lefs the orzan’ztion of e empire ia which his ' 'Tho underQoned makes hold 1o fay that he NEWPORT, o With (uflnite rogred the deatiy Barganic coocarred, of M.jety had virteslly acver wien f-d 4o example of an ultimacem pro- Capr, Gobrary Wop,nmungcfon of Carr, Poleg ‘lhat the events relative to the political ex. pofed in terms f imperious, Saturday, July 23:1803. Whood of this town—a e e to the [Tavanna it-gee & of Picdmont, the kingdom of Riruria, What, war be convenient to fever—a goung man of real worth, of an eaters the Lalaa and Ligarian repuolics had their date will orifing geaias, an hnor to foclety, us Does the Englih minilter and in whom prior io the treaty of Ament. only? By the of the United States were combined the amiable of a geatle. {o Prefident of gialities The eudzrfigned odblerves finally, in fhort, think the French nation feeble that America. man, Severe dndeed moft e the blow to his re- that Foaace regrares on this point, peicher the treating with her in fuch important lations 20d friends, and woce efjecialiv to aa aror hoiion nor the (reconnaifance A PROCLAMATION. amiable yoong Lady, to whom faation ) of diliberations, he dogs not even oblerve we underland he Js Borawe Majelty, _ WHEREAS great and weighty mat- was Hon to be united.” ' . the cultomary which govern [ Fav uaderfigned alds that, as to the Bara. uvfaces ters claiming the confi leration of the ] DIED this town, of conlamption, Mr, vian Ropadite, it been acknowled civilizad natious ? Wircox, x nas ced by the all Congrels of the United States, forin Dantar eldeft O of Mes Benjamin X g ot Eogiaad, fince be has credived with het, Was it not vader a conlcioufucls Wiieax, in the 2510 year of Niaage, He has lefe 4 Yo iz at an extraordinary occafion for conven.- widow, erinioal wfugees Loodun and of its injuftice that the Englith govern- aa amiable snd one child, with a tepder Jrifey, vy weee far from being repreifed, they ing them ; 1 do by thefe prefents ap. parent, to lameat his early fare,———His & m=nt heiiated to make in soriting funer wee tezatad wnad paafiosed. in theactadl Rate point Monday the day of October willbe to-m rrow, at the ulval hooe, ke of ¢he wegociaiion, he coud aitach no demand to prevent all 17:th dwelliog, whese bis fricods achis . impor- and her —<hoping next for their meeting at the City of relations arelies tance o that arucle. traces of her real and at fired v propofitions Wathington, hercby eatrend, p———————— His exceilency Lord Whitworth propofes a requiging their w 0 Tn\ gl a future day to deccive the publicas ' CUSTOM.HOUSE, T fecond conventin : England demands that the refpeflive Senitors -and gprcfcnta- <ivid thoald with to the raptare ? Dytvi@@ Newpert, July 21, governmenc of Maha be left caufe of tives, then and there to allemble of e Goand Moßer, Briih garnilons occapying Or, do the minifters - Crearsp, , For finally, of in in order to fuch Sloop Colombia, 102 tortificaiions of the (flant ¢ This was as im- receive ' Sanford, " Neg Yok his Britannic Majelty fo little know Do loduitey, and goheard ot the i R Co?s,tions as may then be made Rofe, North-Carolina practcable as project. the charaéter of the Firlt comum Do. Lucy, I+ was eontrary 10 the treary of Amiens, and Confual, that to them, 'St. Locia and to confult and determine Schooner E-gan. to the negociation off.red to the they have hoped, by force of John, Shirlock, Mev-Yoilp confeguently ‘&‘vo- on fuch mealures, a«, in their wiftom Sloon Khaa, Slocum, Futh Coaful, He farther had oo right to place cation to exalperate—to Do, intimidate—- may be deemed meet for the welfare Do, Connefticute, fby, - Do, 1 order of Knights whoeere independent ofall to make him g)rgct the interelts his “D, Cr Eurooe, under the arvitrary jurifdidtionof any of ofthe United States. 4 Phealiat, Lockwo d, Beaco~-14 nd or to Schooner 1 foser, It was an off:oce againft the honor and nation, to irritate him fome open | fparch, Tripp, Nortolls ' In teflimeny whereof bave canfed the Slaap Geoge, Kelley, Do, scligion ot an order bound by all it principles act (d’eclat ) that they might difguife = | Ibe United ¥*atos 10 be bere- D). Drocells, H wiand, to proteét the hunoar and religion of all Karope. to the eyes of Europe, the commence- feal of Alexsadria fieps unto gffixed, ard figned the Schooner Ifasc, Weir, Antonio I'hus in all the of this negociation, the ment of the war ? fame B Port. of the Repubiic was obliged to fee with my band, | ig Concord, Farnum, on. goverament more Charleft ihe Britith government only one will, one fin- The Firlt Conful than any Dexe a: Ibe City the ExrTersp, From 1 of "'-(?inpu. fice Sionp Aurors, C gle object in view—rhat of nor the man exifting, knows tie evils of te nib day July, in our voone, New Y uk fulfilling war, of the year of Biig Favorite, Cape veeaty of Aniens—ihat of retaining Malea, for (L. S.) LoXove erght bundred and Mugin.' of vod-Hope. becaufe that, more than any man €x- thosfand ——— . G £'¢ thice, S A ottt et the reafon thar Malra was convenient 1o her, and in the twenty.cigh year 07 Anorigina piece from New.Shoreham® fofficient iting, he is accultomed to calculate b aod e called this acqmfizion a guar- of ithe ludecpendence of the United and ove from Nantucker, are de* #sutec, its chances. He believes that, under : Srates, unavoidably S ferred ilonr nexy, for wlm of room, Rat what is the power of Europe? Qoghe the circumftances iw which we find (Signed) Til. JEFFERSON. #t to be thes unegaal 2 Shall one nation fubamit ourfelves, the firft thought of govern.- By the 1o will of saother, without difceffion of its Prefident, 83~ Take Notice, the ment fhould be avoid the cataitro- (Sigoed) JaviEs MADISON,Secretary, ¥i; his—witnout appeal to the principles of jul- to HE Wanton eltate, in that powsr which Fraace (hall phies and evils muft fpring from Jameftown rice 2 Whar is to whig trom the American which was fold on the bend, piaced as France has been io the courle of a new war ; he believes that their firft Dif>atches T 4th u" n to Minilter at Paris ware received by the April lalt, order of the General this difcodfi 3 delired fubferibe conditions with is not only to aviod yielding to by ditinted a the moment of negociation, and an- Executive on Thurfday evening. U'hey Aflciobly (the fale not the feelings of irriration but to employ conditions of pounced under ¢lafhiog of arms ; under menaces were bro’t by Hughes of Balt. being complied with the of of all proper means to rath Mr. on part of war, uader pieparations armamenty—yet moderate the more, as confidential bearer, and con- the purchafer) will again as propofals that &’ld ~ith the nights aod io. and imprudent paflions of the people. be fold at of the two nations ? tain the treaty, figned on April 3uth, Public Auctiun, on Monday, the Bth terefts (I'he Manifelto procesds to ex- Under a circumflance of fome anology ; a which conveys Louifiana to the ‘Uuit. day of Augult next, at 10 o’clock ia tecble, not eét 1o amine the nature of the propofitions ; wation comparatively with ref ed >tates. The extent of the territo- the forenoon (if fair weather, if not, esarage, ba in ths excear and populanon of i to repeat the independence of Malta ; power, ry ceded is delined by a general refe- the firit fair day after) on the premils provinces, has dared to brave the Eaglith to fay that Lampedofa belongs to ano- even menaciag i capital; 1o hazuid it rence to that in ahich Louifiana was es.—Conditions of fale will be made expofed ther power, to thow that the com- ity culy ricnes, the refalt o one hen. are, Ifl, . seagazivcs, pliance with tlte ultimatum would ceded to France. The terms knowu at the time. deed years peace, and of wndoftricns economy, dolls. to be paid to France CONSTANT TABER | Commite gather fubleribe (9 condicions, fimi. 11,250,000 than Unjoft bz a violation ofthe treaty of Amiens. TERNON, } tee, day in fix per cent ftock, months SAMUEL Bar to thofe this propoled, The hrave may It notices the circamftance of their within 3 Newport, Judy 22, 1803, po th-~the colonies may be torn trom gs—mais after the exchange of ratifications and { ¢7 Vhe teveral Priniars in aflent being limited to hours &c. the State will guel gu’ incguic gue fot la lntte, the honor of a 26 the delivery of pofleflion. 2d, An al- pohtith rhe abave unt:) the time of (ale, genvrous natioo can ouly luft her own and concludes in the following terms ) be by fumfit of the debts due and captures voluniarv act. This day they demand: the aboali- Day v divo ved the C fhip : In the prefene difcufli n, policy fpeaks the provided for under the convention of ot & CAAFER, by -Pasine tion of this order (allading to Malta) 'l‘n'ilaA JONES muivel cone f- Wguage as hovor, If the Brath govern- Sept. 1800, between the United fent,—Al perfoos who have unf ttled accounts ¥ and that it thould be conlented to in fai} t o its option, (o conform o woi conform States ggth,& the French Republic, which with the company, are reqoefed to cafl to hours ! .
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