
Interference with school work justifies treatment in childhood. of sedation and analgesics in hospital. Steroids can be given, was the first drug shown to reduce the but their use has not been closely scrutinised. frequency ofmigraine attacks,'9 and it is effective in 60-80% of CHRIS CLOUGH patients.' How it works is unknown; g blockade alone is Consultant Neurologist, unlikely to be responsible. Propranolol lacks intrinsic sympa- Brook General Hospital, London SE8 4LW thetic activity,20 a property shared with , metroprolol, BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.299.6692.142 on 15 July 1989. Downloaded from and timoloF'-0 blockers cannot be used in obstructive 1 Wilkinson M. Iigraine-the treatment of acute attack. Scott MedJ 1985;4:258-62. airways disease or block, and their use is commonly 2 Steiner TJ, Guha P, Capildeo R, Rose FC. in patients attending a migraine clinic. 1980;20:190-5. accompanied by side effects, of which lethargy is the most 3 Perkin JE, Hartjc J. 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The prophylactic value of propranolol in action of pizotifen28 may be a reason to pectoris. ,AmJ Cardiol 1966;18:370-80. prescribe it occasionally in preference to propranolol. Initial 20 F'ozard JR. Basic mcchanisms ot' antimigraine drtsgs. In: Critchley M, Friedmatl AlP, (iorini F, Silcuterv F, cds. Advantss itn ncuroklssss! 33. New York: Rasen Press, 1982:295-3()7. treatment should last for six months, with increases ofdose as 21 Tfelt-Hanscn P. Efficacs of b)-blockers in migraine. A critical review. Cephalalgia 1986;6(suppl necessary, then it should be tailed off slowly. Sometimes 5):15-24. 22 Dexter JD, Byter JA, Slaughter JR. The concomitant use of amitriptyline and propranolol in return frequently enough to justify resuming intractable headache. Headache 1980;20:157. 23 Prusinsky A. Monotherapv or polI therapy in migraine. Neuroepidemiology 1987;6: 186-9. prophylactic treatment. Rotating prophylactic drugs should 24 Sicuteri F, Franchi G, Del Bianco PL. 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