Beef Pork Roast
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THURSDAY, J^PHTARY 2, 1 iNanrlfeat^r lEttpttittg 1|m U)i Manoheoter Bml)i«m CMb Manchester Veterans Ooun- N w Shefving classrooms, thus maklny (ha who oontrtbuted their time and The Weaillise:.>^;S^^ Town wlH meet tom om w at 8 p.m. cU wni meet MorJLlay at 8 pjn . department more 'efficient apd effort were Brian McAwley, at the Bake QUb. MCnt Chailee at the Arm y and Navy Ohib. Cloadr. eotd wMb a more attractive place ir. Charlea Spaeth, Robert Bates, 8 P . Toomey, U.8. Pontioelll is chairman oif tiw Added at Lut/r Hyatt BuUiffe, Robert H<nee, BLACKY THE AN US SE£ rlee taniglit Low. M Rm , liH M Ifir. atat Urt. C. evanind. ICembera are remind- H ie board o f truateea of South >i^iich to work. W alter Sdiultheia, Alex Sehul- Tbm om w mamit ’ United Methidist Church wUI Last month brouyht a “new Miss Hasel Luts, tot whom 9rafT fH9 fWw iW v I ttoomay of n Lomlale eU to briny' {ilastie oontMners thela, and N. William KniiJit. poeXHy iaeteeatay; HUh ia and old hosiery. meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at look” to part of the Luts Ju the museum w u named, point Mtuteh«$ter— A City of Vittage Chdrm to duty In Vlot* ChiratorB of the School Siervlce luiTiny «p«nt M i reat the church. nior Museum. Nine man, work ed out that formerly all mater right. Shop at W m Ig h i ing three weekends, removed Dept, are; Mre. Richard Mont (EIGHTEEN PAGES) l » i wttli Mo wtfo, Undo, at Samuel Sweet of 42 N. School ials were, piled on top of tablet gomery, ethnology and art; MANCHESTER, CJONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1989 Little Flower of ^esus Moth the old storaye shelvlny of the Boot Mart ood lovo cor- pmcB TEN cnnii WMdki PooBti. Howuil, where St., a Boology major at Oomell and ludchroom benches, which Mrs. Harvey PaMel, hisOny; ers Circle will meet tomorrow basement School Service Dept., their fleirt w«d- UiHveriity, lUiaoa, N.T., is at- In turn were piled dn top of Mre. Gerald Chiueet and Mrs. at 8:18 pm . at the home of In use since IMW, and Installed sittooHy OH oH yoor nwite d h v on n ltu w ry. He has ooni- tendlny the ISBth meetiny of the tables and benches. On one oc Harry Freschltn, natural Irie- Mrs. John Meaaom of 288 approximately 625 feet of new ptoM ei«tat montho of Ms year'B American Association for the casion when roof gutters clog tory; Mre. Bktwnrd Tlm brell, Autumn St. Mrs. Maye Orent steel ohelvlny jiurchased by the W ar Fears Elxpreissed tour of doty in Vietnam. Advancement of Science in Dal ged wdth leaves caused a leak, science and Industry; IjOas BilHoii Fewer of Hartford will speak about museum. las, Tex. she said, sand boxes were plac Barbara Brown, education; "FamSy Ltfe and Education.” Cigarettes Puffed St. BrMyet Church w ill cele Members o f the ^Tomen’s ed under the storage tables. Mre. John Storm, picituro file. Oo-hosteeses are Mrs. Richard brate nm t BYlday tomorrow Volunteer Leayue Are now In Eventually even the sand boxes WASHINOTON (AP) — Chapman Court, Order of Day and Mrs. John Spellman. Lebanon Plans with Maasis ed 7 a.m., 8 am., the process of reshelviny more ^ e re used for storage. ONE STATE USES POLLS ■9 Amerleona puffed mc«e than Amaranth, will meet tomorrow SPECIALS one bUllon few er otgarettoe than 1,000 cartons of reference Frdd Edwards was chalrmsm and 5:88 |».in. at 7 ;46 p.m. at Masonic Temple. Methodist Touth Fellowehip, CHICAGO — When a Judge- materials, that are loaned to dt the bdard of trustees men lost year—the firtt reduction After tlw meetiny, refreehmenta Grades 7 and 8, of South Unit ship becomes vacant in nitooia in domeetle eigorstto oon- Manchester schools. In addition who set up Ole .new shelving. THURSITAY, FmOAY AND SATURDAY Military Draft Second OonyregationBi Church will be Mrved by Mrs. Alice ed Methodist Church will meet a special election is necessary. eumpUon stnM 1884, the Ag- to more sheU epuce, they sold They took down thewld shelving deaioans wtil meet tomorrow at Ray and members of her com tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at Use In all other states, the gover By tRb AaaofXAiiiD nrass rloolture De|Mutment eoys. the chanye will provide more on Friday nights and Instfdled nor ftUs the Beat by appctnt- (Mpe in the MetUtormneon, hoe 7 :30 pan. * mittee. church. OfOdale also predloted no room in the aisles and muaeum the new on Saturdays. The ittan ment. Lebanon’s defense minis never vteited Lebanon. elgnlfloant omoking gain this ter said today his grovem- Tile ijght^wlng newepapere A1 ment plans a military draft Nohor and AI Jorkla eold Pre year in what they interpret and expressed fears that mier AbditUa Yafl expreeied the ed as a trend due at leoat view d iet U.8. Navy shipB would potUally to inoreoaod pub- Israel win epark a third Uolty on smoking and health. Defeats Hruska CORNED- be unwdcome becaewe o f Woeto- wtwM war. The department estimated tJadeoBe BOniater Huteto Ington'a 'recent dedelon to e ^ Ouwetai dtaoloetd eit * itewe 80 Fbantom Jets to la r a ^ TMe domestlo elgoretto oonaump- tion in 1888 at 626.6 bllUon, ooDfeienoe plaiu for oooaorlp- would be a reveneal o f Leba non’s traditional ptx>-Waetein compared with 627.8 hiUlon ttoa. H8 eppeeled to ell notions smokM the year before. to Join ta trytay to heed off « 901(07. V C o n g r e s s ytobal jooaOiot In Cairo, the authoritative “ In the montha ahgsd,” the HOUSE BEEF department said in a quai^ Oonunentlny on DugM’e oom- newspaper A l Ahram maid Pree- mande \ndd on Beirut aiipoit atent Gcunol Abdel Naaeer bos terly rqport, “recent price LUXURY TYPE-186 PERCALE laat Saturdey, O u w ^ eald that endareed Jordanian King Hus- advanoee and the smoking- C o n v e n e s tt Lebtpnxi le attacked again, it aoin’a oaU for an Arab summit health puMlcRy ore likely to I g HEAD dlgbt with emery meeni at meeting. Influence dgantto usage.” WASHIN(?rON (AP) — CUT tta (Uepneal, even etlolis. Hie paper aaid Jfeaser sent Sen. Eklward M. K enbe^ lb “H ie eittaiok on Beirut hoe Hueeein a meeaage signifying of Massachusetts won hu PRINTED SHEETS and CASES etrangthened our reeietenoe obU agreement. ..........i bid to become the Senate’s » f HALE ■Uttened our determlnoUan to Arab Leegue soourcee aold, aaeistant Democratic lead fl5M on,” be eoUL hofever, dtat only 6 of the 15 er as the 91gt Oongreea Ouweint denied reporto ki Be(- Arab states have aa> far ex- opened today. Main Straot, Manchasf i ' by Lady Pepperell BONELESS lUt aewqpeiwri that (be govem- preaoed any enthuaioem for ment bed decided to pm nlt a eutdi B meeting. They are Rip Oil Tanks 'The RcpuUicans also vlett (ijr (be Soviet MedUeira- ^sypfi Jordan. Lebanon, Sudan, chose a new man. iteen fleet. K u v^ and Yemen. Just bsfore Keimedy uiistslisil . 9*0. Russen B. Long of Louisi “T h *(« hoe been obeohit^ no laraeU anger at the worid’a Near Boston // requeet eitber by the U.8. 8th ana, Bsn. Hugh Soott of Pannsyl- APRIL ROSE" DESIGN ooncern for Lebanon increased. CHBlLflHlA, Maa*. (A P ) A Fleet or by (bo Soviet fleet to Foreign lOnister Abba Biban os- vaala WM chosen by Ropubil- vMt Lebenon onU the qiiietlch X i # ' - oans m —slsisnt miacrlty Issd- PORK eoUeU the U.N. Security OouncH •«*Me. of exploaloas . ripped be* fwt been dleouaeed," he and the Sephardic chief rabbi Uirough on oH oompcuqr dton ge er—or “nUp”—ovar oonosrv*- Uve Ben. Roman L. Rruak* of critiolsed Pope Paul VI. axes near Boston Harbor today, The reports said the govent- Nabsaska. Meanwhile, the onoe quiet L«- Iqturing four ^esoMi o(ul sendiiv ment toM the Soviet UMota that banese-IaraeU border erupted By a 81 to 38 vote of aDsmo- flames bundr^ of faet into tfaa Ruaaiqa ahlpe could vlait Beirut again in an artillery duel Tliure- crotlo oouous, tbs youngsst and It M mdow oaked. The Soviet air. only survtvtog K ein sdy faraUiar ROAST fleet, behaved to total shout 60 (800 Page Two) The orighM exploafob «gpor- matched a victory wlikb could enay oome Jn pumping equhT- speed Ms w*y to Ate Whtte meat aa a driver wto* flUbgr hM B oum . • I x I O t tank truck with gasoline at the On both sMaa of tbs Amate Gulf OH Co. yard on Clhelaea fu ll b o H « otele, the foroos o f poHUoal Creek in the Inland northern modewtUoa or Ubstallsm was* ilb Hijacked Jet Returns Motion of the harbor. strengthened. Long, Oh comparer offloiela near the «f the Senate Fbanes Oouadb- RED LABEL DACRON eocne said the Are iqntaaied to tee, hod been party whip sAm s be subeldbig about on hour after 1866, F r b m H a v a n a w it h 1 4 it began. Scott, 88k a leader cf modoO CK>P fo n a a bed pillows ARMOUR’S STAIU-BONBLEBS iP AMl (,AP) — The crew of the airport runways were too Ottciate said the truck driver. on Bostem Air Lines etretch.:jet Theodore Shirley, was standing won vtotocy hy aa oven noiTOir- short for safe takeoff of the big •r naggin, 38 to 30. hljaoked to Chiba Thursday flew commercial Jets.