lefs the orzan’ztion of e empire ia which his ' 'Tho underQoned makes hold 1o fay that he NEWPORT, o With (uflnite rogred the deatiy Barganic coocarred, of M.jety had virteslly acver wien f-d 4o example of an ultimacem pro- Capr, Gobrary Wop,nmungcfon of Carr, Poleg ‘lhat the events relative to the political ex. pofed in terms f imperious, Saturday, July 23:1803. Whood of this town—a e e to the [Tavanna it-gee & of Picdmont, the kingdom of Riruria, What, war be convenient to fever—a goung man of real worth, of an eaters the Lalaa and Ligarian repuolics had their date will orifing geaias, an hnor to foclety, us Does the Englih minilter and in whom prior io the treaty of Ament. only? By the of the United States were combined the amiable of a geatle. {o Prefident of gialities The eudzrfigned odblerves finally, in fhort, think the French nation feeble that America. man, Severe dndeed moft e the blow to his re- that Foaace regrares on this point, peicher the treating with her in fuch important lations 20d friends, and woce efjecialiv to aa aror hoiion nor the (reconnaifance A PROCLAMATION. amiable yoong Lady, to whom faation ) of diliberations, he dogs not even oblerve we underland he Js Borawe Majelty, _ WHEREAS great and weighty mat- was Hon to be united.” ' . the cultomary which govern [ Fav uaderfigned alds that, as to the Bara. uvfaces ters claiming the confi leration of the ] DIED this town, of conlamption, Mr, vian Ropadite, it been acknowled civilizad natious ? Wircox, x nas ced by the all Congrels of the United States, forin Dantar eldeft O of Mes Benjamin X g ot Eogiaad, fince be has credived with het, Was it not vader a conlcioufucls Wiieax, in the 2510 year of Niaage, He has lefe 4 Yo iz at an extraordinary occafion for conven.- widow, erinioal wfugees Loodun and of its injuftice that the Englith govern- aa amiable snd one child, with a tepder Jrifey, vy weee far from being repreifed, they ing them ; 1 do by thefe prefents ap. parent, to lameat his early fare,———His & m=nt heiiated to make in soriting funer wee tezatad wnad paafiosed. in theactadl Rate point Monday the day of October willbe to-m rrow, at the ulval hooe, ke of ¢he wegociaiion, he coud aitach no demand to prevent all 17:th dwelliog, whese bis fricods achis . impor- and her —