Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information Index Locorum Alcinous Anonymous Didaskalikos Theaetetus Commentary 4.6, 195 49–56, 193 Alexander of Aphrodisias Aristophanes On the Metaphysics (in Meta.) Clouds, 38 173, 27–174, 4, 239 Aristotle 200, 18–21, 236 Generation of Animals 206, 12–13, 240 716b12–13, 167 210, 20–1, 240 717a30–31, 168 212, 25–7, 242 717a5, 163 212, 27–35, 242 718a35–37, 167 213, 11–13, 243 718a36–37, 167 213, 19–23, 242 719b33–34, 168 213, 26–214, 17, 243 720b21, 163 213, 3–10, 243 728b32–4, 159 214, 24–215, 18, 244 732a32, 159 216, 8–11, 246 733b32, 160 218, 17, 240 733b32–734a4, 160 263, 26–29, 240 734a10, 161 On the Topics (in Top.) 734a11–13, 161 1.1, 17, 3, 244 734a13–14, 161 29, 23–30, 9, 233 734a14–16, 161 29, 30–31, 233 734a5–6, 161 3, 4–24, 232 734a7–8, 161 30, 12–18, 234 734a9–10, 161 30, 18–31, 4, 236 734b1–2, 161 32, 12–34, 5, 239 734b18, 162 32, 17–20, 238 734b4–7, 161 32, 22–26, 238 734b7–19, 162 458, 26–459, 3, 229 734b8–9, 161 Problems and Solutions (Quaest.) 735a29, 166 1.11, 245 735a29–736a23, 158 1.17, 245 735a5–7, 161 1.26, 245 735b7–8, 158 1.3, 245 736a24, 166 1.8, 245 738b7, 163 2.27, 243 740b2–5, 159 Suppliment to On the Soul (Mantissa) 740b2–8, 166 5, 245 740b5–8, 160 300 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information Index Locorum 301 741a6, 166 988a20–23, 145 743b32, 166 988a23, 139 752a24, 158 988b14–16, 145 754b20–21, 165 988b18, 139 757a14, 166 988b20, 139 757a2–13, 169 988b6–19, 139 760a4–9, 156 993a11–17, 139 760b31–2, 156 993a13–17, 145 770b30, 166 993a24–27, 139 776a8–9, 163 993a25–27, 139, 147 776a9–14, 163 994a34, 117 778b23–25, 164 995a24–25, 147 778b29–30, 165 995a24–b4, 147, 205 778b32–35, 165 995a25–26, 140 7a10–11, 161 995a25–27, 136, 141, 176 Great Ethics 995a27–28, 147 1206b30–37, 261 995a27–31, 253 History of Animals 995a28–30, 147 556a11–2, 163 995a28–32, 176 559b16, 159 995a28–33, 230 Metaphysics, 5 995a29, 117 1000a5, 142 995a31–33, 147 1000a5–1001a3, 141 995a33–34, 147 1001a4–5, 142, 148 995a34, 117 1001b13–16, 19 995a34–b1, 148 1002b12–32, 142 995a35, 117 1005b17–25, 12 995b1–2, 148 1009b7–12, 23 995b13–14, 142, 148 1033a31–b10, 243 995b2, 117 1034b7–19, 243 995b20–27, 142 1042a17–18, 246 995b23–24, 177 895a16–18, 145 995b2–4, 148, 177 895b19, 145 995b31–33, 143 897a22–25, 145 995b31–36, 142 981b27–29, 138 996a11, 142 982a1–3, 138 996a1–2, 142 982a14–17, 138 996a12–12, 143 982a21–28, 151 996a15–17, 142 982a4, 138 996a4–9, 142, 143 982a4–6, 138 996b1–3, 139 982a8–14, 151 996b33–997a15, 143 982b11–21, 230 996b8–10, 138 982b12–13, 97 997a16–25, 143 982b12–983a21, 205, 216 997a33, 142 982b7–10, 138 997a34–998a19, 143 983a11–21, 231 997b35–998a6, 236 983a20–23, 138 998a20–21, 142 983a24–26, 138 998a23–b13, 143 983b1–3, 151 998b17–999a23, 143 983b4, 138 999a24–26, 142, 148 983b5–6, 139 999a24–b17, 143 984a18, 151 999b4–28, 242 984b8–11, 151 Meteorology 985a13–16, 145 381b23–5, 158 988a18–23, 139 383b20, 158 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information 302 Index Locorum Aristotle (cont.) 100b21–3, 123 Nicomachean Ethics 101a25–36, 205 1098b14–16, 262 101a25–b5, 233 1145b2–7, 205 101a34–36, 150, 177 1145b3, 117 101a34–6, 116 I.6, 262 101a35, 177 On Sleep 101a36–b4, 150 454b25–29, 165 101a5–10, 238 On the Heavens 101b28–36, 121 279b6–7, 152 104a12–b5, 133 292a15, 170 104a20–5, 133 292a19–22, 160 104a3–8, 122 On the Soul 104a8–12, 123, 232 403a27–b19, 235 104b12–4, 132 413a9, 255 104b1–5, 127, 130 Parts of Animals 104b19–24, 134 644b25–26, 170 104b24–28, 134 644b28–29, 171 104b29–34, 134 Physics 105a34–b1, 125 185a5–12, 19 105a3–5, 134 186a10–22, 19 105a37, 124 203b6, 272 108b19–22, 119 204a34–b22, 234 112a14–15, 119 204a8–34, 235 112b27–113a19, 133 204b5–7, 234 114b25–34, 133 233a21–31, 19 121b29–30, 119 239b14–18, 13 129b35–130a4, 119 Posterior Analytics 129b4–6, 128 71b19–23, 231 141b15–28, 235 71b26–29, 231 145a37–b20, 119 76b11–16, 231 145a38–b20, 212 Rhetoric 145b1–2, 6, 120, 143 1355a33–36, 177 145b1–20, 229 1355a33–5, 112 145b16–20, 6, 120, 143, 229, 273 1355a36–38, 177 155b33–35, 177 1356b28–35, 125 155b7–16, 177 1402a17–20, 20 158b16–23, 119 1402a24–6, 20 159a39–b1, 188 1402a3–17, 161 159a4–6, 119 1403a33–4, 127 159b23–33, 126 Sophistical Refutations 159b26–27, 188 116b37, 161 159b8, 126 165b15–22, 175 163b9–16, 177 165b3, 188 165b8, 188 Cicero 169b11, 188 Letters to Atticus 169b25, 188 VII.XI.3, 174 169b27–9, 175 VII.XII.4, 174 172a22, 188 VIII.XIII.2, 174 183b7, 188 XV.IV.2, 174 279b17–21, 19 XVI.VIII.2, 174 Topics, 7 Lucullus 100a18–20, 112 100, 185 100a18–21, 113, 232 102, 190 100a29–30, 19 102–103, 182 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information Index Locorum 303 103, 190 II 1–2, 177 104, 177, 180, 190 II 2, 177 105, 190 V 10, 177, 178 109, 181 On the Nature of the Gods (DND) 110, 180, 181, 182, 190 I 11, 177 113, 187 II 168, 177 115, 180 On the Orator (De oratore) 12, 190 I 84, 177 13–15, 184 III 107, 177 132, 174 III 67, 177 133, 180 III 67–16, 177 138, 174 III 80, 177 14, 184, 185 III 84, 177 14–15, 183 Tusculan Disputations (Tusc.) 142, 185 II 9, 177 146, 190 IV 7, 178 15, 180, 184, 186, 187 Varro 16, 186 16, 177, 185 18, 190 43, 183 2.93, 277 44, 180, 185, 186 2.94, 277 44–45, 182, 186 27, 180 45, 184, 187 28–29, 181 46, 177 29, 180 31, 182 Damascius 32, 190 Aporiai and Solutions Concerning First 33, 182 Principles (Princ.) 34, 190 1, 4–7, 270 54, 182 11, 15–19, 278 60, 177, 178, 179, 181 12, 11–13, 279 61, 184 12, 13–19, 279 61–62, 185 12, 19–21, 279 62, 182 12, 3–6, 278 66, 179, 187 12, 9–10, 278 68, 188 2, 6–8, 271 69, 174 2, 9–20, 271 7, 177, 178, 179, 184 21, 18–21, 281 70, 180 21, 7–8, 274 72–76, 184, 186 3, 21–5, 274 73, 186 4, 13–15, 274 76, 179 4, 15–16, 274 76–77, 186 4, 3–5, 274 77, 187 6, 11–16, 282 78, 188, 190 7, 24–5, 276 8, 178 8, 12–20, 282 95–97, 174 8, 3–5, 276 95–98, 180 9, 9–13, 276 98, 180 I.16.5–6, 280 99, 180, 190 II, 1, 4–8, 274 On Divination (Div.) Commentary of Plato’s Parmenides (in Parm.) II 150, 177, 178 IV, 115, 12–116, 8, 276 On the Duties (Off.) Democritus II 8, 177 B11, 23 On the Ends of Good and Evil (Fin.) B117, 23 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information 304 Index Locorum Diogenes Laertius B2, 17 4.67, 173 B7, 17 7.175, 174 B8, 17 7.198, 174 B8.2, 18 7.44, 174 B8.4, 18 7.82, 174 B8.5, 19 9.103, 281 9.107, 222 Numenius 9.51, 19, 20, 21 Fragments 9.55, 20 25, 198 9.6, 10 26, 174 9.69–70, 208 75–83, 198 9.79, 210 Parmenides Euclid B8, 15 Elements Photios I 1,2,5, 236 Bibliotheca 212.169b21–9, 214 Gellius 212.169b32–34, 214 Attic Nights (NA) 212.169b38–41, 213 16.2.9–13, 277 212.170a26–33, 214 212.170b15–19, 214 Heraclitus 212.170b3–8, 214 B1, 11 Plato B10, 11 Alcibiades I B104, 11 116e–118b, 45 B114, 194 Apology, 38 B12, 11 21a4–d8, 205 B123, 11 21b, 186 B17, 11 21b4–5, 213 B18, 54 21b7, 30 B19, 11 23d, 216 B204, 11 30e, 42 B207, 11 38a, 47 B28a, 11 Charmides, 29, 91 B34, 11 157a3–6, 34 B40, 11 158b5–c2, 34 B41, 11 158d8–e1, 34 B50, 11 159a1–8, 34 B51, 11 160de, 34 B57, 11 166c5, 39 B60, 9, 11 167b, 31 B61, 11, 12 167b–169a, 34 B88, 12 169c, 216 169cd, 31 Isocrates 169d1, 216 Orations 175e–176a, 34 10.2–3, 19 176b1, 34 Cratylus Leibniz 415c2–9, 216 On the Ultimate Origination of Things, 272 429d1–6, 100 429d4–6, 41 Melissus Euthydemus, 5, 29 B1, 17 272b, 107 B1–7, 17 275d5–6, 216 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11015-1 — The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy Edited by George Karamanolis , Vasilis Politis Index More Information Index Locorum 305 277d–278b, 40 218ab, 45 279d–280b, 40 218b1, 45 283e–284c, 40 Meno 283e7, 100 70a–80b, 29 283e7–284a8, 41 71b9–c2, 37 285eb–286b, 40 71e1, 37 286b8–c3, 21 72a, 175 289b–d, 40 75c, 31 293bc, 99 76a, 235 295b–296d, 40 79e7–8, 208 300cd, 40 79e7–80d4, 206 300e–301c, 40 79e–80a, 36, 216 301ab, 107 79e–80d4, 216 302b, 39 80a1–2, 93 303a, 41 80a2, 36 Euthyphro, 29, 91 80ab, 37 11b, 36 80b, 37 11b–e, 36 80b3, 37 15b–c, 36 80b4, 212 Gorgias 80b4–7, 37 527d–e, 29 80bc, 38 449b9, 40 80c6, 37 462b–463d, 40 80cd, 31 489bc, 39 80d, 37 508e6–509b1, 63–5 80d–86c, 43 521e–522b, 46 84a3–d2, 206 Hippias Major, 29, 66 84a–c, 44, 45 287c–d, 264 84b, 93, 175 288a, 264 84b–c, 147 289d, 264 84cd, 176 Ion 86b, 38 541e, 39 86b–c, 92 Laches, 29, 91 86d, 38 187e–88a, 40 86e–87c, 230 190c, 31 87bc, 176 190e, 31 Parmenides 192ab5–8, 34 127d6–7, 81 192d–193e, 32 127e1–4, 15, 81 194a8, 39 127e2, 69 194a8–b2, 32 127e7, 82 194ab, 32 128a2–3, 82 194b, 39 128a8–b1, 81 194b2, 33 128b1–2, 81 194bc, 31, 33 128c6–d6, 16 194c, 216 128d1, 83 195ab, 38 128d2, 83 195b–196a, 40 128d5, 81, 83 196ab, 38 128d5–6, 81 196b2, 216 128d6, 82 200e, 31, 41 128d7, 83 Laws 128d-e, 19 731e, 194 128e2, 83 799c, 69 128e5–130a2, 83 Lysis, 29 129b1, 70 216c, 216 129b2, 70 © in this web service Cambridge University
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