Gt Yearbooks 1911 St.Pdf
1{\ ARCHIVES Georg"etown University Washington, D. C. 20007 » /// ABo:'STVTS g YE DOMESDAY BOOKE 1911 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL PUBLISHED BY THE SENIOR CLASS We, the Class of Nineteen Eleten, dedicate this Booke to our beloved Dean, Harry M. Clabaugh, in recognition of his sincere efforts to cultivate an abiding lote of honor and integrity among this student body, his earnest labor to adtance the •welfare of this Unitersity, his eager desire to elevate the personnel and the standards of his profession. May this small vjork serte as a token of our appreciation of his ^orth as a man, li>hose ideals are lofty and l^hose spirit, pure. To the Class of Nineteen Elel>en, Greeting: We, the Editors of the Domesday Booke, have endeat- ored to portray, as best 'tee may, the happenings of the past three years; ive have sought to photograph the Class upon the pages of this Booke. If, at times, we hate erred, it is an error of judgment, not of intention. If, at times, v)e hate painted roughly, it is a defect of technique, not of spirit. We, hereby, complete our final ')t>riting, and "lie dovjn to pleasant dreams. " 5 Lecturers HOX. HARRY .M. ('LABAr(;H, LL.D. Dean of the Faculty, Lecturer on Common Law Pleading and Prai'tire, and. Equity Pleading and Practice GEORGE E. H.\?*IILTOX, LL.D. Lecturer on the Law of Wills HOX. SETH SHEPARij, LL.D. Lecturer on Constitidioiial Law and Equity Jurisprudence HOX. ASHLEY M. (JOULD Lecturer art the Law of Contracts, Persons and Domestic Relations, and Insurance HOX.
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