Journal of Aquatic Health 16:116±129, 2004 ᭧ Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2004 A Digenean Metacercaria (Apophallus sp.) and a Myxozoan ( sp.) Associated with Vertebral Deformities in Cyprinid from the Willamette River, Oregon

M. L. KENT,* V. G. WATRAL, AND C. M. WHIPPS Center for Disease Research, Department of Microbiology, 220 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3404, USA

M. E. CUNNINGHAM Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803, USA

C. D. CRISCIONE Department of Zoology, Cordley Hall 3029, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2914, USA

J. R. HEIDEL Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Magruder Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-0381, USA

L. R. CURTIS AND J. SPITSBERGEN Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, 1007 Agricultural and Life Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-7301, USA

D. F. MARKLE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803, USA

Abstract.ÐA high prevalence of vertebral deformities has been observed in various ®shes, es- pecially cyprinids, from certain regions of the Willamette River for many years. One proposed source of these deformities is exposure to toxicants. Histological evaluation of affected chiselmouth Acrocheilus alutaceus revealed that all lesions associated with vertebrae were associated with metacercariae of digenean trematodes. Approximately half of the northern pikeminnow Ptycho- cheilus oregonensis had infections in which metacercariae were associated with these lesions. Metacercariae were also associated with vertebral lesions in three of four affected peamouth Mylocheilus caurinus. Many metacercariae that were present within the vertebral bodies were associated with bony dysplasia and bony proliferation in all three species. We also evaluated the association of the metacercariae with the vertebral deformities, using intact ®sh that had been cleared with trypsin. Fish from the affected regions had a much higher prevalence of metacercariae and deformities and a greater abundance of metacercariae than those in the reference site. Chi- selmouths had more deformities and metacercariae than northern pikeminnow. In all ®sh species, 77% of deformities were directly associated with metacercariae; in chiselmouths, about 95% of the deformities exhibited this relationship. Two types of metacercariae were identi®ed in affected ®sh: Apophallus sp. (Heterophyidae) and a neascus type (Strigeidida). The Apophallus sp. appeared to be more closely associated with the skeleton deformities. A Myxobolus sp. morphologically similar to M. cyprini was also associated with the vertebral lesions in about 50% of the northern pikeminnow and 5% of the chiselmouths. Intact plasmodia were found in somatic muscle, and lesions containing free spores were often located at bone surfaces. This survey demonstrates that metacercariae (probably Apophallus sp.) and a Myxobolus sp. are major causes of the vertebral deformities seen in cyprinid ®shes from certain regions of the Willamette River.

Certain regions of the Willamette River in anthropogenic contamination, and the U.S. Envi- Oregon are considered to have been impacted by ronmental Protection Agency has declared Port- land Harbor a Superfund site (Waite and Carpenter 2000). The Oregon Department of Environmental * Corresponding author: [email protected] Quality (ODEQ) has reported a high prevalence of Received January 6, 2004; accepted June 1, 2004 vertebral anomalies in various ®sh species from

116 PARASITES AND SKELETAL LESIONS 117 this river. The ODEQ studies found that 1±74% of Ferry (RM 72). The reference site was Kiger Is- northern pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis in land, which is near Corvallis (RM 135) on the the Willamette River had vertebral anomalies, the Willamette River. All ®sh were collected from 20 greatest prevalence being found at river mile (RM) to 29 July 2002. Fish were collected by beach 27±55, an area known as Newberg Pool (Ellis et seine, killed with an overdose of Finquel (tricaine al. 1997). The prevalence of deformities generally methanesulfonate; Argent Chemical Laboratories, decreased with distance upstream and downstream Redmond, Washington) and preserved in 10% of Newberg Pool. In a subsequent survey by Mar- buffered formalin. Preserved whole ®sh in for- kle et al. (2002) no differences in the patterns of malin were radiographed with a Faxitron MX-20 caudal deformities in Willamette River ®shes were radiography unit, and the images were evaluated observed between RM 29 and 71, whereas pre- for the presence of vertebral deformities as de- caudal deformities were substantially more nu- scribed by Markle et al. (2002). merous around the Newberg Pool area (RM 45± Preserved ®sh were decalci®ed before process- 50). Most of the 14 ®sh species in which they ing for histology. Tissues were placed in Cal-Ex reported vertebral deformities were cyprinids, II solution (Fisher Scienti®c, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- these deformities being most prevalent in chisel- vania) for 24±48 h. Samples were then rinsed in mouth Arcocheilus alutaceus. running tap water for 2 h, after which they were Skeletal deformities in ®shes can be caused by returned to 10% buffered formalin for 24 h. Tis- various contaminants, including cadmium, lead, sues were embedded, and sagittal sections pre- zinc, and organophosphate pesticides (Bengtsson pared by standard histological techniques were 1974; Bengtsson et al. 1975, 1985; Hiraoka and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Larger ®sh Okuda 1983). Therefore, vertebral deformities in were divided into thirds in cross sections before ®sh have been suggested to serve as bioindicators processing. Three 6-␮m-thick sections were pre- of pollution (Bengtsson 1979; Lemly 1997). How- pared from each block at approximately 50-␮m ever, other causes of vertebral deformities are not intervals. directly related to chemicals, such as low pH (Fro- To allow for better correlation with the presence jnar 1977), warmer temperature (Kwain 1975), and of metacercariae associated with vertebral chang- nutritional de®ciencies (Mehrle and Meyer 1975, es, we also examined ®sh in whole mounts in 1982; Mauck et al. 1978; Bengtsson 1979; Walton which ®sh were ®rst cleared with trypsin and et al. 1984; Akiyama et al. 1986). Moreover, sev- stained with alcian blue and alizarin red S (Din- eral infectious agents can cause vertebral defor- gerkus and Uhler 1977; Potthoff 1984). Cleared mities in ®sh, including viruses (LaPatra et al. ®sh were placed in a Petri dish and covered with 2001), bacteria (Conrad and DeCrew 1967; Kent glycerin; the entire ®sh was then examined at 25ϫ et al. 1989), and a wide variety of parasitesÐpar- or 50ϫ magni®cation. Total numbers of metacer- ticularly myxozoans and metacercariae of dige- cariae and the presence and absence of the para- nean trematodes (e.g., Baturo 1980; Bucke and sites directly associated with vertebral deformities Andrews 1985; Hedrick et al. 1998; Matthews et were recorded. Morphological information from al. 2001). the parasites was obtained by using wet mount A multidisciplinary effort was undertaken by preparations, and all measurements of metacer- toxicologists, ®sheries biologists, and pathologists cariae and myxozoan spores were made with a to elucidate the cause of these deformities in ®shes SPOT camera and computer program (SPOT ver- from the Willamette River, including investiga- sions 3.5.5. for Windows; SPOT Diagnostic In- tions into potential chemical or infectious causes. struments, Sterling Heights, Michigan). Here we report the prevalence, associated patho- For molecular analysis of the myxozoan, muscle logical changes, and description of parasites from tissue determined by microscopy to contain My- northern pikeminnow, chiselmouths, and pea- xobolus sp. spores was frozen or placed in 95% mouths from the Willamette River, Oregon. ethanol. To extract DNA, we used the DNeasy Kit (QIAGEN Inc., Valencia, California). A region of Methods the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) Samples and specimen processing.ÐUnderyear- was ampli®ed by means of the polymerase chain ling and yearling northern pikeminnow, chisel- reaction (PCR) with primers (18E and Myxgen2r) mouths, and peamouths were collected from the and conditions as described by Kent et al. (2000). Willamette River near the affected zones: Ash Is- Using the above PCR primers and the methods of land, Newberg Pool (RM 51.5), and Wheatland Whipps et al. (2003), we obtained a sequence ap- 118 KENT ET AL.

TABLE 1.ÐHistological evaluation of the prevalence and association of parasites with lesions compared with vertebral deformities identi®ed by radiograph (X-ray) analysis in chiselmouths (CHM), northern pikeminnow (NPM), and pea- mouths (PEAM) from the Willamette River. Chiselmouths were identi®ed as underyearlings, peamouths as yearlings, and northern pikeminnow as either underyearlings (Ϫ1) or ®sh more than 1 year old (ϩ1). The term ``lesions'' indicates parasites associated with vertebral lesions. Note that fewer lesions were detected by histology in ®sh that were positive for deformities by radiography because vertebral deformities were not always located by the former method.

Metacercariae Myxobolus Fish X-ray No. Prevalence (%) Lesions (%) Prevalence (%) Lesions (%) NPM (Ϫ1) Positive 28 12/28 (43) 12/24 (50) 9/28 (32) 8/24 (33) NPM (Ϫ1) Negative 18 4/18 (22) 2/3 (0) 5/18 (25) 0/3 (0) NPM (Ϫ1) Combined 46 16/46 (35) 14/27 (37) 14/46 (30) 8/27 (30) NPM (ϩ1) Positive 21 16/21 (76) 3/17 (18) 18/21 (86) 13/17 (76) NPM (ϩ1) Negative 6 1/6 (16) 0/0 (0) 2/6 (33) 0/0 (0) NPM (ϩ1) Combined 27 17/27 (63) 0/0 (0) 20/27 (74) 0/0 (0) CHM Positive 21 21/21 (100) 21/21 (100) 2/21 (9) 0/12 (0) CHM Negative 5 4/5 (80) 0/0 (0) 1/5 (20) 0/0 (0) CHM Combined 26 25/26 (96) 0/0 (0) 2/26 (8) 0/0 (0) PEAM Positive 4 3/4 (75) 3/4 (75) 0/4 (0) 0/4 (0) PEAM Negative 4 1/4 (25) 0/0 (0) 0/4 (0) 0/0 (0) PEAM Combined 8 4/8 (50) 0/0 (0) 0/8 (0) 0/0 (0)

proximately 850 base pairs (bp) long. To complete multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA) to de- the sequence, the 3Ј region of the SSU rDNA was termine the effects of the number of metacercariae, ampli®ed and sequenced with primers Mcyp1F ®sh species, ®sh size, and river location on the (5Ј-GTCAGTTTGTAGTCTGCG-3Ј) and 18R of total number of deformities per ®sh. Peamouths Whipps et al. (2003). Combining overlapping se- were excluded from this analysis because of small quences yielded a 1911-bp sequence, which we sample size. We also used linear regression to il- deposited in GenBank (accession number lustrate the relationship between the number of AY591531). deformities and the number of metacercariae. Ex- The sequences used for alignment and subse- amining this relationship in northern pikeminnow quent phylogenetic analyses were those of MolnaÂr and chiselmouths showed that the slopes and in- et al. (2002). Additional sequences were selected tercepts for each species were not different, so that on the basis of GenBank searches using the basic we pooled data from both species. Histological loc alignment search tool (BLAST; Altschul et al. data are presented as a cross-tabulation for pres- 1990). These sequences (and their GenBank ac- ence or absence of metacercariae and Myxobolus cession numbers) were as follows: outgroup M. sp. in lesions; independence of parasite±lesion re- lentisuturalis (AY119688), M. bibullatus lationships was evaluated with a chi-square test. (AF378336), M. bartai (AF186835), M. pseudod- ispar from rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus Results (AF380142), M. pseudodispar from roach Rutilus Histology rutilus (AF380145), M. pseudodispar from bream Abramis brama (AF380144), M. pseudodispar Histopathologic evaluations of ®sh from an af- from silver bream Blicca bjoerkna (as known as fected site (Ash Island) detected lesions (vertebral Abramis bjoerkna; AF380143), M. cyprini deformities and associated chronic in¯ammation) (AF380140), M. musculi (AF380141), and Triacti- in most of the ®sh that had vertebral deformities nomyxon sp. (AY162270). Sequences were as determined by radiography (Table 1). A total of aligned by using ClustalX (Thompson et al. 1997) 8% (3/38) of ®sh from this site that lacked ver- and analyzed with PAUP*4.0b1 (Swofford 1998). tebral deformities (by radiography) exhibited these For parsimony analysis we used a heuristic search histological changes. Many of the lesions were as- algorithm with 50 random sequence additions. sociated with either metacercariae or myxozoans, Bootstrap con®dence values were calculated with and both parasites were more prevalent in ®sh with 1,000 repetitions. vertebral deformities than in those without such Statistics.ÐAll statistical analyses were per- deformities as determined by radiographic analysis formed at ␣ϭ0.05 with Statgraphics Plus software (Table 1). Differences were seen among host spe- (Manugistics 2000). For cleared ®sh we used a cies: Almost all the lesions in chiselmouths and PARASITES AND SKELETAL LESIONS 119 peamouths were associated with the metacercariae, served by histology because of the dif®culty of whereas in northern pikeminnow 50% of lesions locating vertebrae with lesions (Table 1). There- were associated with Myxobolus sp. and 36% were fore, we examined ®sh in cleared whole mounts associated with metacercariae. in an attempt to better determine the association Metacercariae and myxozoan spores were ob- of the metacercariae with the vertebral deformities. served in or near vertebrae, spines, and the pectoral Both metacercariae and deformities were readily girdles of many ®sh for all three host species (Fig- visible with this technique. Large aggregates of ure 1). Metacercariae were observed either within Myxobolus spores in plasmodia were observed, but bone or appressed directly to the surfaces of ver- free spores associated with in¯ammation and ver- tebrae in which the lesion could be located. The tebral deformities were not. Vertebral deformities metacercariae were associated with prominent dys- (including lordosis, the absence of vertebral plastic and proliferative responses of adjacent spines, additional vertebral spines, and bone pro- bone, often resulting in complete encapsulation of liferation) and their association with metacercariae the parasite (Figure 1). Metacercariae observed to were further elucidated by this method (Figure 4). be directly associated with vertebral spines were Multiple, ovoid, pleomorphic, dense, alizarin red± either encapsulated by new bone or present within positive bodies (mineralized foci in granulomatous spines. In both cases, the bony capsule was indis- in¯ammation) were frequently associated with tinguishable from bone of normal structures. Ex- parasites in the surrounding musculature (Figure amination of radiographs revealed clear regions 4G). In most of the vertebral deformities evaluated within dense bone that corresponded to the pres- by this method, metacercariae were directly as- ence of the parasite (Figure 2). sociated with the bone, particularly in chisel- A histozoic Myxobolus sp. was observed in mouths (Table 4). northern pikeminnow and chiselmouths but not in Chiselmouths had more than 7.5 times the abun- peamouths (Table 1). The myxozoan occurred as dance (mean number of parasites/individual, in- intact plasmodia between muscle ®bers, often ad- cluding uninfected individuals) and about 2.5 jacent to vertebral spines. Individual spores were times the prevalence of metacercariae as northern found within areas of chronic in¯ammation adja- pikeminnow in the affected sites (Table 4). A sim- cent to vertebrae and the spines of some ®sh (Fig- ilar pattern was observed between these two spe- ure 3). The in¯ammatory response consisted of cies in the Corvallis reference site. Intraspecies melanin-laden macrophages and associated ®bro- comparisons revealed that both species from the plasia. affected sites had about 3 times the deformity prev- Adding data for the chiselmouths and northern alence, 2±3 times the prevalence of infection by pikeminnow from the reference site (Kiger Island) metacercariae, and 4±6 times the abundance of to the data for Ash Island demonstrated that meta- metacercariae compared with those ®sh at the ref- cercariae were associated with 53% (32/60) of ®sh erence site in Corvallis. Most importantly, verte- with histologically veri®able vertebral lesions (Ta- bral deformities were consistently associated with ble 2). Furthermore, Myxobolus sp. was associated the metacercariae. This phenomenon was partic- with 36% (22/60) of ®sh with histologically ver- ularly evident in chiselmouths, which had the i®able lesions. Using a chi-square test for cross- highest prevalence and abundance of infection by tabulation for the presence or absence of meta- the metacercariae. Combined data regarding ver- cercariae and Myxobolus sp. in lesions observed tebral deformities from both host species from all by histology indicated that a lesion associated with sites indicated that 44 of 57 (77%) of the lesions a metacercaria was very seldom associated with were directly associated with visible metacercar- Myxobolus sp. and conversely that a lesion asso- iae. Multifactor analysis demonstrated that the ciated with Myxobolus sp. very seldom had meta- number of vertebral deformities was related to the cercariae; only 2 of 63 lesions had both (Table 3). number of metacercariae but not to the ®sh species, ®sh size, or location in river. Hence, we could Cleared Whole Mounts appropriately combine ®sh species, sizes, and ar- Radiographic analysis provides an entire view eas in our other analyses. Regression analysis com- of the vertebrae of small ®sh, whereas histology paring the number of metacercariae with the num- is essentially a two-dimensional technique, re- ber of lesions found in the cleared ®sh data (com- vealing only relatively small portions of the skel- bining northern pikeminnow and chiselmouths) eton in each slide. We were concerned that some showed that the number of lesions increased lin- deformities seen by radiography were not ob- early with metacercaria abundance (Y ϭ 0.30 ϩ 120 KENT ET AL.

FIGURE 1.ÐHistological sections of metacercariae in (A, B, and D) northern pikeminnow and (C) peamouths. Hematoxylin and eosin stain was used; bars ϭ 100 ␮m. Panel (A) shows encysted metacercariae (arrows) in a vertebra associated with bone and cartilage proliferation, panel (B) metacercaria associated with chronic in¯am- mation and a deformed dorsal spine (arrow), panel (C) a bony cyst with a spherical space (arrow) suggesting the location of metacercariae in a neural spine at the base of a vertebra, and panel (D) bony cysts in the spine with melanized host reaction (m).

0.13X, adjusted r2 ϭ 0.23, P Ͻ 0.0001). The data associated with lesions, as determined using the for each species were combined in the analysis cleared whole ®sh method. because regressions of each species separately did not differ signi®cantly in intercepts (P ϭ 0.30) or Parasite Identi®cations slopes (P ϭ 0.14). Wet-mount preparations of metacercariae re- Aggregates of myxozoan spores in the somatic moved from cysts near vertebrae revealed a het- muscle were seen in several northern pikeminnow erophyid metacercaria consistent with Apophallus from Ash Island but not in ®sh from the Corvallis sp. (Figure 5A). Distinctive features of the meta- reference site (Table 4). The spores were not ob- cercaria identi®ed as Apophallus sp. included spiny served in the other samples and were not directly tegument, oblique testes, relatively small acetab- PARASITES AND SKELETAL LESIONS 121

FIGURE 2.ÐRadiograph of a vertebral deformity in a chiselmouth. The arrow indicates a region suggestive of metacercarial infection; the dense region represents bone proliferation with a lucent center corresponding to an encysted worm. ulum and oral sucker, short prepharynx, small genus Myxobolus. Spores most closely resembled pharynx, and a very long esophagus, which re- those of M. cyprini, which has polymorphic spores sulted in division of the caecum in the posterior that infect muscle tissue of cyprinid ®shes (MolnaÂr region of the worm (Schell 1985). Metacercariae et al. 2002). Some spores were symmetrical with of the Apophallus sp. measured about 265 ␮m(n apical polar capsules; others had unequal valves ϭ 2). Strigeid metacercariae (neascus type) with and subapical polar capsules (Figure 6). Spore obvious calcareous corpuscles were found in the measurements were as follows (n ϭ 30, values in muscle and ®ns within large black, spherical cysts; ␮m) length ϭ 11.0 (range, 10.1±12.6), width ϭ these metacercariae measured about 200 ␮m(n ϭ 7.2 (6.7±7.7), large polar capsule length ϭ 6.6 3; Figure 5B). (5.5±7.1), and small polar capsule length ϭ 5.3 The myxozoan spores observed in muscle tissue (4.0±5.9). of both northern pikeminnow and chilsemouths We sequenced 1,911 bp of the SSU rDNA of were morphologically consistent with those of the the Myxobolus sp. from northern pikeminnow and

TABLE 2.ÐCross-tabulation of the relationships between detection of vertebral deformities via radiographs and his- tological lesions in chiselmouths, northern pikeminnow, and peamouths from Ash and Kiger islands; neg. ϭ negative, pos. ϭ positive.

Metacercariae Histological lesions with lesions Myxobolus with lesions X-ray deformity Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Total Neg. 35 3 36 2 37 1 38 Pos. 20 60 48 32 58 22 80 Total 55 63 84 34 95 23 118 122 KENT ET AL.

FIGURE 3.ÐMyxobolus sp. in histological sections of a northern pikeminnow with vertebral deformities. Panel (A) shows an intact plasmodium (P) next to a dorsal vertebral spine; bar ϭ 100 ␮m. Panels (B, C) are low magni®cations showing in¯ammatory lesions associated with vertebral deformities; bars ϭ 100 ␮m. The box in (B) indicates a region shown in high magni®cation in (D); the letter B designates bone. In (C), arrows demark a lesion comprising chronic in¯ammation and free spores near a vertebra. Panels (D, E) are high magni®cations showing spores (arrows) in chronic in¯ammation; bar ϭ 10 ␮m. performed a phylogenetic analysis with other land, Oregon, has for many years been suspected closely related myxozoan sequences available of being caused by an unknown contaminant, but from GenBank (Figure 7). Parsimony analysis studies have not revealed a suspect contaminant yielded two equally parsimonious trees, the only in affected ®sh (L. Curtis, personal communica- difference between trees being placement of the tion). Using multiple diagnostic methods, our sur- group containing M. cyprini and M. musculi. One vey of ®sh collected from all sites suggested that tree placed these as sister to all M. pseudodispar most of these deformities were caused by parasites. representatives, whereas the other tree placed them The association with metacercariae is most com- as sister to M. pseudodispar from Scardinius ery- pelling, both diagnostically and epidemiologically. throphthalmus and Rutilus rutilus. In any case, the Examination of cleared ®sh added to our under- hypothesis that the Myxobolus species from north- standing of the metacercariae association and path- ern pikeminnow is an outlier to all of these species ogenesis of the deformities. This method demon- has strong bootstrap support (Figure 7). strated a stronger association of the metacercariae Discussion with the deformities than was seen by other meth- The high prevalence of vertebral deformities ods, probably because we were able to visualize seen in ®shes from the Willamette River near Port- entire metacercariae and vertebral deformities in

TABLE 3.ÐCross-tabulation for presence (positive) or absence (negative) of metacercariae and Myxobolus in 63 histologically veri®ed lesions in chiselmouths, northern pikeminnow, and peamouths from Ash and Kiger islands. Num- bers in parentheses are percentages. A chi-square test rejected the hypothesis of the independence of rows and columns (P ϭ 0.0001).

Myxobolus negative Myxobolus positive Total Metacercariae negative 8 (12.7) 21 (33.3) 29 (46.0) Metacercariae positive 32 (50.8) 2 (3.2) 34 (54.0) Total 40 (63.5) 23 (36.5) 63 PARASITES AND SKELETAL LESIONS 123

FIGURE 4.ÐMetacercariae associated with vertebral deformities in cleared northern pikeminnow (A±D) and chiselmouths (E±G); bars ϭ 200 ␮m. Individual panels are as follows: (A) a metacercaria (arrow) at a site of missing hemal spine; (B) a dense vertebra (arrow), possibly associated with an internal parasite (see Figure 1A); (C) a bony proliferation (arrow) partially encasing a metacercaria at the base of a hemal spine; (D) a high mag- ni®cation of (C); (E) a bent vertebral column with an associated metacercaria (arrow); (F) dystrophic hemal spines associated with two metacercariae (arrow); (G) additional neural spines and multiple dense concretions (arrows); and (H) a metacercaria cyst encased in bony material at the base of a neural spine (note the stalklike structure (arrow) connecting the cyst to the vertebra and the pores in cyst). the same preparation. Cleared preparations re- undetected within these structures by this method, vealed that many metacercariae were located at or but metacercariae were sometimes detected deep very near to deformities. Most deformities without within vertebrae by histology (Figure 1A). Several metacercariae were characterized by increased metacercariae were associated with mineralized density and fusion of vertebrae, as visualized by dropletlike structures in the surrounding muscle, using the clearing method (Figure 4). Metacercar- most likely indicating dystrophic mineralization of iae or their degenerated remains may have gone foci of granulomatous in¯ammation. Direct cor- 124 KENT ET AL.

TABLE 4.ÐAssociation of metacercariae with vertebral deformities in northern pikeminnow (NPM) and chiselmouths (CHM) from two affected sitesÐthe Ash Island, Newberg Pool (Ash) and Wheatland Ferry (Wheat) regionsÐand the reference site, Kiger Island in the Willamette River. The analysis is based on microscopic examination of whole cleared ®sh stained with alcian blue and alizarin red S.

Species Lesion Size (cm)a No. Location CHM Positive 3.3 (1.9±3.8) 25 Ash, Wheat CHM Negative 3.2 (2.2±3.8) 13 Ash, Wheat CHM Combined 3.1 (2.6±3.8) 38 Ash, Wheat CHM Positive 3.5 (3.2±3.8) 11 Ash CHM Negative 3.5 (3.2±3.8) 6 Ash CHM Combined 3.5 (3.2±3.8) 16 Ash CHM Positive 2.7 (1.9±3.4) 13 Wheat CHM Negative 2.6 (2.2±2.8) 7 Wheat CHM Combined 2.7 (1.9±3.4) 20 Wheat CHM Positive 2.2 (1.9±2.4) 3 Kiger CHM Negative 2.2 (1.9±2.4) 11 Kiger CHM Combined 2.2 (1.9±2.4) 14 Kiger NPM Positive 1.9±4.5 (3.0) 13 Ash NPM Negative 2.0±4.5 (2.7) 24 Ash NPM Combined 2.8 (1.9±4.5) 37 Ash NPM Positive 1.7 (1.7) 2 Kiger NPM Negative 2.2 (1.8±2.7) 14 Kiger NPM Combined 2.2 (1.7±2.7) 16 Kiger a Mean, with range in parentheses. b 1of2. c 1 of 16. relation with abundance of metacercariae through- (1974). These authors reported little host speci®c- out the body (including ®ns) with number of ver- ity for the metacercariae of A. doncicus in Oregon, tebral deformities was not seen because a few ®sh which might explain why vertebral deformities had had heavy infections of the ®ns. Chiselmouths have been found in many ®sh families (Markle et from the affected sites had about ®vefold greater al. 2002). To our knowledge, this is the ®rst report metacercaria abundance than did those from the of Apophallus sp. in which the parasite elicited reference site and threefold as many vertebral le- proliferation of existing bone. On the basis of his- sions. Retrospective examination of deformities tology and cleared ®sh ®ndings, we conclude that seen in radiographs revealed dense regions (cor- some metacercariae actually penetrate vertebrae, responding to regions of bone proliferation) and whereas other metacercariae adjacent to vertebral clear centers (corresponding to a parasite cyst; Fig- structures induce proliferation of bony material ure 2). Such vertebrae often were fused and had around the parasite. In contrast, A. brevis meta- additional spines, common deformities reported by cercariae infect the somatic muscle of yellow perch Markle et al. (2002). Perca ¯avescens and cause a host response of ec- We identi®ed two types of metacercariae in af- topic bone (Sinclair 1972; Pike and Burt 1983; fected ®sh, a neascus-type and an Apophallus sp. Taylor et al. 1994). Similar to Apophallus sp. in Niemi and Macy (1974) described the life cycle the present study, A. brevis in yellow perch ap- of A. donicus from ®shes collected in the Willam- parently does not infect the visceral organs (Pike ette River basin Oregon. Consistent with the pre- and Burt 1983). Taylor et al. (1994) described bony sent study, the second intermediate hosts in their ossicles in yellow perch caused by A. brevis. One study included northern pikeminnow as well as parasite we observed was completely encased in various other ®shes. Moreover, they experimen- new bone yet exhibited a pore (Figure 4H) cor- tally infected coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) responding to the ossicle canal described for A. and found that the metacercariae infected bony brevis. Metacercariae of heterophyid digeneans structures. They proposed that A. venustus, A. sim- that infect the gills of freshwater ®shes reportedly iles, and A. brevis were synonyms of A. donicus cause prominent dysplastic and proliferative (Niemi and Macy 1974). Review of the changes in the gill cartilage (Blazer and Gratzek of the genus is warranted, but we conclude that 1985; Olson and Pierce 1997). Infections by other the Apophallus sp. in the present study was likely metacercariae types have been linked to vertebral A. donicus as described by Niemi and Macy anomalies. Muscle infections by Bucephalus po- PARASITES AND SKELETAL LESIONS 125

TABLE 4.ÐExtended.

Vertebral deformities Prevalence of vertebral Infection with metacercariae Myxobolus deformities (%) prevalence (%) Mean abundance prevalence (%) prevalence (%) 100 100 6.0 95 0 0 85 2.6 0 0 64 94.5 4.6 95 0 100 100 5.5 91 0 0 100 3.3 0 0 67 100 5.0 91 0 100 100 4.6 100 0 0 71 3.3 0 0 66 90 4.4 100 0 100 100 2.3 100 0 0 27 0.5 0 0 21 43 0.9 100 0 100 77 1.2 54 0 0 29 0.4 0 19 35 38 0.6 54 19 100 50b 1.0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 6c 0.125 50 0 lymorphus causes vertebral deformities in cyprinid fects salmonids (see reviews by Hedrick et al. 1998 ®shes (Baturo 1980), and Riberiora sp. are sus- and Bartholomew and Reno 2002), vertebral pected to be a major cause of supernumerary limbs anomalies have been associated with M. sandrae and other vertebral changes seen in frogs in North infections of European perch P. ¯uviatilis in Scot- America (Kaiser 1999). land (Lom et al. 1991; Treasurer 1992), M. ellip- Myxozoans, particularly Myxobolus spp., that soides in European chub (Leuciscus cephalus)in infect bone are recognized causes of vertebral de- England (Bucke and Andrews 1985), M. cartila- formities. In addition to M. cerebralis, which af- ginis in centrarchid ®shes in the United States

FIGURE 5.ÐWet-mount preparations of metacercariae from northern pikeminnow; bars ϭ 50 ␮m. Panel (A) shows an Apophallus sp., panel (B) a strigeid (neascus) with calcareous corpuscles (arrows) within a melanized cyst. 126 KENT ET AL.

FIGURE 6.ÐPanel (A) shows spores of a Myxobolus sp. in wet-mount preparations (bar ϭ 10 ␮m), panel (B) aggregates of spores (arrow) in somatic muscle of cleared northern pikeminnow (bar ϭ 100 ␮m).

(Hoffman 1965), and Triangula percae in Euro- North America. In contrast to previous reports, we pean perch in Australia (Langdon 1987). observed free spores accumulated near vertebral The myxozoan in our study was most similar to structures and did not detect them in visceral or- M. cyprini or M. pseudodispar in spore morphol- gans. Moreover, our molecular analysis showed ogy, site of development, and host. Spores of both that the myxozoan was an outlier to the clade of infect the muscle of cyprinid ®shes and are dis- closely related myxozoans formed by M. cyprini, tinctly pleomorphic. Some authors have suggested M. pseudodispar, and M. musculi. Therefore, we that M. pseudodispar is a junior synonym of M. cannot assign the parasite in this study to any of cyprini (Lom and Dykova 1992). MolnaÂr et al. these species because it would render them para- (2002) proposed that, based on rDNA analyses, M. phyletic. cyprini, M. pseudodispar, and M. musucli should The myxozoan that we observed was more com- be maintained as separate species (although the mon (as determined by histology) in northern pike- ®rst two are morphologically indistinguishable). minnow than in chiselmouths and was not seen in Intact plasmodia do not cause signi®cant tissue peamouths. In contrast to the latter two ®shes, ver- damage, but free spores of M. cyprini from rup- tebral lesions in northern pikeminnow appeared to tured plasmodia are disseminated to various or- be caused by both metacercariae and myxozoans. gans, where they induce prominent in¯ammatory Based on cleared ®sh analysis, half of the defor- changes (MolnaÂr and KovaÂcs-Gayer 1985). Kent mities were associated with metacercariae (Table et al. (1996) were the ®rst to report M. cyprini in 4) and the other half with Myxobolus sp. (based

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