Archangel Archelaus Archer Archi, Archites Archippus
Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse 39 CH-8057 Zurich Year: 2009 Article Archippus Ebel, Eva Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: Book Section Published Version Originally published at: Ebel, Eva (2009). Article Archippus. In: Klauck, Hans-Josef. Anim – Atheism. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 647-648. 673 Archippus 674 Judges,” JSOT 97 (2002) 37–64. ■ S. Scham, “Ancient tories of Galilee and Peraea, while their half- Egypt and the Archaeology of the Disenfranchised,” in brother Phillip became ruler of Gaulanitis, Tracho- Views of Ancient Egypt Since Napoleon Bonaparte (ed. D. Jeffreys; nitis, Batanaea, and Panaeas. However, Augustus London 2003) 171–77. ■ S. Scham, “‘From the River Unto refused to grant Archelaus the title “king,” naming the Land of the Philistines’, in Deterritorializations (eds. M. Dorrian/G. Rose; London/New York 2004) 73–79. ■ N. Sil- him “ethnarch” instead. The title “Herod, Eth- berman, Digging for God and Country (New York 1982). ■ N. narch,” appears on Archelaus’ coins. During his Silberman, “Visions of the Future: Albright in Jerusalem,” reign he founded a city named Archelais and re- BA 55/1 (1993) 8–16. ■ N. Silberman, “Promised Lands built the royal palace at Jericho. He was not a popu- and Chosen Peoples,” in Nationalism, Politics and the Practice lar ruler, but rather was known for brutality. E.g., of Archaeology (ed. P. L. Kohl; Cambridge 1995) 249–62. Matt 2 : 22 recounts that Joseph and Mary decide to ■ N.
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