United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,588,409 Sercus [45] Date of Patent: May 13, 1986
81-18? SF 55/151686 United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,588,409 Sercus [45] Date of Patent: May 13, 1986 ‘[54] COLOR-CHANGING DYED PRODUCT AND 4,314,812 2/1982 E6655 61111. ........................... .. 8/457 PROCESS ‘ FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [76] Inventor: Owen H. Sercus, 125 W. 12th St., 55 30450 3/1980 Ja - pan .................................... .. 8/638 New York, N-Y- 10011 1060556 3/1967 United Kingdom .................. .. 8/642 [21] APPI- NO-1 564325 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [22] Flledl Dec- 2,2’ 1983 Mayston, R. S. Amer. Dyestuff Reporter 2/ 17/64, pp. [51] Int. c1.4 ........................ .. D06P 5/13; DO6P 5/02; 142-147 1306111 5/00 Trotman, E. R. Dyeing Chemical Technology of [52] US. Cl. ......................................... .. 8/403; 8/441; Textile Fibers» Chas- Griffen & Co- Ltd» London, 1975, 8/485; 8/543; 8/638; 8/102; 8/107; 8/918; pp: 514550. 8/642; 8/924; 8/922; 8/927; 8/928 Falrchild’s Dictionary of Textiles, p. 185. [58] Field Of Search ................. .. 8/403, 441, 457, 485, Primm Exam,-,,e,_Pau1 Lieberman 8/638' 642’ 102 Assistant Examiner-—-John F. McNally [56] References Cited [57] ABSTRACT US. PATENT DOCUMENTS Textile products comprising a cellulosic substrate are 638,819 12/1889 Stimpson . colored with two or more dyes which differ in their 1,615,205 I/ 1926 Muelberger . respective resistance to chlorine bleaches. The initial 1,810,662 6/1931 Kritschevsky . color of the textile is determined by the combined effect 2,022,413 ll/ 1935 Ellis et a1. .. 8/5 of the dyes. Thereafter, textile products whichv may be 3,030,227 4/1962 Clifford et al.
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