Friends of the International Center, at UC San Diego Newsletter Volume XLII, No. 2 October 2014 President’s Message Given the many changes that have Please be sure to send in your occurred in society over the last 50+ reservations for our Fall scholar- years, the founders of the Friends ship fundraising dinner featuring of the International Center are to Persian cuisine. I can assure you be commended for their incredible that you will be very sorry if you vision: the Friends mission state- miss out! ment remains as relevant today as Katya Newmark it was when the organization was
[email protected] founded: The purpose of the Friends of the International Center, a nonprofit Marion Spors and Alma Coles packing up organization, shall be to support inter- boxes in preparation of our office move October Calendar national education, to foster friendship, Oct. 1, 15: Family Orientation, understanding, and cooperation within office on the south side of what is 9:15 the international community, and to sometimes called “Building B,” or create a meeting place on the UC San “IFSO,” or, by old-timers as the “old Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Wednesday Diego campus for people who share student center,” the 2-story brown Morning Coffee, 10:00-Noon these aims. wood building located directly Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31: Friends We remain hopeful that our across the street (Mandeville Lane). Friday Chat ‘n Chew, 10:00- beloved International Center build- Not only was the Friends Noon ing, with its recent reconfiguration mission visionary, but so was the of space, will continue to serve as a Friends logo: a colorful hub sym- Oct.