the Kstate ImhI embarked at Hong Kong, under der which the prisoner is held was not voidable 2. That any assignment of a contract for labor, BLACK HOLLANDS 4 COATINGS, EBEKTS, deceased. assorted numbers and widths, The undersigned having been appointed Administrator ef merely, but actually void. the proceedings are frco from irregularities which JACKET? Kstate, the assurance of Samuel G. "Wilder, Esq., provided such contract is valid and obligatoy. SUPERIOR BLOUSE LINEN, LAUCi: PLATE IRON STEAM the above all persons are hereby notified to present . 15 2 Apply to their claim, at the of the undecsiggeJ, In lift within W do not affect their vitality, 3. whether the judge- assorted numbers and rfdtb, A Fan, feet x i feet x feet. Mr. Stanley opposed the rule, in behalf of 15-- three months from the publication Of this Notice; and that they would find employment here at without the consent of the laborer contracting is April 20th, IS70. tf W. L. GREEN. all L. ment was under the law, and authorized by it. THREAD, persons in possession of property belonging to said Kstate are stated wages, namely, at six dollars per Green, the legal representative of Theopliilus illegal and void ; and that tho supposed transfer white, black brown ass'd numbers. notified to account for the same without delay. Of Metcalf 's death, there is no evidence, bat t II. CONEY, Administrator. Mctcalf, of the agent Husband, and of the owners on what to-b- file herein, J. month for farm labor and seven dollars purports a contract on DEE. Hilo, July 13. 1S70. tho admitting it, we still have a right to the judgment VOSS, of Mctcalf plantation, whose names were not or the supposed assignment of the same, without No. 5 opponite tba Sillur'j Home, er month for domestic service, and those of the lower Courts on the effect of our contract, Merchant Street, specified, with the exception of Gilbert AValler, the consent of the petitioner, is absolutely void WOOLENS! persons who should employ them would and of all the circumstances relating to it. It is SHAWLS Black Merinos, Check Tissues, colored, Legal Notice. claiming as one fifth owner. Air. Stanley argued in law. embroidered, and superior all wool Shepherds, GENERAL UPHOLSTERER, pay their passages to this country, as well showed a contract to serve another, and such other as 'of sites, ALL ITS BRAXCIIES, In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Shiel. that the case no probable cause and no 3. That tho servitude of the petitioner under assorted IX as the sums which Mr. Wilder was obliged want of in the and that Rogers might indicate, and Rogers is not dead. WATER-PROO- F TWEEDS different patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND a variety nii)licatioii harms btta maJe to jurisdiction Magistrate, the said Theopliilus Metcalf and his representa- TABLINGS assorted widths and colors, PItOl'EK And. Lawrence, The Court will only consider, 1, whether the HAS E FUKX1TURK, which he offers for J. Circuit Judge 2nd to advance in cash and for clothing, to un- in any case the writ should not isuo to deprive tives was involuntary. BALMORAL SKIRTS, ale AT THE LOWEST MAUKET iViiC5, consisting cf Judicial Circuit, hj Ilenrj Dickinson, Sr., for Letters magistrate acted under a visibly valid law ; 2, Sets of able them to leave their native Country parties of their rights by appeal or error. different patterns and sizes, of Administration upon the Estate of Thomas Shiel, 4. That on the death or the said Theo. Metcalf, whether the proceedings are freo from irregulari- CRIMEAN SHIRTS, BEST BLACK WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE, lato deceased intestate : Xotick is herebjr given to comfortably. They arrived all in good Messrs. Thompsonand Jones argued in sup- a splendid assortment of the very latest styles, all whom it ma; concern, that Monday, the !Uh the petitioner was entitled to his discharge under ties which do not affect their vitality ; 3, whether Spring-Bac- k Kasj Chain, Lounges and Matt ruses. port or the rule, that although the writ would be BLANKETS, Hair aud Sprint; Mat trasses, Window Shades and Slip da; of October. 1870, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, health and appeared to be a cheerful set the 1415th section of the Civil Code, provided the judgment was under the law and authorized white, green, orange, scarlet' & gentian, CoTers made to order. is a dajr and hour appointed by me for hearing ths denied if on its own showing the petition showed of all sizes and widths. application for Letters of Administration aforesaid, of young men. Some persons saw fit, ujt-o-n that said supposed contrast had been obligatory by it. a case not within its purview, a specific state- UNION 4 TWILLED FLANNEL, Old Vuriilliire and all objections that may be offered thereto, at tho him. Court-llous- o the arrival of the ship, to advise them upon Mr. Jones, in reply. In questions affecting wbito. and indigo bice 30 inch, Repaired and Tarnished, with satisfaction warranted. In the town of Labaioa, Mani, II. I. ment, further than to allege illegal restraint PATENT VELVET CARPETS, A. J. LAWRENCE, tluit thoy ought to have larger wages than j 5. 'I'hat the 1420th section of the Civil Code liberty subject, will weigh XfS Call and examine my stock before purchasing else- for no criminal matter was not requisite. the of the the Court choice designs 27 inch, where. Circuit JuJgo 2nd Judicial Circuit, II. I. is in direct conflict with the 11th article of the proceed- BROADCLOTHS, Lahaina, Maui, August 5th, 1870. 30-- tf Mr. Wilder had stipulated to find for thqm, The Court ordered the petition to bo amend- every argument very carefully. These Terms Reasonable. All orders from and black and blue double width. 1 constitution of ISfil, and the action of the I'o-- or the other Islands wilt be prompt! attended to. y and of the " undesirableness of plantation ed by statement of the cause of detention, i ings strike at the liberty the man. This con- lice Justice of Hilo under the same and the war--' tract is before the Court. It is in three languages : labor," and that they ought to contract whereupon the petitioners filed an amend- in PACKET LINES. rant of commitment are illegal and void, C ROC Licenses Expiring August, 1870. for not more than two years. The imm- ment, reciting the process under which the English, Spanish, and Chinese. The English is ERIES! i C. That petitioner was not brought to this headed, ' Emigration to the Sandwich Islands ;" J. & T. Norton's Pie Fruits, Jams, of course, desired to obtain for petitiouer is held. At a further hearing on the ETAIL Oahu, Honolulu 30th, Halina ; 6th, A. igrants 1 and "P Kingdom under by virtue of any law or au the Spanish, " Emigracion China Para el Pern." Cream Saleratus, Pepper, XX) Marks A Co.; 4th. Theo. II. Davies ; 20th, J. J. HAWAIIAN PACKET LINE. themsolvos so favorable terms, but after rule, Mr. Thompson argued that the process was Jellies, Tartar, thority of the Hawaiian Government. is invalid on the face of it for want or mutual- Mustard, Salad Oil, Vinegar, Currie Powder, Pearey ; 24th, C. L. Richards; 11th, Chung Took ; issued under a void law, inasmuch as the prisoner It 21th, On Chong: 23.1, gam Yek. Hawaii, Kailua quietly discussing the matter among them- 7. That the Hawaiian Government through Pimento, Cloves, Mixed Spices, Mace, was guilty of no crime, and Art. 11 of the Con- ity. Slavery has grades. This is like Mexican Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Ginger, lit. Pan Hang; Kahului 30th, Pan Hang; ICalaiki, For San Francisco. selves for a time, and being reasoned with the Hoard of Immigration ignored the acts of peonage. Sage, Thyme, Mint, Kau.Stb, Nicholas George ; Kobala, 30th, J. Wight. stitution prohibits involuntary servitude except Mani, Kaupo 31st, M. Honolulu Coe. and shown the improbability any body the alleged, pseudo agent of the Peruvian Gov- Parsley, Mixed Herbs, The Farorito Packet Bark of for crime ; that tho mittimus was void as it does RETAIL SPIRITS Honolulu 10th, J. S. Lemon. ernment, refused to sanction them, or hold any 1Vorce.stcr.wIiire and oilier WHOLESALE Oahu. Honolulu 2J, Charles jmying large advances for a short time, not show the names of the agents uud owners of Sauce, D. C. MURRAY, intercourse with said psendo agent, and only gave NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tins of Preserved York Hams, Long; 24th, C. L. Riohards ; 1st, Theo. C. licuck; and high wages to persons unacquainted the " Met plantation," and because it prescribes Choico York Ilnms in Salt, 20th, J. ItitJon. X.isT. BEXSETT, . . . Com'r, a qualified permission to land the petitioner to- Codfish Rocs and Sardines, with English or Hawaiian, and as un- no limit to the time of the imprisonment, and is VICTUALING Oahu. Honolulu 2d, Ahuna. WILL HAVE QUICK DISPATCH for the aboro yet Oahu, Honolulu 7th, Henry Nolle. gether with forty nine of his countrymen in this ..V BJLLIARD3 port. I'nr freight or passage, having superior ac- skilled in the labor thoy were to under- issued under Sec. 1420, regardless of the amend- Foreclosure of Mortgage. IlocUin IVilxon's. A.s'lel Sauces, RUTCHER Maui, Wailuku, 11th, Akanaliili A Kingdom. Wherefore, the petitioner prays that commodations for cabin and steerage passengers, ment of the Act of 18C0, which limits the impris- Pie Fruits. Jains, Jellies, Lemon Syrup, Co. apply to take, thoy cheerfully signed the contracts, full Ilofror the II on. A. S. HAKTWELL, First Oil, Pickles, Mustard, upon a hearing of tho matter, your BliFOKU Salad Ass'd 27 WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. onment in this class of cases to a term not ex- Justice of the Supreme Court, and Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, each one, however, showing a peculiar will discharge him under the of Habeas cor- Vice ceeding three months. writ Chancellor. Cocoa, Macaroni, Vermicelli, THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR SALE keenness in ascertaining the nature of his issued herein and ALEXANDER CAKTWltlGUT vs W. If Mr. pus restore him to his liberty, J. J. Potted Meats. Pepper, 'I'lie ZVurtli I'ucilic C. C. Harris in behalf of the heirs of Theo- AJIALA ami MX A KEKAAKU, hi employment, the locality, and the charac- with his costs in this behalf most wrodghfully Currie Powder, and ' pliilus Metcalf, argued against the role, that this Wife. Hill in Equity, for foreclosure of Mort- Cream Tartar. Ciiiaii3', his employer. The following is the sustained." gage. THE. C.FLGrO ter of proceeding was not intended foran inquiry into the OP THE SAN fRANCISC0&H0N0LULU LINE. contract under which these men arc en To this plea the respondent's Counsel filed this Pursuanttoan orJerthiaday taadein tbenbovo entit- Liquors, Wines Beers. merits of the case, which can be done by appeal led suit by the Hon. A. S. JlnrUrell, First Associate Jus- and motion : " That so much of the petitioner's ans- gage only. That this was a lan fill process of a lawful tice of the Supreme Court, and Vice Chancellor of DUNVILLE'S WHISKEY, in bottle and bulk, HAWAIIAN BARK "KA MCfc" The Company's Splendid A 1 Steamship wer by to amen- Islands, notice is a BRANDY Marlell's and Hcnncssy's brand, Whereas, the underslgned- ,- -- a native of China, and until' way of. traverse return and the JIanaiid.ii hereby given that S. CKHItlCKX, Court, must stand declared void by a full Bill in Equity has this day been filed in the above CHAMPAGNES of superior brand. Master, embark the British Colony of In ded returu, as is contained in said answer ... did at Hong Kong, mz. Court on error. That Art. 11 of tho Constitu- entitled suit, praying fur the foreclosure of Mort- Bent k Co's celebrated Ale and 021 BREMEN mt "ajax," China, on board the North German Ship "Solo," commencing at tho words "and thereafter,'' by W. Porter. Ginger Wine. Rum, JUSTA1UIIVED FR tion was intended against chattel slavery, and gage executed J. Keairehunabala and Dina 11. S. FLOYD, Commander, on an understanding with Samuel O. Wilder, a dull Kekaaku, bis wife, and delivered to William Hum- Machen k Co's Stout, etc. in the 14th line, first page, and ending at Consisting in Part of WILL 11UN...UEaULAIlLY authorized Agent of the Board of Immigration of not against Acts which the law has prohibited. phreys, and by him assigned to the complainant, said at the words " left as aforesaid," in the 15th line, Mortgage bearing date the first day of May, A. I). this Kingdom, In China, that the said Sjiuuel O. That a crime means a malum prohibitum us well - Ilctirecn Honolulu X. San 1'raiiclnco second page, and all points of arguments there- lcG'J, and given to secure a promissory- note for the SUNDRIES. Assorted Styles Wilder, or the Honorable Board of Immigration as n malum per se, that if the mittimus is defec- sum of Nine Hundred Dollars, payable in txtelve after contained, to wit, from that marked 1, to Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, all sizes, and " aforesaid, would find employment for the said tive from vagueness this is not tho mode to teat months from tho date aforesaid, with interest, at the Ladies' Straw Hats, untrimmcd, newest styles, Fancy English French Prints! LEAVES SAX FKAXCISCO for and during: the space of five years, next ensuing the word " Kingdom," in point marded 7, in the rate of ono and a half per cent per month, payable Gosnell Co's unequalled I'erfuines, On or about ....Augnit 10th its validity. That tho amended law of ISCOrefers J. t Unglijh and Magi Lawns, date these presents, and quarterly, in advance, on the land and premises de- Soaps, Brushes, Ac, (iosagc h Son's French ins, Victoria LEAVES IlO.VOI.Wr.U the of that the said will third page, be stricken from the answer by nay Heavy Blue Denims, Blue and Urown only to second commitments by the Magistrate, scribed in Land Commissioners' Award No. 3360, and prize pale English Soap, in 5 Cottun Drills, On or about...--- August 22I labor faithfully for such person as he may agree to of traverse, the some not being cognizable before 11)21, as White, Blue and Brown Cottons, Hickory Stripes. and does not was Hoyal Patent No. by reference thereto, a pound boxes. Hemp Canvas, eerre, nitb the approbation of the said Board n it appear that this That Ticking, Fine White Linen, Scotch Ginghams, this Court in the cause now at issue, and imper- more full description will appear. Also a certain Heavy Ilagin);, 40a 42in., Freight for San Franeiieo will be reeeired at the ; the Court will never issue the writ unless the luw Wooden House, situated in KiMhalc, Honolulu, Oahu, Burlap Bags, Sheathing Felt, Hoofing Felt, Woolen Blankets, tic, Ac, Steamer's Warehouse, and receipt fur the same, tinent to the point before the Court." The peti- Now therefore, the said stipulates and agrees under which the Magistrate acted is palpably and erected upon the land uf Kamaka, (k.) together White Lead, Zinc and Bulled Oil, Nappies, Comprising a Full Assortment of given by the undersigned. No charge for storage tioner, with his answer, offered affidavit, which, with all the rights, privileges, appurtenance and Cement, Brick, with the Honorable Board of Immlgratlonand Itb and unanswerably unconstitutional. an Portland Fire arch l square. or cartage. Fire'Kisks in Warehouse, not taken by buildings to the same belonging; and that the day Slates, Fencing Wire, Xv. I, 6 a 6, Xcw and Desirable Dry and Fancy Goods, the Company. that he will faithfully labor for the said his being objected to by tho respondents on tho of hearing said Hill has been fixed by the Hon. A. . Mr. Jones in reply argued that the writ Hoop Iron, j. I, 1, k U inch, Heirs and Assigns for and during the space of fire ground that they were entitled to e Hartwcll, Vico Chancellor, for MONDAY, the 22d of Manila Cordage,l.ass'd sizes. And a Fine Assortment of I.ilieral AdraiiccK Miule on nil Ship- ac- of Habeas Corpus is a modo of exercising August, A. D. 10 o'clock A. M.,at the Court years, next ensuing he, the said hereby witnesses, was de- Spun Yam, Ambcrline, the not admitted. The court Uoom in per- ments per Steamer. knowledging the receipt of certain Clothing In Chi- appellate jurisdiction in coses like '.his the Court House at Honolulu, and alt Houseline, Coals, It clining to order any part or the petioner's answer sons interested are hereby notified to appearand show NEW STYLES OF CLOTHING! na, as as a present of Ten In Liverpool Salt, Ac. Insurance guaranteed at Lower Kates than by Sail- well Dollars Chlua, and was thereupon ordered, that the writ do issue cause, if any, against the prayer of the Dill, on or passage this to be stricken out." the respondents filed a demur- I'ence Wire, Oalranized Iron Pipe, ing Vessels. Particular care taken of Sbipmecte of a free to Country, as a valuable consid- as prayed for returnable, July 23, which day before the- day assigned and fixed fur the hearing. at rer to the portion thereof objected to as being THEO. H. DAVIES. Galraniied Duckets, Fmit. eration for the entering upon this Agreement. W. C. PARKE, Fran- the Marshal made return of the body of the prison- Honolulu, August 0th, 1S70. 30-- Tinned Saucepans, and Cutlery. All orders for Goods to be purchased in San And said hereby stipulates and agrees to, and cognizable only before the Conrt that tried the Marshal of the Hawaiian Islands. cisco will be reeeired, and filial by retarn of Steamer. er, alleging the cause of his detention to be the with the said Board or Immigration and the said cause, and the petitioner joined issue. It was It. II. Stanley, Solicitor for Complainant. AX ASSORTMENT OF tfSbipmcnts from Europe and the United States, Honolulu, 6th, 1S70. 30-- that he vtfll lay. during the Fire Tears aforesaid, mittimus of which a duplicate was set forth in August intended for these Islands, will be reeeireU by the argued for the demurrer, that tho respondents Company In San Francisco, if consigned to tbem, and the sum Six Dollars, (In silver money, amended Time was asked ENGLISH AND GERMAN GROCERIES. of if required) the petition. by de- be forwarded by their Steamers to Honolulu, Fstac could not, by these summary proceedings, be PERSONS HAVING ANY BRASS OR to the said for each month's labor; and further: Messrs and answer, CuAttGi!, except actual outlay. Stanley Harris to and was barred from a jury of the ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS belonging or the said will pay or cause to be paid, all Govern- country; that this IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY! Paints and Oils, Demijohns, Corks, are requested to take their tickets fixed for July 27, at which day they filed this to the Government, as well as all having such instru- SI'assengers Court is not vested with jurisdiction to revise Hoofing Slates, Wall Paper, before 12 o'clock on the day of sailing, and to pro- ment Taxes which may be assessed as Personal Tax- ments of their own, which they are desirous of selling, pica, viz ; " And now come the undersigned, CAUO PIIOTOGIIAPIIS t cure their PastKrt. es against the said the action of the Police Court, upon the facts will confer a favor by bringing them to the office of reduced from August 1st to Ale and Porterf Ilollniiila iHnf attorneys for tho Keprescntatives of the Mctcalf prices, 0AU Bills against the Steamer must be pre- And it is"further agreed, that no labor shall be ex- alleged before him. nor could it be reviewed the Governor uf Oahu, where those wishing to sell September 1st. Cards de Visite Mnrtell'4 Ilrallilyy Klga Doppelkummcl sented before two on the day will obtain a fair price for desirable instruments. o'clock of saillne:, or acted on Sundays and Government Holidays, except Plantation, and for answer submit, that tho re- will be taken for three dollars tbey wilt-ha- re to lay orer till the return of the here by a single justice. The ruling of the Cou WM. N0RTHCOTT, Tor UUIXAUT &. FI1.S' CIIAMI'AOSE, In cases of emergency, when such labor shall be turn to the writ of Habeas Corpus is not full, in per dozen, or two dozen I'KIIK Steamer for settlement. appears in the opinion : Mr. Thompson argued August 8th, 1S70. Band Master. five dollars, at Chase's Photograph Gallery, Fort paid for extra; It being, however, understood that that it only sets forth a mittimns. and whereas in pints and quarts. II. UACKFELD A CO.. Agents. fur the motion to discharge. The contract on Street. . sj 29-- Coal, Coal, In case the said should be employed as a domes- in truth and in fact tho subject matter in litiga- II. L. CHASE. Steam Blacksmith's Fire Rricks, tic servant, whereby bis services will be required on file, aduiitted to be the only one on which the Bath Bricks, New Oil Casks, in Sbooks, tion before the Police Court at Ililo, was deser- Firewood! Coarse Salt, Ifussia Rope, Assurted STEAM TO AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Sundays and evenings, be shall receive the sum of prisoner was tried, failed to show any signature siies, S- - tion of the Petitioner from service under a con- made arrangements for regular Notice of Removal. Portland Cementtc, Ac. Seven dollars per Month; and it is further agreed, by tlrc prisoner, as required by law for its en- HAVING for tho very best quantity of Firewood, tract like nnto tho copy on file, but that the con- f5(frW Tlle California, Xtir Zealand that at Chinese New Year the said shall have forcement, nor is any written assent of the pris- from Hawaii and Kauai, we ofitf ibe me for sale in UXDEIISIGNED begs to inform his H. IIACKFELD & CO. TIIi: be has removed tbe RAILROAD glsfiyJifF anil Australian Malt Line of three days liberty, which is to be counted as if be tract used in evidence, and under which the pe- quantities, and at prices to suit customer. that irf--U oner shown to the assignment of the alleged con- STORE to the Corner of Judd and Nuuauu Streets, steam Packet. bad worked, and a present of two dollars. the was before the Police of DOVt SETT & CO. If titioner brought Court tract. By our statute of frauds, as well as by where be will be happy to serve them as usual. said shall be sick at any time during the said and contained Thankful for their patronage at the old stand, he The Splendid Steamships Ililo tried an endorsement in the the Master and Servant both and NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS term of five years, medical attendance shall be af- Act, contract 20 Bales 40 inch Burlaps.. hopes for a continuance of the same at tho new. words and figures following, to wit : 1. J. S. Kod-ger- s BUKLAPS-- by forded to him free of expense, but no wages shall be assignment must be sigiied. There can be no WONG A WONCA, in consideration of the sum of One Hundred 20-l- WALKER 4 ALLEN. paid to him during the time of such illness. legal assignment of a personal trust. Even in Arrived, 1 130 tons. .T. S. llealr, Com'r, & fifty Dollars to me paid by Theo Metcalf. do Just And the said hereby stipulates that all children partnership, a delectus personrum always exists ; TItOS COULEIIS. 18 Sew Iron Coolers. The Ladies' Benevolent Society! said shall be hereby assign this contract unto the said Theo. of the instructed In the Public only property. likjj choses in action, and bills or 1 For sale by Ex Mathilde 2G-l- from China direct, Schools, free of expense to the pareuU. Metcalf his Representation & assigns under the WALKER A ALLEX. IIOLU A FAIR early in CITY of MELBOURNE, exchange, are transferable by mere assignment of benefit And it Is further agreed, that during the term of WILL next, for the of the Boarding agreements and covenants within contained, which Schools for Girls, and other purposes of the Society. AND FOR SALE BT limo tona T. Grainger, Comr, service herein expressed, tho said shall supply the holder not contracts for personal service. A Sup'r Ass't ot Old Kona are to be done, kept and performed by the said COri'EE. For sale in quantities to sait purchas Assistance from tne friends bere or abroad, will be Will run regnlarly between Honolulu and the atoso good and sufficient Food and comlortable House Metcalf is shown to be dead. by the pleadings of by Society. S6-S- t Theo. Metcalf. ers by (26-l- WALKER t ALLEN. ratefully (eceived the ports.'eonoectingat Honolulu with the Xorth PaciSs Boom lor the said his executors and heirs. There is nothing in the N & Transportation Co's Steamers. AVitness hand 27th day of D. AFO C ACHUCK. 6aid my this July A. 1- And the said and the hereby expressly assignment, if it were valid, about Metcalf s part- TTOOP IRON. and.l -4 inch. ICE! ICE! ICE! AGESTS AT agree with the Board of Immigration aforesaid, and 1SC5. For sale by ners, and all power over the prisoner's person . W. L. (5 KEEN. each with the other that the contract lor the srrvlec (Signed) J. S. Rogers. :cim WALKER 4 ALLEN. made arrangements for a AND ASSOKTED VIIESEUVEI1 Hp5OLCL0...... ceased nt Metcalf's death. .Metcalf could give HAVING Ice, the undersigned J1EA Cl'.OICKSHANK. SMART A CO. of the said shall not be assigned or translerrcd, : of oilers for Witness M INE and CLARET, salo to suit purchasers, at the Hudson the consent of the said Board of Immigra- no third party rights to the enforcement of the RHINE in quantities rmiiTs, SrnrT H. II. HALL, U. S. Consul. without (Signed) Wji. G. linns." by premise, lee at 5 cents per pound. Ice deliver- 11 service after his own death. CO. Dy 3m tion, ortts authorized Agent, during the term of H. IIACK'FELD 4 ed ta town customers. - " will show Manila Cigars, .Manila Hope, this contract. Also thai tho records of the Court Mr. Stanley, contra. The only question is, ar Orders from other Islands promptly and care- LACKS-IIITII'- i-l- S COAL, W. . And further agreed and understood by all that R. Y-- Husbands who made the complaint whether this cause wa3 tried by a Court having fully attended to. A. BUSH. Q Ids B FIRE CLAY 4 PIPE CLAY, forsaleby Camphor Trunks, ForN'orth-Gcnn- parties to this Contract, that It is made, subject to against the petitioner for desertion from service jurisdiction under any constitutional law of this 13 II. 1IACKFELD 4 CO. The Ketch. 100 Chests of 1'ouchong Tea. 4-- the " Masters and Servants' Act," and all parties rpEA. 1 White Matting, assortedqnalities. under such contract, was the agent of the repre- Kingdom. There 13 no doubt of this. The ju- J A superior article, for tale cy are bound by all provisions of that Act, as well as EMI CANVAS and DUCK, 2C-l- WALKER A ALLEN. sentatives of Theo. Metcalf and manager of the risdiction is clearly given nnder Sections 1418 4-- "Moeve," by all other Laws of this Kingdom. H For Sale by 1 Colored Matting. Metcalf Plantation, and the undersigned submit CO. Two Tears old, built of Oak, Coppered and Copper-fastene- d, The Chinese form of the ontract having and seq, Civil. Code. This contract was the 3m II. IIACKFELD 4 T)HEAD. Medium and Bread. that the return to the writ of Habeas Corpu3 or Pilot I.onnges, Settees, with complete InTentory. Apply to Capt. property Metcalf and his partners. Tucker and 3D For sale by Wilbelml, or to II. IIACKFELD Co. been written out by Mr. Young Sheong 26-l- WALKER ALLEN. should be amended and it thereafter traversed by Waller, who have been decided by this Court to Kmvn joyi:s, i Itattan Chairs, 2S-- t was photographed by Mr. Chase, and a tho petitioner, that a writ of certiorari issuo to have an interest in it, By Section 1425, Waller, GE0CES AND SHIP CHAHDLEB, Maal ATS. California and Oregon Oats. IROX PIPE, J ioeh and I copy as reiterated by photography at- bring up the record of said Court. AH of which Lahalnut GALVANIZED for tho surviving partner, has eights in the contract, Money and Recruits furnished to Ships on the most fivor For lale by FTTILINnT U JrJJEJ, WTLIE. and sale by 26-l- Etc. J 22 & tached to each man's contract. They re tho undersigned are ready to verify." Dormant partners have rights in such contracts. 10 able terms. IW WALKER A ALLEN. 3mc 33 II. UACKFELD CO. C3I.Ui:iECI.VL,. The 3Ictcnir IMnntation. duty or the Courts to declare it null and void. views or tho local circuit Justice and Court by Correspondence. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SAHESV. i regular appeal, until brought to this Court in July 4, 1870. Mrt. Editou Sir.- - This 13 a delicate and responsible duty. The nooLuxv, 1870. banco, for consideration or tbo legal questions To W. Master, Wardens Brethren- - or JIOKUlCLV, AUG. 9rt, The Admrtiter in Its Issue of 30th ult, states wljh legislative department, as a and inde- the asd Bv ADAMS & should in sum Hawaiian Lodge, Xo. 21, F. & A. M. By C. S. BARTOW. WIL.DKK. regard to the sale) ol the Mctcalf Plantation, "that pendent branch of government, is entitled to full evolved ; and that tbey not, this We lnre't aate the arrival of tbc North flerraan I beg offer my hnmble out of a once valuable plantation worth $W",000, two mary mode, bo compelled to bring witnesses here Brethren. respectfully to , frts Hetigkeng, with Chinese laborers and confidence and respect, and uny encroachment services to yon and to your sister lodge, and pro- or three years since, little or nothing will remain to from a distance, passing by the tribunals estab REGULAR ! ta Adams Jt WHder. upon its powers by the Judiciary would justly pose to give a mnslcial entertainment, entitled " The SALE! SALE. tbe heirs." And that " heavy commissions and Inter- lished nearer their own door. FURNITURE Asm. toe North (iero-.- n bark FideliUi from tea, in and would sub- Influence on Human illustrated est have however swamped valuable planta- be deemed unwarrantable, tend to of JUisie tbe Mind, AT THE ii Tk FMelita sailed from Fiastla on tbe this facts, or con "Wednesday, i1u all law and order. But the Constitution Jf there were controverted if the by songs, scenas, Ac., on any evening you appoint, Aug. 10, at 10 A. Jf. llrafe-urg- , tion, as they have swallowed up others before it," vert 7ta day af Jaaa, baaaa te with a cargo of tract were not presented, at the instance of the equal- Mr. GARRETT, Alakea St, It bus been part of my business lor the last two imposes upon this Court the duty or administer- after the 17tb lust, the proceeds to be divided Residence of AT SALESROOM, tSlrer Ore aaa . d tact "with a Severe gale respondents, as the basis of the trial in the Conrt ly between tbe two Masonic Lodges, and to be ap- tbrow-ia- years to make myself familiar with tbc afialrs of the ing all laws under the Constitution, and no judge Near Hotel, on wfcea tea ys oat, carrying away ber sails and ( plied to their building Kinds, n suitable building for Fancy Prints, Alpacas, Coiwgs, Metcalf Plantation, and I bavc been more or. less dares to from below, and if the respondents were not in court lb vend aa her bean eds ; the masts were cat who is worthy of the name shrink Masonic purposes being much required In tbe city. Iff. acquainted with it from Its commencement. I think as the heirs and legal representatives. or Metcalf, Thursday, Aug. 11th, at 10 A. Woolen, Calico and Hickory Shirts, Denims, away aaa the v..el righted, ana brought te this port its performance. But the Court is never war- Iam able to offer the use of a superior grand piano Brown and I only state what all who are capable of forming an would have force. will Whito Cottons, in declaring a law unconstitutional, unless these views It appear " Will be sold, all the Perfumes, Fancy opinion well admit, that there never has been a ranted for tbc occasion. Goods, The ByeeatiMB sefled en tbe 4th Snst,, for that I do give tbem certain force. I declined to a note a to this to Le ProgTcs Mg time when that Plantation was worth 00,000 or in cases where the rights of persons are necessa- I send of like tenor Sagar, Ac. hear evidence tending to show tbe invalidity of de 1'Oceanic Lodge. Worshipful Sir and Brethren, Furniture of said House, GROCERIES, CROCKERY Viatana, T. L, with JlaViw, $80,000 even fGO.000. Indeed It is quite ques- rily affected by the law, and where there are no I S GLASSWARE, or the contract by reason of fraud, duress, or other Tha Bark Comet Mill for gas Franekeo, was a beg to remain fraternally yours. Consisting of: tionable whether at any moment since It other clear and valid grounds on which the judg- A. H. Coils Manila Rope, China Matting, aaa tsebseay No. 1 Sogers. wise, or that its assignment by Rogers was not Hatell. Mre plantation, any one would, before tbe present time, ment may be based. See Marshall, C. J., in ex Parlor, Bedroom & Kitchen Furniture ! Sacks Humboldt Potatoes, The safe of Mat mr strip Mirmton, hl been sold have come forward and offered even $40,000 for It. assented to by the prisoner. I can not decide IlAii of Hawaiian Lodge, So. 21, F. A A. M. 1 jarte Randolph, '2 Brock, 472 ; Shaw, C. J., in 1870. f iMt of ItooUs, Two $SM par As to Its having been swamped by heavy commissi- questions which were properly within the discre Honolulu, July 15tb, Namely : Canary Birds. it te. A. n. Esq., Honolulu : on Sat-ure- Norwich vs. Hampshire, 16 Pick., CI ; Johnson, Hatell, ALSO TO CLOSE law D. C. Morrsr tails for San Franefcco ons and Interest, It would be about as correct to say-th- tion and jurisdiction of tbe .magistrate. I must Hair Cloth Sofa, Cane Chairs and Rockers, CONSIGNMENT, 6 Roosevelt Dear Shi and Brother : At the lost monthly aext. . It was swamped by heavy wages paid to labor- J., in Frees vs. Ford, X. Y., 177 ; Koa Center Table, Card Table, Pictures, assume it to be true, that it was proved to the meeting of Hawaiian Lodge, your communication Bedsteads, Bedding, Hair and Straw Mattrasses, Cases Lusk & Co.'s Table Tha A. P. Jord.a M aee from Victoria, with a cargo ers, or by any other necessary expense. For the ts. Godard, 52 Barb, .545. Fruits, magistrate by legal evidence, that this contract of the 4th iust., in which you offer to give a lecture Washstands, Looking Glasses, Bureaus, Lounge, Plums, Peaches, etc., aaa Mom, ana tbe Jane A. Falkenberg, last two years In particular I can answer that both Book etc af Uak From my view of this case, it will appear that with John S. Rogers was legally entered into on Music for the benefit of tbe building fund of tbe Shelves and Books, Blankets, ft PasHaaa.wtta a tike cargo. The fear. Ward J. commissions and Interest have been very reasonable Cook Stove and fixtures, Bath Tab, Small Tabs, Cases Tomato Ketchup and French Tomatoes. a decision upon the constitutionality of the Mas- and signed by the petitioner, and that Rogers Masonic Lodges of this city, was read and your gen- Redwood Lumber. 1- Park ia aba aBe, with a earjre of indeed. Cooper's Tools, And at 13 -3 ter and Servant Act is not called for, and there- alleged to erous offer accepted. Lot of O'clock, a rarietr of Wo aetice that there apsari tu be considerable It may be as well to state that about two years assigned the same as "Theo. Metcalf, fore it is improper for me to volunteer to give it. I am directed to say that Thursday evening, th of Carpenter's Tools, .Ornamental ia laatber jest at tbif time, the coulters ago the heavy claims and mortgages on this Planta- bis representatives and assigns." But assuming lot Trees and Shrubs, li lead inference that any 11th or August, at the Kaumakaplli Church, will be Serving fcB cargees ; bat tbe price oentinuea tion were purchased by certain parties in tbc inter- But this must not to the the contract to be all that is claimed for it. 1 can Two Superior Machine. Monterey Cypress, Pyramid Cypress, a convenient time and place for tbe lecture. Willingtonia Gigantca, Big lew, aaie have Veen made, lately, a loir est of Emma Mctcalf lieckley, to avoid a threatened doubt exists of the right and duty of the Court Tacts, ALSO Tree of California, eat auge not decline to notice these presented on Very respectfully and Internally yours, Grevilla Robust., Coral Honeysuckle, ;)' sale at auction, and the Plantation has been carried when necessarily raised aa SIC to decide such a question, the return and amended return, viz. : that tbe Charles T. G click. Secretary. Handsome Rosewood Cottage Piano Forte, Norfolk Island Pine, etc., etc. Salmon is rather on in the mean time in tbc hope of gradually re SALMON. The market for in Habeas Corpus, nor that, by not passing npon By Bucsmaid, in perfect order. deeming It, but the low price of sugar lately told suit before tbe magistrate was brought ou this Hall or Le I'rogres de l'Oceani'e Lodge, ) ADAMS A WILDER. Anct'r. ejajat. Ia Ttew af large thtftaent being on tbe way, it now, I either intimate a doubt of the consti- against it, and on making up the accounts nbcr. the contract, indorsed as alleged, at tbe instance of Xo. 124, A. F. & A M., 3Iusic Stool. kalian an iaaliaan to lower the prtee. of thus July 15th 1870. ) . C. S. BARTOW, latt crop was nearly off, it was evident there would tutionality or the illegality that Act. In Mctcair 's legal representatives, and of the owners Anct'r. TVOUH. Owiag to the advance in California, and MR. A. II. II A YELL, be a large balance against it. Still, there was a good expressly confining myself to the points requiring Hght aaafij ea kaod , prices bate genoup a shade, or the Metcair plantation, that tbe judgment was Dear Sir and Brother: Tour exceedingly kind SALE OF PROVISIONS I prospect for 500 ton6 of sugar for the next crop and I judgment, 1 disclaim all inferences or presump- aaa eaaj be quoted at for Superfine, and founded thereon, and .that the petition now be offer of a mnsicial entertainment, the proceeds to be "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17th, Vt'M am Inclined to think that if all else bad gone right, views on Balsa. tions as to my other points. fore me i3 opposed by the heirs and legal divided equally between the Masouic Lodges of this Ex Ship $(4ti-- i f.r the Plantation would bavc been carried on for an- repic- Soto. I will Grst consider thelegality of the mittimus, city, and by tbem applied as a building fund, has Regular other year, when if fortunate it might ultimately seuLitive3 of Metcair, and br one claiming as liis Sale, which is in the native language, and may thu3 be been received. On Aug. or redeemed itself, and been saved to the surviving partner. Friday, 12, at 10 A. If. 1'okt I.I,IJI,IJ. hare heirs; 1' At 10 O'clock, A. M., at Salesroom, rendered : "To the Marshal of the .Hawaiian Is- i I am .directed by the W. M. of Lo Progres de but at a critical morncut when all bands were re- I shall consider these matters solely with refer AT SALESROOM, WILL BE SOLD : Oceanic Lodge, So. 124, to inform yoa of ouraccep-tatlo- n Will be Sold : AltltlVKl). quired in the fields to fight the weeds, lands : Whereas Asun, Xo. 1, was convicted in Ililograssand ence to the magistrate's jurisdiction. It is of your kind offer, and by your permission of offence refus- For account of " Planter's car forty three of the best Chinamen on the Plantation, the Iblice Court ofllilo, the of Association," Aanrf Merr .Ulea, fraa Id. scarcely necessary to allude to the n would appoint Thursday evening, tbe 11th of Au- A VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE. Kortk ahiii ftoK Ret, 4 days from Hongkong Instigated no doubt by some of those who seem to ing labor, and was then and there sentenced to Or whomsoever it may concern : I true. principle of law, of inferior gust, as an evening most suitable. tear(uaJaaa. Mul. that the jurisdiction C. S. BARTOW. Anct'r. 37,500 lbs. Saigon Hokalele, tram JMeaaL consider it a duty to disorganize our labor system bo imprisoned at hard labor, until he consent to (French) Rice, Courts is never presumed, must affirmatively I remain very respectfully and fraternally yours, 18 Casks 10 car WaMa. trtm HL without providing us with a better, struct work ou but Salt Pork, Casks Salt Fish, Ka frxoi MeaL return to work for the agents and owners of Met Hoiiace G. CitiLDE, Secretary. 20 Casks Scar Mi. some frivalous technical pretext, and refused to'do appear. Tbe jurisdiction must appear as well Salt Cabbage, T flefcr active, frost fUw.ll. enjoined H Jars Preserved North Genaac Flatter JwrvrMO, W IJ- - from plantation : Therefore you are strictly Sweets, n hand's turn. over the persons to be affected, as the subject 17 Tubs rtoatla. la atttaM. to execute this sentence. Preserved Eggs, arar Maaaaiawel, reap W. Now we nil know that forty three men leaving a matter, or " the judgment will be as utterly void NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OJLY LOT 10 Boies Tea, t gear Kate Lw. fnae HO HIlo Plantation for six weeks or two months with Given under my hand this 29th day of June, 4 Cases Lamp Oil, Empty Water Cusks, aaua Uee Taakee, tnm Woknae. as though the Court bad undertaken to act where I3ST Empty Provision Barrels, KauaL cane growing, and no immediate means of replacing 1S70. H. II. Hitchcock, TOWN"! Sear fairy Qaeeo, boot the subject matter was not within their jurisdic Largo Lot Firewood and Old Lumber. a schr Jenny, fruw KoaaL them, means that an expected crop of 500 tons of su Police Justice of Ililo." English School, Pauoa Valley Road. X FEW IJ.VKltliLS Bloom vs. 1 of SAlliGI). gar may not turn out -- 0 tons, in other words, in a tion." Burdick, Hill, 139. In ex fjg ALSO defec- It is claimed that the mittimus is fatally parte Randolph, supra, Mr. Justice Barbour, Late of Rugby One Cask A atari l--Mr Prtaee. far Hawed. case like this, It means ruin. uii ATKINSON, Jlnster, Lime Jnlce, 9 Boxes Brandy, Scar Bat, Km. In such a situation where delay is death it was tive in not limiting the imprisonment to three after deciding that habeas corpus lies only where AT. Durham Schools, England, announccs( PORTLAND CEMENT! Three Jars Chloride of Lime, ichr Itaaaoaawat, brMu4. that be has bis school, and is now receiv- Au Soar jUtiy, Ur Kaaal. most fortunate that a Chinese lirm could be found months according to the Act of 1SC0, amend- the process is actually void, says : " for void pro- ing pupils. FOR SALE Assortment of Drug, and Medicines, Soar lUrilaa, far Hawaii with the ill, the knowledge, the capital and the ing 1420 nf tho Civil Code, and in laiiing Subjects studied English, French, Mathematics, Two Cases Surgical Instruments. Br beta Victor.- - WMaer. far lart Gamble. Sect cess is the same thing as ir there were none ut I manager all ready to take hold and purchase the Cl.unc;. Extra subjects Music, Chemistry, Natural ! Schr UIid, Ibr Waialaa. to show by whom the suit is brought, or thednte all; and then the party is imprisoned without Cheap for the Times ADAMS & WILDER, Anet'r. Bear Kill; Cartwright, (or KoaaL claims on the Plantation and Emma Uccklcy's inter- rbilosopby and Mechanical llramng. UrttHi twig WaaaaUaia, far Vletert- -. of tbe conviction and sentence, or that any trial any authority whatever. Hence, tho question Terms per Quarter Boarders $40.00 BY Scar Kiaaa, Ibr MaaL est lu It for S3 large r. sum as $40,000, which happily is desirable mitti- " ' Day l'upils .S13.00 J Scar Hokalate, tar MoMaL was had. I think it that the would seem naturally to arise, whether S9-- saves to the heirs tbe Oahu property, and leaves Mrs. the auditor Farther particulars on application at tho School C. L. lUClIAKUS Jc Co. Schr Marr Rim, far Maoi. forth offence more precisely, us a AT hckr Maaaokawal, for Mul. lieckley same profit besides, on bcr speculation. mus set the had jurisdiction in the case in other wowls, ilousc. 20 PRIVATE SALE! gear MaaL Ka Moi, br It is much to be regretted that the children and "wilful refusal" to serve the prisoner's master, whether the person the subject Am at Oawt, falier, lor ban Fraaetaee. and matter are heirs of Mctcalf will not reap the full benefit from this naming him, " according to the terms of his con- sudi as to bring the case icithin the jurisdiction TO LET. Firiy Barrels illSSgk plantation which tho founder of it intended that they " according to the orders of the Court tract," or of the Act of Congress, for these are the crite- A FUKXISHEI) COTTAGE: in let, ou No. lO, No. lO, No. 10. .iii;.iiosvaia. should ; but it is pretty evident from what has been m Columbia River on a second commitment for the same offence." ria ol jurisdiction." " If a Court assumes to act aitffiina Street. Apply to Yt 31. HUMi'HHKYS Salmon, Morth Oeraaaa Bark KideUtaa, II. P. stated, tho oourso pursccd on the 30-- Tea fj Jeran, that labor question different offences, requiring different opposite tbe Suilurs Home. 25 cargo as these are in a case orer which the law does not give it au ARE INVITED TO CALL AND American Me Mccr, bbls, la bond, Mt flaatalla, aaar Maaatlan kauteil with a of Hirer Ore by tbe Adrtrtiter and its confreres, has had more to LADIES SEE THE aee Irre Wuud, buaod for llaaiburg, Germaux. On the 17th judgments. But in view of the poverty of the A. Lusk & Co's Canned Fruits, do with the Iocs thus entailed on thcin, than cither tbority, tbc proceedings and judgment will bo Notice! of Jeer, being in aboat latitude 1& 3 north, the Teafel native language in words of legal intent, perhaps A. Lusk A Co'a Tomato heavy commissions or heavy interest. altogether void." Cooley's Const. Lim3., p. 398 NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Ketchup, arerraevere hurricane, which threw her oo her the words " Hoole liana," ' refusing work," may mill: term of Oaliu College will com California Brooms. baaaa eaat,caannelun; the 0p4ain and crew to cut awajr In the last issue of the Adrenittr tbcro arc further Shaw, C. J., in Vose vs. Morton, 4 Cash., 29, JL mence on Wednesday, September 7th. as of- Just llccclved pur I). C. lUurray. hiraaiala, aaara, leaning and atandlwg rigging. On the 19th statements, impugning in bitter and unmeasured be regarded sufficiently descriptive of the and iu Clarke's case, 12 Cush., 320. Candidates for admission will be examined on the ADAMS A WILDER. Monday previous. the weather awreVrated, Jurry-maa- were rigged, and, the terms, tho mofi'ret of Mr. C. C. Harris, in the part bo fence. The amended return filed by the respon- Had the Magistrate consisting or jurisdiction over the person H. H. PAKKEi: raader having been carriod away, atemjiorary rudder was has taken in connection with tbe Mctcalf and finds Plantation dents, admitted by the petitioner, that and subject matter in this case? 1 Secretary of tho Trustrces A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF aeaae ofoMapara,aadteered for Honolulu. Ou tlie aaaj on two different recent occasions. I do not profess to the suit wa3 brought by one Husbands, agent of Tbc contract purports to have been madcin Macao, 37 th af Joae aaeae the North German lUrk Frandaco, hound know anything of Mr. Harris's motives, neither am in China. Foreign contracts, to be enforceable here & LADIES' HANDSOMELY TRIMMED HATS for 8m Fraaeiaeo, the Captain of which veaeel, offered his I Theo. Melcalfs legal representatives, and mana- Carriage Sign Painting. called upon to defend one can so against tlie person, must conform to our partlc- ouahaa to relieve the Captain and crew, if ueceeeary, which who answer much of Metcalf for by laws, ger the plantation, desertion THE UXDERSIOXED, HAVING Latest styles and fashions. was nut deemed expedient by Captain Jeapenen. The Tldel-lla- a better for himself, but in common justice, having ularly to tbe requirements specified in Sec. HIS. The the petitioner frolu service under tho contract procureu ine services or a competent CRAZING LANDS! arrived at Hoaolalu on tbe 7th ofJeuguet, where ahe been perhaps more familiar with the than any-oji- o only extension in their favor is, that they may be iVju facts workman, is now prepared to execute New feathers white, black and colored, a waita uiaai from her own jrs : The Teeaelwasbuilt In Ham-bar- on file. This disposes of several of tho objections lilies, etc., etc. else, I should state that when, two years ago, we made for ten years and that no limit is placed upon all orders in the lino ol New flowers, roses, aad ia aiz yeara old. were trying to raise tbe money to buy up the claims named. But 1 do not think, in any view, that tbc age of Hie servant, whereas domestic contracts Black lace shawls and rotondes. CA11IUAGE AND SIGN PAINTING White laco shawls. Colored Barege, on tho plantation in Mrs. Hockley's the mittimus can bo held good in its statement can be for only five years, and the servant must be interest, Mr. In a manner to warrant satisfaction. Colored tarlatans -- twenty years ot age, or have the assent parent or AT- ia.ssi:.;i;i:s. Harris stepped in and gave us most effectual assist- of the sentence, " to be imprisoned at hard labor of M. BENFIELD.' Fine book and Swiss spot muslins. Hair cord, guardian. Admitting this contract Tape checks, ance ; that, before the Courts, in getting new Ex- until he consent to return to work for the agent that isncnallvcn Honolulu, II. I. 30 Cm Satin stripe and check tnuslins. forccabIein favor of any persons to whom Rogers Brilliants, Jaconets. FIFTY CENTS per ACRE Por Sax raaisajoo, per Comet, Aug. lh, 1870. Dr W A ecutors appointed, and in defending tbc suit of Tucker and of Metcalf owners the plantation." There may assign Bell, Mr A J Jacfcaoa. and Waller against Mctcalf, he worked diligently and it, I think the least that the statut will be agents and owners of this plantation, a3 requires is, that such persons shall be persons In often, and never received a smglo cent. Ho did tho be -- long as it remains a plantation. Shall the pris- ing and designated by at the mi JOOJIS Siiiji CO 'o.I cs mosquito Lace window curtains, i:.YIMKTS. same in the caso the name the time of Lace net. LOJFLEIS pf refractory Chinamen, referred Wool 24,000 oner remain jn j.iil until be dies, unless he con transfer. True, Metcalf may have had dormant o Corsets, Children's bibs, boots and hoods. Foa Six Fuaaaoo, per Conet, Aug. Mh, ISTO. to by the tifrerrier. He also tried hard to get tho ON THE sent to work for them, whoever they may known partners, and they may now be his assigns or V Banaeaa, bcha 100 Molaxea, galls 2,711 plantation carried on for another year, when a sale be? ''OO lAiVHONIHIQ Cambric Sewed Edgings and Insertions, aoatgegar, reprcscntatl. But the contract was Bottlea, Iba 416.S41 Is this a sentence which the law can ?. not assigned was spoken of. "In tbe negotiations pending tho sanction ileal Maltese laca do. Chemisette setts. ISLAND OF CotTee, lbs 7 to them as partners, and it is only as surviving part do.. LANAI close of the bargain for the Kaupakuca Plantation," How can tho Marshal ascertain the legal limit of ia Cash's and Corcntry Trillings, White silk fringes. Uoaaaatte Vatoe $M,S75.81 ncr of a firm, that they can claim the benefit of the wbcro tho Adrtrtiter states that Mr. Harris interfered such imprisonment? It is neither his duly nor his Sets collars and cutTs, plain ruffles, embroidered Foreaga Value cn.00 statute. Seelion 1425 provides that the contract and fancy. for purposes of his own, the of his interference rjfnt right to ascertain to whom tbe prisoner owes ser- is discharged at the master's death, unless It was Black, white and spotted laco falls, THE AHUPUAA of KAA! was, to obtain another thousand dollars for Mrs. vice. He has no discretion to decide whether made with a companyof individuals, of whom there Ladies' fancy scarfs. ianoicxs. Becklcy. M. ruiuiciuji Dciongingin tits tbe prisoner's legal masters are those who owned arc surviving partners. A contract made as this ! PRINCESS KAMAMALU'S Estate, Free. Hong Kose, per Soto, August 3d, 1S70. Now, when a man consistently lends his assistance i,,imi:s' xxn gcsts gloves 'LtTO sixty miles of Honolulu, and were agent; of the plantation at the date of was, with Itogers and any to whom be may transfer jSTTTiJr ""hm BethiagTaba... . Whtto and colored kid, the North-Ea- ....MiI'ratMacK, la.UU 4 to a cause, under a variety of circumstances, and It, is not a written 3.0 end of tho tbe sentence, or at some other date. Sec. 1419 contract with another, or with any White and colored lisle gauntlets, comprises about ....4 Cegers, pkgs 4 with invariably good effect, to be told that bo had, on Island, -. partnerships is required by Sections HIS and 1423. White and drab buckskin gauntlets. Kricka.. pkgs 1 authorized the justice to order tho offender " to .ribalts, each occasion, a different motive, other than the os- back? IlMaKtlVHOSSV ELMM AHIIA V or ... EeJias JO This is going to the original contract, without 20,000 Acres Superior Grass Laud! tensible one of giving such assistance, tho proposition bo restored to his master," and that he, the of- Chain . ..iht Siewea, pkgs 712 reference to the assignment by Kogers, for of course Ladies' & Cent's Hosiery. having now about 3,500 Sheep running upon it, and Coroaaw, eaBa becomes simply incredible, and one would hardly fender, " shall be compelled to servo not to exceed Rogers $ Straw, pkgs 8 could assign, in writing or by parole, no Ladies's lisle. Lace lislo and silk bose, capable of feeding at least 10,000 bead, even in tbe Crockery, baa i ITrunka, nests 20 it on his own admission, much less on tbe state- double the time of his absence, in the discretion greater rights under that contract than it secured to Gent's brown cottton, fancy cotton, and lisle present state of drouth. lonepee Be Mdae.pkgs 211 ment of bis enemies. or the Court;" Sec 1420 provides that " ir any himself. I admit that the contract itself contains no hose. Froaa New Ciena, X. 8. M per Marralon, Aug. 4th 1S70. The Land is well IVoorictl. It is a pity that tho .InYerfiser can not ventilate its such shall reruso to serve to Ike stipulation that its assignment shall be In writing, or Oont, haws 875 person according Iir.ACIC AND FANCY BELT 111HBOXS, with large groves of small timber. two views, and enlighten tbe public on tho questions of euuject to iuo prisoner s assent. 11 provides mat There are Fraaa Punu, Maxlco, perlldelltas, (in distress) Aug. 8, '70 provisions of the last Section or the terms of the tue prisoner snan enter into the service of J. b. A. S. GLEGHORN Various widths. small bays Awalna and Uonopu which afford con tbe day, without sacrificing truth and fairness by Kogers Tor Ismail Wood, eaaietaaa. ... Hlver Ore, contract", the justice on bearing the case, if the Inr tight vtars. and that durimr that neriod. French cord edge and lute ribbods, from 2d upwards. venient landings schooners. There is a station on reckless statements, in order to gratify feelings of he will "work for the benefit of Mr. J. S. Rogers silk and satin sash it with two cottages, and two pens for sheep. " Black ribbons. personal animosity. W. It. Greex, refusal be persisted in, may commit such per- or ior whomsoever he may translcr the contract' Large variety of Marseilles edgings and insertions, Honolulu, August 9th, 1870. son to imprisonment, there to remain at hard la- But no contract for personal services give3 a WILL STORES and buttons, Tcarl dress and vest, buttons, THE AHUPUAA of KEALIA EAPU Af Best book pins. Needles, Boot and corset lacings, bor, ho will servo to Police Magistrate 11 until' consent to according jurisdiction for enforcing it by 1 Crochci cottons, silver thimbles. Formerly belonging to the Josua Kaeo Phases of the Moon for August, 1870, lam." Shall any executive officer determine the imprisonment, in tbe absence of fraud, except by Machine silks all colors. Estate, is sitnatcd in tbe centre of tha Supreme Court. Alpaca, silk and worsted Russia braids. rasr-ia- cirr. smith. prisoner's law for him, and decide who may legal- force of the Master and Servant's Act. Xo such usr DBCoixroxjXJXiXJ, Island, crossing the main Palawal Val- n hm v Elastic webbing, Sclceias, (Hove glaiied linings, HOXOLCLU MRAN TIME. continued fr0si second taoe.j ley, ly claim his services? .It may be said that the contract of an adult is enforceable by tbe common NAMELY Gent's wool and regatta shirts, i and dividing tbe Government lands. Pkk Cuhiam : . prisoner should "know his own master." He law or England or America. 1. on Free Gent's Eureka and other white long cloth do. C'oiiiiirl.scx about 4,000 Acres. Aag let Owtor. 10 20 rv Jlurd Gent's fancy bows and ties, I'apcr collars, H 1(1 some Aaa: Mak. mTMacw .. 4rM nm aware of the importance attached to may have thought eo himself, but therein the dom and Bondage, 143, 211. It is a law deem A GOOD Aag lata, lawt Qaarlar 0 10 r $ FORT STREET STORE, IikZ IT C0MAIXS MOUMALV SPRIXG ra'u-e- il a variety 'other articles, rchich all are Aag Sew Moon 10 M IX of the questions in this case, and I hare Court that tried him failed to coincide. It was ed by the Legislature to be requisite to the needs of M, and has some choice groves of timber, and baa good TIMK SCN AM) SETTING. given and of invited to call inspect. a IllflXfl my entire attention to the arguments for the Court alone to decide and make known or this country, and of the policy or the law, they Corner Fort and Hotel Streets, and schooner landing. Both Lands are well supplied with Sen Kiaaa Sets Wtlrx lat. Jfiu.. ..Sn considerations presented by the learned counsel. - waUr for stock, on the beach. eth. 8aa Kiaaa 6 40 Fnn Sets f. SO .. its decision on that matter. are tbe sole judges- But as it is a law again3t 27 3t J. T. WATEItnOUSE. ltth, asm Kama 6 42 Son Seta 6 2d .. During the progress of the cacse, the question In Coopci's case on Habeas Corpus, the Court tho liberty of the subject, NUTJANU are . Md. n Kiaea SnnSets 23.. its meaning can not STREET STOUE, There about 3,500 Acres In ICaa, Jath, Sun Klaea ...4S 46 Sou Seta 6 10 .. of the nature and extent of tho inquiry which discharged tho prisoner because his sentence wa3 be enlarged by intendment, or inference by tho and 300 Acre. In Kealla, et. tea Kiere 6 44 ... .Sou Sets Oil.. Between'Hotel may Im legally made under a writ of halms less than that whiclhthe law prescribed, and tbe Courts. This is the old maxim of English law, and King Streets, ESTATE OF ISAAC MONTGOMERY, of rich, level, mellow soil, equal to the best in this cm-pu- Kingdom ScMaxsi Death. On Thursday evenltic, 1th Inst., arose upon the respondent's demurrer to full Court on review affirmed that decision. In Angliae jura in omnia casu libeiiati danl Dvccnsctl. for the growth of Sugar Cane, and upon fa. -- - which superior Cane has grown, afford Thomas, the petitioner's reply. 1 2 4- - v which would a Mr. SbicI, formerly connected uillithU A puna's case. likewise on Habeas Corpus, the rorcm. In doubtful case3 of Englishmen's TVll rtl niLn r UNDEUSICNED, linvins been fine opportunity to a eapatalist to establish an exten- cr, died suddenly at Labaina, niierc lie lias been I ruled that if the return showed a judgment prisoner was discharged because tho Court had rights, the odds shall be in favor ol liberty. THE Temporary Administrator of tho Estate sive and productive Sugar Plantation. living for aeveral years. W'q have not learned the of the late Isaac Montgomery, of Honolulu, Ha TITLE FEE SIM PLE. For further partic- not authorized by law, or that the prisoner was not exercised its functions of sentencing to im- The magistrate's criminal jurisdiction over these Corner of Eaahumanu and Queen Streets, fST immediate cause of hie death, but It was undoubted- waiian Islands, hereby requests that any person bar ulars, apply to for known law, bard labor for of fine cases is confined ing any ryoperty belonging to tbe above Estate, will WALTER M. ly one of thoec condemned an offence not to the prisonment ut by the statute tc written con GIBSON, Lanai, dieeam which though fatal give but immediately deliver the samo to the Undersigned ; 20 or WALKER .1 or tliat proceedings were based on a law only, or fine and costs, but bad delegated to tbe tracts signed by the servant, between the ALLEN, Honolulu. little warning of the end. Mr. Sblcl was a matt the servant THE FOLLOWING GOODS! and all persons having claims against the Estate are of high culture and bad evidently teen much or the which is in violation of the Constitution of thi3 Marshal to decide whether to extend the impris- and another, or others forming a co partnership. requested to present them within six months of tbo world, ilthotrgh he was very reticent lu regard to Kingdom, or that events like tlie insanity onment to cover costs, or not This case is far This cannot be denied, and imprisonment on a date of this publication. W. C. 1'AItKE, LAND -- FOR SALE! his experiencea ia life. AT- Temporary Administrator. of tlie prisoner, or death of the master, had stronger than those. If indefinite imprisonment contract not written and signed, is clearly illegal Honolulu, July 11, 1370. 27-l- occurred since the trial, habeas corpus was liko this be allowed, there would be little securi- and relievable on habeas corpus. On Taceday of last week, as we arc Informed bv VERY REASONABLE RATES ! a ctKTejaporideiit of the An Ooa, the surf at Wal-ne- the proper remedy ; but that it was not compe- ty for the person, and those time honored safe- Even under the strict apprentice acts of Eliza- Licenses Expired in July, 1870. A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT,! Kauai, was exceedingly heavy. Houses fltua-te- tent to try over again the merits of causes which guards oriiberty which tho Constitution of this beth, once in force in the American colonies and Linens an extensive assortment. Alpacas, silk a wool, black, col'd, Eg'd on the beach were inundated and some damage of lawful kingdom has placed around us, would or some or of t stamped, U Honolulu, Hyman havo been tried by a Court authority be little the States the United States, and to Bamask, Cotton, Linen EETAIL.--OAH- 1st Bros, and hi up. and Yfoolen, Mrs Warren. 11th W W Fletch- TIIC LAND situated done to furniture dot and jurisdiction, and on which a lawful judgment valuer I regard tbe mittimus as fatally defective, some extent now in force in the latter, con Illusion, Crape, Bobinet, Ulb in SOUTH the Tulle, Jc, er and Crowell, 14th C N Spencer Co, 18th II May, KONA, Hawaii, and Edging, Insertion, Cambric .t Book Muslin, 4 known as KOLO, containing ArctnrxttkN Is called to tbe advertisement of A. S. was pronounced, and a legal mittimus issued, and then, in omitting to name any persons as tbe tract was not assignable, for says Kent. vol. 2, p. 31st Win Ryan, loth Abn, 1st Ah Lii Co, Zd Chung Sheeting, Cotton & Linen. GS to 112 inch. i noon, zza Ah Loan, I3tn u --N 3d Clegboro in Issue. Mr. C, asis well known that the only facts to lie considered in this case masters to whose service the prisoner must re- 2C5, npon the master's death, the end and design F rints tbe fioest in. ilitner, Macdrcek, assortment llonololu, Wailua, 2Cth Ah Wa, Honolulu. MAUI Waihee, 138 Acres the public, always a choice assortment of Bar-fiel- bunting, Marecn and to keqs aro those which arc disclosed in the return and turn in order to terminate bis imprisonment. of this personal trust cease. See Baxter rs d, Baize, 1st T C White, liana, 19tb Kanakaole .1 Co, Wailuku, of area by surrey, is offered for sale pn ressonabla Lawns, Victoria, Bishop and Queen's, faehosubie and desirable goods oti hand, which are I 1 15th Ah Tong Jt Ah Chnek. HAWAII Kailua, 22d terms. This tract of land is amended return. n giving this ruling, reviewed There are reasons of peculiar force why Sir. 12CC ; Coventry rs "Woodhull, Dougl. Imperial, Navy and and sold at 'reasonable rates. Itnssia Backs, D Montgomery, 22d Akana, Kealakekua, 15th II N had been in and this degree of is 134 ; Hall va Gardner, "1 Mass. Ticking, Hickory and India Stripes, lVell IVoodcd Okla Timber, the cases that tried this Court, certainty requisite. Take, 17S ; Daria rs dreenweil, halibi Kona, 1st Chas N Spencer and Co. English Broadciotb, Doeskin, of heavy Fire-woo- d Ship-Wo- KilvTrrrjtiAKSS. At three O'clock on Sunday gave reasons why the evidence offered by the for instance the case of ona sentenced to Coburn, 8 Mass. 302 ; Commonwealth Aran ic, lULUKAl Kaluaaha, 3d Ah Un. a growth, suitable for and rk rs Lasting black, brown, green and blue. of every kind. AH the timber was Honolulu, stands within a inonstag; bast, a slight shock of Earthquake felt petitioner was not cognizable in this proceeding. be imprisoned until he consent to serve a Lear, 1 248. Yarn & Berlin Wool, in lartro rarietr. Wholesale. 1st Theo n mile of tbe beach, where there it a good anchorage S.ilt. Daries, 1st Hyman Bros, ISth May, C Spen- at here, and again at ten minute past four a quite se- within in who Wool Belaino, Ginghams, Baratheas, II 1st N all seasons of the year. There is about Of the several objections, this, ruling person not being, has remained in jail I do not regard that as a contract enforceable cer Co, 1st Walker & Allen. vere shock startled nearly all the people of the town Alpaca Coating, 6x1, in colors, 4 otTeied to the legality of the prisoner's confine- until hi3 time for appeal or writ of error ba3 under this penal statute, and within its meanintr, &. Book 2,000 or 2,500 Cords starsbe This last shock was tbe most India Swiss Muslins, sev'l qualities. Wholesale Spirits. 1st Theo II Bavies. of Fire Wwi from their r. Toilet Table and Piano Covers, ment, the most importaul is, that the Act under expired, shall he have no' remedy by habeas unless it is in writing, designating the parties Itetail Sptrits.--3- d J O'Neill. on the land, as Is estimated by parties who hare ex- severe that has been felt here lor many years, Edgartown X Cottons Pillow Linen, & amined it. Title Fee Simple. H was nothing' In comparison to come of the which he was tried is lepugliant to the Constitu- corpus, but be told that he should have ascer- either by name, or in such a manner that they Milliards. 7th Nolte Kroger. Brill and Bock Suits, For further particulars, enquire at tbe oCco of tbe Earthquakes recently felt In Other places. Hut few tion, and therefore null and void. It is in the tained this legal impediment sooner, so that tbe can be ascertained precisely, at the date of tbe a Quantity of ass'd iize. Horse. 3d Kapu, No 151. undersigned. Umbrellas, Parasols, Fans, Hair Nets, Thread, Lihue, Kaaai, Cth W Rice. 27-l- ra veopie tekthe shock at three o'clock, though wc are Constitution that we find the guarantees of our Circuit Justice and Circuit Court might havo de- contract Stallion. II g. B. DOLE. Jackets, V n were rea Coats, ests. Pants, Shoes, Hats, Auction. Hawaii, 12th U N Green well. assured by several parties ho awake that a rights io life, liberty and tho pursuit of happi- cided about the facts, and determined tbe law for It is nnncessary to comment on tho wisdom of Oils, Pomatum, Perfumery, Soaps, Ac, slight one occurred at that time. TO ness, which that instrument solemnly declares to him before be came here ? See Feeley's case, 12 a statute restricting the enforcement by penal Needles, Pins, Thimbles, Scissors. HOUSE BENT. Brilliants, Chambrays, Piques, Notice. sixty-eig- inalienable, be from no Cush, 578. is discharge Tbc Solo has brought but a hundred and be to taken person "ex- That it proper to tbe servitude of contracts for labor, to those which Xoutns , .Hisses', Ladies fc Gents Hosiery, MTIIE HOUSE nnd Premises at pres. aen. Mr. Wilder bed, however, arranged cept by due process of law." The written law prisoner on habeas corpus for such defect, is are made in writing with another, or with a firm ; in creat varletv. PEKSONS nre hereby by W. R. SEAL. Apply early Cottons Horrockt' and other brands, forewarned 2S-3-t, originally with over four buudrcd men, and bad cottiog low. ALL to trespass on the Ahupaaa of KALIALIA-- to him. of Kngland is determined by their Parliament, clearly established by the decision of the ful or on considerations which might arise on a law anu a uncniai uiooons splendid stock, NTJI, on Mam, fish made to them tbe advances which tucv required, in so far as Courts may declare bench in Cooper's case. Herinos tbe best selection in tbe tha Island of nor take from the except the the which allowed tbe penal enforcement of contracts city, Kabulul, Ahupuaa, other- bat some Interested parties circulated the report Parses, Belts, Braces, Cards, Laces, K.naha, near on said or Por Eent or Lease. same to be contrary to the nnwriltcn custom- I should not hesitate to base my decision upon between parties not' named, nor ascertained, at wise commit trespass on the rights of tbe undersigned. aoag them that they were bound for Callao, and ir Extra quality of Flannels, law, which Any person, after the publication of this notice, will Honolulu at all, and though Mr. Achuck ary every Englishman claims as his this point alone, but there are other reasons or the date of the contract Xor will I consider Towels Turkish, Huckaback and Crash, Ill' ... not for bo helJ'reiponiible in our Courts of Justice, for any 105 I'Liiuuii. ntsiuinic, birth-righ- t. Embroidered Robes, Shirts, Ac, No. Nuuana Street. Apply to endeavors pursuade them Our Legislature, however, like the perhaps greater force. It is claimed by the pe- what if any force our Statute or Frauds would committed on said land, or said Fish-Pon- d. used all his to that the Napkins several sixes act of trespass 25- - JAMES S. LEMON. and qualities, CAMPBELL TTJRTON. ship was bomJUe bound for Honolulu, and it was Congress of the United States, has not the su- titioner, that on tne return and amended return, have on contracts of tbe latter description. Turkey Red ! Bine 4 Cottons. By W. C. Joses, theit Attorney. pointed ont to them that there were Honolulu resi- held by British Shawls doable and single, pVi .id fancy. . T.r-- preme power the Parliament, bnt showing Metcall 's death, and the contract under Suffice it to say, that the present contract is not 1870. 27-- lf "Tn f ! B-- July 20, dents on bot'rd, who likewise assured them that tbc lim- American irnnks. Carpet its powers and functions are enumerated and which the suit was brought, a want of jurisdic- In my opinion penally enforceable in favor ot the Linings, Silesias, ship was bound here, yet it was all in vain and they Jaconets, Tape Cheeks, ited, together with those of the Executive and tion or tho magistrate over the prisoner's case respondents, and therefore that it gave the mag- Elegant ass't ef Ladies' & Gents' Kid Gloves, SALE. HOUSE in Naaaaa Valley, with left. It was noticed however that they did not pay Silks and Challes, figured and plain. FOR furniture. Apply to '"iTsi: Judicial Departments of government, by a writ- appears. The respondents counsel deny that istrate no criminal jurisdiction over tbe prisoner. MA back the money which bad been paid them In cloth- ' Moleskin, Brills, Tweeds and Cassimeres, Two New Wetzel Pans ! 25-- JOHN H. TATT.'' ing and cash, though, " whether sense ten Constitution. Xo net of either of these the. Court can take cognizance or MetcalPs The proceedings at the trial mu3l therefore be Envelopes, Note and Letter Paper, their of 6tf II. IIACKFELD Co. honor" will prompt tbem to send It up when they three Departments can havo tbe force and dignity deatb, or of any questions affecting the validity held void. Let the prisoner be discharged with Hew Goods by every arrival, and i For Eent. lure earned ItIn Hong Kong, remains to be seen. of law, unless it is warranted by' the powers of the contract, or which might arise, admitting costs, except those incurred in consequence of A COTTAGE, coBtaiaiBg TVc arc qfraid they will not remit, although we vested Department by (be A General Assortment ofGoods SWISS CIGARS! a Farter, in the Constitution. occurred. Bath-roo- that the death to have It was urged by the amendment of petition. two s and with Sublej and Hay great respect even admiration for sub- bare and the an purporting to be a statute evidence, FEW THOUSAND OF THOSE FINE room adjacent, furnished or unfurnished. Esquire Whenever act them, that these matters require and GENEVA CIGARS, a good article lime confidence which some of onr neighbors ex- A - (Zj-tf- ) KlNa-Kt.- passed by the Legislature is an act which the examination or facts and circumstances, which Of J. li. press, but merely brg to add, that wc notice the fact an BOATS, STTITABLE aadS SUrEItlOIt'OAK Also A 7,0KG BOAT, that those people do not Invest largely In that kind Constitution prohibits, or does not authorize, they were eutitled to have tried by a jury or the And all the rage just now. "1SVTO. X 4 COOLIE RICE lvmy oa haHft Oak. For Sale by FOR COUNTRY STORES .lf and tor sale br such act is sought to be enforced as law, it is tbe vicicage, and on which were entitled to the lS-3- & ALi-K- of security. they H. HACKFELD Jt CO. 2m 21 For Sale by BOLLES Co. u J. a ALU.V, Agents, "BY AUTHORITY. who shall not have proceeded to their any one claiming from, by or under him AT WHOLESALE SUGAR & MOLASSES MERCHANDISE, &0. MERCHANDISE, &C homes, and cause them to be detained may mako the entry or bring the ac- in the lock-u- p over night, to be brought tion, at any time within five years after --AND- 1870 before tho Police or District Magistrate such disability shall bo removed, not DILLINGHAM & CO. on the following morning, to bo pun withstanding the twenty years before ETAIL! A. UOFFISEMSrTl ished in IIILO, II. I. according to the provisions of limited that be half, shall have expir -- Br- '0. AsT ACT the law relating to truancy. ed. HAVE JUST RECEIVED - jffof siiiEND Section- 9G, and to Repeal Section 3. This. Act shall become Section 5. If the person first enti CASTJLE -- BT THE-- i Section 99, Civil Code. a law, from and after the date of its tled to make such entry or bring such & COOKE, - - Cheap for Cash! Cheap for Cash! iBerit Enacted by the King and the Jkffis- approval. action, shall die during the continuance Consisting in Part of Sugar and Molasses, -- cfcj """lativc --Assembly of the JTaicaiian Isl Approved this 18th day of July, A. of any of the disabilities mentioned in 1ROP SOW COMING IN, and for sale Vy quantities to suit purchasers, by Comet la.dLLo - ICitig- Finest White Wool Flannel, in ands,- in the Legislature of the D. 1870. Section, and all WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. HARDWARE! HARDWARE! HARDWARE tho preceding no determi FinestWhite'allWoolA Angola WhiteFlannels, , dpm assembled: KAMEHAMEHA It. nation or judgment shall have been Good Grey and White all Woo 'Section-- 1. Tho 96th Section of the Flannels, 10x4 Bleached Sheeting, 0N0MEA PLANTATION. Prom the East and Europe, had, of or upon the title, right or act Thompson'! Glove-Kittin-g Corsets, J3ivil Code is herehy amended eo qs to AN ACT Araoskcag Denims, Jeans, Drills and Sagap ana Illolnsises Crop 1870 WM. ion, which accrued to him, the entry Bleached CORNWELL read as follows : and Unbleached Cottons. ZOOMING IS, FOU SALE IN QUANTITIES purchnscd the Relating to the Approvals Claims may bo made, action to JJAVIXG - or the brought by J suit purchasers, by " Section- 9C. The Minister of the In WALKER A ALLEN', Agents. via San Erancisco, against the estates of deceased his heirs, or an' other person claiming A Sup'r of Stationery, terior, may license any Theatre, Circus, ass't Entire Hardware Stock ! Persons. from, by or under him, at any time PBINCEVILLE PLANTATION. Hawaiian Hula, Public Show, or other De it Enacted by the King and the Legis OF within ten years after his death, not Water Lined Note Paper, Nu;jar antl 3IoIasHcsi Crop 18JO exhibition, not of an immoral character, lative Assembly of the Eaicaiian Is- White Ruled Note Paper, withstanding the said twenty years shall White Ruled Laid Leaf, Letter and Bill Paper, OMIKO IN, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES J. W. WIPD1 FIELD, to which admission is obtainable by the lands, in the Legislature the King- White, Cuff and Amber and Letter and Noto KJ to suit purchasers, by of have expired. WALKER A ALLEN, money, such time, not Envelopes, Agents. "IVonlil Call the Attention or payment of for dom Assdnbled: Section G. If, when such right of Tajson's Indelible, and Carter's Copying Ink, Artists' .t s' oxcoeding one year, and upon such 1. flexible Hulers, MAKEE PLANTATION. PLASTERS, JIERCHAMS & MECUAXICS Section All claims against the action shall first accrue, the person enti Smith A Wesson's Pistols t Cartridges, terms and conditions, as he shall think estate of deceased person, which tled thereto shall be Hair Girths, Stirrups a Leathers, IVcw Crop A; any under any of the Snanish Trees, Croupersand Bridles, of Susrar MoIunc TO THIS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF reasonable, and a fee of not less COMING AND FOR SALE that shall hereafter be presented for ap- disabilities before mentioned and shall Oak Belting, Street Brooms, NOW IN, IN than Five Dollars shall be required for Wood Faucets, Lamp Black, to suit purchasers by WELL SELECTED HARDWARE! proval to any Probate Judge, pursuant die without having recovered the prem m C. BREWER A CO., Agents. each performance licensed ; provided to the Second Section of tho Act ap ises, no further time for making such Packing Lace PECULIARLY ADAPTED ' ihiit this Section shall not be construed Italian Leather, WALLUKU PLANTATION. proved on the twenty-thir- d day of June, entry or bringing such action, beyond For the Wants of the Island Trade. to require the Minister of the Interior "VTEW CROP NOW CO.MINO IN. FOR SALE in the Year One Thousand is sliall -- AXD BT- Eight Hund what hereinbefore prescribed, Paints, Oils, &c. JLN in quantities to suit purchasers by - all cases to a fee in exact for Lectures red and Sixty-Eigh- t, shall be presented be allowed by reason of the disability C. BREWER A CO., Agents. Merchants in Particular, dr Entertainments of a strictly intel White Zinc fc Leal. Id 1, 2 k 25 lb containers, in open Court, on some day or days of any other person. a W0BLD FIND IT MUCH TO THEIR ADVANTAGE ran ana Chrome Ureen, SUGAR of SUPERIOR QUALITY, The KA'MOI, from Europe direct, lectual character, and provided, also, previously appointed. Section 7. No person shall bo deem Chrome Yellow, Umber, Sienncr, Patent liryer, Vermillion, TN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS TO GIVE ME A GAZLt that when the performance is one of Section 2. All parties interested in ed to have been in possession of any Whiting Prussian, Blue, Bladders of Putty, JL and at Reasonable Prices, for sale by 6 2m F. A. SCIIAEFER CO. a serios, a license may bo granted, in any Estate, may attend on tho day or lands, within the meaning of this Chap A LARGE & VARIED Before Purchasing Elsewhere the discretion of tho llinister of tho days appointed as aforesaid, and show ter, merely by reason of having made Carriage and Coach Varnish, AS JfAXV THIXGS WILL HE SOLD Iutorior, for tho series of performances, cause against the allowance of any claim. an entry thereon, unless he shall have BOMiBS & CO, JSTot Oxxly Vt Bright, Copal and Fumituro Varnish, Cost, upon payniont of not less than Ten 3. Notice such continued in open acd peaceable poss -- HAVE FOR SALE- - BUT IX MANY INSTANCES, Section of days ap Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine, ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Dollars for each week." pointed for hearing, shall bo given by ession of the same, for the Tpace of Mason's Blacking, Coffee Mills, - Axe. Pick, Sledge, Adz, Hoc, Oo, Large and Varied Ass't of Goods ! GREATLY BELOW COST! Sbotion- 2. Tho 99th Section of tho one such ; A publication, or otherwise, as tho Court year after entry or unless an Hammer Chisel Handles, TO Civil Code is hereby repealed. Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Trunks, Ordered and Selected IT KE ROOM may consider that the rights of parties action sliall have been - commenced EX LA1E ARRIVALS, & -- Approved this 18th day of July, A in each case ma require. upon such entry within one year after F0U A LARGE VARIED ASSORTMENT Tools,' -- C03MSTI50 O- f- D.lS70.a Section 4. "When it shall appear to ouster. . Coopers' Expressly for this Market! KAMEIIAMEIIA R the Probate Judge, before whom Section S. The limitations herein Chandlery, the'j Crozcrs, lionets, and Champering Knircs, Ship axoxg wnien are Agricultural and Other Implements, Estate may be .in course of adminis- before prescribed, shall take effect, from AN ACT C'omliisr front flic- Iluxt. thirty-firs- Ship Stores, tTo.,LifjBNSE the Carrying of Fowling tration, that there are absent creditors, and after tho t day of July, Carpenter's Planes, Downer's Kerosene Oil, which shall be The Usual Discount Made to the Trade! PlBOES AND OTHER FlRE-ARM- , whose interests will suffer from having in the year One Thou Fore, Smooth, Jack A Jointers, Seventy-on- e Croceries, no person to represent them, he may sand Eight Hundred and Cut Nails, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10. 12, 20, 30, 40, SO and Charcoal Irons 337 Orders from tbe other Islands respectfully ""Whereas, The Act for the protection solicited, promptly attended to and filled with care. appoint some fit and proper person as and if any person who shall then be en 60d, Boat Nails, 1, 1J, lj k 2 inch, Koloo useful Pressed Nails, 2 21 inch. cfc A of or Plover and other t Sporm Oil Rubber Hose, J J I inch. Hose Pipes, No Connection with the Firm across tho WaT. an Attorney for that purpose, and such titled to bring any action to recover Cooper's Rirets, 4, 7 a 8 lbs, Polar Best Leather Belting, 3 a 4 inch nide, 13r birds, approved on the 20th day of Copper Rivets a , 3m : Attorney shall receive in the discretion the possession of land, shall then be un Burs, 2, Kerosene Oil, Douclass Pumps, assorted numbers, April, A. D. 1859, has proved ineffect a j inch. Gimp Tacks, (lalv'il Malleable Thimble, for sailmaker's nse, of such Probate Judge, a reasonable der the age of twenty years, or a mar Iron a Copper Tacks of all sizes. Furniture argish. Coach V arnish. ual for the purposes intended thereby, Best Rubber Hose, , J, 1, lj a 2 inch, Spirits Turpentine, Boiled Jl Raw Linseed Oil, White-Was- California compensation out of the amount coming ried woman, or insane, or imprisoned, Centrifugal, Varnish, Paint, h Bricks, "PRO BONO PUBLICO!" and and Scrub Brushes, Cov'd Tin Pails, HublMick'M Pure White Lead Ac Zinc to such absent creditors, and whenever, the action may be brought at any time, C, S, 10 a 12 "Whereas, The general and iudiscrim 1,1,2, 3, 4, quarts. Lime & Cement in tho judgment of the Court, it is within five years after the disability Covered Slop Pails, Dippers, PAIXTS In Oil and Dry, Fire-arm- s, inate use of which are fre Dish and Milk Pans, A large assortment of paint, varnish, nhito-was- h shall Jcnning'sbits, soldering irons, T necessary to extend the time for tho cease, or after .the death of the hinges, steels. AMERICAS MESS DEEP, SALMON, &c and scrub brushes. quantly used for the destruction of Hammers, Gauges, Squares, Chisels, Axe Handles, Sledge Handles, Pick Handles, 8. co. proof of claims by absent creditors, it person disabled : But no such action Augers, Sieves, Lime Squeezers, I. useful, imported and migratory insect WHICH ARE OFFERED Plane Handles, Chisel Handles, mm i shall be extended accordingly. shall be maintained after it would have Yard Sticks, Bung Starters, Axes, ivorous birds and their progeny, is an Shovels, Spades, Oos, Lantern!, Approved this 1 Sth day of July, A. been barred by the Statutes of limita Eagle Horse, A and O Plows and At the Lowest Market Prices! injury to the agricultural and pastoral Points, Paris Plows, extra beary and strong, torosono Stovos D. 1870. tion in force immediately before the Protoxide of Iron, Pain Killer, Patent Balances, to weigh from 300 to 800 lbs.. AND IN TRANSIT, interests of this Kingdom, therefore, KAMEIIAMEIIA Poland's White Pine Compound, Platform and Counter Scales, li. time when this Act sliall become a law Natural Leaf .Tobacco, Planters' Enacted by the King anil the Legis Pails, Tubs, Brooms, Etc., Etc. Solid Socket Garden Hoes, Hoes, I Jii Section 9. If any action, of which LIGHT PRESSED. llorso Hoes. Cultivators, Direct. mportations lalixc Assembly of the Hajcaiian Is AN ACT Kowiicr's Itcroenc Oil, Eagle, Ho. 2 and Xo. 20 Plows, and extra beams Limiting Ac the commencement is limited by this Best brand in market. Received per D. C. Murray. and handles for same. lands, m the Legislature of the Kingdom the time, within which, From tho Boston House. may Act, shall be abated by the death of IS For sale by BOLLES A Co. asewtUcxL: tions be brought to Recover Pos lHiiffle-Trcc- s, for Double & Single Teams, any party thereto, or if, after verdict, And Many Other Articles AMERICAN and EUROPEAN MARKETS! 1. session of Land. Seotion That the Minister of the TO 1JE by the the judgment shall bo arrested, or if Abb SOLD LOW River Canal and Garden Wheelbarrows, I,urgeMt Interior may at time license for a Be it Enacted King and the Legis Columbia Salmon Best Eastern Brooms, Stable Brooms, Tlic mid an' the judgment bo reversed en error, the Carriage Whips, term of one ear, any applicant for such lative Assembly of tlce Haicaiian Is- BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS. Street Brooms. American party bringing the action or any person COASTERS. T Bridle Ornaments, Black Walnut and Rosewood Best Ass't of Ready Made Clothing fire-arm- lands, in the Legislature the King- oV Drawer Knobs, assorted sues. . license, to use and carry s for of Catch Spring 1870. claiming by, through, or under him,- - may Galvanized Washers, Half Patent Axles, snortinK purposes, in tho District of dom assembled: Regular Packet for Koolau, Oaliu. Received per Falkcnburg direct, Brass and Iron Screw Kycs, Bartlett's Blacking, OX TIIU IIA1VAIIA.V OIIOOP, bring a new action for tho same cause, Keiifl, Island of Oahu', on receiving for Section 1. No person shall com 18 And for salo by BOLLES Co. Tacks, assorted sues, from 3 to 20 oi. within one year after tho determination THE CLIPPER Tinned Tacks for Clothinjr, Consisting in Fart of, tIz the Celebrated such liconse the sum of Five Dollars. mence an action to recover possession Light and Heavy Strap Hinges, ass'd siies, pf the original action, on the reversal Schooner Liliu, assorted weights, Section 2. Any person in said Dis of any lands, or make an entfy thereon, Saloon Pilot Bread. Collins' l'icks, - 3NT of the judgment thereon. J. WOOD, Master, O- DE3 TJ 3ST OB unless D. C. Murray. Cut Spikes, assorted sizes, 1 trict who sliall uso or carry for sporting within twenty years after the Will run regularly between Honolulu and tho vari Received per Approved this 18th day of July, A. 18 A. Co. rifle, pistol, right to bring such action, first accrued ous ports of Koolau, Oahu. For sale by BOLLES Iliiighum lluckcts, I purposos, any gun, carbine, freight or passage apply to the SCOTCH TWEED SUITS D. 1870. for Brass-boun- d Cedar Tubs and Pails, or othor fire-arm- without having at Section 2. If such right first ac ll-3- CAPTAIN, on board. KAMEIIAMEIIA Fnncy Door .lints, to any ancestor or of R. Hay. Clotli A: Garments, first obtained a license as hereinbefore crued predecessor California Oat Shoe Shapes, Itorai, Clinin, Cashmere, Drill tfiere- - the person bringing such action, or For Kona Hawaii. Received per D. C. Murray. Eor sale by provided, shall, upon conviction Can Ice be Mancfactoked. In the Tahnotajltt andjau, Ship mid Deck Spikes, in all varieties, making such to IS BOLLES i, Co. for, before any Police or District Jus entry, or any persons for July there is a full account, with drawings, of .F1 . Oti Slattrass Springs, Picture Cord and Tassels, Complete Black Dress and Walking Suits. ... Cocoa-handl- tico, be fined in a sum not to exceed from, by or under whom ho claims ; the an artificial refrigerator, invented by a Frenchman, senr. Active, Ship Scrapers, e Butcher Knives, M. Tcllier, and designed to cool the air of large P. MEM.ISII, Master, Milk Buckets, Hunting Whips, Boys' White Linen Cashmere Dollars such offense, said twenty years shall be computed Will run as regular packet to ports. Oregon Sugar Cured Hams, Fifty for every rooms without actually freezing any liquid. It a ....tho above and Cloth Suits. tor freight or passage apply to A Very Superior and in default of payment of such sum, from the time when tho right first ac works by evaporating ammonia In a large vessel, Article. 3rn W A LKKH A ALLEN. Agents. Table Cutlery, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF shall be imprisoned at hard labor, until crued to such ancestor, predecessor or and then condensing it In a chamber surrounded by Just Received per Falkenburg. running water. The beat absorbed in evaporation Wade and Butcher's, and other person. Regular Packet for Molokai. 18 For salo by BOLLES A Co. AVestcnbolm's Cutlery, such fine and costs are paid, accordiu is taken, from the air of the room, and one conden- rocket - Wade A Butcher's Baiors, Cents' Furnishing Goods, 3. of sation U given out to law. Section In the construction again to the water and carried Ltuen Cambric Handkerchiefs, UTANIIkV cohdace, Saratoga and Gents' Leather Trunks, away. This produces an active circulation of air In Schr. Pauahi, G Turkish Towels, 3, All such licenses shall this Act, the right to make an entry or LJ Sizes from inch to inch, in bond or duty Section be the room, and reduces the temperature rapidly, but HAI.I.ISTKU, Mauler, paid, and for salo by Fine Flannels commence an action, shall bo deemed to A signed by the Minister of tho Interior, not to the freezing point. In breweries, in great Will run a sa regular packet between Honolulu 12 BOLLES CO. JOHN M. DAVIBS CO'S i Glove-Pittin- g have first accrued at tho times respec- public halls, and in hotels, this machine is said to and Molokai, touching at Kaunnkakai and Pukoo. Thompson's Corsets numberod according to their respective ror freight or passazc apnlv to the Captain on COLUMHIA. ItlVKU SALMON, have proved successful at a moderate running BKST Celebrated Patent White Shirts, dates and impressed with the seal of tively hereinafter mentioned, that is to board or and half barrels. .Furniture Damask, but it requires a considerable first outlay, a If. PRENDEROAST. Agent. For sale by (12) BOLLES A CO. Linen Table Damask, sav : ' Styled Baric A Jones, in all grades. his Department, and no such license continuous power, and running water: and is, of lioyle's Prints, shall bo dis course, scarcely applicable private T ARISING, Blacksmith's Anvils, shall be transferable. First : When any person lo houses, butch Blacksmith's Bellows, ass'd 20 to 30 inch. Ovcrsliirtx! ! Ovcrstlilri ers' fish C Heavy 40 inch Bagging, for sale by OTcrIiirt stalls, markets, factories, and IGAR J A Solid Patent Box Vises and Bench Vises, seized, his right of entry or action sliall 12 BOLLES CO. Approved this ISth day of July, A soda-wat- fountains, New J'ork City, is Blacksmith's Cast Steel Hammers and Sledges, Flannel, Diagonal, be tho time however, in Grey D. 1S70. deemed to have accrued at alone In being at the mercy of a monopoly In this TOBACCO & PIPES KUSSIA IIILIIl COItUAGK, Jack Screws, assorted sizes. Printed and Crimean. BUST Dies, of such disseizin. matter. 1 he supply of ice in Maine and Massacbu from S inch to 21 inch, in bond or duty Sets of Stocks and KAMEIIAMEIIA Paid, and for sale by Galvanized Iron Wire Webbing, setts Is abundant and the price low. can pur- - OF THESE GOODS Secondly: When he claims as heir or It be 12 BOLLES k CO. ALL cliaseffthcre aud shipped to New York, so UXDEKSIGNED litis just received AN as to be Till: JIAMBURG, cfej ARB AT ACT devisee of one who died seized, his right delivered at our wharves, at a maximum price of A NCHOIIS & CHAIN CAItI.ES, Brass Iron Wlro To Prohibit Keepers of Coffee, Vic- shall be deemed to have accrued at the seventy five cents per hundred pounds, or fifteen Direct from the ti. Aochors all sizes, from 102 to 2S0O His. Chain of assorted sizes. EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES! dollars Manufacturers! Cables, sizes from inch to inch with certificate Sa- per ton an unreasonable cost indeed, but i li tualing, "Liquor and Billiard time of such death, unless there is an - of the Admiralty test. Cast Steel, ass'd sqnare. octagon and round. only half as much as the ice Companies j- propose II Itcceut ArrivnlH, . For sale by (12) BOLLES CO. Boat Sails and ltoughs, Bowling estate or-- in dower, or i loons, and Allevs, from by the curtesy hereafter to exact. It is to this source that our sitl- - Cooper' IUreti, Copper Rivets and Barf, Hats! Hats! zens Galvanized Tnbj and Pailf, Hats Allowing School Fre-Sub- xt some other estate intervening after the must look for relief. It is still early In the sea The Finest Assortment of Cigars! Children to qpeum & I'OLAK OIL, Ooff Spades and Shovels son, there Is. no risk of loss in making such ship in quantities to suit, for sale by O Spear A Jackson's and Bradsbaw's Cross-c- ! ! their Premises, Between the death of such ancestor or devisor, in 12 UOSierV HOSierV Hosiery ments, and we understand that arrangcircnls have Ever Imported Into tills 3Iarketf and Bip Saws, of all sizes, I Hours of Sunset and Sunrise. which case, his right shall be deemed already been made for beginning them. Should the 3IaydoIe's C. S. Hammers, No's 1, 2 and 3, 1ALIFOKNIA LIME, and Boys. by the the Legis- holders here persist in extortion, the opportunity . - AND WHICH Jointers, emootb, tore and Jack Planes, For Gents', Ladies JJt it Enacted King and to have accrued when such intermedi and Rosendale Cement, for sale by Fancy Planes, Socket, Framing A Firmer Chisels for a thriving trade with New England will be too J A lative Assembly of the Hawaiian ate estate sliall expire, or when it would UK OFFEK3 AT IlEASUiVAllLH RATES. 12 BOLLES CO. Gouges, Spofibrd's Braces and sets Bits, AMERICAN & ENGLISH good, for our Idle coasting vessels to lose, and wc Augurs, small, radium and large, in the Legislature of the King- have expired by its own limitation. may expect lively competition for the ice market at GOLDEN GATE PLOUR, Gimlets, Saw Files, Chalk Lines and Reels, a reduction from g$T Alio Constantly on Hand tE BEST from the Mills by every packet, Carpenters' Pencils, dom Assembled : Thirdly: "Where there is such an in present prices. From the Erenlng Squares, FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS Bid, .Tune 29th. A Very Superior Assortment or and for salo at the lowest prices, in bond or duty 1. All Coffee, termediate estate, and in all other cases, paid, by A Splendid Assortmnt of Door Locks, AND Section keepers of An atomlst of. the Harvard Advocate submits the 12 BOLLES CO. where claims in following, a i Yiotunliug, Liquor and Billiard Saloons, a party remainder, or apropos of plan fur facilitating the ac Tobacco unci JPipew! Door Ai Slimier ItoIiH, affect- quirement of a knowledge of several subject! by "lOTTOX DUCK, and Bowling Alleys, and also Sugar reversion, his right so far as it is or stating the principles In rhyme: KJ Best Qualities, assorted numbers, in bond Ctipltonrsl i'litclic, forbidden to ed by the limitation herein prescribed, To irlilcli lie calla Special Attention of duty paid, and for sale by cto Mills, arc hereby strictly . To Window I':ixtciilzisr Boots Slioos! l'cfiu ix Eloccmox. All I.ovcra oftlie Veeil. 12 BOLLES i CO. allow any school children, boys or girls, shall be deemed to accrue when the The human lungs Iloll.H II II (I llitlfTC'M, reverberate sometimes with great ve- & locity, OYSTERS, Boots Shoes! to remain upon their premises any time intermediate or precedent estate would , H. I. NOLTE. OYSTEHS, Door - When wlnilj Individuals indute in much verbosity, 10 1m McMurray's Baltimore Oysters, Sliding Bail and Boilers, have not- 1 2 lb cans, sale by batweon the hours of sunset and sunrise, expired by its own limitation, Tfiey hve to tmn tho glottis sixty thouunl times a in a and for 12 BOLLES A CO. Boots & SKbes! unless the same be accompanied by their withstanding any forfeiture thereof, Mlnnte, THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. . Cut and Wrought Hails, And push and punch the diaphragm as though the denes DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. parents or gunrdians. An' keeper of Inch ho might have entered at an was in it. PRESERVED JIEATS, Chorui, OF NEW YORK. and California. Meals and Soups, Very 1'onhIIiIc earlier time. For sale by (12) BOLLES A CO. Saws, At the. Lowest Trice! a Ooffee, "Victualing, Liquor or Billiard The pharnix now goes up ; assorted, from 8 to 20 inch, cross-eu-t and rip. By the Original Package. Saloon or Bowling Alloy, upon whose Fourthly : The preceding clause shall The larjnx, with a slam. Ejects a note A SII OARS. not person from Cash Assets, $86,000,000! An assortment of sizes, for sale by premises any school child, boy or girl, prevent any entering, From tut the throat, over... XX ST Special attention to Country Orders, and a 12 BOLLES A CO. J DrT'lles may be found between the hours above when entitled to do so, by reason of Pushed ly the diaphragm. of all TCInris, fait margin to the trade. Thanking our patrons fer we respectfully solicit share their named, unless the same be accompanied any forfeiture or breach of condition, Reugiocs Views op a Dutch Farmer. During Cash Dividends in 1S6S,. . . .$3,257.137.2G. TTE.MI' CANVAS, For Machinist's, Blacksmith's A Carpenter's use. past faiors, a of the time of a great religious excitement, an honest .XI Beit Arbroath Flax Canvas, patronage. sliall be but if he claims under such a title, his sale by BOLLES A CO. by its parent or guardian, Dutch fanner on the Mohawk was for (12) Double Barrelled Shot Guns, shall bo deemed to lihve asked bis opinion M. S. CRINBAUM & CO., deemed guilty of an offense, and shall right accrued as to which denomination oi Christians was on the Caps, Life Powder, Shot, Percussion ll-t- The Largest Insurance Company C. W. CREY & CO., f Uakcc'l Illock be punished-b- y a fine, of not more than when such forfeiture was incurred or right way to heaven. Shot Pouches, Powder Flasas. "Veil said Te Sheet IMiic, Dollars, upon conviction before condition broken den," be, "ven bring our wheat to Hawaiian Soap Works, Twenty Albany, some dis road isli de best; and some I2T THE WORLD! Micct Lend, ftj aud TOR SALE! any Police or District Magistrate, and Fifthly: In the cases not otherwise aay dat; but it don't niLke mncb difference vich At Lcleo, Manufacturers Sealers 1D Soap. Beef, Mutton, and Goat OF MULE HARNESS and LKATIIER, liconse may bo rovoked by tho Min- specially provided for, the right shall road wc dakes for ven ve get dere, dey never ask ns In all kinds of A Assortment Carriage liis Scml-- A zi- - - Full of Material, SETT8 , , vich vay ve coom und it isu none older Dizziness Premiums- must lie Paid TallowWanted- the Ililo Tannery. r deemed to have accrued, when the Office. 30 Fort Feet, where orders will be received For sale by (12.3m) IIACKFELD A CO. ister of Interior, in his discretion. be onr vheat Uh good. IL If iizially or Quarterly. and promptly trtended to. 39 Section 2. If any keeper or keepers claimanUor the person under whom ho Texas Is ahead, and Washington's body OW GLASS, Assorted Siies, for aala places claims, first became entitled to the pos- seirant & ALL OF OUR GOODS WINty of any of the public enumerated is nowhere. .Texas reports that a negro woman died ADAMS WILDER, PHOTOGRAPHY! 33J II. IIACKFEL'D A CO. session premises under the title 14-l- Islands. in Section On'o of this Actshall find of the In tliat State on the 7th Inst, wbp was one hundred Agents for the Hawaiian WILL 'BE SOLD ; aju difficulty in clearing their premises of upon which the entry or action is found- - and tbirty-tbre- e years old (born In 1737,) who was Improvement it the Order of the Day. of oldest VrUNTZ YELLOW METAL, (only) "one the inhabitants of Texas," SOLE & SADDLE LEATHEE, And Composition Nails', for sale hy school children, the same may call in ed, CONSTKHCTEB A NEW SKYLIGHT, At Ail and who was "formerly a servant of Gen. Wash- HAVING the Lowest Market Price 25-- U. IIACKFELD A C of tho police constables, Section 4. If, when such right of ington's mother." Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins, various other improvements, I hope the assistance or now to to most CONSTANTLY OJf HAND and for Sale, be able suit the lastidious with vlio shall first order all such school entry or of action shall 'first accrue as Ges. O'Neiix complains that he Is a terribly Hi from tbe IRON PIPE, and A I'liotorapli of any Size, J8ST OUR MOTTO GALVANIZED WYLIE, i nted man. While be was gallantly fighting 1VAIMEA TAX C. Prop'r. From x Crystal to a Mammoth, taken in the Best and for tale by children to return to their homes j and, aforesaid, tho person entitled to such the ltT, JOTLET, IS&n 53 CO. Style of Art, and on the most reaionabictenns UjIIACKFELCi or action, within the age Canadians in the front, the United States Marshal 11c A. 8. CLEQUOEX, agent. QUICK SALES & SMALL iTsucb. order bo not obeyed by the s5id entry shall be took a hack at him In tbe rear. Also, for sale, views of the Islands, Portraits o.' PROFITS - the Kings, Queens, and other Notables. t AINTS St children, the police or constables shall of twenty years, or a married woman, or SALT, P- EAINT OIL, Fob what port arc yon bonnd daring courtship t LIVERPOOLBarrel!, and for sale by II. L. CHASE. Sc. Ilubbuek'a Best White Zinc, .White Lead, Black mJULIXKHAX , Lead, Fancy proceed to apprehend all such children insane, or imprisoned, such person, or Boned to Havre. 29-- M. HACKFELD CO. 32-l- y Fort Stnet. -- tf c. Paints and Best English Boiled Oa. i For sale by (12) BOLLES A CO.