A.'vmuea otAiLT oibcvxatium tar tki Moirth of April. 1M4 5,453


SEEK CHANGES QUICK JUSTICE Lightship Sunk In Fog By Liner Olympic- FLIERS BAREY IN LAYOUT OF FOR KIDNAPERS; Seven Killed CROSS SEA, HIT PRESroENT FOR STRICT DEPOnOUARE THEYJETLIFE I R E L ^ R M STOCK MARKET CURB Hfeold Cat Down Corner at Gettle Captors WiD Be m Sabelli and Pond Miss Doath Chief Execatire Dechret Intersection and Also Re* San Qoentin Before Night­ by hches, Plane Cracking Sen. Reed Victorious a Emphatically for Regula­ moye Hedge on North fall to Start Senring Sen­ Dp I t Lahinch, Seashore In Pennsy Primaries tion of Exchange hy d » Main Street tences— Plead Gnilty. Town of Clare. Philadelphia, May 16.—(A P I- After Senator David A. Reed bad Federal Trade Commia- rolled up a majority of more than Plans for a radical change in the Los Angeles, May 16.—(A P I- Lahlnch, Irish Free State, May 16. 100,000 in two-thirds of the state. Depot square area to lessen the Three kidnapers of the wealthy —(AP)— ’The story of “missing Governor Gifford Plnchot today sion as Proposed by the lection of Main and North Main William (Settle will begin serving death by Inches” as they flew over conceded defeat in his effort to win the Republican nomination for Sen­ kraffie danger existing at the inter* life sentences for that crime before the Atlantic, fighting leaking gaso­ Senate. street were viewed by the Select­ nightfall. ator. line and a smoking, coughing engiini>, Blaming his defeat largely bn his men at the monthly meeting last Hardly more than 24 hours after wap refcounted today by Lieut health which prevented him from Bight and the highway committee Grettle’s delivery from his kidnap Washington, May 16.—(AP) — making a personal tour of the was authorized to bring in further prison, and leas than a week after Cesare Sabelli of Italy and Capt state, the governor, who twice be­ President Roosevelt declared em­ recommendations as to costs and he waa anatebed from a party at CSeorge Pond o f the . his Beverly HiUa home, the three fore hsyd defaced ir hla effort phatically today for regulation of changes outlined. The Manchester They cracked up their big mono­ Improvement Association endorsed kidnapers—Ray Williams, Jimmy to enter the Senate, left what po­ the Stock Exchange by the Federal plane Leonardo da Vlnd in a cne- litick ahfenrers hxdied upon as an the plan. Kirk and Larry Kerrigan—^were Trade Commission as proposed by acre field near herq at 8:80 p. m. iuthesyttOe -that he may try again What It Calls F a t rushed to court last night, permit­ the House. ted to plea< guilty and quickly sen­ last night when the motor fsdled at the gen^nd election in the fall. The sketch shown the board last completely after they had been out If he runs it wlU be on an Inde­ Mr. Roosevelt also sent word to night calls fa t cutting eight feet off tenced to life Imprisonment. A county Grand Jury indicted the from New York 32 hours and 6 min­ pendent ticket against Reed on the the Senate Eind House conferees that the southeast comer of North Main utes on an attempted flight to Rome. Republican ticket ~.ud Jlpsepb F. he wanted the stringent marginal re­ street as it intersects with Main, trio on kidnaping for ransom i^d robbery charges at 7:50 p. m., after Today Pond was up at the crack Guffey, the Democratic nominee. quirements for Stock Exchange widening North Main street that of dawn to deterpdne bow seriously much, also, providing for the cutting bearing Gettle’s story. " I shall g o right on fighting for deals provided in the House bill. At 8 o’clock, the men were taken battered was his beloved ship. He the interests of the people against The House set up a 45 per cent of a portion of the small park near found the under-carriage damaged the depot and removal of the hedge before Superior Judge Charles W. concentrated wemth, Just as I have marginal requirement as a standard.. and the motor in bad ahape. along the right of way fence of the Prlcke for arraignment. done all my life,” the governor said. The Senate bill contains no specific N, T. N, H. A H. RaUroad. Removal Because Gettle testified the three Sabelli slept late. He said he was David Reed f.gure. of the hedge would provide parking had not inflicted grevious bodily "broken hearted” at their failure to (Continued oil Page Two) There are the two principal points space along North Main street for a harm, they will be eligible for pa­ reach Italy on their attempt to be of difference between the Senate and short distance west of the. T. M. C. role after serving three and one- the first flfllfleflrs to make the Jour­ the House in their Stock ICxchange A. group of buildings. half years. ney non-stop. control measures. It was stated in the meeting that Life Or Death Sabelli and Pond each gave his Mr. Roosevelt declared for the North Main street was so narrow District Attorney Burton Fitts partner credit for saving their lives FEAR 43 MEN KILLED mere rigid House bill in talks today at this intersection that large ha' given the members of the gang cm a fog-bound, .storm-tossed pas­ with the conferees. trucks were forced to use most of the alternative of pleading guilty sage. The^e. views were made known the area of the street in turning or standing trial and facing the Daring Feat later at the President’s semi-weekly east from Main street. The cost of possibility of the death sentence. BY MINE EXPLOSION press conference. They revealed how Sabelli at one the changes as outlined in the plans In view of Gettle’s testimony that time, with the ^jflane down to 80 m s Position submitted by Town Engineer J. he stiffered no bodily harm, court miles an hour and only 80 feet above The President told the Congres- Frank Bowen would be 1232, half of attaches pointed out the district the Atlantic, bad crawled out grim­ 'sional leaders be preferred to have attorney would have no power to which would be for labor. • ly from the cockpit and worked his Ten Bodies Recovered, Five the existing machinery provided by demand the ^patb penalty. How­ YOUNGSTER DROWI^ Recognize Chamber Group way slowly and painfully down the the Federal Trade Clommission to ever, his threat apparently had the On the recommendation of Chair­ fuselage toward the rear tank, with administer the new law Inasmuch as man Cook, the Municipal Relations desired result. Bronght to Snrface in the wind a howling gale, in order to this commission also administers Committee of. the Chamber of Com­ Tells Of Kidn^ing IN POOL AT SAND PIT the co-related Securities Act. merce was recognized by the board Gettle told bow he was .kidnaped are first fliers ter make the Jour- 'fbe fog almost blotted out the Dying Condition; Believe Furthermore, he feels it will b« and instructions given to invite that from bis Arcadia country home a saving to ftave the Federal Trada group to discuss town problems about midnight last Wednesday. tossing sea below and Sabelli “wqrked like a demon” to repair the Commisslcn do the work rather than with the beard whenever matters of "Two boys ran in. ’They had Rest Are Lost RonaU Jarvis, Two Years set up an entirely new agency. importance are to be discussed. guns and wore masks,’’ said Gettle. line. Hb d id i^ u t a RLrge qiiantity o f gasoline wajalost in the operation. Mr. Roosevelt told newspapermen Charles Ray, of the Rogers "They grabbed our arms. They tied that he had scruphlouidy a^ ded ad- After thwthA engine picked up Paper asmpany, heads the Chamber Wolfe (Janus P. Wolfe) one of tte Old, Falls in Water, ( ^ k - vesing either- the ' Senate or the fo r Aw hile, E b thm .it continued to Bnisliil|, Mny^,5L6.— CA?)—-P'oriy- sub-eotamlttee. guests to a tree and said: is Huuse during their copautaratiem at throe^mi^^.gnBb feared- today to The matter of establishment of not a boldtq»>..It's i mtggtth* the bill aniLha^ kept ai^open mind. boundailies of laneidinth'the' northeast ly Fbnod jfot Tot Is Dead. “Tbey bound my hands and put - of Inriiee have lest fbelr llv « in s^ explosion President RdbWveit plso made part of town, formerly owned by ms over the fence. My hands wei4 8«ld labeui taddy: ^The last ____ , known be is preparing, a full ex- ^ the South Manchester Reservoir bound and tbSy taped my meath of the flight showed the Xtlahtle ai position of the American attitude Company and acquired by deed Inbound from Southampton with 280 ptssengcta aboard, rite gttait Kner and eyes. They threw me into a its worst. With the engine threaten­ JarMtar^f-year'Qld son of toward the long troubled world dis- A from Cheney Brothers to the town car.’ ’ Olympic (below), sjster ship of the ilM at^ IHtanlc, rammed'and sfmk Ten-bodies had been recovered and the Nantucket Lightship (top) In a dense fog 55 miles, off,Nantucket ing to cunk out: every moment. I Mr. and Mrs. X tck le Jarvis of 470 armament effort 'and it wUl be de­ in the sale of the Cheney utilities "You were directed over the think we. missed death by Inches five men were brought to the sur­ companies, was referred to the Island. 'The lightship, one of the most Important lights of the ttans- Adams street was drowned in a livered at the reconvening of the waP ?’’ asked the District Attorney. many timas in the last few hundred face in a critical condition. Hope Geneva conference by Norman H, v n t i r committee with power. Maps Atlantic service, had a crew of 11 men. All but four were killed. water pool in the Jarvis sand pit "Yes,” GetOe replied. "I feU from miles. was abandoned for the remaining Da-vis, special envoy. of the botmdaries of the adjacent 33. It was believed the mine would north of Center street In the ’Twin the top of the wall. I told the men ^"We were flying so low that, to ’There was nothing to indicate to­ lands near the old reservoir were I thought they had broken my leg.” have to be sealed to extinguish the Hills section at 11:15 this morning. shown by the town engineer. our taut nerves, it seemed as if the day at the White House that the The Beveriy Hills millionaire de- flam es. Ilis body was recovered by hla fath­ statement contemplated any change No Increases spray was swishing around the ma­ Quick flames which followed a er ten minutes after the tot fell in chine. We couldn’t think of any food In the American attitude or would The board discussed a proposed (ontinoed on Page Eleven) terrific fire-damp blast gave the the water. The fire department In- Increase in pay of one municipal de­ SURVIVORS TELL STORY on the flight, for food was secon­ propose any new steps for disarma­ miners little chance to escape. balator was rushed to the scene by ment beyond those already suggest­ partment, but the members uougbt dary consideration.” ■Volunteers started rescue work in CJhief Albert Foy and worked by that no special advantage should be Despite their gruelling experi­ ed by this government. the face of horrible odds. James Schaub of No. 3 company. Is Up to Europe given any one department until it is ence, Pond and Sabelli recovered OF UGHTSHIP’S SINKING Falls of coal were niunerous while Lite Guard Frank Busch of the Mr. Roosevelt has constantly possible to grant general increases ASK EAR MARKING overnight. Sabelli said: "We enjoy­ the rescuers feverishly toiled, risk­ Recreation OnWr and Dr. T. G. to all departments. taken the position that it is up to 4 - ed that real Irish hospitality when ing their own lives. i*loan were called and after an hour Town bills amoimting to |17,- the European natlonr to settle &elr we landed. I had a few good Irish Engineers were rushed to the and three quarters there were no political differences as the solution S06A9 were read and ordered paid. OF R E IE F FUNDS drinks—and was -t stout stuff!” scene from Brussels and from The complete list will be found in Bat One Minnte’s Warning signs of life. At one o’clock the child for breaking the two-year-old dead­ ONLY FOUR SAVED 'While temporary repairs were be­ neighboring mines. was pronounced dead by Dr. Sloan, lock in the arms conference. ether columns of today’s Herald. ing made on the craft in which the C5ne member of a rescue party Sewer Propouls Was With Brother ’The President sent word today to Before Giant Steamer fliers landed near here last night, Ronald, with his brother, George, The board voted to recommend to fears were expressed it may be (Continued on Pi^e Two) the ERA board the construction of Repnblicans Fear Money FROM LIGHTSHIP i years old, bad left their home on (Continued on Page Twelve) Crashes Into Beacon — __ necessary to remove the pU^ to Adams street and walked west to­ the Baldonnel Army Airdrome at wards the sand pit His father was (ontlniied on Page Eleven) Dublin to complete the work. Be Used to Aid the working at the large pit about 100 An engineer was summoned from Sinks Immediately. Three Dead and Poor Miss- to examine the plane in FOREST WORKERS yards further to the west of the JIM REED SCORES Democratic Party. which the fliers failed in an attempt iK>ol. Both boys went into the pool and It Is supposed that the little fel­ BEUEVE CONVICTS N.W York, -Four to make the first non-stop New i»f After Occao Liner York to Rome hop. low slipped. . George, the brother made an at­ WORLD COURT PLAN Washington, May 16.— (AP) — survivors of the Ughtshlp Nan-1 , Gamble With Death tempt to save him and be, too, was Republicans opened a flght today for tucket, riding up New York bay un-J Sabelli, arising today after a late SET PRISON AFIRE MKS rlOauDg DeiCOO. wet when he ran from the pond call­ a strict ear-marking of the 31,822,- sleep, described the flight as "a der a British Merchant Marine flag ing to his mother. The crying of the 000,000 recovery appropriation re­ great experience but a gamble with at half mast on the liner Olsrmpio, Three FERA Members Meet boy attracted the father who ran Former Missouri Senator quested by President Roosevelt. death all the way.” told in detail today the story of the New York, May 16.— (AP) —Only from the large sand pit towards the They declared that If Congress "We were flying blind for about sea tragedy that sent the lightship Ifpvr jnw bers of the Namtucket pond. Over $25,000 Damge from appropriated huge sums without 26 hours,” he said, "and were forced Death in California; Took to the bottom of the ocean. ' '1 ''uaetfjVil-L ___ Recovered By Father Says Big Propagnda Fund laying down ironclad orders as to The accident occurred of to land eventually owing to engine ccurred ^ He learned from his other son how they should be spent, it would m orning. 'The JudKt -of -the fog-bound crash that trouble. For the last three or four Fonr Blazes Within Walls; that Ronald was In the water. The be "d od ^ g” Its responsibility. through a thick fog, diced Wrong T ra l Is Being Spent water was In a muddy condition and Representative Taber of New the Nantucket and sent (OontlBoed OB Page T w o) (Continued on Page Twelve) It was hard to see bottom. Without Order Is Restored. York, ranking Republican on the ap­ to their deaths. propriations committee, said that If The lightship was guardian of obI San Diego, Cal., May 16.— (AP)— Washington, May 16.—(AP)— (Continued on Page Twelve) necessary ’’(Congress should stay In of the North Atlantic’s jabpt Overcome on a moimtaln trsiil in a Opposing United States adherenee Kingston, Ont., May 16,— (A P I- session all summer” and ear-mark treacherous shoals. As she desperate race from flames fanned to the World (^un, James A. Reed, Armed guards patrolled Kingston even the 3940,000,000 asked for pub­ at her lonely anchorage off tM Teach History, Geography by a strong wind, three FERA camp former Senator from Missouri, told penitentiary’s stone walls today lic works and relief down to specific Massachusetts coast yesterdl^ bgir members perished in the forest blaze the Senate foreign relations com­ while authorities prepared for a building projects. crew stood on the deck and peered near Julian Monday, it was learned FOLLOW UP CLUES mittee today that a "propaganda- probe into the origin ^ flames that Needs R^nlattons Into the fog. To Soviets for First Time early today when their charred fund was being spent in an "effort raged through the change room of Lack of rigid allocations, Taber Swiftly, suddenly, a., towering bodies were discovered by fellow Are to pull down the American flag and the south dome last night. said, "leaves the whole thing open to black object bore down and dealt fighters. IN ROBLES CASE substitute for it an international The flames spurted through the pork-barreling by the fitoard of Pub­ destruction. Moscow, May 16.— (AP)—HlthertoAhimself and nothing at all about ’The victims were identified by rag.” room from four different sources, lic Works that would be worse than ^ e Olympic carried the bodies of barred as too bourgeoisie for the Catherine the Great camp members and Deputy Coroner Heed, who opposed the League of causing from 325,000 to 160,000 anything (ingress has ever done.” three lightship sailors. The bodies of minds of Soviet school children, fac­ "The knowledge of historical C. P. Hebert as Clarence L. Harris, Nationt. in the Wilson administra­ damage and recalling convict Democrats wore silent, leaving the other four men of the crew were tual history and geography are now events and personalities Is of exclu­ 27 of Topeka, Kas., John A. Leapley, tion, contended that “proponents of not found. I threats to fire the building. something of a question mark over for the first time to be taught under sive importance for the future con­ 37, of Jacksonville, Oregon and Am­ Fmgerprints Taken from this measure are the proponents of Firemen and guards fought the whether the administration would Clifton E. Mosher, of New Bed­ the Bolshevik regime. structors of Socialist sodety. brose Williams, 21, of Weately, the League.” He predicted the ford, Mus-, first mate of the sunken Are for four hours before bringing obtain as free a hand as It wants in In Joint decrees issued today "Similarly, the study of geogra­ lenn. They were members of a state UtensOs Found in Little World Courtf would be defeated 10 it under control. vessel, gave this account of the col­ Joseph Stalih, General secretary of phy has nothing but abstract Emergency Relief Administration : one if put to a vote now. spending the 31,822,000,()00 largely lision: As convicts were being marched destined for the recovery program. the Political Bureau, and, 'Vyache- themes and sodolegioal generaliza­ camp near Julian sixty miles north­ The former Senator said. tha to their cells in the south dome, the "We saw the Olympic loom out of slaff Molotoff, president of the Coun­ tions. Our textbooks are overfilled east of the city. Girl’s Prison. World Court for settlement of i^ The bill mentioned various expen­ the fog a short distance away. The sections where the riots of October cil of Commissars, ordered that an­ with 'figures and statistical material. ’The men, with about 22 others in ternational disputes ‘is the back ditures directly, among them 348,- visibility was only about 500 feet A 1982 occurred, the Are broke out, cient and modern history and ele­ "Students have vague ideals about the crew, bad raced to safety from door through which its proponeata t'00,000 for the 'TVA, 335,000,000 for crash was inevitable. I sounded l( A blaze was discovered in the car­ Federal buildings, 3100,000,000 for mentary geography be added to the the Soviet Union’s economy and. the flames which threatened to trap Tucson, Arizona, May 16.— (AP) seek tc effect an entrance into the the'collision alarm. We all donned League.” penter shop on the top floor of the highways, 340,700,000 for the Navy, subjects taught In primary and sec­ pb^cal makeup of capitalist coun- them in a gulch. Williams, Harris —With fingerprints and a little girl’s shop block, but it was quickly ex­ life-preservers, ’Then we waited.” ondary schools beginning the next Waiting to testify were Georga and 3825,000 for an addition to the They did not wait long, be con­ tri^ They have been taught to and Leapley darted up the trail in­ story as their clues, officers spread tinguished. White House executive offices. semester. ignore the names of Hvers, cities, stead of following the others down their himt today for the kidnapers Wharton Pepper, former Seqatdr tinued,—only about one minute. from Pennsylvania; J. Reubea Then guards found flames shoot­ Appropriations commltteetaen not­ Heretofore these subjects have states,- and mountains and have the highway. Other members of the of June Robles. Then, like a steam roller crushing Ciark, form er am bassador to Mead* ing from three different places in ed, however, a phrase which said ex­ oeen taught only with relation to been taught Socialist economics in- crew said they did not notice the As they pieced together the an egg-crate, the giant liner bored CO. and scores of representatives of the change room penditures should not exceed the their revolutionary signlflciEince as stexd of pure geography. trio separating from the group. weird story of her kidnaping and 19 into them. veterafls, patriotic and fratMBal or­ PoUoe Block Roads stipulated amounts. Interpreted by Karl Marx'ahd Niko­ "Oiir geography teachers are Overtaken By FlazM day imprisonment in a lonely desert “The Olympic cut the lightship In lai L w in . ganizations. Police blocked the roads and usually pempie with poor geogr^thi- The three bid gone <»ly a few trwch, authorities Indicated her de­ half as completriy as a saw going Senators Jobhson (R., (^klif.)* a^# guards threw a cordon around the through Wood,” Mosher said. “There The Communist Party organ ca) k^^edgA vid with no special yards from tite highway when the scription of two man who -visited her penitentiary as the flght to check t r e a s t t r y b a l a n c e Prkvda explained today: education in this branch of sciwde.’ flamM overtook them. RobiiisM '(R m Ind.lowers ih ohargii wu a loud crashing as sl)e slid diuing the time she was chained in of preeentiqg tha caw of tka the Are, fanned by strong winds off through and over our ship. We went "Abstract sociological themes up The decree ordered the immediate ■When W lU ia^, Harris and Leap- her prison, might lead to their ap­ sition. Proponeats of the pidSaw Lake Ontario, continued, 'nie tUck Washington, May 16.—(AP)— down in less than a minute.’'' to now have been substituted for a buhstitution of the present textbooks ley failed to return to the main camp prehension. stone walls and iron doors helped of adherence were heard a xnoBtli The position of the Treasury May Mosher could not understand coherent exposition of historical and “the mobilisation of pubUo sen-' Monday night no concern pened to the four missing facts. for increoaing’ the kno\fl- .Peoause it was. believed they had her imcle, C^los G. Robles, Puma keep the flames from spreatIUng to ditures, 328,905,616.16; balance, 32.- shipmates. “Our school children knew very edjile of factual history and gsogra- 4tayed at a temporary camp near PropagBBita other parts of the Instltutian. county attorney and County Attor­ Reed'aaierted iha 122366,892.66. (Xistoms receipts for c3apt. George' W. Braithwaite, of little aboi^t the actual facts at aa- phy. ^e fire scene. After yesterday's ney caarence Huston who were di­ An official statement tneii* at the month, 39,609307.76. fund tar adbercdcf eras Cambridge, Mass., said that he was, dent and modern history. Ristqrtcal Ope illys^ttoq of the defecta of check up dlselosed their absence, rected to. the spot by an anonymous Ottawa declared convicts employed 1 ecelpts for tbb flfcal year (since tlu. CaiBegle yottadstloa kead6d‘ knocked down When' the Olympic events are.naver cited , to .them, with the presient currieuium iti these spb- aearching parate were formed by R. letter from'Chicago- in the mail bags and tin paUit Jtdy 1) 32,684,984,68837; expefldi- fU k n ^ t , JariplL struck his ‘ ship. Then he w«a reference to places and dates and Jects was found-ih a 16-year^|d ogisp supcilntendent Ironically enough, June’s father, shops were marched out in orderly tlinA f6,181,016,581<97 (in elu ^ thrown into ’the'watef. He had not our yotthfur generation is tSA^t to Stud«it. IB, tiM: Moscow eeooihtey . Tiie fire wee ’Under control early Fernando Robies, bad oeen led .im- takbfop and there was no dsf?’*"", 18,408,094,65737 of emerfriiey ex- put on a life preiserver. igtiore mane, ekrotiblogy, and V^eoa- fahpots 'Who, ohidd tril an about the tonSiiy. a fte r h iv t a f burned over V stratlek, Convicts were in cella Mttin^^y near hla daughtaFs hldiag T S lditurM); excess o f expemditotae, ’T ,csin*t sw im ,” ' the captain, w ho lirste peraaiaUtlsk. litteunt of coal productimi In DM 8di(^'ieree of foteet end brush-lnnA. . ______. . norUnraat of the south dome and place v^ le . following ebntact iti- .anm 460381,986.60. (3old assets, |7.- •Thby kabta aff dbwt: butdid Mt wks» Yo ' cahlni end summer hoBMB 748,888364.75. r Bfen QBai|taeted tiM sihokta ^OeaUaaed4»B‘F|ifs Voor;^ - revolt but Bothisff about nifadtoy IIMttK ^ iCoa^liMtad « i r ife V* t: ■

-■ O’ . ■ ■ n ^'j

SRVQH QCWW' MANGHESTBR EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN,* WEDNBSDAT, MAT 16,1964. ■ ' - • < r ‘ lodge of the Connecticut L O. O. F., neksts for the lecture, "Nature, were made shortly beforO Boon to­ first offlcsr, New Bedford; L. 1. 0. 0. F. GRAND day and will be elected at the aftor- PROF. nCCARD STARTS - BENEFIT DANCE - Master Artist," by Sxnnner. VlnUn, V. 15 are available at Kemp's, Watkins fiofasrta, oiler, Boston, and J., 8, noerates a decorative advertising Radio beacons of the lightship Middletown, May 16 — (AP) — mond Bimnham, the president, as were so accurate, it was pointed Wesleyan University annotmeed to­ hostess. The speaker will be Miss degree contest between West Hart­ business in Boston said Murton ford and 'Norwich Granges, to be worked for him in 1930. “Sometimes out, that a few weeks ago a steamer day the award of the William Day DRESSES Persona] Notices Kidder of Hartford, whose subject following the Nantucket’s beam in Leonard scholarship to Keith G. will be ‘‘Silhouettes.’ Members are held In Newington Grange hall to­ he appeared dumb, but on rare occa­ morrow evening at 7 o’clock, stand­ sions he seemed to be smart, even a fog scraped the side of the light­ Huntress of South Portland, Me., requested to bring old or modem ard time. Those who attend will Im­ ship. one of tbe outstanding memt^rs of that tie, button CARD OF THANKS silhouettes for exhibit. brilliant.” the Junior class. prove their knowledge of ritualistic William R. Scharton, counsel for work. A silver collection will be NEW SHIP ON DUTY The scholarship, awarded annual­ or zip all the thank our neighbor* Assurance has been given the Faber, began to cuestlon Morey and ly to a student unusual promise, u d friends for kindness shown to us taken to defray expenses. as a result, he and George Stanley Nantucket, Mass., May 16—(AP) ot way up. daring the Illness and at the time of committee making arrangements A small, gray Coast Guard vessel carries with it the Income from a tho death of our husband and father. for the observance by Memorial Harvey, chief of coimsel for the stands watch today at the $2700 fund. Also all those w'ho donated cars and Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of its Royal Matron Mrs. Florence Hor­ MiUens, exchanged a few caustic re­ Htmtress, a letterman In baseball sent flowers. ton of Chapman Court, Order of marks. . Sebartem finally got the roads of the Atlantic. Mrs. Mary Breen and Family. 33rd anniversary, that there will be She is the patrol boat Argo, and and football, is secretary-treasurer a large attendance of members and Amaranth, has called a rehearsal of admission from Morey that Murton of the college body: editor-ln-chlef the officers for 6:30 this evening at she rides the riptides that rush their families at the celebraUon In did almost all the talking during a across Nantucket shoals, where the of the Wesleyan Cardinal, under­ Brown and Balch hall t1 and Amaranth Sewing club will meet at the patrolboat Dix stood guard. —Reports received here by the Ala­ Brainard Place Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters the home of Mrs. Dougan, 148 School IN PENNSY PRIMARIES The Argo took station on the bama Great Southern rafiroad said Benefit of of Union Veterans of the Civil War street. A number of the members treacherous shoals yesterday and, one negro was killed and several MANCHESTER will meet tomorrow evening at the are planning to attend the supper (Continaed from Page One) with her accompanying Coast Guard persons injured this morning when GARDEN CLUB State Armory, when plans will be and meeting of Charity Court at Odd vessels will remain on watch until a tornado struck Livingston, Ala,, Smart for made for Memorial day. Fellows Temple, Windsor, tomorrow relieved by a lightship that left about 125 miles southwest of Bir­ He was asked whether this mingham. spectator or evening, when ^ JoyaJ n»4ant be would run In November. Boston last night. matron and her staff fcake “This must nojt be taken to Imply The -relie* ship was expected at All telephone lines into Living­ active sports their official visit. any decision as to my future poli­ her pdst about noon today with a ston were down. The. railroad’s in­ tical action,” was the reply. crew of veteran lightahlpmen. formation came over a single rail­ Edson M. Bailey of the High Accidents are rare off Nantucket, road wire into Sumter county. lie said he would pay strict at- An unconfirmed report said the LAST WEEK school faculty today moved from 19 tentioi to his health between now but collisions have been averted by the narrowest of margins roof was blown off Bibb Graves hall - OF OUR Holl street to 16 Delmont street. and the fall. many times. at the State Teachers college at Plnchot and Reed fought out the Livingston and several white people The Glee club of Manchester campaign for the nomination large­ were Injured. Grange, P. of H., will hold its reg- ly on the Roosevelt "New Deal” is­ T r r ; MAY SALE ul' r 1 .eetlng at the home of Mrs. BUY AND SAVE! sue. The governor is a staunch Frank Pinney of 526 East Center Roosevelt supporter, while Reed HUSBAND OF SOCIETY street at 7:30 tonight. through the campaign criticized SHE GAVE HIM ONE DURING NATIONAL COTTON WEEK I soine of the policies of the Presi­ WOMAN GETS ESTATE Superintendent of Malls Ernest dent as he has done on the floor of SHINING HOUR OF LOVE F. Brown, who contracted a cold the Senate. —then married another man! last week, but who has remained on At the time Pinchot admitted de­ George B. Carhart, of Green­ ALL WASH GOODS REDUCED duty at the Manchester post office feat Reed had a lead in the state of wich, Named Principal Bene­ in an attempt to fight it off, was 115,848. Of this lead Philadelphia compelled to leave his work yester­ ficiary in Will of Wife. Willimantic Dainty Dot had given Reed approximately 90,- day and Ic now confined to bed at 000. The governor ran Reed a THREAD PERCALE PRIMS his home. Best 25c Grade HOSIERY close race in the Senator’s home Greenwich, May 16—(AP) —The SOO-yard spools yfi- county which includes Pittsburgh. will of Mrs. Alice Graham Carhart, Service - Chiffons Pinchot was eading there by a member of a prominent Greenwich each 19c small majority on incomplete re­ family, was filed today in the pro­ 8 c FEAR 43 MEN KILLED turns. bate court. 64c I 5,498 districts of the 7,936 in Her husband, George B. Carhart, 19c BATISTE BY MINE EXPLOSION the state Reed’s total was 464,528 member of the New York stock ex­ Hope and Pinchot’s 348,680. change, was named the principal REMODEL NOW! LONG CLOTH Ruffled Guffey, Roosevelt leader In Penn­ beneficiary. 3 ' * ^ $ 1 . 0 0 (Continued from Page One) Bleached sylvania, swept ahead of Roland Mrs. Carhart, daughter of Wil­ CURTAINS S. Morris, former ambassador to liam T. Graham, former president of y6- AND COT­ said "the force of the explosion J-pan, for the Democratic Sena­ the American Can company, made must have been terrific. ’There ap­ torial nomination. Returns from the will May 7, the day before her 15c 29c LAWNS, TAGE SETS pears to be little hope any of the DIMITIES AND more than half the state gave him death in New York at the age of 49 entombed men could survive.” an advantage of better than 4 to 1. years. All Llneo VOILES Throughout the night, women and ’The Republican nomination for The petition said she left real PAINT 89c children thronged around the pit- estate exceeding $5,000 and person­ DISH governor was won by William A. 4 ' ^ $ 1 . 0 0 head crying out for husbands, sons Schnader, attorney general, who al property exceeding $25,000. TOWELING and fathers dead or dying below. Carhart, who was named execu­ NOW 1 Lot drew support from both the Pinchot yd. Gendarmes had to he summoned and Reed camps. The Democrats tor was left all of the household and to keep the grieving relatives from personal belongings. The residue of With 17c COTTAGE hampering the work of the rescuers. chose George H. Earle as their 49c gubernatorial candidate. the estate is left in trust, RICHARD SETS ’The disaster halted a dispute be­ the income to be paid to Car­ DRESS LINENS tween the owners and the miners, Gov. Pinchot was making his third BARTHELMESS COUCH bid for a seat in the Senate. hart during his life time. Several Seersuckers, Imported which had led to serious threats of nieces and nephews will receive the COVERS Ginghams and Broad­ 64c a strike. It brought on a decision Reed first entered the Senate in principal on his death. cloths, 0% M by the owners to call off a five per 1922 by appointment of Governor vhi'Namel y a rtf...... OVC cent wage cut Just recently an­ Sproul to fill tbe vacancy created by A MODERN 87c nounced. the death of Philander C. Knox. He STANDARD pUXLTTYi 1 Lot of was elected to a full term the same YOUTH TRIES TO STEP HERO Chintz and ’The vote on the question of strik­ ing had been set by the miners for year and re-elected in 1928. Unbleached All Printed Damask today. FROM PLANE TO DEATH I JEAN MUIR HOUSE PAINT COTTON SILKS DRAPES ONLY FOUR SAVED YALE ELECTS EDITOR But Suicide Attempt Is Frus- j 9 c ' " 8 8 c $ 1 . 2 9 trated by Pilot in Battle New Haven, May 16.—(AP)_ FROM UGHTSHIP GAMBLERS Take advantage of your The election of David B. McCal- High in Sides. WEARWELL SHEETS mont, Jr., of Franklin, Pa., as edi- TURKISH TOWELS tor-ln-chlef of the Yale Law Jour­ I (Continued from Page One) Muncie, Ind., May 16.—(AP) — A time now and give your REDUCED REDUCED nal was announced today* Other struggle 2,000 feet m the air halted sent the little sentinel craft to the the attempt of Regis L. Schwer, 19, Reg. 19c quality, officers named for the next aca­ bottom of the sea. demic year included: J. Henry to commit suicide by Jumping from house a fresh coat of paint Reg. $1.06, 68x99... S 9 c 8 for ...... d u e The mighty prow of the White an airplane late yesterday. Ray­ Reg, 29c quality, pwgv Krueg of Willimantic, article edi­ Star liner Olympic ripped through mond WilUams, pilot, left the con­ Reg. $1.15, 72x99... 9 9 c 8 for ...... /UC tor; David L. Corbin of New Haven the steel lightship off the Massa­ trols of his plane to beat Schwer and Francis F. McGuire of New chusetts coast yesterday. ’The small London. into unconsciousness. Reg. $1.25, 81x99 $ 1 . 0 9 vessel sank quickly. Noticing the youth with one foot BUY OUR Reg. 59c quality, d* e The finer put out life boats and on the wing of the ship, Williams WEARWELL CASES POPE BLESSES TEAM rescued seven of the lightship’s set his ship in a glide, grabbed a fire 2 to r ...... d i e U U crew, but three of them died shortly extinguisher and struck Schwer on PAINT 29c 42x36...... 2 4 C Vatican City, May 16— (AP) — afterward in the ship’s hospital. ’The the head. The pilot struggled for Reg. $1.00 M artex.. S 7 c Pope Plus gave his special blessing four missing men were given up for three minutes to g^t the Inert body dead. for quality and durabil­ 82c 45x36...... 2 7 C 10c Face Cloths, O E f today to a delegation of Mexican into the front cock^t. 8 for ...... d u d e football players headed by Antonio 'The four survivors, too ill to talk Landing at the airport, Schwer ity. Correa, president of the Mexican much about the disaster, were told officers he had b ^ brooding Football Federation. brought to New York today aboard over low scholastic marks. Police, the Olympic. They were suffering however, said they believed the Pure linseed oil paint 1 0 PATCH QUILTS AND MON- from shock. youth yres despondwjt over a Ibve 1 Vr UMENT MILLS BED SPREADS! POLICE CHIEF DIES Tbe three who died after r ^ u e : affair. ■dentifleally manufac­ W.‘ W. Perry, engineer, Reading, Torrington, Blay 16—(AP) —Wll- Mass. TILSON TO SPEAK tured. J ®P««**** . L Pina, cook; N. S. Rodrlcques, er of the House, wlU be the sjieaker fMiman; J. Fortes, seaman and B. €«!, lAniber, Sapidltg, Paint. Jt hM bon ntboatod that saa.- at the annual and luneh- THE TEXTILE STORE RGserie, Maman, aU of Htw aoQ of the BarUitfl Women’s Re- ' -V’ 686 NonlialB 8t* TeL4149 Mandiegter 849 Main Stroet ,000,000 0|^M of tho atUo or paH Bedfind. pobttean otoK Sfl, at tha Hart­ Maneliiater oif . It have been pr^atod and Ths survivors: latod itBce the ^vntlon of print- ford Golf ohib. f t e imaliMaa meat- mg. Ohptaln George W. Braithwaite, ii^ ^ a^ l i a. m.. and the f. Cambridge. Mass.; C. E. Moshor^ luncheon will follow 1 p. m. nominees had a membership of six­ of Massachusetts, is to'be ilM the ihu- R o b e rt M drrny - t im - s aslWHffr teen persona, each of the eight speaksr. OovarikU' wiH .S^ pri)|h«tn. the 'sBd^Ttaton-ih&dblafab^^P^^ PSCO PAL BISHOP Chsriss Jqi^m ca seepnd assistant oountleo In the state being fittingly be present to extend Ihn n i m s day aftanoan. They fbund rtbrsa These was » large gathsrtag htfd represented. of the state and His Blener iCsyor Dwhv ifacdh faetery employe children wham tests wsca ena htm- Hon. Albert B. Lavery, vlee- at the Community ohuroh home drsd psrosni MAKES HIS REPORTI Beach of Hartford wdl ra^nieenit msiR'in New Vnrk state gained S.8 The Abe B. ICSldr post of the Mrik Jobs .Cutta' president of the Bridgeport Hy­ the city. Jamea E. CUr^en, at New per Cent over FSbriiasy, more than a'so at the Fsdsratsd tiiurdi. About “C ^ta Oottags^^ a thrm adt American Legion 'which is sponsor- 176 sat down to dtaner at the 17th draulic Company, it is announced York, who with Ms rich 'phUoeopl^: doable the a^forage increase for the comedy, wUl bo prsaantsd by ths> ‘nMxhsr.-lfrs. Bussmii.: ^ by President Trumbull, will be the and humor has insidM aitdleacifo ii^ od In the last 18 yean. tag a Boy Scout troop, held a meet­ annual eonvoitioD of the Hartford Warehouse Point Faculty chib this S&timhqr montaig hfo__ _ toastmaster on the occasion of the Coianty Y. M. C A. ’There were very throughout the nation, is. also to be h i Ohio, M arch employiaent ing at headquarters in the Wolcott evening at 8:18, at Wapping gram­ of her dausditer, Hita Wimtam Appeak for Aid for Qergy- annual banquet at seven o’clock on interesting addresses in the evening. one of the guest meakecs.' gaiiM AS per cent over February, CbM>al M onday evening fo r the mar school haU. ‘B aby Alyne** GRird- of 17 Fuller avsBua SSast_____ the evening of the 24th at which There were eighteen pre-school TIm Governor’s Foot Gnss4 Bfnd, rq w rts tp. S'ltan< idard Statistics com- troop’s first meeting. D. P. Cava- ner will also be featured in a soog There was a solenta mqulem t ih Honorable Joseph B. Ely, g^ovemor under the direction of Ci^>tein t^ l- age childrmi who wera examined by and danCe. ’This play ia given for meo of Diocese Who Suf­ in d ie s ^ was appointed Scoutmaster, Ehr. Ingraham and asslstahts at the M9» »t St the benefit of the Wanntak Cm t^ etery. fered from Depression

Hartford, May 16.—(AP)— The - ammal dloeeasan convention of the Protestant Sipiscopal church in Con- neetleut resumed its session today with knowledge of the material condition of its parishes, clergy and laity as revealed to it by Bishop Frederick Q. Budlong yesterday in Christ church parish house. The dloeeasan said he would ask for no suffragan or coadjutor at thi^ time. What assistance might be \ nseded in Confirmation and other services would be given by visiting bishops. In his address the Bishop made a number of suggestions which came i i i :i 4:m ij :i i: D .a-,-: •before the convention today. He mentioned the desire of the late Bishop E. Campion Acheson that there would be an endowment fund for support of the Episcopacy; and that the Glebe House at Woodbury be developed as a National shrine oommemoratlve of the election in it of the rirst bishop (Seabury) of Connecticut. Bishop Budlong appealed for aid for the clergy who have suffered the Tlcissltudes of the depression. He commended the services of dio- eesan officials, spoke highly of the iDti World-ramous *42“ Service Stripe Ostermoor Inner Spring Mattresses work of the Woman’s Auxiliary and asked for assistance In making the Connecticut Churchman a better — just as pictured here— Go on S A L E at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning at the paper because it fills a supremely important mission in the diocese. 'The department of religious edu­ lowest prices of the decade. C O M E E A R L Y I cation, the church mission of help, and the work of Yale University were praised. Financial Affairs Referring to financial affairs of the Diocese, the Bishop asked that assessments authorized by the con­ 0 HrV

, J P?’ ., tee Lists Proposals I W * for Directors — Annual $1 CASH ; NOW HOW WE DO IT Meeting May 24. $1 W EEK Ones s j t * T —Ostermoor ft Co., ta order to “clean ap” all ef their one-of-a-kind patter:^ all of tkeir “short-ends,” all of their *Mre^ Hartford, May 16.—The report of patterns—ta Mattress ceTeringe— w apeclal nominating: committee offer to their regular Knliialve M the Connecticut Chamber of Agendea, their world famoop ^mmerce ha« been presented to 842A0 ServlM Stripe Inner Spring the entire membership of that as- Ostermoor Mattress, made op in "OcUtion by means of a preUmlnary thik gronp ef Coveringa—at a big baUot listing the eleven nom ln^ discount— for quick clearance. for directors each to serve for a GUARANTEED "v^year term and to bo voted up­ This aavtaf—plna an equal cut by Ostermoor & Con to contain Os- Is the mogt important thiaf In the world. More important price of onr own—we a n paasing on at the 4:30 afternoon business tmrmom regnlar standard quality When you stop to consider that you can now buy tiio session of the State Chamber’s an­ t h ^ the VM7 food wo oat. And sloep is only good for one on to Ton as our greatest B i| $ o f felt regular Standard Service Stripe Inner Spring Ostermoca^ ^aaM^ Mattress bwgailk—during nual meeting to be held at the Ho- Mod by Oatemoor & Co.—every thing— to bond back into our bodies the muscle and the tel Bond, Hartford, on May 24. working day. ^ Guaranteed to be regular standard Service Stripe q u a lity - nominees to represent the six nerve .lergy we bum—every day— performing our daily in eveiry way— ^you can begin to understand that you are Being the Ezdnsive Ageate for ba^c i roups of business are: Arrl- laaer spring eonatiuction goar- duties. the world-famous Ostermoor ^tuM , L. G. Tolies of Southlng- o>»to^ by Ostermoor & Co. to be being offered a mony-saving, quality bargain of a lifetime^ tress hers—no other coses banking, Charles E. HoytTsSc- rognimr Oriermoor Service Stripe and you are— that we guarantee. offer n n this High OosHtp retary of the South Norwalk Trust ta»or Spring Construction — the This carload sale o# the world famous Service Stripe meer Msttreas Bargsui.. Company; Industries, Prank Che­ iomo spring eonstmetion nsed al- ta the Sendee Stripe Inner Inner Spring Ootennoor ^ t t r e a s not only affords you the Remember— ^jrou have the choice of all aises. Bomember • OuIt as louf as they laat su i ney, Jr„ chairman of the finance Spring Ostermoor. ^_^Ch«»ey Brothers, opportunity of owning one of those high-class mattresses at ealyndming m s Sele at m b SS- — too— you have unrestricted choice of about 79 different price. Ceme eerly .Mt South Manchester; Insurance, Ed- g orin g or ticking guaranteed this (previoujdy) rnlheard of price, but the mattress itself J. Sloan, vlce-presldert of the to be rsgnlsr Oatermoor standard coverings— art ticks, woven ticks, and imported Belgian Da­ and ffuest dmiee. Aetna Insurance Company of Hart —***• quality weed win enable yom- own Ainsaan to build back into itself a mask to select from. If you n e ^ a new mattress; if you ford; public utilities, J. K, ‘ by Oatermoor ft Co^he year — Punder- iroiniiL g T f B . ^ peiieentaj^ of tlio energy you bum up—every day__ have been thinklTig about buying a new ona—4iere is your ford, president of the Connecticut ~ performing yonr daffy datiofl— than you coulji possibly get money-saving opportunity. Company, New H aven;trade___ and Worinuuririp—guaranteed to be TOB^erce, Joseph Christoph of m odeW wgular Oatermoor aHijed frmn a mattrosa looa acfti losa reailirat, less comfortable. "W ord, manager of the Stand­ ard Oil Company of New York, Como and 806 for yourself. five general directors noml- ^•_£obn B. Byrne, president C o m e « the Hartford Connecticut Trust CSoapany; a F. Hollister, vlce- for Rrtt and prsaldent of the American Braee OMjany, Waterbury; f O . iih ’s H ughes, vlce-precident of the N ew H^mrtare Manufacturing Com - pany, Hrlstol; P. c. L uc^ g en era f vanagef of the Gyxfl Johnson ith Mondieffter Woolen Company of Stafford and j, w. ^ wmt* ^ td h e a d , Ptaeldent of the Norwalk TIze and Rubber Company, Nofwalk.

The------'apeeial T F ' - ’ .... nomlnatlu..... I T i l ni|r CODUIllt* tee chsiged with the' sdectioa of « . Our Very Ureates' '■-i / ------■ t. : 4 ^ h QUALITY Nattres FAGBfguB r M il^CHESim i^^ tVi^NEI^AY,2cXl^^' JSSi £w:; said that WlUlam -Vf. Perry, Alfred radio beacon to keep the Ughtfliip "We thought the lightship was lar Hartford statkn, Saturday eve­ in g are OVB R H M BRIDE Monterro and Justice F.^ Rlohmend, on our starboard side Instead of three degrees off the starboard bow ning from 6:80 until 6 o’clock. The lODEHUnVJlK or cpiprs yria be qai^le^ were dead when taken aboardthe lead." when I hauled away according to invitation tendered Miss Watkins to ^ the eoler guards of thi rsspeo- g3 Olsrmpie. Bight minutes before the collision he radio beacon. If X had not haul­ appear as guest artist on the pro- tive 01'tgaifigMicBS. A SURPRISE PARH Captain ' Bralthwalte suffered a occurred Captain Binks was notillied ed away we might have missed her, m m -w itb Christiaan Kriens and severe gash on the head. Mosher that the lightship’s foghorn ootild be maybe by a ship’s length, but ; me Travelers orchestra resulted HEKOimi SDNDHT 'rnmmimmmmi and the other two survivors, J(dm heard. Accordingly, be said, be o o i^ ’t do that! I had to haul away from the satisfaetory appearances ASEYOWB SHOES Ifiri. Jottph Hohmr If Honored F. Perry and L. 17. Roberta, were ordered the Olympic’s speed further from the danger." of tbs talented Manchestm singer XYLOPHONE SOLOIST I by Aiooelatef at Home of not injtured. xbduced. Binks said be beard the on the local broadcast lightship’s to§ signal twice. There Mias Watkins has selected three GOOD S E T A Ii^ , Pnrentf, Mrrand Mrs. Jones. Capt. John W. Binks, of the ."When we were getting toward Ameriom a s i V net. bUng tM i Olympic, tired and saddened by the were fotir offloers on the bridge appropriate numbers for the eve- ON TOWN'S PROGRAM the Ughtship we were only going use nothing but ^ .. tragedy, remained in bis quarters two or three knots," he explained. with him, be said, and they an viag, "Sing Me to Sl^," "One ' Mrs. Joftpb Hohmr, the former bought it was off the starboard Fleetiim 2«nur" aad “G ^ a Rose" MlM Violet Jonee, daughter of ^ICr. when the Olympic docked. "We beard her fog signal on tbs au Fordp Wan WM ABthony 0*Bri|^i to Be Guest The Olympic has alwiqrs been re­ starboard bow aad changed our )OW. from ms "Vagabond Xing." Die Beet of LeStbiBr aad Mri. Charlee Jones of 3T Pros* "But the fog fools a person some- Artist Tonorrow Morning garded by her operators, the White course to port to make a greater al­ and your ebolee sf yoor tOT Road, was given a surprise timOs," he added. P a rtie d h Exerdsai. at Ststo TlMRter. purty at her parents’ home last Star Line, as a “lucky" ship. For lowance for safety. ORDER STARTS CONFUSION brand of rubber hsele—(X S flW ie night by her associates in Cheney almost a quarter of a centqry she Reversed imgtnes Hartford, May 16.— (AP)—Recent or Goodyear Wlngfbot — m t m has been in 'the trans-Atlantle Brothers winding room, in honor of "After an interval—’ about eight reports from Washington that the Anthony O’Bright, widely known while you watt her recent marnage, Mrs. Hober service, with only two minor acci­ National Recovery administration Invltatleas have been accepted by sad talented xympheae player, will dents. minutes from tbs time we first MANCHESTER SOPRANO was presented with a cabinet and beard her signal—the lookout on was planning to scrap all service Dilwortb-Ooraell post, American be the gueet artist on the half-hour She is the sister ship of the T1 table l^np by her friends. A buffet the bow warned us that the light­ codes has thrown many Connecticut Legion aad Anderson-8bea Post, radio program from the stage Of lunch was served during the eve* tanlc, which struck an Iceberg on TO SING OYER RADIO Veisrans of Foreiga Wars, to par­ the State Theater teasorrow mom- SAMYULY^ ship was ahead. We stopped aad service trades into confusion, it was her maiden voyage in 1012, sinking then reversed full speed. When we said today from William 8. Meany, ticipate in the Spanish War Me­ inf at 8 o’clock. Ks will be accom­ T « MAEN with the loss of 1,613 lives ~ the One of the entertainment fea* were almost stopped we struck. NKA oompllaaee director for the morial dedication exercises to be panied by Xsnaeth Hudson aad Col- h u b held in Center Park, Sunday after­ iires was a mock marriage. The peace-time disaster in 'It was not ue speed of the HI MM WatklM Win Be state. In several dtiee, particularly On B r i| ^ will preside at the organ, modem marine records. noon at 8 o'clock. Both ex-servlee of tbs bride was ployed by Oljrmpic but her weight that OoMt Artift in WTIC Bon- New Kavem he said, f^ces have playing a list of rsqusst numbers. a k m units also plan to participate in the Ethel LsMom the groom by the ll^t-ship." , Mt Hour Program, *eeen slashed by employers. Ifiss Clementine Sokolsl^ aad the THE O L Y M PIC S STOBY Capt. Binlu said that his radio short parade from the state armory A telsgram received yesterday by to the park before the dedication minister by Miss Helen Oleason. New York, May 16 — (AP) — beari^ with the lightship might Miss Miriam Watkins whose ex­ Mr, Meany from Washington NBA ~ weddi^ march was played by Weary from the strain of 60 houlf have been two or three degrees off. ceremonies. cellent soprano voice has pleased officials stated that no order has Members of the poets will meet at Help nstofs'deer np the blotches sod le s w H gbt. on the bridge of the Olympic, Cap­ He explained that he bad changed H BRO irS C h ^ ( w n cs radio audiences sines tbs been issued changing the status of the armory Sunday afternoon at tain J. wTSinks, master of the bis course sl^tly to avoid the make yoor iklo lovsUsr the seA eeey initii^ion of the “Manchester Day" service codes, and that imtll such 3:16 aad will report to H am Hil­ HANCHESnS TAXI shoals, that if be hadn’t “hauled it w if—UM bland, sflietivs m d e a l 6881 ! liiitr. todfty fMd off fOiM Dotof of broadcasts, has been accorded an order is Issued la Waeblagtoa, mini­ ton, marshal of the parade, for as­ over" the collision might not have aiRVIVORS TELL STORY vltatloa to broadcast as guest artist mum prices set in codes for various signment to a poeition in the parade "Safe O rtvfag" occurred. on the Sunset Hour ever the popu­ industries should be adhered to. formation. All members parflelpat- He believed the lightship to be Radio directional beams, by five miles away and well off bis mesas of vdiicb the lightship guided Resinol OF UGHTSHIPS INKING starboard bow lust before the col the liner, were not altogether ac­ listen occurred, be said after be bad curate, be said. Capt. Binks also (Oonttnoed frons Page One) docked his ship. asserted that the under-water oscil­ "The fog was in patches,’’ he said. lations "were not very good." 66 years old, said. "When Z tried "We were going at reduced speed. Not j^cenrate moVe my legs, my head would go Sometimes we could see for miles, "The radio beams only give us an Sown. A spar floated by and 1 aad then not at all. We used the i^proximate bearing," he explained. Mung to It.’^ [ Capt. Bralthwalte remembered ^ t spar well. It was, be ex- blained, two feet long, five Inches bride aad leN than an Inch thick. [ 'It didn't do me much good," be laid. “I gave up. The next thing I Time to Think About mew, I was la a life boat." Outside of describing his own ex- >erlences, Capt. Bralthwalte de- Graduation Gifts illned to discuss the accident, sav- ng that an official report would be ‘Tt won’t be long now," as thsy say, aad b'undrsds of gradti- eleased at Boston, He did declare, atss'to'bs ars anticipating ths day. 'Ilisy will bs pleased if you kowever, that "everytblni^ bad been anticipate It, too, and bavs a gift for tbsm. functioning perfectly.'" Saw Two Bodies Passengera on the Olympic Elflrin Strap W a tch es...... $19.00 and up icaroely knew what bad happened mtll mey felt the liner throb when Other Strap W atches...... $8.75 to $50.00 3 ler engines were ordered reversed. Inelttding Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham and Swiss. Impact was negligible. One assenger, Martin Munkascl, a jtographer from Germany, said Elgin W rist W a tch es...... $25.00 and up Newest Styles. dashed out on deck in time to see half of the broken lightship float Item and disappear. He also saw Other W rist W a tch e s...... $8.75 to $50.00 ;wo bodies, floatmg face down, Capt. Bralthwalte and Mosher the celerity with which the Ring and Pendant Sets...... $2;00 to $15.00 pic launched its lifeboats, Pearl B eads...... $3.50 and up leers of the liner declared that first lifeboat was out into the water three minutes after the ool- Pen and Pencil S ets...... $2.95 and up slon. Almost immediately another liIfeboat was launched. Then Combination Pen and P encil...... $2.95 motor boat was sent out to find the Meboats, which bad disappeared in electric water heater the fog . Boats Betnra About two hours after the crash the boats returned, the ship’s sur­ R. DONNELLY geon attempted to resuscitate the JEWELER victims and the Olympic proceeded toward New York. 615 Main Street Manchester rental Dr. T. W, Atkins, of the Olympic, ■■ ■ ' ___ (■! % You do net obligate yourself to keep the heater

W e w ill initalt an electric waterheater in your heme efore ou uy n lectric efriuerutor B Y B A E P , with no inftallation charge (except In cciei of special service) For your use as long at you wish on the rental FINI o s WHiK W plan. We also maintain and move the heater at our expense. There it no term contract. Here it your SEE chence to '^try'^ electric waterheating. t CHETS SERVICE STATION Small monthly rentals applied towards purchase HEALTH The monthly rentals covering use oF equipment main­ tenance/ and moving expanse arc very low, varying frdm $2.50 For iht small heater to $3.50 a month Jmt How Much Does Your For the Urge heater. Furthermore, all rentals paid in during the first two years From date oF initaHation art Family Mean To You ? credited towards purchase. IF you decide to own the OEPSNDABIUTy heateri your ^^trial" really costs you nothing.

You wouldn’t plunge your family into poverty know­ I ingly! Yet have you ever stopped to think of where S A F E jy they could find funds to live on if you had to stop work­ A guaranteed lew operating cost ing? D for norm.1 un Ii fiMrtnltMl n«t to «x- B Operating cost p 0 Obviously, a SAVINGS ACCOUNT which can accum­ eecd a certain amount— which Is turprltbigly low. Be s ulate and earn interest for you is a certain way of pro­ 1 •ure to esk what this guaranteed cost it (or your home.. T viding fo r them. Electricity— the Idwif Heme SenranI THE SAVINGS BANK CLEANLINESS The Manchester Electric Company OF MANCHESTER 773 Main St Phone 5181 A Mutual Savings RMib - A IfANGHMTBR BTBNmG HERALD, MAN(OTOTT!®,.CONl?;f:

tioaal ohureh tblz aftsrnoon at 8:80 ers LoM CorpbHtlon of W zzk^- Will b« tarvad at 8 o’eibbk and Vka and whatY»«mdMi |% o'oloek- tOQ. piibllo 19 eordlaUy lavRad to qttend. HOU) ANNUAL IEEUNG year, in ad<^titoelothei tha .6la0tRsiN’n' laSnd aaniULl nyseWnf of the AttpRlSy PqUMff. vQl have ohiMV« . Tkt workv of rijftnlnatlTif tko ao- afHeers. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ROCKVILLE Tolland Coun^ Afiaslonai^ Sb^tiy of dbllMbutkm at the applications caUod “d n ^ trap” at the “(3oat of which John D. 'Talcott, m Talco^- and Will pass oh ' the applications Farm” w u temporaffiy hdd- up OF M. L A . TOMORROW - vUle. If t h » bead, wW be tids before they are forwarded to Wash*- yaaterday bocadso of the mill. This GBOW AFFOIM1MBIIX WlDNESDAY, MAY 1C (Ceatnd and B ut«m Standard TUna) Hartfttrd, Maj ^ pragrams to key and baalo ohalss or iroupa tbareef unlaaa apad* evening. Ington, D. C. work tmutt be oomidated with 78 . Nelai . At this meeting the prih(fipal working daya or a penalty of 150 An attendance of membera aixD- nor Choas to d » aamaafitA ^ Sed: eoaitt w eoaat (o to e) deaignatlon Includes all available atatlona. B iie ^ etent to naaka poaaible tho doetioo ^roflramt subject to change. P. M. (DayUgM Time One Hour IkiterJ. EXCEUINTEXHIBmON speaker will be Mizs Eleanor Wil­ per day wUI be Inqiosed by the atate. pointment of BarelSF CenL EasL son, assoelate secretary of tbfe ’Ih e Oomdlla (Circle held a regu­ A bonus of a simllw amount Is of’ ofBoers of the Manchester Im­ Hartford to ba a awdber oM the: NBC-WEAF NETWORK lar meeting Tuesday afternoon at provement Asaoclatlon is assured ^ — East» weaf wlw weel wtlo 6:00— 6:00—Vera Van, Sengs—basle American Board of Missions, who granted for each day completed board of directors of Long Lahf Jar wtaa wesh wfl wHt wfbr wrc wgy 6:16— 6:18—Just Plain Bill — east; OF WOODWORKING ART will tell of her work in Japan where the home of Mrs. Oscar Leonard at ahead of tiooe. for tomorrow dgfat. Farm at Middletown, for a^una^of wcae wtam w w i weal; Mid: ksd Cbas. Gaines Orch—-Dixie; Russell Leoneuid’s (Comer, ToUwid. Mrs. Orch.—^mdw; Texas Rangers—west she spent more than eight years as M ra John Finlay of West Main 'The committee named to arrange three years from Ju^ 1, 1984. lOC ^ annaa wcfl woc-who wow wdaf wkbf Arthur R. Newell, president, pre­ for a supper to be served preceding Robinson succeeds Qwege A. C rl^ . :NorRT«wE$T a c a m a d ia n — wtmj B:8€^ 6:30—Music on Air—east; Ruth Cedar Chest, Tavern Table, principal of the Kobe Women’s street, yesterday moved to Union • %lba kstp webo wday kfyr crot ofcf and Ruse—west; Buek Regers- Evangelical school. sided, and the speedier was ' Mrs. street. She has occupied the house the meeting tomorrow night has of Middletown as direetor. ^ aOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wla wjax mldw rpt; Gaines Orehes.—Dixie Tea Kettle Stand are Among Wright B. Bean of Stafford Springs. slready sold over 40 tickets, and wfla-wBon wlod wem wmo wsb wapl 8H8— 6:4iP-Boake Carter, Talk—ba­ This evening's session will com­ which she vacated yesterday for 36 The governor alao anc wjdz wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc sic; Brown’s Harmonettss-^est Articles Display. mence at 7 o’clock when the sacra­ The annual, banquet of the Bach­ years. with this number in attendance nounced the re-appofotment a t tart •woal ktbs kths wsoo wave 6:00— 7:00—F. Rich’a Columbians elor Business Girls of Rockville, there will be a quorum for the busi- other directors of Long Lana, WtK MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kgrhl 6:16— 7:15—Easy Aces, Sketciv—ba­ ment of the Lord’s Supper will, be PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfl kgrw komo sic; Philadelphia Naturals—Dixie The accomplishments of the wood­ observed under the direction of was held last evening at the Home­ nese meeting to follow. There will liam W. Wilcox of M i^ etow n and khq kfsd ktar kgu kpo 6:30— 7:30—Broadway Vanitlea—to e stead Inn in Somers. Miss Helen One barrel of sap is required to be reports ^ven of the work ac­ Mrs. Laura Hadley Moseley of Men 7:00— 8:00—Nino Martini. Oreh.—to o working department of the Rock­ Rev. (Charles G. Johnson and Rev. Cent. East. 7 :8 (^ 8:30—Burns and Allen—also cst ville High school, which are now on (Charles H. Downs. E. (Carhey, president of the club, make one gallon of maple sirup. complished during the past year Iden, both for three years tiemL -' S;80^ 4:80—Frank Merrlwsll — baalo; 8:00— 9dX>—The Dramatle Guild, Play exhibition In the office of the Rock- Church Comedy. was In charge of the' bemquet and Ma Perkine, Sketch—west repeat 8:30— 9:30—Albert Spalding—^s o cat social which followed. 8:40— 4:45—The Armchair Quartet 9:00—10:00—Nick Lucas, Songs-^ba­ vllle-Wllllmantlc Lighting company, “(Crazy to Reduce” was the title 4:00— 6:00—Dinner Concert—eJao cet sic; H. Buses Orchestra—midwest on Park street, are attracting many Stanley Doboscz Post, No. 14, 4:30— 6:80—Y. DavIdofT, Baes-^baalc; 9:16—10:16—Press-Radio News Period of the comedy presented at the ... F. MerrIweU—wfbr, wrc, wtam rpt 9:20—10:20—Little J. Little Orchestra favorable comments. Union Congregational ‘church social American Legion, held a meeting 4:46— 6:46—Martha Meare. Contralto —basic: Tom Baker—midwest Professor Paul Roden, head of the rooms last evening imder the spon­ last evening in. the G. A. R. hall. 4ST<8:00— e.'OO—Baseball—w eu A others 9:30—10:30—Little J. Little Ore— ba­ Memorial building. A social hour 4 6:10— 0:16—Qene and Qlen—e & so sic; C. Heffmayr Orch.—midwest woodworking department, at the sorship of the FMendly Class of the i 6:30— 6:30—Bhirley Howard, Jesters 9:46—10:46—Frank Dailey Orchestra request of the parents and relatives church. followed at which time refreshments ; 6:40— 6:4^Th'e Goldbergs, Serial Act 10:00—11:00—Red Nichols O rch estra- of many of the students and with were served. k 6:00— 7:00—Jack Pearl's Show—to c basic; C. Dickerson Orch.—midwest Notwithstanding the unpleasant 5 6:3<^ 7:30—Wayne King’s Orchestra 10:30—11:30—Geo. Hall’s Orch.—c to c the permission of Manager George weather a large number were on The Board of Selectmen held a 5 7:00— 8:00—Fred Allen’s Hour, Revue 11:0(L.^12:00—Dance Hour—wabc Awest E. Rathke of the Rockville-Willl- band. Miss Helen Kynoch acted as regular weekly meeting last eve­ ? 8:00— S:0O—Cob Pipe Club—cst to cst ' 8:30— 8:30—Ghosts of Britain, Serial NBC-WJZ NETWORK mantic Lighting company’s local annoimcer amd music was presented ning with First Selectman Francis 9:00—lOdX)—Angelo Ferdinando Orch. BASIC — East: wjz wbs-wbsa wbal office, arranged this exhibit. by the (merman band. J. Pritchard presiding. Among the i. 8:16—10:16—Enrio Madriguera Orehes. wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal; Not only is the individual work business act^ upon was the appli­ —hs^lc; Gene A Glen—west rpt Midwest: wcky kyw ifenr wle kwk The cast included the following: 9:30—10:30^Reggle Childs Orchestra kwer koil wren wmaq kM wkbf of the different students on exhibi­ Mrs. Hattie Kingston, Miss Helen cation of 'Thomas Simmons for per­ SPRING 9:4^10:46—Press-Radio News Period NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmJ tion but there are special class de­ Kynoch, Miss Wilma Szalontai, Miss mission to transfer the license for 9:60—10:60—Childs’ Orchee. (cont’d) wlba kstp webo wday kfyr crot cfef 10:00—11:00—Frankie Masters Orchee. SOUTH — wrva wptf ww»o wls wJax signs. Priscilla Szalontai, Miss Eleanor a gas station now held in the name 10:80—11:30—Clyde Lucas A Orchestra wfla-wsun wlod wsiU wmo wsb wapl The exhibit has been attracting Neff, Miss Eltzabetii Drummond, of Joseph Weidner and located in wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc much attention, especially at night, CBS-WABC NETWORK woal ktbs kths wsoo wave Mrs. Rose O’Brien, Mias Lois Alley, Talcottville. No object was rsdsed. BASIC—East: wabo wade woko wcao MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kghl with an elaborate display of lights. Miss Grace (Cell, Mrs. Mary Gregus, The Ladies’ Catholic Benevolent CLEARANCE SALE waab wnao war wkbw wkrc whk cklw PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfl kgw komo Many persons returning home from Miss (Certrude Fuller, Mrs. Myrtle association of St. Bemeird’s Catho­ wdre wcau wfp wjas wean wfbl wspd khq kfsd ktar kpo the Palace theater stopped to view lic church held a meeting iMt eve­ wjsv wmaa; Midwest: wbbm wfbm CenL East. EInglert, Miss. Constance Brookes, kmbe kmox wowo whas the exhibit. Miss Vera (Cobb, Miss Dorothy ning in the rooms in the Presscott EAST—wpg whp wlbw whec wlbx wfea 3:30— 4:30—The Singing Lady—east 'The exhibit includes the following block. A social hour followed. wore Wise efrb ckac 8 :4 ^ 4:46—Orphan Annie—east only Stoneman, Miss ^ e ly n Tennstedt DIXIE—wgst wefa wbre wqam wdod 4:00— 6:00—Irene Beasley, Contralto articles: cedar chest by William £md Miss Hope West. The Ladies’ Aid society of the klra wrec wlao wdsu wtoc krld wrr 4:16— 6:15—To Be Announced Norris; tavern table, designed from Trinity Lutheran church will hold a Thursday, Friday and Saturday 4:80— 6:30—The Three X Slstere-r Taxpayers to Organize. ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbte wodx wbt east; Singing Lady—repeat to wgn a reproduction butterfly table; tea strawberry and salad supper this wdae wbl* wtar wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs 4:46— 6:46—Cowell Thomas — east; kettle stand, designed from a re­ The organization of a local branch wmbr of the (Connecticut State Taxpayers evening at the church social rooms MIDWEST—wcah wgl wmt winbd wlsn Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest production; night table, designed on Prospect street. The first table wlbw kfh kfab wkbn wcco wsbt ksej 6K)0— 6:00—^Amos Yi’ Andy—east only from a reproduction; Priscilla sew­ Alliance which will be known as the wnax 5:15— 6:16—Export Association Talk Tolland (County branch, has just MOUNTAIN—kvor kls koh ksl 6:30— 6:30—Yvette Rugel, Soprano ing cabinet, made by Wesley COAST—^khj koln kfro kol kfpy kvl 6:45— 6:46—Irene Rich In Hollywood Schlude; mariner’s lamp, made by been announced by Neal P. Anthony Swagger Suits Dresses and 6:00— 7:00—Crime Clues, Dramatle of Tolland, vice president of the I !• ro kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb 6:30— 7:30—The Maple City Four Wesley Schlude; lamp, made by Cent. EasL 6:46— 7:45—Babe Ruth’s Comments William Norris; weather vanes, state alliance for this section. ^ l O O 8:30— 4:30—Jack Armstrong — east; 7:00— 8:00—Ray Knight, His Cuckoos No date has yet been set for the Clarence Wheeler’s Orchee.—west 7:30— 8:30—Famous Love Stories group made by pupils of the seventh and Coats Sheer Suits forming of the Tolland (County /’#> eitiftloyed pm/tlr 8:46— 4:46—The Funnyboners — east; 8:00— 9:00—Vincent Lopes.and Revue grade of the Eeist school. Formerly $12.98. Formerly $7.98. Maurle Sherman Orehes.—midwest 8:30— 9:30—Harry RIehman, Orehes. Group of windmills, made by the branch but It is hoped that the or­ #»fi thrir otrn si:'rui(ttrt*. 6:00— 6:00—Buck Rogers In 2400— 9:00—10:00—Pickens Sisters — east pupils of the seventh grade of the ganization can be completed wdthln NOW ...... $6.98 NOW ...... east only: Billy Scott, Baritone—^w only; Amos ’n’ Andy—^west repeat the present month. I li»* fiir .1 lo.ifi .. $5.98 6:15— 6:16^Bobby Benson—east only; 9:15—10:15—John L. Fogarty, Tenor Maple street school; taboret, made o ii n Skippy—repeat for midwest: Gene —basic; Cuckoos—^repeat so A cst i- I li • n in Formerly $22.50 Formerly $14.98. and Charlie—west and Dixie 9:30—10:30—Julie Styhe and Orchestra by John Lanz; smo^ng stand, made Mothers Club Meeting. 1 tii*« i->

•a g e SIX MANCHBSTBB BVBNINQ SSRAU), IIAMCBBSTIX. OOKN, WEDNBSDAT, JU T 1*. I9M. / lianrlfMtrr gat paopla with bmmmjt to ohaaga It would m>psar.te Indloats that the •- ■...- oouple a t eourts in mie cf the tiunea for many yeara. Then, Into othar tonss whila tha monay it- O. O. P. in that state remains stsad- dty'a armorlM. Played aomething ♦ :6‘>' m U eontiAuao to faieraaaa la valua IN NEW YORK about 1900, a . tanina atar named £ontbig SmUt fastly omiservative, ths expectation Uka taasla. but ^ a amaUar wun Lyta Mahan appadrbtT fii Ua tannia faster than tha yalua of aaythlng of Oovernor Plnehot the ma­ and ever a five-foot aat, it la «x- *rg" anil trlmniad an tha axnerta FUBUIIHBP BT TBB dtiiig to watdi. Racqueta are J> PIUN71NO OOMPAKT. ITO. else. jority of the party would follow him BF FADL BAKBlSmf who were bamiiered ^ their chok­ vr IS BIemU SttM t uaed, and halls (called ^*birre effective admln- to the Old Order. A very aubstao' PPR8B tlal majority of Pennsylvania Re' ly to a guard. Most of them give Tbs Asaoalatad Praas U axolaslysly istratlcn of Justice in the history of a fleeting glance behind them, a t Described Below sntltlsd to tbs OSS tor rspabileatlea American crime. publicans appears to have main- the crowds of people who are not of all nsws dlspatebs orsdttsd to It shackled by steel, at the groups of or aot otbsrwlss orsditad la this The contrast between the disposi- tained Its confidence in the prlnoi< pep**' **>d also ths local asw s pub* plea and policies for which the sen­ curious who have baited to watch lished hareta. tion of this case and that ghastly them. All rlffhts ot rapablloatloB ot farce that has been dragging on and ator stands and to have decided Sometimes there is a newspaper (paolaJ dlspatobas baraia art also ra> that their party should continue as photographer standing there larrad. on in the state of Massachusetts, the crystalization of conservative sqiUnting Impassively along bis Fall sanrlea eltaat bt N B a aar- the trial of the Millen brothers, is camera. Frequently thm aiw aloa. la a as complete aa though the two epi­ political sentiment. women with white, strained faces; There is no particular reason for women who came t otbe station LAZY DAYS Pu busbar’s RaprasaatatlTs: Tbs sodes were the developmenta of two Julius Mathews Spaolal Ayaacy—New doubting that the outcome of this looking their prettiest, or at least York. Cbleayo, Detroit and Boston. utterly different civilizationa, one their best. Intending to wave anc of which set its face resolutely test in Pennsyl-vania reflects the pre­ smile encouragement. MBMBEK AUDIT BDRBAO OF ponderance of Republican sentiment are here again ClRCULATlONa against criminalism while the other But they neither wave nor smile as the men are hustled made only a shallow pretense of throughout the East There is Watkins will help yen make this Summer one Imtg, grand Tha Herald Prlntlas Compaay, ino., enough similarity between Pennsyl­ through the gate with its sag assumes no flnaaolal raspoaslbility holding crime in disfavor. gestlvely somber Iron grill vacation You’ll like the low Watkins cost of furnishing for typosraphlcal •rrora appaartaa la vania conditions and those of New advertisements Is th*. Manehestar The Californians propose to put work. The women stand si' your porch or lawn, too. Evening Herald. an end to kidnaping and murder for York, New Jersey and New England lent aad nsotlonless, peering to Justify the belief, in ■view of this at the receding flgn^ of the WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 profit. The Bay Staters take no manacled noen. real interest in the matter. If they manifestation In the Keystone State, HAMMER OF STRAW did they would not tolerate any such that the majority of RepubUcans In The “Black-Baggers’* Oak ‘Troy’ Gliders $ In a few weeks, when the prison­ No matter how necessary It may exhibition as 'the Millen trial. all these states remain unshaken In pictured above their faith in political and economic ers have been dressed in to the be to drive a railroad spike and no Incidentally the business of ab­ routine of the penitentiary, the matter how obvious the necessity duction with violence has suffered conservatism. women who watched their depar- The name "Troy” on your glider means t-hat it’s styled ture will themselves become fre­ Maple may be, with all the energy in the a serious setback in the simultan­ To the extent that the Pennsyl- by one of the biggest, makers of Summer furniture. This vanfii contest settles any doubt quent passengers on the “Sing world you cannot drive the spike eous failures of the Gettle and the Sing Special.’’ Every morning one haa a no-bolt frame and is upholstered In a smart by hitting it with a straw. You Robles kidnapings. The kidnap­ there may have been as to the con­ there are 20 or 80 of them who go figured cover (not shown). may sing the bravest chanty and ers did not get the money. That tinued existence of a solid body of to visit their husbands or sons or Porcelain poUtical belief unshaken in its faith sweethearts In the Big House. wallop away for all you are worth; is, perhaps, even a more Important They bake cookies, and buy fruit Chinese Peeled Cane you may hit the .spike a billion fact than that three of them have in the fundamental soundness of the and clgarets and magazines, and blows, if you live long enough; but been sent to prison permanently Old Order, the fight for the sena­ pack them in little black bags. There^s a Watkins Breakfast torial nomination between Pinchot These ‘Tjlack-baggers,’’ as they’ve you can’t drive it even the smallest The money is the -vital factor to been called for years, always sit in part of an inch. these criminals. The Robles child and Reed has been d the greatest the last coach of the train. Many Suite to suit your home! Hourglass Chairs $7.50 service. President Roosevelt has had a and Mr. Gettles were abducted be of them, after years of traveling All the way from Hong Kong come these light, yet durable cause other kidnapings in the past together, have become fast friends. 5 Pieces in oak with extension table and five revelation. The realization has I don’t know why they aU choose chairs of peeled cane. Adds a touch of excliislveness to had been frultfuL If there were wood seat ladderback chairs. Oak and S i /\.75 been borne in upon him that with the same type of luggage, imiAffn preen finish...... ^ your porch for only |7.50. some five million workers rendered no longer a probability that a kid­ it is an accepted ba&e of their Idle by the almost total inertia of naping would prove profitable to the Health and Diet sorority of sorrow. Up ahead, in the smoking car, the construction business it isn’t go­ criminals kidnapings wotUd, of 5 Keces in Pilprim maple; extension table and Advice the prisoners observe each other four braced-back Windsor side $0 />75 ing to be easy to get general indus­ course, cease. These two failures coolly and puff at many cigarets. c h a irs...... ^ y * Folding Yacht Chairg trial Md trade activity back to must go some distance in sbairing By Dr. Praak MoCoy They suUenly look at the floor and normal until -somehow or other the confidence of others who may be glower under the inspection of other passengers; but none seems 5 Pi^es in Maple and green with porcelain top, $1-98 building is resumed and the demand contemplating similar crimes. BELIEF FROM ARTHRITIS. to want to look out of the win­ u for building materials has been re­ From the point of view of the dows. A few make a great show draw-side extension table and four 50 stored. family, naturally, the safety of the A most imTOrtant factor in the of being self-possessed, and even c h a irs...... eS i/* Folding frame of natiral amused. It is in hope that construction abducted person seems utterly para- cure of arthritis is the patient’s maple. Ckiverlng of striped mental attitude, as one who has the But when the conductor 5 Pieces in Pilgrim Maple for the breakfast duck. Unusually comfort­ can be stimulated that the Presi­ moimt to all other considerations. determination not to be gfiven up is opens the door and yells, able. dent has sent to Congress the lat­ FTom that of society as a whole the most likely to succeed in overcom­ “Next stop, Ossining!” they rooni or dinette; Pegged, r§fectery draw-end table, ing his trouble. Much depends up­ aU sit up with a nervous md four spear-back $ a Q .75 est of his numerous well intentioned ;>aramoimt consideration la that the start. This Is the last lap. but so frequently over-vaJued kidnapers should not get the money, on the willingness of the patient to Windsor chairs...... diet persistently enough to over­ For some of them it may be schemes. This is his four-point for the money is the root of this the beginning of the Last come the Joint inflammation and Mile. program for federal aid to home evil. then to take corrective exercises at the right stage of the cure, in order renovation and building. Fast—end Exohidve WATKINS Very broadly and very roughly the to prevent permanent sUftne^ from PLACING iBLAME disuse, and to f ^ ^ ta t e return • \-'r .• Mil wbleb produced «a eutlro tfipw ^ M fm,tbia>]i|glrt svs M‘-atBan a ' for tiM price at a quarter/* 4t te quickly be^une apparent tftpi the admiaricn price baUyboo waa Jnatia tr-A V-iT "come on.” Reserved seats cost iS NOT-SCHXMH) CIRCDS cents additional and there was sin extra charge of 10 cents for the Wild West show. . ■SlfaMar^Vt. ■ AfeU- It was sumounced with great fan­ ttje l o f fare that the management.' would HarwuM Rtf 22 y«ara, Sealiiit Capack; Taxed for pay |10 to any MfncheStw . map hla < — ■ .1 -." A . wLo had the courage to engage In 1 Chttp Sbew That Prores a wrestling bout with the former Ilie r e wiR'^^nM a puU ic ' io^As^>ciatioa rdn- V rty at €ba West Si& '£ise ojn^ OiK wrestlii^ ^lampion of the United B*Mr^'sect the gardens of the one would be led to believe that the Japs’ Act Good UPSET YOUR worth with which he remained principal Greenwich Estates during World Brothers circus was second The Great Condone Troupe staged a fairly good performance, identified until his death. the afternoon ^.s well as the 16th only to the combined Ringllng NERVES. while credit must be given to the Insarance Man Was D e He was a 32d degree MaSon and annual exhibition of the Green'wich Brothers-Bamum and Bailey cir­ a member of LaFayette lodge. No. Society of Artists. cus, but this was as far from the Yoshlda Troupe for the dUtlcult stunts they staged. 100, A. F. and A. M. A bfmquet will be held tonight. truth as Wapping is from Shang­ scendant of Foimder of His widow, tj^e form er Loua Cath­ The junior women’s clubs 5 New hai. Essaw, the “tallest sacred camel in the world;” “Kingo,” the “man erine Bedell, and two sona survive. Haven, Torrington, Naugatuck, Only One Monkey The fvmersd will be held at 3:30 killer from the Congo’’ and City and a Governor. Waterbury and Stamford also There was one performing ele­ p. m., tomorrow with the Rev. John gathered here for a luncheon. phant, four lionesses, half a dozen “Cupid,” the “$10,000 Epic-Marvel Milton Phillips, pastor of Center Sh.:tland ponies, as many dogs, four of the Century” must have had the church, officiating. Burial will be , razorback hogs and one monkey. day and night nff, for they failed to Hartford, May 16—(AP) —Hart­ in Spring Grove cemetery. BREWERY WORKER STRICKEN If there were any more wild ani­ put in an appearance. ford pays its final tribute tomorrow mals they were kept out of sight. Well, the World Brothers circus Derby, May 16— (A P ) — Fred M c- to one of its most distinguished The much touted “Jungleland” was has come and gone and it must be Enemey, 21, of this city, died from nowhere to be seen and, instead of said that the peanuts, popcorn and citizens, Thomas Williams Hooker, FEDERATION OF WOMEN the result of a heart attack early being permitted to view this added crackerjack sold on the grounds a descendant of the man who fotmd- this morning at the Derby Brewery attrition, the people were beard­ were as good as may be found at ed the city. on Derby avenue. He was at work ed like sheep into their seats. any circus. Hooker, prominent in business (ULTHER IN GREENWICH on one of the tanks outside the CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS circles for many years, died Monday brewery building when he fell, and The "greatest military band” in YOLl CAN SMOKE TH.EM STEAOflY . . . BECAUSE THEY the circus world turned out to be a at the age of 63 of coronary throm­ death was at first thought to be due bosis. Hls health had been poor Green-wlch, May 16— (AP) — A to the fall, but later was foimd to group of four seedy, alleged musi­ JAP PLANE SHOT DOWN since 1932 when he injured a leg in heavy program of speeches, reports be from ■ heart trouble. He was not NEVER SET ON YQUR NERVES . . . NEVER TIRE YDUR TASTE { cians whose instruments during the and social activities - confronted. the acts tave forth a discordant med­ a fall. regularly employed at the brewery. Tokyo, May 16.—(AP)—Two Bom In Hartford, May 10, 1871, Connecticut State Federation of ' M ley of noise that, by rare good for- Japanese olfice|s were reported Women’s clubs today as its 38tb an­ txme, did not scare the elephant in­ H ooker -was a direct descendant o f killed today when their airplane the Rev. Thomas Hooker who nual convention got imder way. to a stampede. A group of boys was shot down in Mdnehukuo. founded the city. His ancestors in­ After the opening preliminaries, poimdlng tin cans and rattling cow Dispatches from Harbin to the cluded also the late Thomas Wells, including speeches of welcome, the bells would have provided more newspaper Asahl said the officers one time governor of Connecticut, program called for addresses” by melodious music. were scouting over a concentration and John Howland, who came to Mrs. George W. Perry of Hartford -y \ Additional Prices of Chinese irregulars west of Hailar America on the Mayfiower. and Miss Emily Louise Plumley of Advertised as being a circus when their plane ■was fired upon. He was a member of many patrio­ Glenbrook, former state presidents. PROVED- ‘ m i tv .....V ARTHUR’C ow-:- *^DRUG STORE by millions of miles of 846 M AIN STREjfBX raESCRIBTION DRi S gISTS testing by engineers

When in doabt about taking any advertised drugs or reme­ dies, let us help you. Trained pharmaciAta on-dui^ at all hours, ready to give you the benefit of their knowledge. PROVED- m \ R O Alic A tfE fi’S S a U h Reg. $1.00 Value GOLF BALLS in the hands of hundreds CAMERAS .y - Takes 127 Film. Guaran­ Long Lasting—Long Drive teed to Give Good K<5- tures. 3 98c 3 Days of thousands of owners Only ..

40c WHISK Sun Glasses BROOMS A Need for OA AH S p o r t s ......

TENNIS BALLS . 29, 39, 49c

KLEENEX r i . I.6 ---- ^ f / a n d youll never 2 29c hereV the reason: Chevrolet engineers have tried ame things that hundreds of thousands (if Chevrcletownm to e proving m their daSy driving. The ChiBvrd^t ride simj^y canH k matched by any other in die low-price field. That’s why we urge yoo to **Drive ir only 5 miles**—>and that’s why we pcoaise, never be satU fiedtniA 'ai^ other lo tp -p ric^ car.**, MOTOR COMCAST, DETROIT. IGCmGAK Ctm^pan CJievnUifs-tmv frfimrWp ri^ aii^ eaty QJd.A.C. tame AGm^MmirtVabe

Fui4.Y^m iei KNEE-A€7l0il MKRTY BATTLE DAVIS IS SENT BACK ARMADA COMING ' TO GENEVA’S PARLEY Washington, May 16 — (A P ) — President Roosevelt today ordered VoL L , N o. Norman H. Davis, Amerleefl outhit and ing ships will be in the parade. It was indicated strongly that the News” and Wiitinf SM), tog at the collide opllectlon of beautifid worka of art aJbroad and dom^ad to the school, yet have eron^befora, but show me m . a, toe boys The majority of our plcturea are Ships of all types will be in this United 8tates was convinced Europe- were assigned t o ______ftateralty and also for their aid,. a fame where a pitches a parade — battleships, heavy treaty does not want war and that It con­ h o i^ , where they were to spend the reproductionr or pbotographa of fa­ Manebastar High seteOi ls also to- no-hlt fame and losea 1-0. It wouMj RecemBf;Dipl«»;S cruisers, light cruisers, aircraft car­ Twenty-five applicants Yor places night. moua patottoga, ^ecaa of aculpture, havb been a choioe bit for RMeFa stituted a hope for some settlement ddl>ted to other members of the . riers, destroyers, submarines, mine­ this summer on the arms question. on toe -etaff of toe High School next toomlnW the' boys wers and architecture, which have been Chaney family and savaral towns­ “Believe It or Not.” collected to varioua v. aya. sweepers and the auxiliaries of the Davis said he expected to be in World were chosen tentatively at up bright sad early. The ik y was people for plcturea they have pro­ A summary of gradnatfieit; f e r ' fleets. The parade of ships, a pro- Geneva for the opening session. Almoat thirty-four yeara ago, toe vided. Mike Haberen, or the “Iroo t ^ Monday meeting of the club, clear, toe air cool and tUl cf our P«wra ^ A w v a ra l anwtobwdiantw cessioc over twenty miles long, will g.*uig was ready to remit at the BoethU club, which had charge of Many e i toe plcturea, aome col­ Bock” as be la known to bis teank> ®®®®WBlng dasa allatra f « the rar take over three hours to pass the Whetoer they are to remain on the all assemblies and which bad all mates pitched esceUmt ban. The staff wiL depend 6n their further toe exception of ored Utoographa from Germany, MMnder at the year warn tha topici reviewing ships. pupils toen to High school on its have been ably selected by Miss mo hlto from bia deUvary were of discussion at a senior daaa hierti- • PROFESSIONAL DANCER j^ v e n ability as news-getters. Mr. Gatcbell^ Manager Breen The ship designated to be the re­ xotirs Truly, who were tocltoed to membership list bought several Condon,'whllcr traveling abroad. M^tchy affairs. One was, iBg on Tuesday morning. Those chosen were: pictures for toe schools. Among viewing ship will be the new treaty oversleep—-for obvious reasona On several occasions, to reoognl- o w second The total end-of-tho-year es*' cruiser, the U. 8. 8. Indianapolis. Jennie Sandbolm, ’85-A, Donald these are tob “Aurora," which was and the other a '^kit-too-well fielded TRIES TO END LIFE Clulow '35B, Roberta Gorman ’85B, The meet started at preciselv 10 tlOD of toe furnishing and decorat­ p e ^ as exactly m can b# aseer- The President will go aboard the brought from Rome, and which ing of rooms to their afore by toe ground baU.jSpwn the infieM. touMd to ^vanoe, is m follows; ship and be taken out to sea a short Roberta Hansen ’85B, Beatrice Ir­ o'clock with runntog of toe 120 hangs to Prtoclpal Hung's olfice; Nice, May 16— (A P ) — Geodes win ’35B, Walter Buckley ’S5B y y d togh hurdles to which event art claasee, Watktoa Brotoera have Somanhis, 75 cents (or I L f t If a way from New York. This will be the “Colossetun" which may be presented the school with colored Qrlgely, Rockville center fielder Chariot, 27, a professional dancer, Betty Hervey ’36B, Francis Pecken- Manchester lost lltUe time m start­ iMther cover is ordered); senlcm the flrst time the people of the seen to Room 38; and “The Sheep," reproductions of the “Holy OraU," who is built along Babe Ruthlan picture to Somanhis, 86 esots; rent­ United 8tates will be able to see the was found Ahot and woimded, ap- ham ’85B, Jack Ptone3r '86B. ing their score, for before the ob- by toe Dutch artlat Mauve. proportioijh, was a deddtag factor jarently by his own hand, today on Dorothy Denton ’86A, Ray Dona- stacles had been oJeared from toe painted on toe walls of tot Boston al for cap and gown, 83.00;^ and ships passing In review. The proces­ In memory of Ruth Harris, who PubUc Library by Edwin Abbey. to Manchester’s victory. He donat­ possible tax for toe class (tones and sion will be near enough off shore the grounds of the yiUa of <5ountess hue 36A, Adelaide Howell ’86A, and ^ ^ k , Rogers had emerged with a (Led to 1920, Bum Jones’ beautiful ed toe biggest part of the services lirrt place. In comparison with other schools, incidental expenses of dass day and so that the thousands of anxious Dela Porcerie, formerly Mabel BoU, Mary Marsden ’36A, “Golden ’Stairs" was presented to iwed to score Manchester’s first rim. American “Queen of Diamonds" Mary Latawlc 'S6B and Daniel T h « cync a lapse of scoring for Manchester has a very valuable col­ graduation, ,50 cents. Tbs sn« ' people will be able to see the ma­ the i^ o o l by Ruth's classmates, li ^tion of fine reproductions. Stu­ Rautenburg hit a high fly toward jestic sight of the warships passing Police said that Chariot appar­ Qvlello ’S6B, the M. H. S. during which the 100 nouncement w m made by FrindpsJ Mr. and Mrs. Finley gave two pic­ dents have an opportunity to fa­ c ^ t » field. Oiigley ran out, look­ nihty in order that seniors «ri)0 pro. in review. ently tried to take his own life be­ Alice Madden ’37A and Jack yard dash finals were run off. Sal- ed at toe , ball and ran to. The ball Crockett '87A. tures It memory of their daughter, miliarize themselves with toe nu­ xer to pay In »jna!l sum durlitf tbo The last review to be held was in cause the countess was about to and Fraser ran splendid Marion. One is toe famous "Bea­ landed over his head, but only after 1827 off the Virginia Capes. This re­ break off her friendship with him. Amelia Andrulot •87B, Barbara merous pictures and learn to ap­ coming six weeks may'budget thdir but just missed placing by a trix D’Este," and«toe other is a preciate/their many artistic quaU- he jumped 'back and made rather finances. view was held for the late President The dancer was found with a re­ Gaboon ’37B, Jeamxe Cude ’87B p botogn ^ of toe statue by Daniel aa ungraceful stab at toe ball. Eric Coolidge and the reviewing ship was volver in his right hand, by the G ^ o ld -STB, Margaret J o S A lmost all seniors have sub­ While toe finals ot the C3cntury Ciherter Frencto of Alice Freeman stopped at second and later scored scribed to the year book but they the U. 8. 8. Mayflower, which has countess when she return^ to the “ “ Valette Turner '37B and —B. a^toltenfeldt, •34. when toe second baseman threw the w ey being held, the official starter arv. further requested to dtoourags since burned down and been “junk­ villa foUovsdng a trip to Nice. Virginia Von D ^ ’87B. grounder over toe first baseman’s had the boys reporting for the one the under-graduates to sign up fw ed”. A bullet wasNextracted from be­ underclassman membeia, a ils run. A t toe conclusion of toe The schedule of the employment tween Chariot’s ribs at the Nice and toerefore members next year roplm^ln order to reduce the price clinic. dash events, toe races stalled. df the fleet from May 31 until Nov­ are: Bemlee Uvtogston '85 A hi! C a r t e r want out fairly fart at In the sixth iwniwy Rautenberg ember 1 is as follows;— TTie countess, ^ o is- divorced J5?*^2f****5 fW ’86, Margaret SulU- also kept M uebester's____ May 36 bM been igwated as from the coimt, purchased the vjUa toS'Start with Donahus end Pack­ Literary Columns batting ral ■enior Freak Day or Fun I)sy, May 81, Presidential review off ^ 86, Eleanor Sebleldge '85 e d lying back- On toe second Up ty a U v ^ With two; men part of the get the car number that saved me toy. ; ^^„J*owever. Their scores havlhg spent the mom- 74, 77; 78, 80. NOT bad. there. The battle fleet wUl go to and 1 ^ at Gilead at the WeU CShUd lasdaff to gato a and put behind toe hhw anotodl* of Theee towering trees were ptoe^ep A T BUSHNEL BALL baas at Hampton Roads, Va., and clinic. Slwrt storiesC’’.\.. tog lead. R^tb one top to go Leary toe country*! law breakers. StronR;; ' — r win hold unfinished practices. Miss Esthmr Graastrom of Man- Essays.. .. pulled Into fourth ptoeff, then on the No more need be said about what They must have been here very H preiMf negotfimons ara fl ^ w - 8ept. 17 to 28—^The two fleets win c a e ^ r was a week-end guest at Poetry----- / first corner of toe back stretch be bW M ied thereafter, for, as every- long. ^ through, Manchester f a n T v ^ proceed to sea and meet to holt toe home of Mrs. Robert Cobb. MIm Reports of club meettoxs. t o ^ toe lead, sprinting down the one knows, I was cared for and But just an oak, toe little one, be able to see one of toe beat b tf noaneuvms and tactical *gterd 8es. Graastrom boarded with Mrs. Cobb ^ p o ^ of athletic e ^ t s . ... straightaway for a decisive victory. when I was able, I Was taken to And dwarfed in gro^rto from la;k 8»mas of the season— the H e r i ^ 500 Voices WiD Be HMini— 8ept. 17 to Nov. 1—^The two fleets several years, ago when she was the Reports o t alumni. . . . "Cigars" cioburn also ran a court where I was treated with of sun, against the BuUnecki. It adU take place on aass day. Keep your win base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. t e ^ e r at toe West Street school Column of sport chatter..• • • • • beautiful race axLto toeImAO 09U«880. XluiQlxlfirHolding great kindness. But still alive. It looked with pride After this date it is expected that eyes open and ears dean for further ETcat Fonneriy ReU in Mr. and Mrs. Cbauncey Squler suffMtlons for type I t^ck with Leary to toe flrst top he •—Martha Roto. About at those Who just had dler must >le / Mrs. OolUns. Manchester’s glory to toe field Memorial baU, tomorrow at 3:80 p. win be in home waters in over two TO KEEP HALL CLEAR events was gained by McCormick, We were staying at toe home Like others that have paseed away. 'The Barnard News staff, which m. This event, ahich to previous years. The east ships went to the The engagement fma been an- who vaulted ten feet, nine inches for which had belonged to my mother’s Not to see another day. publiabee toe “Barnade", has gotten years hM been held to various west coast to hold maneuvers Munced of Luther BueU of Colum- To d e d ^ upon a new method o f a first place; Slnlto, who captured grandmother. It was one hundred But I wondered how it was together and, with toe collected s(toool auditoriums in turn. Is to be ] ^ had Miss Isabel Jackson of New finances of their club and previous sSter this the ships were kept on 8:08 a tie for second to toe high jump; and twenty-seven years old. The The Uttle oak grew here, because more elaborate than ever beftoe. Be­ that side for economic reasons. . Britain. Miss Jackson is a sum house Itself is small but there was Of many other spots to grow. clubs, has purchased a second-hand fore and after the contest there will mer resident of Columbia. • Mooting of aU -Mato Regers, with a winning leap of 20 traffic oommitteea was a large, sweet-smelling orchard But now, it Wm too late to go. printing press. be a concert to which aU scflMxda, In­ At the Colxxmbia church Sunday feet, S 8-4 toches to toe broad jump; ^ e d by Iflsa Lowe, Monday. A a tolrd and fourth in toe,shot put by ^ t o 4ts gnarled >ld apple trees near And so toe Uttle tree must wait, They are planning to orgaiflM a cluding about 500 voices, ;wm oar- morning, the pastor, Rev, A. W. Mel- Printing Club next ysar and teach d^slon also mhde as to the method Johnsoh and Garrone; Saimond’s It and a lovely old-fashioned garden Ard trust Its dfe on earth to fate tidpate. ^ u sermon on the setting of type and the runntog rt dealing with untidtoesa to the wm tog heave to the Ipunmer, and on a slope which extended down to Until at leist. Its strength aU si)ent. two required numbers for an the text “Mother Love" in spil rtudy-halL toe banka of Grand Lake. Near the It atoks to earth with branches of toe press. Glee clubs in the contest are: “As toe fact that he had been m 1 McCormack, who took fourth to the discussion It was hammer throw. house stood an old we)l, the toter- b « jt • A few interested eighth grade Torrents to Summer,’T by Elgar, for week with tonsUltis, sad Sunday I eating kind with a great long pole boys and High school students are dertog and sum­ calling: your music. * of TOtton and negro alavM were daily on a book previously accepted mer months. And yet, according to 8(X>ttish Folk 8 Insurance •action of the book. After tlon arose when an- to tha work covarad la bomqtai ShiMild he ar rtmoldB’t hat If ha did fetudent. of tha class 0 and raytawad. This wiy, Mias Qi^ “Waptomantoe » toua* would auffiea; ao why not tOi her feet and triad - _ SOB plans to give tha. from Ovid, m r .to: dasTM sadad more"eonmiete^”more oonml o2 d ^ RICHARD G. RICH q< thaauhj^ n^Battdtag Soittlhnetaitar « M laaa alia to aotar ffmllh lags the ^ .. p,- r;v ' ' .. xmm ■45^ ■ ,V' • • - l.C 't ;.; V4 *‘4'- HERAU), Jtf^ ^;>’'*:. ■' ^ 'Ar.' ntO OA IM MARTIAL UW thrown about Parliameat buildings lar hangover from prohlUtiaB days ooUeet around 840,000406 from LO. O.F. OF STATE today. QUARTER Bim ON’ vmich is gbliv t6 give 'abtns thons- them., Telephone and tsle g r^ service^ ands of Ms Ottixsne a>eadachs. Ik a tkM groira are 3416 eoais AS RADICAI5 THREATEN temporarily disrupted durtng the Poring over its books, the Depart­ a m o u n t^ to'4TAX),000. Tm f eon- X ■>,» HOLDS-MENTION night, were resiuned this morning. IS DRY ERA DEBT ment of Justice figured to d ay '^t slst of suits to be brought agma^t New York, May l6.~ConMiaip- Government officials insisted 8368,000,000 is owing thi. - govern­ surety coinpaniea nfUeh bonded -'- --- Parliament Suspends in Latvia liquor men-who guaranteed to pay tiOQ of crude rubbiur t* ' X w ed w in ColWiiwipOdPt-H despite the emergency measures— ment in 348^176 claims ^»"g _ uanal tomorrow untO 9 P. M. Prieoa are cut to the Bapert On Borne The report of the annual masting of the Fellows Korns Corpora­ Our loaa ia your gain! Prieaa are no indloadon of the tion showed that on December 81, there were 68 brothers and 28 sis­ ters in the home at Groton and that valuoa—Imcauao wo have out the prieoa on high quality Ward 18 brothers and nine sisters were oared for outside the home, a total of 108. In its existence the home marchandiao in order to aoU it out AT ONCE. No hold ordora! has eared for 888.brothers and 89 sisters, a total of 433. The cost of residents in 1988 was 144461, and as Everything muat go thia week! Next week wo will atart to the average was 100 rssidonts the Individual cost was 8446. . The aver­ age age of residents is 74 years, put in our now layont! seven months and 20 days. The oldest is 94 and the youngest 89. Secretary Hutchison pointed out there had been a real problem to meet In 1988 and only cooperation wUl enable the finance committee to provide a balanced budget for 1984. The balance on hand in the endow­ ment fund is 8126,769. The finance committee, suggested several changes in rules and by-laws of the I / corporation to enable it to meet the I U U siif I burden of expense during the depres­ v ^ : sion. IBreolcfast Sef The changes came before the Studio Couch Laum Chair Grand Lodge for action. $A 4.95 $ 1 .1 9 ’1■ 4 5 ” p/ecM WIFE (NAVY) HUSBAND WMb Foot-Rest iDropleaf table and 4 J W dewiv S4 monthly Comfortable reclin- [chairs in solid oak. Pun carrying ehnrgo ine chair with var- ^ (ARMY) SO NAVY WINS n i 8 h q d hardw^d ^ [Sensational at » Opens to double or [Wards low price! .twin beds. 3 pillows. haM. 4 color pjafc ? ...-“" it! Conple Had Argued 14 Years ed-stnpe material.__ Over Whether Army or Navy Sensational at This Low Price T Won War. t . i New York, May 16— (AP) — The fARD^ navy won the war, Magistrate Casey ruled in his Queens court, thereby 4-Pc. Suite WEEK settling a 14-year argument be­ tween Clifford Brooker and his wife, LUllan. Brooker served In Company G, 106th TwfH.nt.ry, in. the World War and his wife was a yeomanette at­ tached to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Gas Range Regular Price $129.95 W a s h e r B u y Their long quarrel reached a 3-Pc. Outfit climax Saturday night. Brooker 57 down, $7 monthlyf pin carrying ckarga presented the army’s side of the .95 question so forcibly that his wife : ( C $ 29*95 MmwwW It’s values like this 'that make Wards $ 2 7 * 9 » had him arrested for disorderly con­ 88^down, 84 monthly. ’13 ssHrete/y famous for furniture. A beautiful bedroom 16'down, $5 menttly, duct. 'W A R O i SmaU carrying e h a ^ The case was called yesterday. WEEK Small carrying charge Buy outfit complete. suite of imported Oriental wood veneer, , . . Black and white por- Save more. Metal I New Windsor] Better "If your husband tells you that tUUlk celain enameled front rubbed to a sleek sheen. Dustproof parti­ than ever! Yet Wards the navy won the war, will you be Big oven. bed, toil spring; 45- tions and triple mirrors. Save at Wards. low price is like old satisfied?" Magistrate Casey asked lb. cotton mattress. times. Mrs. Brooker. All Other Bedroom Suttee Reduced Proportionately. She said she would. Whereupon the court ruled: ‘The Judicial determination, so far sib the happiness of the Brook- ers is concerned, is that the navy LIVING ROOM SUITES - 3 won the war. Is that right, Brook­ er?" Covered in new rust or green tapestry. Large . Brooker nodded, and the judge suspended sentence. davenport, club chair and comfortable bunny ' I chair. Ynu*ll lay It'i “some bargain" when ^ LOCKER ROOM MATRON you see it. $5100 Doy^ Gasoline SeWSeerkf AT RECREATION CENTER Lawn Mower Awnings Range i 6 - LIVING ROOM SUITES - 6 < 1 .4 * Miss Anne Clarke in Charge— $5*95 80 IB. 14-Inoh Blades Women May Now Go Direct »34-*« U Two and 8-Piece Suites in ve­ doeely woven awn* to Showers find Pool. 86 down, 86 monthly, Cuts clean—leaves tiir material; &a y Small Aaige no “ridges"] Locked lours, tapestries, reps, denims, . w jfited pblbtv-i-^sua- Miss Anne Clarke has been ap­ 3 big cast-iron burners' bed knife. 10-inch and damasks. 8 6 9 .left .teited. 1 iron pointed matron in charge of the Full-sized oven! wbeela, 4 blades. $8.00 tkbwn women’s locker room at the School frame. Complete. Street Recreation building. She will be on duty every day but Saturday from 6 p. m., until the closing hour U O » ^ lY and on S atu i^ y s from 2 to 6 p. m. The presence of Mias Clarke in 3 Rooms oi the locker room will mean that lAND HAULTINI, women will not be obliged to visit June Brides! By buying now i^ ! tve over flOO. the office to proctme. soap and 8 Coidplete Rooms—Living Room,. towels. Henceforth the only time 10-Tuhe members will have occasion to go Nothing more to buy! ------. to the office will be when they pay their dues. Members also can enter EABIO the locker room in the future with­ out having to psbs through the cor- OU Range Begular 61646 ridorSi The new schedula goes into M otobike effect this week. Changep in the present se^f.tttbe be«> ordered to look over these 'MtS. oarda Jftefore sUowlag admittance to empty OIL B srf^ $1., the ioiker room. Miett B)P* - ■'• .'• ■ : -• ' • -v ■■ ' '^ - ■ ' ■ ' ■' • < ■'■>- ■ Vi'- -i-- •'

r • Tulyea, 8amu«l, shoe repairs and rent • eeaecAAe. ••Aee-«ee«e*eee 6 M » Zwick. MVihart, rent ...... » e,e • e e e e f******* 12.M ORDERBPADBTSELECniEN Anderson and Noren, maats and groceries > eV • e e e a*« ^e # e * e’e SMS m. Bursack Brothers, meats and groceries ...... 12.09 N . Y . S t ^ s ------— ■ Canale, A., oneats and groceries...... ^ .0 9 DEVEEMMIBI^ fow n UHs ordered paid last nifht by the Board of Saiectmen follow: Clgnetti’s Market, meats and groccriee...... 3.00 afo, 1 Jls Correnti, Paul, meats and groceries ...... Adams Sxp 46.00 A ir R e d u e ...... (FanUahed by Putaan 9 Oo.) 8,«7N; lEmott, Frances M., rent »ir« »••-'««• >:4*M*«.e ••••••••••••*••••••••$ 12.00 DeCiantis, Frank, meats and groceries >•••••< JerjNiiiah Hedk^t 80* Reported 232.86 Alaika Jun ...... Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. 8SJ0; » • • • a • •-• #• • « • • • • • • • • • • • • « < 8.10 I^ifl^and. Qeorge, meats and groceries . teeeee**** •'* .79.00 ' jihronsonf V* Ttilllc •••••* • • ■ < A ll^ h'hmiy ^ ...... Tp Be in Condition at aty 12.00 B^drfield^ Grocery, meats and groceries .. > e • • • « 1 i.e ••• • • • « « • ! 28.00 i: Bhich and Brown< r e n t ...... Felice, Luigi, meats and groceries...... Allied Chem 1 P. M. Stooha LoddHoepi^' in H e # Bahtly Oil Company, range oil ••••••##••••••••••••< 29.00 16.00 A m Can . . •••••••••••••••• in 12.76 First National Stores, Inc., meats and groccrlM 494.39 . Barlow, Clarence, range o il ...... Am Coml Aloo * Baak Stocks The c^mditida of Jeremiah Healey, 2i 16.00 Great A. & P. Tea Co., meats and groceries 622F9 JBarrett, Mrs. Beatrice, ren t ...... Kittel's Market, meats and groceries...... 126.66 Am For Pow ...... 7% Bid Aaked 80, who wim isiqfed is an automo- ..Beletti, Domenlc, re n t ...... 14.70 Am Rad St S ...... 18^ bUe acddmit near Ua home'at 120 Lantieri, O. meats and groceriM 85J10 Cap Nat Bank ft Trust 18 16 Blatter, Alfred, rents • • • • • • a a-a • e • e • < 28.00 A m Smelt ...... 87 Buckland street Oeturday nlgiit, Mahleu, August D., meats and g ro c e rie s ...... » • • a Conn. River ...... 460 — » Bqgaciuk, B., r e n t ...... 6.00 98.09 Am Tel qnd Tel ...... 112!A has taken a turn toe worse and Manchester Public Market, meats and groceries First National of Htfd 85 — B ^ th w a ite , J. R., labor and material 3.30 40.00 Am Tbb B ...... 70H Ua conation Is now cbnaideFed sexi- Nichols, James, meats and g ro c e rie s ...... Htfd. Coon. T r u t t ___ '68 •. 56 12.60 2F8 Am Wat Wke ...... 18^ eus. He was taijured about 8 TO Brezinskl, Ignatz, ren t ...... North EJnd Market, meats and groceries ...... Hartford National ... 18 20 3.60 6.00 Anaconda ...... 18% o’clock when strudc by a car driven Bryant and Chapman, m ilk ...... Oswald, William, meats and groceries,...... Phoenix S t B and T . . 165 — »«•••••< 49.60 7.00 by .. Calhoim, Patrick J., plowing, etc. Pagan!, B., meats and g ro c e rie s ...... Armour HI A ...... 6% Wwt Hartford Trust.. 100 — Frank Krawski of Foster street, 14.40 23.50 Atchison ...... 64% Wappifig, as.be was, alighting from Men Rt W «:k Changing, ^te- Carrabino, Santa, re n t ...... Pagani, Josephine, meats and g ro c e rie s ...... Inaoranee Btoofca 4.28 8.00 an automobUe driven Us son, rior and Exterior o f Rkdh . CsM Brothers, labor and material . Patterson, William, meats and g ro c e rie s ...... Aubum ...... Aetna 34 Casualty ...... 50 52 16.00 '•••••••••a 7.60 Frank Heal^.' J. Chiartler, Raymond, bocurd and care Pola, Luigi, meats and groceries ...... AvlatKm Corp ...... 6% Aetna Life ...... 18 20 ' Street Building. 78.81 19.00 Balt and OUo...... 22% He had visited St. Bridget’s church Cheney Brothers, rents and steel .. Skrabacz, Charles, meats and groceries ....^.. Aetna Eire ...... 88 40 16.00 70.29 Saturday evening and was In front Civlello, Mrs. Daniel, ren t ...... Smachetti, P., meats and groceries ...... Bendlz ...... 14% Automobile ...... '2 0 22 A change iii ownersUp « f thp 36.10 16.47 of Us home when Ut. Taken to the Clark’s, A. Department Store, shoes Smith, Thomas D., meats and g ro c e rie s ...... Beth Steel ...... 83% Conn. General ...... 28% 30% Bowers building on Main atoeat -ia Cobb, Lacey, board and c a r e ...... 20.00 49.00 Beth Steel, p fd ...... 65 Manchester Memorial hospital and sohedulMl to take plae^ on June 1 . Wilson, Mrs, Eliz., meats and gro c eries ...... 4.00 Hartford F ire ...... 53 56 Cobb, Lacey, board and c a r e ...... 20.00 Borden ...... Hartford 24 Steam Boiler 58% 54% given first aid, it was foimd that a The property was recehtly pur­ )••••••• 41.00 Vlchl’s Store, meats and groceries ...... IfiO Community Press, printing...... • •••••< Can Pac 16 National Fire ...... 68 56 bone in an arm had been bfoken. chased by Morris Dlamcoid of Hart­ Adkins Printing Co., printing services ' • • • • • • • a 14.41 Compettl, Mrs. Mary, r e n t ...... !••••••< 14.70 Case (J. L ) ...... T. 49% It has since developed that one of ford from tbe Mutual Realty com­ Andover, Town of, aid renctered .... 28.52 Phoenix Fire ...... 60 62 j Dancosse, Arthur, range o i l ...... 6.88 Gerro De P a s c o ...... 31% his Ups is also fractured and yester­ pany. A large force of men under Apothecaries Hall Co., supplies ...... ) • e • • * • * < 126.75 'Travelers ...... 430 440 I Dell, Mrs. Louis, rent »•••••« 14.00 Chee/md O U o ...... : ...... 44% day pneumoUa developed, according the supervision of John Hayes are Arlo Steel Co., files ...... 13A1 PnUlo Ctattea Steeka I Dewey-Richman Ca, offipe supplies...... 5.18 Chrysler ...... : ...... 37% to the attending phy^cian. at work on the building and -many Armstrong, Harry, labor and material 10.00 Conn. Elec S e r v ...... 38 42 J Dickenson, B. S., Agent, r e n t ...... *...... 9.10 Coml S o l v ...... 22 changes are to he niade in the in- 7.29 Armstrong William, care of dum p ...... 60.00 Conn. P o w ...... 37 39 { Dolge, C. B. Company, disinfectaats...... Cons Gas ...... 32% terior and exterior. The two large Auto Tire Co., truck parts ...... 66.60 Greenwich, WftG, pfd. 68 66 j Donadio, Frank, shoe re p a irs...... 8.00 Cons O i l ...... 10% WATER FIRM CLEARING front windows are being removed 12.60 BaU, Ed. Company, concrete ...... 27.60 Hartford Blee ... .. 49 61 1 Enrico, bomenic, rent ...... Bergren’s Dairy, milk ...... Cont Can ...... 72% and in their place will be doers. The 40.00 3.60 Hartford Gaa ...... 42 — I Famham, Mrs. Clarence, board and care . . . . . Com Prod ...... 63% posts that supported the floors 15.00 Bhsh, F. T. Hdw, Co., hardware, etc...... 11.45 do., p f d ...... ^ — MAINS AT NORTH END iFarr, Frank, rent ...... Del L and W n ...... 21% above are being removed and iron 13.00 Brainard, Stanley N., M. D., medical servlcss , 3.00 S N E T Co ...... 106 110 Farr, Mrs. and Mrs. Cervlni, r e n t ...... Bridgeport, a ty of, aid rendered ...... Du P o n t ...... 81 I beams are being substituted to ‘Farr, Mrs. Lucy, rent ...... 15.00 30.71 Eastman Kodak ...... 93 Mannfactiirmg Stocks Bristol, City of, aid rendered...... ',...... 63.90 Color May Be Seen in Water 8ip>por. -the north and south side­ 'Farr, Philip, r e n t ...... 14.40 Elec and M us ...... g% Am Hardware ...... 19 ■ ' 21 Buffalo-Springfield Roller Co., roller parts .... 26.80 While Flushing Job Is Car­ walls. When this is done It. will ^Foley’s Ehcpress, moving services...... 18.00 Elec Auto Lite ... 4...... 21% Am Hosiery ...... ; — 35 30.26 Campbell’s Service Station, tnick parts ...... 87.50 leave a large open space free from ,Forde, James, paint supplies...... Capitol Light and Supply Co., Ughting suppUes Gen Elec ...... 19% Arrow H and H, com. 13% 15% ried Out. posts or other floor obstructions. 89.36 ■ • • • * • • a 14.47 iGambolati, C., supplies ...... Gen Foods 32% 'do., p f d ...... 96 — 12.75 Center Auto Supply, auto and truck parts .... 7.40 The work is being rushed to com­ fGerich’s Service Station, reinge o i l ...... Chase Brass and Copper Co., fittin g s ...... Gen M o to rs ...... 31% BllUngs and Spencer . — 1 The Manchester W ater comi>any 15.00 17.50 pletion and when c- ' Holl, E. J., insurance, board and c a r e ...... • • 1,610.05 40.00 Husband, John, use ‘Of c a r ...... | |, Nat Cash Reg ...... 15% do., pfd ...... 40 — in evidence. plicatlon will relieve irritation, : HoUoran, T. P., ambulance s erv ic e ...... 7.00 46.20 KUpatrlck, James, blacksmith services...... !!..!’..!!!!!! Nat DUry ...... i 6% Mann ft Bow, Class A. 3 7 brings pimples to a head and aids • House, C. E. and Son, Inc., shoes ...... 21.16 11.00 Nat Distillers ...... 24%; ...... 30.45 Lock Joint Pipe Company, p ip e ...... 891.60 do.. Class B ...... % — nature in healing. PETERSQI^S 1 Hultman, Arthur L., shoes Magnell Drug Co., d ru g s ...... i ' 7o N Y Central ...... 27% North and Judd ...... 16 17 has benefited thousands in last SO i Huraburda, Frank, rent ...... 14.00 FOREIGN EXCHANGE ManchesCfer Auto Top Co., truck re p a irs ...... 18.00 N Y N H and H ...... 14% NUes, Bern Pond ___ 9 11 years. Help clear up your sklo— ! liiliano, Vincenzo, renc ...... 15.00 Manchester Electric Co , electric service ...... 1,845.24 Noranda ...... 39% Peck, Stow and WUcox 4 6 get quick relief or druggist wlU re- ; Jaffe and Podrove, r e n ts ...... 21.00 Manchester Lumber Co., lumber, cement and p ip e ...... ’ 96.56 North Amer ...... 16 Russell M f^ ...... — 40 ITew York, May 16.— (A P )—For­ fund your money. Try PETER­ ; Jarvis, George, re n t ...... 16.00 Manchester Plumbing and Supply Co., hardware and supplies ... 326.48 Packard ...... 4 ScovUl ...... 22% 241 eign Exchange steady; Great Brit­ SON’S— you can’t lose. i Jenney, John L., bonds...... 20.00 ain In dollars, others in cents...... 43.50 Manchester Sand and Gravel Co., gravel and s a n d ...... 12.75 Penn ...... 29% Stanley Works ...... 19 21 j Johnson, Aaron Estate, r e n ts ...... Great Britain demand, 5.11; ca­ ...... 7.75 Manchester, T o ^ of Water Department, water services...... 165.86 P U la Rdg C and I ...... 4% Standard Screw ...... 66 __ ; Judson, Dwight R. Co., Janitors’ suppUes P U l Pete ...... 17% bles. 5.11; 60 day bills, 5.09%; . Kates, Edgar J^, Consulting E n g in eer...... lOO.W May, G. W., M. D., medical services— Workmen’s Compensation 12.00 do., pfd., guar...... 100 — Middletown, City of, €dd rendered...... Pub Serv N J ...... 35% Smythe Mfg Co ...... 28 France demand, 6.60%; cables • 2$ REW AR D , Keith, George E., ren t ...... 15.00 22.10 33 Moseley, E. H., labor and m a te rifil...... Radio ...... 7% Taylor and F e n n ...... 70 6.60%; Italy demand, 8.51; cables, WU) be paid tor may oon vrtilota. Keith, G. E. Furniture Co., springs 8.50 26.10 Myers, Exigene, electrical supplies ...... Rem R a n d ...... 9% l^rrington ...... 56% 8.51. Great' Ohrlstoptaei Positive Uom ) Keller’s, shoes 4.50 9.38 58% Nettleton, Emma L., office supplies...... Rey Tob B ...... 42% Demands: Core oaonot remove. Also good i ; Kleiman, Louis, ren t ...... 12.60 2.15 Underwood M fg Co .. 38% 40% Nelson, C. O. W., seiwlces...... Sears Roebuck ...... 42 Belgium, 28.42; Germany, 39.62; tor oallouaee, warts and oMlee. ! j Kottke, Augusta, ren t ...... 13.00 15.80 Union M fg Co ...... — 10 New Haven, City of, aid rendered...... Socony V a c ...... 15 Holland, 67.90; Norway, 26.68; Swe­ Sold In Manebeeter by QLBtf- i ^ Kuchienski, Mrs. Tony, rent 12.60 87.40 U S Envelope, com... 75 N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R. Co., freight charges South Pac ...... 21 den, 26.36; D^nmuk, 22.83; Fin- NBV’S, 7W» Main Street.______^ Lathrop, P. L., h a y ...... 36.15 4.76 do., pfd ...... 103 15.00 Noble, N. B. Co., g a s k e t...... 60 Sou P Rlc S ...... 30 Veeder Root ...... 28% Lciuff, Susan, rent South R w y ...... 24% i >Lenti» John, rents 25.60 Norton Elec. Instrument Co., truck pcu'ts .... 9.05 WUUock Coll Pipe ... — Pitometer Co., Recorder c h a rts ...... St Brands ...... 19% , Lipp, J. J. and Sons, m ilk ...... 3.60 15.23 JE.W U’ms Co. 510 par 45 Lydall and Foulds Paper Co., r e n t ...... 8.00 Reese, C. D., b a d g es ...... 2 .^ St Gas and J U ...... 9% St OU Cal ...... 31 , Magnell, C., re n t ...... 10.00 Republic Plow Meters Co., re p a irs ...... 9.1 Schieldge, Wm. H., printing services...... 143.90 St OU N J ...... 41% ' Meigowan, Mrs. Elllen, r e n t ...... 10.50 Wool production in 20 northern Sheridan, Mrs. Patrick, board and c a r e ...... 20.00 Tex O o r p ...... 23% i Mahoney, Frank, board and care ...... 12.00 and southern' hemisphere countries ■ 19.77 Smith, Robert, work on m anholes...... 11.90 Timken RoUer B ear ...... 28% popular MARKXIlrl ' Manchester Gas Company, gas service ...... which produce 80 per cent of the So. New Eng. Telepno.ne Co., telephone s e rv ic e ...... ‘ 140.37 Trans Am erica ...... 6 < Manchester Memorial Hospital, board and c a r e ...... 495.27 world total waa 8 per cent less in 855 Main S treet Rubinow BuildinE- Squatrito, M argp et, ooiu'd and c a r e ...... 48.00 Union Carbide ...... 37% Manchester Realty Co., ren t...... 14.00 1933 than the record production in Manchester Trust Co., Agent, rents ...... 30.00 Sweet, Harry F.*, serv ic es ...... 5.00 Union Pac ...... 119% 1932. WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOPI Maples Hospital, board and c a r e ...... * ...... 15.00 Turkington, S. J., Vital Statistics and town services...... 1,013.65 Unit AircrsLft ...... 20% Unit Corp ...... 5 Martin, Ella, board and c a r e ...... 10.00 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline and oil 279.93 Unit Gas Imp ...... "M ohr’s Bakery, Inc., bread, etc...... 31.56 Watson, James, blacksmith services 14.50 16 Moore, D. C. Y., M. D., medical services—Workmen s Compensa­ Weir, Mrs. Sarah H., s a n d ...... 44.10 U S In A lco ...... 38% Thursday SPECIALS! Friday U S Rubber ...... ig % tion ...... 19.00 Anderson, Clarence H., Insurance .. 28.75 Fish being at their best—we carry a full line at Moriarty, E. J., ren t ...... • • 13.00 Clarke, Fayette B., insurance...... 191.25 U S S m e lt...... 110% U S S t e e l...... 41% very popular prices. Mosczenski, Stanley, rent ;. 4i...... 8.40 Grady and Sheinnon, insurance___ 25.00 Thursdays Mountain Brook Farm, milk ...... 7.20 Jenney, John L., Insurance...... 131.00 Western Union ...... 41% Muench, H. E., tree surgery equipm ent...... 5.25 Lappen, John H., insurance . . , ___ 25.00 West El and M f g ...... 32% FRESH CAUGHT Murphy, Mrs. Mary, ren t ...... 14.00 McKinney, Everett T., insurance . .. 29.00 Woolworth ...... 48% Saving Specials McCormack, Mrs. Mary, Admx., r e n t ...... 14.00 Rohan, James J., Agent, insurance 25.00 EUec Bond and Share (C u rb ). 14 McCormack, W. J., Miiltigraphing services...... 2.50 Wasley, Stuart J., insurance...... 26.25 AT McCormick, Mrs. Wm., ren t ...... 12.60 0. .> flounders » 9. McKeown, Violet, services ...... 3.30 317,206.89 McKinney, Mrs. Josepn, rent ...... 14.00 ESCAPES KIDNAPING Nash, Roy, labor—Northwest Cem etery ...... 107.30 EVERYBODY’S SUCED SUCED Newington Home for Crippled Children, board and c a r e ...... 8.57 RETIRED MAIL CARRIER BY LEAP FROM AUTO Noble and Westbrook M fg. Co., office supplies...... 46.85 TO nCHT UCENSE Norton’s, shoes, etc...... 28.83 MARKET! STEAK COD Botton Bine 4.92 Oak Grove Dairy, milk ...... MOVES TO WORCESTER San AntoUo, Tex., May 16.— Obraltls, Mrs. U., boai*d and c a re ...... 15.00 C U m O P O S A L Olson, John 1., paint supplies...... 94.62 (A P )—Leaping from his automo­ Land OXakes 3 l b s . 2 3 « 11.20 3 2 3 ^ Pagam, Mrs. Lucy, ren t ...... Richard ADen Sells Property at bUe after he had been held captive Palauskas, Charles, m ilk ...... 7.20 for more than an hour, Grover C. BUTTER! 17.25 Pearson and Johnson, range o i l ...... 148 P earl S treet B efore MaDchester Vendors See Cain, wealthy owner of a string ^ FANCY FR E S H * Peckham, M. C., m ilk ...... 1.92 Leaving Manchester. filling stations, today escaped from Peden, Isabel, board and c a r e ...... 28.00 • 16.00 Threat of Ont-of-Town two abductors whose announced 29c BUCK SHAD MACKEREL Pentore, Enrico, r e n t ...... purpose he said, was kidnaping for Peterson, Clarence K,, m ilk ...... 2.04 Richard Allen, the first letter car­ ransom. Fancy Baondsrke Petersen, Mrs. Nick, board and ca re ...... 46.11 rier to be retired from the Man­ 6.63 Peddlers m Petitioii Cain leaped from Us ear when I J e l b . l b . , Phelps Oil Co., range o i l ...... chester force, has sold his property Je 8.40 one of the abductors struck him BERRIES! Pickles, John, r e n t ...... over tbe bead with a pistol. He was Pohlman, J, F., labor and m aterial...... 24.77 located at 148 Pearl street and has 22.70 moved to Worcester, where he is to A petition for tbe reduction of bruised and shaken up when be fell quart banket Tola, L. Coal Co., c o a l...... to the pavement. The abductors Purnell, Russell T., re n t ...... 16.00 make Us home. Mr, AUen was No. the IIQO license fee required In 20.00 1 of the carriers when free delivery MaaUiester from out-of-town ped- righted the careening m uhtw sad Quinn, James, board and care ...... drove away in the car as Caiw ran Quinn, J. H. and Co,, drugs, etc...... 12.16 of mail was started from the South dlers, which will be presented at Ripe Mellow. 4.26 Manchester postoffice. He retained tbe special town meeting at the to a nearby residence foi aid. Quinn, Francis P., range o i l ...... Several residents U the neighbor­ Riley Chevrolet Co., Chevrolet coach and car re p a irs ...... 291,26 that number tmtil his retirement at High School auditorium Friday BANANAS! Robinson. Raymond E „ light fixtures and services as Dog W ar­ the age limit last year. H ^ t will meet the uUted oppoei- hood were aroused, but, unaware of Cain’s identity or tbe experience be den ...... 104,60 August Simonson, who stkrted de­ tlon of local vendors, It was learned dozen 9,00 livering mail at the same time as today. bad just gone through, reported to Rollason, Joseph, shoe re p a irs ...... police that burglars were t r y ^ to Rowe, Stanley, rent ...... 16.00 Mr. Allen, will not reach tbe age A Hartford peddler secured the limit of r^rem ent for another year. neceeeary aumner of name* to pre­ break in their homes. Sanitary Products Corp,, pM>er to w e ls ...... 9.60 Clioeolate Covered Savings Bank of Manchester, re n t ...... 10,60 sent a petitioB to the Board of Se­ Cain said be bad stepped into Ua lectmen tor the reduetioo of the 11- automobile to drive home when the Savings Bank of Rockville, re n t ...... 16.00 FIG BARSl Schaller Motor Sales, Inc,, auto repairs ...... 8.76 oense fee to glO. Local peddlere two men got Into the car with him. Scbisbsl Brothers, truck parts 8,62 COirriNUED COLD SPELL feel that the JlOO foe la meet effec­ One of them held a pistol 00 him pound tive is keeping buefoeee is tews aad and ordered Um to drive on, ha Schmidt, Mrs, Carl, board and aa#SSSS9SSSSSSSSSa999#9999 42.04 ^ranton, Mrs. E, E,, rant 16.00 plea to have a repreeentatlep at said. Cain waa than forced to drive DEUYS TOBACCO CROPthe meetlBg that win defeat tbe Shea, John P„ re n t...... 18.60 Ua own ear at tba eommaad of Ua Sbecbtman Motor Car Co., truck parts 101.76 abductors until ha ilaaatPiire Bhsshan, John, ra n t...... 10.60 i Signal Sarvlca Corp, gas tan ks...... 26J00 Tbs eoDtimisd cold spsll has rs- SALAD DRESSING! Silk CiW Dinar, lunebas...... 13.46 tardsd tbs growth of tobsooe plants Smith, R, J., rants...... 33 JO and iastsad of tbs plants bsing sst Spaars, Mrs, Wm,, rant ...... 16 JO out this wisk, as is customary at 15 c'"*'* ^ 10 JO SUigar, Oaorga, rant ...... tUs tims, it win probably bs Juna mmmckBMabui ^ Squatrito, Mrs, Marla,JaiiW rant ...... 13 JO 13 JO 1 bsfbrs tba rsal plantbig is dona. , ^ t u f u b h i c h % Squiras, Gladys, rant Tbs growsrs arc not ov9t ansidua J Standard Wasbar and M at Oe., nuit 14J0 /GREEN BEANS! JO to piiib tba\ punaiifplanting «of lODMOOtobaoeo wthia t cUmmf/ 'D State of Oonnaeticut, Uua prints 79U, fas...... g that rssultt wfll “ b# aa StAt# o t COBMCtlCUtf bOtfd fl&d 9 9 9 9 lfS44s79 Rood or ttar if ^ Uantlng la da> Stet# of OOBOSCtlCUtr cwds# 0tc« a a « a « # « « 6a60 lysd Awask»k or so. Tbsro win bt 2 * ^ 15c ^ fltMm y m m U r iim lif t AMMSMtviriiva AstOifiOttOi bOWd w w sw OSdm m # mv m m y * a 9 # • a $ a 9 9 $ 9 9 9 § 9 9 9 9 § 9 § 9*^9 9 9 60a00 - “ . . i. . .. . T ...... a W f falling otf in tbs numbsr of tta rlfM Cbamioal 0 0t0 0m 14J6 U m tif wsIdOB Drug OOk drugs ...... e(# TJ6 KWilBgfbfa, Vlalaad; U99 VipiiH e 9 HUM 90 I m iT S S L ^tee- / RHUBARB! _ . .W4ft, K . M. and ton, soraans ...... 0 0 0'0f0Vt0'0 0 0 00000000 10JO ef *■ (A F )- - Twmrt|y-eoa 9999909999 Ibeaaddmfli Bhoard and ears MJO watt dfowMd yuatsfday wban tbs ■0 i poundf 13J0 •Csiuntr Z^fubt m Wk W^Jka XfOt- WtlUd, A r B>, BMm 000000000^0fti‘0000t$0000 i n eed slsiwly edd 3.73 999L tf tbi dMd'wan MIA H o n 7OJ0 ■ i> . . . t 8£&, a V * oSi s i; 'CmnmSm 1000 000000 0m0‘0-0$‘$00.»‘0'0 000'^ LOO______tha"'bbst W m t N « f IHTt iftt fOtftVt Wiltan, m. X*, aalatr aa i Wf 00000000000000000000000000000 70AO iiritmWii sftar tba Biatarial 300JO tWa aira m d tba Mto Windsor, o^^d rindMody ,, BIM ■f Ofj ? " OTOX ! . } I W A l i i > •9^9 Of, pir fMMwflOd $000000000^0 00^00000000 13J0 M It 99,999 99.094 9 9 9999,9999 9 4 '. m

: ' - /..r . MANORESHfiR feVEmNO BERAID, MAKGHDSTBIt, OONVf< 16,1984

AUVBBTUSBMKNT— bedstead la- white and dresser to aso «ht T match. Across from the bed was a o o d ^ - aU B APPROPRIATES Manchester QUICK JUSTICE large, overstuffed chair in which Us aetrass Udksd of ftlii guard recUned. flunOF ItM CKfMi8< 'MUg Date Book .'ja the crowds sssemblefl, « show­ had brought haf ITS WELFARE FUND man attempted to obtain an option TO RAISE FAMLY wxd tinian, hers THE FOR KIDNAPERS; on the property, seeking to charge iyn home f*r g rla^L Tonight admission to the home, offering to wnymr.fliMBt ChrlstoM. May 16— Musical play, "It Hap­ idonate a portion of bis receipts to best thiacs tt lifii;:! BARGAIN HOUND pened in the Garden,” at H l^ THEYGETLIFE a charity. At last reports, a deei- now, skis' obtsiBid sn a n d tfes Edacatknal Gronp Votes to school hall by Daughters of Italy. alon had not b e ^ reached. Red Haired Screes I c ir e ii fly flfealds. I havTaNnp Also B8rd anniversary of Memo­ (Oonttmied from Page One) ^fldren of am>|jwii and iso s Expewl $1,500 Dnrinf the rial Lodge, K. of P., supper and Expects Baby m Daeen* kiddles play^ arotaid thS ' Why f 1 t Mother’s Day la over, now ”Dad” dance. scribed bow be was taken to the only mswis tha rsaflaatten of through tho gets a break, at the Center Phar­ ThU Week bouse in La Crescents. SEEK CHANGES wlUi more dear to ma,** iha discomfort and macy. Today I saw three pack School Year. May 18— Annual concert of Sal­ "Did you write any letters while ' ber, AuMNneaneat Says. th at time. heat of old ages of Half and Half Tobacco and vation Army Songsters Brigade at you were there?” he was asked. ,When the oouj^ wad in fashioned per­ a dollar pipe, all for 69c, the value T citadel "Well, this ‘Boss Man* told me they deddsd that ^ the tiaa manent wav­ $1.46, so be kind to "Dad.” At the annual business meetteg Oomlag Events to write a letter Just as he had IN UYO UT OF HoUywood, May 16.—(AF)— could be np family beeauae of ing when you held at the South Methodist church May 20—Dedication of Spanish w. Itten 4t. He s^d they wanted Clara Bow and Rex BeU announced Bow's career. may have the Women who stay in town all sum' yesterday, the Educational club vot­ War Memorial at O n ter Park. ' iy signature. This letter was to t^ y they expected a baby next Now her home In Bevtndy new Z 0 t 0 a mer will have no cause to envy ed $1600 to be expended during the May 22— Verplanck Foundation my friend. Bill Drewes.” DEPOTSQUARE December. being redecorated and wave with no machine and no elec­ other girls who are fortunate enough school srear of 1984-1980, for wel- bridge party. High school ball. Gettle identified the "Boas Man” The famous' red-head of the the couple spexuUng the im tricity. You may even have this to be able to spend the hot months fhre work among the children of May 28 —^ Annual Mother and as Klrk^ He said they flatly de­ (Omtioaed from Page One) soree Indicated she be about the ranch. permanent In your own home. Dial In the coimtry—at least not as far Daughter banquet at St. Mary’s ready to carry out her oft-repeated Manchester. church. clared they wanted ^,000. ’The 8011, the Mary Elizabeth Beauty as clothes are concerned. ’This The sums appropriated follow; millionaire said they made him sewers on streets not at present threat to retire from films com­ ’Twenty-three negroes have Nook. season, it’s difficult td decide which Dental hygiene ...... I 250 write a second letter. served by the town system. A com­ pletely and settle down to a family ed in Congress since 1870—^2f‘'1n is smarter—costumes for town or Nutrition classos...... 560 “ Write this to Bmle Noon ((Set­ plaint residents of Franklin fireside. the House of* Representatives ^ d those for coimtry. MUk In all schools...... 400 tle’s attorney)’,” he said, he was street for sewer connection resulted The announcement came through two In th# Senate. Huge nictures with pretentious- Any wardrobe, whether its back­ SOUTH AMERICAN ordered. " Tie's been designated as In the decision by the board. At the loolcinig frames have no place on ground is to be hot city streets or Chest clinic at hospital ...... 75 last meeting of the ERA board it Dental clinic...... 75 a go-between.’ ” walls In the summer time. If you cool grass and green trees, needs to At this point the district attor­ was voted to transfer men from the feel that walls without any decora­ have one outfit around which others Corrective work (eyes, ton­ forestry projects to sewer and sils) ...... 160 ney turned (Settle over for cross- tion are much too bare, hang up will fit nicely. For country, it may NATIONS AGREE examination. other like Jobs during the summer National Cotton Week—May 14th-19th 6 7 small prints. be some sort of a suit with long “You fell from the wall because months, saving the forestry work Inexpensive floral prints and small coat as well as a short Jacket ’The 11500 for the winter months when forestry During the past year the follow­ you couldn’t hold on to the top?” etchings in rather frail, dainty topcoat can be worn over sports J. Edward Simpson, the defense at­ clearance can be done to more ad­ frames are suggested. But tise frocks while the skirt can go with ing amounts have been spent for the Fears of Another War Dwin­ torney asked Gettle. vantage. WILROSE DRESS SHOP them sparingly. Five or six sweaters and novelty blouses when benefit of Manchester children: “Yes, sir,” said the witness. Hotel Sheridan Building should be en o u ^ in a living room it isn’t being worn with Its own Dental hygiene...... $ 664 “ That’s all,” said Simpson. 3 't while dining and bedrooms can do matching box Jacket Dental clinic ...... 68 dle When Pern and Colom- With the three men in the case with even less. Correctlce work ...... 160 ready for San (^entin, authorities Heavy tapestries and wall hang­ Summer fashions Chest clinic at hospital . . . 42.25 hia Reach Settlement. wero undecided what to do with Special Offer! ings must come down too. With call for shorter Milk in schools...... 476 two women who were arrested the windows open so much of the and curlier hair. Nutrition classes ...... ^60 when found in company of Kirk. time, thesr^l collect too much dust Make the ap- Urns, Peru, May 16.—(AP)— ’The women, Lauretta Woody, 28, and. in addition, they make a room Intment early $1984.25 alias Ann Williams, and Mona A. seem overcrowded and too warm for XOlor your cut and Encouraging reports were read by Fears of another war In South Galligan, 21, alias Joan Ward, are comfort. permanent a all the committees. America dwindled today with an- being held for suspicion of kidnap­ 'The Uly Beauty The officers for the ensiling year notmeement Colombia and Peru ing. \ Parlor. Dial 7484 were elected as follows: Take one peep In Hale’s front have reached an agreement over window. Aren’t they the most President, Mrs. Ldllian Bowers; SOUVEIOB HTNTEBS According to (leorge Bums, Gra­ vice-president. Miss Dorothy Cilhe- the disputed Leticia border area. Count cottons one up^c darling things you ever laid your Although refusing to disclose de­ Los Angeles, May 16.—(AP)— eyes on—those Hollywood two and de Allen, his wife and partner on ney; secretary, Miss Hannah Jensen; From the Hall of Justice, from the the radio and screen, has a bottle treasurer, Mrs. Francis Handley: tails, Foreign Minister Polo said on other Summer f ash-?S one suits—a dress and sim suit for after a meeting of the Foreign Af­ Beverly Hills mansion of William 11.00! They’re modeled by Shirley phobia. She never comes home chairman, child welfare, Mrs. James F. Gettle, from the Arcadia'estate ions! They"re certainf^} from a shopping tour without her Farr; chairman program, Miss Lola fairs advisory committee last night Temple, child screen star and are that only the signatures were lack­ where the oil millionaire was kid­ usual quota of perfume bottles. Jars Parker; chairman Christmas seals, naped a week ago, the crowds ly getting around the mo^ ideal summer outfits for or vases. The bottles are usually ing to make the agreement effec­ children I’ve seen In many a dog Mrs. John Jenncy; chairman press. tive. strayed today to the tiny, Spanish And these are amongif day. Sizes run from 2 to 6. I decorative, and sometimes useful, Miss Bernice Welant; chairman re­ type bouse in La Crescenta, where know you’ll want two or three of but Bums is getting worried be­ vision, Miss Mabel Keith; chairman 'The committee approved a report he was held captive. the smartest in townf them to take away for vacation cause Grade insists that her bottle membership. Miss Ella Washburn; from Rio de Janeiro on negotiations Souvenir seekers all, they Invad­ time. collection go wherever she goes and chairman finance. Miss Mary Taylor. there between representatives of ed the property, making away with that is between New York and Los A vote of thanks was extended to Peru and Colombia. whatever could be tom loose, most­ Broadcloths An^es most of the time. At the Mrs. Fred Carpenter for her faith Letida is a small village on the ly rose bushes. A new one on chocolate lovers— moment, they have one large trunk­ ful work during the past two years border land of Colombia and Peru. ’The vines that covered the kitch­ Piques Chocolate Waffles. ful of Grade’s pet botUes, and ac chairman of the Christmas seal Peru took over the region In the en windows came down before the One cup and 2 tablespoons Hour, (3eorge is trying to change her pho­ latter pari, of 1932, but a League of 2 squares chocolate, 1-2 cup sugar committee. A vote of appreciation bands of the curious. In the kitch­ Regular 25c Tubea Linens bia to writing paper or pillows or was given to those who have served Nations commission was told not en the crowds found evidence of the 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1-2 tea­ something that’s easy to pack. long ago that the nations appear in A.D.S. spoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon soda, 2 as officers during the past year and hand-to-mouth living of the kidnap­ Seersuckers to those who have consented to car­ agreement that Colombia has a ers—no board set for royalty, al­ eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 4 tablespoons I saw some cute little Watermelon light to tile district by treaty. Pe­ Milk of Magnesia melt^ butter. ry on the work of the club for the though $60,000 was sought There Voiles Slices in the Candy section of the ruvians argued, however, that the were slices of cold bam, half a head I Mix and sift Hour, salt, sugar Center Pharmacy this morning— ensuing year. natives are Peruvians and wish to Ginghams and baking powder. Add milk, the price? 49c a poimd. of lettuce, small tomatoes, a small remain so and that Colombia ig­ chunk of butter and two cartons of stirring to keep smooyi. Add yolks nores them. TOOTH PASTE Organdies of eggs well l^aten, melted short' The popular aluminum is avail­ eggs. On the drainboard were entog and chocolate melted over hot able In many brands and weights. FRENCH NAVAL PLANE empty whiskey bottles, apples, two water. Mix thoroughly and stir in Naturally, the heavier the metal the half-packages of sliced bread, And Other Novelty soda dissolved In a little cold water. longer it will last but all aluminum VANISHES IN TESTS MADISON WOMAN WINS empty milk bottles, cans and dish­ Fold In Whites of eggs beaten imtU wears well and is light to handle. A es of cigarette ashes. 2 fo r 2 5 ^ Cotton Fabrics. stiff. Bake on a hot waffle iron. good scouring powder easily dis­ Eyes peered into the windows solves stains. If you remember GOLF DRIVING CONTEST and fell upon the brown flannel that alkaU Is the darkening agent Seaplane With Crew of Four coat and brown tie Larry Kerrigan, Don’t wait another minute if for aluminum, you can care for it Disappears During Maneu­ one of the kidnap gang, left behind WELDON Sizes: 12-20; 36-52. you’re thinking about buying a new in his hasty flight as officers raided accordingly. The best equipment vers Over English Channel. Cracks Ball for Distance of stove! Right now is the time to iM a neutral sow for slashing, the house, saving (Settle and catch­ If. ’> k e action! Watkins are-having for scfajplhg (ndf a cYbthesp'in^or 493 Yards to Capture First ing Roy Williams, another partner ^a grand stove sale. All the stoves cleaning and a wooden spoon for Cherbourg, France, May 16 — Prize. In the crime. DRUG CO. have table tops, beat controls, and stirring during cooking) and very (AP)—Large scale naval maneuvers In the bedroom where Gettle lay 903 Main Street PRICED FROM $ 1 .9 5 to $ 7 .9 5 i are easily cleaned. ’They come in fine sandpaper or steel wool Jor of the French navy in the English for five days was found a wooden various finishes so you’re sure to Waterbury, May 16—(AP)—Mrs. scouring with thorough scalding Channel, devoted especially to a test R. S. Fenn, of Madison, today was find one to match your kitchen. And and wiping. of air power, were interrupted today best of all you’re allowed $15.00 on declared the winner of the driving UNITED TEXTILE by the disappearance of a seaplane contest yesterday at the Connecti­ any coal or gas range stove in trade Tour favorite magazine is on sale with a crew of four. WORKERS OF AMERICA for one of the new ones. cut Women’s Golf Association one at the Center Pharmacy as well as The plane belonged to a squadron day tournament at the Country club LOCAL 2125 daily and Sunday papers. of 17 seeking to impose a barrage of Waterbury. An error was made NOTICE! Much can be achieved in the way between Brest and Cherbourg, in annoimcing Mrs. Hazel Martelle The Officers and tho Executive of supplying a touch of relief to an Do tell them which theoretically is under attack of Hartford, the winner with a total Board want their fellow members ensemble with the detachable glove that you no­ by a cruiser squadron. of 487 yards. to know that they are in favor cuff. Shape, volume and fabric ticed it in the There was rough weather when Mrs. Fenn had 493 and was of an “open town”; i.e., a town can make an outfit look different Bargain the plane disappeared from sight awarded the prize. in which out-of-town peddlers with every change, accompanied or Hound and a and fears were expressed for the Mrs. Charles Bralnard of Hart­ may sell their merchandise with­ LAWN GARDEN NEEDS not by a matching scarf or hat trim­ happy “Woof” safety of the crew. ford, won low gross honors, her sec­ out first having to pay an out­ ming. to you. A second plane was forced to ond of the season, with a card of rageous fee for this purpose. ’The The idea of having harmonizing descend last night near Dunkirk. 43-44—87 to lead a field of 21. Mrs. Officers and the Board request Ml accessories should never be carried Its crew was rescued by a German G. L. Austin of Hartford, state members to vote for an "open Union Quality to extremes, however. It is in­ freighter. women’s champion, bad low net of town” if It should come up for a Coldwell clined to spell monotony, and the 92-4—88. vote at a town meeting. note of fantasy is completely lost. TOOLS CURB QUOTATIONS Lawn Steel Rakes-----49c up Park; Charles Oliver, Frank Vltt- MANCHESTER FOLKS GET ner, Dr. LaVeme Holmes, Dr. C. Y. Turf Edgers .... $1.25 Hauch, CSiarles Noveck and Donald Amer Sup Pow ...... 29^ Mowers Daigle, all of Manchester. Blue Ridge ...... 2H Garden Hoes... 69c up COUNH ‘T OFRCES Silver pins and certificates of Central States Elec ...... 114 KELVINATOR service for three years were given (^tles Service ...... 214 SPECIAL SALE PRICE Spading Forks, 95c up Clt Serv, pfd ...... 19 to: Paul Smith and C. Walter On a Coldwell 16” BaU Bearing, High Wlieel, Charles W. Holman Made Vice Smith, of Wapplng; David Hamilton Elec Bond and S h a re ...... 14 Handy Cultivators, President — Two Directors Ford Limited ...... 9H Goaranteed Mower. Regular 86.95. 4 0 75c up and Edward Wilson, of Memchester. THE FIRST NOW from This Town Named. Robert Sharp, of Wapplng, re­ Nlag Hud Pow ...... 5% ceived a gold pin and certificate of Penn Road ...... 294 electric refrigerator with a others From $4.95 to $19.50. (Charles W. Holman of Manchester service for five years. S tan d Oil Ind ...... 26 V5 was elected vice-president of the United Founders ...... 18-16 Hartford County Y. M. C. A., at the United Gas ...... 2% Boston seventeenth annual meeting of the There are practically no illiterates Util Pow and L t ...... 1 ^4 PLACE for EVERYTHING Compressed Air I organization held Monday in the in Germany and Switzerland. Canadian Marconi...... 2% Sprayers Garden Hose Wapplng Federated church. ------' Among the directors elected wero Tough, long lived ^ Charles S. Burr smd Attorney Charles S. House, both of this town, $3.89 rubber with heaw ^ while Principal Arthur E. filing of Heavy galvanlied tank, cord fabric. 8-8’. Manchester High school was named with extra braaa exteniiun 60-foot lengthe, aU coupled. a member of the county committee. rod. Mrs. Carl W. Noren was appointed Regular $4.96. N O W ...... a.* • e e • • $ 3 . 9 5 a member of the women’s camp Brass Tank ...... $6.95 committee. 2 Others From $2.98 to $6.76. Bronze pins and certificates of service were awarded to the follow­ ing from this vicinity: Ralph Kings­ Hand Sprayers ley, Highland Park; Allan Frelheit, special Wapplng; Charles Dougan, Highland 25c up ADVER'nSEMENT— Mixed — THE — Grass Seed fV'*‘ i*» Insecticides Mixed from only the 4 , pureet eeed right he:*e ; BOARD OF HEALTH We stock large quantities of all types of at our etore; not adui> ; pest controls; our prices are right. We torated with timothy ; calls attention to Regulation 128 of Eaiy Wear or flllere. the Santary C!ode, particularly sec­ have competent men who will give you the i tions (e) and (f), which applies moBt up-to-date spraying data without Git^en Gloves to stores, restaurants, taverns, soda charge. , 1 qt* *, >25c 1 fountains and reads as follows; Made from tough, oil e) All foodstuffs stored or ex­ treated goatekln. Jutt 2 Qts...... 45cI posed for sale must be protected the thing for garden from flies and dust by such screens, 4 qts...... 85cJ fans, covers or tight containers, as $ 1 .5 0 a may be approved by the local TUDY the plcturei above Cube Trays, the ice tray lifter, JSr ^ r . 7S c Pcfk .. hesdth officer. ’The term “food­ T’m Telling You— where we have shown how the automatic interior light stuffs” Includes both raw and cooked Don’t Miss Iti . . . S foods, candy and other food not sold Kelvinator provides the pliee Kelvinttof includes many in single service fly-tight contain­ and the proper refrigerating featurm to give you value>plus. e rs, except food in the process of temperature for each fo ^ prod­ Hose Nonles All exposed food shall Just DIAL 7100 See Kelvinator W ore you buy. Garden Wheelbarrow, $4^9 at least eighteen inches uct TKen add to these luch Extra heavy oak frame,• itMl welded wheel, the And the U. S. CLEANERS will send for them moet popular model for general gardening. 2 5 c 4 9 c ^ i le floor. unique convenience fMturea u 17 MODELS-A T p Mi Sta -yJVw Slagle service cups, dishes, right away. I knew you’d want to know about the fint identUically designed ■#1 _ and drinking straws shall b^ hrCwTK«iM*ji4,75 protected from flies and dust A ir the TWO Plain Garments for $1.50. You’ll Water Pitcher, the Pastry Set glasses, cups, knives, forks, spoons like the idea of the Free Moth Proof Bag for the with refrigerated rolling pin, EwyPvpOH... AadtTp or dishes that are subject to re­ di6 rearranging shelf, the Dry peated use, shall be thoroughly overcoats as much as I did. No—don’t thank waslted after each use by deiasing me—Thank the U. S. CLEANERS.” with bet water and soap and then rlnslBf hi olian hot water, or by other process approved by the local PHONB4121 healtbdimoer.. ~ ■VAUE TW BUVJB T

.'I . . . . .

Her Mite Goes To The Hospital fkm mmm Star In Tmiarhf 8 S h m SolMol BeoiaattoB Center OF RAILS IS SEEN Art BIoKay and Hbi 10 Fo. Ea*d. I f f i W S P U U raijS's Danolng 8:80 to lS:80. ATN.J. Admlsslen 88o (Inetodes tdieeUiif). director Eastman Says It Fire D detaltt Representing , Will Be Necessary in Fa- ABOUT TOWN ^ Rtaridku NaniMfia Hfllianl Workers Gone to for G o r e r s o i^ K K ika The finance comzmttee of the Bdu ~ tnre; Gives His Reasons. cational club, which is sponsoring Boston Conference. the \toton lectures tomorrow, in re­ Danocratk NoimBeo. ply to queries, announces that adults New York, May 16.— (AP)— The who desire to attend the mfttin«es fepinion that public ownership and Five delegatee representing the f ' tomorrow at 8:46 and ICL’46 a. m. Newarit, N. J., Mky 18.--.(AP)— operation of the railroads may prove in the Nathan Hale scholl, or the strikers at the E. E. Hilliard com­ ' necessary sometime In the future Hollister Street school at 2:80 p. m. pany's plant in HUllardville wUl Rolling up a plurality In 17 of the WM expressed today by Joseph B. state’s 21 counties, Harold Q. Hoff­ may do so. ’The evening tickets for leave Manchester at 6:50 tomorrow = Eastman, Federal coordinator of the lecture at the latter place will man, youthful state motor vehicle morning by automobile for Boston railroads. be good for,the “Pagoda I^ d ” plc- commissioner, won a e New Jersey "I have no desire to assume the turea where at 10 o’clock there win be a role of propagandist for public own­ bearing before the Regional Board Republican gubernatorial neminstion ership and operation,.or to have such All members of Eleanor Duse of New England concerning the yesterday by an unexpectedly de­ a policy adopted until the people of Lodge, Daughters of It^y, are re­ labor troubles at the mllla At the cisive margin over hie three oppoa- the United States either want it or quested to meet tonight at 9:30 n meeting E. B. Hilliard is also ex­ ents. believe it to be necessary. I have be­ front of the High schooL From pected to be present. W ia but 164 dlatrlcta mlMriny lieved that they should be thinking there they will proceed to the home The delegation is not the same of 3,418 in a e state, Hoffman’s vote ■ about It, for it may prove to be of Mrs. Josep^ Trivlgno, 33 Home­ that has been representing Textile waa 229,491. Former Judge Rpbert necessary, and in that event It Is stead street. Mrs. ’Trivlgno who Local 2127, as there has been a Carey, of Jersey City, carrying bis . highly desirable that the country died last night was a member of change of officers recently. Bernard own county, Hudson, and Cape May, the lodge. should be prepared to undertake It —Photo by Fallot Halpln, who was the president of was second w ia 94,118; State Sena­ ‘ in the best possible way and with all Janet Tracy, shown above in her hospital bed, is only thirteen years of the Local when men imd women left tor Joseph O. Wolber, leading only possible safeguards,” Eastman said. age, but in the few short years she has lived she has suffered greatly from Gibbons Assembly, Catholic La­ their work rix weeks ago last Mon­ in his nome county of Essex, was He spoke before the National Asso­ ill health and has been a patient in the hospital three times. This time dles of Columbus, will hold a social day, bas resigned and has been suc­ third w ia 73,916, and State Sena­ ciation of Mutual Savings Banks In a serious operation was performed and now she is happy because the meeting Friday evening at 8:80 at ceeded by Edward Strauss, yrho will tor Emerson Richards, of Atlantic, trailed w ia 48,384. aimual conference. doctor has told her she may go home. the home of Mra Lillian Mahoney, be one of the delegates to the Bos­ This morning when Superintendent Mrs. Jane J. Aldrich was 26 Hollister street. ton conference, ^ymond Walker, The victory of Hoffman placed Eastman Indicated, however, that who was the vice-president of the him in a e November election fight he was not urging acquisition by the her rounds, Janet called her to her bedside and banded her fifty cents Mrs. William F. Rlsley of Talcott- Local, has also resigned and his w ia William L. Dill, of Paterson, government at the present time im- and said, “I want to give this towards the Hospital drive” . The Superin­ tendent was deeply touched, as only a day or two ago she had been told vlUe who heui been a patient at the place has been taken by Henry La- now a lay judge of ae Court of der the financial conditions facing Manchester Memorial hospital for Chappell, who will be one of the Errors and Appeals and Hoffman’s the government. He seiid there are by Janet that she had seven dollars which friends had given her on their visits to her, with which she Intended to purchase a p ^ r of white shoes several weeks will be disoharged to­ delegates. Miss Mary Krieskl is the predecessor eis motor v^ cle com­ ■ distinct dangers in public ownership missioner. and a new white dress; she knew it was a sacrifice on Janet’s part to give morrow. new secretary and Edmund Dau- and operation against which safe­ fifty cents of her little hoard. plaiae and Frank Obrombskl, are Dill Atao Vlotorlons guards ought to be provided, but On being asked why she wished to give this money toward thv' Hospital the other delegates. Dill, a e choice of the State Dem­ M*the fact is that nobody has less to ocratic organization of Mayor drive, Janet said that the Hospital had done much for her and ihat she It was learned that a conference fear than the holders of railroad Frank Hague of Jersey City, was an loved everyone in the hospital and that she wanted to help. RIERSBAREY waa being held in WiUlmantlc this l»curlties,” since governments In- easy victor in his primary contest afternoon between representatives ' Vilriably pay “a fair price and usual­ w ia Assemblyman Theron McCamp- of the strikers and Mr. Hilliard rela­ ly more than the property is worth.” bell, of M onmoua county. CROSS SEA HIT tive to tbe labor troubles at the U. S. Senator Hamilton F. Kean R&te Catting CONRAN ELECTED HEAD plant If an adjustment of tbe dif­ was selected as ae co-standard In regard to talk of greater flexl- Miss Florence Plano, talented piano-accordionist, will be featured in the ferences is not made or a settlement bearer of a e Republican Party w ia , jhility In rate cutting to meet compe­ music^ play, "It Happened In A Garden”, to be presented in High School OBITUARY not reached this afternoon tbe mat­ Hoffman, defeattog James C. Bla-i- tition, the coordinator asserted that IRELAND’S RM ball this evening. OF CHURCH COMMITTEE ter will be carried to the Regional velt, of Ridgewood. W ia less ttan , tCr his judgment the railroads are Board tomorrow. 700 districts missing, a e vote for given “ too free a hand, for the ex- (Oenthraed 'rom Page One) DEATHS IVlichael Murphy, Secretary and a e veteran Senator waa 280,265; for jj^ e of truck or water competition a gun. X X X Tell a e officers to let Blauvelt, 82,993. hours of the flight we had a nerve- . Is being badly overworked sind the Robert Coleman Treasurer of LONG HME MEMBERS you alone.” W ia fewer districts reported, ap- real reason is often the pressure of wracking time. . Mrs. Joseidi Trivlgno St. Bridget’s Group. The Second Note paxently because of a e lack of in­ big shippers and the desire to filch “The engine coughed and smoked CHURCHMEN OPPOSE Mrs. Mary (Damasco) ’Trivlgno, while, adding to our trouble, we OF W. B. A. HONORED The second note extended ae terest in McCampbell’s futile opposi­ •Jaaffic from other railroads." wife of Joseph 'Trivlgno of 33 Home­ had no idea of our whereabouts. It route outside Tucson where a e fa- tion, the vote for Dill was 194,574, :.5iUeclaring that he was “no Moses” stead street, died at the Memorial A t a meeting held in St. Bridget’s a e r was to drive so it passed a e compareed w ia a e Assembl3mian’8 to lead the roads out of the wilder- was a welcome relief to see the hospital last night after a long ill­ hall last night by the men who have green fields of Ireland. MINIMUM SALARIES Pioneers of Mystic Review Are point 9 ^ miles souaeast of a e 26,426. McCampbell, however, waa .aess, Mr, Eastman sketched propos- ness. Mrs. Trivlgno who was 48 renominated for the Assembly in his been named to conduct the June “We lost a lot of gasoline on the city where a e girl waa found, but ■^d steps to bring about reductions yeeirs old leaves besides her husband Guests at Supper in Odd Fel­ home county. lawn festival under the auspices of trip across owing to trouble with no one ever came forward to con­ .In the cost of operation. He admlt- three sons and two daughters. They lows Hall. Thirteen Incumbent New Jersey the church, Thomas Conran was the fuel pipe, and this fact, coupled tact him during his dreary trips ?ted that “economies in railroad are Nicholas G., James G., John J., Congressmen sought renomination elected general chairman. Michael with a choking engine, led us to de­ Delegates at Episcopal Con- which he made from 9 p. m. to 4 a. operation are bound, in large part, Mrs. Antoinette Mastropletro and and were successful. The fourteena, Murphy was selected as Secretary cide to land immediately. Mystic Review, Woman’s Benefit m., each night. 't o be labor-saving economies.” Ho Miss Fannie Trivlgno, all of whom and Robert Coleman as treasurer of June’s torturous hideaway, where Oscar auf der Helde, Democrat, of live in Manchester. There aire four “It wsis a narrow squeak. We association, enjoyed a get-together iw ealed that the government is the committee. hit a mud ditch. yendon Vote Against Plan she spent 19 days beneath a blister­ a e 14th District, retired and Ed­ Btudying “ retirement annuities for grandchildren. She also leaves her supper and entertainment last night ward J. Hart of Jersey City wan These three men will meet with a “After leaving Newfoundland o\xr ing desert sim, was visited yester­ BDperannuated employes, unemploy- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James in Odd Fellows hall. The affair was named in hia place. committee composed of women of first trouble developed. The gaso­ given in honor o f the pioneers, wo­ day by her mother and faaer and jcent benefits and dismissal wages." Damaaco; a brother, Michael, and in State Diocese. Five of a e incumbents—Charles the parish Friday evening at 8 line was not flowing freely from the men who have been members for her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sympathies With Labor three sisters, all of whom live in o’clock in the church hall, when the Bemabe Robles. A Wolverton, First; Charles A. Castellomazzamo, Province of rear tank to the carburetor. This more than a quarter of a century. Eaton, FMfa, and George N. Seger, “ No one who knows the facts can date for the holding of the festival "Ehoa” murmured the grand- Potenza, Italy. The slaters are gradually got worse Md we lost all Several were present who have been E igha, all Republicans, and Wil­ avoid sympathy with railroad labor,” will be decided. Miss Eleanor Hartford, May 16.— (AP)—Dele­ m ia e r as she stepped about a e Mrs. Madeline Gondonl, Mrs. Rose hope of reacuing land. enrolled considerably over 35 years. liam H. Sutphin, Third, and Edward Eastman said. “ Since 1920 the num­ Dwyer is bead of the women’s com­ gates to the annual convention of shallow trench. Trivlgno and Mrs. Mildred Taddeo. Decide to Go Ahead Mrs. Thora Stoehr was chairman A. Kenney, Nina, Democrats—-had ber of employes on the payroll hsts mittee, the other members being: “It was either a case of going clergy and laymen of the Protestant of the supper which was served in “Let us go,” she said. “The heat, been cut in half, and those who re­ Mrs. Trivlgno had Ivied in Man­ Miss Mary McGuire. Mrs. Andrew no opposition. chester for a number of years and ahead or turning back to New­ Episcopal church, Diocese of Con­ the banquet hall at 6:30. The tables the people, a e loneliness I feel here main have suffered severely in the Healey, Mrs. James W. Foley, Miss The oaers who gained renomina­ was a member of Eleanor Duse foundland or New York. We decided necticut, today voted down a resolu­ were attractive in pink and white, makes ae heart fast. I want to tion were Isaac Bacharach, Second; depression. We hope to work out a Antoinette Jamroga, Mrs. William Lodge, Daughters of Italy. The fun­ to take the risk and go ahead. and in the center was a large pink go back to my June, so my arms D. Lane Powers, Foura; Donald H. program which will afford reason­ P. Qulsh, Mrs. Francis Handley, tion which would make mandatory eral will be held tomorrow morning “I made a last desperate bid to Maybasket filled with white lilacs. know she is safe.” McLean, S lx a ; Randolph Perkijuf, able protection to labor without Miss Mary Wakowskl and Mrs. that every parisn in tbe diocese pay at 0:30 at the home and at 10 a. m. put the gasoline trouble right. It The meal consisted of cold ham, Ghild Is Sick Sevena; Fred A. Hartley, Tenths »tlfllng progress.” George WHllams. a minimum annual salary of |2,100 a solemn requiem mass will be held was a dangerous Job but I was salads, baked beans, relishes, rolls, “June is so quiet,” she said sad­ Peter A. Cavicchia, Elevena; arid to married clergymen or widowers The coordinator said the attitude at St. Bridget’s church. Burial will ready to do anything. cake and coffee. About 7:30 a pro­ ly. “Weeks it will take for her to Frederick R. LeUlbacb, T w elfa, Re­ bf individual railroad managements be in St. Bridget’s cemetery. “I climbed out of the cockpit and with dependent children and 11,600 gram was given under the direction recover. Her body is simply roast­ publicans, and Mary T. Norton, Thir­ was an obstacle to future possibili­ nRST COMMUNION cautiously made my way to the rear minimum salary to unmarried of Mrs. Carrie Samlow. Miss Ada ed from being shut in aat awful teen a, Democrat. ties. “Their immediate duty, as they tank. The plane’s speed had dropped clergymen on the grounds that its Robinson, soprano, sang “Morning” box w ia the sun beating down, and Mrs. Norton polled 24,717 votes to ■ee it,” he said, “is to look after the to 80 miles an hour and we were passage would interfere with the and responded to an encore. Mrs. her forehead has sores, from eating defeating G. Driscoll, who received Interests of their own particular TO REPEAT POPULAR FOR CONnRMANDS then about 80 feet above the water. autonomy of parishes. Stoehr accompanied her at the mouldy food, a e doctors says. Her only 1,729. stockholders, without much regard “It was very difficult to hold onto A resolution which stated that no piano. Miss Frances DeVarney leg is so sore.” for the Interests of the industry as the plane while I effected the re­ parish shall call a rector to become played a piano solo, and a one-act June’s ankle was painfully ►.whole.” ILLUSTRATH) LECTURE Emanuel Lutheran Class to pairs but I worked like a demon. regularly settled therein on a stipend play entitled “A Lady to Call”, was bruised by a e chain which bound less than such minimums without presented by Mrs. S. J. Keames, Previous to Eastman’s address, Take Part in Service at Sun­ Lose Gasoline r to a stake in the trench. PETITION SEEKS CUT the efforts of the Federal coordina­ “It was a great relief to put the the written consent of the bishop Mrs. Herbert Alley and Mrs. Ste­ Tut the little girl didn’t cry while tor of railroads were upheld and bet­ Sumner R. Vinton to Deliver day Morning Gathering. trouble right, but in doing it a con­ was also defeated. phen Miller, all of whom are mem held In the grave-like hole. The kid­ ter times predicted for the roads by “The Beauty of the Common­ siderable quantity of gasoline was The two members of tbe laity hers of the Pythian Sisters. At napers said “they would put a knife IN COLLECTION COSTS lost. sub-committee which recommended the biislness meeting which followed the committee on railroad invest­ place” at Second Church. This year’s confirmation class at in her back if she cried,” a e grand- ments of the National Association “Then it became ai^arent that the resolutions to the executive they were accorded a vote of m oaer related. the Emanuel Lutheran church wlU council of the church spoke in favor thanks for furnishing the entertain­ of Mutual Savings Banks. receive Holy Communion for the our hopes of making a non-stop Excitement yesterday dimmed Surrender of Ninth District Sumner R. "Vinton, who bai been flight to Rome was doomed and the of their passage. They were WU- ment. for June some of a e suffering she first time at the Sunday morning IJam T, Severn of Bridgeport and Charter Also Desired to Re­ engaged to give a series of illus­ services at 10:46 o’clock. An invita­ most wo could do was to reach the A roll-call of members brought endured while held captive. From shore of Ireland. Orlgen Seymour of Litchfield, the duce Expense to Town. trated lectures In thli town and vi­ tion has been extended to all former out letters from members as far far-away London a newspaper in­ "We had about 20 gallons of latter diocesan chancellor for lay­ away as California. Those who terviewed her by telephone. She LARGEST FLYING BOAT cinity tomorrow and over the week­ confirmands lot the church to be men. end, will, by request, repeat Sunday present and participate. In the eve­ gasoline in our tanks when we were present arose and answered assured a e paper she was all right A petition was started to dreula- landed but, apart from the shortage Mr. Seymour declared that “we tbe r^-call. Tbe principal speaker and what she couldn’t tell, her fa­ TO TRY FOR RECORDS evening at 8 o’clock in the audi­ ning, at 7 o’clock, the children's get our religion pretty cheaply as it tinn this afternoon to be presented robed choir will present a concert of fuel, it was engine trouble that was Field Director Mrs. Grace Best a er, who held her on his knee, add torium of the Second Congregational sealed our fate. is,” and added that "clergymen are of Hartford, formerly of this town, to tbe Selectmen and a e town Board church, one of the most popular In at the serrioe. ed. Then aere were ae camera­ ot Education, also a e Nina School "As soon as I put the gasoline always tbs first to receive salary who talked chiefly about the June men, for whom she posed obliging­ S*42 to Attempt to Reach 20,* hii repertory, “The Beauty of the flow into proper order we were able cuts.” He urged tbe passage of the rally in WUlimantic when tbe loca:. Board, asking that a e charter of Commonplace” . There will be .no ly, and a e newspapermen, whose 000 Feet With Heavy Load to rise to 6,000 feet where tbe fly­ resolutlmis. u this he was strong­ W. B. A. guards will put on the floor many questions she answered read Tbe Nina District be surrendered admlailon but a lUver offering will ly supported by Mr. Severn, and that a e collection of such taacea —Test at Bridgeport. be received, and all beyond the PRESIDENT FOR STRICT ing condltlone were much better, but work in tbe afternoon. Mrs. Best lly. it wae etui a difficult Job. McCook Opposes annoimced that a cash prize would Outside her house, police bad necessary for a e upkeep of a e actual expensei of bringing Mr. Vin­ Speaking in opposition Anson T. library and the Recreation Centers, Bridgeport, May 16.— (AP)— ton here will be devoted to the fund '"piere was rain, fog, aad a it l« be given for tbe largest delegation roped off areas to keep back tbe Poised for the flight which is ex­ STOCK MARKET CONTROL wind which helped keep us back, McCook of Hartford, prominent from any visiting review and urger' scores who came for a look at tbe be placed In the hands of of a e for the Vacation Church school, layman, admitted that bU task was Board of Park Commissioners^ a # pected to carry her 20,000 feet up, which will be coxiducted by the “1 can’t praise the ekill of Pond Mystic to try to win as Williman- little girl or to add a e lr rejoicing more than three times as high as too highly. He never became flus­ a disagresable one but stated that tic was so near. at her return. Board of Education or some oa er North Main street churches for the (Oonttoned from Page One) tbe passage of such resolutions department of a e town, w ia the any plane has flown with a similar el^ th consecutive summer. tered la tbe face of tha worst But for June, her most exciting pay load, the 8-42, largest flying weather eondltlone." would endangsr the independence experience was to come. She eager­ taxes collected by a « town teac col* sirs. Sidney French, pianist, who tbe House banking committee that aad autonomy of the parishes of the lector. boat in the United States, stood on has played um McDowell composi­ be expected it to take an eariy vote FOLLOW UP CLUES ly awaited a e days when she tba ramp on the lower Housatonie Lahlncb where tbe filers landed is diocese. Maay parishes, Mr. Me might return to her playmates at The preamble of a e petition tions called for in this lecture when on the Administration bill to con­ Cook declared, could not possibly this afternoon, motor turning over given here before, will play SunOay tinue tbe Bank Deposit Insurance a West Coast summer resort village a e school she attends and who states that the object is to reduce and awaiting only the arrival oi'. of tbe Free State County of Clare, raise tbe money required. have not seen her since a e day she a e cost of collections and do away evening, aad the men's chorus of the Act on ite present basis with a George E. Bulkeley of Hartford, IN ROBLES CASE aeronautic officials to take wing. oburch will sing, “In ths Garden” maximum Insurance of |2,600. situated on tbe open Uecaanor Bay, "was seised while enroute home. But with a double duty, which would bo tvhere tbe Atlantic eurfe roll In. It treasurer of the dlooese, opposed tbe a saving for a e district and a e Officials of the Sikorsky Aviation and “Tba Old Rugged Cross”. Otbenriee insurance of deposlte up fbdnf of salary miwiirnnw^ the when she might return was indefl Corporation in Stratford, which to 110,000 would be allowed after bas one of the most famous golf (Oontliraed from Page One) nlte. town. Tbs lecture Trill be open to all grounds that such regulatloiis would built the monster aircraft, empha­ aad will furnish those who have not July 1. courses In Ireland. For a e present, her parents and sized that the flight, scheduled for Another oontroverslal leaue will be unenforceable. In this stand he structioni contained in a second ran doctors said, she must rest—and seen It with an opportunity to enjoy was supported by tbs Rev. Dr. this afternoon, is merely a routine an artiatloally patreot program. be taken up late today when the ROME PREPARES WELCOME lom note; and autborities believe tbe forget. teat for inspection by Department President confers with tbe silver Rome, May 16 — (AP) — Rome E. B e a sle y of New Haven. kidnapers sought to lead him to the of Commerce officials. The 8-41 legislation advooatee on a plan they nude ready a hero's welcome today Hie convention voted to h i . . girl biKause they wore afraid to W e d d i n g ! is expected to reach 20,000 feet al have been working out with Secre­ for Capt. George Pend aad lie u t each parish one and three-quaHsrs negotiate for the 116,000 ransom JIM REED SCORES mude with her 11,000-od pounds YOUNGSTER DROWNS tary Morgentbau. Cesare Sabelll, forced down la Ire­ per cent of the average eiDtoadi- they demanded. Si ('ll* already has been up Pending receipt of the plan tbe land last night on their New Tork- tures for 1882-88-84 for the support Tbe contact never was made. 18,000 feet), but that advance over President offered no comment. to-Rome flight. of tbe Epteoopate and a shnilar as- Chicago Letter IN POOL AT SAND PIT seeement for the luntort of diocesan WORLD COURT PLAN Lord-Preston the former record of 6,600 feet es- Anne Maunfsotiife Although dleappolated at tha fail­ The letter frpm Chicego aad Miss Alice A. PrMton of Woeo* Ublished bv the German Itelndorf He la considering an early mee- ure of tbe airmen to malM tbe noa- administration. An attempt to In another sent to Tucson authorities oreeee the Epleoopate support to (Oontlnoed from Page One) socket, R. I., sleter of H. L. Preetas fP April, 1027, will be merely ind (Ooatlaiiad from Pago One) sage to Congraee relating to muni­ MUm air Jaunt planned, ^ o la ls were from tb# New Mexico ponitentlary of Lllley street, wae married y«s- dental to the government test. tions makers, but tbs naturs of this determined that the greefing here two end one-quarter pereent, failed to muster the aeoeseary votes. remained important clues to a e terday to George M. Lord o f Bos­ , ^ y Quick, Inspector for the De- taking the trouble to remove ble proposal was carefully guarded at should be none the leas eatbuslestlo. gin’s kidnapers. Tbe New Mexico lerted, which “financed an interna- ton. Tbe cerem o^ was performed Mrtment of Commerce, who will fly sboei the father ruabed Into the the T^lte House. Air ministry ettaobes said they letter written by an unnamed con­ tlonal organization looking to by Rev. Wateon Woodruff at a « with Captain Boris Serglevsky, the end started to eeareb for ble Tbe President said be would send were happy enough to know that vict, was forwarded by Warden Ed bringing the U. S. into a sort of parsonage of the Center Congrega­ S-42 pilot, today, on the two bout to ConcresB next week bis long- tbe aviators met with no disaster Swope. It disclosed an asserted plot International government of a e la eon. A i be reaobed under the while over tbe Atiantlo. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER tional church, and was fOUowad by test bop, was to arrived at MoUlson mud colored water ble band oame awaited message on war debts. to kidnap Congresswoman Isabella peoples of a « world.” a luncheon for the immediate fhm- Airport this afternoon, in bis own la eoataot with the boy's lag, only There was no LidloaUon that new When tbe news of tbe landing la Greeaway, or Budget Director ’ Reed argued the court was a lUee at a # home of Mr. and Mrs. flans from Washington, John P a fsw fset in front of tbs so'ura bank legislation would be proposed either Ireland reaobed here many persons. BANQUFT THIS EVENING Lewis Douglas but authorities were “complete misnomer” and said a # PrMton. llt^mullcr, offioial obMrvtr of th« in this or tbe munltllions______message. Including offldali aad aawspaper- Mg p ^ ers went aelr own way de­ aad be at once took him from tbe Tbe White House repotted mea, wire on tbelr way to CUmptnl interested because it made reference '-lie bride and bridegroom left hr rrtdvration ~ ... ■ Acronautiqu* Zntonui- pond. today to a spot in a e desert, a e approal- spite It and a s League. a # aftertoon for an satteadad ma- iloflalt, will plaoa tbo Daromofrapb that the disputed labor bllle, Inoluid- Airfield, wblob bad been prepared “Tbe assault of Manchuria elands Tbe father had oalled to aelgbbon Ing tbe Wegner meeeure to estab- for tbe landing. Emsnutl Lutheran Church So- mate distance from Tucson Oat tor trip. They will travel the Ifi the B-42, Walter E, Stoddard and June was found. unchallenged and unstopped,’’ he Souaem route to William 8t. Jobs, alio official ripro- to get a doctor aad whUe be wee Ueb a labor board aad ^ Wagner- Franco 8abelll of Rome, a brother deiitf Sponaarhiff Affair at eeeerted In empbeeizlng hie point. worklBg upon tbe boy tbe fire de­ X^ewle BUI to provide unemploy­ of Lieutenant Sabelll, with another Authorities meanwhils studied aenoe up ae coast to AlaMMk uatatlvM of thi fidiratlon, wlU 6:80 TonlghL Tbe Missourian contended 108 or- turning via Canada. They wn| . . o l^ k thi w i ^ t ib i will carry. partment was notified. Tbe Inbalator ment Ineuranoe legislation, were brother aad a sister from N ules utensUs found in a e trench w ia ganiaation of various kinds were waa at the scene at 11:80 and re­ etui in ^ oonferenoe etaae, ■Mt a meisaffe of oongratulatloa to June for Anger prints. a «lr home in Boston, and iHflIir ^Tba hufi flyiBf boat wai takn teing financed to spread prraagan- In Florida. from tbi hangar at 10:40 thli suscitation work was started. Thsre Tbe Prealdent deoutfired for tbe filers, The second annual Mather end Instruotlons of the first ransom da for t court and said tf all their ^ f lin g and wai on tbi tnd of tbi was little hope of saving ths boy's tbe unemployment Ineuranoe meas­ “We feel," Franco said, “tbe same Daughter banquet win be held thla note, delivered to Fernando Robles money was available to tae oppo­ llp p at noon. Ilfs, but tbe flgbt wee kept up for ure, but Oongreaelonal leaders are wappolntmeat our brother must eveiUhg at tbe Eraaauel Lutheran two hours after June was kidnap^ nents a e latter could eatabllah 10,- an hour aad a half wban it was seen skeptloel of Its obengee at this ses­ feel, but we are proud that ba baa ohufflh, end will he apimsored by April 26, wers revealed W autborl- sion. 000 organisations against a e court. N0R& fliat tbara was ae longer any ebaaee sq u a red tbe AtUatie. We wlU the Ladles Aid aoetetar and tha Do^ t threatened •'J - PUBUC RECORDS of eavlBg hlna. Prealdent Roosevelt expeets to bare open arms for him when they oas society. The meal which will be - — - _____ Inetraettons PLACED ON PROBATION Was Oaa of Tsa aiake public today or tomorrow the arrive in Rome." served prompts at 8:80 win he pre­ were net oarriod out. Mrs. Rose Dean ot T6 r ^ r t of tbe Darrow oommlttee “You must follow this,’* a e fa- Ronald waa the youngest of a pared the Ladles Aid aedety, Boston, May 16.—(AP)—Rusaell School street waa aSinltmfl *rl /.. Karrtago btoalloo family of tea eblldrea, five boys and wblob Investigated moaopoUes un­ RRLDOr FUND DELATED end Doroea membeca have attefid^ed a e r wae told. “(Set a oar ea told, Lobdell of New Haven, Conn., der tbe NRA aad also a statement Aa applloatlon for a marrlagt U- flva gltU, No arrangements for tbe to tbe deooratlou. The Men’s so­ put a sack in a e seat, aad drive wae given flve*years pxobatloa to­ A daughtM was itom. ;t» M8M wai fllad today la tbi offloi funeral servloei bava yat been made. on thla report be baa received from Nsw H e v ^ May 16 — (AP) — ciety of the church will p i^ d e a e the route until you ooine to a white day after be pleaded guilty to four Hugh 8. Johnfobaeon. Industrial admin- Mayor Joha w . Murphy of tUi otty Mr. and Mi^. Ftod S th ftS S S . t t Town Clark 8aaual J, Turklag- 'waiters. oloa being dragged across Oe road oounts of embesslement before t9 RueaeU stoiet lea by ICUtoa P. Itoaa pt Poatfrat letretor. waa noLiflgd today \bnt a Feflgral An Intersetlag profrapi of enter- la front of yetir car. a ea you pitch ADVBMIlBiaDtT grant of soma 880,000 due the oity Federal Judge Ira L. Letts of Rhode u d . Mrs. OM|J3ia|la». DoBa„ aad Marlea I. Wataoo ^ taiamaat has b tn prepared. The the seek of money (|16,000 la |6, lelead. In V. B. Dlitriet Oourt here. avanua, B#hkll0s»' tklM tOWB. for direct relief djabursements dur^ fUeet speaker win be M a. Tbure $10 aad ISO bills) right ef a e eloa Just arrived oertlfled eed pota- A ban on danolng, in effeot sines lag the last three moBths o f ISIf Lobdell, former clerk and teller in Wamataa Daafl toes 11,80 Mr bushel. Fixtlilieri o f ‘Worcester, Maes., the beetde tlie road. he National Mahla#e,lMA, C ^ t '.^alai TamoMltla to Aatbeay To- tbe eebool was founded many years was being ddayed and would _ MlSf ^d«|^ Coiaell end atop, don’t speak, don’t 9.00 per bag. B a ^ ohlck feed ego, reeently wee lifted by the tnie- tinue to he beeauM New Haven wSe karrington, waa aocuitad oC en- son atmit; “ 0 « ifJ8 aer 100 Ibe. W. Marry Bag Iter'of ferver Rw ohsag > ot dim your llghte, don't beeaUng $7,800. He hah fluda reeU- \i% ytfoo( teee of Lfaelr-Rbyae oellege at net aieetliig Federal relief 'O.. ConeU of hwsr your hdrst don’t give aior eif- fdfl* Riflkofjij, K. Oi ardSi tutlQii. Aeelatant U. S. A t t n ^ .J . Gathsriito aal, hi iloae, doiTt have Ji( Bwley aaM in ooo^i^

I BAMOREtffiSR BVBNnro ITEHAtD, lUNQBBRIIR, OOMN. W8DMB9&AT, MAT i MA „ \ . M« H« S« Swamps Meriden In Track Tilt, 4 GIANTS DUMP CUBS Golf Ball Goes -Lively, Too Local Sport ’Way Doivn on the Farm OUT OF LOOP LEAD Chatter WITH10T03WIN Eight Seconds, 5 Thirds Meriden High Is making rapid progress toward the C. C. I. L. base­ ball title, having turned In four str^ght victories without a defeat. Triamph Leaves New York The Silvery City nine trounced Bast MAX BAER TALKS Sihrtr City Team Offers LitHn Hartford, 9-2; West Hartford, 16-8, But Half Game Ont of 3rd Bristol, 7-1; and Middletown, 28-6. SELF o u t OF JAM Opposition as Locals w As a result, Meriden is in first Place; Pirates Back On place In the League standing. Man­ FonrA Straight Dnal ^ chester Is second and has a chance to strengthen Its hold on that place Top; Dodgers Edge Cards. by whipping E ast Hartford today. Sospensioii Lifted and Then nmph; Rainy Weather B ar Bristol is in third place. He Nearly Gets in Bad to Good Performances, : By BTOH S. FI7LLEBTON, JR. ’The imofliclal standing is as AModated Pre^ Sports Writer. follows: W. L. Pet. Again. Manchester High’s track and-field In the course of a disastrous tour Meriden ...... 4 0 1.000 throug^b the western sector of the Manchester ...... 2 0 1.000 appregation was furnished little in 1 .667 National league the Giants have Bristol ...... 2 New York, May 16.—(AP) — the way of opposition by Meiidm West Hartford ... 2 3 .400 (A P )—^Max Baer him tsdked him' High In a dual League meet at & e managed to prove only that they Bast Hartford .... 0 2 .000 self out of one jam with the New West Side field yest^dajb aften i^ n still are dangerous when Carl Hub- Mlddletov^n ...... 0 4 .000 and the Red and White swept e v c ^ bell Is pitching. What started as York State Athletic commission and first place, eight seconds and ^Ve a Joyous jaunt for the league leaders Harry M. Burke of Nev Haven just missed touring >i

AUTOMOBILES MOVING—TRUCKING- HOUSES FOR RENT 65 with vhom words were unneces­ opaiisd 0 « i Davltfi syss to Mads- FOR SALE 4 STORAGE 20 sary. Now; that be was at peace, line’s deceptltm. One of tbs wild FOR RB3NT—149 Porter street, six Bill’ seemed to have more leisure west riders had gone to the poet Eight More Americans PERRBTT & OLENNEY INC. local room bouse, with all Improvements and every possible waking moment offlee and brought the letter to FOR SALS—TRAILER. CaU S818. and long dlitanco moving. Dally Telephone 6922. onnahe spent with Donna. Madeline Just before her entrance Dc f ^ Minnie Jones, who was as profi­ cue. Madeline had opened it, read expreaa to Hartford. Overnight ro RENT— SEVERAL Deslrabte cient with a needle as she was with the signature, and, being in a Curtsy Before Royalty Borvlce to and from New York. Tel. five, six and seven room househ, 3063, 8860 or 8864. her tongue, came to help make the burry, had tonwd the letter on her FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 single and double; alto heated trousseau. It was a simple one, dressing taUe and left the room. apsjlm ent Apply Edward J. Hcul London, May 16.—(AP)— Eighty The Prince left late la«t a|flit qa MOVING—TRUCKINa and light B u g H o p suitable for a farmer's v^e, but A few minutes later Con entered more American women will thrill to­ FOR SALE— STURDY weather Phone 4642 and 8025. because marriage to Donna was a the room, looking for her. The a three-day trip to Wales where he hardened tomato plants 15c dos. hauling. Aahea removed weekly. S3. night to the brief moment of social will get a first-hand view of how the L. Moiin, telephone 6158. FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 7 b B e u l a h PoY?^IkK/ holy sacrament she wanted every­ ■beets of paper attracted his at­ g’ory in a hasty, breathless curtsy other end of the social scale —the Special price for larger guantitiea. A |B |j aten thing new. Fortunately, like many tention as he bent to take a last 504 Parker street rooms, 83 Wfdker street, all im­ 4/fiA OBVTCS.iWC before Great Britain’s King and unemployed—live. provements, garage, rent 'reason' troupers, she had never banked her glance at bis make-up in the mir­ Queen. Mrs. Selberiing is weailaff a TOMATO PLANTS, strong, hardy PUBLIC PASSENGER able. Call 6764 evenings. BEGIN mCRE TODAY money but bad carried it m a ror. The name “Donna” brought Today was an exciting round ot white gown of onduleuae aatdrial transplanted, 18 plants in a box for SERVICE 20A DONNA GABRIEL and MADE­ “grouch bag” around her waist and back all that the other girl had last minute fittings and flnad ar­ with plain lines, square-cut naek 25c. Stone, Earliana, Bonny Best FOR RENT—138 EAST CENTER LINE SIDDAL who emil them- she wae well supplied with funds. meimt to him, and quite shameless­ rangement for the excited elect; and puffed sleeves with a white eil« Champion, Oxheart. Anderson's IN ADDITION TO Silver Lane But street, first class house, latest Im­ ■elvea *The Gabriel Sisters'* are She and Bill made several crips ly he read the letter. Mrs. Paul Hyde Bonner ot New ver tratin. She will carry a pastel line, De Luxe Bus for lodge, party provements, steam heat, few min­ olroos performers. Years earlier to Lebimon where she purchased He crumpled the message Into a York City; Mrs. Edward B. Close of green ostrich fan. Greenhouse, 153 Eldridge street crepe de chine, soft cambric and little ball and thrust it In his Phone 8686. or team trips, we also offer 7 pas­ utes walk from Center. MadeUne ran away from her grand- New York City; Miss Helen Lee Mrs. Qose’e gown is of “off- senger sedan Uvory. Phono 8068, fatiier*s farm. lace. Later, sitting on the front p'jket Then he strode out of the Doherty of New York City; Mrs. white” luminous satin, the train 8860, 8864. When Donna is Injured by a fall porch, she tmd Minnie stitched and dressing room, black fury in his Pryns Hopkins of Santa Barbara, failling in Grecian folds from the LEGAL NOTICES 78 from the trapeze Madeline arranges cut and stitched Eind cut until the heart. Cal. shoulders. Her riippers aure of the brilliant siinllght drove them into Manchester for her to be taken to-GRANDFA­ Madeline, at the entrance, turn­ Mrs. Edward Miller-Mills of Chi­ saune materlati. She will weatr a SITUATIONS WANTED— AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD THER SIDAL'S farm to reonper- the house. ed to smile at him, and though his peaurl necklet and a pearl bandeau at Manchester, within and for the -As usual, Minnie's tongue kept cago; Miss Nancy Penoyer of Sam Evening Herald FEMALE 38 District of Manchester, on the 16th ate. To please her partner Donna scowl indicated something was Framcisco; Mrs. CecUe B. Selberllng amd carry a white ostrich fan. day of May, A. D., 1934. pretends to be Madeline. She falls pace with her needle but, since wrong she had ho idea that the of Akron, Ohio amd Miss Maude Mc­ The gown chosen by Mrs. Rownee* CLASSIFIED WANTED TO GO OUT dressmiddng Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., n love with BELL SIDDAL, Made­ most of her conversation consisted situation was so serious. hau a skirt amd tratin of ivory poult Judge. of singing Bill’s praises, Donna did During the act Con flayed the Rae Smith of Grand Rapids, Mich. a ADVERTISEMENTS by the day. For particulars call Estate of Harry C. Young late of line’s cousin, and though she is There were 13 Amerlcam debutam- de sole with bodice of Jlver amd 3406. Mrs. Harriet Skewes, 713 Manchester In said dlstr real bargain. The Duck Farm. B. T. a circulation In said llstrlct, at least smile that was more terrifying Unlike the first group of Ameri- carry orchids. tual number of times the :.d appear­ Allen, 160 Tolland Turnpike. Tele­ five days before the day of said hear­ and studied her stitches. “Some ed, charging at the rate earned, but ing, to appear If they see cause at Donna and Bill decided to be folks did spsculate as to whether than the snarls of the wild animals. cams those who go the palace to­ A deep Ivory lace gown over no allowance or refunds can be made phone 8837. said time and place and be heiard married In September. From the Bill an< her would get married, but She fumbled with the catch on the night will not have am opportunity flesh color satto with a lace tradn on six time ade stopped after the relative thereto, and make return to day the decision was made Donna door, opened It and, trembling as to see the Prince of Wales. will be worn by Mrs. MlUer-Mllls. fifth day. FOR Sa l e —TOPICER refrigerator this court. was in a fever of excitement. One ’tween you and me and the gate No “till forbids"! display llaes not 54.95, cane rocker upholstered seat, WILLIAM S. HYDE post I alius knew Bill wouldn’t she had not trembled since the sold. Judge. moment she was determined to tell have her. I reckon he kept com­ first time she entered the lion cage, The Herald will not be responsible $3.95, 9 pc. mah. dining room H-5-16-34. Bill the truth about her coming to ganizatlon. They begin early to 1)29.50, Royal Easy reclining chair pany with her for a while because escaped to the arena. Mother—’Must we really do what for more than one Inoorreot Insertion the farm; the next she wai> Just as There was a sudden roeir, fol­ Join up with clubs. They have we wamt to agadn today?’ ” of any advertisement ordered for 55, mab. chifferobe |6.95. Watkins determined to go through with the she was smarter than most of the more than one tima Furniture Exchange, 935 Main. Lebanon girls—school teacher, you lowed by another amd another. C^n, music and home work and plays Look behind that. A child eter­ The inadvertent omission ot incor­ ceremony, keeping him in ignorance blind with anger^ came suddenly to nally supervised won’t know what rect publication of advertising will be as long as possible. know—and then she’d been to Nor­ or entertainments to rehearse for. rectlfieJ only by cancellation of tbs FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ mal in Indianapolis and could talk his senses and realized his danger. to do with free time when he gets The longer she postponed the He leaped, caught the door, Jerked Their very sports are supervised. it. You cam’t parcel out inde­ charge made for the eervloe rendered. ture. Party leaving town. Call at G lorifying tailing, the more fearful she grew the way Bill does. But pshaw, as Instead of the gang on the samd All advertisements must conform 42 Russell street. I says to Ma, it takes more’n talk it open and put bars between him pendence that way. You can’t' say, In style, copy and typography with that in some manner he might p 'd the menace. Just as Carlo and lot, some gentleman comes adong "Stand in the circle amd do as you regulation! enforced by the publish­ learn the facts from someone else. to make a wedding or I’d a been to orgamize a badl team and it’s ers and they reserve the rtght to married a good many years.’’ Sander sprang toward him. are told, darling,” sixteen hours a _Yo u rself She had visions of the real Made­ tadeen out of tbeir hamds from day, amd then hand him a day off edit, revise or reject any copy con­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 line walking Into the church Just “You do like to talk, don’t you, (To Be Continued) then on. sidered objectlonabla Minnie?’’ and say, "Now be perfectly inde­ CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads M RECONDITIONED Upright pianos: ^ByAKdeHart^ as the minister was about to pro­ Then we say they cam’t stamd on pendent. It’s your day to develop.” be published earns day must be re­ nounce her Bill’s^ wife; visions of their own feet later on—that they ceived by 13 o'clock noon; Saturdays Cable & Sons 895; Bachmann St Minnie giggled. “Alius did. I 14:34 a. m. Sons 195; Haines 8125; Becker __ •j9alw SfftviSf INC an indignant letter arriving to in­ depend on the world for a living, form Grandfather Siddal that the dou t remember once ever being cam’t think for themselves, and Bros. 8150. All in modem ma­ stumped for words. Ma says I Coinage of Daniel Boone half- TELEPHONE YOUR hogany cases. Watkins Brothers, A daily walk a one sure cure for girl be had taken into his heart Right. They can’t amd won’t if dollar coins, which would be sold at WANT ADS. spring fewr. When you feel that and home was an imposter; visions talk too much, but it strikes me we are going to spoil adl spontam- 985 Main street. that it comet in mighty btmdy not a premium, has been proposed for Ads are accepted over the telephone need of nilphur-and-molassea com- of Bill repudiating her, casting her elty amd Initiative. The Jokesters financing Kentucky’s bl-centhnnial at the CHARGE BATE given above ing on, get Into low-heeled walking out without even giving her a to be bashful sometimes.” have a popular line today. It runs celebration in honor of the faunous ' as a convenlen e to advertiser^ but shoes and step out for a hike chance to defend herself. “At any rate you aren’t a gossip. CHILDREN something like this, "Child to pioneer’s arrivad in that state. the CASH RATES will be sooepted as WANTED—TO BUY 58 I’ve never beard you say anything FULL PAYMENT if paid at the busi­ through the park. Although these fears overshad­ ness oSloe on or before the seventh HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Junk Society women and film actresses owed her happiness, Donna contin- readly unkind about any one, Min­ By Olivo Robortt Bsrtoti day following the first Insertion of and live poultry. Wm. Ostxinsky, started the fad and girls every­ used to reassure herself that Made­ nie.” each ad otherwise the CHARGE 91 Clinton street Tel. 5879. where are following their example. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ line could not do such a thing. “No, I reckon not. It adlus seems bility for errors in telephoned sda If you can’t arrange a schedule that Through the' deception Madeline to me there’s enough to talk about There It was again. The children will be assumed and tbeir aoeuraey will give you a free half hour for a had won the man she loved. From without sayin’ things about folks couldn’t even play the way they cannot be guaranteed. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD .'>9 morning walk, plan to take one late her letters she seemed perfectly that’ll hurt eih. My land. Miss wanted to. INDEX OF in the afternoon. It’s Important content to let another take her Madeline, this here is most too It WEIS recess Eind the third- HOR RENT—LIGHT Housekeeping that you enjoy this bit of healthful, place at the farm emd never to see pretty to cover with a dress! I’d CLASSIFICATIONS rooms, fumlnhed, gas and sink. 109 graders were paraded out in for­ fashionable exercise. Smile as you her relatives again. feel kinder funny wearin’ it. Meb- mation to the recreation ground. B irths ...... A Foster street.—Grube. stride along and see how qjjickly old Engagements ...... B Donna regretted that she had de­ be, though, you won’t—bein’ you're This WEtB all right — in fact neces­ M arriages ...... C Mr. Spring Fever drops,out of sight. stroyed the letters Madeline had used to wearing things other folks sary, because the lot weui across Don’t saunter—brisk steps are D eaths ...... O APARTMENTS—FLATS— written, for they would fiave sup­ aint.” the street and cars were likely to Card of Thanks ...... B what count 'or beauty. Maintain a plied proof that the trickery had The night before the wedding, come by. In Memorlam ...... F ^ TENEMENTS 63 good posture, chest up, stomach in, Lost and Found ...... 1 been of the other girl’s planning. which was to take place in the lit­ But once there, were they al­ Announcements I arms swinging free, feet pointed Now all she had to offer was her tle Methodist church Grandfather lowed to whoop it up smd yell and h'OR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, strtUght ahead with your weight on Personals ...... t ^ improvements, and garage. In­ own word, for she doubted that 3iddal had attended since he weub turn somersaults amd nm races? Aatomobtles the outside edges. Yes, it's im­ Madeline would comie forward a schoolboy, Donna wrote to Mtule- That would have been safe enough Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 quire 591 Center street. Phone 5861. perative that you keep your weight Automobiles for Exchsjtge 4C« • K with any statement that might line. because a high wire fence encir­ Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 4 FOR RENT—F^OUR room tenement, on the outside of the feet. If you blacken h e rs^ . Sometimes Donna “I hope the route hasn’t been cled the field. No, they were Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 all modern improvements. Inquire put it on the inside, you’ll tire too wondered if , Con knew the truth. changed and that this reaches you. formed into a large ring, holding Auto Schools ...... 7>A quickly and the walk will not be Mrs. Planter went about her du­ It’s been so long since I heard baind^, while one boy wais chosen Autos— Ship by T ruck ...... I Sam Yulyes, Shoe Repadr Shop, fun at all. Autos—For Hire ...... I 701 Main street. ties with pinched lips and a silent from you that Tve wondered if you to taig amotber child and beat him Garages—Service—Storage ...... 14 How far to walk? Well, try disapproval that expressed itself In received my Isuit letter. For a long to the “breadc,” both nmnlng in Motoreyolea—Bloyoles ...... ,xm 11 b OR RE3NT—4 ROOM tenement three-quarters of a mile the first ev' ythlng she did. Sometimes time I’ve been wanting to tall you opposite directions 'round the Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... 11 with garage, aiJ modem improve­ few days. That’s about enough if Donns could feel the narrow eyes that Bill and I are going to be ring. It took time. The circle Business and Profeasloual Servlees you aren’t accustomed to it. After a Business Servitres Cflered ..... It ments. 3 Ridgewood street. Tele­ stud3rlng her- and the girl deter­ married but I’ve been afraid to. WEIS lairge. Not more tham ten or Household Servloee Offered ...... IS-A phone 5623. week, increase the distance to a mined that once she was Bill’s It’s sort of the same feeling you fifteen kids had a cbiuice to move Building—Contracting 14 full mile and later, as the fad be­ wife, the housekeeper should be dis­ have about an engagement, you during the game. The rest stood Florists—^Nurseries ...... 16 FOR RENT—FOSTER STREEI. gins to take a firm hold on you and broiled in the sun. Funeral Directors ...... 16 missed. Imow—not wanting to tell anyone Heating—Plumbing—Roofing 17 near East Center street, south tene­ (and it will), it’s likely that you’ll Yet the days ot preparing for the until the contract is signed, for Lack of Dlsclplliie Insurance ...... I t ment, newly renovated, aiU Im­ think nothing of hiking three miles wedding were, on the whole, happy fear it will fall through. They got impatient — they Millinery—Dressmaking ...... I t provements. Dial 8582. each day. ones. Long liiours with Bill only “It doesn’t seem possible that all wouldn’t be good. They hopped Moving—Trucking—8-orage .... 14 increased her love for him. Al­ Fve wanted so much Is going to up and down sometimes aind let go Public Passenger Service tO-A BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOM rents, mod­ The kingdom of Bhutan, which hamds. The teacher shouted and Painting—Papering ...... t l em, 2nd and 3rd fioor, 3 Walnut though his physical magnetism, ob­ he mine—a home, a husband and, Professional Servloea It lies on the southern slope of the vious good looks Euad cheery nature I hope, children. I love Bill so. shouted and shouted. Het “dis­ R epairing ...... t l street, near Cheney mills, |12-$18. Himalaya mountains, has horses cipline” waui at stake. Poor dear, kCVNCAl Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning 14 Inquire on premlSM. Tailor Shop. had first won her admiration. n6w Maybe not any more than you love Toilet Goods and Service ....» S6 for Its principal exi>ort. It was those sterling qualities of Ck>n, but It seems to me that no her fau:e wais worried and unhap­ Wanted—Buslnese Service ...... tt character—his sense of honor, un­ py. Who might be observing her (BEAD THE STORY. THEN OOLOB THE PIGTUBB) F'OR RE3NT—FOUR room fiat, in woman could ever love a man as from the office window? One of Bdueatfoual good ‘ condition. 42 Maple street, selfishness and high principles— much as I do Bill. And I’m keep­ The Tlnles quiet as a mouse, gained, if nothing's tried. A gnaS Courses and Classes ...... 17 that each day made him dearer. ing 'my fingers crossed for fear the board perhaps, or even the Private Instruction ...... 31 :car. Telephone 6517. superintendent. Not the princlpaU, watched Peter leave bis pumpkin big latch la on the door. We’U lift D ancing ...... 18-A FOR SALE The fact that die knew Bill to be something will happen between I aun sure, for the princlpati isn’t house. “My, he’s a funny looking it ere we’re through.” Musical—Dramatic ...... St FOR RENT—APARTMENTS and the soul of integrity himself made now and tomorrow morning to pre­ thAt kind. I know her. mam,” they soon heard Goldy say. Two of the Tinles tu n e d fway Wanted—Instruction ...... 14 unfurnished rooms, and store in By Owner her even more tffraid to tell him vent our marriage. Yet what could? “He struts around for adl he’s and shortly Duncy yeUec, "Hur­ F lnaaelal Johnson Block. Telephone 6070 or what she had done. Fm sure you wouldn’t do anjrthlng But teachers aue nmrked on Bonds—Stocks—^Mortgages ■».. tl 22-ACRE FARM discipline amd controL worth. You’d really think he owned ray! The pumpkin door is epeh. Business Opportunities ...... 81 4040. It was not BO much her return to to hurt me and I know Bill loves So, are children. the earth. I don’t know where he’s Gee, that wasn’t hard to do!” Money to Loan ...... t t the farm after her injury that me, though It took him a long time Well, perhaps they have to be. going, but I hope be sta)^ away. FOR RENT—8 ROOM apartment, On State Road made her feel guilty as It was the to make up his mind to raarry me. Help and tltnatloas V i mile from village, 7- Fm not sa3dng that discipline Isn’t “Jiu t think! His poor wife’s lock­ Soon Peter’s wife apptmrpd. Said Help Wanted—Female ...... t i all newly renovated, gas range, hot first deliberate deception that had “Wish me happiness, Madeline. ed up tight, and I don't think that she, “Well, who are you tpts? Mer­ Help W anted—Male ...... 16 water, private bath. Adults. Rent room remodeled house. a good thing. There has to be Salesmen Wanted ...... t6-A brought her there. Looking back There are going to be some tough, some, even a good bit, but this it is right. No wonder he’s afraid cy me!” “We’re Tinymlfee,” said Help Wanted—Male or Female.. t7 reasonable. Garage If desired. 109 5-Acre at those 24 hours when she bad led days ahead, I know, when I have affadr of the play ground now —> he’ll lose her, when he amts like Dotty. “Won’t you epme outride A gents W anted ...... 17-A Foster street.—Grube. Bill to believe she was bis cousin, to make eacplanations, b'ut Fm try­ why carry It so far? th a t amd play? Situations Wanted—Female ... tt vdien she had taken advuitage of ing not to think about them. It Situations Wanted—^Male ...... I t FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and Private Lake In the old days we ratng a bell, “If we walk up and let her “Your mean old husband is net Employment Agenolee ...... 44 the old man’s blindness, Donna's you ever decide to come back here, marched the youngsters out into out ber husband will come bamk, neam, so there is not a thing to four room furnished or unfurnished Well stocked with fish, cheeks burned with shame. for heaven’s sake let me know be­ Live Stoek»Pcte—Peultryi Tehiclee apartments. Manchester Construe- the fresh air amd let them go to no doubt, and then,-I aun afraid, fear. We saw him start out walk­ Dogs—Birds—Pete ...... 41 nearly surrounded hy Loving Bill with every throb of forehand. It. Teachers haul a pea^ful ten ’twin simply mean they’U have ing, so we know that he’s #way.” Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 4] UOD Co. Tel. 4181 or 4859. beautiful woods. 7 acres Poultry and Supplies ...... 4t her heart and every breath she “Do write, please. By the way, minutes in the hall and ate a sp at” The tiny wife then Isiqidhed otit Wanted — Pete —Poultry—Stock 44 FOR RENT— TB3NEMS3NT, half tillable. One bam and drew, finding his presence daarer I have to be married under your while the Jimltor or anjdtiody loud, and cried, “Of course TU Jein For tale—MtoecIUuoowi bouse, five rooms, steam beat, mod­ two henhouses. Desirable than life it» ^ , she could not bring name. Do you think it will matter handy broke up fist fights. “Oh, i» they won’t ” said Windy. this crowd. Fm tired of bring Articles for Sale ...... 4t em improvemehts, step from Main herself to risk the loss of her hap­ much? Does Con know that Fm Now their “free” time is sub­ “We can be as careful as can be. locked up, when there’s nice, fresh Boats and Aooessoiiee ...... 41 for summer home. For piness when it seemed so close supposed to be you? Of course he jugated. I think it is a shame. Fve Just thought of a plan that T air outside.” Building Materials ...... 4T street 81 Russell street quick sale, $3,000. Part Diamonds—Watobea—Jewelry .. 4t within her grasp. knows that we aren’t sisters and Who wants to stand in a drele am sure wUl work adl right. And then she Jumped out to the Eleotiioal Appllancee—Radio «. 4t FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat also cash. that it’s your grandfather Fm liv­ while fdl the rest of the room (or “We’U let the poor wife out ground, as aO the Tinlee danced Fuel and Feed ...... 4 t - j k Sts room tanemaot with aU Im­ She and Bin spent long,' laiy ing with, but does he know the a fifth of it) has the fun? and then get her to go back in auround. Said Coppy, “If jrour bus- Garden — Farm—Dairy Inducts iO days under the trees beelds the Household Goods ...... i l provements. bqiilre at 147 Bast MRS. HILL rest? Yet we talk about the children again. Of course we’U have eome bamd comes back, you must ran and Machinery and Tools ...... | | Center street Tfdlaiid Uttls stream. They discovered that "Heaps of love, Donna.” having too much liberty. But fun before she disappears from hide.” Musical Instruments it TeL Rockville 888-8 they had many tastes In common, honestly, how much liberty do sight.” Office and Store EquipauiiR 14 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM down­ learned the sheer, exquisite delight It was this letter, the first he most children really have? “That sounds aU right” wee (The Tlnles meet UtMe Specials at the Stores ...... I t stairs flat all improvementa. In­ Wsarlng ApparsI—Furs 17 of sllenees shared with another had ever read of Donna’s that They live imder pressure of or- Scouty cried, "’fere’s nothing Tnoliet in the nest stay.) Wantsd—To Buy ...... mb II quire K Ridgewood street Rooms Board—Hotels Bsesrte R eafan w ata FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS and Rooms Without Board H attic, improvements, gsrage, gar­ ALLEY OOP Ifs All In The Game! By HAMUN Boarders Wanted ...... It-A den, potdtry house. F. W. 10 Country Board—Resorts . mbm* iO Olcott street , . THIS TH’LAST GAME,«RL5-ru. CHECH W MV STARS .'J' heard GIRLS-OOOLA A LOT OF GOOD Hotels—Rasunraats il ONf.) SCORES tWWRO Tif PRIZE 0 ^ GEE,OOOLA,' IS Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... ft WHAT /UMPKTEEOLE VWV, SlRLS- HAS HIGH DEARIE. the rrize will Roal Batata Far Beat .CUJe.LX^^ / TWO ^o a icio o s fepRESiWENTS ______ra err vou A oh h e u . THIS ^ /TELL 6EE00 I THINK IT'S X ^ ore:/ DO O O O L A - ARE » \ m f MERE IS Apartments, Flats, Tsnsmsntt.. it BUSINESS LOCATIONS ^ «RL4, vou STUFF r JthAT IT'S DCUOOOS SHEtL JUST Business Locations for Rant 14 fw s KNOW- 6AKEO VOOR FOR RENT 64 PRIZE- HAFTA GIVE rr H ouses for Rent ...... i | UNUJCHV BANANAS ^

garafs tf daaltad; laauuv^ laWBk I.'. m 'i Daaaato, 14 Bbmeetiiid strati. Tat Raid The HtnHMra • 2 B IL ...... '9L€ •S; Si** MANCmESTBR EVENING HSSAI3) ,^ N i 0 HimHB,

Toonerville Folks By'Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE By G en eA h m *^SNAKC TON#Ua"TOflPKIN8 8 0 l.vts THC PnOBtaM OI> A SllltMeLB PROFtiitON FOB THa WlPPigR WilUiOW% BOY I Pof every boy wbo grives a girl aat Paeelag the Bo rontitne For. 1114) didn’t either. M There is only one thing more. Ir­ a S(ORCHY SMITH Evidence By John C. Terry ritating and discouraging than a factory town with a smoke nui­ - T H f pr ARE NO Do o r s •il sance. And this is one without a OR WINDOWS IN THE RCAR r<0 ONE heps/ ^i6A«6Tre BUTrj / smoke nuisance. BgTTER MAKE A CAUTIOUS APPROACfi^RoM that SiDe ^ /I s n t L , We Sometimes Get No Credit For What We Actually Do Because We BURNIHG/ Told Folks We Were Going To Do Too Much. . c .

Man — That box of cigars you gave me for my birthday, dear; made me feel like a boy again. Wife — How? Man — Why, the first one I smoked made -me sick. If you think you’re in fate’s "black books,” turn over a new leaf and start a fresh chapter. H

A woman didn’t have any daugh­ C 1834 Th# A. P., All Right* Re*erv*i ter, so she taught all of her bojrs M 8 how to wash the ' dishes. They w a s h in (;to n t iib b s By Crane OUT OUR WAY don’t like to do it, but she’s noticed By Williams that the women who have girls have DiD THE BURfiLAR T THAT'S ANOTHW STRAN66 THINS. ff WE'LL so BACK, POONER, CtICA TAKE ANVTHING I NOTHIM6 ELSE WAS TOUCHED. WHY O O i'X 1 l e t BVGOSHfVOU OID ' as much or more trouble getting ANDEKAMiNE THE SAFE y o u h e a d EXCEPT WHAT WAS» rn V POR FINSBR PRINTS. G O ? — C U Z I use R , them to handle the dish rags as she Many a girl would rather be IN THE SAFE, has to make her boys do it. GOT N4V poor, PER ONCE, DIDN', president than write. ^BETTV? CAUGHT, AN' IF . YOU ? VOUR HEAP'S 9 0 ^ ' ' " 1 LET 60 W ITH . WHUT'S KEEPIN' YOU .j- MV HANDS, IT'LL FROM FLVIN' OVER THROW ME OV/ER THERE,NOW. TH' W R I G L « T ’S ON TOP OF TH ' CONCRETE IN HOUSE- CAN'T »T. GUM YOU SEE THATt


sDiFlvv/iLLiAMc, HEROES ARE MADE-NOT BORN It' . {•!myramcwicawc. T. M. aca u. »■ e»T. on. _ SALESMAN SAM ______Ya Gotta Handle It To Sam! By Smalt ^ riev, Souse 1 w h a t '5 ) p o t t h e s e t w o 6 o y s f i n e WORIC, SAMMV ! GREMrl CUHADDA VA ^ 1 3EST HAD TH' DOORHANDLES THAT fiOlN' « N h e r e 2 yjUG,H€MWeSSY! THEY COPPED LUCKY VA HAP (A COOPLE OF MEAN. OUNS? I CAME OFFA THEIR TRUCK I OUZZEMiS SAFE AN' I TRACKED GUNS WID YAil T'M GOING TO SUE VOU FOR 'E M DOUJW) ^ C LIBEL,AND DEFAMATION OF a : ' CHARACTER— M



'^SSSSSSS «> f>»4sywe*«CTwci.iwi)V t w wwLU.«.»T.o»r.

- PINEHUHST D ial 4151 The mackerel fleet Is wm-Mny larg:e catches and brlnj^ng: them Closing Oat Spedabl direct to Boston via ttie Cane Cod Canal. Robertson’s Jams Apricot Jam, 38c crock. Fresh Mackerel Black Corrant 42c crock. " " lie 57c Major Grey’s Schut- Mackerel weigh 3 to 8 pounds. ney, 49c. Monarch Chicken Broth. We Picked Some Real Cotton Values For COTTON WEEK-Shop and S a ^ a t Calves’ Liver, ‘/t lb. 33c. 10c can. SUced Bacon, lb. 23c. 23c Blaeberries, 2 cans Scotch Ham, lb. 35c. 35c. Cool and Fairer In Lean, l^ort Shanked, 4 to. 6-lb. Green Beans Shoulder Hams 2 quart, 2 2 c ""16c Fancy Ripe Strawberries Something New! N e l l y D o n C o t t o n s Baked Fresh Ham Stone and Bonnie Best (Special price by the piece.) TOMATO PLANTS For Home For Sports ‘^C annon” 8 to 3EPA RT^N T-Second Floor. 2 lbs. 5 1 c A fine grade butter made ^ They Had To Pass Hale’s Rigid Test from sweet cream. Strictly Fresh As To Style, Quality and Fabric EGGS To Be Featured In Our Smoked They’ll W ear'3 to ' « 5 Years! 45 SHOULDERS ‘‘Cannon” Muslin Large, local, strictly fresh They’re New We’ve Sold Nejtrly eggs from nearby henneries. Annual Ib. l i e 1,000 Pairs So Far This Season! Pure They’re Smart SHEETS Best sbankless smoked shonl- L ard der»—lean! They’re Practical— CURTAINS A p r o n S a l e ^81x99 $ 1 . 1 5 3 lbs. 2 5 c 163x99 ^Ruffled W hite Loaf THURSDAY - FRTOAY - SATURDAY Because They’re Washable I Tailored Ctold Medal ►Cottage Sets FLOUR For COTTON WEEK we are featuring W heaties Fabric Gloves these flne muslin sheets by CiJannon at this for bargain price. Sheets made by the makers of the famous Cannon towels. Have we been selling these curtains! 8o far this season we have sold nearly 1,000 2 pkgs. 2 3 ^ 9 9 ^ bag ' Floor,'rear. 19c M 25e Lean

■-.Vr- PORK CHOPS U>. 1 5 c tern prints. S ^r^ swi’hsga G ay.ootW ^ts. Oak mun gavenpneat Inspeeted porheia. Every y ^ s u a a ^ t u l h f M t *1- ‘

CqMn< WASH floor, isit-