Description of Atelura Valenciana N. Sp
Miscel.lania Zooloqica 21.1 (1 998) 101 Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentoma) and distribution and myrmecophilic relationships of Proa telurina pseudolepisma in the lberian peninsula R. Molero-Baltanás, M. Gaju-Ricart, C. Bach de Roca & L. F. Mendes Molero-Baltanás, R., Gaju-Ricart, M., Bach de Roca, C. & Mendes, L. F., 1998. Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentorna)and distribution and rnyrrnecophilic relationships of Proatelurina pseudolepisma in the lberian peninsula. Misc. Zool., 21.1 : 101 -1 18. Description of Atelura valenciana n. sp. (Insecta, Zygentoma) and distribution and myrmecophilic relationships of Proatelurina pseudolepisrna in the lberian peninsu1a.- The description of a new species, Atelura valenciana n. sp., adds to the knowledge of the family Ateluridae in the lberian peninsula and the Balearic lslands and a large nurnber of new data about the second species of this farnily found in the studied area, Proatelurina pseudolepisma (Grassi, 1887). is reported. This is the first time that the genus Atelura has been reported in Spain and significant eco-biological data are included. The possibility of parthenogenesis in sorne FI pseudolepisma populations and their distribution are analysed, and the rnyrrnecophilous relationships in both species are studied. Key words: Ateluridae, Thysanura, Spain, Atelura valenciana n. sp., Proatelurina pseudolepisma, Myrrnecophily. (Rebut: 16 VI 97; Acceptació condicional: 30 X 97; Acc. definitiva: 10 11 98) Rafael Molero-Baltanás & Miguel Gaju-Ricart, Depto. de Biología Animal (Zoología), Fac. de Ciencias, Univ de Córdoba, E-14005 Córdoba, España (Spain).- Carmen Bach de Roca, Dept. de Biología Animal, Vegetal i Ecología, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ Autónoma de Barcelona, E-08 193 Bella terra, Espanya (Spain).- Luis F: Mendes, Centro de Zoologia do Instituto de Investigac20 Científica Tropical, R.
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