Of Personal Names
687 INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES Antipas (Herod the Tetrarch): i 562, 646, 664, 668; ii Abraham: iv 531; v 380 20,94, 183 Absalom: ii 448 Antipas (relative of Agrippa II): iv 140 Achiab: i 662; ii 77 Antipater (father of Herod): i 177, 181-5, 187, 191, Adam: vii 269 193-282 passim Agesilaus of Sparta: ii 359 Antipater (son of Herod and Doris): i 433-664 passim Agrippa I (grandson of Herod): i 552; ii 168, 183, Antipater (son of Salome): ii 26-33 206-20; V 148-154 Antiphilus: i 592 Agrippa II (son of Agrippa I): ii 247, (speech) 345- Antonius (cavalry commander): iii 12, 14, 25-6 401, 595; iii 29, 68,443,456,540; iv 2, 14,498,500; Antonius Primus (opponent of Vitellius): iv 495, 633- V 36 44, 645,647,650 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (friend of Augustus): i Antony, Mark: i 162, 171,184,242, 243-6, 281-5, 400 290,298,320-22,327,357-61,388-92,396,401, Agrippina: ii 249 439,441; vii 301-2 Albinus (procurator): vi 305 Archelaus (king of Cappadocia): i 446-561 passim; ii Alexander the Great: ii 360, 487; v 465; vii 245 114 Alexander Jannaeus (son of Hyrcanus I): i 85-106; vii Archelaus (son of Herod and Malthace): i 562, 664, 171 668, 670-71; ii 8-37, 80-83, 88-97, 111-7, 167 Alexander (son of Aristobulus II): i 158, 160-185 Aretas (king of Arabia): i 103, 124-9, 159 Alexander (son of Herod and Mariamme): i 452-551 Aristobulus I (son ofHyrcanus): i 64-5, 70-7, 81-4 passim Aristobulus II (son of Alexandra): i 109-184 passim; Alexander, the false: ii 101-110 V 396 Alexander of Cyrenaica: vii 445 Aristobulus (son of Herod and Mariamme): i 445-603 Alexander,
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