Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 1 together


Father Philip Barnes writes...

One of the deflating reactions we sometimes get from the teenagers in our families is “so what?” I daresay most of us will have had the experience of enthusiastically imparting what we think of as exciting news or crucial information, and an eyebrow raises, an iPhone is momentarily lowered and a disinterested voice simply replies “so what?”

“So what?” is actually a pretty good theological question, and as you and I move through the season of Advent to the great feast of Christmas, and as we claim and proclaim that the child of Bethlehem, Jesus, is the Son of God, we might well ask “so what?” What difference does that make? It could be said that the birth of Jesus Christ has made not the slightest difference to how the world looks, and that everything appears to be going as it was two thousand years ago. People are still behaving badly towards one another; people still sin; people still fight; nations are still at war with one another; the greedy get greedier; the needy get needier. So what? What difference has Jesus made?

That question lies at the heart of the opening chapter of St John’s Gospel which is read in our churches on Christmas morning. It speaks of the birth of Jesus as the “Word becoming flesh”. The Word, the second person of the Trinity, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit has become a human being, in the only way that you can become a human being, through being born of a woman.

But that passage goes on to unfold for us the ‘so what?’ It says that when Jesus, the Messiah came he was unrecognised by the rulers and religious leaders of his own people. “He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God…” John 1.11,12

Here is no mere pretty story, told year after year, and set aside until Christmas comes around again; rather here is something that challenges us to the very depths of our being. John calls us in the opening of his gospel to ask ourselves: Am I one of those who know Jesus when he comes, or fail to know him? Am I among those who receive him, or those who reject him? Do I believe in his name, and have I entered into my spiritual inheritance as a child of God? Do I witness to the Light I have received, so that all may believe? Have I let the ‘so what’ of Christmas This picture was painted by Jeremy Thomas, and is called ‘A Light to Reveal’. Jeremy worships at St Mary’s Abergavenny, continued on page 2... where his artwork is displayed. Another piece by Jeremy, ‘By no means last’, can be found in the centre pages. We are grateful to Jeremy for allowing us to reproduce his work. Visit for more information on his work.

Christmas Meditation Celebrating Christmas in... 2020 Calendar of events Page 6 Pages 7 - 10 Page 11 Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 2


...continued from page 1 transform my life? for you. He writes: depth to all human life which is now sharing in the L CURAT ‘overflow’ of his glory. A ES N S CATHOLIC VOCATIONS ARE Every figure in the Christmas story had a life- “Know then, that Christ Jesus hath done enough for The ‘so what?’ of that are the hundreds of night- IO O T C changing decision to make: Joseph, Mary, the inn- the salvation of all; but know too, that if there had shelters and food banks, the lunch clubs and after I I E keeper, the shepherds, the wise men, Herod the king. been no other name written in the book of life but school projects, the rehabilitation programmes and D T

D Each is challenged by the presence of the Christ- thine, he would have died for thee.” (Sermons IX 16) support groups, the refugee centres and Y STARTING TO TAKE OFF! child. No one can look into the manger and respond environmental initiatives, the myriad of pastoral A p There is a real sense of momentum here at the Additional Society, and we are delighted that vocations with a shrug of the shoulders and a dis-interested ‘so We enter into the Christmas season recalling again encounters and patient accompanying of the a d s to the priesthood from Traditionalists are showing no sense of decline, in fact they seem to be ascending to new what?’ We are drawn into the story, we are brought the self-giving love of God, who desires us and who struggling offered by our churches. At the heart of the s o i heights. Here are a few of those who have started training this year and we commend them to your prayers. face to face with the Christ-child, and we have a wants us to be with him and to enjoy him for ever in Christmas message is the God who takes our o o n h decision to make because the world is changed for eternity. We have a purpose and a destiny because of material world absolutely seriously, and who uses a t But let us not get too complacent, because we still need to go much further as these ordinands are but a drop in t es ever because of God’s initiative of becoming flesh in Christmas: the Word has become flesh, God has physical things to communicate with us (above all in e a ri the ocean (to mix my metaphors) and the need to encourage more men of our constituency is not simply pie in the Bethlehem. come to live in the physical world in the real flesh the Sacramental life of his Church). We love and bout p sky, but an absolute necessity. Here are three very important dates that I would like to draw your attention to. Through the pages of this edition of Together you’ll and blood of Jesus. That means that human beings serve him through our cherishing of human dignity read how the ‘so what?’ of Christmas is being lived in matter and that human bodies matter. There’s a and as we try to echo his unconditional welcome of Sunday 3rd May 2020 – Vocations Sunday. Look out for lots of exciting material that will enable your parish to focus communities up and down the land, and all these basic dignity to each one of us because God raises us in our actions to others. attention on this important need. initiatives begin with the conviction that the Christ- human life to share in his life, and so respect for child tells us that God wants us to know him; and he human life should be the hallmark of who we are. Mother Julian of Norwich (1342 – c.1416) spoke of Saturday 4th July 2020 – Vocations Day 11am-3pm based at our Birmingham City Centre H.Q. for all those wants us to know that he loves us. So before we the incarnation as the Lord ‘coming down to the considering the possibility of in the wherever they are in the process. begin to communicate the ‘so what?’ that flows from Another of the great texts that the Church invites us lowest part of our need’ in self-giving love, so that the manger of Bethlehem we must first grasp in the to think about on Christmas Day is part of a sermon even the darkness of our trials and tribulations are Friday 28th August through to Sunday 30th August – Vocations Conference at St Stephen’s House Oxford. depths of our own being that we are utterly desirable given by Pope St Leo the Great (c. 400 – 461) which redeemed and taken into his life. In our following of A residential weekend for those making a first enquiry about ordination led by the Bishop of Richborough on behalf of to God. Do you believe that about yourself? appears in the Office of Readings. Filled with joy he that pattern of love we live the “so what?” of the Catholic Society Bishops. reflects on the qualities of the happiness that mark Christmas, bringing hope and purpose to a world that There’s a wonderful idea of the poet John Donne our celebration of the nativity of Christ, and then he needs it more than ever. Therefore Brothers and Sisters, the sky really is the limit, so help us at the ACS launch our 2020 Vocations Initiative that (1572 –1631) who suggests that if you were the only says, thrillingly “O Christian, be aware of your nobility seeks to resource ministry for Traditionalists in the Church of England. person in the world there would still have been the – it is God’s own nature that you share”. The act of Fr Philip Barnes is of St Stephen’s Gloucester incarnation, and Jesus would still have died – if only God in assuming human flesh has given dignity and Road

Canonisation of The Church Union

Saint John Henry Newman My name is Warren Mitchell and at the age of 49 having On Sunday 13th October in St Peter’s Square in Christian denominations. An example of faith, charity worked in the Rome, Pope Francis declared John Henry Newman a and determination that spoke most strongly to me Hi, my name is Tim Davies and I am I have just started at St Stephen’s My name is James Walton, I have telecommunications saint. This was a significant day for both Anglicans during my time at St Stephen’s House. St John Henry, currently working in an Engineering industry I also have Company and am excited to be taking up House having completed my studies been a HGV Mechanic since I left and Roman Catholics. For the first half of his life, as much of what we heard over the course of the in Sheffield. My name is Michael school at 16 and I have just just begun training at my training in 2020, having been Mirfield. Newman was an Anglican and he was a leading weekend told us, was a man wracked with self-doubt recommended for ordination. Dixon and I am 23 years of age. started at St Stephen’s House. figure in the Oxford Movement, and we are grateful and at times a sense of failure, yet the achievements for his thinking on the Catholicity of the Church of of this saint’s life shine now like a beacon of hope, I have had a Hello my name is Ryan and I’m England for the tradition which we share today. not only through his canonisation and sainthood and variety of jobs from 29 years old a qualified the path that brought this to its conclusion, but that working in teacher of Computer Science, warehouses, West recently concentrating on Father Blair Radford, Assistant of St Paul, we can all take hope from a man, who despite these Midlands Police, students with severe special Monk Bretton, was present in Rome for the feelings and setbacks, as he perceived, achieved so Sandwell Council educational needs. This is canonisation, and shares his reflections with us: much for God’s kingdom on earth. and latterly as a where I started to sense God’s House Husband. call to ordained ministry, The tone and tempo were set from the moment I The weekend was a joyous fiesta of pilgrimage, My name is Phil working with such a diverse set Garrett and I have of needs my pastoral skills stepped into Rome airport with familiar faces (both moving from official services and events, to events to come, by the time we arrived at St Peter’s just started a part- were being put the test daily Anglican and Roman Catholic) already in the gatherings of friends old and new, private prayer and we were both giddy with excitement, the Holy Spirt time course at both in my job, my daily life and passport control queue. Rome would be full of contemplation. The weekend started on the leading, as St John Henry’s hymn says as a kindly Queens. at church. people known to us all, indeed people joked about Saturday with various events across Rome, including light toward the Mass. In another unplanned moment who might still be in England on Sunday to say Mass a vigil of prayer in preparation for the Canonisation I then, isn’t God great, met with friends from all At 48 I never for the people. Mass the next day. aspects of my life, as I found myself by chance in a though I would be Most people think group of brother and friends as we found our looking at chocolate is heaven, There are moments in one’s life, this was surely one seats for the Mass. The rest, as they say, is history, Theological my name is Andrew of them, where being in the right place at the right College, but I also Bailey and I am giving the moment of the canonisation will live and inspire have just started at up a career managing time, felt as if there were an influence from the me for ever, as will the joy and friendship of those SSH. My name is Hotel Chocolat in order divine. As soon as the Canonisation of John Henry with whom I shared this most special of days. Tony and I have to point people to the Newman was announced I knew I had to be in Rome worked on the land real heaven. I have for that great day. A devotion to the saint, born in The evening found us attending a service of prayer and hopefully I am just started my Oxford and nurtured since then, ensured that. The now going to be training at St and reflection lead by the various Oratorian Houses harvesting a Stephen’s House. Sunday before the canonisation, I had preached in from around the world, a much need time for thanks different crop. our parish and reflection. about going to the Mass at St. Monday brought my final day and a chance to see my Peter’s as an Godson, a pupil at the Oratory School just outside Anglican, Oxford, serve Cardinal Nichols at the Mass of steeped in our Thanksgiving at the Basilica di San Giovanni in Catholic Laterano. Packed, even for such a church, this was tradition, to the climax of the weekend and a much needed celebrate this chance, as Cardinal Nichols said, to say thank you to great St. John Henry, but also to all those who had worked and the Sunday dawned, bright and warm, and as I walked so hard to make the weekend’s events so special. example of from where I was staying for the weekend, I found the strong streets quiet and empty, almost ghostly in the The glow remains, even as I write this, when I think Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Jonathan Roberts and since the age of determined absence of people, which allowed me space to about those times in Rome and what they have given 19 I have been working in the travel industry, both as a holiday rep and as an Air Steward. I have just begun my training at Mirfield. faith, left by St contemplate what was to come. I then met an to me as a faithful priest and servant of the church. John Henry to Oratorian of my acquaintance and shared the last Deo Gratias. May St John Henry Newman pray for us people of all mile of my walk with his. His joy undoubted at the all. Contact us @ [email protected] Tel: 0121 382 5533 Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 4


From 2011 he was Clerk Dr. Colin Podmore will to the Synod and Director of Ecumenical Relations. be retiring in February In this role his familiarity “Come, come, come to the manger…” with the law, theology 2020 as Director of and politics of the Church Bishop Roger reflects on the Eucharist, the manger to see the child Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem morning reminds us, “Trace we the Babe, who hath of England enabled him and Bethlehem were, after Mary and Joseph, the first to behold his retrieved our loss, from his poor manger to his bitter glory, the first to see that blessing and grace from cross.” “Behold, I bring you good news of a great Forward in Faith after to make an exceptional Bread is, of course, a symbol of life. Jesus came, God. There they saw the Bread of Life lying in an joy which will come to all the people” were the nearly seven years in contribution. says St John, that we might “have life, and have it animals’ feeding trough. The root of the English words of the angel to the shepherds who then Colin joined Forward in abundantly”. No wonder then that Jesus says to the word manger comes from the French verb to eat. “went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and Faith at a difficult disciples after the feeding of the five thousand, “I Anyone coming to a manger in a cattle shed would the babe lying in a manger.” I wonder what were post. moment for the Church of am the bread of life” and, in explaining this, he expect to find something there to eat. The the first words of Mary and Joseph as they greeted England, shortly after the says: “I am the living bread which came down from shepherds did indeed find food to eat, but not what those marvelling shepherds? Could they have been Before coming to this post, he served for Synod had narrowly heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live for they expected. The angel messenger had told them “Behold the man”? Or even “Behold the Lamb of twenty-five years in various posts at Church rejected legislation to ever; and the bread I shall give for the life of the to go to Bethlehem to see “a babe… lying in a God”? House, Westminster. From 1988 to 2013 Colin enable women to world is my flesh”. St John is the evangelist who manger” and which would be a “sign” for them – a describes the birth of Jesus, this gift of living bread pointer to God’s purpose to make his dwelling with Let us come, then, to the manger and worship the was involved in delivering an unusual number become bishops. The fact come down from heaven, in an innovative way as his people and to be the one who would sustain King, saying those familiar words with which we of complex and challenging projects. In the that revised legislation incarnation: “The Word became flesh and dwelt them, feeding them with the bread which he would prepare to feed on the Bread of Life: “Lord, I am not 1990s his theological and historical knowledge passed by clear among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld give for the life of the world, that is, his very flesh. worthy that you should enter under my roof…” and proficiency in German enabled him to majorities in 2014 owed his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father”. make an outstanding personal contribution to much to the willingness And “from his fullness have we all received”. God’s It is now that we recall that Bethlehem, the place of He leaves all His glory behind, a landmark agreement between the Church of of those with sharply a broad church. He has deployed his great loving gift to the world of his incarnate Son is one of the Saviour’s birth, means House of Bread. How To be born and to die for mankind; England and the German churches of the opposing views to come to an accommodation powers of organisation to ensure that effective abundant generosity: “I am the bread of life; he who marvellous, then, is the purpose of God! Food for With grateful beasts His cradle chooses, comes to me shall not hunger…”. those the Lord calls his sheep is given them from Thankless man His love refuses, Lutheran and Reformed tradition. in the light of their mutual commitment to each new support structures for traditionalist clergy Subsequently he helped guide the passage of other as Anglicans. Within the traditional Jesus taught his disciples to pray “Give us this day the very beginning. From the first moment of his Lord, have pity and mercy on me! and parishes have been put in place. And he our daily bread.” This means bread sufficient for birth, the Father reveals his Son to be the one to the Common Worship liturgies through the Catholic constituency Colin played a pivotal role has worked unstintingly in travelling the each day, sufficient to keep us from ever being whom all should come in order to feed so as never Bishop Roger Jupp Synodical process and oversaw the ambitious in the process to secure a solution which had country, working with far fewer resources than hungry. To have bread in abundance is a blessing to be hungry again and, in this way, know the Superior-General of the Confraternity of the publication programme that followed. He was up to then proved elusive. We owe him a great he had been accustomed to at Church House and a grace from God. Those shepherds who came fullness of life. And so the hymn of Christmas Blessed Sacrament Secretary to two major reviews of Crown deal for his part in the establishment of The yet continuing to show a commitment that is appointments in 2001 and 2007 contributing Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda and his not confined to his constituency but extends to an historical perspective to the sensitive and serving as secretary to the Council of Bishops the welfare of the whole Church of England. shifting boundary between Church and State. of The Society. Colin is a scholarly, wise, politically astute and As Secretary of the Dioceses Commission he decent hard-working servant of the Church of helped oversee the first successful attempt in He has continued to give confidence that there England in a series of roles. We thank him more than a century to abolish three dioceses will still be a place for traditionalists within a particularly for all he has done for traditional and create one more coherent diocese in their Church of England that has abolished gender Catholics as Director of Forward in Faith. The Guild of All Souls has sought to fulfill two main wrote to Carole, the Guild secretary, inviting her to place. distinctions in its ministry yet aspires to remain tasks since its foundation in 1873. First, to maintain come, as she had seen The Guild’s contact details on a continuous chain of intercession for the souls of the the back of the prayer cards. Carole in turn asked me faithful departed as a practical witness to the if I would represent The Guild as I live much nearer doctrines of the Communion of Saints and the Ipswich. However, it was only when I read Marie’s Tom worships at St Silas, Kentish Town. He is in Faith and Colin Podmore in promoting the Resurrection of the Dead. Secondly, to care for the blog on her website that we knew anything of her visit We are delighted that dying, the dead and the bereaved. to our church. Philip, my husband, who is the Vicar, Treasurer of the Society of Mary and has Catholic faith as we have received it in the invited her to hold her exhibition in St Mary’s and we recently been appointed as Clerk to the Church of England.” An annual Intercession Paper is issued to members; compiled the service to complement it. Tom Middleton has Trustees of the Cleaver Ordination Candidates we publish other materials and prayer cards, and we Fund. We give thanks for Colin’s work, and pray for sponsor an annual Day Conference at Walsingham. Marie said afterwards that she certainly felt divinely been appointed to guided to Mendlesham church; it’s probably the only him as he prepares to retire. We also pray for Here Anne Gray, a Trustee of the Guild, writes about a rural church in the diocese which has candles for the Bishop Tony Robinson, Chairman of Forward in Tom as he prepares to take on his new role. recent pastoral connection made through a Guild departed, the Blessed Sacrament reserved, Guild of succeed Colin. Faith, commented: “I am delighted that Tom publication and its impact on the life of a parish. All Souls prayer cards and is open every day. has agreed to be our next Director. He comes On Saturday 23rd November in our parish church of The service is now held annually and has proved Tom currently works as the Greater London to us after a distinguished career working in St Mary the Virgin Mendlesham, Suffolk, we will hold extremely helpful for a number of people – perhaps Authority’s Assistant Director of Finance and finance and governance. He will bring a wide a Service of Light for all families bereaved of a child, most memorably a 94 year-old widow in our Governance, and leads a team of 35 people at range of skills which will help us develop even whether before or after birth, of whatever cause and congregation who afterwards said that at last she felt London’s City Hall, where he has worked for further over the coming years. I look forward to however long ago. at peace; years ago she had given birth to a baby girl the past 18 years. the next chapter of Forward in Faith’s task of who had died straight away and she had grieved ever strengthening the place of The Society within It started in 2017, inspired by a lady called Marie. Earlier that year, experiencing such anguish after a since. She herself died four weeks later. He was previously on the staff of the Audit the Church of England.” miscarriage, she got into her car and drove without I’ve heard since of a series of services called Commission and the National Audit Office. He knowing where she was heading. She ended up in ‘Goodbye services’ but ours is most specifically ‘au holds a degree in theology from Durham Tom said. “I am greatly honoured to be taking our church about 15 miles away, though she had revoir’ in the sure and certain hope of the University and a postgraduate diploma in up this role. I look forward to meeting as many never heard of it previously. There she found a haven Resurrection, so the overriding theme is hope rather of peace, candles to light for the departed and some public finance and leadership from Warwick of my fellow members of Forward in Faith as I than sorrow. University, and is a member of the Chartered can, and to working with the trustees, Council prayer cards published by The Guild of All Souls which Institute for Public Finance and Administration. members and branch officers. I shall do my spoke to her in her need. If you would like more information, to become a member of the Guild, or to order publications, see our utmost to continue the sterling work of Forward Marie is an artist who, later that year, held an website: exhibition in Ipswich on the theme of her loss. She Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 6

6 Together CHRISTMAS 2019 THE VOICE OF CATHOLIC ANGLICANS Together CHRISTMAS 2019 7 Christmas Meditation “He at whose voice Archangels and Angels tremble…” CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS... The priests and people of The Society minister in a wide range of contexts. Over the next few pages are reflections on those different contexts and how they celebrate Christmas, and what that says to them about the birth of Jesus. The measure of our devotion and love for Mary resurrection of her beloved child. There are the and ensuing rapture of the resurrection and is the measure of our yearning to know Jesus entrancing accounts, in St Matthew and St Luke, ascension of her son and in the outpouring of Please do pray for all of them, and their witness to the Incarnation. Christ: it’s a simple, homely and home truth that of the events leading up to the birth of Christ; the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost, the Birth of we are blessed to recall in the wonder and then the snapshots of those first days and Holy Church. silence of this season of Advent, as we prepare weeks, together with brief glimpses of to celebrate the birth of the Saviour. Why, you childhood. Then Mary, the ‘Virgin with Child’ on St Hilary of Poitiers was one of the early Fathers may ask? Because Jesus Christ is fully God and so many Christmas cards, is present to witness of the Church (living and serving in Gaul in the fully man: he is fully the son of his father, our the torment and bloody destruction of her child, 4th Century) and a passionate teacher of a right …IN LEEDS father, in heaven; and he is fully the son of his meeting him in the crowds on his final journey understanding of the mystery of the person of mother, Mary. In these darkening days of and standing, at the last, at the foot of his cross, Jesus Christ and the way in which God and Man For some folk in our community, the misery of up a three course Christmas meal. No one is ever enables them to become strong that they are the December, the light of the Incarnation grows with the beloved disciple. His body is once again are brought together in him at his conception Christmas draws nearer. Saint Hilda’s Church, turned away, and last year we fed more than 40 salt of the earth. ever brighter as we prepare for this, the great cradled in her lap, but this time as he is taken and birth. He helps open up this mystery when Cross Green, Leeds is the 64th poorest parish in people. The sense of community is demonstrated in mystery that is Christmas. Such a mystery is too for burial. Mary too is caught up in the confusion he writes of the tender, human love between the United Kingdom and is very much an island in that even some single mums, having cooked for Even though at times society writes them off, St hard for mere mortals to grasp, but Mary Mary and Jesus, reminding us of the tiny the country’s sixth richest city and the wealthiest in their own families, come afterwards to church to Hilda’s is a hospital for sinners, where the broken is the key that unlocks the doors of our cries of the infant son of God. He says the North of England. This is because the inner help with the washing up. are put back together. For me as the Interim Parish understanding and she is also the “He at whose voice Archangels and ring road circumnavigates the parish, and if you did Priest I just feel absolutely privileged and honoured gracious means of our learning. Angels tremble, and heaven and earth not live here you would have no need to come here. If this lunch did not happen, then 40 folk would sit to have been called here to Cross Green where and all the elements of the world are In every direction the community has been written at home, not be part of anything and Christmas having been in interregnum for five-and-a-half What is this mystery that we are preparing melted, was heard in the wailing of an off and for some folk here Christmas can, and will, would just roll into another miserable day of years, God’s people needed a shepherd, a to celebrate? It is twofold: firstly, Jesus is infant….was wrapped in a cradle.” He be a really miserable time. However St Hilda’s is existence. But along with Mary, the volunteers and shepherd who would love and encourage them so fully the son of his heavenly Father: think continues that, in case the weakness of very much the heartbeat of the community. the Church they can come and be part of a wider that through the Incarnation we are not a for a moment of the occasions when the Mary’s human frame is overwhelmed and family. community that is written off. disciples heard the Father address Jesus broken by the power of God, the Holy On Advent Sunday our Nativity figures of Mary and directly and audibly or when they heard Spirit “casts the cloud of his might around Joseph will be going into the local ‘Club and Being part of that wider family also brings home the We may not have any money but what we do have is Jesus address his father directly and her”…that he might fortify her bodily Institute’ from where they will start a journey message of Christmas and community expressed a heart for mission where love, words and sincerity audibly. I think especially of those two frame to receive the power of God. Such around the parish staying in schools, houses and through the Christingle service which brings cost nothing, but when they are put together they great mysteries of the Baptism of the Lord is the glory of the conception of the Son local businesses, arriving in church on the Fourth together members of the congregation and people can have a massive impact. in the waters of the River Jordan and of of God and Mary, because she gave him Sunday in Advent for our Christingle Service. This who would not usually attend church. journey, from house to house, symbolises not only Fr Darren Percival the Transfiguration of the Lord up on our human nature, our flesh and blood, the homeless asylum seekers who move through St Hilda’s also shows how it is the focal point for the Mount Tabor. They are like the bookends she gave him life and the very milk of a the West Yorkshire Destitute Asylum Network, but parish by using the building for a Community Fun to our Lord’s public ministry. On both mother’s love: because of this she is the also those of our own community who sofa surf, or Day with a bouncy castle, games, stalls, Christmas occasions those gathered around heard guarantor of our salvation. squat as they have no fixed abode. Carols and a visit from Father Christmas. the booming, thundering voice of the Father: “Behold my beloved son in whom I The greatest Christian scholars have Nearly eight years ago Mary Brenan, a spirited When I came here three-and-a-half years ago, I was am well-pleased.” The heavens opened studied and written at length about this human dynamo in the community for nearly 30 deeply touched by the plight of the community and and the voice of God was heard, removing great mystery: but that is not the path for years whose is door is always open, set up what has how it had been left without a shepherd and the any doubt about who this mysterious many of us to take, especially in Advent! become the Wednesday Group where each week words of St Paul in his second letter to the people person was, Jesus the Christ. And think of However, the good news is that the we feed between 30 and 40 of the most vulnerable of Corinth are with me each day as I deal with those times when our Lord prays aloud to attention and honour and devotion that of the parish, in a venture staffed by volunteers poverty and its consequences. his father-perhaps most poignantly in we offer to Mary in our worship and from the local community as well as church. What “For he was crucified in weakness, but lives by the Gethsemane, “Father let this cup pass prayers will open these mysteries to us began as pilot scheme to provide what for some is power of God. For we also are weak in him, but in from me, yet not my will but yours be more swiftly and completely than a library their only meal in the week has also become their dealing with you we will live with him by the power done” and the following day, calling in his full of books, and this is partly because so own sense of community where they share their of God.” final agony from the cross: “My God, my many of the ancient hymns and texts of problems and know people care. God, why have you forsaken me?” And devotion to Mary are the priceless fruit of Jesus was crucified in weakness and rose through think of that beautiful, long prayer, known as the a great root structure of learning and prayer (NB From this we decided very early on to open on the power of the Resurrection to become strong High Priestly Prayer which makes up Chapter 17 Hymns 213-218 in the English Hymnal are a Christmas Day where we will serve whoever turns and it’-s through working with the vulnerable that of St John’s Gospel (incidentally, the anchor-hold good place to start, together with the Salve of our ecclesiology and of our desire for the Regina). Mary is the key that unlocks the doors reunion of the Church-but that’s for another “Mary is the of our understanding and she is also the time….), when we eavesdrop, together with the gracious means of our learning. Think of the disciples in the Upper Room, on the most centuries of art, music and literature that have intimate and tender prayer from son to father. key that been born of Mary: a great and wonderful So we are assured of whom this is as we hear outpouring of our love for God and for his son these and many other exchanges between Jesus Christ, all of which was made possible heavenly son and heavenly father. unlocks the through the simple ‘yes’ of Mary. Be it unto me according to thy word. May we learn her words to Secondly, Jesus is also fully the son of Mary. be our own this Advent, as we prepare to Not so many exchanges of words are recorded, doors of our welcome the living Word into our hearts and though there were doubtless a fair few, lives, that one day she will lead us to see fully, especially in those early years….but we are without shadow or fear, the fruit of her womb, presented with scene after scene in the Gospels understanding” our Saviour Christ. in which Mary is patiently and faithfully present, witnessing the unfolding of the extraordinary Father Jonathan Beswick SSC is Vicar of story of God’s love for us, his people, told St Peter, London Docks through the conception, birth, life, death and Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 8



Barnsley NHS Hospital Foundation Trust is like Equally It was always joyful and fulfilling to see staff full of the joy of the day, this flowed over LROYA NAVY CHAPLAINCY SERVICE any secular institution in that Christmas begins in people going home on Christmas Eve, restored onto the wards, and if patients were too ill to late October. Wards have their raffles, local and healthy enough to enjoy a family celebration. enter into the spirit of the day, they were During Advent and at Christmas many parishes are For me, Christmas at sea, has been off Iraq, the quiet hours- on a chart table, in the corner of a getting ready through the usual busyness of Carol South China sea, off Antarctica and in Afghanistan- mess deck. Truly here, God is made present. football stars visit the children's wards and staff surrounded by the love and care of the staff services, Christingles, Christmas fairs, meals, giving communion there to over 400 soldiers, Christmas parties are organised. Then, in the On Christmas Eve there was an early Midnight festooned with charity appeals etc. The festivities envelop our sailors and aircrew from around the world- with For more information about Chaplaincy in the weeks leading up to Christmas, Christmas trees Mass at 7:30pm, with the Christmas Martyrology reindeer antlers lives, whether we are followers of the Christ child bullet proof vests and helmets at the ready. All Royal Navy - and decorations appear in wards and public proclaimed and chapel doors wide open. The and flashing or not. Many folks will be working over the different expressions of how we do deploying and-specialisations/branches/chaplaincy areas. Bambino was carried in a little procession and Christmas Christmas holidays, medics, emergency workers, ministry. The Venerable Martyn Gough, Chaplain of the Fleet placed on the Altar until the Crib was blessed badges! after Holy Communion. I chose 7:30 as it was a hospitality employees, but for those in the Royal Of course there is always the odd complaint The run up to Christmas will be very quiet; no good time to catch staff before shift change, and Navy life is somewhat different. about a picture of Mary and Joseph on a poster in The chaplain is endless Christmas music or commercialisation the Children’s A&E being ‘too religious’! visitors leaving the wards. Faithful volunteers able, particularly There is no significant conflict at present, but the because we are at sea and an operational warship. would bring those patients who could leave the during the Royal Navy is busier than ever; disaster relief in the No endless TV adverts or bombarded with social For the Chaplaincy, Christmas in the hospital wards, down for the services. Christmas Caribbean, migrant rescue, freedom of passage in media feeds, because we are deployed. For the begins a week before Christmas Day itself, with season, to cut the Far East. As an island nation, 98% of our trade Chaplain in the Type 45 in the Far East, Christmas the Hospital Carol Service. I avoided the ‘carol There was always something deeply moving about through the secularism of the institution, which is via the sea and the Royal Navy plays a vital role Day will be spent on patrol, with Mass and carols sandwich’ by building up the crib during the celebrating our salvation within a hospital, and a nearly all the staff and patients truly appreciate. in the security, stability and prosperity of our squeezed into the day and Christmas lunch served service. As an ex- Franciscan Friar, the Crib was very profound privilege of being the channel by The ministry of laying on of hands, care of the nation and that of our allies. No doubt you have to the whole Ship’s Company. For my chaplain who built underneath the Altar; remembering St. which the sacraments of salvation were dying and the dead, administering the seen HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH, our new aircraft is deployed with the submarine, he left some Francis’ teaching that “every Altar is another celebrated with and for the sick. After Mass, the sacraments was responded to with appreciation carrier and the importance that plays in our weeks ago and unlike those in the Surface world, Bethlehem”. Mary and Joseph were not put in hospital would be quiet, even expectant. and sensitivity by the staff and patients. nation’s defence. he has absolutely no contact with the rest of the the Crib as they were on the ‘posada’, calling at a world. On Christmas Day, somewhere under the Many ships and submarines will be deployed on different ward and unit all through Advent on their Christmas Day was an early start. Visiting every ocean, he will say Mass for the Ship’s Company The frail and vulnerable child in the manger, was operations over the Christmas period; some would way to Bethlehem (the hospital chapel) arriving ward, armed with a sack full of Christmas onboard the Vanguard class submarine. And the person in intensive care or A&E or on the have left the UK back at the end of the summer, so on Christmas Eve. chocolate for every patient and member of staff, Nativity plays? Oh yes!!! We have put-on full-scale birthing unit. As a priest, like the Shepherds, you preparations such as turkey and mince pies would plus a little Christmas card (religious of course) productions with angels, donkeys, mock ups of have nothing to give them but the lamb; the Lamb have had to have been loaded onboard before Christmas becomes a time of deep emotional and for everyone who wanted it. Also finding those Bethlehem, rehearsed choirs and remember what I of God, Jesus, in prayer, blessing, word and setting sail. Royal Navy Chaplains will be with their spiritual contrasts in hospital. I remember an 8 patients and staff who couldn't leave the wards said? These are rough, tough, tattooed sailors; bit sacrament. ships. year old boy dying just an hour before the but wanted to make their Communion. of challenge finding cherubs! Christmas Day Mass; rushing up to the bedside to Fr Peter Needham was until earlier this year a My first Christmas as sea was in 1998 on HMS anoint him, then returning to the chapel trying, by The Christmas Day Mass was always a special hospital chaplain in Barnsley, he is now serving BOXER in the Arabian Gulf. We were at high the grace of God, to be full of Christmas cheer. occasion with volunteers, visitors, patients and When we are deployed across oceans far and readiness because of insurgent activity. Speaking as a parish priest. wide, we have a Ships Company that is with the Captain, we agreed to say Mass at Mid- predominantly male and under 40. These are men night but with the proviso, if we came under and women who place their lives on the line, who attack, the Emergency alarm would go and the serve away from home for many months at a time. congregation bomb bursts. Mass was set up in the …IN ENGLAND’S NAZARETH Sacramental life to them is important. They may dining hall with about 30 young sailors and just not always have the religious literacy- but they are after the second carol, the alarm goes off and the receptive to the Good News. They want to know “Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born families or on holiday on the Norfolk coast do ship reverts to action stations. The threat passes that prayers are said for them, that the confession When she to Bethl’em came that happy morn.” come to have a look around. and an hour later we return to the hall, but this is available; that in the corner of a cabin, very time not 40 sailors, but closer to 200 come to often each day, the office recited, mass said in the Bishop Thomas Ken’s famous hymn, often In the village they see the usual display of Mass. sung at the Shrine, celebrates Mary’s life and Christmas trees and lights decorating the High her virtues and begins with the mystery we Street and in the Common Place, by the Pump, celebrate at Christmas. The joy of this feast, there is a large Nativity Scene recently donated the ‘happy morn’ which dawned in Bethlehem, to the community by both the Anglican and …IN PRISON is at the heart of Walsingham’s Shrine, which Catholic Shrines. It is blessed every year by the exists “to honour the Incarnation of God the Parish Priest, with the assistance of the In the outside world, families prepare for their Service and on Christmas morning The Right eternal Son, the Second Person of the Holy and Priest Administrator, representing the Christmas festivities by buying and wrapping Reverend David Urquhart Anglican Bishop of Trinity, and the Virgin Mary, his Mother.” Shrines. The beautifully made figures reflect presents and shopping for all those delicious Birmingham conducts a service for the Christian Walsingham’s particular and historic devotion For the first time this year, instead of the Shrine foodstuffs and drinks that we indulge ourselves population whilst Archbishop Bernard Longley So it really is Christmas every day in as England’s Nazareth to Jesus, Mary and Church, the beautiful and spacious St. Mary’s with at Christmas time. Come Christmas Day, the conducts Mass for the Roman Catholic inmates. Walsingham! Joseph, the Holy Family who were eventually to fruits of their labours are enjoyed by opening They then go on to their respective Cathedrals for Church in Walsingham will welcome the return from Bethlehem to their home town in presents, having a full English breakfast, visiting the remainder of their Christmas worship and Yet the feast of the Lord’s Nativity has a children and families of villagers and visitors to Galilee, to where the joy of the Incarnation was family and friends and having guests over for a festivities. particular sense of wonder and beauty in the annual Crib Service on Christmas Eve, a first experienced by Mary at the message of an Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, England’s Nazareth. It is, of course, one of the move which is part of its developing work of angel. Christmas pudding and mince pies with brandy Every year the same thought runs through my quieter times of the year for the Shrine and or to receive gifts. Thankfully there are a number outreach to the parish community. Both Shrine sauce all washed down with our favourite tipple mind when the respective Bishops have left us village. Pilgrims and visitors are few and far and Parish gather together for the Midnight of charitable organisations who help to relieve Those who visit the Shrine and the Holy House and we continue to indulge ourselves to New Year and they go on to the splendour of their between, though if the winter sun breaks Mass which draws many worshippers and also the burden and sadness of separation. For at Christmas see the Image of Our Lady of and beyond. respective Cathedrals and the celebrations through the grey East Anglian clouds a steady for the Mass of the Day. Shrine and Parish then example, The Prison Fellowship run a scheme Walsingham in the Holy House crowned and thereafter: “which of these environments is stream of those spending Christmas with their continue to share the rich feast of Solemnities called Angel Tree, whereby, through their vested in the best mantle, embroidered with Not so In prison. Christmas morning begins like closer to the actual event of our Saviour’s birth?” and Feasts through the Christmas Octave fundraising efforts throughout the year, they are flowers and fruits associated with Christmas every other morning of the year - a basic able to send gifts to prisoner’s children and this My answer to myself is in the words of the carol concluding with the Feast of the Baptism of and Mary’s virtues. The Sanctuary of the breakfast of cereal, and lunch consists of what is is done in such a way that it appears to be a gift In The Bleak Midwinter the Lord. Shrine Church has in its centre a Nativity Scene usually served up for Sunday dinner, a chicken from Daddy. The Mother’s Union send hundreds “What can I give Him, poor as I am? leg with all the trimmings. But today it is slightly If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; with distinctive figures carved in wood and It may be Christmas every day in Walsingham, of Christmas cards to inmates wishing them different, instead of the usual apple orange or If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; surrounded with candles and flowers, before but there is no place quite like it to hear again seasons greeting and making them feel that they banana; pudding today is a warm mince pie, Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart”. which pilgrims and visitors are invited to pray on that happy morn the news of Our Saviour’s haven’t been totally forgotten and that they do washed down with tea, coffee or fruit juice, all Like that stable everything in prison is stripped and light candles. On Christmas Eve, the birth and to celebrate what lies at the heart of matter. eaten in their prison cell with their cell mate for back to basics and people bring nothing to our faith, how the Word was made flesh and Solemn Vigil Mass of the Nativity of the Lord is company and the festivities end there. No visible Christmas but celebrated at the High Altar. In contrast, the dwelt among us. In the run up to Christmas, the chapel is sign that today is any different to any other day of decorated with the figures of Jesus, Mary and themselves and their faith. Mass of Christmas Dawn is offered in the Holy Fr Kevin Smith SSC the year. House with few people present, a quiet and Priest Administrator Joseph, and Christmas tree and other Visitors are not allowed on Christmas Day and decorations that have been donated by Fr Patrick Gillon is a prison chaplain in intimate encounter with the new-born King in The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham inmates have to wait until Boxing Day to see their volunteers. The Chaplaincy organise a Carol Birmingham Word and Sacrament. families and friends. They are not allowed to give Forward Christmas 2019 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 30/11/2019 14:11 Page 10

The Catholic Societies of the 10 Together CHRISTMAS 2019 together CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS... Church of England Events 2020 JANUARY Tuesday 7th JUNE SEPTEMBER Bishop of Richborough Chrism Mass Saturday 11th 12:00 Canterbury Cathedral Saturday 20th Wednesday 23rd Bishop of Fulham Epiphany Festival Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament Church Union AGM Festival Gordon Square Tuesday 7th 12:00 Mass St Stephen, Gloucester Road Thursday 30th Bishop of Beverley Chrism Mass Commemoration of King Charles the Martyr 11:30 Manchester Cathedral Friday 25th 11:40 – The Banqueting House, Whitehall Friday 19th – Sunday 21st Catholic Evangelism Lecture ...IN THE FRIARY Tuesday 7th Family Fest South West 7:00 St Matthew, Carver Street, Sheffield Bishop of Ebbsfleet Chrism Mass TBC Dart Country Park FEBRUARY 11:30 Exeter Cathedral [email protected] I am always extremely suspicious of anything which Incarnation extremely seriously and this seriousness upon over the Christmas period. The Word became claims to articulate an overarching and definitive ‘x’ may be seen, above all things, in the presence of flesh and dwelt among us not in a perfect ordered Monday 3rd – Friday 7th Thursday 25th Wednesday 8th or ‘y’ Spirituality. As a Franciscan Friar (and thus Cribs in all Franciscan Friaries and houses. One of world but in our imperfect, noisy, sad and troubled The Priests and Retreat Guild of All Souls Day Conference OCTOBER Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham Bishop of Richborough Chrism Mass 10:45 – 3:00 – Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham having lived constantly with Franciscan Friars for the many myths one hears about St Francis is that world as God’s Supreme and wonderful gift and in Saturday 3rd 12:00 The Shrine Church, Walsingham more than ten years) I can safely say that not one of he invented the Crib. This is not the case, however, order that the world, through him, might be saved. Glastonbury Pilgrimage Association AGM ats-on/ us thinks or prays identically! Having said that, what is undeniably true is that St Francis Abbey House, Glastonbury however, there is certainly a ‘family resemblance’ in reinvigorated the practice of devotions before the “Let us Bless the Lord God Living and True; let us Wednesday 8th our thinking and praying and the figure of our Crib and, according to one of his earliest always give Him praise, glory, honour, blessing and Bishop of Beverley Chrism Mass JULY MARCH Monday 5th founder St Francis of Assisi inevitably figures large biographers (Thomas of Celano) he instituted the every good! Amen. Amen…” 6:00 St Aidan, Grangetown Saturday 4th Confraternity of the in our corporate prayer, in our reading and in our practice, in the Umbrian settlement of Greccio, of Friday 13th – Sunday 15th Additional Curates Society Vocations Day The Children’s Pilgrimage ‘Saving Water’ Blessed Sacrament Council General contemplation. When trying to explain the main the praesipio or the ‘living crib’ in which a statue of Brother Joseph Emmanuel SSF is Novice Guardian Wednesday 8th ACS Offices, Commercial Street, Birmingham Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 11:30 Mass topoi of Franciscan thought (at least as I see them!) the baby Jesus was placed in an enclosure in which for the Society of St Francis and is based at Bishop of Ebbsfleet Chrism Mass TBC I tend to use three headings: Crib; Cross and Altar. live animals were housed so that, as Thomas Alnmouth Friary 11:30 Lichfield Cathedral on/ Saturday 11th Saturday 10th These are, of course, important reference points in records, the faithful might have an opportunity not Glastonbury Pilgrimage Guild of Servants of the Our Lord’s life (Birth, Death and Eternal Life) but St only to reflect on the wonder of the Incarnation and Monday 23rd - Thursday 26th 12:00 Mass Preacher: The Bishop of Beverley Saturday 18th Sanctuary Autumn Festival Francis responded to them on at least two levels; the Divine condescension which lay behind it but A Lenten Retreat ‘Mary and the Eucharist’ Guild of Servants of the St Mary de Castro, Leicester they were a source of wonder and the occasion of that they might also experience the sights, sounds Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham Sanctuary Easter Festival praise for him but they also affected the way he and smells of the environment in which the King of 12:00 St Stephen, Gloucester Road, London July 16th apprehended the world around him: Thus, not only Kings and Lord of Lords came to dwell in. In that Church Union Theology Lecture Monday 12th - Thursday 15th did he weep over the cross, he wept over those who sense, this particular sort of Crib reminded them, 6:30 Holy Redeemer, Clerkenwell, London SSC International Synod Saturday 25th were crucified by the vagaries of life; he not only and reminds those of us who reflect upon it, that APRIL CBS Children’s Eucharistic Festival rejoiced in the Incarnation he also perceived that the Lord did not come into a perfect, spotless, Wednesday 1st Holy Family, Failsworth, Manchester the ‘stuff’ of the world in which the Incarnation had uncomplicated world. Far from it; he came into a Saturday 24th Bishop of Richborough Chrism Mass Walsingham Festival taken place was, at least potentially, Sacred. noisy, violent, noisome world surrounded by the 7:30pm – St Hugh, Eyres Monsell, Leicester Durham Cathedral noise – and stench – of farm animals. The gritty AUGUST Given the first of these topoi it should come as no reality – and the consequences – of the Incarnation MAY Saturday 1st Saturday 4th surprise that Friars take the celebration of the are, for me as a Franciscan, what I choose to reflect Society of Our Lady of Egmanton Monday 26th - Friday 30th Bishop of Richborough Chrism Mass Saturday 2nd 12:00 Mass Tuxford Road, Egmanton, NG22 0EZ The Families Pilgrimage 11:00 - Winchester Cathedral Society of Our Lady of Egmanton May Festival Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 12:00 Mass Tuxford Road, Egmanton, NG22 0EZ Monday 3rd - Friday 7th Sunday 5th Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage Sunday 3rd NOVEMBER …MISSION TO SEAFARERS Bishop of Beverley Chrism Mass Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 6:00 St Aidan, Grangetown Vocations Sunday Thursday 5th youth-pilgrimage/ Guild of All Souls Requiem The mission to Seafarers started over 150 years ago Sailors. These include such things as nice woolly concelebrate and distribute the Eucharist. We are Saturday 9th 7:00 St Stephens, Gloucester Road, London Sunday 5th Saturday 8th when a Parish Priest in Bristol began visiting ships hats, scarves, cards, hygiene products and perhaps supported with music and a Choir from the local Society of Mary May Devotion Bishop of Burnley Chrism Mass Richborough Family Festival 12:00 – Mass (St Silas, Kentish Town, London) and seafarers. We now operate in over 200 ports a torch as well as some sweets. Filipino Congregation. Ecumenical cooperation is Venue TBC 12:00 Mass St Alban’s Cathedral Saturday 7th 4:00 – Vespers (Holy Trinity, Kentish Town, around the world providing information, religious excellent. One of us does the Homily and we try to Society of Our Lady of Egmanton Requiem material, services, transport, clubs and counselling Our big activities are on 24 December and it begins not only address the miracle of the Incarnation, but Sunday 5th London) Preacher: Mgr John Armitage 12:00 Mass Tuxford Road, Egmanton, NG22 0EZ to our 1.5 million sailors who bring us 90% of what by visiting the ships. We try and see as many ships also the fact that the Sailors are missing home and Bishop of Wakefield Chrism Mass Friday 14th we use in our daily lives. My ministry is mostly with as possible and give invitations for our Christmas family. I actually don’t meet many Seafarers who Venue TBC Assumptiontide Lecture Monday 11th – Friday 15th Friday 13th – Sunday 15th the crews of cargo and container ships and I visit Eve Mass which is followed by food and a Christmas are committed to life at sea out of love for the sea. 3:00 St Mary, Walsingham Walsingham Bible Weekend Monday 6th St John’s Guild Walsingham Pilgrimage ships, take services and help out at our Seafarers Party. A good number, especially those with Crews Most of them do it so they can give their families a Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham Centre. We also help out with justice and welfare from the Philippines and India, are preparing for better life. A Filipino Sailor may be supporting up to Bishop of Richborough Chrism Mass 12:00 Chelmsford Cathedral Saturday 15th issues such as bullying or being forced to work in their Christmas Day celebrations on their ships. We 100 members of his family. Assumptiontide Festival Saturday 14th November substandard conditions. provide bus transport every evening to our Centre Saturday 16th 12:00 Mass Bristol Cathedral Forward in Faith National Assembly and the transport is especially full on Christmas Eve After the Mass the Sailors join us for some food and Monday 6th Anglo-Catholic History Lecture Here is what I leave on each ship: Newspapers in with up to 75 joining us. drink and our Christmas Party begins. The Bishop of Beverley Chrism Mass 12:00 Mass, 2:00 Lecture Clumber Park Chapel their own language, religious booklets, seafaring Reformed Minister appears as Father Christmas 11:30 St Leonard, Loftus [email protected] Friday 28th - Sunday 30th Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd magazines, welfare information, transport We decorate our main hall at the Centre for with some helpers and we have some more singing Additional Curates Society Vocations Adoremus (18 to 30’s Pilgrimage) information, contact details and maps. Christmas as our Chapel is too small for these and the distribution of the Christmas parcels. It is a Saturday 16th Conference Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham numbers. We usually have 7 clergy for the Mass very good Evening and the Seafarers really seem to Monday 6th Richborough Festival St. Stephen’s House, Oxford Bishop of Ebbsfleet Chrism Mass TBC Canterbury Cathedral Our preparations for Christmas start at the which starts at about 8 pm. We are a varied group appreciate it. The congregation includes Seafarers 12:00 Bristol Cathedral beginning of Advent with our Christmas Bazaar. with 3 Lutheran Deacons, a Reformed Minister, an from many countries, but mostly from the Monday 31st DECEMBER Several hundred people attend it and we have Anglican Priest and 2 Roman Catholic Priests. They Philippines and India. We try to make it a very Monday 25th Pilgrimage for Healing and Renewal various stalls and services set up and serve a hot represent the Swedish Lutheran Mission, the special evening for them. Tuesday 7th Walsingham National Pilgrimage Friday 4th - Sunday 6th Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham Advent Retreat lunch and refreshments. German Seamen’s Mission (DSM), Sailors Society, Bishop of Fulham Chrism Mass 12:00 Mass, 2:30 Sermon and Procession - 12:00 – Mass Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham 11:00 – St. Andrew, Holborn Abbey Grounds Mission to Seafarers (MtS) and the Apostleship of Fr Brian Millson is Chaplain to the Mission to The week before Christmas a group of thirty or so of the Sea (AoS). We all take part in the service and Seafarers and Assistant Priest at St Boniface, www.w us get together to make Christmas parcels for the the 3 Priests (Anglican and Roman Catholic) Antwerp





a s R s n i d e o o l i n o i t FORWARDINFAITH o g i at h io d e st u ra abo prie s T ut of orthodox

The Church Union

Please send your events for 2021 to Fr Adam Edwards - [email protected] Forward Christmas2019FINAL.qxp_Layout130/11/201914:11Page12 which aimstoprovidesupport,studyopportunities

and spiritualdevelopmentforReaderswhoaccept North-West Blackburn, Carlisle, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester Sodor and Man ...... the traditionalunderstandingofapostolic Further informationmaybeobtainedfrom College ofReaders Are youalicensedReader The CollegeofReadersisanorganisation ministry ofbishops,priestsanddeacons. A Parish of St.Wilfrid and St.Hilda under the under St.Hilda and St.Wilfrid of Parish A 11pm MidnightMassandBlessingof (Licensed LayMinister)? 10am Parish Mass"Lookingtowards 6pm Carol Service andBenediction.6pm CarolService Episcopal Care of the Bishop of Beverley. Beverley. of Bishop the of Care Episcopal ALL WELCOMEFollowusonFacebook St.Barnabas, 9.15am Mass(St.Aidan’s),10.30am Tonge Moor, Bolton BL22LP Christmas" CelebrationforChildren For ConfessionsandDailyMasstimes: West Street,Crewe. Vicar: Fr.Ralph Powell SSC 7.30pm Carol Service (St.Aidan's). 7.30pm CarolService Christmas Day St.Augustine's Mass andProcessiontotheCrib. Fr.Tony Davies01204523899 Annual membershipis£15.00: 11.30pm MidnightMasswiththe completion oftheChristmasCrib. Wednesday, December 18th Sunday 22ndDecember Sunday 29thDecember Mary Snape(Treasurer/Registrar) [email protected] 3pm Service ofNineLessons 3pm Service Sunday 29thDecember Solemn ChristmasMass. Chairman :BarryBarnes Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve Co-patron. TheRt.RevdMartynJarreÌt and Families. 01 270212418. and Carols Patron. TheRt.RevdNormanBanks the Crib. 01782 332606 10am Solemn Bishop ofRichborough

Contact: FrRonaldCroft01617731642 of the Crib at at Crib the of & 9UG) (M27 Saints' All

A Society Parish undertheEpiscopal

8am Mass of the Dawn the of Peter's Mass Saint at 8am

Carols at at Carols 9.30am, at Saints' All Saint

The Parish of Swinton & Parish The Swinton of

Augustine's10am, at Peter's Saint &

Pendlebury,Manchester 11.30pm.Blessing & Mass Midnight

St Hilda’s,Prestwich. Crib at Saint Saint at Crib 8UX) Augustine's(M27

Services duringtheChristmasseason2019.

For details of carol services, other services, etc. etc. services, other services, carol of details For

4pm Christingle Saint at Christingle Mass 4pm Vigil

Mass of the the the of of Mass Blessing & Vigil Peter's0WA) (M27 7.30pm. Sung

Greater Manchester

at Saint Peter's Saint at Sung Mass of Christmas Day Christmas of Mass Sung with

Feast ofStStephen10.00amMass at 10.30am. at Christmas Day 11.00amHighMass

Care oftheBishopBeverley

Stephen's Day Stephen's Peter's, Saint at 11am Solemn Mass for Saint for Mass Solemn 11am 8.00pm First MassofChristmas 8.00pm First

Fr Jeremy Sheehy 0161 794 1578 1578 794 0161 Sheehy Jeremy Fr

[email protected]

followedby refreshments Parish Office 0161 727 8175 727 0161 Office Parish Wednesday 25thDecember Thursday 26thDecember Tuesday 24thDecember Monday 16thDecember

7.00pm Carol Service 7.00pm CarolService Christmas Eve Christmas (wrapped in paper) and St Nicolas will bring gifts. (wrapped inpaper)andStNicolas willbringgifts. 11am “Nicolasreturns”,achildren’sinteractive The bellsareblessedandconsecrated by the

play. Childrenareinvited to bringasmallbell December 26th December 634 386624. Mike Silver [email protected] or01 contact Forward inFaith Manager Advertising If you would like inTogether, to advertise please [email protected]. Fr Adam Edwards on If you have ideasfor content, pleasecontact Street, BirminghamB11RS. Additional Curates Society, 16 Commercial [email protected] orwrite to: contact theACS on0121 3825533,email discuss other matters ofdistribution,please If you would like freecopiesfor your parish,orto the BlessedSacramentorForward inFaith. Additional Curates Society, theConfraternity of their own, andnot thoseoftheChurch Union, newspaper byare contributors andadvertisers The opinionsandviews expressed inthis inFaith. andForward Sacrament Curates Society, theConfraternity oftheBlessed withtheAdditional Union inco-operation Together ispublishedandedited by theChurch ST JOHN’SCHURCHAT

Saturday 7thDecember Christmas Day Day Christmas Friday 6thDecember SANTA CLAUS ISCOMINGTO TOWN An openweekend to comeand see contact details “Ring intheChristwhoisto be” KENSAL GREEN A weekend ofcelebration “Baptism” ofBells11am December 6thto 8th together Bishop ofFulham. our sixnew bells. Society ofSt.Wilfrid& Christmas, thecomingofourLord 3.30pm Traditional CarolService C w Sunday 15thDecember A service ofLessonsandCarols A service Church GrahamRoad 6:00 PMCarolsByCandlelight A warm welcomeA warm awaits you at h St.Peter, Stockport First CommunionofChristmas First Parish Churchaswe celebrate w your localChurchofEngland u w St Andrew'sParish Thursday, FridayandSaturday r 10.30am SungEucharist and Saviour Jesus Christ. c Contact Fr.Ken. Kendrick . 11.30 MidnightMass. 10.30am SungMass 12.30pm Low Mass. 10.30am Low Mass. s h Saturday 21stDecember 10.30am Epiphany. Christmas Day Christmas Eve t w a Sunday 5thJanuary West Kirby a n 0161 4830675 St.Hilda Christmas Day r Christmas Eve d d r e e n w 0 s w 7 e 9 s 5 t k 7 i r 2 b 5 y . 3 c o 0 . u 1 k 3 4pm Crib service 11.30pmCarolsand 4pm Cribservice St Luke'sSouthport,PR99AJ Chapel Road, Hollinwood A Societyparishunderthecareof Carols. Octave ofChristmas-allmasses Society Parishunderthecareof Coppenhall, Crewe Christmas Day Christmas atStBarnabas 6.00pm Crib Service andChristingle, 6.00pm CribService Contact Fr.John Xavier LealSSC King Charles the Martyr -Evening theMartyr King Charles Confessions heardby appointment S. StephenontheCliffs Confessions eachday before MASS or by Appointment0161-736-8868 11:00hrs THIRD MASSDURING THE DAY 8.00am Mass, 10.00amSungMass [email protected] 01253351484 Midnight MassandBlessingoftheCrib Christmas Day People's Mass.Vigil 11.00pmSolemn December 10:30hrsMASS(EachDay) 19:00hrs VESPERS AND BENEDICTION 19:00hrs VESPERSAND 11pm MidnightMassofChristmas. Mass oftheDay. 4.00pm Vespers and and StChad,Limeside Christmas Eve,4pmCribService, Parish ChurchofSaint Christmas Day Mass, said, withChristmasCarols Margaret, Hollinwood Thursday 26th Christmas Eve 23:30hrs FIRSTMASS AT MIDNIGHT 4pm The West EndCarolService St.Michael [email protected] Sunday 22ndDecember Thursday 30thJanuary2020 Paddington, Salford Mass oftheDay 10.30am 01 270 215151 270 01 *FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT* (Corner ofStLuke'sRd& 6pm CandlelitCarolService 11.30pm MidnightMass at 10.00amMostHolyFamily. Fr MichaelChildsSSC *THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD* Times ofMassthis Sunday 22ndDecember Paul theApostle, the BishopofBeverley The Parish ofSt 26th StStephen’s Day. the BishopofBurnley Blackpool 10am Massoftheday 10.30am SolemnMass 11:00hrs PARISH MASS 11.45 MidnightMass Solemn Mass10.30 01524 591421 Canon AndrewSage Fr Tom Davis SSC CHRISTMAS DAY CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Day Christmas Eve Morecambe 0161 681 4541 Hawkshead St) Christmas Day Christmas Eve Midnight Mass OL8 4QQ MASS AT DAWNMASS AT Christmas Prayer 6pm with Carols. Sun 22nd 10.00 Combined 10.00am Solemn 08:00hrs SECOND 4.00pm Young Saturday 28th , Lord Lane, Failsworth, Lane, Lord Under theEpiscopalCareofBishopBurnley Blessing oftheCribFollowed by Mince Saint Catherine’s, Contact FrBeresfordSkeltonCMP THIS HOLY SEASONOFCELEBRATION Come andsharethejoy ofChristmas Holy Family, OF THE BIRTHOFJESUS AND INVITE Solemn Mass&BlessingofCrib8:30pm into The MassofChristmaswith Vigil Todmorden Road, Burnley, 01915656318 forfurtherdetails Father Roger Parker 07977291166 6.00pm CarolsandLessonsleading Benediction 6:00pm, Sunday First ofthe Parish Priest:FrBeresfordSkeltonCMPSSC 12.00Midnight MIDNIGHTMASSOF 7pm First MassofChristmas.7pm First Children’s Mass&NativityPlay 6:00pm, or Mass 8:30am&Family Mass10:30am, The Parish Churchof WILSON STREET, MILLFIELD, Sunday 29thDecemberFeastof Fr.Paul Hutchins-01616813644 YOU TO COME AND WORSHIP THE ANDWORSHIP YOU TO COME WE WISH YOU EVERYBLESSINGIN the GoodShepherd, New Rossington 24th December,7:00pm No Christmas Day Service No ChristmasDay Service SUNDERLAND SR46HJ 9.15am ProcessiontotheCrib& Wishing you allthejoys and month Sundays: Community Carol Service –6:30pm Community CarolService Saturday AND BENEDICTION AT THECRIB AND BENEDICTION Solemn MassofChristmasDay Traditional CarolService Tuesday 24/25thDEC.CHRISTMASEVE Wednesday 25thDEC.CHRISTMASDAY Lancashire BB104AB Lancashire Rosary on Rosary 18.30 CANDLELIGHTROSARY Wednesday 25thDecember 0191 5656780or5656318 CHRISTMAS AT SMARY 10.30 MASS WITH CAROLS Sunday 29thDEC.THEHOLY FAMILY SUNDAY, 5THJANUARY2020 In Aid oftheChildren’s Society For othertimespleasecontact A Society &Forward inFaith Parish [email protected] blessings ofChristmas Tuesday 24thDecember SUNDAY, 22NDDECEMBER Christingle Service –6:00pm Christingle Service Saturday: December,5:00pm In Aid ofPendleside Hospice Manchester Forest Road,FordEstate, 10.30 SOLEMNMASS 9.15am SolemnMass Christmas Eve OF JESUS,MARY&JOSEPH Christingle, 18.30 BENEDICTION Christmas Day - every Sunday- every Sunderland. SR40DX 19.00 LOW MASS MAGDALENE’S Midnight Mass St.Luke, the HolyFamily CHRISTMAS DAY 10am Mass. CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Day Pies andDrinks Christmas Eve Mass 8:15am&10:30am 9:30am, Evening Prayer & Sunday,15 INFANT KING DAILY MASS Tuesday, CHRISTMAS Vigil Mass6:00pm Vigil Confessions on Advent &Lent

North-East -Durham, Leeds (West Yorkshire and the Dales), Newcastle, Sheffield, Southwell and Nottingham, York 11.30pm MidnightMassby candlelight Christmas Eve Christmass! You willbemostwelcome 11.30pm MidnightMassoftheNativity An EnglishMissalParishofthe 3pm Nativity Play & Christingle Service 3pm NativityPlay &ChristingleService 4 p.m. ChristmassCarolsandBenediction see Fr KyleMcNeilSSC,01915860606 Christmas Day: 3.15pm First Vespers; Christmas Eve3.15pmFirst S. Chad,Toller Lane,Bradford (St Andrew’s Blackhall);11.30pm 10.00am The ProcessionoftheKings, Christmas Day Saturday 21stDecember 11.15 p.m. MassofChristmass The First Tel 01915143485e: [email protected] St.Aidan, Grangetown, 1st January2020-Mary, MotherofGod Sunday 29thDecember(TheHoly 4pm Christingle;8pm Mass Vigil 6.00pm Benedictionby candlelight Sunday 22ndDecember10.00am Mother ofGod) with Ferryhill BrassBandandchoirs with Ferryhill Parish Priest:Fr. JohnLivesley Sunderland, SR29RS 26th December–S. Stephenthe Mass oftheDawn (St Andrew’s Family) Parish Massfollowed by The Parish Proclamation, SolemnMassof Horden, County St Helen'sParishChurch 10:45pm Imformal CarolSinging 10:45pm Imformal at ourcelebrations. Comeletus Contact: FatherDavid RaineSSC Wednesday 1stJanuary(Mary, Midnight andBlessingofCrib 6.00pm The Parish CarolService Blackhall); 10.30amSolemn 11am Festival Masswithcarols Sunday 5thJanuary2020 We wishyou aHappy andHoly Bowburn (DH65DS) 22nd December–Advent iv 29st December-TheHolyFamily Parish Priest:Fr LiamBeadle 26th December-28th 6.00 pmParish CarolService m/church/5757/ for details 4 p.m. Evening Prayer attheCrib First Martyr 9.30a.m. Martyr First Low Mass SSC: 01388 814817 Christ theKing, 10.00 amParish Mass 10.45 a.m. SolemnMass Follow us on Facebook on us Follow 11:30 MidnightMass 22rd December Bishop Auckland 6.00pm Benediction 12.00 Midday Mass St.Mary’s 10.00 Parish Mass Epiphany oftheLord Christmas Day Christmas Eve West Auckland Twitter: @SChads1 Christmass Day 9.30 Mass(Daily) 11am SungMass from localschools Mass oftheDay Christmas Eve 10.00am The Parish Mass Durham Christmas Lunch The Parish Mass Messy Chistmas Co Durham Christmass Day Christmass Eve adore him! with Carols Society 8.30am Lauds;9am Please 4.00pm Family Service 4.00pm Family Service 9.30am Family Mass 12noon HolyMass 11:30am The 29th December, HolyFamily:9amSungMass 25th December, ChristmasDay: Contact Fr.Mervyn Thompson followed by mulledwineandmincepies [email protected] Parish Priest:Fr. JohnLivesleySSC:01388 814817 4hDcme:ChristmasEve: 24th December: All SaintsTeam Ministry, 25th December, ChristmasDay: 01 302285316,mob07740932758. ST.WILFRID, CANTLEY, Christmas Day Grangetown, Middlesbrough,TS67HU. e-mail [email protected] Saint HildaofWhitby. 9am The MassoftheDawn withCarols 1st January, Mary, MotherofGod:12noonSung 11.30pm SolemnMidnightMass (for Families), 11pmMidnightMass. St. Andrew's,Tudhoe Grange, Staincliffe HallRoadWF17 Daily massexceptMondays; confessions St PeterandLeonard,Horbury(WF46AS) Christmas Day atStJohn’s Ealand Parish Mass, 6.30pmCarolService. Vicar: FatherEdwardMathias-JonesSSC 11:30pm MidnightMassatChrist 27th December, StJohn,Patron:12noonSung 29th December, HolyFamily:8amSaidMass; Service atStJohn’sService EalandRoad 5.30pm Christingleand Mass Vigil Mass &lunchwithBishopof Wakefield 7QX andStJohn’s Ealand Sunday 29th 6pm A Festival ofNineLessonsand Sunday 30thDecember-Holy Christmas Day10amMassof Thursday 26th Wednesdays 6pmorby appointment 4pm The Children'sChristmas St John,HorburyBridge(WF45NU) 7pm MassofChristmas The First 4pm NativityPlay &CribService 6pm Parish Carol Service &sherry 6pm Parish CarolService Spennymoor (DL166NE) Saturday 28th 0191 4561851 Church StaincliffeHallRoad Christmas Day -10am 8th December:3pmToddler Nativity Christmas Eve - 11.30pm Christmas Eve -11.30pm Batley: ChristChurch Follow usonFacebook or Twitter Vicar: Fr GordonNewton Nine LessonsandCarols 9.30am MassoftheDay 6:15 Informal CarolSinging 6:15 Informal Friday 27th @horburychurch orfindusat @horburychurch The Churchof Christmas Day Mass. Sunday 22rdDecember, Road WF178HW 11.30pm MidnightMass 4th SundayofAdvent: South Shields DONCASTER Fr.Andrew Howard All arewelcome. 3pm CribService Mass &refreshments 10.30am SungMass 10.30am SungMass Midnight Mass. Christmas Day Tel: (01642)441190 Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve 9am SungMass Family -6pm of theNativity Christmas Day: Christmas Eve: 15th December: email: Carols Road - 8amMass, 10am - 10amParish Mass. - 9.30amMass. - 8pmMass. 9.30am Mass, 9am SungMass 8am SaidMass; 5pm Christingle; S JohnSeahamHarbour A Society/SeeofBeverley Parish: FrP Service andNativity,Service 11.30pm 7:30 p.m. HighMass, Procession, Collins 01915817186www.stjohns-

2.30pm Carols by the Crib, 11.30pm The UnitedBeneficeofS.Hugh St.Oswald's, Hartlepool 1st January of Lincoln,NewCantley&Holy 27th

St Paul. King Cross, Halifax: Kennedy SSC01913665496:Fr M Parish Priest Fr.Graeme SSC Buttery 10.00am MassoftheDay atHoly Trinity Deneside (AS)&SMarySeaham Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Barnard 01422 360740 ALL SAINTS'CHURCH (SM) &11.30pmSolemnMassof 24th December6.00pm Massof Vigil 3pm (SM):18thDecat7pm(SJ) All enquiriestoFatherGlynHolland (corner ofLinthorpeRoadandGrangeRoad) 26th 29th 5th January Christmas Eve MidnightMass Nine lessons&Carols15thDec Christmas Day: 8.00pm Massby candlelight Vigil Mawhinney 01915816774:FrC 10.00pm MassofChristmasnightat 15th December Holy Trinity /11am MassoftheHoly North Street,York. at For moredetailscontact FrStokoe on 9.30am Mass,5pmCarol Christingle Service SR7 7SA(SJ)withAllSaints All Saints MIDDLESBROUGH

Queens Road, HX1 3NU 9.30am SolemnMass(AS)& Full calendarandcontactdetails

6.30pm Advent Carol Service 28th 11.00am SolemnMass(SJ) 12 NoonMassofSJohn atS. Hugh

Sunday 29th December 01 429273201 10:30 a.m. Low Mass

Sunday 1st December 9.30am SungMass

First Mass of Christmas.First

4:30pm - Carol Service 10.00am MassofSStephenat 9am MassoftheHolyFamily at Blessing oftheCrib 25 December 24 December Trinity, Doncaster. Epiphany atHoly Trinity. COUNTY DURHAM Christmas Day Tel: 01642820304 Midnight Mass. Christmas Eve Service atHoly Service Trinity Innocents atS. Hugh Christmas atSHugh Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day: Christmas Eve: (SM) SEAHAM: Mass 9.45am 9.30am MassoftheHoly

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

10.30am Mass Family atSt.Hugh 01302 371256 Dawn atS. Hugh Midnight (SJ) at Holy Trinityat Holy 12 NoonMassofOurLady 11.30pm 4pm(SJ) Holy Trinity Holy Trinity 4.00pm Benedictionfor 8.00am Massofthe 6.00pm Joint Carol 22nd Dec , minute walkfromNottinghamStation Meadows, Nottingham For furtherinformationcontactFr.Stephen St Wilfrid’s, ChatsworthRoad, 10am Stepney Primary SchoolCarols 10am Stepney Primary With refreshmentstofollowWith inthehall Richmond Road,Sheffield Episcopal careoftheBishopBeverley 7.30pm CarolswithHullBachChoir Sculcoates Lane,Hull,HU51DP Nativity andBlessingoftheCrib. Contact Fr Terry Buckingham 6:30 pm - Carol Service oftheNine 6:30 pm-CarolService Fr.Kenneth Crawford -01325240183 11am SungEucharist. 4pmCarols (Ticketed event(Ticketed orpay onthedoor) 10.00 am-MassofChristmasDay 11.30pm MidnightMassofthe “Midnight Mass”8pm St.Mary, Sculcoates Middlesbrough. A Parish of The Society, underthe 11.30 pm- andfirstMassof Vigil 10am SungMasswithCarols. Mary MotherofGod, Christmas Day10am Episcopal CareoftheBishop The Parish Churchof St George’s Drive, NG21NX–5 Fr IanMcCormackSSC:01159523351; Harehills, LeedsLS83RS 5pm -familynativity/Christingle St.Catherine ofSiena, 10am: SungMassoftheDay . 10 am-massofChristmasDay The Churchof We areaSocietyParishunderthe [email protected] 9pm- First MassofChristmas 9pm- First St GeorgeinThe 6pm: Informal CarolService 6pm: Informal Mass eachday duringthe January 1st11am Tuesday 24th December S.James theGreat Contact Fr.Philip Knowles Albert Hill,Darlington,DL12LU St.Columba, Sunday 22ndDecember Tuesday24th December SSC01943 876066 service withcommunion. service 4pm CarolsandNativity. Fr.Phil Lamb01482620341 1130PM MidnightMass Sunday, 22December Cooper on01642824779 11pm: MidnightMass Wednesday 25thDecember 11am ChristigleMass 11am SungEucharist Christmas Services Christmas Octave. 6pm -Benediction. Tuesday 24thDecember Monday 23rdDecember Monday 16thDecember Sunday 22ndDecember Friday 20thDecember Sunday 1stDecember Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Day 0114 2399598 Christmas Day Christmas Eve and Readings and Nativity. Christmas Beverley Lessons

South-West Bath and Wells, Bristol, Exeter, Gloucester, Salisbury, Truro [plus South Wales] 11.30pm MidnightMassatS. Mark's St Michael's(ChurchLane) with STSIMON, PLYMOUTH andST Nine Lessons&Carolsby Candlelight, followed by mulledwine&mincepies Mass ofthe [email protected] Marys 8am HolyCommunionBCP, 3pmLessons SACRED HEART 10.30am Family MassofChristmas Heavitree Parish,Exeter 3.00pm CribService,11.30pmMidnight Christmas intheParish [email protected] Contact ParishAdministrator01793538220 4.00pm Crib Service atS.4.00pm CribService Saviour's fuller Feast of ofSt.John’sTitle 27thDec email [email protected] (Lower Road) HillBarton of SwindonNewTown 10.30am Morning Masswithprayers10.30am Morning 7.30pm S. Mark'sNineLessons Parish Mass11.00am@St. John Said Mass10.30am@St. John. 6.00pm S. Luke's NineLessons [email protected] Cheltenham GL522EV Said Mass9.30am@St. Mary 11.30 pm The MidnightMass Wednesday 25December 9.00pm MassoftheNativity For Confessionsorinformation. ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST, 6.00pm Saturday S. Mark's MARY THEVIRGIN, LAIRA Thursday 19December Sunday December22nd Rector: Revd.DerekArnold Tuesday 24December All Saints,Pittville Abbottsham email [email protected] Sunday 22December First MassofChristmass First (First MassofSunday)(First 10.30 amParish Mass 11.30pm MidnightMass 11.30pm MidnightMass 10.30am Morning Mass 10.30am Morning All SaintsRoad. Parish Mass10:00am 4.00 pmCribService Christmass Day Christmass Eve 9.00am S. Saviour's; 11.00am S. Luke's. 8.00 amSaidMass St Lawrence's St.Helen, Day atS. Saviour's SUTTON-ON-PLYM 8.00pm @StJohns PLYMOUTH Christmas Day Christmas Day Advent IVMasses Fr Robert Wright Christmas Eve Christmas Eve 07909043811 8.00am SaidMass Christmas Day Christmas Eve 4pm CribService Sunday 22nd Christmas Eve 6pm Cribservice Christmas Day Christmas Eve Advent IV Advent round thecrib 01237 721723 at S. Luke's and Carols and Carols and Carols. Mass.. Forward Christmas2019FINAL.qxp_Layout130/11/201914:11Page14

South-West Bath and Wells, Bristol, Exeter, Gloucester, Salisbury, Truro [plus South Wales] OCTAVE (includingFeasts) In aidofSomersetCrimebeatTrust 11.00pm MidnightMassandBlessing 9.00am Mass/10.30amParish Mass 11.30pm BlessingoftheCriband St.Luke's, Milber, A PeacefulandHolyChristmas to all Sung MassofChristmasDay at11am e-mail: [email protected] Crib Service forChildren4.00pm Crib Service Parish ofAllSaintsandStSaviour St.Peter &theHoly Daily Mass-contactFr.David Sung MassoftheDay 10.00am Apostles, Plymouth [email protected] 10am SungMassandCarolsat contact Fr.Nick Debneyon Midnight MassofChristmasat 9.00am Mass/10.30amParish 3.00pm CarolsatStSaviour Hall Advent Carols:Sunday1stDecember Knowle, Bristol St.Martin, 10am SungMassDAILY inSt 7.00pm Wednesday 11thDec 10.30am SaidMasswithCarols St.Peter's, WyndhamSquare. Visit Fr.David Way 01752 11.30pm MidnightMass. [email protected] For furtherinformation 5.00pm Crib Service atSt. 5.00pm CribService All SaintsChurch,Saints,Road Newton Abbot Fr.Steve HawkinsSSC Salisbury Fisher, 01722500896 Wednesday 25thDecember Thursday Dec26thStStephen’s Day Wednesday Dec25thChristmasDay Peter’s, WyndhamSquare 10am MassoftheDay Holy Nativity, Midnight Mass11.30pm Weston-super-Mare, BS232NL Sunday Dec29ththeHolyFamily Tuesday Dec24thChristmasEve Tuesday 24thDecember Sunday 22ndDecember Midnight Massat11:30pm “Carols byCandlelight” Parish Office:01934415379 Christmas Day The Parish of “Unlocking Potential” Christmas Day Christmas Eve or visitourwebsite: Christmas Eve Sunday 5thJanuaryEpiphany Mass atStSaviour Hall 01 626681259 07834 462054 10.30am Parish Mass 4pm CribService Christmas Day Christmas Eve Carol Service at4pm Carol Service Crib Service at4pm Crib Service Everyone welcomeEveryone 9.00am Low Mass 10.00am Mass Carol Service 9.00am Mass Sunday Dec22nd 222007 St.Peter's. of theCrib 6.30pm Peters 8.00 a.m. Mass, 10.30a.m. SungMassfor The Durlocks,Folkestone,CT196AL 8.00 amMass10.30am. HighMasswith Families andchildrenespeciallywelcome. 9.00 a.m. Mass5.00p.m. Children’s Crib Epiphany Carols6.00pmSungEvensong 12 noonSolemnityofOurLady Motherof St. PeterontheEastCliff BATHWICK PARISHES, BATH Contact Fr.Peter Edwards01225460052 Contact Father MarkHaldon-Jones 8.00 a.m. Mass10.30a.m. HighMass 10.30 a.m. 6.00 Advent CarolService 9.00 a.m. Massfor The HolyInnocents

St. Martin's,Barton, ALL HALLOWS EASTON HALLOWS ALL (alternating venues(alternating -seewebsite) Midnight Mass(11pm, StMary’s) Fr.Gorran Chapman01803327223 Advent 4, Sunday December22ndat Sung Mass(10.30am, StMary’s) 4.30pm with Carols-HolyFamily 6.00p.m. 12 noon:MassforStStephensDay 11.30pm Sung Mass(9am, StJohn’s and p.m. SungEvensong &Benediction Service, 11.30p.m. MidnightMass Christingle andCribService, Christmas Day (noevening service) Barton HillRoad,Barton Torquay, TQ2 8JA Sunday 15thDecember St Martin’s Ruislip Wednesday 25thDecember Crib service (4pm,Crib service StMary’s) 6.30pm or 6.00pm

Telephone 01303 680441 Contact Fr Jones Mutemwakwenda Jones Fr Contact

Sung Mass(9am, StJohn’s) SUNDAYDECEMBER 22nd

7.30 pmMassoftheEpiphany 01179551804 01179551804

Christmas MorningMass

10.00am BRISTOL BS5 0HH BS5 BRISTOL Normal Sundayservices: (bottom ofBathwickHill)and Thursday 26thDecember Saturday 28thDecember Tuesday 24th December Tuesday 31st December Wednesday 1stJanuary Sunday 29thDecember Nine LessonsandCarols 9.00 a.m. MassforStJohn Christmas Eve, 11.30.p.m. Christmas Day, 10.00.a.m. Friday 27th December [email protected] Vigil MassofChristmas Vigil Sunday 1stDecember (opposite thefirestation)

Christmas Eve 4.00.p.m. 10pm Late night Mass night Late 10pm Monday 6thJanuary Christmas at Sunday 5thJanuary 10.30am, StMary’s) (7.30pm, StMary’s) 8.00am

Evening Prayer (BCP) 10am Family 10am Mass

Christmas Day

6pm Carol Service Carol 6pm CHRISTMAS DAY CHRISTMAS


22nd December 4pm Crib Service Service Crib 4pm Evening Services Evening Services Christmas Day: (6pm, StJohn’s) Christmas Eve: Carol Service St.Mary’s Midnight Mass St John’s 7.00 p.m. Mass & Benediction - Children’sCarols 6.00.p.m. - Carol Service - NativityMass - MidnightMass God - SungMass - Mass

South-East Canterbury, Chichester, Guildford, London, Portsmouth, Rochester, Southwark, Winchester All Saints,Twickenham Live liturgystream:seewebsitefordetails Website: Parish ChurchofSt.Cuthbertw December. MidnightMassisat11pm Fr.Alex Lane02088943580 takes placeat5pmonSunday 22nd Daily MassduringtheOctave of St John'sChurch,KensalGreen For furtherinformation-FrGarry St.Matthias, PhilbeachGdns., after which thebellswillringfor MIDNIGHT MASS&Blessingof Gillingham -wwwachurchnearyou Nativity oftheLordiscelebratedat S. AugustineKilburn The CathedralofNorthLondonNW65XD Parish Mass&visitto theCrib The Festival ofLessonsandCarols 07711 405750or02073703263, 4pm CommunityCarolService. Christmass ServicesforSt 11.30 pmSolemnMasswith Wednesday 18thDecember The MassoftheSolemnity For detailsofconcertsandMassesafter Luke’s Church,Virginia Rd Christmass- 10am eachday 7.00pm Parish CarolService. 10pm MassoftheNativity 10am by The BishopofFulham, 5.30 pmChildren’sService St Augustine Gillingham KentME71PB email: [email protected] Jenkins –tel01634-580433 Fr KeithHodges01252320840 Contact: FatherPaulBagott Christmas pleasesee parish website Church website-StLuke’s 11.30pm MidnightMass. on Tuesday 24thDecember, & Sunday masstimes 11.30 pmMidnightMass Mass &visitto theCrib 10.00 amFamily Mass Sunday 8thDecember Sunday, December29th Enquiries, Confessionsetc See website for daily Follow usonFacebook 10.30am SungMass. Aldershot 5.00 pmCribService Christmas Day Blessing oftheCrib Crib Service for ALL Crib Service Christmas Eve Christmas Day 10.30 SolemnMass the Crib11.30pm 11am Parish Mass. the excited! 5pm CHRISTMASS DAY Earls CourtSW5 4pm CribService, Christmass Day Christmas Christmass Eve Christmas Day: Christmas Eve: Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmass Eve Christmas Eve. 10.30am. 10.30am the Lord. first time. followed by mulled wine and mince pies mince and wine mulled by followed 11.30pm First MassofChristmass 11.30pm First 35a DurhamRoad,EastFinchley, LondonN29DP 10.30am SolemnMassoftheDay Anthem -'Byrd, HodieChristusnatusest' 4pm Christingle, 11.30pmBlessingofthe Tuesday 24thDecember St Alban’s isonBrooke Streetand e-mail :[email protected] Deal, SocietyParish Rector: Fr.Michael GillSSC 10.00am Christmas Morning Service 10.00am ChristmasMorning 3.00pm Children’s ChristmasService All Massesarecelebrated inthe The HolyFamily ofJesus, 6.00pm Fesival oftheNineLessonsand Crib andSolemnHighMassofMidnight. with Blessing of the Crib followed by followed Crib the of Blessing with The nearestSociety Parish St.Dunstan withHolyAngels, followed by wineandrefreshments 8am Low MassoftheDawn (BCP, EM), 6.30 pmNineLessonsandCarols 7.00 pmMessiaen, LaNativitédu 6.00pm NineLessonsandCarols 6.30pm ChristmasCarolService 10am SolemnMassoftheDay and Cranford, West London. 3.00pm Childrens'CribService 10.00am SungMassoftheDay St Dunstan.Famous for its 11.30pm SungMidnightMass ALL SAINTS’CHURCH West Street,CT146DY Church Office01 304381131 Martin TraversMartin furnishings (Carissimi, Messaconcertata) South Ruislip 3.00 pmChildren’s Activities St.Andrew's, ancient ParishChurch of SAINT ALBAN’S, 11.00pm ChristmasCarols Sunday 22ndDecember Tuesday 17thDecember 10.30am SolemnMass Wednesday 25thDecember Thursday 5thDecember Sunday 22ndDecember 11.30pm MidnightMass 020 88978836. Mary andJoseph 9.00 pmMidnightMass Visit ourwebsitefor to Heathrow Airport. noon MassofOurLady St Mary's, 10.30 amSungMass Sunday 1stJanuary Sunday 22ndDecember Christmas Day wine and mince pies mince and wine Christmas Eve Baldwin’s Gardens news andevents 4.00pm CribMass Sunday 29th HOLBORN Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve London EC1N Christmas Day Christmas Day Christmas Eve with Carols Seigneur2 Sermon. Carols. Christmas Eve :0pm Crib&ChristingleService. 4:00 p.m. 2019 Christmas Sevenoaks St.John theBaptist, (nearest tubesOval orKennington on THE BENEFICEOFS.MICHAEL&ALL U 9:00 a.m.Christmas Morning Eucharist 9:00 a.m.ChristmasMorning Contact Fr.Owen Higgs02078347520 3, 36, 59,133, 155, 159, 185, 333, 4pm CribandChristingleService A S For anyfurtherinformationordetails,please 10:30 a.m.,Massof StStephen Osborne (01227760927)MrsKarenGlithero Angels', Tonbridge Road, P 10:30 a.m.,SungMass;5p.m. Sung MassonSundaysat10:30 For information see further 4 p.m. Crib Service; 11:30 p.m. 4 p.m.CribService; . St. Agnes,KenningtonPark B website 10:30 a.m.SolemnMassoftheDay G 4pm Service ofNineLessons 4pm Service P 10:30 a.m.,SungMass; 4:30 the Northern Line,bus services: the Northern Midnight MassoftheNativity Contact: FrNeilBrysonSSC01622721123 11:00 p.m.Carolsby Candlelight, (01227479377)Churchwardens: MrPeter 10.00 a.m. Children’s Massand leading into…11:30p.m.Solemn Christmas EveAtS.Michael’s [email protected] 10:00 a.m.MassatS.Michael’s 9: 30a.m.MassatS.Michael’s E e A website: W Thursday 19thDecember7pm St. AgnesPlace,SE11.Society, FiF Low MassonThursdays at St.Gabriel, Pimlico, Sunday 22ndDecember(Advent4): R n Sunday 15thDecember(Advent3): Tuesday 3rdDecember B 11.30pm MidnightMass Contact: 02078208050 Nine LessonsandCarols 10am Low MassoftheDay 11.30 p.m. MidnightMass Holy Communion(BCP)8am I 8am MassoftheDawn e o 10:30 a.m.SungMass Sunday 22ndDecember H St MichaelandAll 10.00 a.m. SolemnMass 10.00 a.m. Solemn Mass 10am SolemnMassof T Sunday 15thDecember R Family Crib service 4.00pm Family Cribservice ANGELS, HARBLEDOWN f f H Rector:Fr PeterHarndenSSC 26th&27th December contact oneofthefollowing: I Midnight Mass11:30pm Nine LessonsandCarols i t CHRISTMAS 2019 A E c Christmas Day Christmas Eve T London, SW1, Christmas Morning Parish Mass10:30am h Sunday 22nd e L R p.m. Benediction H e , o Christmas Concert, B R 26th December 28th December Christmas Day B E Midnight Mass. Christmas Day 415 and436.) (07969 404209) Christmas Eve L at S.Michael’s. Christmas Day Maidstone f Christmas Eve at S.Gabriel’s. M O T E Christmas Day: Nativity Play Christmas Eve: i of OurLord 10:30 a.m. and Carols s U D h h I e S G O o S S H W p a.m. I C o o O N c N , f O C i R e C M t A i y c M H N a h U O T b n E R N o d R C r , i & o B H n u U E 7pm t S g R S h h . Y O e M . , K c F . A a E R r N Y e , T

South-East Canterbury, Chichester, Guildford, London, Portsmouth, Rochester, Southwark, Winchester 2.30pm ChristingleService,6.30pm Littlehampton, You arewarmlywelcomed toyourParishChurch Vicar: FrBenjaminWeitzmann SSC Christmas atStPeter’s, See websiteforSundayanddailyservices: 10:30pm SolemnMidnightMassof 26th DecemberStStephen'sDay For moreinformationcontactFrRichard St George,BickleyBR12BE Parish PriestFrJamesElstonSSC "An ancientchurchintheheartofLondon" Service, 11.30pmMidnightMass St Pancras OldChurch St Stephen,FirstMartyr-26thDecember or020 10:00am MassofChristmasDay Virgin,Church Street Virgin,Church 4:00pm Family Crib Service with 4:00pm Family CribService Kingsbury, NW98RZ for a.Happy, holyandpeacefulChristmas St JohntheEvangelist-27thDecember Saturday 21st December St SaviourPO28PB, 6pm NineLessonsandCarols, 10.30am SungMassandCarols. (in easyreachofBickley and 6.00pm NineLessonsandCarols Holy InnocentsDay-28thDecember The AscensionPO2 3.00pm &4.30pmCribService, Christmas Services 2019Christmas Services Christmas Carol Service 6pm Christmas CarolService Wapping Lane,London,E1W2RW Mass eachday at10:30am 11pm FirstMassofChristmas Norman SSCon02082956411. Parish Priest:Fr.Mark Williams SSC 7pm Carolsby Candlelight 8:00am MassoftheDawn Contact: FrJonathanBeswickSSC Sunday 22ndDecember With ourprayersandgoodwishes Sunday 22ndDecember 0JG, Portsmouth Midnight Mass1130pm 5pm Children'sCribService, 11.30pm MidnightMass. Vigil MasswithCarols Vigil 10:00am Parish Mass St. Andrew's, Chislehurst stations) Chislehurst London Docks 11.30pm MidnightMass. Parish Mass930am 10.30am SungMass. 4.30pm Christingle 10am Parish Mass St.Mary the Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Day 02392 439711 Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Crib Service 4pm Crib Service Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve 10am Parish Mass Christmas Day Christmas Eve Office:01903726875 Christmas Day Monday 23rd Sunday 22nd Mass 1000am 8am Low Mass 8am Low Mass, Christingles the Nativity 020 74812985 8205 7447 BN175EN . further informationcontactFrRichard Advent IV5pmFestval ofLessonsand 9.00am SaidMassand10.30am 10am SolemnMassfortheEpiphany David HouldingSSC02072677833 St. Saviour&Peter and BlessingofChalk. Celebrantand S. Augustine 4.30pm ServiceofLessonsandCarols, Mass 12.00nooneachdayinthe A SocietyParishundertheBishop Winchmore Hill,N21 3RS family. 11.30pmMidnightMasswith with PresentationofGiftsattheCrib Solemnity of Mary theMotherof Solemnity ofMary 6pm Carol Service by Candlelight. 6pm CarolService The CathedralofNorthLondon 10.30am MassofChristmasDay. Victoria Road,Brighton,BN13FU 5pm CarolsattheCrib-forall All Hallows,GospelOak, 10.30am SolemnHighMasswithCarols. S.Michael andAllAngels 11.30pm MidnightMasswithcarols. For furtherdetails:Prebendary Bolton [email protected] Parish Office:01273822284 Vicar: FatherRobertNorbury See websitefordaily&Sunday 4.00pm Traditional NativityPlay 11am SolemnMassoftheDay. Hampstead, NW32LD Preacher theBishopofFulham Contact Fr. MarkMcAulaySSC,Vicar 5.00pm Sequence&Benediction Holy Trinity and MassoftheNativity Vigil God. SaidMass12noon. Sunday 22ndDecember 11.30pm -MidnightMass. Wednesday 25thDecember 11.30pm MidnightMass. Sunday 22rdDecember 5.00pm 9Lessons&Carols Tuesday 24thDecember For Confessionsandfor Christmas Day 11.30 pmMidnightMass Christmas Eve 8am MassoftheDawn, Kilburn Sunday 5thJanuary Blessing oftheCrib. Eastbourne with BishopofFulham 5.00 pmCribService 5pm CribService, 10.30 SolemnMass 01273 727362 Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Eve 0208 3641583 Christmas Day Christmas Eve Sung Mass. Advent Sunday Christmas Day Christmas Eve mass times 1st Jan of Fulham 01323 722317 NW6 5XD Advent III Carols Octave. Kingston-upon-Thames Contact Fr.Martin Hislop(Parish The Ascension 4pm Crib service &Christingleforfamilies 4pm Cribservice Sunday 15thDec 11pm HighMassofMidnight. Fawcett Road,Southsea,Portsmouth.PO40DY Lavender Hill,LondonSW11 6:30pm SolemnEvensong & Benediction Christingle andCarolService Clydesdale RdW111JE 10am SolemnMass &BlessingofChalk All Saints’NottingHill for uptodateinformationabout Mass timesandothereventsin 10pm TheFirstMassofChristmass. 5pm Family Carol Concert Good Shepherd,Lake Parish Priest,FrIainYoung Canon Trevor Buxton01273604687 and StSaviouronthe 8am MassoftheNativity Office)Tel. 0208974 8079. A parishofTheSociety inthe Sunday 30thDecember. HolyFamily The Beneficeofthe Sunday 5thJanuary2020Epiphany St.Luke, 8am Mass/10amSolemn 8am Mass/10amSolemn 020 72285340 Sunday 22ndDecember 11pm MidnightMass Christmas Services 10.30am HighMass with Canbury Singers with Canbury 4:30 pmCribService 10:30am SungMass St.Martin, Lewes Watch NightMass11.30pm High Mass11.00am 4pm Children'sCribService, Mary Mother ofGod Mary 6pm Traditional CarolService Diocese ofPortsmouth 4pm CarolsforEveryone. Mass 12.00noon Road,Brighton Please seeourwebsite Cliff, Shanklin. 11am HighMass Sunday 31stDec. 11:00 pmMidnightMass Midnight Mass11.30 Christmas Day 10am MassoftheDay. Christmas Eve Monday 1stJan, The HolyFamily Christmas Day Sunday 22ndDecember Christmas Eve Sunday 5thJan HOLY SPIRIT, Parish Mass11am Christmas Day New Year’s Eve Christmas Eve Sunday 22nd Christmas Day 10am SolemnMass Christmas Eve both churches. Epiphany Christmas Day Christmas Eve 8am Mass & children at 5.00pm [email protected] Church ofTheAnnunciation South Wimbledon 5pm ChristingleandCribService, Sunday, 29thDecember,4pm St.Ambrose, Westbourne, Solemn MassofChristmasMidnight. 10.00am SungMassoftheDay. Bellevue Road, Ramsgate. St Anselm’s, HatchEnd Christmas Day Communion: 9:30am Fr.Adrian Pearce. 01 202911569. 8.00am Low MassoftheDawn, Children’s Carol Service and Children’s Carol Service Holy Trinity Church Mass ofChristmasDay withCarols 9 LessonsandCarols: 6pmSunday 11.45 MidnightSolemnMass. Christmas Day Communion:11am 6.30pm Carolsby Candlelight 4.00pm Readings&Carolsin Midnight Mass–11.30pm Midnight Mass11:30pm Tuesday 4.00pm Family CribService, Sunday 22ndDecember For moredetailsandallother Parish Office 01Parish Office 202766772. Crib Service: 5pmTuesdayCrib Service: 24th Parish Mass–10.00am. Christmas Services2019 Festival ofLessonsandCarols Christingle Workshop 2.00pm, Contact: 020 8467 3606 8467 020 Contact: Parish ofGodshill, preparation forChristmas. e-mail [email protected] Crib Service: 6:30pmTuesdayCrib Service: Parish Priest:Fr. ChristopherNoke Christingle Service 3.00pm Christingle Service email: [email protected] Wednesday 25thDecember Wednesday 25thDecember 11.30pm SolemnMass Special ChristmasServices Special ChristmasServices Said Mass–8.00am services andeventssee: Vigil Mass–5.00pm Chislehurst. Chislehurst. All Saints 11am SolemnMass. Bournemouth 11.30pm MidnightMass. Rector andParishPriest. 10am SungMass(CW) Nine Lessons&Carols. Isle ofWight 22nd December Sunday 15thDecember Christmas Day Christmas Eve Sunday 8thDecember St Alban’s Ventnor All SaintsGodshill and onFacebook Christmas Day Christmas Day Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve TEL 01843654102 22rd December 24th December 24th December of Midnight. Fr PaulBlanch. at 10:00am. 020 89487986 Christmas Day Christmas Eve at 3:00pm 11:30pm. December , F 5.00pm NativityPlay withCarols Saint Stephen’s GloucesterRoad SUTTON, SURREYSM13DA u 1030am lighting of fourth Adventlighting offourth Candle. Cooden Drive,BexhillonSea.TN393AZ Christmas ServicesatHolyTrinity, A meditationin Words andMusicfor Parish Massfor theHolyFamily Sunday 22ndDecember1030am For unto us a child is born (Handel) For untousachildisborn Further details:Fr. RobertCoatesSSC Tuesday 24thDecember7.30pm and inthecareofBishopFulham udy2t eebr1030am Sunday 29thDecember 4:00 p.m. a r For furtherinformationpleasecontact and BlessingoftheChristmas S Stephen’s Day-26December Upper BrookStreet,Winchester St. Augustine'sChurch, Family Carols andmincepies, Special ChristmasServices Special ChristmasServices Parish Massfor Advent 4with Fr DavidChislettSSC:07860636270, mulled wineandapplepunch ages (Withtraditionalcarols) w 4:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 10.00am Parish Mass for all ALL SAINTS’BENHILTON 9 LessonsandCarols: 6p.m. t Solemn MassofChristmasDay 8:00 a.m.Low Mass9:30a.m.The Christmas Day-25December “From DarknesstoLight” 18.00 First MassofChristmasand First t Contact theChurchwarden,JohnPurver Christmas Eve24December Christmas Day Communion: Christmas Day Communion: h Parish Priest:FrPhilipBarnesSSC S Three traditionalEnglishcarols and CarolswithBenediction. w Midnight Mass11:30 p.m. Friday 20thDecember4pm Wednesday 25thDecember Missa adpraesepe(Malcolm) Wednesday 25thDecember Wednesday 25thDecember Missa Jesu redemptor(Kaim) 11.30pm MidnightMass e Advent 1-1stDecember Sunday 22rdDecember: w t A ParishofTheSociety St Alban’s Ventnor Parish ofGodshill, r All SaintsGodshill Tuesday 24thDecember Tuesday 24thDecember Crib Service: 6:30p.m. Crib Service: Little Organ Mass(Haydn) Sunday 22ndDecember e-mail: [email protected] . d A 01962 732351oremail:office This endrisnight(Drott) . s Blessing oftheCrib Crib Service: 5p.m. Crib Service: Midnight Mass23.00 01424 210 785 u e O HolyNight(Adam) Solemn Mass11.00 Solemn Mass11.00 t London SW74RL a g 8.00am Mass, t Isle ofWight Christmas Day (non-alcoholic). Crib &ChristingleService Christmas Eve Family Masswithcarols Christmas Day: a Christmas Eve: Or visitthewebsite: u u Service ofNineLessons Service Solemn MidnightMass i g s l with carols s t u 9:30 a.m. i w o 11 a.m. n s Advent e t e f Tree i s b n s p s e e i r s t l v e e b i : a e c e x s h e s a v i l l i . . n s o d t r i g e t o . u v e u k n r t s Forward Christmas2019FINAL.qxp_Layout130/11/201914:11Page16

West-Central Birmingham, Coventry, Derby, Hereford, Lichfield, Oxford, Worcester Granby StreetDE78HQ(dioceseofDerby) Market PlaceNG101LT (dioceseofDerby) St Michael'sB692LQ(SM) St Mary’sSuttonScarsdale Late Advent &Christmas 2019 11.30 pmSungMidnightMassSM ST LAURENCE,LONGEATON Fr MartinEnnis01384257888 2.00pm ChristingleandCribService Parish ofTividale, Oldbury Walstead Road,Walsall, WS54LZ. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Parish Office: 07791596404Parish Office: Calow &Suttoncum Holy CrossB691LL(HC) Fr.Mark McIntyre01922622583 Wednesday 25thChristmas Day Sunday 22nd10amRequiem& 6.00pm NineLessonsandCarols Christingle withCarolsattheCrib St JohntheBaptist, Lighting oftheMemorialCandles St.Gabriel's, Fullbrook, HOLY TRINITY, ILKESTON United Beneficeof Tuesday 24thChristmasEve 11pm First MassofChristmas 11pm First Benefice Carol Service at3pm Benefice CarolService 4 pm Family Crib Service SM 4 pmFamily CribService Memorial Service &lightingof Memorial Service 4pm Carolsby Candlelight Sunday 22ndDecember www.calow-sutton-duckmanton- 10 amMassoftheDay HC 11.30 pmMidnightMass 11.30 pmMidnightMass Fr DexterBracey02476711687 11.30pm Midnightmass 7, 14, 21Crafty Advent 2-4 Advent andChristmas Advent 10.00am Masswithcarols Christmas Day 11.00pm MidnightMass [email protected] 11.00 amSungMass 11 amParish MassHC Mass oftheHolyFamily Church openSaturdays Fr.Tom Barnfather Contact FrKevinBallSSC St Peter’s Calow 9.30 amParish Mass 30 Nov, 7, 14, 21Dec Christmas Day: Christmas Day: 10.00am Parish Mass Christmas Eve: Christmas Eve: Duckmanton Tuesday 24th Sunday 29th Sunday 22ndDecember 10am Parish mass for refreshments2-4 Sunday 22nd 5pm Carols&Beer 4 pmCribService Christmas Eucharist @ B691TL Tividale 4pm CribService 07570597873 Memorial Candles Christmas Day Christmas Eve Fr GilesOrton A Societyparish Sunday 22nd Coventry Christmas Day Christmas Eve 8am mass 07401810114 10.30am 10am 3 pm 3pm 22nd December S. Michael,Shrewsbury Christmas Eve Enquiries toFr. JohnLuff St.Giles-in-Reading Advent &ChristmassServicesforStPeter's St Peter’s CrabbsCross, & StBarnabas'BalsallHeath Linda Parker 01952603839 Parish PriestFr.David Harris Saturday 28thHolyInnocents 10.30am Massforallthefamily. 24th December Friday 27th S.John 12.00noon St Agatha'sSparkbrook St Stephen,John&HolyInnocentsDays Edgbaston, Birmingham Solemn MassofChristmas10.00 Sunday 22ndDec. All SaintsChurch, Fr.Mike BartlettSSC01527545709 Parish Masswithan Advent Theme Come andseeourmagnificent 8th December 25th 8amDawn Mass&10am Sunday 15thDec. Blessing oftheCribandFamily Sunday 1stDec. St.Augustine's Procession &SungParish Mass 11pm SolemnMidnightMass Enquiries: Churchwarden: 11.30pm MidnightMassof The Stephen, 12.00noonLow Mass Low at8am&Sung10am Mass 6.30pmatStAgatha's 4pm Family CribService, Thursday 26thDec. Christmas Day 6.30pm BlessingoftheCrib 6.30pm 9Lessons&Carols 0121 4492790 Vicar: FrMatthew TomlinsonVicar: 11.00pm MidnightMass 12am MidnightMass. 12am 10.30am 26th 10amStStephen. All Saintswith Sunday Massin Advent: Small Heath, Nine LessonsandCarols. Birmingham. Neapolitan cribscene. Parish Massof Advent lV 9.15am Low Mass 12.00 noonLow Mass 01 572831. 189 (BCP/English Missal) 11.30pm SungMass 10.30am SungMass Christmas Day Christmas Eve 10.30am Low Mass Christmas Day am atStBarnabas' Christmas Eve 8.00am Low Mass Sunday 22ndAdventIV the Crib&Carols Birmingham Christmas Day Christmas Eve Mass oftheDay 0121 4540127 Redditch Christmas Day Christmas Eve Low Mass Nativity Sung Mass. 6pm CarolService 4pm Christingle 4pm Blessingof 4.00 CribService, 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 3.00pm , S.

East-Central Chelmsford Ely, Leicester, Lincoln, Norwich, St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Peterborough, St Albans Temple Normanton,Derbyshire,S42 Nativity andBlessingoftheCrib 6.00pm Family CarolService Saturday 21stDecembe HOLY CROSS,MARSHFARM Christmas Eve 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service 6.30pm ChristmasCarolService Hasland, Derbyshire,S410JX [email protected] Christmas Day: Fr. SSC(02089501424) Andrew Burton Mass andBlessingoftheCrib. and StLuke Derby number 07941894822 Soken. NearClacton-on-Sea. Contact: FrJohnThackray07780613754 11.30pm MidnightMassofthe Christmas Services: Allwelcome! Christmas Services: Wednesday 18thDecember12.30pm Elm Street,IpswichIP12EF St.Augustine St MaryattheElms, 9.30am Family Masswithcarols Fr RichardBrownSSC07867494688 9.45am SungFestival Mass. 8.00am HolyCommunion(BCP) 11.30pm MidnightMass. Website www.stmaryattheelms, Christmas Eve 11.30pm SolemnMidnight Fr. GeoffreyBorrowdaleSSC Sung MassofChristmasDay St. Bartholomew Tel: 01332342806 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight 5.00pm Crib&Christingle Mass each day duringthe Christmas Services St Peter, Bushey Heath. Under the episcopal care of the the of care episcopal the Under St.Michael, Thorpe-le- Contact telephone 11.30pm MidnightMass Carols Roundthe Tree; [email protected] A SocietyRegisteredParish. S. JamestheApostle, 10am Family Mass. Tel 01246232486 4pm CribService, 4.00pm CribService Grimsby For DailyMasstimessee Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmas Octave Christmas Day Christmas Eve Christmass Day Bishop of Richborough of Bishop Christmass Eve Carol Service: Christmas Day Christmas Eve Details of S. Paul’s, 11.30pm. Parish Priest Christmas Eve: 10.00am Service, 10.45am SungMass 5DB Midnight Mass r 3pm . Castro, Leicester 10 m oenMs EastBarsham SolemnMass 11.00 am Parish Church SolemnMassoftheDay 11.00am ShrineChurch Low MassoftheDawn 8.00am Parish Church SolemnMassofMidnight& 11.30pm Mass SolemnVigil 6.30pm Parish BlessingoftheCrib Church 4.30pm [email protected] BlessingoftheCrib 10:00 SolemnityoftheNativity Friday 27th-St.John Apostle and Priest-in Charge:FrDavidMaudlin Evangelist -1.10pmLow Mass Christingle Carol Service inaidof Christingle CarolService The James theGreatandSt.Paul, East Hill,Colchester, CO12QL 10:00 MassoftheFeastSt. John, 5pm Crib Service andChristingle 5pm CribService HEATH COLCHESTER St JohntheBaptist, 23:30 MidnightMassofChristmas 08:00 Mass/10:00Parish Mass [email protected] 01206797481. 4th SundayofAdvent22ndDecember 10:00 Mass,MotherofGod. Mary 10:00 MassoftheHolyInnocents ST.BARNABAS,OLD Lord MasswithChristmasCarols Christmas Day - St.Stephen11amMass 10:00 Parish Mass, HolyFamily Christmas servicesatSt. 16:30 BlessingoftheCriband Fr GlenBrooks01502732420 10:00 MassoftheFeastSt. Father RichardTillbrook,SSC.Vicar. Christmas Eve (in traditionallanguage) Blessing oftheCriband Carols by candlelight6pm Midnight Mass11.30pm SSC Tel :01572820181 CHRISTMAS AT Wednesday 1stJanuary2020 Lound, Suffolk Rector FrJamesMcCluskey Thursday 26thDecember telephone -01206860419 St Mary de St Mary 19th December 24th December Thursday 26thDecember Saturday 28thDecember Mass (sung)10am Further detailsfrom Friday 27thDecember Sunday 29thDecember Midnight Mass. Children Society Midnight Mass Carol Service Christmas Day Christmas Eve 08:00 Mass 08:00 Mass Christmas Day Christmas inWalsingham Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Evangelist Stephen Advent 4 email - Mass Fr Harri Fr Harri SSCFrKevinWilliams SmithSSC - 9.30 AllAge - 9.30 S.Stephen, Protomartyr - 11.30pm Christmas Day ~ followed by drinks Christmas Eve ShrineChurch 10h30 BCPHolyCommunion(Stradsett) Blackfordby 9.30pmChristmas at Vigil St Margaret,Blackfordby& St Margarets 11.30pmMidnightMass 19h30 MassofChristmasNight(Hilgay) 26th DecStStephensDay Parish PriestFr.Simon Lumby, 10h30 Mass-said, withcarols(DMkt) Also dailymassesthroughoutthe 10am Patronal MassatStStephens (on theDerbyshire/Leicestershireboundary) Fr JamesMatherssc,Rector(01366)382187 Fr AlanDavies,Assoc.Priest(01553)810675 23h45 CribBlessing&MidnightMass CHRISTMAS INWESTNORFOLK CHRISTMAS And underthesamemanagement 16h30 ChristingleandCarols(DMkt) St Edmund’s Church, Downham Market DE11 8AB&8DQ Churches affiliated toChurches affiliated TheSociety 6pm Crib Service atStMargarets, 6pm CribService 25th DecChristmasDay 24th DecChristmasEve Christ theRedeemer 5pm Crib Service atStStephens, 5pm CribService 3pm NineLessons&CarolsatSt First SundayofChristmas,TheHolyFamily 10h30 BeneficeEucharist(DMkt) For fulldetailsofregularservices, Off theA10betweenElyand New Parks, Details: FrMichaelFishSSC St Stephen,Woodville Sunday 29thDecember 0116 2872342 10am Family EucharistatSt 15th Dec Advent III 15th DecAdvent St Mark’s Church, Ten MileBank on Leicester usa 4hDecember Tuesday 24th Christmas 2019 St Aidan, St Mary’s Church,St Mary’s Stradsett Margarets, Blackfordby. [email protected] [email protected] All Saints’ Church, Hilgay Christmas Octave. Benefice of Christmas Day Christmas Eve please lookusup 01283 229072 at StStephens Saint Stephen King’s Lynn 3.00pm Margarets Woodville (DMkt) 11.30pm Wednesday 25th Christingle Carol 10.00am Thursday 26th 10.00am of Christmas Christmas Service Morning is Mass First Mass of Mass of