Research Climate-driven shifts Education/Outreach In brief Ocean acidification Arctic hitchhikers Ice drift in the Barents Sea New ice-breaking vessel Contaminant cocktails Climate-ecological observatory TopoSvalbard Greenland sharks Warm Gulf Stream and methane Fram Centre Awards Cod in the Barents Sea Joint Norwegian–Russian cruise Profile: Åshild Ønvik Pedersen Research plaza Various news items Cosmetics as contaminants Politics between two poles Fram Centre Flagships FRAM CENTRE Satellites and fieldwork Retrospective: CE Borchgrevink Recent doctorates New books 2013 FRAM F ORUM 2 CONTENTS FRAM FORUM 2013 FRAM FORUM 2013 EDITORIAL 3 Editor CONTENTS Janet Holmén AN ARMADA OF FLAGSHIPS? Freelance editor 3 Editorial
[email protected] 4 Preface To live up to the expectations in the mandate from the But the report also highlights aspects where some Editorial committee 5 Picture of the year Norwegian Ministries, the Fram Centre must achieve of the Flagships fall short of the high expectations. broad expertise, top-notch research and cross-disci- One weak area concerns international networking. 6 Reindeer rover Project leader: Helge M. Markusson, Outreach plinary cooperation. As a means toward this goal, the For some Flagships, the focus is still too regional 10 Understanding ocean acidification Coordinator, Fram Centre activities at the Fram Centre are organised around (Arctic Norway), or bilateral (Norway–Russia). The 14 Contaminant cocktails // helge.markusson five Flagships: Fjord and Coast, Sea Ice in the Arctic experts feel that these Flagships would benefit from 17 Gulf Stream warming Ocean, Ocean Acidification, Terrestrial Systems, and cultivating international partnerships to gain access 20 Joint Norwegian-Russian mission to the Kara Sea Hazardous Substances.