Ceca Pipeline
CECA North West: Infrastructure Vision A project map for contractors setting out the infrastructure pipeline to 2017 Contents 01 CONTENTS 02 INTRODUCTION 03 nortH west - nationaL inFrastructure PLan 08 LocaL autHorities 12 nationaL ParK autHorities 12 coMBined autHorities 14 LEPS 14 transPort 14 Ports 15 roads 16 raiL 17 aviation 17 deFence 18 oiL & Gas 19 eLectricitY coMPanies & renewaBLes 22 nucLear 23 water 23 EnvironMent 23 BroadBand 24 ceca contact addresses 01 Introduction of Moorside nuclear power station, as well as a new civil engineering framework for Greater Manchester. Given the many and complex routes to market, however, it is important than ever that CECA’s members have easy access to the information they need to take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Moreover, with increased workloads, clients need the region’s SMEs, as well as major contractors, to be equipped to meet their aspirations. The information in what follows is aimed at enabling smaller firms to identify workstreams where their specialist expertise and local workforce can bring real value. This publication has been prepared by CECA to help our members win work in the North West. Since 2010, the Government has sought to rebalance the nation’s economy Guy Lawson FCIM, MIED, Director, by focussing on the renewal of regional infrastructure. CECA North West CECA’s research has found that for each 1,000 jobs that are directly created in infrastructure construction, employment In the North West, the Civil Engineering Contractors’ as a whole rises by 3,053 jobs. Furthermore, every £1 billion Association (CECA) covers the five Local Enterprise of infrastructure construction increases overall economic Partnership (LEP) areas of Cheshire & Warrington, Cumbria, activity by £2.842 billion.
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