United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,588,409 Sercus [45] Date of Patent: May 13, 1986

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United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,588,409 Sercus [45] Date of Patent: May 13, 1986 81-18? SF 55/151686 United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,588,409 Sercus [45] Date of Patent: May 13, 1986 ‘[54] COLOR-CHANGING DYED PRODUCT AND 4,314,812 2/1982 E6655 61111. ........................... .. 8/457 PROCESS ‘ FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [76] Inventor: Owen H. Sercus, 125 W. 12th St., 55 30450 3/1980 Ja - pan .................................... .. 8/638 New York, N-Y- 10011 1060556 3/1967 United Kingdom .................. .. 8/642 [21] APPI- NO-1 564325 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [22] Flledl Dec- 2,2’ 1983 Mayston, R. S. Amer. Dyestuff Reporter 2/ 17/64, pp. [51] Int. c1.4 ........................ .. D06P 5/13; DO6P 5/02; 142-147 1306111 5/00 Trotman, E. R. Dyeing Chemical Technology of [52] US. Cl. ......................................... .. 8/403; 8/441; Textile Fibers» Chas- Griffen & Co- Ltd» London, 1975, 8/485; 8/543; 8/638; 8/102; 8/107; 8/918; pp: 514550. 8/642; 8/924; 8/922; 8/927; 8/928 Falrchild’s Dictionary of Textiles, p. 185. [58] Field Of Search ................. .. 8/403, 441, 457, 485, Primm Exam,-,,e,_Pau1 Lieberman 8/638' 642’ 102 Assistant Examiner-—-John F. McNally [56] References Cited [57] ABSTRACT US. PATENT DOCUMENTS Textile products comprising a cellulosic substrate are 638,819 12/1889 Stimpson . colored with two or more dyes which differ in their 1,615,205 I/ 1926 Muelberger . respective resistance to chlorine bleaches. The initial 1,810,662 6/1931 Kritschevsky . color of the textile is determined by the combined effect 2,022,413 ll/ 1935 Ellis et a1. .. 8/5 of the dyes. Thereafter, textile products whichv may be 3,030,227 4/1962 Clifford et al. 8/478 in the form of garments, bed linens, draperies, or yard 3,125,403 3/1964 Senger .......... .. .. 8/65 goods, are treated with an aqueous solution of bleach to 3,220,793 11/1965 Parsons et a]. .. .. 8/14 3,447,888 6/1969 Wcisz et al. .. 8/69 decolorize, to a pre-determined degree, one or more of 3,619,103 11/1971 Williams ............... .. .. 8/14 the dyes, to thereby change the color of the textiles. 3,934,971 l/l976 Blanchard et a1. 8/485 4,314,811 2/1982 Feess et al. ........................... .. 8/457 9 Claims, No Drawings 4,588,409 1 2 can be changed in color, or even returned to white, for COLOR-CHANGING DYED PRODUCI‘ AND printing or redyeing. PROCESS Another object of the invention is to provide textiles with the inherent capability of predetermined color SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION change in order to permit garment manufacturers to This invention relates to a new textile product and obtain the bene?t of large volume purchases from mills speci?cally to a colored cellulosic textile product which and thereafter vary the colors of portions of the textile can be treated employing methods which are adaptable to meet their seasonal inventory requirements. for use either by textile mills or in home laundries to DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE change the textile from its original color to a completely 10 INVENTION different color. _ - In about 1956 a new series of dyes termed reactive BACKGROUND dyes began to appear on the market. These dyes, the As will be readily apparent to those in the fashion ?rst of which were based on a mono- or di-halo triazine industry, the ability to change easily and predictably the nucleus, color of textiles in the form of garments, bed linens and other home furnishings, would be of great commercial signi?cance. The ability to change the color of a favor ite garment in one’s own home would extend the range and life of the owner’s wardrobe without signi?cant 20 cost. The ability to effect color changes would also be of signi?cant commercial and economic importance to textile mills and manufacturers. For example, knowing that the color of a given run of textiles produced for a 25 where X1 is halogen, X2 may be halogen or some innoc particular season can be changed to colors for a follow uous substituent, and R is a radical including a chromo ing season would permit mills to establish large invento phore group, are capable of reacting with a cellulosic ries for a longer selling season. As presently structured, substrate, thus actually binding the color to the sub the mills must dispose of their inventories of textiles in strate. Such dyes and variants thereof are now well fashion colors by means of “close outs”, which are often 30 known in the textile industry and are available from at a loss. With the ability to predictably and selectively , various manufacturers. M ‘ change the colors of unsold inventory to other readily Reactive dyes differ one from another in their resis salable colors, or even to white, for printing, or redye tance to bleaching, and in particular, in their resistance ing, “close out” sales would become unnecessary. to chlorine based bleaches such as those normally used The availability of textiles whose colors can be 35 in home laundries. Thus, for example, some typical quickly and inexpensively changed would also permit reactive dyes have the following resistance to bleach, smaller manufacturers to purchase two or more colors measured on a scale of l to 5 (with 5 indicating full at the relatively large minimum yardage for single runs imposed by the large mills. stability to bleach under normal conditions). US. Pat. No. 3,030,227 describes a process in which a fabric is dyed with a dyestuff which is acid resistant BLEACH and with a resin-bonded pigment susceptible to decom REACTIVE DYE RESISTANCE position upon treatment with acid. In combination, the Color Index Reactive Yellow 22 1 two coloring materials impart a certain color to the Color Index Reactive Orange 86 4-5 fabric. If it is desired to change the color, the fabric is 45 Color Index Reactive Yellow 86 2 treated with acid to decompose the resin-bonded pig Color Index Reactive Orange 14 1 Color Index Reactive Blue (conc.) 163 1 ment, leaving the fabric colored only by the acid resis Color Index Reactive Blue 4 3-4 tant dyestuff. Color Index Reactive Blue 10 3 The procedure of US. Pat. No. 3,030,227 is useful, Color Index Reactive Red 31 4 but has a number of drawbacks. In the ?rst place, the 50 Color Index Reactive 'Red 2 1 Color Index Reactive Orange 4 4 number of suitable dyestuffs or pigments available is Color Index Reactive Brown 10 4 rather limited so that a full range of colors is dif?cult to achieve. More importantly, the acids required for ef fecting the color change are not normally available to Bleach resistance ratings are normally available from the consumer for use in home laundries. Finally the 55 dye manufacturers. For example, the ratings for the treatment leaves the textile with an offensive odor. above dyes which are “Procion” @ dyes sold by Impe It is an object of the present invention to provide a rial Chemical Industries (ICI), are published by ICI. method of changing the color of textiles, either in the In accordance with the present invention a cellulosic form of garments and other ?nished products, or as substrate is dyed with a combination of dyes, preferably piece goods, that can be practised quickly and easily reactive dyes, of different colors, at least one dye hav using materials which are readily available to consum ing high stability toward bleach (e.g., 4-5 on the above ers. scale) and at least one being susceptible to decoloriza It is a further object of~ the invention to provide a tion upon treatment with bleach (e. g., 1-2 on the above method of changing the color of textiles and garments scale). The dyed material is stable toward all treatments which can be safely and simply practised by the con 65 normally applied to colored fabrics; for example, it is sumer in the home laundry or local laundromat. stable to laundering using hot water and conventional It is also an object of this invention to provide textile soaps or synthetic detergents. However, when treated - mills with a method of producing colored textiles which with conventional home bleach, for example, conven 4,588,409 3 4 tional aqueous hypochlorite solutions, the unstable dye a concentration which will produce the desired inten is decolorized, leaving the stable dye to determine the sity of color. Thereafter, the substrate is washed in an color of the substrate. Thus, a complete shift in color acidi?ed oxidizing solution to convert the dye back to can be accomplished using readily available materials the form of a water insoluble pigment and to develop which can normally be put to use by the consumer in the ?nal color. the home laundry. Alternatively, the vat dye may be obtained from the ~ Certain vat dyes are also known to be stable to bleach manufacturer in the form of the leuco compound, and and it is therefore possible to substitute a vat dye for the the vatting step can be omitted. In this case, the dye is bleach stable reactive dye, in some circumstances. Pref applied to the cellulosic substrate in aqueous solution, erably however both the dyes are reactive dyes. for example, by padding, followed by treatment to acid The invention therefore comprises, in a ?rst aspect, a ify and oxidize the compound in order to fix the pig ‘colored textile material comprising a cellulosic sub ment on the fabric and develop the desired color. strate dyed with at least two dyes of different colors, Where the dyes used are of the same type, the bleach one of said dyes being stable to bleach and the other stable dye or dyes and the decolorizable dye or dyes are being subject to decolorization by bleach.
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