Election 2015- Hume Brophy Daily Update - 11 15 April 2015

With Labour, the Conservatives and the Greens all publishing their manifestos earlier in the week, the Liberal Democrats, UKIP and the SDLP are releasing theirs today. If you would like to see our Hume Brophy updates regarding each individual manifesto please contact us at [email protected] or see our website www.humebrophy.com

 Business Today  Polls  On the campaign trail  For the Diary

Business Today

 Prime Minister sets out a seven point plan to help build more homes. He also campaigns in London  Deputy Prime Minister speaks in Battersea at the launch of the Liberal Democrats 's 2015 General Election manifesto (10:15am)  UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage speaks in Thurrock at the launch of the party's 2015 General Election manifesto (11:15am)  The Social Democratic and Labour Party launches its 2015 General Election manifesto in Belfast (10:30am)  Chancellor campaigns in  Shadow culture secretary and shadow women and equalities minister launch the Labour Party 's women's manifesto (12:30pm)  Shadow health secretary participates in an Independent Live election debate in Manchester (6:45pm)  leader visits Social Bite in (11:00am)  Scottish Conservative leader visits a knitwear factory in Hawick  Scottish Liberal Democrat leader visits a nursery in Edinburgh


Not much change over the course of the past day, however the biggest drop has been seen in the ‘other’ parties dropping 2 points in the BBC Poll of Polls. Betfair has also reflected this change with pundits feeling that the SNP will only gain 3 seats at the election and not the 40 that has been stated before. Whether this is a blip or not is yet to be seen.

 Labour 34% +0  Conservative 34% +0  UKIP 14% +0  Liberal Democrats 9% +1  Green 6% +1  Others 3% -2*

*As of 14 April 2015, BBC poll of polls

Betfair Predicts Likelihood of:  Hung parliament 87%  Conservative Majority 11%  Labour Majority 2%

Seats (with increases/decreases based on last parliament)  Labour 259 Seats (gain of 3 seats)  Conservative 300 seats (a loss of 2 seats)  UKIP 3 seats (gain of 1 seat)  Liberal Democrats 53 seats (loss of 3 seats)  SNP 9 seats (gain of 3 seats)* *http://www.betfairpredicts.com/ as of 15 April 2015 On the Campaign Trail

Tom and Barbara are back! After the Prime Minister released the Conservatives ‘Good Life’ Manifesto yesterday, Twitter has announced that The Good Life is back for 2015 with Richard Briers replaced by Cameron and Felicity Kendal replaced by George Osborne. The question remains who will play the new Margot and Gerry? Karren Brady and Jacob Rees-Mogg perhaps?


A Game of Thrones? The Liberal Democrats have released a set of images of the party leaders as Game of Thrones characters. According to the BBC ‘’most of the opposing party leaders have also been given the Westeros treatment; David Cameron is called "the boy king" and made to look like one of the baddies Joffrey Baratheon, while is accused of being a character named Stannis Baratheon "the tragic Younger Brother (who) lives in the shadow of his older, better-loved sibling, and whose profligacy bankrupted the state. Nick Clegg is of course portrayed as the hero of the series, Jon Snow, a "Noble Warrior" claims the image, "ignoring the petty Games of the other leaders, the Warrior focuses on doing what's right for Westeros, no matter the personal cost". Also he's "often seen saving the world alongside his trusty red- headed companion", a reference to .’’


For the Diary Evan Davis, speaks to David Cameron in the Leader Interviews, tonight Wednesday, 15 April 2015 on BBCOne at 19:30.


The Opposition Leaders debate takes place tomorrow, Thursday 16 April 2015 on BBCOne at 8pm. The make-up and line up of the debate is displayed below.
