Bishop J. W. Alstork, We Need to Impress Upon the White D.D., LLD
= Bishop J. W. Alstork, We need to impress upon the white D.D., LLD. people the fact that there are thou sands who are reaching out for better A. 1'1. E. Zioll Church living, for clean living, and that they Reaidellce: l'Iolltiomery. Alabama ought to be encouraged in this desire l.hSHOP AI.STOHK presiCles over the Ala and conduct. In a certain city, houses bama, Florida. and Mississippi conferences. of ill-repute are put in a section where He wus born in Talludegll, Ala., September some of the best colored people live, I, 1852. He studied lit night schools and and where their children are compelled worked on the railroad during the day as brakeman, baggageman, warehouse mun, to gaze upon the obscenity of this lewd cotton marker, and smnpler. Later, he class of white people, and cannot help attended Talladegu ollege und then tuught themselves. When the mayor of the city school. was appealed to, he said to the com He WllS cnIled to the ministry in 1878, and plainant, "H you do not like it, you after completing his theological course, in 1882, was appointed to some of the strong can sell out and move to another part churches of the denomination. He was of the town." financial secretary for his conference for eight H it were not for a few white friends years, and was then elected financial secretary we have, I don't know what would be for the entire connection, in which position come of us. It would help wonderfully, he served eight years.
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