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Index Locorum

Alcinous Anonymous Didaskalikos Theaetetus Commentary 4.6, 195 49–56, 193 Alexander of Aphrodisias Aristophanes On the Metaphysics (in Meta.) Clouds, 38 173, 27–174, 4, 239 200, 18–21, 236 Generation of Animals 206, 12–13, 240 716b12–13, 167 210, 20–1, 240 717a30–31, 168 212, 25–7, 242 717a5, 163 212, 27–35, 242 718a35–37, 167 213, 11–13, 243 718a36–37, 167 213, 19–23, 242 719b33–34, 168 213, 26–214, 17, 243 720b21, 163 213, 3–10, 243 728b32–4, 159 214, 24–215, 18, 244 732a32, 159 216, 8–11, 246 733b32, 160 218, 17, 240 733b32–734a4, 160 263, 26–29, 240 734a10, 161 On the Topics (in Top.) 734a11–13, 161 1.1, 17, 3, 244 734a13–14, 161 29, 23–30, 9, 233 734a14–16, 161 29, 30–31, 233 734a5–6, 161 3, 4–24, 232 734a7–8, 161 30, 12–18, 234 734a9–10, 161 30, 18–31, 4, 236 734b1–2, 161 32, 12–34, 5, 239 734b18, 162 32, 17–20, 238 734b4–7, 161 32, 22–26, 238 734b7–19, 162 458, 26–459, 3, 229 734b8–9, 161 Problems and Solutions (Quaest.) 735a29, 166 1.11, 245 735a29–736a23, 158 1.17, 245 735a5–7, 161 1.26, 245 735b7–8, 158 1.3, 245 736a24, 166 1.8, 245 738b7, 163 2.27, 243 740b2–5, 159 Suppliment to On the Soul (Mantissa) 740b2–8, 166 5, 245 740b5–8, 160


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741a6, 166 988a20–23, 145 743b32, 166 988a23, 139 752a24, 158 988b14–16, 145 754b20–21, 165 988b18, 139 757a14, 166 988b20, 139 757a2–13, 169 988b6–19, 139 760a4–9, 156 993a11–17, 139 760b31–2, 156 993a13–17, 145 770b30, 166 993a24–27, 139 776a8–9, 163 993a25–27, 139, 147 776a9–14, 163 994a34, 117 778b23–25, 164 995a24–25, 147 778b29–30, 165 995a24–b4, 147, 205 778b32–35, 165 995a25–26, 140 7a10–11, 161 995a25–27, 136, 141, 176 Great Ethics 995a27–28, 147 1206b30–37, 261 995a27–31, 253 History of Animals 995a28–30, 147 556a11–2, 163 995a28–32, 176 559b16, 159 995a28–33, 230 Metaphysics, 5 995a29, 117 1000a5, 142 995a31–33, 147 1000a5–1001a3, 141 995a33–34, 147 1001a4–5, 142, 148 995a34, 117 1001b13–16, 19 995a34–b1, 148 1002b12–32, 142 995a35, 117 1005b17–25, 12 995b1–2, 148 1009b7–12, 23 995b13–14, 142, 148 1033a31–b10, 243 995b2, 117 1034b7–19, 243 995b20–27, 142 1042a17–18, 246 995b23–24, 177 895a16–18, 145 995b2–4, 148, 177 895b19, 145 995b31–33, 143 897a22–25, 145 995b31–36, 142 981b27–29, 138 996a11, 142 982a1–3, 138 996a1–2, 142 982a14–17, 138 996a12–12, 143 982a21–28, 151 996a15–17, 142 982a4, 138 996a4–9, 142, 143 982a4–6, 138 996b1–3, 139 982a8–14, 151 996b33–997a15, 143 982b11–21, 230 996b8–10, 138 982b12–13, 97 997a16–25, 143 982b12–983a21, 205, 216 997a33, 142 982b7–10, 138 997a34–998a19, 143 983a11–21, 231 997b35–998a6, 236 983a20–23, 138 998a20–21, 142 983a24–26, 138 998a23–b13, 143 983b1–3, 151 998b17–999a23, 143 983b4, 138 999a24–26, 142, 148 983b5–6, 139 999a24–b17, 143 984a18, 151 999b4–28, 242 984b8–11, 151 Meteorology 985a13–16, 145 381b23–5, 158 988a18–23, 139 383b20, 158

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302 Index Locorum

Aristotle (cont.) 100b21–3, 123 Nicomachean Ethics 101a25–36, 205 1098b14–16, 262 101a25–b5, 233 1145b2–7, 205 101a34–36, 150, 177 1145b3, 117 101a34–6, 116 I.6, 262 101a35, 177 On Sleep 101a36–b4, 150 454b25–29, 165 101a5–10, 238 On the Heavens 101b28–36, 121 279b6–7, 152 104a12–b5, 133 292a15, 170 104a20–5, 133 292a19–22, 160 104a3–8, 122 On the Soul 104a8–12, 123, 232 403a27–b19, 235 104b12–4, 132 413a9, 255 104b1–5, 127, 130 Parts of Animals 104b19–24, 134 644b25–26, 170 104b24–28, 134 644b28–29, 171 104b29–34, 134 Physics 105a34–b1, 125 185a5–12, 19 105a3–5, 134 186a10–22, 19 105a37, 124 203b6, 272 108b19–22, 119 204a34–b22, 234 112a14–15, 119 204a8–34, 235 112b27–113a19, 133 204b5–7, 234 114b25–34, 133 233a21–31, 19 121b29–30, 119 239b14–18, 13 129b35–130a4, 119 Posterior Analytics 129b4–6, 128 71b19–23, 231 141b15–28, 235 71b26–29, 231 145a37–b20, 119 76b11–16, 231 145a38–b20, 212 Rhetoric 145b1–2, 6, 120, 143 1355a33–36, 177 145b1–20, 229 1355a33–5, 112 145b16–20, 6, 120, 143, 229, 273 1355a36–38, 177 155b33–35, 177 1356b28–35, 125 155b7–16, 177 1402a17–20, 20 158b16–23, 119 1402a24–6, 20 159a39–b1, 188 1402a3–17, 161 159a4–6, 119 1403a33–4, 127 159b23–33, 126 Sophistical Refutations 159b26–27, 188 116b37, 161 159b8, 126 165b15–22, 175 163b9–16, 177 165b3, 188 165b8, 188 Cicero 169b11, 188 Letters to Atticus 169b25, 188 VII.XI.3, 174 169b27–9, 175 VII.XII.4, 174 172a22, 188 VIII.XIII.2, 174 183b7, 188 XV.IV.2, 174 279b17–21, 19 XVI.VIII.2, 174 Topics, 7 Lucullus 100a18–20, 112 100, 185 100a18–21, 113, 232 102, 190 100a29–30, 19 102–103, 182

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103, 190 II 1–2, 177 104, 177, 180, 190 II 2, 177 105, 190 V 10, 177, 178 109, 181 On the Nature of the Gods (DND) 110, 180, 181, 182, 190 I 11, 177 113, 187 II 168, 177 115, 180 On the Orator (De oratore) 12, 190 I 84, 177 13–15, 184 III 107, 177 132, 174 III 67, 177 133, 180 III 67–16, 177 138, 174 III 80, 177 14, 184, 185 III 84, 177 14–15, 183 Tusculan Disputations (Tusc.) 142, 185 II 9, 177 146, 190 IV 7, 178 15, 180, 184, 186, 187 Varro 16, 186 16, 177, 185 18, 190 43, 183 2.93, 277 44, 180, 185, 186 2.94, 277 44–45, 182, 186 27, 180 45, 184, 187 28–29, 181 46, 177 29, 180 31, 182 Damascius 32, 190 Aporiai and Solutions Concerning First 33, 182 Principles (Princ.) 34, 190 1, 4–7, 270 54, 182 11, 15–19, 278 60, 177, 178, 179, 181 12, 11–13, 279 61, 184 12, 13–19, 279 61–62, 185 12, 19–21, 279 62, 182 12, 3–6, 278 66, 179, 187 12, 9–10, 278 68, 188 2, 6–8, 271 69, 174 2, 9–20, 271 7, 177, 178, 179, 184 21, 18–21, 281 70, 180 21, 7–8, 274 72–76, 184, 186 3, 21–5, 274 73, 186 4, 13–15, 274 76, 179 4, 15–16, 274 76–77, 186 4, 3–5, 274 77, 187 6, 11–16, 282 78, 188, 190 7, 24–5, 276 8, 178 8, 12–20, 282 95–97, 174 8, 3–5, 276 95–98, 180 9, 9–13, 276 98, 180 I.16.5–6, 280 99, 180, 190 II, 1, 4–8, 274 On Divination (Div.) Commentary of ’s Parmenides (in Parm.) II 150, 177, 178 IV, 115, 12–116, 8, 276 On the Duties (Off.) Democritus II 8, 177 B11, 23 On the Ends of Good and Evil (Fin.) B117, 23

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304 Index Locorum

Diogenes Laertius B2, 17 4.67, 173 B7, 17 7.175, 174 B8, 17 7.198, 174 B8.2, 18 7.44, 174 B8.4, 18 7.82, 174 B8.5, 19 9.103, 281 9.107, 222 Numenius 9.51, 19, 20, 21 Fragments 9.55, 20 25, 198 9.6, 10 26, 174 9.69–70, 208 75–83, 198 9.79, 210 Parmenides Euclid B8, 15 Elements Photios I 1,2,5, 236 Bibliotheca 212.169b21–9, 214 Gellius 212.169b32–34, 214 Attic Nights (NA) 212.169b38–41, 213 16.2.9–13, 277 212.170a26–33, 214 212.170b15–19, 214 Heraclitus 212.170b3–8, 214 B1, 11 Plato B10, 11 Alcibiades I B104, 11 116e–118b, 45 B114, 194 Apology, 38 B12, 11 21a4–d8, 205 B123, 11 21b, 186 B17, 11 21b4–5, 213 B18, 54 21b7, 30 B19, 11 23d, 216 B204, 11 30e, 42 B207, 11 38a, 47 B28a, 11 Charmides, 29, 91 B34, 11 157a3–6, 34 B40, 11 158b5–c2, 34 B41, 11 158d8–e1, 34 B50, 11 159a1–8, 34 B51, 11 160de, 34 B57, 11 166c5, 39 B60, 9, 11 167b, 31 B61, 11, 12 167b–169a, 34 B88, 12 169c, 216 169cd, 31 Isocrates 169d1, 216 Orations 175e–176a, 34 10.2–3, 19 176b1, 34 Cratylus Leibniz 415c2–9, 216 On the Ultimate Origination of Things, 272 429d1–6, 100 429d4–6, 41 Melissus Euthydemus, 5, 29 B1, 17 272b, 107 B1–7, 17 275d5–6, 216

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277d–278b, 40 218ab, 45 279d–280b, 40 218b1, 45 283e–284c, 40 Meno 283e7, 100 70a–80b, 29 283e7–284a8, 41 71b9–c2, 37 285eb–286b, 40 71e1, 37 286b8–c3, 21 72a, 175 289b–d, 40 75c, 31 293bc, 99 76a, 235 295b–296d, 40 79e7–8, 208 300cd, 40 79e7–80d4, 206 300e–301c, 40 79e–80a, 36, 216 301ab, 107 79e–80d4, 216 302b, 39 80a1–2, 93 303a, 41 80a2, 36 Euthyphro, 29, 91 80ab, 37 11b, 36 80b, 37 11b–e, 36 80b3, 37 15b–c, 36 80b4, 212 Gorgias 80b4–7, 37 527d–e, 29 80bc, 38 449b9, 40 80c6, 37 462b–463d, 40 80cd, 31 489bc, 39 80d, 37 508e6–509b1, 63–5 80d–86c, 43 521e–522b, 46 84a3–d2, 206 Hippias Major, 29, 66 84a–c, 44, 45 287c–d, 264 84b, 93, 175 288a, 264 84b–c, 147 289d, 264 84cd, 176 Ion 86b, 38 541e, 39 86b–c, 92 Laches, 29, 91 86d, 38 187e–88a, 40 86e–87c, 230 190c, 31 87bc, 176 190e, 31 Parmenides 192ab5–8, 34 127d6–7, 81 192d–193e, 32 127e1–4, 15, 81 194a8, 39 127e2, 69 194a8–b2, 32 127e7, 82 194ab, 32 128a2–3, 82 194b, 39 128a8–b1, 81 194b2, 33 128b1–2, 81 194bc, 31, 33 128c6–d6, 16 194c, 216 128d1, 83 195ab, 38 128d2, 83 195b–196a, 40 128d5, 81, 83 196ab, 38 128d5–6, 81 196b2, 216 128d6, 82 200e, 31, 41 128d7, 83 Laws 128d-e, 19 731e, 194 128e2, 83 799c, 69 128e5–130a2, 83 Lysis, 29 129b1, 70 216c, 216 129b2, 70

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306 Index Locorum

Plato (cont.) 135d8–e4, 86 129d2–130a2, 70 135e1–3, 84 129d5, 70 135e–136d, 230 129e, 68 137b3, 85 129e3, 70 141e10–142a3, 275 129e5–130a2, 86 141e9–142a1, 275 129e6, 68, 69, 80 142a3–7, 275 130b, 68 166c5, 86 130b1–5, 73, 79 Phaedo 130c, 68 100d, 264 130c1–d9, 71 65ab, 198 130c3, 68, 71 68c–69d, 47 130c7, 68, 71 85c, 176 130e5, 73 99c, 176 131b3–6, 87 Phaedrus 131e9, 73 251e2, 45 132a1, 73 261d6–8, 19 132b3–6, 87 Protagoras, 29 132c10, 73 324d, 69 133a10, 87 324d2–e2, 48 133a11–b2, 84 324d–e, 6, 31 133a5–7, 75 326e, 31 133a8, 72, 73, 75 330ab, 34 133a8–b2, 73 334de, 40 133a8–c1, 75 335a, 39 133a9, 79 348c–d, 92 133b1, 72 348cd, 46 133b2, 73, 79 349bc, 34 133b4, 73, 77 359a, 34 133b4–6, 79, 87 360e3–5, 65 133b4–c1, 75, 79 360e–361d, 29 133b5–6, 74 361c2–3, 55 133b7–9, 76 361c2–d2, 55 133b7–c1, 75 361c7, 56 133b8, 75, 76, 79 361cd, 29 133c1, 79 Republic, 35 133c3–5, 74, 77 336c, 39 134e9–b2, 76, 78 350cd, 45 135a, 68 353e12, 65 135a2–3, 68 429a, 195 135a3, 68, 78 485a–487a, 47 135a3–4, 79 489e–495b, 42 135a3–5, 87 509b, 273 135a3–b2, 26 515c4–d7, 206 135a4–5, 79 515cd, 42 135a5, 79 518cd, 42 135a6, 79 524a6–b5, 205 135a6–7, 79 524e2–525a2, 205 135a7–b1, 79 598b, 104 135b1–3, 80 Sophist, 27 135b2, 79 216a–b, 19 135b5–c2, 87 216d, 101 135b5–c3, 74, 80 229a6, 45 135b7, 79 230a, 95 135d8, 89 230b–c, 92

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230bc, 42 256d8–9, 108 230c1, 45 257b–258e, 102 230c–231b, 195 258c–d, 109 230c–d, 94 259a–b, 108 230cd, 45 259c–d, 102 232d5–e1, 20 259d, 108 234d, 108 260c1–4, 109 236–251, 102 260c9–d3, 109 236d2, 102 261d–264b, 109 236d–241b, 276 262d2–4, 110 236d9, 103 263d–264b, 110 236e1, 109 264b, 110 237b7–8, 276 Symposium 237ce, 41 201c, 264 237e1–2, 276 203b2–d8, 205 238c9–11, 276 204a, 45 238d–239b, 280 204e, 264 238d5–8, 103 209ae, 44 239a3, 104 210a–212a, 264 239a8–10, 104 210a6, 44 239b1–5, 104 210e–212a, 195 239c9–d4, 102 215e–216c, 42, 45 239d1–4, 104 215e–217a, 46 239e1–240a6, 102 216e4–5, 193 240a12, 104 218ab, 42 240c3–5, 102 218e, 46 240d9, 104 221e–222a, 46 240e3–4, 105 255d8, 45 241a3–4, 104 Theaetetus 241a3–b3, 102 145d5–e9, 227 241b, 105 145e8, 92 241b1, 109 148e1, 92 241d6–7, 102 148e1–5, 283 242c–243a, 105 148e6–7, 92 242c4–6, 105 149a–151d, 193 243b, 69 149a3–7, 92 243b2–7, 107 149a8–9, 93 243b7–10, 105 149c8–d3, 283 243c, 105, 107 150c4, 92 243d8–e7, 107 150c7–8, 193 243e1–2, 106 151a5–b1, 206, 216 245a8–9, 270 151a6–7, 283 249d10, 107 151a7–8, 93 249d10–11, 106, 108 151a8, 94 250a, 106 151b, 93 250a11–b7, 107 151c4–5, 93 250ab, 106 151c5–d3, 193 250b8, 106 152a6–8, 21 250d2–4, 107 154c, 95, 96 250d7–e6, 107 154c8–10, 96 250e1–2, 105 154e1–5, 97 250e6–7, 102 155 c1, 97 251a–b, 107 155c6–7, 97 255e–256e, 108 155c–d, 96 256a10–b4, 108 155d5–6, 96

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308 Index Locorum

Plato (cont.) II.9.17.20–21, 264 160e5, 93 III.5, 260, 261 163–4, 97 III.5.2, 261 164c8–d2, 97 III.7, 260 165b–e, 97 III.7.1.8, 260 167–168b, 39 III.7.6, 260 167d5–b3, 97 IV.2, 258, 261 167e–168b, 42 IV.2.2, 258 168c2, 97 IV.3, 251, 253, 254, 257 170a–171d, 98 IV.3.1.14–37, 254 174c5, 95 IV.3.1.15, 254 174d1, 95 IV.3.2, 254 175d, 216 IV.3.2.29–32, 254 175d5, 95 IV.3.2.57–8, 255 177c–179b, 98 IV.3.20, 255 187d1–6, 98 IV.3.20.36–51, 256 187e5–7, 98 IV.3.21.10–21, 255 187e5–8, 96 IV.3.21.7, 255 188a–d, 99, IV.3.21–22, 255 188c–189b, 41 IV.3.22, 255 188c2–3, 278 IV.3.22.7–11, 255 189a6–13, 100 IV.3.25–32, 256 190c–e, 99 IV.3.3.1–3, 255 191a, 216 IV.3.4, 255 191a3–6, 100 IV.3.5, 255 197e2–3, 93 IV.3.6–8, 255 200a11–12, 99 IV.3.7, 256 209b, 100 IV.3.7.1–12, 254 210c, 92, 95 IV.3.9, 255 Timaeus IV.3–4, 256 55d–56b, 203 IV.3–5, 251, 258, 259 90a, 194 IV.4, 251, 253, 254, 256, Plotinus 257, 259 Enneads IV.4.18, 259 I.1, 252, 258, 259, 260 IV.4.22.6–12, 261 I.1.1, 250 IV.4.28, 259 I.1.1.1–4, 259 IV.5, 251, 253, 254, 256 I.1.13, 252 IV.8, 261 I.1.7, 258 IV.8.1, 261 I.1–7, 249 IV.8.1.23–28, 261 I.3.4, 257 IV.8.2, 258, 261 I.4, 261, 262 IV.8.5, 261 I.4.1.1–4, 261 IV.9, 257 I.5, 261 V.1.12.1–3, 267 I.5.1.1–2, 262 V.3, 257 I.6.1.20–50, 264 V.3.13.1–8, 267 I.6.2.11–13, 263 V.5, 251 I.6.9.42–44, 264 V.7, 251 I.7, 261 V.8, 264 I.7.1.1–4, 262 VI.1.2, 263 I.7.1.17–28, 262 VI.1.3.3–4, 271 II.5, 263 VI.7, 251, 259 II.6, 260 VI.7.32.38, 264 II.6.1, 263 VI.7.4.1–6, 251 II.8, 260 VI.7.4.7–11, 259

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VI.9.3, 266 980b18–20, 27 VI.9.4, 266 980b9–12, 28 Plutarch Against Colotes (Adv. Colotem) Seneca 1116E–1119C, 196 Letters 1118B, 197 44, 181 1121E, 198 88, 181 1121F–1122A, 183 Against the Mathematicians (M) 1122A, 198 1.108, 209 1122B, 199 1.125, 209 1125D, 200 1.131, 209 1125DE, 200 1.132, 209 On the Contradictions of the Stoics (Stoic. 1.15, 209 repugnan) 1.160, 209 1036b–c, 185 1.163, 209 1037c, 177 1.169, 209 On the Daimonion of Socrates 1.170, 209 946A, 203 1.18, 209 On the Principle of Cold 1.205, 209 946A, 201 1.228, 209 946B–948A, 201 1.231, 209 946BC, 201 1.232, 209 948AB, 202 1.29, 209 949F, 202 1.30, 209 952CD, 202 1.33, 209 952D, 203 1.35, 209 955A, 203 1.57, 223 Platonic Questions 1.6, 217 1000A, 194 1.68, 209, 210 1000BC, 195 1.68–70, 277 1000DE, 195 1.7, 209 999EF, 194 1.70, 210 Porphyry 1.74, 209 Life of Plotinus (V.Plot.) 1.84, 209, 210 13, 257 10.103, 209 13.10–17, 252 10.104, 210 18.10–19, 252 10.105, 207 Proclus 10.107, 209 Elements of Theology (ET) 10.112, 209 Prop. 7, 271 10.139, 209 On the Parmenides (in Parm.) 10.142, 209 1106, 31, 274 10.144, 209 III 815–833, 201 10.153, 209 Protagoras 10.16, 209 80B1, 21 10.169, 209 Pseudo-Aristotle 10.17, 209 On Melissus, Xenophanes and Gorgias (MXG) 10.181, 209 975a23, 19 10.189, 209 975b25, 19 10.190, 209 975b37, 19 10.205, 209 979a13–18, 25 10.211, 209 979b21–34, 25 10.213, 209 979b34–5, 25 10.215, 209 980a20–b9, 28 10.237, 209 980b12–18, 28 10.245, 209

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Seneca (cont.) 4.20, 209 10.246, 207, 209 4.21, 209 10.247, 209, 223 4.22, 209 10.284, 209 4.31, 209 10.291, 209 5.94, 209 10.292, 209 5.65, 209 10.298, 209 5.89, 210 10.302, 212 5.91, 209 10.319, 209 6.59, 209 10.337, 209 7.262, 209 10.340, 207 7.264, 212 10.44, 209 7.283, 209 10.45, 209 7.287, 209 10.5, 209 7.30, 207 10.53, 209 7.303, 209 10.58, 208 7.304, 209 10.61, 209 7.308, 209 10.67, 207 7.314, 209 10.68, 207 7.337–336a, 221 10.74, 209 7.343, 209 10.86, 212 7.364, 209 11.1, 209 7.378, 210 11.110–61, 219 7.384, 209 11.167, 209 7.38–45, 223 11.21, 223 7.388, 209 11.219, 209 7.393, 223 11.232, 209 7.410, 212 11.234, 209 7.435, 209 11.235, 209 7.446, 209 11.236, 209 7.60, 21 11.239, 209 7.77–78, 27 11.243, 210 7.78–9, 27 11.246, 209 7.83–6, 28 11.257, 209 7.87, 209 11.89, 209 8.118, 209 11.96, 209 8.123, 209 2.100, 209 8.124, 209 2.113, 209 8.125, 209 2.69, 209 8.130, 209 2.89, 209 8.14, 209 2.90, 209 8.140, 209 2.96, 209 8.156, 223 2.99, 212 8.160, 207 3.1, 209 8.188, 209 3.102, 209 8.198, 209 3.104, 209 8.244, 209 3.115, 209 8.278, 207 3.48, 209 8.31, 209 3.57–8, 237 8.32, 209 3.60, 209 8.336, 209 3.77, 209 8.35, 209 3.80, 209 8.36, 209 3.82, 209 8.379, 210 3.98, 209 8.393, 209 4.15, 209 8.394, 209

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Index Locorum 311

8.40, 210 1.178, 212 8.402, 209 1.180, 209 8.437, 209 1.184, 209 8.445, 210 1.187–205, 212 8.46, 209 1.192, 212 8.470, 210 1.196, 212, 213 8.481, 209 1.205, 225 8.52, 209 1.210, 217 8.55, 209 1.220–35, 213 8.65, 209 1.221–3, 215 8.75, 207 1.226, 224 8.77, 209 1.232–3, 226 8.78, 207 1.232–4, 215 8.80, 207 1.23–4, 220 8.87, 209 1.24, 221 8.99, 207 1.25–30, 218 9.12, 209 1.26, 217 9.13, 209 1.27–8, 219 9.194, 209 1.28–9, 217 9.2, 209 1.7, 207 9.207, 207 1.8, 213, 216, 222 9.218, 209 2.1–11, 221, 225 9.258, 209 2.115, 209 9.267, 209 2.127, 209 9.303, 207 2.183, 210 9.31, 209 2.197, 210 9.311, 209 2.199, 210 9.326, 210 2.20, 210 9.330, 209, 2.253, 277 9.348, 209 2.255, 209 9.350, 209 2.61, 209 9.351, 209 2.80–96, 223 9.352, 209 2.88, 280 9.356, 210 2.9, 210 9.357, 210 2.91, 280 9.358, 209 2.95, 209 9.365, 209 3.102, 209 9.368, 210 3.115, 209 9.414, 209 3.13, 209 9.42, 209 3.134, 209 9.421, 209 3.139, 211, 212 9.430, 209 3.142, 209 9.433, 209 3.157, 209 9.436, 209 3.16, 209 9.440, 209 3.176, 209 9.47, 210 3.2, 221 9.49, 221 3.22, 210 I 235, 174 3.235–8, 219 VIII 159–189, 197 3.238, 209, 211 Outlines of Pyrrhonism (PH) 3.242, 210 1.10, 212 3.258, 209 1.12, 217 3.259, 209 1.1–3, 207 3.259–65, 210 1.169, 210 3.266, 209 1.17, 220 3.270, 209

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312 Index Locorum

Seneca (cont.) I 234, 198 3.281, 217 Simplicius 3.54, 212 On the Physics (in Phys.) 3.55, 209 475, 11–19, 235 3.73, 210 476, 23–29, 235 3.79, 209 3.80, 210 Xenophon 8, 3–5, 281 Memorabilia 8.156, 223 1.1.14, 26

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Subject Index

Academy, 213, 214 aporetic philosopher/philosophy, 1–6, 9–10, New Academy, 4, 51, 53, 172–191, 192, 196, 197, 16–17, 28, 44, 45, 173, 189, 207–8, 213, 199–200, 203–4, 213 214–15, 222–3, 248–9, 268 Sceptical Academy. See New Academy aporia-based argument. See under Argument Aenesidemus, 173, 210, 213–15, 217, 218 aporos/aporon, 1, 33, 54, 102, 209, 210 Agonistic, 38, 41, 42 as a dilemma, 9, 15, 24, 25, 53, 161, 164–6, 210, Alcinous, 195 226, 250–1, 271–2 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 228–47, 255 as a state of mind versus the cause/object of Allen, J., 190 a state of mind, 6–8, 68, 70, 77, 78, 105, Allen, R., 67–8, 72, 76, 80, 88 120, 122, 135, 158, 205, 214–15, 230, 252–3, Ambiguity, 35, 36, 40, 148, 242 265–6, 267–8, 272–3 Analogy, 11, 46, 65–6, 149, as labour pains, 91–5, 195, 206, 216 162, 178, 216 as pollachōs legomenon, 169 Anaxagoras, 185 as problem. See Problems Anderson, A., 59 as problēma, 7, 112, 120, 122, 170, 193, 201 Annas, J., 53, 207, 210, at the end of an enquiry versus at the beginning 213, 215, 221 of an enquiry, 49, 205–6 Anonymous Theaetetus Commentator, 53, 93, 193 dilemmatic structure of, 24, 26, 210, 226, 250–1 Antilegein, 83 elenctic, 43, 49, 92, 252, 253–62 Antilogic, 19 (vs. labour pain aporia), 93–5 Antinomy, 13–15 ethical significance of, 11, 29–30, 33, 35, 41, Antiochus of Ascalon, 173–4 46–7, 216–17, 262 Antisthenes, 134 intellectual benefits of, 29–47, 91–5, 118–19, Aporia, 226 150, 175, 177, 205–6 and (lack of) empirical/observational evidence, necessary or merely helpful?, 45, 55–6, 137–8, 155, 157–60, 164, 167–9, 230 140, 147–54, 217, 257 and amazement/marvel/wonder, 70–1, 86, 97, ontological, 263–5, 267–8 205, 216, 230 refutative. See elenctic and dialectical reasoning, 129, 231, 234, 259 resolution (and resolvability), 5, 12, 16, 18, 24, and dilemmatic argument/reasoning. See 44, 48, 50, 54–9, 63–6, 83, 148, 156, 158–9, under Argument 161–2, 164, 167, 168, 169, 218, 219, 222, and epistemology, 50–3, 58–64 252–3, 255–7, 258, 262, 264–8 and erōs, 45, 205 the term aporia and its cognates, 1–2, 3, 6–7, and exegesis, 228–47 30–1, 33, 48–9, 67–80, 87, 88, 95, 102, 104, and Geach’s charge, 50–1, 59, 61–3 105, 112, 119, 137, 155–6, 170, 172, 174, and hupothesis, 80–90 206–11, 216, 229–31, 269 and methodology, 155, 156, 228, 249, 268 zetetic (versus cathartic, and versus refutative), and Scepticism, 4–5, 10, 30, 48–60, 172–3, 4, 31, 45, 49, 94, 156, 157–64, 205, 214–15, 180–91, 192–204, 205–27, 252–3, 256–7, 252, 259–62, 267 260, 262, 265, 267–8, 280, 281 Appearances, 21, 22–4, 26, 33, 155, 197, 205, and the demand for definitions, 49–50 217, 219


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314 Subject Index

Apprehension. See Knowledge as apprehension credibility of, 7, 51–2, 60, 62 Arcesilaus, 51, 172–3, 177, 180, 182–4, 186–90, 192, false. See false judgement under Judgement 193, 196–7, 198–200, 204, 215, 226 justified, 48, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62–3 Argument reliable, 50, 52, 58–63, 118 ad hominem, 49 Bell, I.H., 139, 232 aporetic, 10, 12, 68–9 Benson, H., 33, 36, 40, 81, 99 aporetic, negative versus positive, 10, 16, 28, 37, Berti, E., 124, 127, 128, 129 93, 143–4, 164, 205, 214–15 Bett, R., 214, 221 aporia-based, 4, 5, 7–8, 9, 48–66, 251 Beversluis, J., 39, 41 dialectical, 7–8, 82–3, 112–36, 176–7, 231–2, Binder, G., 21 237–8, 239–41, 243, 245–7, 277–8 Blumenthal, H.J., 253 dilemmatic, 26, 53, 210, 226, 250–1 Bobzien, S., 277 disputative. See Disputation Bolton, R., 129 elenctic argument/testing, 4, 8, 29, 30, 31–3, 36, Bonazzi, M., 213, 215 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 143, Bonelli, M., 233 144, 214–15 Boylan, M., 155 eristic, 5, 19, 24, 29–30, 36, 39–41, 96–7, 99, Boys-Stones, G., 203 100–1, 103, 108, 111, 175 Brague, R., 37 fallacious, 36, 40, 106–7, 277 Bréhier, É., 248, 249 refutative. See elenctic argument/testing Brisson, L., 68, 75 sophistic. See eristic Brittain, C., 174, 184, 192 Aristophanes, 38 Broadie, S., 241, 242, 243 Aristotle, 3–8, 12–13, 19, 23, 25, 85–6, 97, 112–36, Brown, L., 101, 106, 107, 108, 109 137–54, 155–71, 172–3, 175, 176–7, 178, Brunschwig, J., 124, 129, 208, 221, 235 205–6, 216–17 Buchheim, T., 24 aporiai about (the science of) first Burnet, J., 68, 70, 75 principles, 137 Burnyeat, M.F., 93, 99, 181, 184, 186, 194, 211, aporiai and endoxa, 118 219, 280 aporiai in natural science/biology, 155–71 definition of aporia, 112, 119–21, 122, 170, 229 Calogero, G., 24 dialectical aporiai, 53 Caluori, D., 255, 258 dialectical method, 112–36, 238 Campbell, L., 194 dialectical premises, 115, 122–7, 129–31, 133–4 Carneades, 51, 173, 177, 180, 188, 190, 192, 193, 196, dialectical problems (problemata), 112–13, 197–8, 200, 202, 204 114–15, 121–3, 130–5 Castagnoli, L., 219, 280 diaporēsai (working through an aporia), 113–19, Catulus, 174, 184 135, 137, 147, 150, 152–3, 172, 177, 230 Chance, T., 40 embryology, 158, 167 Change and alteration, 11, 17–19, 26, 69, 97, endoxa, 7–8, 114, 115, 118, 121, 123–9, 131, 132–3, 106–8, 160–1, 167, 169, 201, 241, 242 140–2, 146, 150, 176–7, 206, 235 Charrue, P., 249 Armstrong, H., 248 Chiaradonna, R., 245 Ataraxia (imperturbability). See under Chrysippus, 178, 185, 200, 202–3, 277 Scepticism Cicero, 50, 53, 173–5, 178–80, 182–91, 198, 277 Atomists, 13 Cleary, J., 140 Atticus, 174 Clitomachus, 173, 180, 190–1 Aubenque, P., 4, 146, 230, 231 Combès, J., 269, 270, 275 Common sense/commonsense, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, Babut, D., 192 23, 26, 216 Ballériaux, O., 102 Consistency. See under Belief Barnes, J., 12, 14, 16, 187, 207, 208, 210, 211, 215, Contradiction, 20–8, 32, 48–9, 70, 81, 84, 102–3, 218, 223, 231, 232 104, 105, 108–9, 115, 127, 134, 145, 217, 280 Being, 17, 25–8, 281–2 as a source of aporia, 7, 9–19 not being, 98, 100, 101–10, 276 compelling, 7 Belief Cooper, J.M., 52, 139, 184 consistency among beliefs, 21, 36, 49, 93, Corax of Syracuse, 20 94–5, 212 Cornford, F.M., 75, 88, 93, 108, 194

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Subject Index 315

Corrigan, K., 249 Equipollence (isosthenia), 53, 212–13, 222, 224, Cotton, A., 36 226, 230 Couloubaritsis, L., 208 Eristic. See under Argument Coussin, P., 188 Erler, M., 3 Crivelli, P., 97, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 Eros, 45 Crubellier, M., 143, 209, 230 Erotic longing, 45 Eubulides’ liar, 9 Damascius, 267, 269–84 Examples, 32, 61–3, 120, 234 De Waal, T., 75 Excellence. See Virtue Decleva Caizzi, F., 208, 214 Exhortation, 46, 54, 225 Decretum/decreta, 180, 181, 187, 190 Experience, 5–6, 13, 17, 18, 22, 32–3, 34, 36–7, 40, Definition, 39, 54, 101, 107, 121–36, 229, 235 45, 74–5, 92, 97, 98, 145, 216, 217–21, 230, demand for definitions in Plato, 31, 34, 49–50, 257, 278, 282–4 57–66 everyday experience, 10, 15–16, 185, 237 Delcominette, S., 106 Democritus, 23, 182, 185, 186, 196 Fallacy, 40, 106, 161 Dialectic, 19, 26, 36, 39, 97, 112–36, 175–6, 188–9, Fazzo, S., 228 228, 231–41, 277–8, 280 Fine, G., 38, 59, 99, 221 and aporia, 7–8, 82–3, 137, 170, 269 First principles, 137, 149–54, 204, 231–9, 267, 269, dialectical argument. See under Argument 270, 272, 273 dialectical method. See under Method Forster, M., 49 dialectical reasoning, 231–41, 259–60 Frede, M., 42, 49, 101, 103, 107, 145, 187 dialegesthai, 87 Didymus the Blind, 21, 22, 23, 24 Galen, 173, 177, 178, 200 Diès, A., 75, 88 Galpérine, M.-C., 269, 274 Dilemma. See under Aporia Gatti, M.L., 248, 249 Dillon, J., 253, 269 Geach, P., 50–1, 59, 61–3 Diogenes Laertius, 20, 207, 214, 223 Geach’s charge. See aporia and Geach’s charge, Disputation, 8, 19, 36, 53, 114, 118, 122, 124, 125, under Aporia 129, 177, 178, 182, 189, 194 Gellius, 277 Dodds, E.R., 273 Generated versus ungenerated, 17, 25–6, 170, Dogma, 4, 178, 179, 180, 181, 185–6, 188–9, 192, 241–4 197, 198, 204, 206–27, 248–9, 268, 282 Geometry/geometrical, 43, 175–6, 233, 235–8 Donini, P.L., 241 Gesché, A., 22 Duncombe, M., 75 Gill, M.L., 75, 87 Düring, I., 229 Goldschmidt, V., 30 Dye, G., 236 Gonzales, F., 47 Gorgias, 10, 19, 24–8, 36, 211 Education, 33, 41, 42, 79–80, 94 Granger, H., 12 Elenchos (‘refutation’, ‘testing’). See under Grgić, F., 217, 218, 221, 222, 224 Argument Griffin, M., 174 Elenctic testing. See under Argument Gronewald, M., 22 Ellis, J., 245 Gurtler, G., 256 Embarassment, 32, 38–9, 45 Emillson, E., 255 Halper, E., 138, 140, 142 Empedocles, 185 Hankinson, R.J., 213 Enquiry, 118, 180–91 Harmony, 11 and aporia, 1–6, 48–66, 216–27 Henry, D., 162 and examples, 50–1, 61–3 Heraclitus, 1, 3, 9–12, 16, 28, 54, 134, 194, 198 and scepticism, 5, 175–82, 191, 205–27 Hiley, D., 222 aporia and the possibility of, 37–8 Hirzel, R., 184, 190 open-minded, 178–84, 191, 224 Hoffman, H., 13 scientific versus philosophical, 114–15 Hoffmann, P., 273, 280 Epistemology, 174, 189, 203 Hope, 1, 54, 175, 217 in Plato, 29, 50–3, 58–66 Husserl, E., 32

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316 Subject Index

Hylomorphism/hylomorphic, 241, 243, 245–7 Logos, 11, 16, 20, 64, 102, 103, 105, 109–10, 161, 209, 275, 276, 280–2 Ignorance. See knowledge versus ignorance, under Long, A.A., 95 Knowledge Love. See Eros Impasse. See Aporia Lucullus, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181–2, 184–5, Ineffable, the, 274–84 186–7, 189 Innate conceptions, 195–6 Intellect versus senses. See under Senses Machuca, D., 207, 218, 219, 220 Introspection, 34 Mackenzie, M., 12, 31 Ioppolo, A.M., 206 Mackie, J.L., 280 Irwin, T., 34, 35, 59, 155, 230, 232, 234 Madigan, A., 4, 137, 139, 140, 143, 144, 150, 228, Isocrates, 19 229, 240 Makin, S., 19 Judgement, 23, 30, 145, 149–50, 194–5, 258 Man-measure doctrine, 21–4, 26 false, 44–5, 95–6, 98–100, 104, 109–10 Mansfeld, J., 22, 25, 173 suspension of, 44–5, 178–9, 180–1, 183, 187–8, Mansion, S., 139 199, 203, 207, 209–12, 217–27 Marchand, S., 222 Mates, B., 212, 215 Kalligas, P., 250 Matter, 160–1, 163, 241–7, 255 Karamanolis, G., 172 prime matter, 243 Karbowski, J., 156 Matthews, G., 4, 37, 43, 155, 158, 193, 273 Kerferd, G., 19, 24, 25 McDowell, J., 92, 96, 100, 194 King, R., 256 Meinwald, C., 68, 76, 85 Kirk, G., 11 Mejer, J., 22 Klein, J., 37 Melissus of Samos, 10, 17–19, 25, 134 Knowledge, 31–5, 98–100, 118, 140–2, 149–54, 179 Meno’s paradox, 37–8, 40, 43, 223, 225 and aporia, 48–66 Method, 67, 86 as apprehension, 186, 188–91 dialectical, 112–36, 228, 230, 232, 238–40, 246 attainability of, 5–6, 51–2, 75, 79, 85 scientific, 231–9 conceit of, 11–12, 44–5 Methodology. See and methodology, under criterion of, 5–6, 31 Aporia infallible, 6 Metrodorus of Chios, 185 knowing-how, 31–2 Migliori, M., 67, 88 limitis of. See under Reason Miller, M., 68 nothing can be known, 180–91 Moller, D., 218 versus belief, 48–66 Moreschini, C., 75 versus ignorance, 36, 43, 278–80 Morsink, J., 162 Knuuttila, S., 221 Motion, 12–16, 24, 28, 95, 201, 208, 241 Motte, A., 3, 205, 212 Lacydes, 174 Mueller, I., 236, 237 Laks, A., 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 147, 209, 230 Language, 32, 104 Nagel, T., 282, 284 and reality, 269–84 Natural order, 11 and thought, 27, 269–84 Natural science, 19, 168 speaking correctly (orthologia), 96, 103–5, 108 Nature, 11, 19, 23, 24, 157–8, 168–9, 183, 193, Leibniz, 272 203, 243 On the Ultimate Origination of Things, 272 Nehamas, A., 41 Leigh, F., 106 Nightingale, A., 216 Lennox, J., 158 Noble, C., 259 Leszl, W., 141 Notomi, N., 101 Liesenborghs, L., 21 Numenius of Apamea, 174, 177, 192, 198, 200 Limited-and-unlimited, 13–18, 25–6, 234–5 Lloyd, A., 263 O’Meara, D., 249, 264, 269, 273, 274 Lloyd, G.E.R., 157 Olfert, C.M., 206, 223, 224

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Subject Index 317

One-and-many, 13–19, 25, 69–70, 73, 81–4, 103–4, philosopher versus sophist, 29–30, 35, 39–41, 91, 107, 117, 143 101–5, 108 Opposites, 6–7, 14, 27, 29, 128, 130–1, 143, 144, relation of participation, 70, 73, 75, 76, 83 164–5, 201–2, 229 scope of forms, 71–2, 78, 201 compresent. See under Plato sensibles, 70–1, 73, 76, 270 Opsomer, J., 4, 192 separate forms, 69, 71–8, 79, 89 Owen, G.E.L., 67, 232 what-is-it questions, 57–8, 260 Owens, J., 137, 139, 140, 141 Plotinus, 4, 5, 248–68, 269, 270, 273 Plurality, 13, 15–17, 24, 69, 276 Palmer, J., 17, 19, 24, 26, 102, 105, 184, 222, 223 Plutarch, 177, 178, 179, 183, 185, 192–204, 213 Paradox, 9, 11, 12, 15–16, 19, 23–4, 37–8, 40–1, 43, Politis, V., 4, 8, 29, 31, 37, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 58, 64, 108, 123, 124, 129–30, 134, 179–81, 196, 221, 66, 94, 95, 138, 139, 146, 148–9, 205, 223, 225 212, 273 Parmenides of Elea, 13, 15, 16–18, 102, 105, 109, Polito, R., 213 185, 198 Porphyry, 13, 251–2, 253, 271, 274 Particulars, 27, 61–3, 124, 146, 241–2 Primavesi, O., 124 sensible, 83, 241 Principles. See First principles Perin, C., 219, 220 transcendent principles, 269 Perplexity. See Aporia Prior, W., 59 Peterson, S., 75 Problems, 6, 12, 16, 29, 30, 31, 43, 70, 91, 95–100, Philo of Larissa, 174, 184, 190–1, 197, 198 112–15, 121–3, 130–6, 139–40, 143–4, 155, Philosophy/philosophia 156–7, 172, 176, 193, 208, 230–1, 242–6, dogmatic, 4, 181, 185, 186, 188, 204, 205–27, 249, 265, 269, 278–80 248–9, 268, 282 about being, 27, 105–8 sceptical. See Scepticism about not being, 101–5, 109–10 speculative, 4, 5, 25 not-whether-but-how, 95–6, 97–8, 102–3 systematic, 4, 5, 248 used both philosophically and eristically, versus sophistry, 29–30, 35, 39–41, 91, 101–5, 96–7, 103 108, 110–11, 194 Proclus, 201, 270, 273 Placitum/placita, 179–81 Protagoras, 2, 10, 19–24, 26, 29, 39, 40, 42, 55, 63, Plato, 3–6, 9, 16, 19, 20–1, 23, 25, 26–8, 29–47, 65, 95, 98, 236 48–66, 67–90, 91–111, 147, 172–3, 174–6, Protreptic, 39–41 185–6, 205–6, 216 Puzzlement. See Aporia and scepticism, 48–66, 215 Puzzles. See Problems aporetic (as opposed to doctrinal or sceptical) Pyrrho of Elis, 173, 207, 213–14, 216, 217 reading of aporetic dialogues, 29–30, 35 Pyrrhonism. See under Scepticism aporetic dialogues, 9, 29–30, 35, 37, 39–47, 67, 80, 91, 205, 249 Rappe, S., 269, 280 aporetic language, 67–80, 98, 99, 105, 213–14 Rashed, M., 245 aporetic structure, 67, 80–90, 91 Raven, J., 11 articulation and elenctic testability Reale, G., 140 requirement, 30–5 Reality, 108, 152, 153–4, 195, 202–3 compresent opposites, 70–1, 72, 80–4, 86 as a whole (see also, Totality of what there is), correct speaking (orthologia), 96, 103–5, 108 269–72, 273–5 early dialogues, 8, 29–66, 92, 205, 251, 252, 253, Reason 260, 267 limits of, 267, 269, 280–2, 284 forms, 26–7, 67, 68, 69–80, 83–90, 195, 196, Reasoning. See argument 199, 201, 215, 266, 270 demonstrative, 67, 214, 231–47 Good, the, 45, 262, 264–5, Reasons 270, 273 conclusive versus inconclusive, 56–8, 63 hupothesis, 80–90 conflict of, 48, 56, 65–6, 126–36, 163, 166–9, kinds (and communion of kinds), 101–2, 106, 217–27 107–8 inter-personal versus intra-personal conflict marking off forms, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79–80, 84–5 of, 65 One, the, 69, 86, 266–7, 270, 273–8 of iron and adamant, 64–6

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318 Subject Index

Reasons (cont.) Socratic questioning/interrogation/ real versus apparent, 4, 6–8, 49 examination. See elenctic argument/test- Recollection, 38, 43, 44, 93, 196 ing, under Argument Reductio ad absurdum, 19, 27 Sophia. See Wisdom as indirect proof versus as means of inducing Sophists, 10, 19, 39–41, 42, 96, 100, 101–5, 108, aporia, 15 109–10, 194, 196, 226 Reeve, C.D.C., 59 Soul, 34–5, 38, 45, 46, 47, 52, 87, 120–1, 158, 160–1, Relativism, 21 195, 197, 199, 206, 216, 229–30, 243, 251–2, Rhetoric, 20, 26, 95, 124–5, 175, 253–62, 265–7, 274, 283 195, 214, 238 Spinelli, E., 215 Rickless, S., 68 Sprague, R., 32, 40 Rist, J., 248 Steel, C., 4 Robinson, R., 67, 89, 93 Stevens, A., 137 Rodriguez, E., 81, 85, 89 Stoics, 6, 172–3, 174, 178–9, 185, 187–91, 192, 195, Rutten, C., 3, 205, 212 196–7, 198–200, 202, 213, 221, 236, 238, 257–8, 260–2, 264, 265, 277 Santas, G., 50, 59 Striker, G., 180, 188, 206, 212, 218, 219 Sayre, K., 68, 85 Su, J., 4 Scepticism Szaif, J., 38, 47 Academic/Platonic, 4, 53, 172–4, 177–91, 200, 204, 206, 213–14, 222, 223, 224 Tarrant, H., 213, 215 and aporia. See under Aporia Taylor, D.E., 219 and ataraxia (imperturbability), 216–26 Therapy, 42, 214, 217, 219 and enquiry. See under Enquiry Thorsrud, H., 221 anti-scepticism in Plato, 49–50 Timon of Phlius, 10, 213, 217, 218 Cartesian, 212 to be/is, 17–19 in Plato. See under Plato Totality of what there is, 17 Pyrrhonian, 4, 5, 173, 181, 183, 205–27, 236, 262, Truth, 6, 9, 21–4, 38, 42, 43–7, 54, 127, 129, 130, 268, 269, 280–1 140–1, 143, 148–9, 152, 172, 176–7, 178–80, Schofield, M., 11 181–3, 186–7, 189, 191, 192, 193, 207, 211, Science, 115–17, 137–42, 144, 146, 147–54, 196, 228, 214, 219, 220–1, 223–7, 230–1, 232–3, 231–4, 236, 238 238–40, 249, 281–2 Scolnicov, S., 68, 81 Tsouna, V., 46 Scott, D., 37 Turning-around, 41–2, 46, 47, 280–1 Sedley, D., 91, 93, 99, 100, 184 Tuzzo, T., 34 Self-image, 33, 36, 42, 45–6 Self-improvement, 35, 41 Understanding, 16–17, 23, 26–7, 79, 197–8 Self-knowledge, 44, 94, 216 and aporia, 10–12, 145–7, 172, 175–6, 179 Self-refutation, 219, 280, 283 Seneca, 20, 181 Vagueness, 35, 36, 40, 77, 148 Senses, 182, 185, 197–8 van Ophuijsen, J.M., 233 versus intellect, 16–17, 19, 23 Varro, 173–4, 182–7, 189 Sextus Empiricus, 21, 24, 27, 181, 197, 198, Virtue, 2, 29, 34, 175, 183, 214, 220, 250, 262 206–27, 236–7, 277, 280, 281 intellectualist understanding of, 31–5, 36–8, 47 Shame, 45–6, 94, 216 whether or not virtue can be taught, 54, 62–3 Sharples, R., 38, 228, 245 Vitrac, B., 236 Sihvola, J., 221 Vlastos, G., 14, 40, 49, 59 Silence, 175, 201, 276–80, 281 Vogt, K., 206, 208, 219, 220, 221, 224 Simplicius, 13–14, 162, 235 Vollkmann-Schluck, K.H., 249 Socrates, 9, 25–6, 172–3, 174–6, 178, 185–6 von Kutschera, F., 68 and his daimonion, 192–3, 194, 195 von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, U., 75 as midwife, 91–5, 193, 196, 206, 282–4 pretence of ignorance, 11, 41, 50, 175, 182, 183, Weische, A., 172 184, 185, 186, 193, 196, 253 Wesensschau, 32 Socratic irony, 11, 184, 193 Westerink, L.G., 269, 270, 275

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Subject Index 319

Wilde, O., 175 Xenophanes, 185 Wisdom, 2, 35, 40, 45, 47, 51–2, 92, Xenophon, 25 195, 213–14 conceit of, 11–12, 194 Zeller, E., 99 Wittgenstein, L., 32, 282 Zeno of Citium, 178, 182, 183, 186–7, 189, 199 Włodarczyk, M.A., 223 Zeno of Elea, 3, 10, 12–17, 19, 23–4, 25–7, 28, 67, Woodruff, P., 4, 22, 59, 214 69–71, 73, 77, 81–7, 95, 236

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