Congressional Record—House H1653
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February 23, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1653 the Olympic torch on its route through BILLS PRESENTED TO THE ∑ Division H—Department of State, For- Cleveland for the 2002 Olympic Games PRESIDENT eign Operations, and Related Programs Ap- propriations Act, 2009; in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is a mem- Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk of the ∑ Division I—Transportation, Housing and ber of Tau Boule and holds life mem- House reports that on February 4, 2009 berships in Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Urban Development, and Related Agencies she presented to the President of the Appropriations Act, 2009; and and the NAACP. United States, for his approval, the fol- ∑ Mr. Speaker, I thank you. I thank Division J—Further Provisions Relating lowing bill. to the Department of Homeland Security and my colleagues, and again, I thank this H.R. 2. To amend title XXI of the Social Other Matters. Nation for recognizing that black his- Security Act to extend and improve the Chil- Section 3 states that, unless expressly pro- tory is indeed American history. dren’s Health Insurance Program, and for vided otherwise, any reference to ‘‘this Act’’ f other purposes. contained in any division shall be treated as referring only to the provisions of that divi- LEAVE OF ABSENCE Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk of the House reports that on February 16, 2009 sion. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- she presented to the President of the DIVISION A sence was granted to: United States, for his approval, the fol- TITLE I—AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas lowing bill. (at the request of Mr. HOYER) for today. PRODUCTION, PROCESSING, AND MARKETING H.R. 1. Making supplemental appropria- Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan (at the tions for job preservation and creation, in- OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY request of Mr. HOYER) for today on ac- frastructure investment, energy efficiency The bill provides $5,174,000 for the Office of count of personal reasons. and science, assistance to the unemployed, the Secretary. Mr. STARK (at the request of Mr. and State and local fiscal stabilization, for The Department is directed to provide HOYER) for today and the balance of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and within 60 days after the date of enactment of the week on account of medical rea- for other purposes. this Act all reports and studies requested in sons. f this statement to the Committees on Appro- Mr. GINGREY of Georgia (at the re- ADJOURNMENT priations of the House of Representatives quest of Mr. BOEHNER) for today on ac- and the Senate (hereafter referred to as ‘‘the count of personal reasons. Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I move Committees’’) in both an electronic and hard Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California (at that the House do now adjourn. copy format, unless another date is specified for a particular report. the request of Mr. BOEHNER) for today The motion was agreed to; accord- and the balance of the week on account ingly (at 9 o’clock and 42 minutes The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (hereafter referred to as ‘‘the 2008 farm of medical reasons. p.m.), under its previous order, the House adjourned until tomorrow, Tues- bill’’) authorized many new programs, pro- f day, February 24, 2009, at 10:30 a.m., for vided mandatory funding for a select number SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED of them, and reauthorized existing programs morning-hour debate. throughout the Department of Agriculture. By unanimous consent, permission to f The Department is directed to submit a re- address the House, following the legis- EXPLANATORY STATEMENT SUB- port detailing the Department’s implementa- lative program and any special orders tion plan for the 2008 farm bill. The report MITTED BY MR. OBEY, CHAIR- should include timeframes for developing heretofore entered, was granted to: MAN OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE (The following Members (at the re- new regulations and estimated dates the De- ON APPROPRIATIONS, REGARD- partment expects to finalize the regulations quest of Ms. KAPTUR) to revise and ex- ING H.R. 1105, OMNIBUS APPRO- and implement the new or revised programs. tend their remarks and include extra- PRIATIONS ACT, 2009 The Department is also directed to provide neous material:) to the Committees all reports requested in Following is an explanation of the Omni- Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. the 2008 farm bill. Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. bus Appropriations Act, 2009, including dis- closure of congressional earmarks and con- There is concern that agencies are being Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. gressionally directed spending items as de- required, after appropriations have been en- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, for 5 minutes, fined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of acted for other purposes, to support E-Gov today. the House of Representatives and rule XLIV and PART studies. This diminishes, delays, (The following Members (at the re- of the Standing Rules of the Senate. or eliminates the implementation of the ac- quest of Mr. FLAKE) to revise and ex- Section 4 of the Act specifies that this ex- tivities for which funds were provided. Thir- tend their remarks and include extra- planatory statement shall have the same ef- ty days prior to any centrally determined charges being applied to any USDA agency neous material:) fect with respect to the allocation of funds and implementation of this legislation as if that are different from those amounts dis- Mr. POE of Texas, for 5 minutes, played in the budget justification materials, today, February 25, 26 and March 2. it were a joint explanatory statement of a committee of conference. the Department must submit to the Commit- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, for 5 minutes, The Omnibus Appropriations Act includes tees a detailed explanation of the amounts today. fiscal year 2009 appropriations encompassing assessed and the method for determining Mr. INGLIS, for 5 minutes, today. 9 regular annual appropriations bills, each in those amounts. Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, a separate division, plus a 10th division in- There continues to be strong support in today, February 25 and 26. cluding further provisions relating to the De- Congress for programs that provide emer- Mr. PAUL, for 5 minutes, today, Feb- partment of Homeland Security and other gency food assistance throughout the world ruary 25 and 26. agencies. The divisions contained in the Act and that work to achieve sustainable food se- curity. Among those programs is the Borlaug Mr. JONES, for 5 minutes, today, Feb- are as follows: ∑ Dialogue (and its associated functions), ruary 25, 26, and March 2. Division A—Agriculture, Rural Develop- ment, Food and Drug Administration, and which provides a forum for world leadership Mr. FLAKE, for 5 minutes, today. Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009; related to international food assistance. The f ∑ Division B—Commerce, Justice, Science, Secretary is encouraged to support this ac- tivity and to ensure that the Department ENROLLED BILL SIGNED and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009; maintains a strong role in the fight against Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk of the ∑ Division C—Energy and Water Develop- world hunger. ment and Related Agencies Appropriations House, reported and found truly en- EXECUTIVE OPERATIONS rolled a bill of the House of the fol- Act, 2009; ∑ CHIEF ECONOMIST lowing title, which was thereupon Division D—Financial Services and Gen- eral Government Appropriations Act, 2009; signed by the Speaker on Friday, Feb- The bill provides $10,651,000 for the Office ∑ Division E—Department of the Interior, of the Chief Economist. ruary 13, 2009: Environment, and Related Agencies Appro- H.R. 1. An act making supplemental appro- priations Act, 2009; NATIONAL APPEALS DIVISION priations for job preservation and creation, ∑ Division F—Departments of Labor, The bill provides $14,711,000 for the Na- infrastructure investment, energy efficiency Health and Human Services, and Education, tional Appeals Division. and science, assistance to the unemployed, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, OFFICE OF BUDGET AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS and State and local fiscal stabilization, for 2009; the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and ∑ Division G—Legislative Branch Appro- The bill provides $9,054,000 for the Office of for other purposes. priations Act, 2009; Budget and Program Analysis. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:23 Feb 24, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23FE7.082 H23FEPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H1654 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 23, 2009 OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR the Northwest Center for Small Fruits, Cor- The bill provides $974,000 for the Office of RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND ECONOMICS vallis, OR. Homeland Security. The bill provides $609,000 for the Office of The bill provides an increase of $1,350,000 The bill does not include funds requested the Under Secretary for Research, Education for research on food allergies and an increase for a Plant Biosecurity Policy Coordinator and Economics. of $800,000 for research on colony collapse or for a Food Defense and Biosecurity Policy Section 7204 of the 2008 farm bill authorizes disorder, to be spent as the agency deter- Coordinator. research and extension grants to study new mines appropriate. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER technologies to assist cranberry growers in The ARS Cotton Quality Research Unit in complying with Federal and State environ- The bill provides $17,527,000 for the Office Clemson, South Carolina, is expected to mental regulations, increase production, de- of the Chief Information Officer. identify opportunities for increased collabo- velop new growing techniques, establish OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER ration with the University of Georgia Tifton more efficient growing technologies, and MicroGin that would enhance the integra- The bill provides $5,954,000 for the Office of educate cranberry producers about sustain- tion of research on fiber quality from har- the Chief Financial Officer.