SSppoorrttiinngg MMeemmoorryyss WWoorrllddwwiiddee AAuuccttiioonnss LLttdd PPrreesseenntt…….. AA SSaallee ooff FFoooottbbaallll && SSppoorrttiinngg MMeemmoorraabbiilliiaa LLIIVVEE AAUUCCTTIIOONN NNUUMMBBEERR 3311 Due to Covid 19, this sale will take place online, please visit Thursday 12th November, 2020 – 12.00pm Photographs of all lots are available online at 11 Rectory Gardens, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 9DG Telephone: 0121 684 8282 Fax: 0121 285 2825 E-mail:
[email protected] Visit: 1 Terms & Conditions Date Of Sale The sale will commence at 12.00pm on Thursday 12th November 2020. Venue Online at Location Online at Viewing Arrangements Viewing will take place as detailed on the opposite page. Registration If bidding online, please register with Auctioneer The Auctioneer conducting the sale will be Jason Gibbons. Please note he is only acting for Sporting Memorys Worldwide Auctions on the sale day. No communication should be made with him prior to the sale. Whilst the bidding increments will be solely at the Auctioneers discretion, they will normally be 10% of the preceding bid. If any dispute arises during the auction, then their decision will be binding, even if they choose to re offer the specific lot again. Buyers Commission Will be charged at 18% of the hammer price of all lots. In addition to this V.A.T. at 20% will be charged on the commission only on standard rate items only. This means that programmes and most paper emphera do not attract this charge, please enquire when unsure. Please note that is you are a buyer, lots will attract a surcharge of 4.95% plus V.A.T.