r u Total Press Run, Att Editions, High Above SOOfiOO; Denver Catholie Register, SCHOOL HELD IH HOME BOASTING 16 CHILDREN Race Bias Charged in Camp Carson, Contenta Copyrighted by the Catholic Preu Society, Inc., 1942— Permission to Reproduce, Ezeeptlnf on >^icles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Arsenal Project Is Investigated Paul Kawchak Family U. S. Senator Johnson Raps DENVERCATHOLIC Furnishes Most of Discrimination in War Work Students for Classes / U.S. Senator Ed C. Johnson of Hale, near Pando, have been jsonnel director for the project Colorado has entered the battle ironed out, new accusations o f dis­ prime contractors; George Bray- field, president o f the Colorado to end discrimination aj^inst crimination involving the dis­ Neighbor Children Also Attend Unique Vacation Spanish-speaking: Americans in State Federation of Labor, and REGISTER war work that was launched by charge of two Spanish-speaking George Maurer, president of the The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. Wo Have the Denver Catholic Register two men in Camp Carson, south of Denver Building and Construction Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services. Term 18 Miles From Craig; Father Paul weeks ago when it revealed Colorado Springs, have flared and Trades council. Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. charges made by the Very Rev. charges involving the Rocky Pando Situation Outra(ooni 0. Slattery Is Pastor John Ordinas, C.R., of St. Caje- Mountain arsenal project, east of “ Such a situation as was re­ VOL. XXXVU. No. 45. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1942. $1 PER YEAR tsn’s parish in Denver. Adams City, were investigated vealed in Pando is outrageous,’’ Though difficulties in Camp by Senator Johnson and federal said Senator Johnson. “ That has town A unique vacation school has just completed three- government agencies. been settled to the satisfaction of The Paul Kawchak Family of Craig K rl'S " miss reli­ week sessions near Graig in the Archdiocese of Denver. A conference was held Thursday all; but we want no more ‘Pandos’ gious vacation school on that account. The Rev. Paul D. Slattery, pastor, holds classes right in the home Classes were conducted in the^ Paul Kawchak home, 18 and I will do my best to prevent Gerard Hyde Is afternoon, July 2, in the offices of and members of the family make up the majority of students. Neighbor children also attend. The entire miles from Craig. There are 16 children in the family, Barron B. Beshoar, associate field such occurrences. family is shown below with the exception of the oldest girl, Mary, who is married. Standing, left to representative of the minority “ This war is a war involving all right, Paul, Jr.; Joseph, Alice, Eva, Julia, .Stephen, now in the army; Helen, Anna, Michael, and Nicholas. ranging in age from two to 22 years old, and nearly half New Director of grroups branch of the War Produc­ American citizens. All have been Seated, Jeanette, Ivan, Robert, Andrew, and Daniel, with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kawchak in the center. o f these were in the class. A similar school was held in the tion board, to discuss problems of asked to share alike the burdens, home last summer. the Rocky Mountain arsenal project and all must have equal opportu The Rev. Paul D. Slattery, pastor, says that members and to delve further into the in­ nity to participate in the war in­ of the family are excellent Cath- USO-NCCS Club vestigation of charges that Span­ dustries on a merit basis. The na­ ish-speaking workmen had been olics and that their life is an un­ tion must remain united to win a usually happy one. They attend barred from the job. The confer­ (Trim to Page 6 — Column i ) For the second time within two ence was called by Ted Orme of St. Michael’s church in Craig. The weeks the USO club, operated by the labor relations division of the oldest child, Stephen, is in army the National Catholic Community War Production board. service. The oldest girl, Mary, is Service at 222 E. 17th avenue, married. Two neighbor boys, David Denver, will have a new director. Contractors’ officials denied SISTfll PRfllES and Edward Hudak, were en- - Robert F. O’Keefe, Milwaukee, that they had given orders that MiloyiiGED ron rolled in the Kawchak summer who assumed the post June 21, re­ might be construed as discriminat­ school this year. signed to accept another position ing against Spanish-speaking work­ 14366980 Classes were conducted by Fa­ and will be replaced by Gerard ers on the arsenal job and said that ther Slattery and two Benedictine Hyde of Jamaica, Long Island. if such orders had been given by Sisters from Canon City in Craig Mr. Hyde, who will arrive in anyone connected with the work in the morning and in the Kawchak Denver early next week, was they were made without authority. home in the afternoon. There were physical education and health It was decided, however, to con­ about 30 enrolled in the Craig instructor in St. John’s university, tinue the inquiry in a conference m LEARN LATIN The Rev. John J. Kelley, Qhan- school. The parish at present lists Brooklyn. A graduate of St. set for 2 p.m. Friday, July 3. cellor, announces the follftwing some 35 families. About one-third John’s, he also attended Columbia Among those present in Thurs­ clerical appointments in the of the Catholics in the parish have university and was group work day’s meeting were Father Ordi­ With the help of 11 pupils of Pueblo diocese: moved away because one or more consultant for the New York city nas, Mr. Beshoar, Lt. Col. C. H. St. Mary’s academy, Denver, Sis­ The Rev. Joseph F. Kane, from of the family entered defense board of education. Breitweiser, chemical plant super­ ter M. Lilliana proved to members assistant in St. Joseph’s parish. work. of the American Classical league Play Center Planned visor; Col. Carl H. Jabelonsky, Grand Junction, to administrator Father Slattery says that the Tentative plans for a play cen­ army district engineer; Mr. Orme; on Wednesday that foreign lan­ of the Sacred Heart parish, Fruita. guages, both classical and modern, loss of parishioners is not so no­ ter adjacent to the club will pro­ George Dessericn,*assistant to The Rev. Francis G. Faistl, from ticeable in the missions of Rifle and vide an opportunity for service Orme; George Voyzey, general can be successfully taught to chil­ dren in the pre-primer and pri­ assistant in Sacred Heart parish, Silt, where vacation schools are men in the area to participate in Eastern representative of the Hod Alamosa, to S t Joseph’s parish. now under way. Classes are held their favorite sports when the Carriers and Common Laborers’ mary grades. Sister Lilliana, a former teacher Grand Junction. for 20 children in Rifle in the morn­ project is completed. Officials of union; Aaron Taylor, financial sec­ ing and for 25 in Silt in the after­ the club said that although the retary of Denver local No. 720 of in S t Mary’s academy and now a The Rev. Joseph J. Walsh, member of the faculty of St. pastor of Sacred Heart parish, noon. Archbishop Urban J. 'Vehr of plans did not call for any exten­ the Hod Carriers and Common La­ Denver confirmed a group of 21 sive sports prognram because of the borers’ union; C. W. Heyer, ar­ Mary’s high school in Colorado Fruita, is awaiting? appointment- to Springs, addressed a meeting of military chaplaincy and will persons, of whom seven were adult size of the plot they would, how- senal project manager for the con­ converts within the past year, in (Tum to Pages — Column S) tractors; A. G. Underwood, per- the Classical league, held in con­ assist temporarily in St. Patrick’s junction with the National Edu­ pariah, Pueblo Craig Monday evening, June 22. Father Slattery has been stationed After Seven Years cational association’s Denver con­ The Rev. Andrew Sucek, as­ vention. Her address on "Teach­ in the Craig parish for seven sistant chaplain in the Sacred years. ing Latin to Very Young Chil­ Iteart orphanage, to St. Francis dren” was followed by Latin and Bishop, Joe Palooka Join 40 CONVERTS Xavier’s parish, Pueblo. Fr. McCaddon Exchanges French demonstrations by the academy girls. Father Kane was bora Oct. 21, Fr. McLellan to Do Recalling the declaration of Fa­ 1912, in St. Louis, Mo. He ther James A. Kleist, S.J., editor In Fight on Intolerance studied philosophy in the St. Mission. Promotion; OCC for Army Chaplaincy of the Classical Bulletin, in 1936 TO BE fiJPTIEED Louis Preparatory seminary and that “ Latin in the grades is so theology in Kenrick seminary, Webster Groves, Mo., from 1934 First Mass July B startling an announcement that (By Rev. Patrick Stauter) was “ simply overwhelmed” by the (B y Paul H. Hallktt) than the resignation as chaplain we stand aghast for a moment,” Bishop Joseph C. WiUging of clipping. An interesting exchange to 1938. He was ordained in St. Increasingly within the past two Sister Lilliana reviewed American Pueblo and Joe Palooka, famous of letters followed. Mary’s Cathedral, Lincoln, Nebr., The Rev. Daniel B. McLellan, of the Rev, Damen L. McCaddon, April 16, 1938, by Bishop Louis Colorado’s first native to be or­ vears you may have observed experiments in the teaching of the comic strip character.^ have joined The affair started-when Bishop here and there in Colorado and who except for a few months in B.
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