RED INTERNACIONAL ESCÉPTICA EUROPA European Council of Skeptical Organizations FRANCIA: Cercle Zététique

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RED INTERNACIONAL ESCÉPTICA EUROPA European Council of Skeptical Organizations FRANCIA: Cercle Zététique RED INTERNACIONAL ESCÉPTICA EUROPA European Council of Skeptical Organizations FRANCIA: Cercle Zététique. Contacto: Paul-Eric Blan- (ASKE), 15 Ramsden Wood Road, Walsden, Tod- (ECSO). Secretario:Amardeo Sarma. Postfach 1222, rue. 12 Rue David Deitz. 57000 Metz. Comite morden, Lancs, OL14 7UD. London Student Skep- D-64374 Rossdorf. Fax: + 49-615481912. Correo-e.: Francais pour I’Etude des Phenomenes Para- tics. Contacto: BilI Harman, 21 Manville Rd., London [email protected]. normaux. Merlin Gerin. RGE/A2 38050 Grenoble Ce- SW17 8JW. Wessex Skeptics. Contacto: Robin Allen, dex. Union Rationaliste. Contacto: Jean-Paul Kri- Department of Physics, Southampton University, ALEMANIA: Society for the Scientific Investigation vine. 14, Rue de l’Ecole Polytechnique. 75005 París. Highfield, Southampton S09 5NH. The Skeptical In- of Para-Science (GWUP). Secretario:Amardeo Sar- HUNGRÍA: Hungarian Skeptics. Gyula Bencze. Ter- quirer: Representante: Michael J. Hutchinson. 10 Cres- ma. Postfach 1222. D-64374 Rossdorf.Alemania.Tel.: meszet Vilaga. PO Box 25. Budapest 8, 1444. Fax: 011- cent View. Loughton. Essex 1G10 4PZ. Correo-e.: +49-6154695021. Fax: +49-6154695022. Correo- 3611187506. [email protected]. ‘The Skeptic Magazine: Editores: e.: [email protected]. IRLANDA: Irish Skeptics. Contacto: Peter O’Hara. St. Toby Howard y Steve Donnelly. PO Box 475. Man- BÉLGICA: Committee Para.Presidente: J. Dommanget. Joseph’s Hospital, Limerick. chester M60 2TH. Correo-e.: toby@ Observatoire Royal de Belgique.Avenue Circulaire 3. ITALIA: Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle REPÚBLICA CHECA: Czech Club of Skeptics. Contacto: B-1180 Brussels. SKEPP. Secretario: W. Betz. Laar- Affermazioni sul Paranormale (CICAP). Contacto: Ivan David. Vozova 5 Prague 3. 73000. beeklaan 103. B1090 Brussels. Fax: 32-2-4774301. Massimo Polidoro, editor Scienza & Paranormale.PO RUSIA: Zdravyi Smysl. Contacto:Valery A. Kuvakin. No- ESTONIA: contacto: Indrek Rohtmets. Horisont. EE 0102 Box 60, 27058 Voghera (PV). vatorov 18-2-2. Moscú 117421. Tallinn, Narva rnnt. 5. NORUEGA: Skepsis. St Olavsgt. 27, N-0166, Oslo. SUECIA: Vetenskap och Folkbildning.Secretario: Sven FINLANDIA: Skepsis. Presidente: Ilpo V.Salmi. Secretario: PAÍSES BAJOS: Stichting Skepsis. Secretario: Rob Nan- Ove Hansson. Box 185. 101 23 Stockholm. Anneli Aurejdrvi. Sireenitie l0b A2. FIN-01390 Vantaa. ninga. Westerkade 20, 9718 AS Groningen. UCRANIA: Perspective.Director: Oleg G. Bakhtiarov. Correo-e.: [email protected] (Sami Hiltunen). REINO UNIDO: Association for Skeptical Enquiry 3-B Khmelnitskogo St. 252001. Kiev. RESTO DEL MUNDO ARGENTINA: Centro Argentino para la Investiga- Tel.: 510-4200702. Sacramento Skeptics So- Road. Buffalo. NY 14228. South Shore Skeptics. ción y Refutación de la Pseudociencia (CAIRP). ciety.Terrv Sandbek. 3550 Watt Avenue, Suite #3. Sa- PO Box 5083. Cleveland. Ohio 44101. Contacto: Page Director: Ladislao Enrique Márquez. Casilla de Correo cramento. CA 95821.Tel.: 916-4883772. Correo-e.: Stephens. 4534 Grayton Road. Cleveland. Ohio 26. Sucursal 25. 1425 Buenos Aires. [email protected]. San Diego Association 44135.Tel.: 216-676-4859. Correo-e.: hpst@earthlink. AUSTRALIA: for Rational Inquiry (SDARI). 945 Fourth Avenue. net. Association for Rational Thought (Cincin- Nacional: Australian Skeptics. Ejecutivo: Barry Williams. San Diego. CA 92101.Tel.: 619-233-1888. Fax: 619- nati Area). Roy Auerbach. Correo-e.: [email protected]. PO Box 268. Roseville, NSW 2069. Tel.: 61-2- 696-9476. Correo-e.: [email protected]. Rocky Oregonians for Rationality. Secretario: John Re- 94172071. Fax: 61-2-94177930. Correo-e.: skeptics Mountain Skeptics. Presidente: Bela Scheiber. PO ese. 7555 Spring Valley Road NW. Salem. OR 97304. Box 7277. Boulder. CO 80306. Tel.: 303-444-5368. Tel.: 503-364-6676. Correo-e.: [email protected]. Pa- Regionales: Australian Capital Territory. PO Box 555. Correo-e.: [email protected]. Connecticut Skep- ranormal Investigating Committee of Pitts- Civic Square 2608. Hunter Skeptics (Newcastle). PO tical Society. PO Box 456. Cheshire. CT 06410-0456. burgh (PICP). Presidente: Richard Busch. 8209 Box 166. Waratah. NSW 2298. Darwin Skeptics National Capital Area Skeptic. Contacto: D.W. Thompson Run Road. Pittsburgh. PA 15237.Tel.: 412- (Northern Territory). PO Box 809. Sanderson. NT 0812. Denman. 8006 Valley Street. Silver Spring. MD 366-4663. Philadelphia Association for Critical Queensland. PO Box 6454. Fairfield Gardens. QLD 20910. Tampa Bay Skeptics. Contacto: Gary Pos- Thinking (PhACT). Presidente: Bob Glickman. PO 4103. South Australia. PO Box 91. Magill 5072. Vic- ner. 1113 Normandy Trace Road. Tampa, FL 33602. Box 21970. Philadelphia. PA 19124. Tel.: 215-533- toria. PO Box 5166AA. Melbourne.VIC 3001. Wes- Tel.: 813-221-3533. Georgia Skeptics. Presidente: 4677. Reality Fellowship. Contacto: Carl Leden- tern Australia. PO Box 899. Morley. WA 6062. Becky Long. 2277 Winding Woods Dr. Tucker. GA decker.2123 Stonybrook Road. Louisville.TN 37777. BRASIL: Opçao Racional. Luis Gutman. Rua Santa Cla- 30084. Midwest Committee for Rational Inqui- Houston Association for Scientific thinking ra, 431. Bloco 5, Apt. 803. Copacabana - Río de Ja- ry. Presidente: Danielle Kafka. PO Box 2792. Des Plai- (HAST). Contacto: Darrell Kachilla. PO Box 541314. neiro 22041-010. Tel.: 55-21-5482476. nes. IL 60017-2792. Rational Examination As- Houston. TX 77254. North Texas Skeptics. Presi- CANADÁ: Alberta Skeptics. Secretaria: Heidi Lloyd-Pri- sociation of Lincoln Land (REALL). Presidente: dente: Joe Voelkering. PO Box 111794. Carrollton.TX ce. PO Box 5571. Station A. Calgary,Alberta T2H 1X9. David Bloomberg. PO Box 20302. Springfield. IL 75011-1794. The Society for Sensible Expla- British Columbia Skeptics. Contacto: Lee Moller. 62708. Tel.: 217-525-7554. Indiana Skeptics. nations. Secretario: Tad Cook. PO Box 7121. Seat- 1188 Beaufort Road.Vancouver V7G 1R7. Manito- Presidente: Robert Craig. 5401 Hedgerow Drive. In- tle. WA 98133-2121. Correo-e.: [email protected]. ba Skeptics. Presidente: John Toews. PO Box 92. St. dianapolis. IN 46226. Kentucky Association of INDIA: Indian Skeptics. Presidente: B. Premanand. 10 Vital. Winnipeg. Manitoba. R2M 4A5. Ontario Science Educators and Skeptics (KASES). Pre- Chettipalayam Road. Podanur 641-023 Coimbatore Skeptics. Presidente: Henry Gordon. 343 Clark Ave sidente: Robert A. Baker.3495 Castleton Way North. Tamil Nadu. Indian Rationalist Association.Con- West, Suite 1009. Thornhill Ontario L4J 7K5. Scep- Lexington. KY 40502. Baton Rouge Proponents tacto: Sanal Edamaruku. 779, Pocket 5, Mayur Vihar tiques du Quebec. Jean Ouellette. CP 202, Succ. Be- of Rational Inquiry and Scientific Methods (BR- 1. New Delhi 110091. Maharashtra Superstition aubien. Montreal H2G 3C9. Línea caliente escéptica PRISM). Director: Dick Schroth. 425 Carriage Way. Ba- Irradication Committee. Contacto: Naredra Dab- 24 horas: 514-990-8099. ton Rouge. LA 70808-4828. Tel.: 504-766-4747. holkar, 155 Sadashiv Peth, Satara-415 001. Dravi- CHINA: China Association for Science and Tech- Skeptical Inquirers of New England. Contacto: dar Kazhagam. Secretario: K. Veeramnani. Periyar nology. Contacto: Shen Zhenyu. Research Center - Laurence Moss, Ho & Moss. 72 Kneeland St. Boston Thidal, 50. EVK Sampath Road, Madras-600007.Ta- CAST.PO Box 8113. Beijing. Chinese Skeptics Cir- 02111. Great Lakes Skeptics. Contacto: Carol Lynn. mil Nadu. cle. Contacto:Wu Xianghong. PO Box 4-doctor.Ren- 1264 Bedford Road. Grosse Pointe Park. MI 84230- ISRAEL: Israel Skeptics Society. Presidente: Philip Mar- min Univ. Of China, Beijing 100872. Hong Kong 1116. Minnesota Skeptics. Contacto: Robert W. Mc- maros. PO Box 8481. Jerusalén. Fax: 972-2-611652. Skeptics. Contacto: Rebecca Bradley. PO Box 1010. Coy. 549 Turnpike Road. Golden Valley, MN 55416. Correo-e.: [email protected]. Shatin Central Post Office. Shatin, NT. St. Kloud ESP Teaching Investigation Com- JAPÓN: Japan Skeptics. Presidente: Jun Jugaku. Bu- ESTADOS UNIDOS: mittee (SKEPTIC). Coordinador: Jerry Mertens. siness Center for Academic Societies Japan. 16-9 Hon- Nacionales: Committee for the Scientific Investi- Psychology Department. St. Cloud State University. St. komagome 5-chome. Bunkyo-Ku. Tokyo 113. gation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). Cloud. MN 56301. Kansas City Committee for KAZAJASTÁN: Kazakhastan Commission for Presidente: Paul Kurtz. PO Box 703. Amherst. NY Skeptical Inquiry. Presidente: Verle Muhrer. 2658 Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena 14226-0703.Tel.: 716-636-1425. Fax: 716-636-1733. East 7th. Kansas City. MO 64124. Gateway Skep- (KCIAP). Contacto: Sergey Efimov. Astrophysical Correo-e.: info© Skeptics Society.Di- tics. Presidente: Steve Best. 6943 Amherst Avenue. Institute. Kamenskoye Plato. Alma-Ata 480068. rector: Michael Shermer.2761 N. Marengo Ave.Alta- University City. MO 63130. Skeptics Resource Cen- MÉXICO: Sociedad Mexicana para la Investigación dena, CA 91001. Tel.: 626-7943119. Fax: 626- ter. Contacto: J.J. Kane. 89 Glengarry Dr. Stratham. Escéptica (SOMIE). Presidente: Mario Méndez- 7941301. Correo-e.: [email protected]. NH 03885.Tel.: 603-778-6873. New Mexicans for Acosta.Apartado Postal 19-546. México 03900, DF. Estatales/Regionales: Alabama Skeptics. Emory Kim- Science & eReason. Presidente: John Geohegan. NUEVA ZELANDA: New Zealand Skeptics.Presiden- brough, 3550 Watermelon Road.Apt. 28A. Northport. 450 Montclaire SE. Albuquerque. NM 87108; John te:Vicki Hyde. South Pacific lnformation Services, Ltd. AL 35476.Tel.: 205-7592624. Tucson Skeptics Inc. Smallwood. 320 Artist
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