THURSDAY, J^PHTARY 2, 1 iNanrlfeat^r lEttpttittg 1|m U)i Manoheoter Bml)i«m CMb Manchester Veterans Ooun- N w Shefving classrooms, thus maklny (ha who oontrtbuted their time and The Weaillise:.>^;S^^ Town wlH meet tom om w at 8 p.m. cU wni meet MorJLlay at 8 pjn . department more 'efficient apd effort were Brian McAwley, at the Bake QUb. MCnt Chailee at the Arm y and Navy Ohib. Cloadr. eotd wMb a more attractive place ir. Charlea Spaeth, Robert Bates, 8 P . Toomey, U.8. Pontioelll is chairman oif tiw Added at Lut/r Hyatt BuUiffe, Robert H<nee, BLACKY THE AN US SE£ rlee taniglit Low. M Rm , liH M Ifir. atat Urt. C. evanind. ICembera are remind- H ie board o f truateea of South >i^iich to work. W alter Sdiultheia, Alex Sehul- Tbm om w mamit ’ United Methidist Church wUI Last month brouyht a “new Miss Hasel Luts, tot whom 9rafT fH9 fWw iW v I ttoomay of n Lomlale eU to briny' {ilastie oontMners thela, and N. William KniiJit. poeXHy iaeteeatay; HUh ia and old hosiery. meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at look” to part of the Luts Ju­ the museum w u named, point­ Mtuteh«$ter— A City of Vittage Chdrm to duty In Vlot* ChiratorB of the School Siervlce luiTiny «p«nt M i reat the church. nior Museum. Nine man, work­ ed out that formerly all mater­ right. Shop at W m Ig h i ing three weekends, removed Dept, are; Mre. Richard Mont­ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) l » i wttli Mo wtfo, Undo, at Samuel Sweet of 42 N. School ials were, piled on top of tablet gomery, ethnology and art; MANCHESTER, CJONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1989 Little Flower of ^esus Moth­ the old storaye shelvlny of the Boot Mart ood lovo cor- pmcB TEN cnnii WMdki PooBti. Howuil, where St., a Boology major at Oomell and ludchroom benches, which Mrs. Harvey PaMel, hisOny; ers Circle will meet tomorrow basement School Service Dept., their fleirt w«d- UiHveriity, lUiaoa, N.T., is at- In turn were piled dn top of Mre. Gerald Chiueet and Mrs. at 8:18 pm . at the home of In use since IMW, and Installed sittooHy OH oH yoor nwite d h v on n ltu w ry. He has ooni- tendlny the ISBth meetiny of the tables and benches. On one oc­ Harry Freschltn, natural Irie- Mrs. John Meaaom of 288 approximately 625 feet of new ptoM ei«tat montho of Ms year'B American Association for the casion when roof gutters clog­ tory; Mre. Bktwnrd Tlm brell, Autumn St. Mrs. Maye Orent steel ohelvlny jiurchased by the W ar Fears Elxpreissed tour of doty in Vietnam. Advancement of Science in Dal­ ged wdth leaves caused a leak, science and Industry; IjOas BilHoii Fewer of Hartford will speak about museum. las, Tex. she said, sand boxes were plac­ Barbara Brown, education; "FamSy Ltfe and Education.” Cigarettes Puffed St. BrMyet Church w ill cele­ Members o f the ^Tomen’s ed under the storage tables. Mre. John Storm, picituro file. Oo-hosteeses are Mrs. Richard brate nm t BYlday tomorrow Volunteer Leayue Are now In Eventually even the sand boxes WASHINOTON (AP) — Chapman Court, Order of Day and Mrs. John Spellman. Lebanon Plans with Maasis ed 7 a.m., 8 am., the process of reshelviny more ^ e re used for storage. ONE STATE USES POLLS ■9 Amerleona puffed mc«e than Amaranth, will meet tomorrow SPECIALS one bUllon few er otgarettoe than 1,000 cartons of reference Frdd Edwards was chalrmsm and 5:88 |».in. at 7 ;46 p.m. at Masonic Temple. Methodist Touth Fellowehip, CHICAGO — When a Judge- materials, that are loaned to dt the bdard of trustees men lost year—the firtt reduction After tlw meetiny, refreehmenta Grades 7 and 8, of South Unit­ ship becomes vacant in nitooia in domeetle eigorstto oon- Manchester schools. In addition who set up Ole .new shelving. THURSITAY, FmOAY AND SATURDAY Military Draft Second OonyregationBi Church will be Mrved by Mrs. Alice ed Methodist Church will meet a special election is necessary. eumpUon stnM 1884, the Ag- to more sheU epuce, they sold They took down thewld shelving deaioans wtil meet tomorrow at Ray and members of her com­ tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at Use In all other states, the gover­ By tRb AaaofXAiiiD nrass rloolture De|Mutment eoys. the chanye will provide more on Friday nights and Instfdled nor ftUs the Beat by appctnt- (Mpe in the MetUtormneon, hoe 7 :30 pan. * mittee. church. OfOdale also predloted no room in the aisles and muaeum the new on Saturdays. The ittan ment. Lebanon’s defense minis­ never vteited Lebanon. elgnlfloant omoking gain this ter said today his grovem- Tile ijght^wlng newepapere A1 ment plans a military draft Nohor and AI Jorkla eold Pre­ year in what they interpret­ and expressed fears that mier AbditUa Yafl expreeied the ed as a trend due at leoat view d iet U.8. Navy shipB would potUally to inoreoaod pub- Israel win epark a third Uolty on smoking and health. Defeats Hruska CORNED- be unwdcome becaewe o f Woeto- wtwM war. The department estimated tJadeoBe BOniater Huteto Ington'a 'recent dedelon to e ^ Ouwetai dtaoloetd eit * itewe 80 Fbantom Jets to la r a ^ TMe domestlo elgoretto oonaump- tion in 1888 at 626.6 bllUon, ooDfeienoe plaiu for oooaorlp- would be a reveneal o f Leba­ non’s traditional ptx>-Waetein compared with 627.8 hiUlon ttoa. H8 eppeeled to ell notions smokM the year before. to Join ta trytay to heed off « 901(07. V C o n g r e s s ytobal jooaOiot In Cairo, the authoritative “ In the montha ahgsd,” the HOUSE BEEF department said in a quai^ Oonunentlny on DugM’e oom- newspaper A l Ahram maid Pree- mande \ndd on Beirut aiipoit atent Gcunol Abdel Naaeer bos terly rqport, “recent price LUXURY TYPE-186 PERCALE laat Saturdey, O u w ^ eald that endareed Jordanian King Hus- advanoee and the smoking- C o n v e n e s tt Lebtpnxi le attacked again, it aoin’a oaU for an Arab summit health puMlcRy ore likely to I g HEAD dlgbt with emery meeni at meeting. Influence dgantto usage.” WASHIN(?rON (AP) — CUT tta (Uepneal, even etlolis. Hie paper aaid Jfeaser sent Sen. Eklward M. K enbe^ lb “H ie eittaiok on Beirut hoe Hueeein a meeaage signifying of Massachusetts won hu PRINTED SHEETS and CASES etrangthened our reeietenoe obU agreement. ..........i bid to become the Senate’s » f HALE ■Uttened our determlnoUan to Arab Leegue soourcee aold, aaeistant Democratic lead­ fl5M on,” be eoUL hofever, dtat only 6 of the 15 er as the 91gt Oongreea Ouweint denied reporto ki Be(- Arab states have aa> far ex- opened today. Main Straot, Manchasf i ' by Lady Pepperell BONELESS lUt aewqpeiwri that (be govem- preaoed any enthuaioem for ment bed decided to pm nlt a eutdi B meeting. They are Rip Oil Tanks 'The RcpuUicans also vlett (ijr (be Soviet MedUeira- ^sypfi Jordan. Lebanon, Sudan, chose a new man. iteen fleet. K u v^ and Yemen. Just bsfore Keimedy uiistslisil . 9*0. Russen B. Long of Louisi­ “T h *(« hoe been obeohit^ no laraeU anger at the worid’a Near Boston // requeet eitber by the U.8. 8th ana, Bsn. Hugh Soott of Pannsyl- APRIL ROSE" DESIGN ooncern for Lebanon increased. CHBlLflHlA, Maa*. (A P ) A Fleet or by (bo Soviet fleet to Foreign lOnister Abba Biban os- vaala WM chosen by Ropubil- vMt Lebenon onU the qiiietlch X i # ' - oans m —slsisnt miacrlty Issd- PORK eoUeU the U.N. Security OouncH •«*Me. of exploaloas . ripped be* fwt been dleouaeed," he and the Sephardic chief rabbi Uirough on oH oompcuqr dton ge er—or “nUp”—ovar oonosrv*- Uve Ben. Roman L. Rruak* of critiolsed Pope Paul VI. axes near Boston Harbor today, The reports said the govent- Nabsaska. Meanwhile, the onoe quiet L«- Iqturing four ^esoMi o(ul sendiiv ment toM the Soviet UMota that banese-IaraeU border erupted By a 81 to 38 vote of aDsmo- flames bundr^ of faet into tfaa Ruaaiqa ahlpe could vlait Beirut again in an artillery duel Tliure- crotlo oouous, tbs youngsst and It M mdow oaked. The Soviet air. only survtvtog K ein sdy faraUiar ROAST fleet, behaved to total shout 60 (800 Page Two) The orighM exploafob «gpor- matched a victory wlikb could enay oome Jn pumping equhT- speed Ms w*y to Ate Whtte meat aa a driver wto* flUbgr hM B oum . • I x I O t tank truck with gasoline at the On both sMaa of tbs Amate Gulf OH Co. yard on Clhelaea fu ll b o H « otele, the foroos o f poHUoal Creek in the Inland northern modewtUoa or Ubstallsm was* ilb Hijacked Jet Returns Motion of the harbor. strengthened. Long, Oh comparer offloiela near the «f the Senate Fbanes Oouadb- RED LABEL DACRON eocne said the Are iqntaaied to tee, hod been party whip sAm s be subeldbig about on hour after 1866, F r b m H a v a n a w it h 1 4 it began. Scott, 88k a leader cf modoO CK>P fo n a a bed pillows ARMOUR’S STAIU-BONBLEBS iP AMl (,AP) — The crew of the airport runways were too Ottciate said the truck driver. on Bostem Air Lines etretch.:jet Theodore Shirley, was standing won vtotocy hy aa oven noiTOir- short for safe takeoff of the big •r naggin, 38 to 30. hljaoked to Chiba Thursday flew commercial Jets.
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