A.'vmuea otAiLT oibcvxatium tar tki Moirth of April. 1M4 5,453 FOL. IfSL, NO. 198. (ClaMtiled O B PBfO lAX MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE SEEK CHANGES QUICK JUSTICE Lightship Sunk In Fog By Liner Olympic- FLIERS BAREY IN LAYOUT OF FOR KIDNAPERS; Seven Killed CROSS SEA, HIT PRESroENT FOR STRICT DEPOnOUARE THEYJETLIFE I R E L ^ R M STOCK MARKET CURB Hfeold Cat Down Corner at Gettle Captors WiD Be m Sabelli and Pond Miss Doath Chief Execatire Dechret Intersection and Also Re* San Qoentin Before Night­ by hches, Plane Cracking Sen. Reed Victorious a Emphatically for Regula­ moye Hedge on North fall to Start Senring Sen­ Dp I t Lahinch, Seashore In Pennsy Primaries tion of Exchange hy d » Main Street tences— Plead Gnilty. Town of Clare. Philadelphia, May 16.—(A P I- After Senator David A. Reed bad Federal Trade Commia- rolled up a majority of more than Plans for a radical change in the Los Angeles, May 16.—(A P I- Lahlnch, Irish Free State, May 16. 100,000 in two-thirds of the state. Depot square area to lessen the Three kidnapers of the wealthy —(AP)— ’The story of “missing Governor Gifford Plnchot today sion as Proposed by the lection of Main and North Main William (Settle will begin serving death by Inches” as they flew over conceded defeat in his effort to win the Republican nomination for Sen­ kraffie danger existing at the inter* life sentences for that crime before the Atlantic, fighting leaking gaso­ Senate. street were viewed by the Select­ nightfall. ator. line and a smoking, coughing engiini>, Blaming his defeat largely bn his men at the monthly meeting last Hardly more than 24 hours after wap refcounted today by Lieut health which prevented him from Bight and the highway committee Grettle’s delivery from his kidnap Washington, May 16.—(AP) — making a personal tour of the was authorized to bring in further prison, and leas than a week after Cesare Sabelli of Italy and Capt state, the governor, who twice be­ President Roosevelt declared em­ recommendations as to costs and he waa anatebed from a party at CSeorge Pond o f the United States. his Beverly HiUa home, the three fore hsyd defaced ir hla effort phatically today for regulation of changes outlined. The Manchester They cracked up their big mono­ Improvement Association endorsed kidnapers—Ray Williams, Jimmy to enter the Senate, left what po­ the Stock Exchange by the Federal plane Leonardo da Vlnd in a cne- litick ahfenrers hxdied upon as an the plan. Kirk and Larry Kerrigan—^were Trade Commission as proposed by acre field near herq at 8:80 p. m. iuthesyttOe -that he may try again What It Calls F a t rushed to court last night, permit­ the House. ted to plea< guilty and quickly sen­ last night when the motor fsdled at the gen^nd election in the fall. The sketch shown the board last completely after they had been out If he runs it wlU be on an Inde­ Mr. Roosevelt also sent word to night calls fa t cutting eight feet off tenced to life Imprisonment. A county Grand Jury indicted the from New York 32 hours and 6 min­ pendent ticket against Reed on the the Senate Eind House conferees that the southeast comer of North Main utes on an attempted flight to Rome. Republican ticket ~.ud Jlpsepb F. he wanted the stringent marginal re­ street as it intersects with Main, trio on kidnaping for ransom i^d robbery charges at 7:50 p. m., after Today Pond was up at the crack Guffey, the Democratic nominee. quirements for Stock Exchange widening North Main street that of dawn to deterpdne bow seriously much, also, providing for the cutting bearing Gettle’s story. " I shall g o right on fighting for deals provided in the House bill. At 8 o’clock, the men were taken battered was his beloved ship. He the interests of the people against The House set up a 45 per cent of a portion of the small park near found the under-carriage damaged the depot and removal of the hedge before Superior Judge Charles W. concentrated wemth, Just as I have marginal requirement as a standard.. and the motor in bad ahape. along the right of way fence of the Prlcke for arraignment. done all my life,” the governor said. The Senate bill contains no specific N, T. N, H. A H. RaUroad. Removal Because Gettle testified the three Sabelli slept late. He said he was David Reed f.gure. of the hedge would provide parking had not inflicted grevious bodily "broken hearted” at their failure to (Continued oil Page Two) There are the two principal points space along North Main street for a harm, they will be eligible for pa­ reach Italy on their attempt to be of difference between the Senate and short distance west of the. T. M. C. role after serving three and one- the first flfllfleflrs to make the Jour­ the House in their Stock ICxchange A. group of buildings. half years. ney non-stop. control measures. It was stated in the meeting that Life Or Death Sabelli and Pond each gave his Mr. Roosevelt declared for the North Main street was so narrow District Attorney Burton Fitts partner credit for saving their lives FEAR 43 MEN KILLED mere rigid House bill in talks today at this intersection that large ha' given the members of the gang cm a fog-bound, .storm-tossed pas­ with the conferees. trucks were forced to use most of the alternative of pleading guilty sage. The^e. views were made known the area of the street in turning or standing trial and facing the Daring Feat later at the President’s semi-weekly east from Main street. The cost of possibility of the death sentence. BY MINE EXPLOSION press conference. They revealed how Sabelli at one the changes as outlined in the plans In view of Gettle’s testimony that time, with the ^jflane down to 80 m s Position submitted by Town Engineer J. he stiffered no bodily harm, court miles an hour and only 80 feet above The President told the Congres- Frank Bowen would be 1232, half of attaches pointed out the district the Atlantic, bad crawled out grim­ 'sional leaders be preferred to have attorney would have no power to which would be for labor. • ly from the cockpit and worked his Ten Bodies Recovered, Five the existing machinery provided by demand the ^patb penalty. How­ YOUNGSTER DROWI^ Recognize Chamber Group way slowly and painfully down the the Federal Trade Clommission to ever, his threat apparently had the On the recommendation of Chair­ fuselage toward the rear tank, with administer the new law Inasmuch as man Cook, the Municipal Relations desired result. Bronght to Snrface in the wind a howling gale, in order to this commission also administers Committee of. the Chamber of Com­ Tells Of Kidn^ing IN POOL AT SAND PIT the co-related Securities Act. merce was recognized by the board Gettle told bow he was .kidnaped are first fliers ter make the Jour- 'fbe fog almost blotted out the Dying Condition; Believe Furthermore, he feels it will b« and instructions given to invite that from bis Arcadia country home a saving to ftave the Federal Trada group to discuss town problems about midnight last Wednesday. tossing sea below and Sabelli “wqrked like a demon” to repair the Commisslcn do the work rather than with the beard whenever matters of "Two boys ran in. ’They had Rest Are Lost RonaU Jarvis, Two Years set up an entirely new agency. importance are to be discussed. guns and wore masks,’’ said Gettle. line. Hb d id i^ u t a RLrge qiiantity o f gasoline wajalost in the operation. Mr. Roosevelt told newspapermen Charles Ray, manager of the Rogers "They grabbed our arms. They tied that he had scruphlouidy a^ ded ad- After thwthA engine picked up Paper asmpany, heads the Chamber Wolfe (Janus P. Wolfe) one of tte Old, Falls in Water, ( ^ k - vesing either- the ' Senate or the fo r Aw hile, E b thm .it continued to Bnisliil|, Mny^,5L6.— CA?)—-P'oriy- sub-eotamlttee. guests to a tree and said: is Huuse during their copautaratiem at throe^mi^^.gnBb feared- today to The matter of establishment of not a boldtq»>..It's i mtggtth* the bill aniLha^ kept ai^open mind. boundailies of laneidinth'the' northeast ly Fbnod jfot Tot Is Dead. “Tbey bound my hands and put - of Inriiee have lest fbelr llv « in s^ explosion President RdbWveit plso made part of town, formerly owned by ms over the fence. My hands wei4 8«ld labeui taddy: ^The last ____ , known be is preparing, a full ex- ^ the South Manchester Reservoir bound and tbSy taped my meath of the flight showed the Xtlahtle ai position of the American attitude Company and acquired by deed Inbound from Southampton with 280 ptssengcta aboard, rite gttait Kner and eyes. They threw me into a its worst. With the engine threaten­ JarMtar^f-year'Qld son of toward the long troubled world dis- A from Cheney Brothers to the town car.’ ’ Olympic (below), sjster ship of the ilM at^ IHtanlc, rammed'and sfmk Ten-bodies had been recovered and the Nantucket Lightship (top) In a dense fog 55 miles, off,Nantucket ing to cunk out: every moment. I Mr. and Mrs. X tck le Jarvis of 470 armament effort 'and it wUl be de­ in the sale of the Cheney utilities "You were directed over the think we.
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