Aegna Landscape Protection Area

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Aegna Landscape Protection Area < = < < LEGEND << < < < < < = < = < < < < < AEGNA < < < Cape < < 17 < < AEGNA HIKING TRAIL < < 1 Peldikukari Katlakivi < < L ca 6 km < <<< Cape lõugas < < = < < < LEMMIKU HIKING TRAIL LANDSCAPE < Eeem < 16 <9 < < Pardilõugas ca 3 km < < < < = < < < Lõhekari Tagalõugas Katlakivi = < < << istorical military obect = < < 1 PROTECTION 26 < L < < = e < < < m < < Comman < = eritage under state protection K < m < < i 25 < k = < an ton yrinth < < AREA 10 u < ocation of the map n Tagaheinamaa nukk i < 8 < n < < a =< Külalaht < each a a < < < N each m E a = < = e in Abneeme < = < e e < t < < h = a lõugas Tenting place = rock e Saadukse = Nõiakivid g < a < < m < = < T < < < < < < e < << Cape < e Aeeme Abneem < 6 n < Rabasloom < < Picnic place k < i 11 < Lemmik < Keem < Loodemets r forests < < = < e < E T f < K Külaheinamaa < < 5/ 38 My 32 31 cap L ry closet 12,5 = 37 16,4 < structures 3 Rabasloome = l 36 Sam og Hathland e < < 12 Loodemetsa aed 12 lõugas a Aegna Nature ouse 7 Külaniit 1 3 k < Samelikusoo e 30 = < K e u < u t K k < ri i Kaelaliiv < k e 1< < ne 4 28 m = Eating em 35 19,4 m e m Cape < e Htorical e L t e 27 Kliuhkakari = ee n k e i Tagaloome e Boulder field and centre r t Accommodation e i = E 9 1 3 p dun= orest 14,2 a n = each Tagamaa mets r Tulekivi = e = = = = Waste house a te = 11,8 u = 34 K id = < Järvetee ani 13 = aed Kül < 11,4 tee 15 lja Water intake < vä Ntur ouse la 33 Külaniidu tee 14 K a < < K The Volunteer Reserve KURIKNEEME Saunasoo < SIHTKAITSEVÖÖND Suurepaadiauk Rescue Team < Cemetery 40 restricted area 29 cenic view Punakivi < 39 / Vanaoja 15.02-31.07 kari < < Port I 8,3 Järvesoo < < Tagamaa tee < 3,5 K 15,2 < a < < r I n Erratic boulder < < a = < p I 7,9 20 i < < < t < = < I Raiendiku e m e = Rocky beach, stone < < soo Krõnkasoo < Mtamäe l < Üljeva < a < = soo < beach s Sadamakari < < < < = I < Kumbli Sandy beach Ha orest = r < = Kumbli , Paludified and Nurme < 41 < Hallikivi = < < , u Pendiksekari ots sadam < Suurkivi b oodlands << u < < = 2 = < Salmeauk < 22 < S < < < < Restricted area << < < < < < < < < < = < < < during 15.02-31.07 Karnapi << Pendikse < < < = soo << < me oja < < kari < < nee << = < < < Tal < = pot height above sea < < < i 15,2 < < 21 < i I < Talneeme < H each = level in metres soo = < < < < I = < I = < < = e < < te < Prangli i < < KäsuliI I p < a < rn < Numme a < < Aegna < Kalavälja tee K < < kari 11,4 < < Naissaar 24 = < TALLINNA LAHT < Suurkivi = = = < = 42 < I = Talneem < < 23 < < < < < = < Rohuneeme sadam = < m Cap K < < l < Talneeme I a Voorimehekivid Lohknase = s Viimsi ps lõugas = I < e Kalavälja = lõugas < < ik < Vä lõugas www.regio. ee © 2020 Pihlakakari < 1 T or Aegna Aluskaart / Base map: Maa-amet 2020 TALLINN Viimsi = Pirita MAARDU Lohknaseh ots poolsaarLennusadam Linnahalli kai= < MILITARY OBJECTS I < I I Kabelikari 25 Tallinn coastal defence central command point; 1927 31 Republic of Estonia's naval fortresses coastal defence battery no. 2; 1924 37 New air defence battery; 1939 and 1945-1950 I 26 Republic of Estonia's naval fortresses coastal defence battery no. 2 searchlight position; 1924 32 Coastal defence battery bases; 1918 38 Peter the Great's naval fortress coastal defence battery no. 15 searchlight position; 1915-1917 < The Volunteer ReserveI 27 Aegna air defence battery position; 1942–1944 33 Ice cellar, later the ammunition laboratory for Peter the Great's naval fortress; 1915 39 Peter the Great's naval fortress temporary battery position; 1914 +372 525 2273 Rescue Team = 28 Republic of Estonia's naval fortresses landing and air defence battery no. 10; 1927, 1936 34 Aegna barracks and garrison dining hall 1914; 1930s 40 Peter the Great's naval fortress coastal defence battery no. 14 (3); 1915 I Environmental violationsI 1247 29 Republic of Estonia's naval fortresses anti-landing battery no. 14 southern position; 1936 35 Peter the Great's naval fortress coastal defence battery no. 15 (1); 1915-1917 and 1920-1936 41 Peter the Great's naval fortress Aegna garrison officers' casino 1914; 1930s I Tallinna helpline< 14410 30 Republic of Estonia's naval fortresses anti-landing battery no. 14 northern position; 1936 36 Peter the Great's naval fortress coastal defence battery no. 15 (1) searchlight shelter; 1915-1917 42 Peter the Great's naval fortress coastal defence battery no. 14 searchlight position; 1915 Emergency number 112 I @ @ @ @ @ I Oti sadam < I Liivalaht Virukari = = = < asud siin kaardi asukoht info ujumiskoht toitlustus majutus telkimine piknikuplats käimla Loodusmaja jäätmejaam päästekomando.
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