THE NING ASumme'lof Splzltual 'l)lsco11ezv l11 Neh' ljo'lk Clt1f atTheal Gener Theological Seminary- of the Episcopal Church Whe'le else can 1(ou• • • ♦ Join interested and committed Christians in a garden-like oasis within the heart of one of the most vibrant urban environments in the world. ♦ Experience evocative and unique courses in Christian Spirituality in our Summers@ General program: this year's four two-week courses run June 5-16. • Hildegardeof Bingen & Her World;an Exploration • Introductionto ChristianWorship • Spiritual Formation in the Twenty-FirstCentury • Parish-basedSpirituality ♦ Explore theology, faith, and popular culture in our Continuing Education program. ,, Use the Broadway stage as a classroom in Putting It Together:Theatre & Theology,July 12-15. withfeminist Bible scholar Phyllis Trible in Odd Couplesin the Bible,June 26-28 . .· · • Learn stewardship techniques from the experts in Tithing Can Be Fun: Stewardshipand CongregationalVitality, July 31-August 2. and la.1tpeople on our landmarked campus in Manhattan. e . ·. ebsite at where you'll also find information on our M.Div., S.T.M., Th.D., our , Pan-TuneMaster of Artsprogram for lay people, and our Certificate programs. r 212) Q;outside NY: (888) 487-5649 ♦ The General Seminary, 175 Ninth Avenue, NY, NY 10011 contactqur Center for Christian Spirituality:
[email protected] or call James Murphy, ext. 269 . .es or theMaster of Arts program:
[email protected] or call Helen Goodkin, ext. 461. 007: The Desmond Tutu Education Center oom conference facility on our campus, hosting our Centers for ontinuing Education • Peace and Reconciliation • Jewish-Christian Relations Th«?objective of THE LI"7NG CHURCHmagazine is to build ltp the body of Christ, by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the Chu.rch in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view.