Abbreviations Used in Appendices and Notes
Abbreviations Used in Appendices and Notes AH&J: An Appeal to Honour and Justice (1715). A]: Applebee's Journal. AM&C: Atlas Maritimus & Commercia/is (1728). Arber's Gamer: Edward Arber (ed.), An English Gamer (12 vols, Westminster, 1903). Bastian (1): F. Bastian, 'Daniel Defoe and the Dorking District', Surrey Archaeological Collections, lv (1958) 41-64. Bastian (2): F. Bastian, 'James Foe Merchant, Father of Daniel Defoe', N&Q, ccix {March 1964) 82-6. Bastian (3): F. Bastian, 'Defoe and Guy Miege', N&Q, ccxiv (March 1969) 103-5. BL: British Library. Boulton: J. T. Boulton (ed.), Daniel Defoe (London, 1965). Cal.S.P. (Dom): Calendar of State Papers, Domestic. Cavalier: ]. T. Boulton (ed.), Memoirs of a Cavalier (Oxford, 1972). CEG: Karl D. Bulbring (ed.), The Compleat English Gentleman (London, 1890). GET: The Complete English Tradesman (1727). CLRO: Corporation of London Record Office. Col. Jack: Samuel Holt Monk (ed.), The History ... of ... Col. Jacque (Oxford, 1965). Collection: A Collection of the Writings of the Author of the True-Born English-Man (1703). Complete History: A Complete History of the Late Revolution from the First Rise of it to this present Time (1691). DNB: Dictionary of National Biography. Ellis: Frank H. Ellis (ed.}, Poems on Affairs of State: Augustan Satirical Verse, 1697-1704 (Yale University, 1970). EuP: An Essay upon Projects (1697). Abbreviations Used in Appendices and Notes 303 Evelyn, Diary: E. S. de Beer (ed.), The Diary of John Evelyn (Oxford, 1955). Grimblot: P. Grimblot (ed.), Letters of Wz"lliam III and Louis XIV and of their Min-isters . .. 1697 to 1709 (London, 1848).
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