Ministear airson Oigridh agus Clann Minister for Children and Young People Angela Constance BPA/MSP ~ The Scottish FIT: 0845 7741741 Government E:
[email protected] Riaghaltas na h-Alba Stewart Maxwell MSP Convener Education and Culture Committee ~ The Scottish Parliament ~DELIVERING Edinburgh A GAMES LEGACY FOR SCOllAND EH991SP Ur faidhle/Your ref: I December 2011 Thank you for providing me with an opportunity to give evidence to the Education and Culture Committee on 22 November as part of the Committee's inquiry into educational attainment of looked after children. I would like to reiterate to the Committee that the Scottish Government's ambition for our looked after children is no different to what we aim for all children of Scotland - we want them to be all that they can be. We recognise that looked after children face additional barriers when accessing education and therefore require additional support from all those who are involved in their care. This Government places a particular focus on the early years, as individual capacity to learn is significantly shaped by the first 2-3 years when the brain is still developing. We recognise, however, that it will take many years for our interventions to be reflected in better outcomes for looked after children. Providing a safe, stable, nurturing and permanent home is key to improving life chances and educational attainment of looked after children. I believe that local partners - councils especially - need to focus on delivering a one- placement system - so where possible children experience only one placement while in care, reducing disruption to their lives.