A C*niparative :*inquistic A;i;tiysis oi'.i';dez:;i-li: aird Yis.r'lir;i:* '-,=- DAVit] IVI. BiJNiS ood h-L FFg,j F f,,^g-i;L;,ji ii: ! -li r1:iil i'ii5li,,t' h';F ir, G i,; -;g ,i- o;t iLj-.i; ;1li itit ii , ,i, F i !i, i; f .,, !2ri :22, :dF] E2 rs estin-iaie Lllat as llrany rs thilty distinct Jcrvish larlguages have cirinc E:d ijiio exist.,-,ce sjncc thc rise c,f the Jcwish lreople i;r atrcietrt',irncs. An cx- €;o ive inventory ol laugr.rages having Jewish correiates rvould havc to irr- lrtiL f-l :-B .3,rI r\ F Qr n ft Fi - !A e: Canaanile, Aratlaic, Arabic, attd probably Arnharic, Geez,'figriira and ;4 *jr i-- uF li.F .€_-K i 6! .F ffi F;n r h I - F- -_f'\ .- M[-h i:in Ii$:. r,': . {-. i:. f- ff-lr *- . :i n o; bel in tire Sernito-llaniilic language fatnily; Fersir.n, Dukhatan or Trriil<i r- iii:::i:-:r' *=; ;: ilqtr ird Tat rn the Iraniau branch oj. thc indo-Europcan laurily;ltalian, Sparush, it l::';:i'lll ii ;ilii il;: ?:\ E: t +rq i; I.i F --N ll i;i li.'ii i ::;ii tiii F i' cJr, Provengal and pcrhaps Portuguese, Arag'otrese, Catalan, Clascon anC i:i ji6onrs. in its Romancc ittauch: and Gertnau, Crcek, Czccir, anC prossibly at<1 ihe -t') iathi ard Breton in ol.her branches of tIrat farniiy; Krirrrcirak rkic languages of the Karaites in ihe Aliaic fantily; Georgian il the Llau- 2a, Pp: lanriiy; and pcrhaps even llasque (c/" Birnbaurn , 1944; i95l; \91 I J:l .t !' r: x tu; aiWeinreicli.igl3:L:48-183;Gold,1974).Cltircsclarrguages,itcatisa!'ci1' a isaid that tire Jewisli varietjes oi Irrcttch, ForLuguesc, Aragonese, Cata,iaii, 5 a _,: on, Leoilcse, Czecl,.
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