Councillor Boulton, Chairperson; Councillor Cox, Vice Chairperson; and Councillors Aitchison, Bell, To: Cooke, Graham, Grant, Johnston, Latham, Mair, Topping and Yuill. Aberdeen City Council Substitute Members: Councillors Copland, Cormie, Hunt, Macdonald, Mason, MSP and Reynolds. Aberdeenshire Council Substitute Members: Councillors Buchan, Forsyth, Leslie, Lonchay, Mollison and Reid. Please note that a substitute member may only participate in the meeting when a substantive member is absent. 13 March 2019 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY, 20 MARCH 2019 at 2.00 pm Committee Room 2 - Town House Your attendance is required at a meeting of the STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY to be held on WEDNESDAY, 20 MARCH 2019 at 2.00 pm at the above address. FRASER BELL CHIEF OFFICER - GOVERNANCE ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL B U S I N E S S 1 Declaration of Members' Interests 2 Minute of the Previous Meeting of 26 September 2018 - for approval (Pages 3 - 6) 3 Aberdeen City and Shire SDPA Development Plan Scheme 2019 (Pages 7 - 16) 4 Submission of Proposed Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development for Examination in Public (Pages 17 - 268) 5 SDPA Budget 2019/2020 to 2023/2024 - Report by the Treasurer (Pages 269 - 272) 6 SDPA Budget Monitoring Position as at 31 January 2019 - Report by the Treasurer (Pages 273 - 276) 7 SDPA Bulletin January 2019 (Pages 277 - 322) 8 Date of Future SDPA Meetings Friday 14 June 2019, 2pm at Woodhill Wednesday 25 September 2019, 2pm at Town House Friday 13 December 2019, 2pm at Woodhill Website Address: Should you require any further information about this agenda, please contact Allison Swanson, tel 01224 522822 or email
[email protected] Agenda Item 2 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY WOODHILL HOUSE, ABERDEEN FRIDAY 1 FEBRUARY 2018 Present: Councillors M Boulton, D Aitchison, J Cooke, G Graham, A Forsyth (as substitute for Cllr B A Topping), R Grant, PJ Johnston, Cllr D Lonchay, (as substitute for Cllr Wallace), and Cllr J Latham.