October 2006 Volume 4 Sandesh Sandesh Issue 3 The Message : A Newsletter from IndUS of Fox Valley

From Editors’ Desk Kerala: Anomalous State? By Dr. Mohan Vishwanathan Dear Readers, Each year the October issue of The taste and aroma of the fresh lime juice of the tiny Marutis, Tata Indicas, and Sandesh is dedicated to the theme with a hint of cardamom linger in your Hyundai Santros that crowd the streets. The of upcoming annual IndUS ban- mouth. The sumptuous and unusually tasty small State of Kerala, that has about a tenth quet. The theme of IndUS-2006 is airline food served by one of the youngest of the US population, is one of the biggest Next Destination: Incredible India airline crew that you would ever see almost markets for automobiles in India. It is and we hope that the articles in lulls you into a nap. But by then the plane mainly a consumer society. Food, as well this issue will intrigue and perhaps would have started its descent into one of as most of the manual labor, comes to inspire you to make the journey to the two major airports in Kerala. Look out Kerala from elsewhere in India. Kerala’s India yourself. The lack of space the window and you will be mesmerized by largest global export is the educated masses prevents us to cover many other the green canopy of coconut trees and the it produces in the myriad of institutions. interesting and important aspects unending strip of white sandy shoreline that By now the friendly driver would have of tourism, but we are sure that at Columbus had originally intended to reach. started-up a conversation with you. Don’t the event you will find the exhibits If it is between November and February, be surprised if he knows the American and the presentations informative apart from a few businessmen and President’s latest Gallup poll rating, or the and the banquet and the cultural government ministers in the executive name of the newly elected Democratic program enriching. class, the plane would be filled with governor of Virginia, or that Tony Blair has vacationing Indian families and foreigners We are very interested in your decided to step down next year. Keralites wanting to experience the cleverly named feedback and would love to hear have a voracious appetite for information “God’s Own Country.” You get off the from you on this issue of Sandesh from the developed regions around the plane into the blazing sun and the moist and its articles. globe. This is partly due to the high number breeze makes it pleasant. Your bags arrive of Keralites working outside the country by the time you get accustomed to the air- and partly driven by comparisons made by conditioned surroundings. You step out authors such as Bill McKibben: “Kerala is Sandesh into the midst of taxi drivers, hotel agents, a bizarre anomaly among developing Sandesh and anxious relatives greeting their loved An IndUS of Fox Valley nations, a place that offers real hope for the ones on a visit from the Middle East, future of the Third World. Consider: This Publication Europe, or the US. small state in India, though not much larger Editors From the insulated, air-conditioned SUV, than Maryland, has a population as big as Dr. Badri Varma taking you to the hotel close to the city, you California's and a per capita annual income Ms. Manjari Chatterji watch the roads getting increasingly of less than $300. But its infant mortality Mr. Dnyanesh Patkar crowded. There is a good chance that the rate is low, its literacy rate among the tame elephant being led to work in a highest on Earth, and its birthrate below Mr. C. Shekar Rao lumber yard strolling along the road would America's and falling faster. Kerala's Dr. Sandhya Sridhar steal your attention. At first, you may not citizens live nearly as long as Americans or Advisor notice the swirling dust, the smoking three- Europeans. Though mostly a land of Dr. B. S. Sridhar wheeled autorikshaws, the stray dogs, or paddy-covered plains, statistically Kerala the occasional lazy cow that blend in with stands out as the Mount Everest of social the throngs waiting for buses, the development; there's truly no place like it.” The views expressed in the articles pedestrians who seem to restrain the slow Tour guides will tell you that this is the are not necessarily those of the moving small automobiles around them region with the oldest Jewish settlement in Editors and IndUS of Fox Valley just with a tiny flick of their wrists without the world outside Israel, and about its any eye-contact with the drivers. A Toyota long history of trade with the Chinese, the Corolla would seem enormous in the midst Dutch, the Portuguese, the Spaniards, and Page 2 Sandesh the English. Perhaps this is the reason Four-Star Asceticism; New York Times, travel alone after dark anymore in this why Keralites make comparisons about August 13, 2006). “Ayurvedic doctors part of the world, which had women doc- their living standard to that in the rest of like Dr. Sreelatha diagnose illnesses and tors and judges much before women the world rather than to other parts of imbalances through darsana, observing gained the right to vote in the United India. During your stay in Kerala, you the way a person moves, walks and be- States. You also may not be told that will be told that this is the land of the haves; sparsana, touching; and prasna, ministers in three of the most recent suc- world renowned film director, Adoor interrogating. The big idea of ayurveda, cessive ministries in the State had to re- Gopalakrishnan. Repeated references said to have divine origin, is that health sign as a result of allegations of sexual would be made to Al Gore and his book is a state of balance between body, mind harassment. that pointed to Kerala as a model of envi- and consciousness. Its sister discipline is If you have not yet read Arundhathi ronment-friendly development, and to yoga, which, before it became an indus- Roy’s Booker Prize-winning novel “God National Geographic Traveler magazine try, was also a science dating back to the of Small Things,” read it before your that named Kerala along with Hawaiian Vedic period. One’s constitution is said visit. Even if you have read it once, read Islands and Greek Islands as one of the to be composed of three doshas — vata it again on your way as it would help you “50 places of a lifetime” to visit. (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (water) — to understand the psyche of the Kerala Tourism has definitely taken a strong encoded in every cell. Initial treatment society. Stay long enough in Kerala and economic hold on Kerala. The whole includes a prescribed diet (supplemented you will come to realize that exaltations State seems to embrace tourism as the with herbs both ingested and applied), of religious harmony in the State are salvation to a better economic future. If yoga, meditation and massages to pre- merely superficial. The society and its you can afford it, try to stick to hotel pare the body for elimination of agni, or major institutions are still structured chains such as the Taj or the Leela waste. Pancha karma, a specialty of Ker- mostly along caste and religion. It might Kempinski in Kovalam beach near Thi- ala and no stroll through the park, in- come as a shock that rather than resisting ruvananthapuram, the capital city. You cludes a stamina-challenging sequence of such a trend, the present generation can take idyllic tours through the many enemas. “We are not treating part by part seems to accept it. According to M.G. waterways that crisscross the middle of and organ by organ,” Dr. Sreelatha ex- Radhakrishnan, the Special Correspon- the State on house boats that resemble plained kindly. “We consider the body dent for a major national news magazine, floating hotel rooms, accompanied by and soul.” India Today, in college campuses young- your own cook and a “captain” and his If you want to experience Kerala from sters these days check the caste and re- assistant. From your floating balcony the common man’s perspective, take a ligion even before falling in love! you could watch the laid back village bus ride on one of the buses operated by Kerala is indeed a “bizarre anomaly.” life. Don’t be surprised if you are not a Kerala State Road Transport Corpora- floating spectacle anymore. Along the tion. You would notice that roads are Mohan is a Scientist working for the Na- river bank the women will be busy wash- getting widened at many strategic places tional Institutes of Health. He lives in ing their clothes with Tide or bathing to accommodate the growing number of Gaithersburg, Maryland with his wife, Mary. their kids with Dove soap. automobiles. The sights and smells from Both of them have been away from their na- Almost all the hotels catering to the tour- such a trip would be worth it. Women tive Kerala for more than 30 years. Along ists would have an Ayurvedic treatment still sit secluded in seats meant for them with their two grown children, Smitha and center. What follows is an excerpt from in these buses. You will be surprised that Anand, they visit Kerala as often as they can. some in the State do not allow Mohan's interests include South Asian fic- Patricia Leigh Brown’s fun to read - tion, serious films and photography. He can cle on this latest trend (In the Land of women devotees. You may not be told that women do not feel safe enough to be contacted at [email protected] Is this your country, uncle? By Scott Peeples

During my five weeks in India, as soon semi-drunken revelers. In a third, we I stayed in rival the most opulent of as I concluded that I knew something were given flower garlands and a Hindu homes of the United States. India has about the people or the workings of so- blessing of red kumkum powder on our been lauded for its higher education, ciety, a new situation would present it- foreheads. which has produced young adults on the self that changed my perceptions. In To understand India, I've been told, you cutting edge of the information and one city, we were greeted by Rotarians must be able to hold on to completely technology industry, yet these same who spoke little English and served us contradictory images and realize that young intellectuals hire construction fresh coconut milk, straight from the both represent the true India. crews who carry bricks on their heads coconut. In another city, we were and wear sandals or go barefoot. India has been called one of the poorest greeted with bottles of beer, loud rock ‘n To understand India, you need to deal roll music and obnoxious hugs from the nations in the world, but a couple homes Sandesh Page 3

with the image of piles of garbage on the But more than anything else, I looked was wearing: a funky Indian shirt I had street next to a jewelry store selling forward to visiting schools in India and just purchased with the sacred word $25,000 crowns and necklaces; cars ended up having wonderful interactions “Om” stitched on it. sharing space with cows, mini-taxis at a half dozen schools in the states of For the next several minutes, I sang and (auto rickshaws) and motorcycles Tamil Nadu and Kerala. I learned that taught them the song (with carrying families of five. A devout children love to learn, but the curriculum accompanying sign language) - “Love Hindu man may begin his day with a is rigid and they feel pressure because of Grows,” made popular by children’s solemn puja ritual to Ganesh, the the impact of each exam on their future singer Tom Pease. I messed it up a remover of all obstacles, then drive to in an overcrowded, highly competitive couple times, but two thousand Tamil work with his hand on the horn, honking society. Students rose to their feet to speaking children still thought I was whenever a vehicle, cow or pedestrian greet me and asked insightful questions. some sort of rock star. As we left shortly comes anywhere in his path. On several occasions, it was exciting to after the song concluded, I was ecstatic India, with a population of 1.08 billion see their good humor shine through their to have hundreds of students come over people, is the largest democracy in the extremely polite and formal exteriors. and shake my hand. Over and over, they world, enchanting and mystic, colorful One boy gave me his pen as a token of politely asked me my name. I was and musical, overflowing with goodwill appreciation for me reading to his tempted to say “Bono” but I simply and hospitality to strangers, brimming class. At another school, two young answered “Scott”. Their beaming smiles with optimism and alive with new girls sang me “The Lullaby for Lord followed me all the way back to the van. .” opportunities on the world stage. But, in I walked away newly inspired to do what many households, women are second My fondest visual memory of India is I could to bring happiness to the children class citizens who don't come to the table seeing thousands of students, every day, I met. But clearly it was the children in to eat until after they have cleared their walking to and from school in their India who brought me joy, whether they husband's plates. bright, matching uniforms. And so I set knew it or not a goal of reaching out to young people Real India is deep and rich as the ### Arabian Sea or the miles upon miles of whenever possible. But I wasn’t tea fields that cover the Nilgiris Hills in prepared for my very first school visit “Is This Your Country, Uncle?” Soft south India. It is also as shallow and eight days into our trip. words, steeped in innocent admiration poor as the 800 million people who earn On the way to a Hindu dedicated from a seven year old girl, shook me less than $2 a day. India is as strong as a to Lord Shiva, our hosts decided to make from the haze of another busy day in the thundering elephant and as meek as the a quick stop at a large school in the city southern city of Erode, Tamil Nadu. We thousands of hunched female street of Avinasi. It was a Muslim holiday, so were walking the streets of a quiet, sweepers, who lack even the benefit of a many schools were not in session at all. middle class neighborhood to look at full size broom. Other schools, like this one, were having elaborate chalk drawings that women and their older daughters had drawn on ### a “sports day” – their label for a more relaxed day apart from the rigidity of their front walks and driveways. The As a tourist, one can travel all over the book and blackboard learning and brilliant, circular drawings -- called world without gaining a real affinity for recitation. Squeezing out of a small van Kollam -- combined reds, browns, the people. Rotary International’s Group and shaking off the effects of another yellows, blues and greens – all on a base Study Exchange Program, which brought long stretch of bumpy road, the five of of cow dung. Meticulously painted, the me to India for five weeks earlier this us walked onto an outdoor stage flanked drawings would wash away when the year, is a deeply profound effort to go by 1,000 male students on one side and monsoon came, but on this day, they beyond superficial understanding and 1,000 female students on the other. were a source of pride for women not create lasting ties that change the lives of accustomed to the presence of curious both the visitors and the hosts. The mere sight of so many students Americans. watching us approach was daunting and My trip was a celebration of dozens of inspiring at the same time. As we were “Is this Your Country, Uncle?” -- the life-affirming moments. We climbed treated to a few dance performances by young girl held up a small, United States mountains, swam in the Arabian Sea, students, Dennis Rader, our Rotary GSE flag pin I had given her without much experienced Aryuvedic massage, visited team leader, whispered to me asking if I thought a few minutes earlier. Uncle, she a factory that made mattresses stuffed would say a few words to the students. called me. A title of respect that Indian with coconut husks, ate paan and mango children use for adults. I had heard this pickles, visited a leprosy clinic, held Simply saying, “hello, we’re glad to be before, but somehow it pulled at my infants at an orphanage and, at every here,” wasn’t good enough, I thought. I heart strings this time. I felt like I was turn, witnessed extreme poverty that gathered some thoughts in my head and really part of her family. In 30 minutes, engulfs India today, often right alongside walked to the microphone. we would be off to another destination the opulence. Maybe I was emboldened by the shirt I and I’d never see her again, but as we Page 4 Sandesh walked side by side, it was as if I walked “Is this your country, uncle?” she asked. in my own neighborhood. Yes, the United States is my country, We stopped to offer our praises, to take but, on that day in India, we were pictures, to share greetings of “Namaste” neighbors walking the streets together and “Happy Pongal” with families who and that what mattered. emerged from their homes; our new Scott Peeples lives in Appleton with his friends. wife, Mary, and their daughters Jenna and Maria. While he holds a degree in The art show was finished now. Still journalism, he is coordinator of the YMCA wearing the flower garlands we were Afterschool Learning Center at Horizons greeted with when we started the day, we School in Appleton. A founding member of prepared for another group picture – one Pongal festival Photo by Scott Peeples Toward Community: Unity In Diversity, his of many “snaps” we would take every flower garland from my own neck and passion for diversity led him to apply for a day in India. Still moved by the soft placed it around hers, just in time for the Rotary International sponsored trip to India, January 2 to Feb. 4 of this year. words of my young friend, I lifted my snap of the camera.

Reflections on India: Impressions of the Culture, Cuisine and Customs of My Father’s Homeland By Rachel Manek

After 20 years, I wasn’t sure what to ex- tainly got my fill. There’s nothing like a quite similar to an American service. pect on my latest trip to India. This was fresh mango smoothie first thing in the There was music, food and a receiving my fourth visit to my father’s native morning! Except maybe my aunt’s chai line. However, when you invite a thou- country. The first time I went was inside tea in the afternoon. sand people, that receiving line can go on my mother’s womb. I don’t remember Here at home, my wonderful husband forever! Did I mention it was hot? Espe- that one. I went again at 7. I remember does all the cooking. In India, at least at cially in our beautifully sequined saris. mosquito netting around the beds, cows my aunt’s house, the women do the But getting ready for the reception was walking down the middle of the road and cooking, cleaning and serving. I remem- nothing compared to what my new getting dressed in a beautiful silk sari. ber being very disturbed by that when I cousin Jalpa went through to get ready The next time was in high school. I have was a teenager. I couldn’t believe the for the wedding ceremony a week ear- more vivid memories of that trip, and I women had to wait to eat until the men lier. It took nine hours and four people to wondered how much had changed in 20- and guests were finished. That’s still create the elaborate henna tattoos on her some years. What I found out is that a lot happening, but it is part of their culture body known as Mendhi. has changed, and a lot has not. and traditions. I am so glad I made this trip. It helped The cows are still there in the middle of I traveled to India with my brother, sister me appreciate and understand my Indian a busy intersection in Bombay, which is and her infant daughter. We went for my heritage, and it gave me a connection to now officially known as Mumbai. But youngest cousin’s wedding. Yes, it was my Indian family. It was beautiful, in- you also notice cell phones and satellite an arranged marriage, and the two were spiring and delicious and something I dishes and women wearing western-style engaged three can’t wait to share with my husband and clothing. There are more high-rise build- weeks after daughter. ings now, but the poor still live in shacks meeting. Well, [Reproduced with permission from right next door. the arrangement "Women" - A magazine for and about I don’t remember television from earlier seems to be a women of North East Wisconsin] trips, but the channels are now full of great one be-

Indian TV shows and movies. Hello Bol- cause the two lywood! (Check out “Bride and Preju- acted like newly- Rachel Manek is news anchor of morning dice,” one of my favorites, at your local weds in love the news program, Good Day Wisconsin at FOX11. In her spare time, she likes to travel video store.) You can also get your fill of whole time we and she has been all over the world, includ- “Seinfeld,” “Friends,” “Oprah” and just were there. ing Sweden, Italy and India where she has about every American reality show. The bride wore family. She also enjoys books, movies, and a lot of TV! Rachel is married to John, a The food is still fabulous. And this time, Rachel with her sister, red and blue. I actually ate it. I guess I just had to de- dressed for her cousin’s Other than that, videographer at Fox 11. They are the proud velop a taste for the cuisine, and I cer- wedding the wedding was parents of a daughter, Isabella. Sandesh Page 5

Medical - Are you ready for it? By Dr. Radhika Raj

Medical tourism is providing a cost overburdened health systems in the international value benchmarking. In the effective private medical care option in Western world and Middle East are also last two years, international news collaboration with the tourism industry directly contracting with organizations in coverage of India’s major private for patients needing surgery and other India to provide services in a timely hospitals program has been upbeat and special care. In the past, many people manner at a fraction of the cost. confidence-inspiring5. from developed countries have come to Several Indian corporate hospitals are on For the medical value-travelers who are India for the rejuvenation promised by par with Western hospitals in view of the looking for services that insurance yoga and ayurvedic massage, but few high level of expertise of medical companies won’t pay for and for would have considered it a destination professionals, being staffed by employers and third-party payers who for heart surgery or hip replacement. physicians trained at major medical are looking for a magic bullet to reduce Increasing number of patients are centers in the US and Europe. They are costs by 80%1, the medical tourism adversely impacted by the skyrocketing backed by the fast improving equipment industry in India is opening its doors. health care costs in the US. There are and nursing, and have accreditation to India is promoting the “high-tech growing waiting lists for elective the Joint Commission International1 healing” of its private healthcare sector procedures in UK and Canada. As a (which mirrors the US hospital as a tourist attraction4. India is result, they seek out cost effective accreditation process) and affiliation to becoming “a global health destination”4 options in India, Thailand, Singapore the National Health Services in UK and it is high time we are ready for it! and several other destinations around the and Canada and to prestigious References: world. Lured by cheaper care overseas, organizations like Mayo Clinic, payers are increasingly offering patients Cleveland Clinic and John Hopkins 1. American Medical News; September the option to go outside the United States University in the US. They are out to 18, 2006, Volume 49, Number 35, Page for certain procedures and have overseas achieve a reputation for excellence and 16-17 hospitals and physicians in their 1 sell the idea that they do not have to 2. TIME; May 29, 2006, Page 44-47 preferred provider organization . Some scrimp on medical quality to get a lower 3. CBC News Online; June 18, 2004 employers like Blue Ridge Paper price1 . Products based in North Carolina are 4. The Financial Times; July 2, 2003 paying for the travel expenses and Leading centers are the Apollo Hospital employee bonus of up to $10,000 for Group, Hinduja Hospitals, B.M. Birla 5. CBC News -60 Minutes; September 4, going to India1,2. Heart Research Center, All India 2005. Institute of Medical Sciences, Taj Medical Dr. Radhika Raj is a Board Certified Hospitals, Wockhardt Hospitals, just to Internal Medicine specialist practising in tourists name a few. Neenah, Wisconsin. Prior to that, she usually get Apollo Hospitals has 37 hospitals with practised as a Cardiac Anesthesiologist in a a package major referal hospital in India. She has a deal that about 7000 beds besides working as a passion for medicine and all forms of art. includes subcontractor for Britain’s National Health Services3 and provides overnight flights, ● Over 1,50,000 medical tourists computer and Radiology services for US hotels, came to India last year. treatment insurance companies and hospitals and and often a participates in drug studies for major ● According to top hospitals 10% post-pharmaceutical companies. of all patients are foreigners. operative In 2005 alone 150,000 medical tourists ● Most sought treatments: cardiac vacation at a total cost of a quarter or received care in India and this is growing care, spinal surgery, joint replace- sometimes a tenth of the cost in the US. by 30% this year and is forecast to ment, cosmetic surgery, dental For example, a coronary artery bypass become a $2.3 billion business for India work. surgery costs roughly $6,500 at Apollo 3 by 2012 . However this is still a very ● Ayurvedic tourism earned Kerala Hospital in India, while surveys show small percentage of the total health $1.33 billion last year. 1,45,000 the average cost in California is expenditure in the US and is predicted foreigners tried out ayurvedic treat- $60,4001. Cosmetic surgery, dental not to make a dent into the US health ment. services and joint replacements savings industry since it is forcing the major are even greater. The range of services public and private payers in the US to - From Outlook: The weekly provided compare with the Western create a better health care delivery Newsmagazine, Feb. 13, 2006 health systems. Cost conscious and system to avoid falling short in Page 6 Sandesh Pilgrimage & Spiritual Centers in India By Kumar Rau

The Journey Hinduism Hill) of the Tirupati Hills, and lies on the The concept of pilgrimage has a long Varanasi - Also known as Kashi, is the southern banks of Sri Swami Pushkarini, history in India and can be traced back oldest living city in the world. Kashi, in state of Andhra Pradesh. The temple more than 6,000 years. Throughout the located on the banks of the sacred river of Sri Venkateswara has acquired unique millennia, people have sought solace by Ganga(Ganges), is the ultimate sanctity in Indian religious lore and the visiting specific places known for their destination of all Hindu pilgrims. The benefits acquired by a pilgrimage to spiritual qualities. The spiritual qualities word 'Kashi' originated from the word Venkatachala are mentioned in the Rig of these places were sometimes 'Kas' which means to shine and is Veda and Asthadasa Puranas, Indian attributed to legends or actual instances mentioned in scriptures over 5,000 years scriptures that date back thousands of of prayers and meditations performed by old. years. saints or divine beings living in these Kashi Vishwanath Temple is dedicated Buddhism places. In other instances, they were to Lord Shiva and has been a living Bodh Gaya - This is where Prince memorials for saints or places embodiment of timeless Indian cultural Gautama attained enlightenment under considered sacred due to natural traditions and their highest spiritual the sacred Asvatta tree (Bodhi tree) and formations that resembled sacred values. The temple has been a place of became known as Lord Budha. This is objects. In some cases it was due to pilgrimage for India’s great saints, one of the four most sacred pilgrimage uniqueness of a location, one example of including Adi Shankaracharya, places for the Buddhists. Bodh Gaya is a sacred location is the confluence of Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami located about 280 miles west of Calcutta. rivers, long considered holy by Hindus. Vivekananda, Goswami Tulsidas, Sarnath - Gautama Buddha gave his first India’s 6000 year old history, its Gurunanak and many other great sermon to five disciples in Sarnath. Only diversity of faiths and its unique land luminaries. 6 miles from Varanasi, a visitor will first formations have resulted in a wide Vaishno Devi - The shrine of Vaishno see Chaukhandi was built to mark the variety of centers of pilgrimage. All Devi is one of the most visited pilgrim place. In Sarnath you will find the major faiths in India have their own sites in India and requires an 8 mile hike Dharmek Stupa, which is considered to pilgrimages and the faithful strive to visit in order to reach it. Situated at a height be the sacred place where the voice of them all. Their journey may take them to of 5,300 ft., the site is located inside a Buddhism was first heard. Many north to the heights of or to cave in a hill in the state of Jammu and dignitaries of Buddhist countries visit the central plains or the southern coasts Kashmir. In the cave there are images of this place for circumambulation of this of India. Pilgrims often face an arduous three goddesses namely, the Mahakali, sacred stupa and to worship the Buddha. journey mixed with a sense of Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. excitement, and ultimately it is their faith Kushinagar- Near Gorakhpur in Uttar that carries them to their revered Badrinath/Kedarnath- Considered two Pradesh, is the place where Lord Buddha destinations. of the holiest of the four important stayed last and entered into . In shrines in Garhwal. Located in the Kushinagar, you will find the Interestingly, some sites of pilgrimage Himalayas, Badrinath is at an altitude of Mahaparinirvana Temple which contains do not restrict access to their own 10,000 feet situated on the bank of a reclining Buddha statue lying on its specific faiths. As a secular country, one Alaknanda River and between the two right side with the head to the north. The can see followers of diverse faiths mountains Nara and Narayan. The shrine statue is 20 feet long and rests on a stone amicably undertaking pilgrimage, all the is dedicated to Vishnu, the preserver and couch. while respecting observances of other is considered an essential pilgrimage site religions. In some shrines with for many Hindus. Kedarnath is situated reputation for healing powers people of - Amongst all the Jain temples, in the Uttar Kashi district of the northern Palitana temples are considered to be the different faiths come together to offer state of Uttaranchal at an elevation of their prayers. most sacred. Located in the Shetrunjaya more than 10,000 feet. Dedicated to Hills in the State of , there are The religions of India are many and Lord Shiva, famous for its exquisite over 800 temples, exquisitely carved in there are countless places of pilgrimage architecture, the temple is said to be marble. considered holy by each faith. Any more than a 1,000 years old and is built attempt to describe these treasures and of extremely large, heavy and evenly cut – Although Mount Abu was capture their spirit is bound to fall short. gray slabs of stones. an important Vaishnava and Shaivite However, following is an admittedly pilgrim center up to the 11th century, Tirupati Balaji - The ancient and sacred today it is recognized the world over for modest attempt to provide a few temple of Sri Venkateswara is located on glimpses of popular sites of pilgrimage. it's magnificent Jain temples. The the seventh peak, Venkatachala (Venkata were built between the Sandesh page 7 th th The Board of Directors: 11 and 13 century and enshrine various the most sacred temple for Sikhs. It is a Jain , saints. Vimal Vasahi is the symbol of the magnificence and strength of the Mr. Tim Higgins oldest temple and was built by Vimal Shah, Sikh people all over the world. The evolution Chairman Minister of Solanki ruler of Gujarat in 1031 of the Golden Temple is entwined with the Mr. Mahendra Doshi A.D. It is dedicated to Adinath, the first of the history and ideology of Sikhism. In its Jain Tirthankaras. The central shrine has an architecture are included symbols associated Dr. H. S. Dugal image of Rishabhdev and a large courtyard with other places of worship. This is an Dr. Muriel Hawkins with 52 small shrines. example of the spirit of tolerance and Dr. Laxman Kailas - Located in the Hassan acceptance that the Sikh philosophy Ms. Ruth Mansukhani district of Karnataka State, Shravanabelagola propounds. Dr. Marie Martin is one of the most famous pilgrimage spots for Christianity Mr. Shekar Rao the Jain community in South India. A statue of Santhome, Chennai - According to legend, St. Ms. Kavita Shet Lord Gomateswara, also known as Thomas sailed to India from Central Asia Ms. Hema Udupi rises to a height of 56 feet and is built from a in AD 52. He spent 12 years in India, the last Mr. Michael Van Asten single stone of smooth fine grey granite. eight of his life in Mylapore in Chennai. Mr. Kurt Wanless Islam Besides, Santhome Cathedral at Little Mount Dr. B. S. Sridhar (ex officio) Sharif - The final resting place for there is a spring on the rock behind the church, called perpetual spring of St.Thomas. It is Dr. Badri Varma (ex officio) 'Gharib-Nawaz' Moinuddin Chishti is located in Ajmer. People of all religions visit the traditionally held that St.Thomas struck the Mr. Vivek Kulkarni rock with his stick and instantly water gushed (ex officio) tomb of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. The Khwaja passed away in 1256 A.D. after a six- forth and thus the crowds that came to hear Mr. Prateek Mehrotra day prayer in seclusion. These six days are him quenched their thirst. (ex Officio) celebrated every year as the annual Urs, which Basilica of Bom Jesus – Found in the town of Ms. Meenakshi Agarwal is attended by innumerable pilgrims Old Goa, visitors from India and overseas (India Association: ex-officio) irrespective of their faith. flock to the Basilica of Bom Jesus situated Jama Masjid - Located in New Delhi, Jama along the Mandovi River. Built in 1605, this cathedral holds the sacred remains of St. The Executive Team Masjid is India’s largest mosque and has a courtyard capable of holding 25,000 devotees. Francis Xavier, who died while on a sea Dr. B. S. Sridhar It was built by Muhammad Ali Shah in the voyage to China on December 2, 1552. In President typical Mughal style with two minarets and accordance with his wishes, St. Francis's body was brought to Goa almost 150 years after his Dr. Badri Varma three domes. death. It was a gift from Medici, Cosimo III, Vice President Sikhism the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Mr. Vivek Kulkarni Golden Temple - The Golden Temple or Secretary Darbar Sahib, located in Amritsar, Punjab, is Mr. Prateek Mehrotra Treasurer WXYZWXYZ Mr. Ashok Tannan News … marking yet another milestone. IndUS in Member-at-Large collaboration with Rotary Club of Appleton, Dr. Ritu Subramony IndUS & Rotary Build Computer Lab Rotary District 6220 and Rotary International, is Member-at-Large in Killai, India establishing this lab for the benefit of students enrolled in Higher Secondary School, Killai, The construction and operation of the Computer Tamil Nadu, India. The school is located in the Lab at Killai forms the third and the final phase tsunami ravaged region. Please visit our website at of the tsunami relief and reconstruction effort. A traditional Bhoomi Pooja (groundbreaking A combined contribution of $16,900 from www.indusfoxvalley.org Rotary, together with an additional $8000 contribution from IndUS will now be available IndUS of Fox Valley for the construction of the lab and for 3600 N. Shawnee Ave purchasing hardware and software. The government of Tamil Nadu has signed an Appleton WI 54914 agreement to provide the needed land and to bear (920) 749-4911 the staffing and operating costs. The project to be executed under the supervision of Rotary [email protected] Club of Aurocity, Pondicherry, India.

The project has been conceptualized and ceremony) was performed on August 20, 2006 shepherded by Mr. Tom Berkedal (Rotary Club of Appleton), Dr. Ram Shet and Dr. B. S. Sridhar (IndUS) IndUS is proud to be a part of this diversity celebration, which and Dr. Karoon Agarwal and Dr. Nachiappan (Rotary Club of makes the Valley bloom. Aurocity, India). Musical Ecstasy That Was! Foods of All Nations The visit of Ustad Shahid Parvez and Ramdassji Palsule on Fri- On September 23, 2006, Fox Cities Rotary Multicultural Center day, October 6, 2006, was an unqualified success. th (FCRMC) organized the 9 Foods of All Nations at the City The evening concert saw a scintillating performance by Ustad Center Plaza, Appleton. At this highly successful gala event Parvez matched by the brilliant virtuosity of Ramdass Palsule on more than 800 people relished authentic foods from over twenty tabla. The mesmerized audience had come from all over Fox countries and enjoyed music and dances from around the world. Valley and from Madison, Milwaukee and elsewhere. Earlier that Since IndUS of Fox Valley is a member organization of day, the artists partici- pated in a convoca- tion held at Uni- versity of Wiscon- sin Oshkosh. Over 200 students including 140 orchestral students from Oshkosh North and West High schools attended the mas- FCRMC, its presence was highly visible. Several IndUS ters’ class. members were involved in setting up the place, food serving, tickets sales, and in cleaning up the place. Also, Arishna Agar- IndUS thanks Professor Mihoko Watanabe, University of Wis- wal and Julia Shariff performed a dance and B.S. Sridhar, consin, Oshkosh, and Ms. Geri Grine of Oshkosh Area Schools, like in previous years took control of the sound system. More- and its ever so dedicated team of volunteers for their unstinted over, Nancy Heykes, Jeff Kuepper, Ram Shet, Sandhya Sridhar, support and productive collaboration. Ashok Tannan, Kamal Varma, and Badri Varma were members of the Steering Committee and were involved in organizing this event.

IndUS Of Fox Valley 3600 N. Shawnee Avenue Appleton WI 54914

IndUS of Fox Valley Presents A Celebration of Indo American Friendship and Goodwill

Next Destination: Incredible India!

Saturday, October 28, 2006 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Liberty Hall, Kimberly

Exhibition Social Hour Authentic Indian Cuisine Cultural Program