Succeed with Liberal Arts

Christendom College Alumni Get Jobs in Every Field Possible. They Strive for Excellence and Achieve Success. What do you want to do when you grow up?

Restaurant Manager? Architect/Home Designer Interior Decorator Website Designer? Budget Manager Social Media Specialist Director of Religious Education? Catering Chef Magazine Editor Entrepreneur Business Owner? School Teacher Journalist Elementary School Headmaster? Communications Manager Special Events Planner Director of Admissions? Publications Manager Multi-Media Producer Public Relations Director? Electrician Graphic Artist Painter? Piano Bar Player Builder Marketing Director? Advertising Coordinator Plumber Bartender? Real Estate Professional Barber What degree do you need to get to do all? Here’s how people plan their lives….

But… Do you know what actually happens once the student enrolls in the college? But… Do you know what actually happens once the student enrolls in the college? Stats You Need To Know

• 30% of Americans over 25 have college degree

• 9% of Americans over 25 have graduate degree

• 73% of people don’t work in their major field!! Which Degree Do You Need? Important Stats The Top Skills Employers Most Want In Graduates 93% of employers agree that “a candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major.”

WHY is this TRUE? What Our Alumni Do

Education Dentistry Entrepreneurship Police Officer Law Military Accountanting FBI Agent Public Policy Commercial Pilot Franchise Owners Pharmaceutical Sales Architecture Software Design Missionary Work Diplomats Medicine Landscaping Engineering Federal Government Entertainment Construction Business Consulting Journalism Hospitality Interior Design Financial Planning Neuroscience Computer Editing & Publishing Nursing Religious Education Internet Technology Illustration & Design Business Management Psychology Grad School Success

Baylor University School of Law Texas A&M University Case Western University School of Medicine The Catholic University Law School Creighton School of Medicine William & Mary Law School Dickinson School of Law The Institute for Psychological Eastern Medical School The University of Cal. Davis Law School Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Notre Dame Law School George Mason Law School The University of Oxford, England Harvard University The University of Paris Johns Hopkins University Law School Northeastern University The University of West Virginia School of Medicine Southern Methodist University Washington and Lee Law School What’s the End Result Desired?

1. Happiness? 2. Good Vocation – marriage/religious vocation? 3. Good Job? 4. Good Friends? 5. White Pickett Fenced House? 6. 8.2 Children? 7. Lots of Money? 8. Fame and Notoriety? 9. Eternal Life – Heaven? Best and Worst Questions to Ask

Which College is Going to Help Me Achieve My Most Important Goals Best? • Help you stay Catholic, gain wisdom, get good friends, find vocation, get a broadened worldview, and get a good job.

Which College Do I need to Go to in Order to Major in the Field Which I Believe I am Going to Work in for the Rest of My Life? • Good chance you will never work in that field. Christendom Alumni Facts

• Well-educated, employed in every field • Very happy that they attended Christendom • Still practicing Catholics (Maybe 10-20 out of 3000 who have left the faith) • Good marriages (425 alumni-alumni, less than 20 divorces) • Vocations to religious life (80 priests, 50 sisters) • First job out of college around $40,000 (Average income of US family is $54K) • Rise up the corporate ladder very quickly and are financially successful • Are part of the solution to today’s problems in the culture • Are leaders, not followers, who are daring to be great in all that they do

Happiness Matters

• "When I hire people, I just look for the light in the person, to see what's good about them. I can spot it a mile away." • "If their family couldn't give them a positive attitude, there's nothing I can do that's going to change it." • “Success all comes down to positivity and happiness. Unhappy people aren't great performers. Even those who have all the right skills on paper will never reach their full potential if they're unhappy.” SUMMARY – THE TRUTH

• You can do anything with a liberal arts degree – ANYTHING!! • Most jobs do not require specific degrees in order to work in them. • It’s more about your “soft skills” and ability to be innovative and proactive. • It’s sometimes more important “who you know” than “what you know.” • Christendom helps you be happy by living the life God has called you to live • Christendom College can help you fulfill your dreams – professional, personal, and spiritual.