International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine ICAR MEDCOM SPRING MEETING 2008 LECCO, ITALY April 23-27, 2007 Dear friends, We are looking forward to our spring meeting 2008 that will be held in the refuge “La Montanina” on a plateau called “Piani Resinelli” near the rural town Ballabio in the province of Lecco, Italy April 23th - 27th, 2007. Meeting room with all facilities, lunch and dinner as well as accommodation will be arranged in the same hut. We will be guests of the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico CNSAS, the Italian Mountain and Cave Rescue Service. Mario Milani and all other friends who are involved: many thanks in advance for the or- ganisation and your magnificent hospitality! PLEASE SEND A BRIEF MESSAGE TO MARIO MILANI
[email protected] CONFIRMING YOUR ATTENDANCE. PLEASE INFORM MARIO IF YOU NEED TRANSPORT FROM BERGAMO/MILANO AIRPORT OR FROM LECCO. On Thursday and Friday we will mainly focus on our papers “Medical training of first responders in mountain rescue”, “Statement on an ‘ideal’ air rescue service in terms of integration between the services involved”, “Initial assessment of casualties in the mountains”, “Splinting: KED, C-collars, spine board, SAM, vacuum mattress”, “A Modular First Aid Kit for Alpinists, Mountain Guides and Alpinist Physicians (update)”. On Saturday we will start for some hiking or rock climbing in the Grigna mountains close to the hut. Bring your walking boots and climbing gear. To all first-authors of our papers and other presentations: please bring with you a Word-formatted text on a diskette for digital presentation plus about 20 hard copies.