Proposal for "Swedish International" Keyboard

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Proposal for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 N 0748 DATE: 2005-01-31 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User Interfaces Secretariat: Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) TITLE: Proposal for "Swedish International" keyboard SOURCE: Karl Ivar Larsson, Swedish Expert STATUS: FYI DATE: 2005-01-31 DISTRIBUTION: P and O members of JTC1/SC35 MEDIUM: E NO. OF PAGES: 8 Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 – Nathalie Cappel-Souquet – 11 Avenue Francis de Pressensé 93571 St Denis La Plaine Cedex France Telephone: + 33 1 41 62 82 55; Facsimile: + 33 1 49 17 91 29 e-mail: [email protected] LWP Consulting R 04/0-3 Notes: 1. This document was handed out in the SC35 Stockholm meeting 2004-11-24. 2. The proposal contained in the document relates to Swedish standardization, and at present not to any SC35 activities. Contents 1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................3 2 Characters added ...............................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Diacritical marks.................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Special-shape letters..........................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Other characters.................................................................................................................................................3 3 Use of diacritics..................................................................................................................................................3 4 Key markings ......................................................................................................................................................3 Annex A Specification for proposed ”Swedish International” keyboard layout.................................................4 Annex B List of composed letters for proposed ”Swedish International” keyboard .........................................6 Annex C Illustration of proposed ”Swedish International”keyboard...................................................................8 2 © Copyright 2004 LWP Consulting (2004-11-02) LWP Consulting R 04/0-3 Proposal for ”Swedish International” keyboard 1 Scope An addition to the de facto-standard layouts is how- This document specifies a proposed keyboard layout ever the middle dot. This is in line with the keyboard for use in Sweden. Its primary purpose is to make layouts used in Spain, to write Catalan names con- possible the input of all letters in the Latin script which taining a double-l and needing a separator. The stan- can be expected to be generally needed in Sweden, in dardised typographic character “L with middle dot” is particular in connection with the writing of names of therefore not included. European origin. The proposal however does not specify functionality 3 Use of diacritics for inputting all the letters of some non-European lan- In Annex B, a list of required diacritic-baseletter com- guages using the Latin script, e.g. Vietnamese. binations is given. The proposed layout is based on the “Swedish with Some of the diacritic characters can also be used Sami” specified in the Sami Parliamentary Council free-standing. Although various practices exist in dif- document Sámediggi 01/850-51. That layout, in turn, ferent countries, in Sweden only the acute, grave and is a “super-set” of the one specified in the Statskonto- circumflex accents and the tilde have conventionally a ret “Technical Norm” TN36, Support for Sami lan- separate use. guages in Swedish data processing”. The following keyboard functional principles therefore The Sámediggi layout is identical to the present apply: Swedish “de facto standard” with the specifically Sami letters added. Some of these are “special-shape”, like a) If depression of one of the diacritic keys is fol- the letter ŋ, while others are diacritic-baseletter com- lowed next by the depression of the key of a base binations, like č, but included pre-composed. letter which, in combination with the diacritical mark, is one of the combined characters specified in Annex B the code for that combined letter shall 2 Characters added be generated. 2.1 Diacritical marks b) If depression of the key for one of the characters The present de facto-standard Swedish keyboard lay- listed below is followed next by the depression of out contains five combining diacritics (acute, grave the space bar ("blank"), the code for the corre- and circumflex accents, diaeresis and tilde). In the sponding "free-standing" character shall be gen- proposal the remaining eight diacritics defined in erated: ISO/IEC 6937 have been added, and also – in antici- ACUTE ACCENT: U+00B4 pation of possible future needs – the “dot-below” dia- GRAVE ACCENT: U+0060 critic. CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT: U+005E TILDE: U+007E 2.2 Special-shape letters c) If depression of one of the diacritic keys is fol- lowed next by the depression of the key of a base The special-shape Sami letters in addition to ŋŊ are letter, singly or together with a shifting-function đÐ, ǥǤ, ŧŦ and ʒƷ. Other special-shape letters in the key, which would produce a combined letter not “Swedish with Sami” layout are the Danish/Norwegian specified in Annex B, the result is outside the æÆ and øØ. Further additions in the proposal are the scope of this document, and is to be decided by Nordic ðÐ and þÞ, the German ß, the Polish łŁ, the the implementer. Maltese ħĦ, the Turkish dotless ı, and the Azerbaijani schwa ǝƏ. 4 Key markings The ligature œŒ has also been added. The IJ liga- ture previously used in Dutch, although a character in This document specifies no marking of keys. ISO/IEC 6937, is however not included. Present-day In procurements, requirements on marking may be Netherlands practice is, namely, to use an IJ digraph specified. If not, it is assumed that implementers pro- instead. vide markings to the extent suitable, considering the needs of users. 2.3 Other characters At present, most Swedish systems support input of both the euro sign and the micro sign. They are con- sequently included in the proposal. © Copyright 2004 LWP Consulting (2004-11-02) 3 LWP Consulting R 04/0-3 Annex A Specification for proposed ”Swedish International” keyboard layout In the table below designations according to ISO/IEC 9995-1 are used for key identification (ID). The correspond- ing character identities are given according to ISO/IEC 10646-1. "Group 1" applies to the normal function of the keyboard. "Group 3" applies to the layout that can be activated by a group select key (see ISO/IEC 9995-1). How the alternative layout is activated will be system-dependent, and is not specified. Table A.1 – Character allocations ID GROUP 1 - LOWER SHIFT GROUP 1 – UPPER SHIFT GROUP 3 - LOWER SHIFT GROUP 3 - UPPER SHIFT SECTION SIGN VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF E00 (U+00A7) (U+00BD) DIGIT ONE EXCLAMATION MARK E01 (U+0031) (U+0021) DIGIT TWO QUOTATION MARK COMMERCIAL AT E02 (U+0032) (U+0022) (U+0040) DIGIT THREE NUMBER SIGN POUND SIGN E03 (U+0033) (U+0023) (U+00A3) DIGIT FOUR CURRENCY SIGN DOLLAR SIGN E04 (U+0034) (U+00A4) (U+0024) DIGIT FIVE PERCENT SIGN E05 (U+0035) (U+0025) DIGIT SIX AMPERSAND E06 (U+0036) (U+0026) DIGIT SEVEN SOLIDUS LEFT CURLY BRACKET E07 (U+0037) (U+002F) (U+007B) DIGIT EIGHT LEFT PARENTHESIS LEFT SQUARE BRACKET E08 (U+0038) (U+0028) (U+005B) DIGIT NINE RIGHT PARENTHESIS RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET E09 (U+0039) (U+0029) (U+005D) DIGIT ZERO EQUALS SIGN RIGHT CURLY BRACKET E10 (U+0030) (U+003D) (U+007D) PLUS SIGN QUESTION MARK REVERSE SOLIDUS E11 (U+002B) (U+003F) (U+005C) Diacritical mark ACUTE ACCENT – Diacritical mark GRAVE ACCENT – Diacritical mark CEDILLA – Diacritical mark OGONEK – E12 see clause 3 for coding see clause 3 for coding see clause 3 for coding see clause 3 for coding LATIN SMALL LETTER Q LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q LATIN SMALL LETTER A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A D01 (U+0071) (U+0051) WITH CIRCUMFLEX (U+00E2) WITH CIRCUMFLEX (U+00C2) LATIN SMALL LETTER W LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE D02 (U+0077) (U+0057) (U+0153) (U+0152) LATIN SMALL LETTER E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E EURO SIGN D03 (U+0065) (U+0045) (U+20AC) LATIN SMALL LETTER R LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH D04 (U+0072) (U+0052) (U+00F0) (U+00D0) LATIN SMALL LETTER T LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T LATIN SMALL LETTER T LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T D05 (U+0074) (U+0054) WITH STROKE (U+0167) WITH STROKE (U+0166) LATIN SMALL LETTER Y LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S D06 (U+0079) (U+0059) (U+00DF) LATIN SMALL LETTER U LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I D07 (U+0075) (U+0055) (U+0131) LATIN SMALL LETTER I LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I LATIN SMALL LETTER I LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I D08 (U+0069) (U+0049) WITH DIAERESIS (U+00EF) WITH DIAERESIS (U+00CF) LATIN SMALL LETTER O LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O LATIN SMALL LETTER O LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O D09 (U+006F) (U+004F) WITH TILDE (U+00F5) WITH TILDE (U+00D5) 4 © Copyright 2004 LWP Consulting (2004-11-02) LWP Consulting R 04/0-3 ID GROUP 1 - LOWER SHIFT GROUP 1 – UPPER SHIFT GROUP 3 - LOWER SHIFT GROUP 3 - UPPER SHIFT LATIN SMALL LETTER P LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN D10 (U+0070) (U+0050) (U+00FE) (U+00DE) LATIN SMALL LETTER A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A Diacritical mark DOUBLE ACUTE Diacritical
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