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& Jordan Shouse T H E L I F E O F

• Lesson 1 The Quiz • Lesson 2 David the Shepherd (1 SA 16) • Lesson 3 David the Giant Slayer (1 SA 17) • Lesson 4 David and Jonathan (1 SA 18-20) • Lesson 5 David’s Incident at Nob (1 SA 21-22) • Lesson 6 David the Fugitive (1 SA 23-24) • Lesson 7 David and Abigail (1 SA 25) • Lesson 8 David and Saul (1 SA 26-27) • Lesson 9 David in Ziklag (1 SA 28-31) • Lesson 10 David Becomes King (2 SA 1-4) • Lesson 11 David’s Battles (2 SA 5; 8-9; 1 CH 18-20) • Lesson 12 David and the Ark (2 SA 6; 1 CH 13; 15-16) • Lesson 13 David’s Temple (2 SA 7; 1 CH 22; 28-29) • Lesson 14 David and Mephibosheth (2 SA 9) • Lesson 15 David’s Sin (2 SA 11) • Lesson 16 David Repents (2 SA 12, PS 51) • Lesson 17 David’s Trouble at Home (2 SA 13-14) • Lesson 18 David and Absalom – Part 1 (2 SA 15-16) • Lesson 19 David and Absalom – Part 2 (2 SA 24; 1 CH 21) • Lesson 20 David Returns (2 SA 19-20, 23; 1 CH 11) • Lesson 21 David’s Failure (2 SA 24; 1 CH 21) • Lesson 22 David and (1 KG 1-2) • Lesson 23 David’s Promise from God (2 SA 7; 1 CH 17) • Lesson 24 David and Me



This quiz is to show what we know or don’t know about David. Don’t worry if you do not do well. Study with us this quarter, and at the end you will learn all these things:

If you wanted to read about David’s life, what books of the Bible would we read? ______

David lived when (what years)? ______

How long was David king of Israel? ______

There are many important people in the life of David. Give a SHORT explanation as to who these people are:

A. Saul: ______I. Mighty Men: ______

B. Abner: ______J. Nathan: ______

C. : ______K. Jonathan: ______

D. Abigail: ______L. Michal: ______

E. : ______M. Joab: ______

F. Absalom: ______N. Tamar: ______

G. Mephibosheth: ______O. Amnon: ______

H. Solomon: ______




The young shepherd of Israel didn’t know that many of the things that were taking place in his life were preparing him for future use in God’s plan. The same may be for us!

1. Why was Saul chosen as king? (1 SA 8:5-9; 9:1-2) Why was God removing Saul as king? (1 SA 13:1-13; 15:10-23)

2. Where was David when Samuel was observing Jesse’s sons? How is he described by his father? How is he described in v. 12? How does that compare with the description of v. 18?

3. What is the job description of a shepherd? What would his daily routine look like?

4. What qualities did David develop as a shepherd?

· Jesse: ______5. Why are the “shepherd years” of a person’s life important? How can we fight the urge to waste them by wishing we were · Samuel: ______

elsewhere? · Eliab: ______

· Abinadab:______6. In what ways does modern culture fight against the inner qualities · Shammah: ______God seeks—spirituality, humility, and integrity? How can parents communicate these values to their children?




Israel focused on a giant. David focused on God. The key to the victory over life’s tough battles is remembering the battle (no matter how difficult) belongs to the Lord

1. What makes Goliath so fearful? (v. 4-10)

2. What are some common “giants” we all face, and what challenges do they present to our faith?

3. What are you most afraid of? Fear left unchecked, allowed to run free, will do what to us?

4. Notice what David says about Goliath. Compare that with how many times he mentions God. What does that tell us about David? What does that have to do with defeating giants?

5. David cut Goliath’s head off. Why?

· Goliath: ______6. “The battle belongs to the Lord.” What can that mean to us? · Abner: ______



1 SAMUEL 18-20

The aftermath of David’s victory would change his future forever—in some ways good and in others poor. Yet David had two pillars of support for his dark days .

1. What was Saul suspicious about? What had David done to deserve the king’s mistrust or paranoia?

2. Given David’s success and resulting conflict with Saul, what would some have been tempted to do? What impresses you about the way David handled both?

3. What do we learn from Psalm 59 and David’s words during this time of crises?

4. What made Jonathan a good friend? What are the components of a good friendship?

5. Why are close friends like Jonathan so important?

· Jonathan: ______

· Michal: ______



1 SAMUEL 21-22

A desperate David finds himself at a Sanctuary that provides nourishment and security.

1. What did David do wrong in this text? What might have been David’s motivation—why did he do these things? How many times is God’s name found in this text? What lessons does that teach?

2. What does Ahimelech provide for David and his men? How can this sanctuary for the weary be an illustration of the church?

3. Was David responsible for the events of ch. 22? How can we help teach our children the lesson that our actions can affect more than just us?

4. What does David do for Abiathar in the end of ch. 22? What does this teach us about responding to our failures?

5. Jesus referred to this event in Matthew 12:1-8. Why did Jesus use this passage? What was the point of Jesus’ message? Ahimelech: ______What’s difficult about accepting Jesus as Lord? Abiathar: ______

Doeg: ______



1 SAMUEL 23-24

David faces a tough temptation while hiding in a cave: end his oppressor or leave justice in the hands of God

1. Look at Psalm 142 and Psalm 57. What’s is on David’s heart while hiding from Saul in the cave?

2. In your own words define revenge. What has life experience taught you about the deceptive nature of revenge, how easily it arises, how natural it feels? How do we tend to justify revenge?

3. What does God say about revenge (Rom. 12:17-21; Prov. 20:22)

4. Bad company corrupts good morals. The opposite is true. What do we learn from this scene about the positive influence of one?

5. What did David do to make his accusation against Saul effective?




When David is angered and seeking vengeance, it is a woman’s act of kindness that touches this warrior’s heart

1. How is Nabal described? Why does he not give anything to David’s men? Why do you think David let this man bother him so much?

2. How is Abigail described? Why do Abigails marry Nabals?

3. Why did she not tell Nabal that she was taking food to David? Why did Abigail take the blame for her husbands actions (v. 24)? Think how easy it would have been for her to go to her prayer and let her husband face his fate. Despite her troubled marriage, she sought for the best interest of her husband. Discuss the impact of such a lesson upon us today.

4. Why do you think some are hesitant to approach the wrong doer? How is the attitude of the one who confronts as important as the attitude of the one who is confronted (Gal. 6:1-2)?

5. What do you think David learned here that would help Abigail: ______him as king? Nabal: ______

Ahinoam: ______



1 SAMUEL 26-27

A discouraged David continues to flee and finds himself camping with the enemy—a lesson on compromise.

1. What is David’s reasoning for sparing Saul’s life in v. 9-11? Why do we sometimes struggle letting God be God and not taking the matters into our own hands?

2. What was David’s defense before Saul (v. 18-20)? How do you handle Saul-like adversaries who continue to pursue you? Discuss the meaning of Romans 12:18 in light of v. 21-23.

3. In your own words describe David’s attitude in 27:1.

4. Define compromise. How does David compromise in this chapter? It what ways is compromise a slippery slope?

Joab: ______

5. What advice would you have given the David of 27:1? Abishai: ______

Achish: ______



1 SAMUEL 28-31

There’s a lot packed in these chapters—David’s difficulties in Ziklag, the death of the first King, and David’s return to Israel.

1. Why does Saul seek out a medium? What is Samuel’s message to Saul? Do you see any parallels to Saul’s actions here, and 2 Timothy 4:3-4?

2. What is David and his men doing in 1 Samuel 29:1, 8? How does Achish describe David in this chapter (v. 3, 6, 9)?

3. In 30:6 what does David do to find strength/help after several hardships? What does the end of v. 6 mean? What was the statute David established in 30:25? What life lessons does it teach?

4. Chapter 31 details the tragic end of Saul and 3 of his sons. What lessons do we learn from the life of Saul?



2 SAMUEL 1-4

Finally, David becomes King. And yet his first years of taking the throne are not what you might expect. Just when things seem to go well, look out, Satan’s ready for the next attack!

1. Describe David’s response to Saul and Jonathan’s death. What does David’s lament say about the way he saw Saul? Look at Ezekiel 33:11—what does this passage, and David’s lament teach us about how we view others?

2. According to 2 Samuel 2:1, why didn’t David go up immediately to Jerusalem? How long did he reign in Hebron (Judah) before he assumed the throne over all Israel (5:5)?

3. Why does Abner decide to join David’s army? Joab and David had different views of Abner, what motivated their perspectives? Ish-bosheth: ______

What words does David use to describe Abner? What affect did Asahel: ______this have upon the people (3:36-37)? Amnon: ______

Chileab: ______4. These 4 chapters are filled with murder. How did each murder Absalom: ______“justify” their deed? What’s dangerous about the “ends justify the means” mentality? How does David respond to each Adonijah: ______

murder? Shephatiah: ______

Ithream: ______



2 SAMUEL 5, 8, 10 | 1 CHRONICLES 18-20

Finally, David becomes King. And yet his first years of taking the throne are not what you might expect. Just when things seem to go well, look out, Satan’s ready for the next attack!

1. Read through the chapters. What accomplishments do you see? What nations did David defeat? How does David’s reign, thus far, differ compared to Saul’s?

2. At the end of chapter 8 we see David’s organizational skills. He appointed key people to levels of management within the kingdom. What is the wisdom in this?

3. While these chapters highlight David’s military conquest, Hanun: ______what does 2 SA 10:2 show us about David’s heart? Zadok: ______

Jehoshaphat: ______

Benaiah: ______4. In these chapters we see that not only is David’s kingdom Seraiah: ______growing—his family is growing too! Notice 2 SA 3:1-5 and 2 SA 5:13-14. How do we see Deut. 17:17 play out in David’s life?



2 SAMUEL 6 | 1 CHRONICLES 13, 15-16

David decides to bring the ark to Jerusalem. What should have been a time of great joy turned into a time of mourning and sorrow. David learned a costly lesson about minding God’s every command.

1. What was the Ark of Covenant? At this point, where was it (and how did it get there)? (1 Sam 5:1-4, 7-8; 6:19-21; 7:1-2) How were they to move the ark (1 CHR 15:15; Num. 3:6-10).

2. According to 1 CHR 13:1-5, why do you think David wanted to bring the ark to Jerusalem?

3. “They placed the ark of God on a new cart…” (2 SA 6:3). What was wrong with David’s thinking? For something to be expedient it must first be permitted. What does this mean? How can we make the same mistake today as David made then?

4. What does 2 SA 6:7 list as the reason Uzzah died? What does that mean? Explain David’s response to Uzzah’s death (v. 8-10)

5. David danced and Michal complained. Why? What Abinadab: ______does ECC 3:4 remind us, in light of this passage? Uzzah: ______

Obed-Edom: ______



2 SAMUEL 7 | 1 CHRONICLES 22, 28-29 •

Though David is not allowed to build the Temple, he works to ensure this dream would be fulfilled one day.

1. Why did David want to build God the Temple? Why wasn’t David allowed to build it? Even though we may have Nathan’s telling us yes, God may say no. What do we learn from David about responding to when God says no?

2. What does 1 CHR 22:5 show us about David’s mindset towards the future? Reading 1 CHR 22, what does David do to help prepare Solomon for this task?

3. What does David do to contribute to the work on the Temple? Why does he do so? (Why not just let Solomon do so?)

4. Read David’s prayer in 1 CH 29:10-20. What does David pray for? What impresses you in this prayer? What is his Nathan: ______desire in v. 18-19?

13 Opposite the table, on the south side (Exo 26:35), stood a seven-b



David keeps his promise to his closest friend, and in so doing, shows us an amazing picture of grace.

1. What is on David’s mind/what is the motivation behind the request of 9:1?

2. How does Ziba describe Mephibosheth (9:3)? Why describe him in such a way? What does this teach us about how we see others?

3. Where is Mephibosheth living? Describe in your own words Mephibosheth’s words in 9:8.

4. What does David do for Mephibosheth?

5. How is this chapter a lesson on grace? What do we learn Mephibosheth: ______about us, and about God through this chapter? Ziba: ______




This chapter s a tragedy, we read of David being tempted with, succumbing to, justifying and covering up sin.

1. What does 1 Corinthians 10:12 remind us about this chapter, as well as when David was tempted?

2. What does, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” mean? How does it apply to this chapter?

3. David saw Bathseeba. What did he not see? What’s our lesson from this?

4. How is David defeated by Uriah?

5. What are some lessons we learn from this chapter? Uriah: ______

Bathsheeba: ______

15 ne of the mysterious pieces of the Tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant. It played an important role through Israel’s history. This study will break down the role of the Ark, it’s importance to God’s people, and it’s relevanceLESSON in our study16 on God’s presence.

Exodus 25:10-22, 37:1-9; 40:20-21 2– ListSAMUEL the specific 12 | PSALMdetails concerning 51 the Ark:

David is confronted over his sin, and turns back to God.

1. Why do you think God waited so long before He sent Nathan to David?

2. Why is the attitude of the one who confronts key to the whole restoration process? What do you learn from Nathan’s approach to confronting David? What was the key for David to respond the way he did to Nathan’s words?

3. After reading Psalm 51, what impacts you the most from this psalm?

4. Read Psalm 32. What does v. 3-5 teach us about guilt?

5. What lessons do we learn from 2 Samuel 12:13-14?



2 SAMUEL 13-14

The prophesy told by Nathan about the sword devouring his family comes true. We see how great leadership in one area of life doesn’t guarantee it’s greatness in others.

1. What do we learn about Amnon from 2 Samuel 13? What do we learn about Tamar from her response to her brother? What lesson can parents teach their children from this section?

2. What do you learn about David and his parenting from these passages: 2 Samuel 13:21; 2 Samuel 14:24, 28; 1 Kings 1:5-6? What mistakes do you think he made? What should he have done?

3. It has been said, “Kids will forgive their parents for anything except the lack of discipline.” What do you think that means? How does Proverbs 19:18 apply to David’s life?

4. David is remembered as one of the greatest kings of Israel, and yet he was a poor father. What lessons can Tamar: ______that teach us? Jonadab: ______



2 SAMUEL 15-16

The prophesy told by Nathan continues to be fulfilled as David’s son Absalom conspires against him for the throne.

1. What does Absalom do to take over Israel? How long was he conspiring against the throne (v. 7)? What does that say about David as a father and a king?

2. Absalom’s decision caused a lot of division in Israel, especially among David’s advisors. Who stood by David’s side during this time? What does this teach us about people God places in our lives? (see 2 Corinthians 7:6)

3. Who is Shimei? Why is he angry at David? What is David’s response? What lessons do we learn from this encounter?

Ittai: ______4. Read Psalm 3. What impacts you from this psalm? Ahithophel: ______Describe David’s heart. How did David endure the hardship of his rebellious son? Hushai: ______

Shimei: ______



2 SAMUEL 17-18

Running. Fighting. Another child of David’s dies. The man after God’s own heart sees the sword devour his home.

1. Notice Absalom’s response to Ahithophel’s plan. What does that say about how Absalom saw David? How did it get to this point?

2. Compare the advice from Ahithophel and Hushai. Why did Ahithophel respond the way he did?

3. What was David’s command about Absalom (18:5)? Why? How do you imagine David saw this all playing out?

4. What is David’s response to Absalom’s death? What is Joab’s counsel to him in 19:1-7? What lessons do you see from this?

Ahimaaz: ______



2 SAMUEL 19-20 | 1 CHRONICLES 11

David returns as king, and faces the aftermath of a divided kingdom. However, in all the trouble David faces, we’re reminded through these chapters he was not alone!

1. In chapter 19 David deals with matters of conflict—with Shimei, and with Mephibosheth. How does he handle each situation? What do you learn about handling disputes through these examples?

2. How is Sheba’s revolt ended? Why does Joab kill Amasa? What does it show us about Joab’s heart?

3. In 2 Samuel 23 and 1 Chronicles 11 we read of “David’s Mighty Men.” Who were they? Identify some of the characteristics of the mighty men.

4. What can the mighty men teach us about our relationship with Christ, and with one another?

5. Throughout his life David had many supporters/friends. What was it about David that made people attach themselves to him?

Amasa: ______

David’s mighty men: ______




David decides to number the people of Israel. We’re reminded that sin is always a big deal to God and comes with consequences.

1. What is a census? Why would you take one? When else in the Bible do we read of a census being taken?

2. What does 1 Chronicles 21:1 mean that “Satan moved David”? Does he do so today?

3. Why was it wrong to number the people? God provided a very unusual punishment—what was it? What do you think of David’s choice?

4. This chapter ends with a great lesson about giving. What do we learn here?

Amasa: ______



1 KINGS 1-2

David is nearing the end of his days. God has chosen a successor but man seems to have their own plans. David give Solomon some things to do and how Solomon handles them

1. Who is Adonijah? Why does he gather some people to himself and leave some out?

2. Why does Nathan first go to Bathsheba regarding Solomon? What is David’s response when he finds out what’s going on?

3. Why do both Adonijah and Joab “take hold of the horns of the alter.” Did it work?

4. What are David’s instructions to Solomon, and why are they important?

Solomon: ______

Adonijah: ______

5. What similarities with David does Solomon demonstrate in Benaiah:______how he deals with people. What is the significance of this?




God gives David a promise for the future—a promise about his family, his throne, and the coming Christ.

1. Think about 2 Samuel 7:8-11 and reflect upon the life of David. How do you see this fulfilled? What does this say about the way God saw David?

2. What is the promise of 2 Samuel 7:12-16? Who is the descendant being described?

3. Notice David’s response (v. 18-27). What stands out to you? How would you describe his prayer? What does it take to have a response like this to God’s blessings/promises?

4. In God’s promises to David we see Jesus. Reflect over the life of David. How do you see Christ in the life of David? [Examples, types, teachings, prophesies, etc.]




A shepherd, a warrior, a psalmist, a leader, a king, a father and husband, a man after God’s own heart. What do you learn from the life of David?

1. What lessons have you learned from the life of David?