FINAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) ACTIVITY IN MALI May 15, 2020 Prepared for the United States Agency for International Development under USAID Contract Number: AID-OAA-TO-16-00008 Submitted to: USAID/Mali Ousmane Samake
[email protected] and USAID/Bureau for Food Security Lesley Perlman
[email protected] Submitted by: Philip Boyle, Team Leader Embry Howell, Senior Evaluation Specialist Almouzar Maiga, Livestock Specialist Aliou Badara Samake, Evaluation Specialist Jessica Payton, Research Assistant Contractor: Program Evaluation for Effectiveness and Learning (PEEL) ME&A 1020 19th Street NW, Suite 875 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 240-762-6296 Cover Photo: Agricultural Specialist, Dr. Almouzar Mohaly Maïga, with his arm around the village chief of Tété, Andè Poudiougou by Aliou Maïga. DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. ABSTRACT The Livestock for Growth (L4G) activity aimed to promote inclusive competitive economic growth of the livestock value chain in Mali, defined as small ruminants and cattle, by strengthening support services and improving access to information and technology. The L4G performance evaluation sought to assess activity progress and to inform the design of future activities under the Global Food Security Strategy country plan. L4G successfully installed the Private Proximity Veterinary Service (SVPP) program in Koro and Bankass circles of Mopti region but was unable to install it in other circles of Mopti. The network of SVPP veterinarians and veterinarian auxiliaries (VAs) offered an accessible, rapid, and affordable range of veterinary services, including vaccination, deworming, and disease treatment.