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'\ State Pages

/ HE following section presents individual pages on all of the Tseveral states, commonwe'alths and territories. \ Included are listings of various executive officials, the Justices of the Supreme Courts, officers of the legislatures, and members of the Commissions on Interstate Cooperation. Lists of all officials are as of December, 19.61, or early 19.62. Concluding each page are popu- •\;: lation figures and other statistics, provided by the Bureau, of the Census. . \ Preceding the individual state pages, a table presents certain his­ torical data on all of the states, commonwealths and territories;



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Dale Date Chroholoiical organiud admitted order of . State or other as to admission jurisdiction Capital Source of state landi Territory Union . to Union

Alabama...., Montgomery Territory. 1798(a) March 3. 1817 Dec. 14, 1819 22 Alaska...... Juneau Purchased from Russia. 1867 Aug. 24, 1912 Jan. 3.1959 49 Arlxona Plioenix Ceded by Mexico. 1848(b) Feb. 24. 1863 Feb, 14, 1912 48 Arkansas..., Little Rock Purchase, 1803 March 2. 1819 June 15. 1836 25 California..., Sacramento Ceded by Mexico, 1848 Sept. 9. 1850 31 Colorado..... Denver , 1803(d) Feb. 28. 1861 Aug. i: 1876 38 Connecticut. Hartford Royal charter, 1662(e) Jan. 9. 1788(0 5 Delaware.... Dov?r Swedish charter, 1638; English Dec. 7, 1787(0 1 charter 1683(e) .. Tallaliassee Ceded by Spain. 1819 March 30, 1822 March 3. 1845 27 Geor^a.. Atlanta Charter. 1732, from George II >Jan. 2. 1788(0. 4 to Trustees for Establishing the Colony of (e) HawaU.... Honoiulu Annexed. 1898 June 14, 1900 Aug. 21. 1959 SO Boise Territory, 1848 March 3. 1863 July 3. 1890 . 43 Illinois... Springfieid , 1787 Feb. 3, 1809 Dec. 3. 1818 21 Indiana... India napoiis Northwest Territory,. 1787 May 7, 1800 Dec. 11. 1816 19 Iowa. Des Moines. Louisiana Purchase, 1803 June 12. 1838 Dec. 28. 1846 29 Kansas... Topelca Louisiana Purchase, 1803(d) May 30, 18S4 Jan. 29, 1861 34 Kentucky. Franlcfort Part of Virginia until admitted June 1. 1792 •15 as state • (^)v Louisiana. Baton Rouge Louisiana Purchase, 1803(g) March 26. 1804 April 30. 1812 18 Maine.... Augusta Part of Massachusetts until (0 March 15, 1820 23 admitted as state Maryland.. Annapolis Charter; 1632. from Charles I April 28. 1788(0 to Calvert(e) Massachusetts., Boston Charter to Massacht^tts Bay Feb. 6, 1788(0 Company. 1629(e) Michljian Lansing Northwest Territory. 1787 Jan. 11. 1805 Jan. 26.1837 26 Minnesotia St. Paul Northwest Territory. 1787(h) March 3, 1849 May 11, 1858 32 Mississippi , Jaclcson Mississippi Territory(i) • April 7. 1798 Dec. 10, 1817 20 Missouii...... Jefferson City Louisiana Purchase. 1803 June 4. 1812 Auff. 10, 1821 24 Montana Helena Louisiana Purchase. 18030) May 26, 1864 Nov. 8. 1889 „ 41 Nebraska Lincoln Louisiana Purchase. 1803 May 30. 1854 March 1. 1867 37 . Carson City Ceded by Mexico, 1848 March 2. 1861 Oct. 31. 1864 36 \ . Concord Grants from Squncil for New June 21. 1788(0 9 England, leJlT'and 1629. Made royal provhice. 1679(e) New Jersey Trenton Dutch settlement; 1618; Eng­ Dec. 18. 1787(0 lish charter, 1664(e) New Mexico..... Santa-Fe Ceded by Mexico, 1848(b) Sept. 9. 1850 Jan. 6, 1912 47 New York . Albany Dutch settlement. 1623; Eng­ July 26, 1788(0 11 lish control, 1664(e) ^J North Carolina.. Raleigh Charter, 1663, from Charles 11(e) Nov. 21, 1789(0 12 North Dakcrta... Bismarck Louisiana Purchase, 1803(k) March 2. 1861 Nov. 2. 1889 39 Oblo.N. ..-:'• !•...> Columbus Northwest Territory, 1787 (0 Feb. 19. 1803 17 Oldahbma; Oldahoma City Louisiana Purchase, 1803 May 2. 1890 Nov. 16, 1907 46 OrettdhX ...... Salem Settlement and treaty with Aug. 14, 1848 Feb, 14. 1859 33 Britain, 1846 Pennsylranla.... Harrisburg Grant from Charles 11 to Dec. 12, 1787(0 William Penn, 1681(e) lUiiodo e Island... Providence Charter. J663. from Charles life) May 29. 1790(0 13 /South Carolina.. Columbia Charter. 1663. from Charles 11(e) May 23. 1788tf) 8 South Dakota... Pierre Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2; 1861 Nov. 2. 1889 40 . Nashville Part of North Carolina until (c) June 1, 1796 l