OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE 1 - ONE DOCUMENT From: [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] Sent: 27 May 2020 08:59 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government; Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People Cc: DG Organisational Development & Operations; DG Education, Communities & Justice DG Economy Kerr S (Stephen) (Social Security Director) McVie A (Ann) MacDougall A (Audrey); Baron-Broadhurst L (Lisa); Byrne A (Alison) <
[email protected]>; McClintock A (Andy); Social Security Scotland Chief Executive; Laing SG (Shirley); [Redacted s.38(1)(b)]; [Redacted s.38(1)(b)]; First Minister Covid Briefing Unit; [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser); Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture ; Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills; [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] Subject: RE: OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE - Citizens Basic Income - update Hi [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] Thanks for your email. On the questions asked by Ms Campbell, we plan to submit advice on the final report from the Citizen’s Basic Income Steering Group in the next few days and I will cover her points in that note. I hope this is satisfactory. [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] I Head of the Reserved and Working Age Benefits Unit I Scottish Government I 1B (South) Victoria Quay Edinburgh EH6 6QQ [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] or Skype Do not work Fridays. Find out more about new social security powers, and sign up to our newsletter From: [Redacted s.38(1)(b)] On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 26