Meeting Date: 08 July 2020 From: The Acting Executive Director - Economy and Infrastructure

FORWARD PLAN Committee Date Reference/Proposal/Site Location

20 August 2020 Development Control

Norman Street Primary School - 1/20/9007 - Section 73 application to remove Condition 2 of 1/17/9010 so as to permanently retain the portacabin classroom building and variation of Condition 3 relating to the external material and installation of ramp for disabled access.

Countryside and Access

Add path at Centurions Walk, (WCA)

Extinguishment of path no 302151 parish of Alston Moor (HA)

Diversion of path 567008 parish of Scalthwaiterigg (HA)

Diversion of path 311002 parish of Brougham (HA)

Diversion of path 540005 parish of (HA)

2 October 2020 Commons Registration

CA13/29 – Application to correct non-registration or mistaken registration - CL20 Caldbeck Common

CA10/45 – Application to correct the registers - CL20 – Caldbeck Common

Countryside and Access

Claimed paths at Eggerslack Woods (WCA)

Modification at Milestones, Penrith (WCA)

Addition of path at Cartmel Parish of Lower Allithwaite (WCA)

To be determined Development Control

West Mining Ltd – 4/17/9007 - the development of: a new underground metallurgical coal mine and associated development including: the refurbishment of two existing drifts leading to two new underground drifts; coal storage and processing buildings; office and change building; access road; ventilation, power and water infrastructure; security fencing; lighting; outfall to sea; surface water management system and landscaping at the former Marchon site (High Road) ; - a new coal loading facility and railway sidings linked to the Cumbrian Coast Railway Line with adjoining office / welfare facilities; extension of railway underpass; security fencing; lighting; landscaping; construction of a temporary development compound, and associated permanent access on land off Mirehouse Road, Pow Beck Valley, south of Whitehaven; - a new underground coal conveyor to connect the coal processing buildings with the coal loading facility.

Former Marchon Site, Pow Beck Valley and area from, Marchon Site to St Bees Coast, Whitehaven, Cumbria (PH)

Thomas Armstrong - 2/19/9010 - Application for the determination of new planning conditions under the Environment Act 1995 (as amended) for the dormant minerals planning permission reference CA49 incorporating an area for plant, stockpiling and storage.

High Close Quarry, High Close Farm, Plumbland, , , CA7 2HF (RB)

Thomas Armstrong - 2/19/9011 - New vehicular access to quarry.

High Close Quarry, High Close Farm, Plumbland, Aspatria, Wigton, CA7 2HF (RB)

Cumbria County Council – 1/19/9012 - Creation of Carlisle Southern Link Road (CSLR). Comprising of the construction of 8.1km of new two way single carriageway road (with 2.2km of climbing lanes) that incorporates 3 new road bridges; a combined cycleway/footway on the northern side of the road with 4 shared-use overbridges; 7 new or modified road junctions; 2 overbridges; an underpass; related links and modifications to existing highway, cycleway, footpaths and agricultural access tracks; plus creation of drainage infrastructure (including balancing ponds), landscaping and lighting; and associated engineering and ancillary operations (including the associated demolition of 2 dwellinghouses - Station House and Newbiggin View).

Corridor of land between Junction 42 of the M6 and the Newby West Roundabout (junction of the A595 and A689 CNDR) to the south of Brisco, Durdar and Cummersdale villages, Carlisle. (EP)

Eddie Wannop Ltd - 1/20/9004 - Aggregate recycling of inert waste to produce non- waste aggregate products.

Esk Quarry, Sand Pit Number 2, Faugh, Cumbria, CA8 9EG (DH)