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RED ESCÉPTICA INTERNACIONAL Arturo Bosque RED ESCÉPTICA INTERNACIONAL Arturo Bosque PAÍSES DE HABLA EN ESPAÑOL SUECIA: Vetenskap och Folkbildning (V&F). Correo- Pennsylvania: Philadelphia ESPAÑA: ARP- Sociedad para el Avance del Pensa- e.: [email protected]. Web: Association for Critical Thin-king (PhACT). Web: miento Crítico (ARP-SAPC). Correo-e: arp@arp- Tennessee: Rationalists of East Ten- Web: y Círculo Escéptico. RESTO DEL MUNDO nessee Web: Texas: North Texas Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: AUSTRALIA: Nacional: Australian Skeptics. Correo- e.: [email protected] Skeptics. Web: Washington: The ARGENTINA: Contactos: Enrique Marquez, correo-e: Web: Regionales: Web común: Society for Sensible Explanations. Web: seattleskep- [email protected] y Alejandro Borgo, correo-e: New South Wales. Correo-e : [email protected]. Argentina Skeptics. Correo-e: [email protected]. Victoria. Correo-e: vic@skep- INDIA: Indian Skeptics. Web: www.indian- [email protected]. Web: www.argentinas- Victoria (Borderline). Correo-e: asborderli- Indian Rationalist Associa- [email protected]. Victoria (Gold Fields). Correo-e: tion. Web: Maharashtra COLOMBIA: EC. Escépticos Colombia. Correo-e: [email protected]. South Australia. [email protected]. Web: www.escepti- Correo-e: [email protected]. Tasmania. Correo-e: Superstition Eradication Committee. Web: www.anti- [email protected]. Canberra. Correo-e: act1@skep- COSTA RICA: IPPEC-CR. Iniciativa para la Promo- Hunter Valley Region. Correo-e: ashun- INDONESIA: Indonesian Skeptics Society. Web: ción del Pensamiento Crítico en Costa Rica. [email protected]. Queensland. Correo-e: Correo-e: [email protected]. [email protected]. Queensland (Gold Coast). ISRAEL: Israel Skeptics Society. Correo-e: pm@mind- Web: Correo-e: [email protected]. Western Austra- PERÚ: CIPSI-PERÚ. Centro de Investigaciones de lo lia. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Paranormal, lo Seudocientífico y lo Irracional en el BRASIL: Opçao Racional. Correo-e: fernandogut- Perú. Correo-e.: [email protected]. Web: www.geo- [email protected]. Web: JAPÓN: Japan Skeptics. Web: naveral/2664. Projeto Ockham. Correo-e: PUERTO RICO: Sociedad de Escépticos de Puerto [email protected]. Web: www.projetooc- NUEVA ZELANDA: New Zealand Skeptics. Correo-e: Rico. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web.: [email protected]. Web: CANADÁ: Alberta Skeptics. Correo-e: VENEZUELA: AREV. Asociación Racional Escéptica [email protected]. Web: SINGAPUR: Singapore Skeptic. Correo-e.: de Venezuela. Correo-e: [email protected]. British Columbia [email protected]. Web: Web: Skeptics. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Ontario Skeptics. Correo-e: ASOCIACIONES SIN PÁGINA WEB EUROPA [email protected]. Web: Sceptiques du Desconocemos las direcciones de la página Web de ECSO: European Council of Skeptical Organiza- Quebec. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: estas entidades. Rogamos, a quien las conozca, las tions. Presidente: Amardeo Sarma. Arheilger Weg 11, 64380 Rossdorf, Germany. Tel: (06154)95024. FAX: COREA: Korea PseudoScience Awareness. Correo- comuniquen a [email protected]. Muchas gracias. (06154) 695022. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: e: [email protected]. Web: ECUADOR: Prociencia. Contacto: Gabriel Trueba PO CHINA: China Association for Science and Techno- Box 17-11-6064 Quito, Ecuador (2-894 320). Correo-e: ALEMANIA: Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen logy. Correo-e: [email protected]. [email protected] Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften e.V. Web: MÉXICO: SOMIE. Sociedad Mexicana para la Investi- (GWUP). Contacto: formulario en la Web: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Nacionales: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal gación Escéptica. Presidente: Mario Méndez-Acosta. BÉLGICA: Comité Para. Correo-e: (CSICOP). Correo-e.: [email protected]. Web:www.csi- Apartado Postal 19-546. México 03900, DF. [email protected]. Web: Skeptics Society. Director: Michael Shermer. BULGARIA: SRSB. Correo-e: [email protected]. Con- Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudo-wetens- Correo-e.: [email protected]. Web: tacto: Dr. Vladimir Daskalov chap en het Paranormale (SKEPP). Correo-e: secreta- Randi Educational Foundation. ESTONIA: Contacto: Indrek Rohtmets. Horisont. EE [email protected]. Web: Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Estata- 0102 Tallinn, Narva mnt. 5. DINAMARCA: Netvaerket af uafhaengige danske les/Regionales: Alabama: Skeptics-Freethought of skeptikere ( Correo-e: skeptica@skepti- North Alabama. Web: Skeptics-Freethought of North UCRANIA: Perspective. Director: Oleg G. Bakhtiarov. Web: Alabama. Arizona: Tucson Skeptics. Web: 3-B Khmelnitskogo St. 252001. Kiev. FINLANDIA: Skepsis. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Phoenix Skeptics. Web: CANADÁ: Manitoba Skeptics. Presidente: John California: Independent Inves- Toews. PO Box 92. St. Vital. Winnipeg. Manitoba. R2M FRANCIA: Cercle Zététique. Correo-e: berger@zeteti- tigations Group (ICC). Web: Bay 4A5. Web: Comite Francais Area Skeptics. Web: East Bay CHINA: Chinese Skeptics Circle. Contacto: Wu Xiang- pour I'Etude des Phenomenes Paranormaux (CFEPP). Skeptics Society. Web: Sacra- Claude Benski. Secretario General: Merlin Gerin. mento Organization for Rational Thinking (SORT). hong, Box 4 - doctor, Renmin Univ. of China, Beijing RGE/A2 38050 Grenoble Cedex. Union Rationaliste. San Diego Association for 100872. Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Rational Inquiry (SDARI). Web: Colorado: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Louisiana. Baton Rouge Laboratoire de Zététìque. Rocky Mountain Skeptics. Web: Pro-ponents of Rational Inquiry and Scientific Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: Connecticut: The Methods (BR-PRISM). Director: Dick Schroth. 425 Association Française pour l'In- New England Skeptical Society. Web: formation Scientifique (AFIS). Correo-e: administra- D. C. Capital Area: National Capi- Carriage Way. Baton Rouge. LA 70808-4828. Tel.: 504- [email protected]. Web: www.pseudo-scien- tal Area Skeptic. Web: Florida: 766-4747. Michigan. Great Lakes Skeptics. Contacto: Tampa Bay Skeptics. Web: Carol Lynn. 1264 Bed-ford Road. Grosse Pointe Park. HUNGRÍA: Tényeket Tisztlelok Társasága (TTT). Georgia: Georgia Skeptics. Web: MI 84230-1116. Minnesota. Minnesota Skeptics. Con- Correo-e: [email protected]. Web: The Sagan tacto: Robert W. McCoy. 549 Turn-pike Road. Golden nak.php?docid=10013 Society of the University of Georgia. Web: Valley, MN 55416. Missouri. Kansas City Committee IRLANDA: Irish Skeptics. Correo-e: contact@iris- Illinois: Rational Examination Web: Association of Lincoln Land (REALL). Web: for Skeptical Inquiry. Presidente: Verle Muhrer. 2658 ITALIA: Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affer- Indiana: Indiana Skeptics. Web: East 7th. Kansas City. MO 64124. Gateway Skeptics. ma-zioni sul Paranormale (CICAP). Correo-e: Iowa: Iowa Community Presidente: Steve Best. 6943 Amherst Avenue. Univer- [email protected]. Web: Science Initiative. Web: Kentucky: sity City. MO 63130. NORUEGA: Skepsis. Correo-e: [email protected] Kentucky Association of Science Educators and JAPÓN: Japan Anti-Pseudoscience Activities Net- Web: Skeptics (KASES). Web: Massachus- work (JAPAN). Contacto: Ryutarou Minakami, Chairper- PAÍSES BAJOS: Stichting Skepsis. Correo-e: skep- sets: The New England Skeptical Society. Web: [email protected]. Web: Minnesota: St. Kloud ESP Tea- son, c/o Rakkousha, Inc., Tsuruoka Bld. 2F, 2-19-6, POLONIA: Biuletyn Sceptyczny. Correo-e: adam.pie- ching Investigation Committee (SKEPTIC). Web: Kamezawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo. Correo-e: skeptic@e- [email protected]. Web: Montana: Montana Rationalists and Skeptics Network. Web: mtrsn.burt- KAZAJASTÁN: Kazakhastan Commission for Inves- PORTUGAL: CEPO. Correo-e: [email protected]. New Hampshire: The New England tigation of Anomalous Phenomena (KCIAP). Contac- Web: Skeptical Society. Web: New Mexi- REINO UNIDO: Association for Skeptical
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